Columbia County Arts Infused Charter School


Board: SAIL Governing Board

Board Meeting: February 6, 2017

|Date: |Start |End |Next Meeting: |Next time: |Prepared by: |

|Meeting Location: |

|Quest Church |

|Attended by: |

|Nicole Abrams |Dr Michael Berg, SAIL Director of Student Services |

|Dr Mark Boyd |Kathleen Jones, Committee Member |

|Kevin Burnley |Kristy Zgol, SAIL Principal |

|Abigail Caffee | |

|David Clark | |

|Ron Jones | |

|Beth LeClair | |

|Shelley Washington | |

|Absent: | |

|Dr Pedro Hoyos | |

|Highlights: |

I CALL TO ORDER by Chair Dr Mark Boyd at 6:30 pm

II Public Participation None

Ill Administrative Business

1. Committee Updates

a. Budget update by Nicole Abrams We are in month 2 of not re-paying loan.

b. Property update by Principal, Kristy Zgol: Land closing is in the works.

TN to start work early this week.

Abigail Chaffee: Sign is ready to post on the land.

Will coordinate with TN.

Dr Berg: Let’s get pictures of the activity posted on FB

c. Personnel: Principal Zgol reports:

Cheryl Salter confirmed for SAIL CFO.

Jerilyn Northcut confirmed for SAIL HR.

Personnel Committee to review 1099 contract sent from Danny and

construct it for SAIL.

Terms to begin in March:

Kristy Zgol, SAIL Principal

Dr Michael Berg, Director Student Services Jerilyn Northcut, HR


Wait for clearance from teachers to avoid them being


Have contracts available in March – Ms Northcut to

process these; also can handle payroll.

Data coming in: must be dealt with soon.

Policy to store records needs to be written.

d. Governance update: Attending a session on Financial Policy and Internal Controls Feb 21-22: Principal Zgol

Chair Dr Boyd

Treasurer Abrams

Attending session on Procurement: David Clark

e. Fundraising Update – Nicole Abrams reports:

Thursday, March 2 at home of Chair, Dr Boyd.

Dr Boyd’s wife, Karen to call guests.

Goal is to create a ‘Founder’s Circle’.

Principal Zgol will set up a session with Jennifer Armstrong, AU, to

guide board members in the use of technology for


Discussion on Wyclif Gordon at event at Blanchard Park:

Niaya Burnley to design T-shirts

Vanessa Clark to design bumper stickers

f. Academic Update – Shelley Washington

Meeting set for Feb 27 at Dr Bergs

g. Food Service & FF& E Update: Dr Berg will attend Orientation for

National Lunch program April 18, 8:30-4:00.

Also, SAIL has been accepted to Go IEP program.

Dr Berg will attend orientation in Dublin City.

h. Public Relations – Abigail Caffee Lottery:

Moving onto enrollment packets

Will have 4 drop off points

Instructions have been sent out to all incoming students.

7:53 pm Meeting adjourned by Chair, Dr Boyd


Board Chair, Dr Mark Boyd

Date: ______________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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