Columbia College

Columbia College

Columbia University in the City of New York

Beinecke Scholarships

2015-2016 Application for Institutional Nomination


“The Beinecke Scholarship Program was established in 1971 by the Board of Directors of The Sperry and Hutchinson Company to honor Edwin, Frederick, and Walter Beinecke. The Board created an endowment to provide substantial scholarships for the graduate education of young men and women of exceptional promise. The program seeks to encourage and enable highly motivated students to pursue opportunities available to them and to be courageous in the selection of a graduate course of study in the arts, humanities and social sciences. Since 1975 the program has selected more than 490 college juniors from more than 100 different undergraduate institutions for support during graduate study at any accredited university. […]

“Each scholar receives $4,000 immediately prior to entering graduate school and an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school. There are no geographic restrictions on the use of the scholarship, and recipients are allowed to supplement the award with other scholarships, assistantships and research grants. Scholars are encouraged to begin graduate study as soon as possible following graduation from college, and must utilize all of the funding within five years of completion of undergraduate studies. […]

“Each year approximately 125 colleges and universities are invited to nominate a student for a Beinecke Scholarship, and 20 new scholarships will be awarded in 2015. Each school invited to participate in the Beinecke Scholarship Program is permitted to make a single nomination each year. […]

To be eligible for a Beinecke Scholarship, a student must:

• “Have demonstrated superior standards of intellectual ability, scholastic achievement and personal promise during his or her undergraduate career.

• Be a college junior pursuing a bachelor’s degree during the 2014-2015 academic year. “Junior’ means a student who plans to continue full-time undergraduate study and who expects to receive a baccalaureate degree between December 2015 and August 2016.

• Plan to enter a master’s or doctoral program in the arts, humanities or social sciences. Students in the social sciences who plan to pursue graduate study in neuroscience should not apply for a Beinecke Scholarship.

• Be a United States citizen or a United States national from American Samoa or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.

• Have a documented history of receiving need-based financial aid during his or her undergraduate years. Primary evidence of meeting this criterion is a student’s history of receiving need-based institutional, state or federal grants-in-aid. An institutional financial aid officer will be required to complete a Financial Data Sheet certifying that the student meets this criterion. During the selection process, the amount of financial need will be one of the factors considered with preference being given to candidates for whom the awarding of a scholarship would significantly increase the likelihood of the student’s being able to attend graduate school.”


Columbia College

Columbia University in the City of New York

Beinecke Scholarships

2015-2016 Application for Institutional Nomination


Please assemble the following materials and submit in person or via email:

1. Completed application form (attached);

2. Current resume or CV;

3. A personal statement—In no more than 1,000 words, discuss your background, interests, plans for graduate study, and career aspirations (this essay should include discussion of some of the experiences and ideas that have shaped those interests, plans and aspirations);

4. Three letters of recommendation—All three letters should be from faculty members or instructors who can comment on the suitability of your plan of study, your intellectual curiosity and potential for advanced graduate study, as well as any relevant personal attributes (these should be addressed to “The Beinecke Scholarships Selection Committee”);

5. Current official transcript from each postsecondary school you have attended; and

6. A Beinecke Scholarship Program Financial Aid Data Sheet (attached)—This should be completed by your Financial Aid Officer.

Deliver completed application materials (including recommendations, if you are submitting these in person) by the application deadline to:

Office of Global Programs - Fellowships Office

Columbia University

606 Kent Hall

1140 Amsterdam Avenue, MC 3948

New York, NY 10027

Electronic submissions: Email completed application materials to Jodi Zaffino, Program Coordinator of Fellowships at (include “Beinecke Application Materials” in the subject field). References may also submit electronic letters of recommendation to with “Student Name Beinecke Reference” in the subject field.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, February 2, 2015. The Fellowships Office does not accept late or incomplete applications. If you encounter delays with your recommendations or Financial Aid Data Sheet, deliver your own materials by the deadline and track down the remaining materials afterwards and as quickly as possible.




(Requested information must be typed on this form utilizing the fields provided)


Undergraduate school:      

Undergraduate major(s):      

Overall GPA: on a scale of Anticipated Graduation Date:      

Anticipated Field of Graduate Study:      

Graduate plans and/or programs of interest (Degree program, major field and institution):






Current mailing address:      


Current Email Address:      

Home address:      


Date and place of birth:      

Names and occupations of parents:      



Brothers and Sisters—List their names, (ages) and occupations or schools currently attended:

      (     )      

      (     )      

      (     )      

Language skills/proficiency:      



(Must be completed and signed by a Financial Aid Officer)

Student’s Name:       SS#:     


1. Did the student receive “need-based” financial aid from the institution during the current academic year? YES:       NO:       (If NO, please complete question 1a)

1a. If the answer question 1 is “NO,” please explain how the candidate meets the scholarship program’s requirement that in order to be eligible the student must have “qualified for need-based financial aid” during their undergraduate years. (Use a separate sheet if necessary):



NOTE: If the students’ cost of education is covered by a merit or other non need-based award, please collect the necessary information and complete the following questions as if this award did not exist.

2. Total institutional cost for the current academic year:      

3. Is the student considered to be “independent” for financial aid purposes?:      

4. Number of people who are college students living in the student's household (From FAFSA)


5. Does your institution fund 100% of a student’s demonstrated need?:      

6. Student’s financial aid information for the 2014-2015 academic year:

• Expected family contribution: $      

• Expected student’s contribution: $      


• Work-study award: $      

• Institutional grant: $      

• Federal or state grant: $      

• Subsidized loan: $      

• Other sources of need-based funds: $      

7. Student’s total loans outstanding to date: $      

Please return this form to your Campus Liaison for the Beinecke Scholarship Competition.

If you have any questions about this form, please call 610-395-5560.

Name and title of the financial aid officer providing this information:






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