May 4, 2010


Beth J. Seelig, MD

Birthdate: 5/25/1947

Birthplace: New York City, NY

Citizenship: USA

Academic Training

1968 BS, Columbia University School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Major: Applied

Biology and Bioengineering

1972 MD, New York Medical College


1973 New York 116756

1991 Georgia 034465


1972-1973 Resident in Ophthalmology, New York Medical College, Flower & Fifth Avenue

Hospitals and Metropolitan Hospital, New York, NY

1974-1977 Residency in Psychiatry, New York State Psychiatric Institute (NYSPI) and Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY

1977-1985 Certificate in Psychoanalytic Medicine, Columbia University Center for

Psychoanalytic Training and Research, New York City

Board Certification

1980 Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology 21591

1990 Certified by Board of Professional Standards, American Psychoanalytic Association

Professional Organizations and Societies

1977-present American Psychiatric Association

1985-present American Psychoanalytic Association

1990 – 2004 COPE Workshop on Women's Issues in Psychoanalytic Education

1999-2004 Co-Chair

1992-present Women's Mentorship Program

1992-2002 Founding Chair

1995-present National Woman Scholar Committee

1995-2002 Founding Chair

1996-present Board on Professional Standards (BOPS)

1996-1999 Alternate Fellow

1999-2004 Fellow

2003-present Coordinating Committee

2003-2004 Secretary-elect

2004-2007 Secretary

2007-2009 Co-chair, Committee on New Training Facilities

2009-2010 Chair, Committee on New Training Facilities

2000-2004 Chair, Committee on Scientific Activities

2002-2004 Division Chair, Science Division

2002-2007 Steering Committee

2003-2007 Executive Committee

2004-2007 Councilor-at-large, Executive Council

2007-2008 Task Force on Externalization

2008-2009 Committee on Implementation of the Report of the Task Force on

Psychoanalytic Research and Science

1985-present International Psychoanalytical Association

1998-2005 Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis

2001 – 2002 North American Chair

1998 – 2001 Secretary

2002-2005 North American Chair, Committee on Psychoanalysis and Society

2007-present North American Regional Representative, Board of Representatives

2007-present IPA/North American Psychoanalytic Consortium Steering Committee for

Clinical Working Parties in North America and Latin America

2009 – present Chair

2009-present New Initiatives Funding Committee

1985-1991 & 2009 – present Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine

1985-1991 Westchester Psychoanalytic Society

1988-1991 Secretary, Executive Committee

1988-1991 Chair, Program Committee

1991-present Atlanta Psychoanalytic Society

1993-1996 Delegate-at-Large, Executive Committee

2003-present American College of Psychoanalysts

2003-present Fellow

2009-present American College of Psychiatrists

Academic Appointments

1977-1988 Instructor in Clinical Psychiatry, Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia University, NY

1988-1991 Assistant Clinical Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, Columbia University, NY

1991-1997 Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Emory

University, Atlanta, GA

1997-2002 Associate Professor, Dept of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Emory

University, Atlanta, GA

2002-2007 Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Emory University

2007-present Professor Emerita, Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Emory University

2010-present Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY

Hospital Appointments

1988. Assistant Attending Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry, Presbyterian Hospital, NY

1988-1991 Attending Psychiatrist, Psychiatrist, Dept. of Psychiatry, Presbyterian Hospital

1991-2007 Attending Psychiatrist, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA

1991-2007 Attending Psychiatrist, Wesley Wood Geriatric Hospital, Atlanta, GA

1991-2007 Attending Psychiatrist, Grady Healthcare System, Atlanta, GA

1991-1999 Director, Adult Psychiatry Consultation/Liaison Service, Grady Healthcare

System, Atlanta, GA

Psychiatry Residency Administrative Appointments

1991-2008 Director, Outpatient Psychotherapy Training Program, Emory University

Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences

Psychoanalytic Institute Appointments

1985 – 1987 Collaborating Psychoanalyst, Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research,

Columbia University, New York, NY

1987 – 1991 Staff Psychoanalyst, Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, Columbia


1991-present Training and Supervising Analyst, Psychoanalytic Institute, Emory University

1999-2007 Director, Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute

2009-present Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, Center for Psychoanalytic Training and

Research, Columbia University, New York, NY


1977 Laughlin Award for Merit, National Psychiatric Endowment Fund

1993 Junior Psychiatry Residents' Outstanding Educator Award, Department of

Psychiatry and Behavioral, Sciences, Emory University

1994 PGY-III Psychiatry Residents’ Recognition for Excellence in Teaching,

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University

1996 Senior Psychiatry Residents' Outstanding Educator Award, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University

2003 Senior Psychiatry Residents’ Outstanding Educator Award, Department of

Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University

2003-present Fellow, American College of Psychoanalysts

2004 Coca Cola Company Fellowship Award to attend the Diversity Leadership, Academy Atlanta, GA

2005-present Best Doctors in America

2007 Edith Sabshin Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Non-Candidate

Students, American Psychoanalytic Association

Grant support

Active Support:

2007-2011 Analysis and Application of the Lucy Daniels Foundation Research

Project Database (Psychoanalysis and Creativity) Four years of funding

awarded by the Lucy Daniels Foundation

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

Total direct support for current funding period: $180,000

Past Support:

2001-2002 Reflective Function and Early Childhood Trauma One year of funding

awarded by the Emory Medical Care Foundation

Role: Principal Investigator

Total direct support: $25,000

Departmental and University Committees

1991 – 2007 Executive Committee, Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute

1999-2007 Chair

1991 – 1999 Curriculum Committee, Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute

1991 – 2004 Progression Committee, Emory University Psychoanalytic Institute

1994-1999 Chair

1992 – 1994 Cancer Committee, Emory University Hospital

1992 – 1998 Cancer Committee, Grady Health System

1997-present Executive Committee, Psychoanalytic Studies Program, Graduate School

of Arts and Sciences, Emory University

1998 – 1999 Teaching and Faculty Subcommittee and Graduate Medical Education

Subcommittee, Teaching and Education Strategic Plan Development

Committee, Emory University School of Medicine

1999 – 2000 Graduate Medical Education Subcommittee on Ethics, Emory University School of Medicine

1999 – 2004 President's Commission on the Status of Women at Emory, Emory


2001 – 2002 Chair - elect

2002 – 2003 Chair

2001-present Founding Chair, Research Fellowship Committee, Psychoanalytic

Institute, Emory University

2001 – 2007 Women's Center Advisory Board, Emory University

2003 – 2007 Committee on Women in Leadership, Emory University

2004 – 2007 Organizing Chair, Committee to Develop a Center for Psychoanalytic

Research and Education, Emory University

2005 Mind, Brain, and Neuroscience Brainstorming Committee, Strategic Plan

Development Process, Emory University

2005 Being a Doctor Subcommittee, School of Medicine Curriculum Planning

Committee, Emory University

2007-present Founding Co-Chair and Co-Chair, Executive Committee, Center for

Psychoanalytic Research and Education, Emory University

Teaching Experience and Responsibilities

A. Columbia University

Formal Teaching

1985-1991 Co-teacher, Clinical Theory and Technique; First year Psychoanalytic Candidates

Supervisory Teaching

1. Psychiatry Residents Directly Supervised

1977-1991 Individual LTT psychotherapy supervision of 2 residents/year

2009-present Individual LTT psychotherapy supervision of 2 PGY-3 residents Jeanne Goodman, MD and Emily Gastelum, MD

2. Psychoanalytic Candidates directly supervised

2010-present Tiziano Colabazzi, MD, supervision of his third analytic patient

B. Emory University

Formal Teaching

1. Psychiatric Residents

1991-2007 Introduction to the Outpatient Psychotherapy Training Program, Course Director

and Instructor; 12 PGY-II Residents/ year; 4 hours

1991-2007 Psychiatric and Psychodynamic Evaluation and Formulation, Course Director and

Instructor; 12 PGY-II Residents/ year; 18 hours

1991-2007 Supportive Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Course Director and Instructor; 11

PGY-III Residents/ year; 6 hours

1999-2004 Anxiety Disorders; 12 PGY-II Residents/year; 1 hour

2004-2007 Personality Disorders, Course Co-Director with Nadine Kaslow, PhD

Borderline Personality Disorder; 11 PGY-III Residents/ year; 2 hours

Narcissistic Personality Disorder; 11 PGY-III Residents/ year; 1 hour

2. Other Emory Residents

2000-2004 Orientation Lecture: Stress and the Resident, Graduate Medical Education Core

Curriculum for Entering Residents, 2 hours

2000-2004 Orientation Lecture for Residents in Medicine: Health and Disease in the Medical

Profession - Survival Tips for the Resident; 2 hours

3. Psychoanalytic Candidates

1991-1992 Psychoanalytic Process - Continuous Case, Course Director and Instructor;

6 Second Year Candidates; 15 hours

1992-1993 Psychoanalytic Technique (III), Course Director and Instructor; 6 Third Year

Candidates; 15 hours

1993-1994 Analyzability, Course Director and Instructor; 6 Fourth Year Candidates; 6 hours

1995-1996 Pre-Matriculation Course, Course Director and Instructor; 3 Pre-Matriculation

Psychoanalytic Candidates; 6 hours

1996-1997 Psychoanalytic Process - Continuous Case A, Course Director and Instructor; 3

First Year Candidates; 15 hours

1997-1998 Psychoanalytic Technique (II), Course Director and Instructor; 3 Second Year

Candidates; 15 hours

1998-1999 Technique (II), Course Director and Instructor; 3 Third Year Candidates; 15 hours

1998-1999 Psychoanalytic Process, Continuous Case A, Course Director and Instructor; 3

Third Year Candidates; 15 hours

1999-2000 Psychoanalytic Process - Continuous Case A, Course Director and Instructor; 3

First Year Candidates and 1 Fourth Year Candidate; 15 hours

2000-2001 Psychoanalytic Technique (II), Course Director and Instructor; 4 Second Year

Candidates; 15 hours

2004-2005 Continuous Case A; Course Director and Instructor; 2 Fourth Year and 3 First

Year Candidates; 15 hours

2005-2006 Psychoanalytic Process, Continuous Case, Course Director and Instructor; 5

Second Year Candidates; 15 hours

2006-2007 Psychoanalytic Technique (III), Course Director and Instructor; 5 Third Year

Candidates; 15 hours

4. Students in the Psychoanalytic Studies Program, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

2002-2007 Introduction to Psychoanalytic Studies; Co-Directed and Co-Taught

semiannually, two times with Elissa Marder, PhD and once with Robert Paul,

PhD; 12-16 graduate students per class; 39 hours

Supervisory Teaching

1. Psychiatry Residents Directly Supervised:

1991-2008 Psychotherapy supervision of 2-4 PGY-III and IV residents per year

1991-2007 Consultation/Liaison supervision of 12 PGY-III residents per year

1992-2008 Supervision of the Senior Resident in the Adult Outpatient Psychotherapy


1999-2000 Lisa Rosof, MD, PGY-IV, supervision of research and writing project.

Topic: Normal and Pathological Altruism (Seelig, BJ & Rosof, LD

published in 2002, see bibliography)

2000-2002 Ann Schwartz, MD, PGY-1V and Cheryl Eschbach, PGY-II, supervision of research and joint writing project on Conversion Disorder and Religion which was presented and published (See bibliography)

2003-2004 Cheryl Eschbach, MD, PGY-IV, supervision of independent research and writing project, Topic: Womb Envy

2. Psychoanalytic Candidates directly supervised

1991-present Supervision of 1-3 Candidates per year

Ph.D. students directly supervised

1999-2005 Steven Cook, PhD Candidate in Anthropology and Psychoanalytic Studies

PhD awarded 2005; Topic: The Anxiety of Forgetting and Remembering

Abram Kardiner; member of Dr. Cook’s doctoral dissertation committee

2000 – 2001 Melissa Herring, PhD Candidate in Psychology; PhD awarded 2001; Clinical Research Project: Reflective functioning and depression in

women with a history of abuse

2002-present Kyoko Taniguchi; First Year Project: Contradictions of motherhood in

Ohba Minako’s “The Smile of the Mountain Witch”; Project Advisor;

Dissertation topic: The Eroticism of the Maternal: Psychoanalysis and

Contemporary Retellings of the Yamamba Legend; member of dissertation


4. Post-doctoral Fellows directly supervised:

2001 – 2002 Melissa Herring, PhD; Project: Continuation of above project

5. Medical Students Directly Supervised:

1991 – 2007 Supervision of 10-15 3rd year medical students per year during their

Psychiatry rotation on the Adult Consultation/Liaison Service, Grady

Health Systems

2000-2002 Amanda Calhoun, 3rd year medical student, supervision of

Consultation/Liaison Service Research project and continuation of project

as a 4th year elective, Topic: Religion & Conversion Disorder

2001 – 2002 Courtney Severino, 1st year medical student, Summer research project

mentor; Project: Reflective functioning and depression in women with a

history of abuse

6. Undergraduate Students directly supervised

1999-2000 Bethany G. Hieber, Emory College senior student; Undergraduate Honors

Thesis, advisor and committee member. Topic: Mothers and Daughters

Training Fellowships Sponsored/Mentored

2001-present Founding Chair, Psychoanalytic Research Fellowship Program

2001-2004 Seed Money Grant Award by the Emory University Office of the

Provost Total support for establishment of the program: $90,000.00

Other Professional Activities

1985-1991 Editorial Board, Bulletin of the Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine

1995-2000 American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology - Part II Examination Committee

2001-2005 Consultant, The Dobelle Institute, Commack, NY

2003-2008 Women’s Advisory Board, Capstone Financial Partners, Atlanta GA

Manuscript Reviewer:

1996 Semi-Annual Scientific Meeting, International Psychoanalytical Association

1996 Depression

2001-2006 International Journal of Psychoanalysis

2002-2003 Yale University Press

2008 Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association

Organization of International Conferences:

1999-2000 Conference Co-Chair & Chair of the Organizing Committee, Women and Power -

Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Women in Relationships, Groups, and Hierarchies Atlanta, GA, February 25-27, 2000

2004-2005 Conference Co-Chair & Chair of the Organizing Committee, Interdisciplinary

Responses to Trauma, Atlanta, GA, April 30-May 2, 2005

2008-present Conference Co-Chair & Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee, Creativity

Through the Life Cycle, Atlanta, GA, Spring 2011

Selected Academic Presentations

1996 The Role of the Consultant in Overcoming Psychotherapeutic

Stalemates; World Council for Psychotherapy First Annual Meeting, Vienna,


1997 The Difficult Patient Who Has End Stage Renal Disease; SEDTA XXXII,

Southeastern Dialysis and Transplant Association, Atlanta, GA

1999 Panel Presentation: Affects in Women and Men, International Psychoanalytical

Association Semiannual Meeting, Santiago, Chile

2000 The Volunteer - Psychological Benefits from Participating as a Research

Subject; American Society for Artificial Internal Organs Annual Meeting New York, NY

2000 Visiting Professor, Association for Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Studies Sao

Paulo Cidade Universitaria, Bloco Didatico e Biblioteca and Instituto de

Psicologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo and Methodist University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

2001 Panel Presentation: Gender in the Psychoanalytic Method, International

Psychoanalytical Association Semi-annual Meeting, Nice, France

2003 Structures for Survival: Adapting the Residents’ Psychotherapy Practice to the

Constraints of the Modern Health Care System, American Association of

Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training Annual Meeting, San Juan, P.R.

2004 Boundary Violations and Altruism, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Medical University

of Charleston, Charleston, SC

2004 Panel Presentation: Psychodynamic Aspects of Diversity in Organizations,

Atlanta Diversity Managers Group, Atlanta, GA

2005 Panel Seminar Presentation: Psychoanalysis and psychosomatic illness: A

modern mind-body perspective, American Psychiatric Association Annual

Meeting, Atlanta, GA

2008 Panel Presentation: Maternal Altruism, A Clínica Psicanalítica – una perspective

Internationcíonal, International Psychoanalytical Association Meeting, Porto

Alegre, Brazil

2008 Panel Presentation: The Non-judgmental Analyst Revisited, Annual Meeting,

American Psychoanalytic Association, Atlanta, GA

2010 Panel Presentation: Psychoanalysis in the University, European Psychoanalytic

Federation Annual Meeting, London, UK


Published Peer Reviewed Articles


1. *Seelig, B.J., Person, E.S. (1991). A Sadomasochistic Transference: Its Relationship to Distortions in the Rapprochement Subphase, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 39(4): 939-966.


2. Nemeroff, C.B., McDaniel, J.S., Reed, D., Wingard, J., Seelig, B.J., Musselman, D. (1993). Cancer & Depression: Diagnostic and Biological Measures, Neuropsychopharmacology 9: 40-41.


3. Levy, S.T., Seelig, B.J., Inderbitzin, L. (1995). Those Wrecked by Success, Psychoanalytic Quarterly 64: 639-657.


4. *Seelig, B.J., Bush, R. (1997). Opapel do Supervisor em superar impasses napsicoterapia - the role of supervisor in overcoming psychotherapy obstacles., Mudacas - Revista de Psicoterapia e Estudsos Psicossociais - Journal of Psychotherapy and Social Psychological Studies 7: 31-40.


5, *Kaslow, N.J., Reviere, S.L., Chance, S.E., Rogers, J.H., Hatcher, C.A., Wasserman, F., Smith, L., Jessee, S., James, M.E., and Seelig, B.J. (1998). An Empirical Study of the Psychodynamics of Suicide, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 46: 777-796.


6. *Seelig, B.J. (2000). Psychotherapy with Patients Who are Attached to Pain., Mudacas - Revista de Psicoterapia e Estudos Psicossociais - Journal of Psychotherapy and Social Psychological Studies 10: 51-65.


7. *Schwartz, A.C., Calhoun, A.W., Eschbach, C.L. and Seelig, B.J. (2001). Treatment of Conversion Disorder in an African-American Christian Woman: Cultural and Social Considerations, Journal of the American Psychiatric Association 158: 1385-1391.

8. *Seelig, B.J., Rosof, L.S. (2001). Normal and Pathological Altruism, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association. 49: 933-959.

9. *Seelig, B.J., Dobelle, W.H. (2001). Altruism and the Volunteer – Psychological Benefits from Participating as a Research Subject, American Society of Artificial Internal Organs Journal 47: 3-5.


10. *Seelig, B.J. (2002). Consultation in the Course of Psychoanalysis, Journal of Clinical Psychoanalysis. 11: 441-458.

11. *Seelig, B.J. (2002). The Rape of Medusa in the Temple of Athena. International Journal of Psychoanalysis 83:895-911.


12. Goldberger, M., Gilman, R., Levinson, N., Notman, M., Seelig, B.J., and Shaw, R. (2003). Supervising the Pregnant Candidate. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 72: 439-463.

Articles in Preparation


1. *Seelig, B.J. Inhaling Mom: The Atmosphere of Maternal Altruism

2. *Seelig, B.J. The Problem of Maternal Altruism

3. *Seelig, B.J. Altruism and Boundary Violation

Chapters and Books


1. * Seelig, B.J. (1995). Psychoanalytically Oriented Individual Psychotherapy. B.E. Moore, B. D. Fine (Eds.), Psychoanalysis: The Major Concepts.. (pp. 46-60). New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.


2. * Seelig, B.J. & Ginsburg, S. (1997). Object Relations. A. Tasman, J. Kay, J.Lieberman (Eds.), in Psychiatry (pp. 420-427). : W.B. Saunders Company.


3. *Seelig, B.J., Levy, C.B., Paul, R.A.(Eds) (2002), Constructing and Deconstructing Woman's Power. London: Karnac.

4. * Seelig, B.J. (2002). The Hidden Chamber – A Case of Fused Minor Labia, in Alizade, A.M. (ed.)., The Embodied Female. (pp. 121- 130). London: Karnac.


5. *Alizade, M. and Seelig, B.J., (Eds) (2007). El Techo de Cristal – Perspectives psicoanalíticas sobre las mujeres y el poder. (The Glass Ceiling – Psychoanalytic perspectives on women and power) Buenos Aires, Argentina: Lumen.

6. *Seelig, B.J. (2007). La violación de Medusa en el templo de Atenea: Aspectos de la triangulación en las niñas. (The rape of Medusa in the temple of Athena: Aspects of triangulation in girls). in M. Alizade & B. J. Seelig (eds), Techo de Cristal – Las mujeres y el poder: perspectives psicoanalíticas. (The Glass Ceiling – psychoanalytic perspectives on women and power. Buenos Aires Argentina: Lumen.


7. *Seelig, B.J. & Rosof, L. (2009) Altruism. In S. Akhtar (ed.), Good Feelings: Psychoanalytic Reflections on Positive Emotions and Attitudes. London, UK: Karnac

Book Reviews


1. Sandler, J. ed. (1994). The Harvard Lectures - Anna Freud [Review of the book Seelig, B.J] reviewed in The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 55:317.


2. N. Retterstol. (1996). Suicide: A European Perspective [Review of the book Seelig, B.J] Reviewed in The Psychoanalytic Quarterly. 65: 658-661.


3. R. S. Wallerstein. (1998). The Talking Cures: The Psychoanalyses and the Psychotherapies [Review of the book Seelig, B.J.] reviewed in The Psychoanalytic Quarterly. 47:717-720.


4. E. Gould and S. Kiersky (2001). Sexualities Lost and Found – Lesbians, Psychoanalysis, and Culture [Review of the book Seelig, B.J.] reviewed inThe Journal of the American

Psychoanalytic Association 51: 1395 – 1400.



1. Sawicki, L., Seelig, B.J. (1974). Interferon Induction with Poly I:C in the Lacrimal Apparatus of the Rabbit. Proceedings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.

2. *Seelig, B.J. (1974). Herpetic Keratitis - Transplantation in the Latent Period of the Infection. Proceedings of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology


3. *Seelig, B.J. (1981). Motives of Visual Prosthesis Surgical Volunteers. Proceedings of the 134th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association


4. Musselman, D., Nemeroff, C.B., McDaniel, J.S., Reed, D., Wingard, J., Seelig, B.J. (1993). Cancer and Depression: Diagnostic Considerations and Biologic Markers. Proc. 32nd Annual Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.

Other publications


1. Seelig, B.J. (reporter). (1987). The Kardiner Lecture - Talking about Psychoanalysis.

Bulletin: The Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine 27(1&2), 15-22.

2. Seelig, B.J. (reporter). (1987). Superego Aspects of Entitlement (in rigid characters).

Bulletin: The Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine 26(1&2), 30-35.


3. Katz-Bearnot, S., Seelig, B.J., LaFarge, L. (reporters). (1988): Theoretical

Considerations in Adult Character Structure. Bulletin: The Association for Psychoanalytic Medicine 27(3&4): 115-127.


4. Seelig, B.J.(reporter)(1993): The Analytic Surface - Panel Report. Journal of

the American Psychoanalytic Association, 41: 179-190.


5. Seelig, B.J. and Fivush, R. (2005): Interdisciplinary Responses to Trauma:

Memory, Meaning, and Narrative. Across Academe, Emory University.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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