Columbia University

Constitution of the InterGreek Council of Columbia University

Most recent ratification: 12/03/2012


We, the members of the InterGreek Council of Columbia University in the City of New York, in order to establish unity of spirit and action among the fraternities, sororities, and co-ed societies of the University and to promote the general welfare of the student body of Columbia University, do establish this Constitution. The InterGreek Council is the self-governing body that provides guidelines and support to its member organizations within each of the three fraternal governing councils at Columbia: the InterFraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, and Multicultural Greek Council. InterGreek Council meetings provide opportunity for member organizations to learn from each other, work together and advocate for community needs. Through cross-council collaboration students achieve a greater level of success within the Greek community.

Article I. Objective

The purpose of the InterGreek Council (hereafter referred to as the IGC) shall be:

A. To serve as a governing body for all fraternities, sororities, and co-ed societies at Columbia University in the City of New York.

B. To promote the interest of the chapters represented and of the Greek system as a whole.

C. To promote the interest of all students of Columbia University.

D. To ensure cooperation among the fraternities, sororities, and co-ed societies of Columbia University.

E. To ensure cooperation between the fraternities, sororities, and co-ed societies of Columbia University and the administration of Columbia University.

F. To promote InterGreek programs that are educational, social, athletic, and community service-oriented.

G. To provide oversight for the three sub-councils: the InterFraternity Council (hereafter referred to as IFC), Multicultural Greek Council (hereafter referred to as MGC) and Panhellenic Council (hereafter referred to as Panhellenic).

Article II. Membership

A. The IGC shall be composed of all fraternities, sororities, and co-ed societies that have met the requirements enumerated in the following:

1. Be recognized by the IGC as a full member.

2. Be chartered by Columbia University as an undergraduate fraternity, sorority, or co-ed society.

3. Be affiliated with a national organization, in the process of seeking affiliation with a national organization, or be already fully recognized by the IGC as of the date of this Constitution’s ratification.

4. Be in good standing as determined by the Columbia University Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

B. The Greek Judicial Board (hereafter referred to as the J-Board) and the Order of Omega (hereafter referred to as OOO) are considered entities under the IGC.

1. Greek Judicial Board

a. The Greek Judicial Board is a judicial body established to ensure excellence and promote cooperation in Columbia’s Greek community. It acts upon reports of alleged chapter misconduct and holds weekly hearings that parallel the Dean’s Discipline process. The goal of these hearings is to facilitate a student-led adjudication of Fraternity and Sorority policy violations.

2. Order of Omega

a. The Order of Omega is the Greek honor society organization recognizing those fraternity men and women who have attained a high standard of leadership in interfraternal activities.

C. For specific guidelines governing IFC, MGC, and Panhellenic membership requirements, please refer to the appropriate articles of their respective constitutions.

Article III. Council Structure & Organization

The general organization of the IGC shall consist of the legislative body, the executive board, and other committees, as deemed necessary to accomplish the functions of the IGC.

A. Executive Board:

1. Officers: Council Presidents

2. Duties

i. Council Presidents

1. Fulfill duties as outlined in their Council Bylaws and Constitution

ii. Exec Board may exercise 1 additional vote in the case of a tie

iii. Meet at least once a month with Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life

B. Board of Directors

1. Members: Director of IGC Programming, Director of IGC Public Relations and Marketing, IGC Philanthropy Chair, Chair of the Greek Judicial Board, Order of Omega President

2. The Board of Directors shall be charged with the responsibility of directing the day-to-day functions of their respective entities (Committees, J-Board, and OOO).

3. The Board of Directors shall meet weekly with the IGC Executive Board and the Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life

4. Officer Duties:

i. Director of IGC Programming

1. Shall be charged with implementation of programming on behalf of the community (e.g. the NSOP Meet the Greeks Barbeque, the Annual New Member Summit, the IGC Formal, etc.)

2. Shall assist OOO President with the end of the year presentation of the Greek awards

3. Shall chair a committee consisting of members from the greater community members on a solicitation basis for specific programming initiatives

ii. Director PR and Marketing

1. Shall be charged with public relations on behalf of the IGC including Council PR initiatives and marketing publications (marketing book, Archigos, etc.)

2. Shall take meetings with student press associated with Columbia University

3. Shall issue statements on behalf of the IGC with the approval of the Executive Board

4. Shall promote IGC Initiatives to the University community

5. Shall set community Public Relations standards based on National organization standards

6. Shall chair a committee consisting of Public Relations counterparts on each Council Executive Board on a bi-weekly basis

iii. Chair of the Greek Judicial Board

1. Shall be charged with directing the Greek Judicial Board and leading weekly Judicial Board meetings.

2. Shall be charged will fulfilling all duties outlined in the Greek Judicial Board Policies and Procedures.

3. Shall meet monthly with the Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

iv. Order of Omega President

1. Shall be charged with leading the Order of Omega Greek Honor Society.

2. Shall, in conjunction with the Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, finalize Greek Award recipients each spring.

v. IGC Philanthropy Chair

1. Shall be charged with the responsibility of coordinating IGC-wide philanthropy and community service events.

2. Shall collect philanthropy and community service data from chapters each semester.

3. Shall meet monthly with the Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life

4. Shall chair a monthly meeting consisting of each chapter’s respective Philanthropy counterpart

C. Elections & Transition

1. Elections

a. Each council shall be responsible for electing their respective Executive Boards as per their respective constitutions.

i. Officer terms shall run on the calendar year.

ii. Elections will occur in the Fall semester and officers are to be elected by no later than the last IGC meeting of the Fall semester.

iii. All members of the Executive Board of each council shall attend Greek Leader training in the Spring, which is run by the Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life. Training occurs the weekend before the Spring semester begins.

b. The Chair of the Greek Judicial Board shall be elected by the IGC general body.

i. Officer term for the Chair of the Greek Judicial Board shall run on the calendar year.

ii. Elections will occur no later than the last IGC meeting of the Fall semester.

iii. Each IFC chapter shall receive (2) votes, while each Panhellenic and MGC chapter shall receive (1) vote for the J-Board Chair.

c. The Order of Omega is responsible for electing the Order of Omega President.

i. Officer term for the OOO President shall run on the academic year.

ii. Elections will occur in the Spring semester and officers are to be elected by no later than the last day of classes of the Spring semester.

d. The IGC Philanthropy Chair shall be elected by the IGC general body.

i. Officer term for the IGC Philanthropy Chair shall run on the calendar year.

ii. Elections will occur in the Fall semester and officers are to be elected by no later than the last IGC meeting of the Fall semester.

iii. Each chapter shall receive 1 vote for the IGC Philanthropy

iv. To be elected IGC Philanthropy Chair, a candidate must receive a simple majority of votes

e. Rest of the Board of Directors Similar Elections

i. Director of IGC Public Relations and Marketing and Director of IGC Programming shall be elected in a fashion identical to IGC Philanthropy Chair

1. Transition

a. Outgoing Executive Board officers are responsible for meeting with their respective incoming officer in order to ensure the proper transition of the new Executive Boards.

i. One meeting should occur in the Fall semester post-election and one additional meeting should occur in the first month following the beginning of the Spring semester.

b. Outgoing officers should pass along all relevant documents and important information to their respective incoming officer.

2. Officer Vacancies

a. Any vacancy in the IGC Executive Board shall be filled by procedure as determined each respective council.

b. Any vacancy in the IGC Board of Directors shall be filled by general election of the IGC general body, with the exception of the President of Order of Omega, whose vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote within Order of Omega.

i. Elections for vacancies in office shall take place at the next meeting after a resignation is received.

3. Dismissal of Officers

a. Grounds for dismissal of officers shall be: neglect of duty, undue absence from meetings, failure to accept responsibilities, failure to work in harmony with the purposes of the IGC, or anything determined to be in violation of office by the Executive Board of the IGC and/or the Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life.

b. Dismissal shall be determined by a three-fourths vote of the IGC general body.

Article IV. Representation

A. Each chapter shall be represented in the IGC by the chapter’s president and at least one representative from the chapter.

1. Each President or chapter representative may send a member of their organization as a proxy on their behalf.

B. Each chapter shall be entitled to one vote each in IGC meetings for IGC-related matters.

1. Chapters shall be subjected to separate voting procedures in regards to elections as determined in Article III, Part C, Section 1.

2. Each Executive Board member shall have one vote except for the President who shall only vote in a tie. Executive Board members may not have a proxy.

C. The privilege of addressing the assembly is extended to those recognized representatives and all others that the Executive Board shall see fit to recognize.

Article V. Meetings and Attendance

A. Meetings

1. Regular meetings shall be held monthly for the period school is regularly in session. The President shall determine the day of the week on which such meetings will be held.

2. Special meetings may be called by the President as necessity arises, or upon written request signed by two-thirds of the Presidents of the fraternities, sororities, and co-ed societies at Columbia University.

a. Members of the IGC must receive notification of special meetings at least forty-eight hours in advance of any such meeting.

3. All Executive Board officers shall report at the general body meetings on all IGC business that has taken place under their jurisdiction and shall report on any business that shall take place under their jurisdiction.

4. Each constituent council shall hold meetings as determined by their respective constitutions. All councils shall report at the general body meetings on all business that has taken place under their jurisdiction and shall report on any business that shall take place under their jurisdiction.

B. Parliamentary Authority

1. In any case where there is a question on the process of a procedure by which the business of the IGC is to be carried out, the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be considered the parliamentary authority, except when in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the IGC.

2. The quorum for a regular or special meeting of the IGC shall consist of a majority plus one of the chapters holding membership in the IGC.

C. Attendance

1. It shall be the duty of a chapter’s representatives to regularly attend all duly scheduled or specially-called meetings of the IGC, unless extenuating circumstances so prevent a representative from doing so. In such cases, the Executive Board must receive a notice at least twenty-four hours in advance of said meeting.

2. Attendance will be taken at all Full Body IGC meetings by the respective sub-councils. All member chapters are expected to be present at least two-thirds of all Full-Body meetings to maintain their voting privileges. Member chapters who do not meet the attendance requirement will forfeit their voting privileges in all IGC matters.

a. There will be a three-tiered sanction guideline for absences from IGC general body and special meetings. Absences will be calculated on a calendar year-basis.

i. First violation: The chapter will receive a warning letter from the IGC Executive Board notifying them of their absence and outlining the sanction guideline procedures.

ii. Second violation: The chapter will be referred to the J-Board, with the recommendation from the Executive Board to place the chapter on social probation.

iii. Third Violation: The chapter will be referred to the J-Board, with the recommendation from the Executive Board to place the chapter on social suspension.

b. Continued absences beyond three instances will be dealt with at the discretion of the Associate Director of the Fraternity and Sorority Life.

c. The attendance record for each chapter will be cleared at the end of each semester.

3. Only chapters that have exemplary attendance at general body meetings shall be eligible to receive funding from the IGC for their events, as outlined in Article VIII. Funding is dependent upon the available funds in the treasury.

Article VI. Code of Conduct and Statement of Shared Values

A. Code of Conduct

1. No chapter or chapter representative shall take unfair advantage, interfere with, or obstruct the activities of another chapter, or cause damage to reputation, property, or rights of membership to the IGC of another chapter or chapter member. Anyone or any chapter found in violation of this clause shall be reported to the J-Board and a disciplinary hearing shall take place.

2. The IGC prohibits any action by any chapter member or its pledges which violates Columbia University Rules and Regulations. Any such actions will be reviewed by the J-Board.

B. Statement of Shared Values

1. This statement is a summation of the values and mission of the Greek community on the Columbia University campus. Recognizing everything the fraternal bonds have done in influencing and supporting our paths in life, we commit to this Statement of Shared Values:

“The fraternity and sorority community at Columbia University strives to foster a holistic collegiate experience that will strengthen a commitment to life-long membership and our alma mater.

We believe that through our dedication and promotion of social consciousness we greatly contribute to the creation of a vibrant cultural community that emphasizes diversity, inclusiveness, and mutual respect. We are values based organizations and, through our actions, we embody these ideals and inspire others.

Leadership. Scholarship. Empowerment.”

Article VII. Recruitment

A. Recruitment Guidelines

1. Each constituent council shall outline recruitment policies in their respective constitutions.

2. All constituent councils shall respect certain IGC established minimum-requirements for membership.

a. All undergraduate students of Columbia University (Columbia College, School of Engineering and Applied Science, General Studies, Barnard College) are eligible for membership. Further gender-related requirements may be determined by certain organizations within each constituent council.

b. The minimum-GPA required for membership is 2.5.

c. The IGC prohibits any form of discrimination based on race, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. This is in accordance with University anti-discrimination policies.

3. Columbia maintains a “dry recruitment” policy, meaning that no alcohol may be present or offered to a pledge at a recruitment event.

a. Any IGC member chapter that does not adhere to this policy will be put on immediate probation and will be brought before the Greek Judicial Board.

4. No recruitment activities may begin before the first day of class of each semester and must be completed no later than the last day of class of each semester.

B. Anti-Hazing Policy

1. In accordance with Chapter 676 of the Laws of 1980 of the State of New York, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Columbia University and the IGC have a strict Anti-Hazing Policy.

2. Any IGC member chapter that does not adhere to this policy will be put on immediate probation and may face expulsion if found guilty by the J-Board.

3. The policy is as follows:

a. Hazing is commonly defined as any action taken or situation created, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. The State of New York, Columbia University, and all national fraternities and sororities on campus have adopted anti-hazing legislation or policies. If you are hazed you must report it to the Associate Director for Fraternity & Sorority Life or the Office of Judicial Affairs. Hazing has no place in the fraternity and sorority world and will not be tolerated.

b. Some examples of hazing situations may include any type of physical brutality; any activity involving consumption of food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance which subjects the student to an unreasonable risk of harm; any activity that intimidates or threatens the student with ostracism, that subjects the student to extreme mental stress, shame, or humiliation; or any activity that induces, causes, or requires the student to perform a duty or task which involves a violation of the law.

c. Hazing is prohibited by Columbia University and New York State Law. Groups engaged in hazing may be subject to consequences imposed by the Dean’s Discipline Process and New York State Law as follows:

120.16. Hazing in the first degree

A person is guilty of hazing in the first degree when, in the course of another person's initiation into or affiliation with any organization, he or she intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of serious physical injury or death to such other person or a third person and thereby causes such serious injury or death to such person or to a third person.

Hazing in the first degree is a class D felony.

120.17. Hazing in the second degree

A person is guilty of hazing in the second degree when, in the course of another person's initiation or affiliation with any organization, he or she intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such other person or a third person and thereby causes such injury.

Hazing in the second degree is a class E felony.

120.28. Hazing in the third degree

A person is guilty of hazing in the third degree when, in the course of another person's initiation or affiliation with any organization, he or she intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such other person or a third person.

Hazing in the third degree is a class A misdemeanor

Article VIII. Budgetary Information

A. Budget Guidelines

1. Only chapters that are in good standing with the IGC and regularly attend IGC meetings and events will be eligible for funding from the IGC.

B. Co-sponsorships

1. Each constituent council shall provide co-sponsorships to individual chapters on a case-by-case basis.

2. Co-sponsorships shall only be granted for organized events that uphold the IGC Statement of Shared Values.

3. Co-sponsorships shall be determined by the Executive Board and VP-Finances/Treasurers after an organization has submitted the electronic IGC Co-Sponsorship Request Form.

4. Co-sponsorships for events shall adhere to the following guidelines:

a. Dances / Cultural Shows / Any Large Party: Any dance/party that does not have a component of humanitarian, religion, activism, or politics must cover its own expenses (i.e. income – expenses = 0).

b. Conferences / Tournaments/ Trips: The IGC (within reason) will try to subsidize registration fees. The IGC will not cover costs of trips.

c. Philanthropy/ Community Service Events: Chapters that hold a charity event may request funding from the IGC towards the execution of the event, before giving money to the charity of their choice. IGC funds will not be used as direct donations to charity.

d. Policies on Non-CU and Non-CU Undergraduate Guests: The admission prices for non-CU students and non-CU undergraduates should reflect the per-capita net costs of their participation in the programming open to them.

e. T-shirts & Uniforms: The IGC will fund T-shirts if a compelling reason is given in the Co-Sponsorship request.

f. Summer Programming: No part of the Co-Sponsorship can be used for summer events.

g. Contests and Tournaments: All awards for contests and tournaments should be paid for from the profits generated by said event.

h. Publicity/Flyering: $250 is the maximum expenditure for flyers for a single event.

i. Food Expenses/Catering: $3.50 per attendee for an event that requests snacks or food as side item. $8.00 per person for a sit-down dinner, or where food is the primary focus of the event.

j. Prohibited Spending: Events that fall outside the academic term. Gifts or direct donations to charity (though allocation may be spent toward the execution of the event). Online advertising (which does not reach the Columbia undergraduate student body). IGC co-sponsorships to chapters will not be used for alcohol or tobacco products.

C. Allocations

1. Each constituent council shall decide whether to provide allocations to individual chapters.

a. As of Spring 2011, the MGC is the only constituent council that has chosen to provide allocations to individual chapters. Their allocation packet can be found in the Multicultural Greek Council Funding Guidelines.

Article IX. Recognition Policy

A. Recognition Policy

1. In order to be recognized by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life as a chapter in good standing, chapters must fulfill the set of requirements as outlined in the ALPHA Standards of Excellence.

2. ALPHA Standards of Excellence

a. The purpose of the 5-Star ALPHA Standards of Excellence Program is to enhance the values, beliefs and practices of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Columbia University and recognize the accomplishments of outstanding chapters. By encouraging academic success, leadership development, philanthropy, community service and chapter management, the Office of Residential Programs seeks to reward chapters who exemplify excellence and continuously work towards making a positive impact on campus and the surrounding community while fulfilling the mission and vision of their respective organizations.

b. Fraternities and Sororities have the ability to earn three to five stars, with a minimum of three stars REQUIRED to receive Full Recognition. Chapters who receive five stars will receive the ALPHA status. Chapters who receive less than two stars will be recommended for Rescission of Recognition.

c. ALPHA Standards of Excellence submissions are due no later than December 1st of each year. Each chapter has the entire year to meet standards.

i. Chapters who do not submit the required documents will be placed on automatic probation until all documents are received and processed.

d. The full outline of the ALPHA Standards of Excellence can be found at the following link:

Article X. Expansion

In efforts to provide a fair and accurate review of new groups, as well as ensure the proper support for existing groups, the following procedures for the expansion of new fraternities and sororities will be applied. Columbia University reserves the right to implement a moratorium on expansion or re- colonization at any time. This policy will serve as a guideline for all groups with the intent to establish a new social Greek-lettered organization at Columbia University. In order to provide the maximum stability, guidance and support for each group, all fraternities and sororities intending to apply for recognition must be an inter/national fraternity/sorority. Preference will go to members of the following national umbrella organizations: North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO), National Multicultural Greek Council (NMGC), and the National Asian Pacific American Panhellenic Association (NAPA).

1. The full expansion policy can be found at the following link:

Article XI. Amendments

A. Proposal

1. Amendments may be introduced by the IGC Executive Board.

a. Individual chapters or members may present ideas for amendments to the IGC Executive Board. The decision to introduce the proposed amendment will be determined by the Executive Board.

2. Notice of a vote to amend this Constitution will be given in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the vote.

B. Voting Procedure

1. This Constitution may be amended by a three-fourths vote of its voting members in attendance at any regular meeting, when a quorum is present.

Article XII. Ratification

A. This Constitution shall be in effect when ratified by two-thirds vote of the IGC. When ratified, this Constitution supersedes all previous Constitutions.


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