1943 March 31 Born, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, England

1948 – 1961 Primary and Secondary education in England

1962 – 1965 Undergraduate of Peterhouse, University of Cambridge. State Scholar. Read Part I of the Mathematical Tripos in 1963, and Part II in 1964. Won college Mathematics prize (1963), and Essay prize in Physics (1965)

1965 B.A. (Mathematics), University of Cambridge

1965 – 1970 (Jan.) Graduate student at the Seismological Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology, Graduate Research Assistant

1966 M.S. (Geology), California Institute of Technology

1966 Summer employment with Chevron Research Company (a branch of Standard Oil of California)

1970 Ph.D. (Geophysics), California Institute of Technology. Thesis title "A contribution to the theory of high frequency elastic waves, with applications to the shadow boundary of the Earth's core"

1970 (March) – 1971 Assistant Research Geophysicist, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California at San Diego

1971 (July) – 1976 (June) Assistant Professor of Geology, Columbia University

1973 – 1977 Sloan Foundation Research Fellow

1973 (Nov.) – 1977 (June) American Editor, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society

1976 (July) – 1979 (June) Associate Professor of Geological Sciences, Columbia University

1977 Recipient of James B. Macelwane Award (given by the American Geophysical Union). Fellow of the American Geophysical Union

1977 (Sept.) Visited Institute of Physics of the Earth, Moscow, as part of the U.S. – U.S.S.R. Exchange Agreement on Research into Earthquake Prediction

1977 – 1978 Guggenheim Fellowship (on sabbatical leave from Columbia, spending 6 months in New Zealand)

1979 (June) – 1983 (June) Member of the Executive Committee of the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory

1979 (July) – 1996 Professor of Geological Sciences, Columbia University

1980 (July) – 1983 (June) Chairman, Geological Sciences, Columbia University; and Associate Director, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory

1980 (July) – 1983 (June) Member, NAS/NRC Committee on Seismology

1980 (Sept.) U.S. citizenship

1981 (Dec.) Awarded a MacArthur Fellowship (for 5 years)

1982 – 1983 Member, NSF Oversight Committee on Seismology and Deep Earth Structure

1982 (Oct.) – 1984 (June) Senate Member, Columbia University; Member of Senate Committees on Education, and External Relations and Research Policy

1983 (Sept.) Visiting lecturer, Peking University

1984 (Sept.) – 1985 (Aug.) On leave from Columbia, as a William C. Foster Fellow and Visiting Scholar at the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

1987 (July) – 1990 (June) Member, Administrative Committee of the Lamont - Doherty Geological Observatory

1987 (July) – present Mellon Professor of the Natural Sciences, Columbia University

1989 (June) Fellowship from the Royal Norwegian Council on Scientific and Industrial Research, visiting NORSAR

1989 – 1990 Physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (on sabbatical leave from Columbia)

1991 Visited Borovoye Geophysical Observatory, Kazakhstan, for joint research on seismic monitoring

1992 – present Member, Council on Foreign Relations

1992 (July) – 1994 (June) President, Seismology Section, American Geophysical Union

1993 (Sept.) – 1994 (Aug.) On leave from Columbia, as a William C. Foster Fellow and Visiting Scholar at the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

1993 (October) elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

1994 – 1998 Member, Administrative Committee of the Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory

1996 – present Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University

1997 (March – August) On sabbatical leave from Columbia, as Visiting Scholar at Los Alamos National Laboratory

2000 – 2001 Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar (lecture series at each of ten colleges/universities)

2002 – 2005 Member, Board of Directors, Seismological Society of America


Member, Seismic Review Panel, for U.S. Air Force Tactical Applications Center (1985 to present)

Member, Board of Editors of the journal Wave Motion, 1985–1992

For Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS): chairman of search committees for IRIS President, in 1985 and in 1990; member of Executive Committee, 1987 – 1990; Vice-Chairman of Board of Directors, 1988 – 90; member of Standing Committee on Data Management Center, 1996–99. Ad hoc committee on reorganization of IRIS Board of Directors, 2004. Member, nominating committee, 2003 and 2004.

Elected member of Council, American Geophysical Union, 1990-94; president/seismology 94–96.

Member, Faculty Planning Committee, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University, 1991–1993

Member, Board of Visitors, Office of Naval Research, 1992

Member, Board of Editors, Journal of Computational Acoustics, 1991–1997

Member, US delegation to the Conference on Disarmament (negotiating a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty), Geneva, June 1995; and gave a presentation for the United States at the CD Experts Meeting, on problems posed by chemical explosions

Member, NAS/NRC Panels on Seismological Data and Research Requirements for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, 1994–95 and 1995–1997.

Member, planning committee of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Nov 1994, Moscow, on: Earthquakes Induced by Underground Nuclear Explosions

Key Lecturer, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Jan-Feb 1995, Portugal, on:

Monitoring a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

Member, Red Team advising the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency on capability of the U.S. to verify compliance with the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (1997 – 1998)

Harold Jeffreys Lecturer, Royal Astronomical Society, given in March 1999, subject: “Earth's Inner Core: Discoveries and Conjectures”

Invited lecturer in China for three weeks (May 1999) on “Seismology for the 21st Century”

Inaugurated the "Distinguished GEO-lecturer" series at NSF headquarters, January 2000

Member, National Academy of Sciences Committee on International Security and Arms Control, studying technical issues associated with ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, 2000 – 2003

Elected to the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Columbia University, three year term beginning September 2000

Member of the Advisory Board for Columbia University's Center for the Study of Science and Religion, since February 2001

Elected to Board of Directors of the Seismological Society of America, three year term beginning April 2002

Member, Earth Institute at Columbia University, Academic Committee, since July 2003


Seismological Society of America

Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Royal Astronomical Society

American Geophysical Union

Arms Control Association

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Council on Foreign Relations

International Society of Explosives Engineers


T.-L. Teng and Paul G. Richards, Diffracted SH and SV, Nature, 218, 1154-1155, 1968.

T.-L. Teng and Paul G. Richards, Diffracted P, SH and SV waves, and their shadow boundary shifts, Journal of Geophysical Research, 74, 1537-1555, 1969.

Paul G. Richards, A contribution to the theory of high frequency elastic waves, with applications to the shadow boundary of the Earth's core, Ph.D. Thesis, California Institute of Technology, 1970.

Paul G. Richards, Potentials for elastic displacement in spherically symmetric media, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 50, 188-197, 1971.

Paul G. Richards, An elasticity theorem for heterogeneous media, with an example of body wave dispersion in the Earth, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 22, 453-472, 1971.

Paul G. Richards, A theory for pressure radiation from ocean-bottom earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 61, 707-721, 1971.

Paul G. Richards, Elastic wave solutions in stratified media, Geophysics, 36, 798-809, 1971.

Paul G. Richards, Seismic waves reflected from velocity gradient anomalies within the Earth's upper mantle, Zeitschrift für Geophysik, 38, 517-527, 1972.

Paul G. Richards, The dynamic field of a growing plane elliptical shear crack, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 9, 843-861, 1973.

Paul G. Richards, Dynamic properties of an earthquake source, Proceedings of the Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Rome, June 1973.

Paul G. Richards, Calculation of body waves, for caustics and tunnelling in core phases, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 35, 243-264, 1973.

Paul G. Richards, Weakly coupled potentials for high-frequency elastic waves in continuously stratified media, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 64, 1575-1588, 1974.

George L. Choy and Paul G. Richards, Pulse distortion and Hilbert transformation in multiply reflected and refracted body waves, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 65, 55-70, 1975.

Yash P. Aggarwal, Lynn R. Sykes, David W. Simpson and Paul G. Richards, Spatial and temporal variations in ts/tp and in P-wave residuals at Blue Mountain Lake, New York: Application to earthquake prediction, Journal of Geophysical Research, 80, 718-732, 1975.

Paul G. Richards, Theoretical seismology, IUGG Quadrennial Report, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, 13, 295-298 and 313-316, 1975.

John Anderson and Paul G. Richards, Comparison of strong ground motion from several dislocation models, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 42, 347-373, 1975.

Paul G. Richards, Dynamic motions near an earthquake fault: A three-dimensional solution, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 60, 1-32, 1976.

Paul G. Richards and Clint W. Frasier, Scattering of elastic waves from depth-dependent inhomogeneities, Geophysics, 41, 441-458, 1976.

Vernon Cormier and Paul G. Richards, Comments on a paper by Qamar and Eisenberg concerning attenuation in the Earth's outer core, Journal of Geophysical Research, 81, 3066-3068, 1976.

Paul G. Richards, On the adequacy of plane-wave reflection/transmission coefficients in the analysis of seismic body waves, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 66, 701-717, 1976.

Vernon Cormier and Paul G. Richards, Full wave theory applied to a discontinuous velocity increase: The Earth's inner core, Journal of Geophysics, 43, 3-31, 1977.

Paul G. Richards, Theoretical seismic wave propagation, IUGG Quadrennial Report, Review of Geophysics and Space Physics, 17, 312-328, 1979.

Paul G. Richards, Elementary solutions to Lamb's problem for a point source and their relevance to three dimensional studies of spontaneous crack propagation, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 69, 947-956, 1979.

Shamita Das and Paul G. Richards, Effects of non-uniform spontaneous rupture propagation on the level and duration of earthquake ground motion, Proceedings of the Second U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Stanford, California, 1979.

Keiiti Aki and Paul G. Richards, Quantitative Seismology: Theory and Methods,  two volumes, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, California, February 1980. Russian edition, 1983. Chinese edition, 1986.

William H. Menke and Paul G. Richards, Crust-mantle whispering gallery phases: A deterministic model of teleseismic Pn wave propagation, Journal of Geophysical Research, 85, 5416-5422, 1980.

George L. Choy, Vernon F. Cormier, Rainer Kind, Gerhard Mü ller and Paul G. Richards, A comparison of synthetic seismograms of core phases generated by the full wave theory and by the reflectivity method, Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 61, 21–39, 1980 (and Corrigendum, 62, 733–735).

David W. Simpson and Paul G. Richards (editors), Earthquake Prediction – An International Review, 680 pages, Maurice Ewing Series #4, American Geophysical Union, 1981.

William H. Menke and Paul G. Richards, On extending Biot's theory of low-frequency acoustic scatter about a rough fluid-rigid interface to more general acoustic media, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 71, 1101-1105, 1982.

William H. Menke and Paul G. Richards, The horizontal propagation of P waves through scattering media: Analog model studies relevant to long range Pn propagation, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 73, 125-142, 1983.

Paul G. Richards and William H. Menke, The apparent attenuation of a scattering medium, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 73, 1005-1021, 1983.

Paul G. Richards, On wavefronts and interfaces in anelastic media, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 74, 2157-2165, 1984.

Paul G. Richards, Seismic wave propagation effects – development of theory and numerical modelling, chapter in DARPA commemorative volume The VELA Program: A Twenty-Five Year Review of Basic Research, ed. A.U. Kerr, pp. 183-251, 1985.

Paul G. Richards, Interpretation of the 15 January 1965 cratering explosion at Shagan River (27 pp, for U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency), July 1985.

Paul G. Richards, Station magnitude bias – its existence and estimation (28 pages, for U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency), August 1985.

Paul G. Richards, written testimony for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, May 6, 1986. (Closed hearing – testimony and transcript can be released only after consideration and vote of the whole committee. Subject of this invited testimony was: organization and management within the government of the research and development of new approaches for yield determination.)

Paul G. Richards, Underground nuclear testing (19 Sept. 1957), in Book of Days 1987: A Guide to Anniversaries of People and Events, ed. C.S. Johnson, pp 462-463, Pieran Press, 1987.

Paul G. Richards and Allan Lindh, Toward a New Test Ban Regime, Issues in Science and Technology, National Academy of Sciences, 3, # 3, 101-108, Spring 1987.

Dean Witte and Paul G. Richards, Modeling Seismic Wave Propagation in 2-D and 3-D structures, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Yearbook, 64-68, 1987.

Paul G. Richards, written testimony for the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senate Hearing Record, January 15, 1987. Available as Senate Hearing 100–115; pp 72-86, 286-291, 325-358, and 394-396; 1987.

Paul G. Richards and Joseph Nye, Weapons Testing and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: Prospects for the Future, in Science and Security: the Future of Arms Control, Colloquium Proceedings, December 4-5, 1986 , pp. 189-218, AAAS Publication No. 87-17, 1987.

Paul G. Richards, testimony for the Senate Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces and Nuclear Deterrence, Senate Hearing Record, February 26, 1987. Available as Senate Hearing 100-242, Pt. 4; pp 1846-1853, 1864-1872; 1987.

Paul G. Richards, Consideration of Chemical Explosions, a seven-page paper delivered April 28 1987 to the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), for incorporation in the 1988 OTA report on Seismic Verification of Nuclear Test Limitation Treaties. Richards also wrote the first draft of chapter 5 (on "Identification of Underground Nuclear Explosions") for this report (published May, 1988).

Paul G. Richards, Towards Improvement in Capabilities for Seismic Monitoring of Underground Nuclear Explosions, for a conference in association with the U.N. Special Session on Disarmament, New York, May 1988.

Vernon F. Cormier and Paul G. Richards, Spectral Synthesis of Body Waves in Earth Models Specified by Vertically Varying Layers, in the book Seismological Algorithms, edited by D. Doornbos, pp 3-45, Academic Press, 1988.

Paul G. Richards, Stages Toward a New Test Ban, chapter 4 in the book Verification and Compliance: a Problem-Solving Approach, pp 73-91, edited by Michael Krepon and Mary Umberger, Macmillan (U.K.) and Ballinger (U.S.A.), 1988.

Paul G. Richards, Nuclear Test Ban Treaties and Seismic Monitoring of Underground Nuclear Explosions: an Overview of the Historical, Technical, and Political Issues, Proceedings of the Alan S. Attardo Symposium on Science and Society, held at Yale University on April 7, 1988. 36 pages.

Paul G. Richards, Seismic Methods for Verifying Test Ban Treaties, Chapter 4 of the book Nuclear Arms Technologies in the 1990's, edited by D. Schroeer and D. Hafemeister, AIP Conference Proceedings 178, pp 54-108, American Institute of Physics, New York, 1988.

Paul G. Richards, Seismic monitoring of nuclear explosions, in Encyclopedia of Geophysics, ed. D.E. James, pp 1071-1089, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989.

Paul G. Richards, Science Education for Undergraduates – Goals and Roles, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Yearbook, pp 26–29, 1989.

Roger A. Hansen, Frode Ringdal, and Paul G. Richards, Analysis of IRIS data for Soviet nuclear explosions, NORSAR Semiannual Technical Summary, 1 October 1988 - 31 March 1989, pp. 124-140, NTNF: Kjeller, Norway, 1989.

Dean C. Witte and Paul G. Richards, The Pseudospectral Method for Simulating Wave Propagation, Computational Acoustics – Volume 3 (editors: D. Lee, A. Cakmak, R. Vichnevetsky), North-Holland, pp 1-17, 1990.

Paul G. Richards and John Zavales, Seismic Discrimination of Nuclear Explosions, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 18, 257-86, 1990.

Roger A. Hansen, Frode Ringdal, and Paul G. Richards, The Stability of RMS Lg Measurements and their Potential for Accurate Estimation of the Yields of Soviet Underground Nuclear Explosions, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 80, 2106-2126, 1990.

Paul G. Richards, Progress in Seismic Verification of Test Ban Treaties, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 9, #4, 40-52, December 1990.

Paul G. Richards, testimony requested by the Senate Select Comittee on Intelligence as part of the Senate's discussion (advice and consent to ratification) of the Threshold Test Ban Treaty. Testimony appears on pp. S13741-13751 of the Congressional Record for September 25, 1990.

Paul G. Richards, A short course on theoretical seismology, in Oceanographic and Geophysical Tomography, edited by Albert Tarantola, Yves Desaubies, and J. Zinn-Justin, pp 29-134, North-Holland: Amsterdam, 1990.

Paul G. Richards and Frederick K. Lamb, Testing Experts rebut Robinson, Arms Control Today, p22, September 1990.

Steve Taylor, Howard Patton, and Paul G. Richards, editors, Explosion Source Phenomenology, 268 pages, Geophysical Monograph #65, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, December 1991.

Paul G. Richards, Dean Witte and Göran Ekström, Generalized Ray Theory for Seismic Waves in Structures with Planar Non-Parallel Interfaces, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 81, 1309-1331, August 1991.

Paul G. Richards, Douglas Anderson, and David Simpson, A Survey of Blasting Activity in the United States, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 82, 1416–1433, June 1992.

Paul G. Richards, Won-Young Kim, and Göran Ekström, The Borovoye Geophysical Observatory, Kazakhstan, feature article in EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 73, 201 and 205-6, May 5 1992.

Paul G. Richards and Won-Young Kim, The Problem of Chemical Explosions and some Solutions, Proceedings of a Symposium on Technologies for Monitoring Nuclear Tests Related to Weapons Proliferation, pp 19–36, Las Vegas, May 6-7, 1992.

Paul G. Richards, report to the Nuclear Control Institute on signals from the seismic event of 1983 May 16, located in Xinjiang Province, China, 19 pages, October 1992.

Frode Ringdal and Paul G. Richards, The Ukrainian event of 16 September 1979, in NORSAR Scientific Report No. 1– 92/93, pp 120–124, November 1992.

Cliff H. Thurber, Howard R. Quin, and Paul G. Richards, Accurate locations of nuclear explosions in Balapan, Kazakhstan, 1987 to 1989, Geophysical Research Letters, 20, 399–402, March 5, 1993.

Göran Ekström and Paul G. Richards, Empirical measurements of tectonic moment release in nuclear explosions from teleseismic surface waves and body waves, Geophysical Journal International, 117, 120-140, 1994.

Won-Young Kim, D.W. Simpson and Paul G. Richards, Discrimination of earthquakes and explosions in the Eastern United States using regional high-frequency data, Geophysical Review Letters, 20, 1507–1510, July 23 1993.

Paul G. Richards and Won-Young Kim, Earthquakes (about 6000 words and 12 figures), The New Book of Knowledge, 1994 edition, published by Grolier.

Paul G. Richards, Testing the test-ban treaty, Nature, 364, 188–189, July 15 1993.

Won-Young Kim, D.W. Simpson, and Paul G. Richards, High-frequency Spectra of Regional Phases from Earthquakes and Chemical Explosions, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84, 1365–1386, 1994.

Paul G. Richards, Verification of a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty - a Seismological Overview, pp 28–36 in Verification after the Cold War, edited by J. Altmann, T. Stock, J.-P. Stroot, VU University Press, Amsterdam, 1994.

V. Khalturin, T. Rautian, and Paul G. Richards, A study of small earthquakes and small explosions during 1961–1989 at the Semipalatinsk Test Site, Kazakhstan, 64 page technical report for subcontract B239589 with Regents of Univ. of Calif., 64 p., March 1994.

Paul G. Richards, Blasting Activity of the Mining Industry in the United States, in Proceedings of a Symposium on the Non-Proliferation Experiment: Results and Implications for Test Ban Treaties, sponsored by LLNL/Department of Energy, CONF-9404100, pp. 2-16 to 2-35, April 1994, Rockville, Maryland, ed. M.D. Denny, 1995.

Paul G. Richards, Problems for CTBT Verification posed by Chemical Explosions, paper presented for the United States in Geneva during negotiations on a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, CD/NTB/WP.105, 1994.

John E. Vidale, Saskia Goes, and Paul G. Richards, Near-field deformation seen on distant broadband seismograms, Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 1 – 4, 1995.

Paul G. Richards and John Zavales, Seismological methods for monitoring a CTBT: the technical issues arising in early negotiations, pages 53–81 in Monitoring a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, eds. E.S. Husebye and A.M. Dainty, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 836 pages, 1996.

Paul G. Richards and Göran Ekström, Earthquake activity associated with underground nuclear explosions, in Inducing of Earthquakes by Underground Nuclear Explosions, NATO ASI Series, Partnership Sub-Series, 2. Environment – Vol. 4, eds. R. Console and A. Nikolaev, pp 21–34, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

Shi, Jinghua, Won-Young Kim and Paul G. Richards, Variability of crustal attenuation in the northeastern United States from Lg waves, Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 25231–25242, 1996 (correction, 102, 11899, 1997).

Shi, Jinghua, Won-Young Kim and Paul G. Richards, The stability of RMS Lg values in estimating the size of regional earthquakes in New York State and adjacent areas, submitted to Seismological Review Letters, January 1998.

Kim, W.-Y., V. Aharonian, A.L. Lerner-Lam, and P.G. Richards, Discrimination of earthquakes and explosions in Southern Russia using regional high-frequency three-component data from the IRIS/JSP Caucasus network, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 87, 569–588, 1997.

Song, Xiaodong, and Paul G. Richards, Seismological evidence for differential rotation of the Earth's inner core, Nature, 382, 221–224, July 18 1996.

Hennet, C.B., G.E. van der Vink, P.G. Richards, V.V. Adushkin, Y.F. Kopnichev, and R. Geary, Multi-use seismic stations offer strong deterrent to clandestine nuclear weapons testing, feature article in EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 77, 289 & 300–301, July 30, 1996.

Paul G. Richards, Seismological Methods of Monitoring and the International Monitoring System, in The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty: Issues and Answers, edited by Matthew McKinzie (Proceedings of a Symposium held at Cornell University, October 11 – 13, 1996), pp 71–89, June 1997.

Shi, Jinghua, Won-Young Kim, and Paul G. Richards, The corner frequencies and stress drops of intraplate earthquakes in the Northeastern United States, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 88, 531–542, 1998.

Paul G. Richards, The Dallas Morning News called it “A Little Extra Spin”, lead article for GSAS News & Views, the newsletter of Columbia Univerity's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Summer 1997.

Paul G. Richards, and Won-Young Kim, Testing the nuclear test-ban treaty, Nature, 389, 781–782, October 23 1997.

Paul G. Richards, Earth Interior, in the McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology 1999, pp 135 – 137.

Khalturin, Vitaly I., Tatyana G. Rautian, and Paul G. Richards, The seismic signal strength of chemical explosions, Bull.Seism.Soc.Amer., 88, 1511–1524, 1998.

Shi, Jinghua, Paul G. Richards, and Won-Young Kim, Determination of seismic energy from Lg waves, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90, 483 – 493, 2000.

Barker, Brian, Michael Clark, Peter Davis, Mark Fisk, Michael Hedlin, Hans Israelsson, Vitaly Khalturin, Won-Young Kim, Keith McLaughlin, Charles Meade, John Murphy, Robert North, John Orcutt, Chris Powell, Paul G. Richards, Richard Stead, Jeffry Stevens, Frank Vernon, Terry Wallace, Seismology: Monitoring Nuclear Tests, Science, 281, number 5385, pages 1967–1968, issue of 25 Sept 1998.

Paul G. Richards, Xiaodong Song, and Anyi Li, Detecting possible rotation of Earth's inner core, Science, 282, 1227a, issue of 13 November 1998 (full text is at ).

Khalturin, Vitaly I., Tatyana G. Rautian, and Paul G. Richards, A study of small magnitude seismic events during 1961 – 1989 near and on the Semipalatinsk Test Site, Kazkhstan, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 158, 143 – 171, 2001.

Paul G. Richards, Building the Global Seismographic Network for Test Ban Monitoring, Earth Matters, pp 37 – 40, Fall 1999.

Li, Anyi, and Paul G. Richards, Study of inner core structure and rotation using seismic records from Novaya Zemlya underground nuclear tests, Earth's Core: Dynamics, Structure, Rotation, AGU monograph, Geodynamics Series 31, Eds. V. Dehant, K. Creager, S. Zatman, and S.Karato, 23 – 30, 2003.

Paul G. Richards, Earth's Inner Core – Discoveries and Conjectures, Astronomy & Geophysics, The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 41, 20 – 24, February 2000.

Paul G. Richards, Seismological Methods of Monitoring Compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, Chapter 24 (pp. 369 – 382) of the International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, Part A, edited by W.H.K. Lee, H. Kanamori, P. Jennings, and C. Kisslinger on behalf of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, Academic Press, 2002.

V. I. Khalturin, T. G. Rautian, and P. G. Richards, Chemical Explosions during 1961 – 1988 on the Semipalatinsk Test Site, Kazakhstan, in Geophysics and Non-Proliferation Problems, Bulletin of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan, issue number 2, 41 – 44, June 2000.

Keiiti Aki and Paul G. Richards, Quantitative Seismology, second edition, 12 chapters in one volume, University Science Books, August 2002. Japanese edition (Kokon Shoin, Tokyo), July 2004.

George Bunn, Sidney D. Drell, Richard L. Garwin, Thomas Graham, Jr., Damien LaVera, Jack Mendelsohn (Editor), Paul G. Richards, and Amy Sands, White Paper on the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Lawyers Alliance for World Security, 81 p, Fall 2000.

Xiaoping Yang, Robert North, Carl Romney, and Paul G. Richards. Worldwide Nuclear Explosions, chapter 84 of International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology, pages 1595 – 1599, Part B, edited by W.H.K. Lee, H. Kanamori, P. Jennings, and C. Kisslinger on behalf of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior, Academic Press, 2003.

Paul G. Richards, Commentary: future directions for global bulletins, IRIS Newletter, vol. 2000, no. 1, 12 – 13, December 2000.

Paul G. Richards, Won-Young Kim, and Vitaly I. Khalturin, A Plan for Location Calibration of IMS Stations in and near Kazakhstan, Geophysics and Non-proliferation problems, issue 2, National Nuclear Centre of the Republic of Kazakhstan, June 2001.

Kim, Won-Young, L. R. Sykes, J. H. Armitage, J. K. Xie, K. H. Jacob, P. G. Richards, M. West, F. Waldhauser, J. Armbruster, L. Seeber, W. X. Du, and A. Lerner-Lam, Seismic waves generated by aircraft impacts and building collapses at World Trade Center, New York City, feature article in EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, pages 565, 570--571, November 20, 2001.

Anyi Li, and Paul G. Richards, Using earthquake doublets to study inner core rotation and seismicity catalog precision, G-Cubed, 4, 1072, doi:10.1029/2002GC000379, 9 September 2003.

Granville, John P., Won-Young Kim, and Paul G. Richards, An assessment of seismic body-wave magnitudes published by the Prototype International Data Centre, Seismological Review Letters, 73, 893--906, 2002.

Committee on Technical Issues Related to Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, Technical Issues related to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press, 2002. (Richards wrote almost all of Chapter 2, on CTBT Monitoring Capability.)

Paul G. Richards, On seismic sources volume changes, Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft e.V., Mitteilungen, Symposium in Memoriam of Prof. Gerhard Müller, pp. 40–44, Sonderband I/2004.

Waldhauser, Felix, and Paul G. Richards, Reference events for regional phases at IMS stations in China, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94, 2265–2279, December 2004

Schaff, David P., and Paul G. Richards, Lg-wave cross correlation and double-difference location: application to the 1999 Xiuyan, China, sequence, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94, 867–879, 2004.

Yang, Zhi-xian, Felix Waldhauser, Yun-tai Chen, and Paul G. Richards, Double-difference relocation of earthquakes in central-western China, 1992--1999, Journal of Seismology, 9, 241--264, 2005.

David P. Schaff and Paul G. Richards, Repeating seismic events in China, SCIENCE, 303, 1176–1178, February 20, 2004.

Valeriu Burlacu, Mark Fisk, John Armbruster, Vitaly I. Khalturin, Won-Young Kim, Paul G. Richards, David P. Schaff, Felix Waldhauser, Michael West, Igor Morozov, Elena Morozova, Vernon Cormier, Anastasia Stroujkova, and Chandan Saikia, Development and Validation Testing of a Regionalized Travel-Time Model, and Source-Specific Station Corrections for Thirty IMS Stations and Other Stations in East Asia, Final Report on DTRA01-00-C-0031, 281 pages, August 2003.

Paul G. Richards and Anyi Li, Inner core rotation, in Encyclopedia of Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism, ed. David Gubbins, to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers' Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series, general editors Rhodes Fairbridge and Michael Rampino, revision submitted July 2005.

Paul G. Richards and Won-Young Kim, Equivalent volume sources for explosions at depth: theory and observations, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 95, 401–407, 2005.

Felix Waldhauser, David Schaff, Paul G. Richards, and Won-Young Kim, Lop Nor Revisited: Underground Nuclear Explosion Locations, 1976-1996, from Double-difference Analysis of Regional and Teleseismic Data, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 94, 1879–1889, October 2004.

Vitaly I. Khalturin, Tatyana G. Rautian, Paul G. Richards, and William S. Leith, A review of nuclear testing by the Soviet Union at Novaya Zemlya, 1955–1990, Science & Global Security, 13, 1 – 42, 2005.

John P. Granville, Paul G. Richards, Won-Young Kim, and Lynn R. Sykes, Understanding the difference between three teleseismic mb scales, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, with electronic supplement, in press, October 2005.

Vitaly I. Khalturin and Paul G. Richards, Coordinates of 13 underground nuclear tests at Novaya Zemlya, based on non-seismological information, in preparation for BSSA, 2005.

Jian Zhang, Xiaodong Song, Yingchun Li, Paul G. Richards, Xinlei Sun, and Felix Waldhauser, Inner core differential motion confirmed by earthquake waveform doublets, Science, 309, 1357—1360, 26 August 2005.

John Armbruster, Valeriu Burlacu, Vernon F. Cormier, Mark D. Fisk, Vitaly I. Khalturin, Won-Young Kim, Igor B. Morozov, Elena A. Morozova, Paul G. Richards, Chandan K. Saikia, David Schaff, Anastasia Stroujkova, and Felix Waldhauser, Seismic Location Calibration: Lessons from a Case Study for Stations in Eastern Asia, in preparation for feature article in EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 2005.

Igor B. Morozov, Elena Morozova, Scott B. Smithson, Paul G. Richards, Vitaly I Khalturin, and Leonid N. Solidilov, 3D first-arrival regional calibration model of Northern Eurasia, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 95, 951--964, doi: 10.1785/0120030173, 2005.

Paul G. Richards, Felix Waldhauser, David Schaff, and Won-Young Kim, The applicability of modern methods of earthquake location, Pure and Applied Geophysics, submitted May 25, 2005, 29 pages.

Paul G. Richards, Keiiti Aki (1930 – 2005), Seismologiste extraordinaire, Nature, 430, 1176, June 30, 2005.

Paul G. Richards, Keiiti Aki (1930 – 2005), Seismologist and Leader, Seismological Research Letters, 76, 542 – 544, Sept./Oct. 2005.


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