
UBC Department of Anthropology and the Sts’ailes First Nation announce:

Archaeological Field School – Summer 2021 (ARCL 306: 6 Credits)

June 28 – August 5 (June28-30 at UBC, July 4-30 at Sts’ailes, Aug 3-5 at UBC)

Please note that enrolment is limited to 20 students. Applications will be considered starting

on March 1, 2021 with an application deadline of Friday April 9, 2021.


FIELD SCHOOL DESCRIPTION: The Department of Anthropology at UBC is pleased to offer the third archaeology field school in the Harrison River Valley, in southwestern British Columbia in collaboration with the community of Sts’ailes. Students will live in a Sts’ailes guest house for the duration of fieldwork (July 5th – July 30th 2021) and participate in archaeological survey, mapping, and excavation of houses and associated features in ancestral villages. This research will build on previous archaeological investigations by the Sts’ailes community. Students will also have an opportunity to conduct analyses and contribute to the Sts’ailes community’s archaeological heritage and cultural awareness program.

ARCHAEOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Several millennia of unbroken occupation has left a remarkably rich archaeological landscape, including hundreds of archaeological features, including pithouses and plank houses, food processing pits, caches, burials, and legacies of forest gardens. These well-preserved features present an exceptional opportunity for students to engage with a wide-range of archaeological sites, features, and materials in a community-based archaeological setting.

WORKING CONDITIONS NOTE: This field school will primarily be conducted on the Sts’ailes reserve on the Harrison River. Students will be housed at the Telmex’w Awtex Annex building. Rooms are available for students, or students may choose to camp in the grounds adjacent to the building. UBC will provide all equipment and supplies for this project. This class will be conducted outdoors in all weather. Students must be prepared to work under all conditions and should bring sunscreen, raingear, warm clothes, etc. as appropriate. Appropriate footwear (hiking boots/rain boots) is required. Students arriving without proper clothing and footwear will not be allowed to participate in research activities.

ADDITIONAL COSTS NOTE: There is a $950.00 fee, in addition to regular 6 credit tuition, in order to help cover the costs of travel, meals, lodging, and other expenses.

Please contact Morgan Ritchie for more information (

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Field school is contingent on UBC and Provincial COVID-19 guidelines.

UBC-Sts’ailes Archaeology Field School 2021

Application Form

Application Deadline: April 9, 2021

Successful Applicants will be notified by April 16, 2021


Please enter your responses directly in this Word document or print and complete in ink and then scan (if necessary) and email directly to us:

Room 2113 - Department of Anthropology, UBC Vancouver

6303 N.W. Marine Drive, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1

Name: (Legal: First name, initial, and surname):


Date of Birth: (year/month/day)




Phone: (_______) - ________________________ (your most commonly used number)

Alternate phone: (______) - ________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________________________

UBC Student Number (if UBC Student): ________________________________

University transcript: (Please attach a current university transcript(s) – (can be an unofficial transcript downloaded from the UBC site – or your University/College)

Please list previous Archaeology or other relevant courses: (e.g., ARCL 103, 140, 203, 305, 405)

Skills and Relevant Experience: Do you have any skills that you might be willing to contribute and/or share? (e.g., photography, First Aid, survey instrumentation, drone piloting, etc.).

Your interest in taking this course? In the space below (or attach a paragraph or two) let us know some of the reasons that you are interested in taking this archaeology course and how it relates to your educational goals:

Application submission deadline: 9 April 2021

Field Course Fee: There is a $950.00 fee, in addition to regular 6 credit tuition, in order to help cover the costs of travel, meals, lodging, and other expenses.

Email to: Anthropology Undergrad Office

Subject line: Archaeology Field School 2021

If you have questions, please email ( with your contact information and we will get back to you as soon as possible



Each participant will be asked to sign a release form that allows the University of British Columbia, its employees and Instructors to be free of liability in relation to participation in the off-campus portion of this course. Participants under the age of 19, must have this application and release form signed by a parent or legal guardian.

Name: _______________________________________________________

Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________

Date: _________________________________

(only if necessary):

Parent or Legal Guardian’s Name: _________________________________________________

Signature: _______________________________

Date: _________________________________





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