JULY 23-24, 2008



These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



Call to Order/Quorum Check

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson (Mark Covert) and a quorum ensured. The following representatives were present.

User Members Present ( 17 Prime Members):

|Name |Company |

|David |Burger |Rockwell Collins, Inc. |

|Jayne |Chickola |Lockheed Martin Corporation |

|Mark |Covert |Honeywell Aerospace |

|Donald |Cross |United Space Alliance LLC |

|David |Day |GE Aviation |

|Warren |Ferree |309th Maintenance Wing-Hill AFB |

|Harold |Finch |Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. |

|Michael |Gallagher |Lockheed Martin Corporation |

|Robin |Gorman |The Boeing Company |

|Paul |Grenier |Bombardier, Inc. |

|Mark |Malcom |309th Maintenance Wing-Hill AFB |

|Heather |Meyer |Cessna Aircraft Company |

|Steve |Meyer |Goodrich Corporation |

|Trevor |Mills |Bombardier, Inc. |

|Jay |Park |Northrop Grumman Corporation |

|Patricia |Wesemann |The Boeing Company |

Other Participants/Members (13):

|Name |Company |

|Mark |Brown |Braddock Metallurgical, Inc. |

|Larry |Carlson |PPI Aerospace Acquisition, LLC |

|Chris |Drevyanko |Hytek Finishes Company |

|Susan |Frailey |Braddock Metallurgical, Inc. |

|Stephen |Gehrlein |Modern Industries, Inc |

|Scott |Hasty |Valley Heat Treat |

|Gerard |Hub |G. Cotter Enterprises, Inc |

|Richard |Kowalczyk |X-R-I Testing |

|Todd |Lazar |M7 Aerospace |

|Rosa |Martin |Superior Plating, Inc. |

|Nancy |Morisset |Poly-Metal Finishing |

|Bill |Rennick |PPI Aerospace Acquisition, LLC |

|Bryan |Roberts |Heany Industries, Inc. |

|Michel |Robinette |Tecnickrome Aeronautique Inc. |

PRI Staff (2):

|Name |Company |

|John |Barrett |PRI Staff Engineer |

|Kevin |Wetzel |PRI Staff Engineer |

1. Review of Agenda

Review of agenda completed, review of new business requiring discussion were added (and identified below):

|Number |Raised by |Description |

|1 |Covert |Discussion on what consistent criteria would cause a shortening of |

| | |certification time or trigger a follow-up audit. |

|2 |Wetzel/Barrett |New Audit Handbook-location and access through eAuditNet (Public Document- |

| | |AQS Section) |

|3 |Wetzel/Barrett |Agenda for Next Meeting (Limited meeting space availability in Japan) 1 Day |

| | |Meeting 9 am- 5 pm Thursday |

|4 |Wetzel/Barrett |Changes to NOP-003 (Delegation is reviewed at each meeting (3X per year) Not |

| | |one year of data as before |

|5 |Covert |QMS Industry Standards (9100, 9000, 9003 etc) |

|6 |Covert |Plans for next AC7004 checklist |

|Number |Raised by |Description |

|7 |Wetzel/Barrett |Auto eMails - Withheld, CSR Cycle Time, Monthly Audits per MyQML, Supplier |

| | |Advisory Info, etc. Any feedback. |

|8 |Wetzel/Barrett |Actions taken when Registrar withdraws certificate for AS9100. |

|9 |Day |2.0 Status |

|10 |Gallagher |Standardization- Escape Information |

|11 |Covert |Quality System Verification- data analysis |

|12 |Covert |Ethics and Appeals Flow Discussion |

|13 |Covert |Liaison Meeting Update |

|14 |Covert |Can a User rely on Nadcap to assure that supplier's QMS approval is |

| | |maintained during the accreditation period? Answer - NO. Nadcap does |

| | |required QMS approval at the of the audit and require certification prior to |

| | |accreditation. |

1.2 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the February 2008 meeting were approved.

1.3 Task Group Membership

Introductions were made and changes to task group membership were reviewed.

MOTION: The following changes to the AQS Task Group membership were presented and approved:

Membership Changes:

Dave Burger UVM Rockwell Collins (Replacing Carolyn Osborne)

Harold Finch UVM Spirit AeroSystems (Replacing Jerry Columbo)

Heather Meyer Secretary, Cessna Aircraft Company

Jayne Chickola ALT UVM, Lockheed Martin

Don Cross UVM, United Space Alliance

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to forward the applicable new member or officer forms to obtain signatures. (Barrett/Wetzel)


An attendees tutorial was presented by Mark Covert.



The latest RAIL was updated and will be reviewed and updated on a monthly basis. The RAIL is located on eAuditNet/Public Documents/Aerospace Quality Systems/Rolling Action Item List.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will email applicable Task Group Members with reminders of open action items when updating the monthly RAIL – Ongoing (Barrett/Wetzel).

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will status the action items in the meeting preparation email notifications sent prior to the meetings – Ongoing (Barrett/Wetzel).



4.1 Task Group / NMC Metrics

AQS metrics were presented to the Task Group by PRI.

[pic] [pic]

4.2 Staff Engineer Delegation Oversight Metrics

John Barrett reviewed the Task Group Responsibility (Section 4.1.1 of NOP-003) for Delegation and discussed the proposed Staff Delegation Tracking Template. Future reviews of this metric will consist of the summary data in the template header and detail reviews may be scheduled for closed session or emailed to User Members.

The delegation metrics were reviewed and it was found that all current delegated Staff Engineers meet the criteria to remain delegated.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will forward the Delegation Metrics to the User Members at the close of the delegation period for review and determination of any needed corrective action plans (to comply with revised NOP-003) - Ongoing (Barrett/Wetzel).

February 2008 thru June 2008 see attached:



PRI Staff presented a draft revision of NTGOP-001 Appendix VI that reflects changes to align with current Nadcap Operating Procedures. The Task Group reviewed the proposed changes to this document to update for current processes and references.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will propose wording to add to Section 8.1 to provide guidance for cases where the special process audit approvals are dropped and an AC7004 approval exists. Due: 18 Aug 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel)

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will review and revise further (with editorial changes etc) the appendix and send out for a preliminary seven day review. After this seven day review, the document will be sent out for a formal ballot for approval. Due: 18 August 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel)

1. Review AQS Mission Statement

The Mission of the Aerospace Quality Systems Task Group was reviewed by the Task Group. Changes were made to accurately reflect the current state. This mission statement shall be incorporated in the revised NTGOP appendix.



The AQS MoU with Chemical Processing, Coatings, Composites, Electronics, Fasteners, Heat Treating, NonDestructive Testing, Nonventional Machining & Surface Enhancement and Welding was completed and signed by all Task Group Chairpersons.



7.1 Liaison Meeting Preparation

During the 2008 Auditor Training, the Task Group Liaison’s reported comments/concerns relative to the AQS program for discussion.

a) Length of Time to conduct stand alone AC7004 audits

Due to the small number of stand alone AC7004 audits and the lack of data to indicate a systemic issue with time allotment for conducting these audits

ACTION ITEM: AQS Task Group Users will review audit schedule to observe a standalone AC7004 audit to validate the one day schedule is adequate. Task Group User Members to provide feedback to Kevin Wetzel by 1 Sep 2008. (AQS User Members)

b) Scheduling of AC7004 audits for the first day (on the Nadcap Audit Schedule) sometimes inadvertently prompts suppliers to only support the quality system audit on the first day.

By scheduling the AC7004 on the first day of the audits, this can incorrectly communicate to the supplier that this is the only day (or the specific) day that the AC7004 will be audited. This is a process used to enable scheduling in eAuditNet and is actually determined by the auditor.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will review the audit handbook and other documentation to identify where wording can be added (or modified) to communicate that the AC7004 audit is not necessarily conducted on the date scheduled but often done during the entire course of the audit and/or at the discretion of the auditor’s audit plan. Due: 9 Oct 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel)

c) Standardization of the issuance and categorization for NonSustaining Corrective Actions

It was requested that there be standardization for the issuance and categorization of nonconformances issued against the corrective action system (for an issued nonsustaining finding).

It was agreed to propose that two or more nonsustaining corrective actions will require an additional nonconformance to be issued and this nonconformance be classified as a major.

ACTION ITEM: Present this nonsustaining proposal during the Task Group Liaison meeting to solicit comments and concerns for feedback by the next meeting. Due: 15 Sep 2008 (Covert/Day)

ACTION ITEM: AQS will review and address any concerns/comments on the proposal and develop the action plan for implementation (including considerations for auditor advisory, inclusion in audit handbook etc) during the October 2008 AQS Meeting. Due: 9 Oct 2008 (AQS Task Group)

7.2 Liaison Project Status

The Task Group will discuss the status of the project during the New Business review of the Liaison Meeting Update.


5. QMS Industry Standards (9100, 9000, 9003 etc)

To maximize remaining time, the task group decided to move to a new business topic (Out of order of the agenda). Mark Covert and Mike Gallagher presented the status of 9100 and AS9003 revision status. (See attached).




The SSC summary was presented by Susan Frailey (Braddock Metallurgical, Inc.).


ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will submit the change to change the SSC Representative for AQS from John Cristman to Susan Frailey. Due: 15 Aug 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel).


Due to lack of current data, this item is being tabled until the October 2008 Meeting.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will gather current auditor consistency data from eAuditNet for analysis and submit to Mark Cover. Due: 15 Aug 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel).


Several auditors have been identified as having not conducted an AC7004 audit in the last year. Since the AQS Task Group had made the decision to not conduct training in 2008, this puts these seven auditors at risk for losing their AQS approval. The AQS Task Group will conduct auditor training in 2009 so, as an intermediate measure, these auditors will be trained through a self-training program.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will forward the training materials to the identified auditors which will include a request for an acknowledgment that the material has been reviewed and understood (and any questions answered) to meet the minimum requirements for these auditors to be approved for AQS. Due: 9 Oct 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel).

The Task Group had preliminary discussions regarding the 2009 Auditor Training. This will require task group effort for development between meetings.

ACTION ITEM: The AQS Liaisons who are members of the AQS Task Group will review the commodity format used for 2008 as well as lessons learned that are applicable to AQS. This information will be presented and discussed at the October 2008 Meeting. Due: 9 Oct 2008 (Day, Gallagher, Gorman, Kitson, and S.Meyer)


11.1 Discussion on what consistent criteria would cause a shortening of certification time or trigger a follow-up audit.

The Task Group discussed if there could be an establishment of a criteria to define the conditions in which a less than three year approval would be granted. Currently, the task group has the ability to request additional information/remediation to address concerns of results, a VCA (Verification of Corrective Actions) audit as well as granting of a less than three year accreditation time frame. The Liaison Project will enable data to be generated so that the AQS committee will be able to see then entire picture of the supplier (and not just the AQS audit) including the tests of the quality system performed through the special process accreditations.

A list of potential triggers that question RCCA were brainstormed, however, the task group concluded that quantifying this was not going to be pursued at this time. The Task Group User Reviewers need to consider the options available to them during review and approval and utilize the forum application in eAuditNet to discuss concerns with other reviewers.

This item was addressed previously during the Task Group Meeting.

11.2 New Audit Handbook-location and access through eAuditNet (Public Document- AQS Section)

Kevin Wetzel presented a tutorial on how to access the AQS Audit Handbook.

The revised auditor handbook has links to the applicable sections through the table of contents.


3. Agenda for Next Meeting (Limited meeting space availability in Japan) will be a one day meeting on Thursday, October 9 from 9 am- 5 pm.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to investigate the possibility of having an auditor or prime representative from the region to attend the AQS Meeting to allow for needed translations or clarifications. Due: 9 Oct 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel).

Due to the time constraints, this meeting will be one day and all open. This will require that audit review and detailed auditor consistency review will need to be conducted in a WebEx meeting. The general business meeting agenda items will need to be included (Opening, Approval of Minutes, RAIL, NMC/AQS Metrics, Delegation and Tutorial etc). Other topics such as the Training Planning, AC7004 Revision discussion, auditor consistency data analysis, QMS integration data analysis, and the liaison report of best practices will also be incorporated as time allows.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will develop the October 2008 agenda and detail the preparation needed to accommodate the shortened meeting time-frame. Due: 15 August 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel).

ACTION ITEM: Mike Gallagher/Mark Covert to provide to PRI (for internal use only) the 9100/9003 (version closest to publication) for preparation and conference call for go-forward plan of AC7004. Due: 15 Sep 2008 (Mark Gallagher/Mark Covert)

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to schedule the conference call for AC7004 discussion on September 15th. Due: 15 August 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel)

4. Changes to NOP-003 (Delegation is reviewed at each meeting) (3X per year) This change will require the task group to make decisions on delegation for each meeting, not once a year as before.

This item was discussed and closed during the Delegation Oversight Discussion (Agenda Item 4.2)

5. QMS Industry Standards (9100, 9000, 9003 etc)

This item was addressed on the previous day of the Task Group Meeting.

6. Plans for Next AC7004 Checklist

Data is going to be shared and preliminary discussions will be held in a WebEx (see agenda item 11.3).

7. Auto eMails - Withheld, CSR Cycle Time, Monthly Audits per MyQML, Supplier Advisory Info, etc. and feedback

John Barrett gave a brief overview of the auto generated email notifications sent to Task Group User Members through the eAuditNet system as well as other task group notifications from staff (e.g. CSR Cycle Time).

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will add the review of the CSR Cycle Time Report that is forwarded weekly to Users and evaluation of benefits to the October Meeting agenda. Due: 15 Sep 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel)

8. Actions Taken When Registrar Withdraws Certificate for AS9100

After lengthy discussion, the task group tabled this item for further discussions at the next meeting.

ACTION ITEM: Robin Gorman to propose a process for Nadcap to utilize for notifications of lapses in the QMS certifications for discussion in a Task Group Webex Meeting. Due 15 Sep 2008 (Gorman)

9. 2.0 Status

John Barrett discussed the current status of eAuditNet 2.0. The programming has been completed and is now in the IT Quality Assurance review. From this, the completed (and IT reviewed) version will be final tested by staff and then a few outside users prior to release. This is slated to be in the August/September time frame.

10. Standardization- Escape Information

The new definition from the NMC Standardization Sub-Team for special process escapes was shared. This definition will be placed into the PRI Quality Manual. The definition will be used in merit considerations and the actual process for consideration will be incorporated into Nadcap Operating Procedure for Supplier Merit (through a ballot of the proposed revision of the procedure).

11. Quality System Verification- Data Analysis

Due to the data not being available for this meeting, this item has been tabled for discussion at a future meeting.

12. Ethics and Appeals Flow Discussion

The Ethics and Appeals NMC Sub-Team presentation was discussed. This presentation defined the Appeal Process Flow (See Attached).


The process was reviewed but due to the AQS Task Group having little practical experience with the appeals process, there were no proposed changes.

13. Liaison Meeting Update

Due to time restrictions for the October Meeting, the Liaisons will have a pre-meeting WebEx and a post-meeting WebEx meeting to discuss feedback and get closure on the liaison project activity.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff will schedule the webex’s for the pre & post October Nadcap Meeting Liaison meeting. WebEx Liaison meetings will be targeted for two weeks prior and following the October meeting. Due: 15 Aug 2008 (Barrett/Wetzel)

14. User Reliance on Nadcap to assure suppliers QMS approval is Maintained

During the Accreditation Period

Suppliers are contractually obligated to notify PRI for all issues that would effect the Nadcap accreditation (including suspension/withdraw of QMS certification). Per NOP-002, the approved quality system is verified during the audit and not monitored throughout the accreditation period by Nadcap.



User Members reviewed audits #120498 and #121979 discussing both the process for and content of the review. Discussions were held directly with the Audit Report Reviewer for additional actions.


The meeting was adjourned on July 24, 2008 at 4:30 PM

Minutes prepared by:

Heather L. Meyer hlmeyer@cessna.

|***** For PRI Staff use only: ****** |

| |

|Are procedural/form changes required based on changes/actions approved during this meeting? (select one) |

| |

|YES* NO |

| |

|*If yes, the following information is required: |

|Documents requiring revision: |Who is responsible: |Due date: |

| | | |

| | | |


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