International Ministries

Frequently Asked Questions about TravelQ. When should I arrive?A. Wednesday, July 4th. Many people arrive a day or two earlier or stay on after an event as part of their vacation. We suggest you get to the Green Lake Conference Center no later than 5:00pm. If you take a plane, bus or train, be sure you arrive by 4:00pm central time. That gives you an hour to get to Green Lake and get checked in. Supper is from 5:00 – 6:00pm, and the evening program begins at 7:00pm. Q. When should I depart?A. Sunday, July 8th. We strongly suggest choosing a plane/bus/train that leaves no earlier than 9:00am. The shuttle driver will pick you up 3 hours before your departure time. Leaving before 9:00am may require you to be picked up by Green Lake’s shuttle service before 5:00am. Q. Is there a shuttle to the Green Lake Conference Center?A. Yes. If you would like Green Lake to pick you up, call Guest Services (920) 294-3323 or click here to use their online Transportation Request Form. Reservations must be made at least 7 days before the conference. Please have your itinerary ready. Shuttle service is available from the following locations:Plane: Fly thru the Outagamie County Regional Airport (ATW) in Appleton, Wisconsin Bus: Greyhound serves a depot in Oshkosh, Wisconsin Train: Amtrak goes to Columbus, Wisconsin Q. What’s the best route if I drive to the Green Lake Conference Center?A. Directions are available on their website: and there is plenty of parking. Or call them at (920) 294-3323. ................

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