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|March 25, 2013 |

|12 Noon-Conference Technology |

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|A G E N D A |

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|Welcome and Call to Order Mr. Ben Richardson, Chairman |

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|Approval of Minutes Mr. Ben Richardson, Chairman |

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|Old Business Mr. Ben Richardson, Chairman |

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|New Business Mr. Ben Richardson, Chairman |

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|Institutional Effectiveness Dr. Michael Lamb, VP |

|Institutional Effectiveness |

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|Student Affairs Ms. Tara Askew, VP |

|Student Affairs |

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|Operations and Information Technology Mr. Tommy Wilson, VP |

|Operations |

|Mr. Jonathan Norred, IT |

|Administrator |

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|Foundation Ms. Gloria Dodds, Director |

|Institutional Advancement |

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|President’s Report Mr. Bob Jones, President |

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|Adjourn Mr. Ben Richardson, Chairman |

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Columbus Technical College

Local Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

928 Manchester Expressway

Columbus, GA 31904

Monday, February 25, 2013

12 Noon-Conference Technology Center

Board Members Present: Velma Bright, David Fox, Slade Johnson, Brian Plemmons, John Pritchett, and Ben Richardson

Staff Present: Tara Askew, Gloria Dodds, Betty Jackson, Bob Jones, Michael Lamb, James Loyd, Buddy Merrill, Cheryl Myers, Linn Storey, and Tommy Wilson

Search Committee for a New President: President Bob Jones stated that a search committee for the new president is in the process of being developed. The committee will consist of seven to nine people appointed by Commissioner Ron Jackson. He commented that our Chair Ben Richardson will most likely be a representative of this Board on the search committee.

Call to Order: Chairman Ben Richardson called the meeting to order at 12:08 p.m.

Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting: Chairman Richardson called for any corrections, deletions or additions to the minutes as written. After hearing none, he asked for a motion to approve the October 22, 2012, minutes. Upon appropriate motion and second, the minutes were approved.

Committee Reports

Institutional Effectiveness

Dr. Michael Lamb’s report included:

• Achieving the Dream (ATD): The process is focusing more on student success, with the basic concept of using meaningful data, as opposed to the more traditional enrollment statistics.

• Complete College Georgia Summit: Members of the CTC leadership team attended the Summit, February 17-19, at the University of Georgia. An important result of the conference was to continue to build on the rapidly improving and cooperative relationship between TCSG and the Board of Regents.

• Accreditation: Our formal reaffirmation is in 2015.

Columbus Technical College

Local Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2013

Page 2

Academic Affairs

Dr. Linn Storey’s report included:

• Ms. Abigail Carter has taken on another role as Dean of the School of General Studies; she will remain as Dean for the School of Business.

• The School of Business is seeking American Bar Association accreditation for the Paralegal Program.

• The Computer Information Systems is working with Jiang Bin (better known as Charlie). Charlie is a Computer Information Systems professor visiting from Sias International University in China. He will be teaching computer, business, and humanities classes until graduation in May.

• Ms. Amber Tidwell has returned (January) to the English Department after teaching a year at Sias University in China.

• The College is very busy with our work in China, England, and Ireland in our International Education and Outreach Program.

Chairman Richardson stated that his office, Muscogee County Solicitor General, has hired one of our intern Paralegal students as a receptionist.

Ms. Tara Askew’s report included:

• Enrollment Services: The total new and readmit applicants is 1921; total enrollment for the term is 3990; and the total applications received for Summer Semester is 383.

• Student Affairs no longer administer the ACT test, testing is now administered by the Economic Development department.

• The Georgia Student Finance Commission has changed the student application method for state and lottery funded programs. CTC requires students receiving state program funds to complete and submit a FAFSA as of Fall Semester 2013. The only group that does not submit a FAFSA is our dual enrollment high school students.

Administrative Services

Ms. Betty Jackson’s report included:

Ms. Betty Jackson gave the financial report for the summer and fall

fiscal year 2013. The report was accepted.


Mr. Tommy Wilson’s report included:

• Facility Management: The Code Green Alert System has been implemented on campus. The Code Green icon has been placed on all

Columbus Technical College

Local Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2013

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faculty and staff computers to send a silent alert to our police department if there is an emergency. Columbus City Council has approved a city ordinance that no parking is allowed on 43rd Street during regular school hours.

• Patrick Hall: The student center was dedicated in honor of Mr. John Henry Smith, former Director of Muscogee County Area Vocational-Technical School, February 20, 2013.

• Library: The library rotunda was dedicated in honor of Mr. Edgar Lester, the College’s first librarian, February 20, 2013. There was a great turn out of retirees and others for both dedication events.

Economic Development

Mr. James Loyd’s report included:

• Manufacturing Appreciation Week (MAW) was developed by the Technical College System of Georgia and the Georgia Department of Economic Development. The MAW Luncheon is hosted by the Governor in Atlanta and will be held April 3, 2013. Each technical college nominates three companies: small, medium, and large. This year the College has nominated DMJ Plastic (Quitman County), Johnson Controls (West Point), and Snyder-Lance (Muscogee). At the luncheon a small, medium, and large company is chosen by the state to receive the MAW award of the year.

• Our manufacturing operation training programs and service industry academy are in the process of relocating into the old QuickStart building in the Columbus East Industrial Park which is in close proximity to our manufacturing partners.


Ms. Gloria Dodds’ report included:

• The Foundation entered 2013 in the best financial condition in its history with about $2.3 million in cash.

• In December, faculty and staff grants were awarded to seven applicants ranging from $1000 to $4500.

• The Foundation purchased three lots on the corner of Kolb Avenue and 47th Street earlier this month. The land consists of approximately .5 acres of level, graveled, and fenced property.

• A Foundation Board Retreat is planned for April to discuss the future of our support and other future changes.

Columbus Technical College

Local Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

February 25, 2013

Page 4

President’s Report

Mr. Bob Jones’ report included:

• President Jones expressed his appreciation to Mr. Buddy Merrill for his work with the Foundation and to the Board for their support of the College.

• The state has cut the current budget by $24 million at the agency level for technical education programs.

New Business: None

Old Business: None

Adjourn: Since there is no other business for discussion, upon appropriate motion and second, the Board adjourned at 12:53 p.m. The date of the next Board meeting is scheduled for March 25, 2013.

Minutes respectfully submitted by: Ms. Barbara R. Burnett, President’s Office[pic]


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