Gene T - Columbus City Schools

-457200000-457200-11430000West Broad Elementary SchoolChristina Ifill, Principalcifill6997@columbus.k12.oh.us2744 West Broad StreetColumbus, OH 43204Phone: 614.365.5964Fax: 614.365.5966-4572001270000Mission: Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community.-4572002540000August 1, 2019Dear Parents & Caregivers of Kindergarten Students, Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! My name is Christina Ifill, Principal of West Broad Elementary School. We are excited to welcome your kindergartener to West Broad Elementary School, the “BEST IN THE WEST “!If this is your first child entering kindergarten, you may be somewhat nervous about the transition to school. Children generally acclimate quickly to kindergarten and it’s a relatively smooth transition. We have a dynamic team of kindergarten teachers and instructional assistants who are eager to meet you and your child. This packet contains some important information about the year. To ease your child into kindergarten, a few students come by appointment the first two days of school and then either in the AM or PM on the third day. This allows your child’s teacher to begin getting to know your child one-on-one. You will be receiving more information and your appointment time in the mail shortly. A copy of the appointment letter is below.IMPORTANT INFORMATIONFIRST DAY OF SCHOOL – Your child will be assigned an appointment time on either Thursday, 8/22/19 or Friday, 8/23/19, based on his/her last name. Then on Monday, 8/26/19, your child will come either in the AM or the PM. This format allows us to better serve you and your child because you will have one-on-one time with the teacher. It is very important that you arrive on time for your appointment. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian on Thursday, 8/22/19, Friday, 8/23/19 and Monday 8/26/19. Parents please be prepared to stay, for a parent meeting, for 30-45 minutes during your appointment time on 8/22/19 or 8/23/19. All kindergarteners will report to school on Tuesday, 8/27/19. District transportation for busers will be provided on Tuesday, 8/27/19.WEST BROAD MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT will be on Tuesday, August 20th from 5:30-6:30 PM. Due to a tight summer cleaning schedule, not all of the classrooms are ready. Therefore, the meet and greet will take place in the cafeteria.VISITING WEST BROAD – Each visit to the school requires: The guest to show ID and sign into our computer system—Lobby Guard, in the front office.Receive a visitor’s sticker to be worn and visible during the visit. Any visitor who is moving beyond the front steps must follow this procedure, even parents who are visiting for breakfast. SCHOOL SCHEDULE – West Broad’s daily bell schedule will be sent home on the first day of school. It is very important for students to arrive on time for school each day so that they can take advantage of breakfast and learning opportunities. Remember, students cannot line up outside of West Broad without parent supervision prior to 8:30 AM. At 8:30 AM we will open the front doors and students may enter for breakfast. ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL TIMES AND PROCEDURES are located in this packet. Go over them carefully with your child. Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten students dismiss at 3:25 PM and students in grades 1-5 are dismissed at 3:30 PM.PICK UP PASSES – Students who get picked up by an older sibling MUST HAVE a Pick Up Pass request form turned into the office and his/her picture taken. For the safety of our West Broad students, only ONE middle and high school student will be included on the young student’s dismissal plan. This is the only MS/HS student allowed on the playground at dismissal. Friends or other siblings can wait by the tree outside the fence on the Hague side of the building. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Information about Pick Up Passes will be sent home with your child on the first day of school.FREE BREAKFAST & LUNCH – All CCS students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch, Breakfast begins at 8:30 AM and ends at 8:50 AM daily. Lunch times vary by grade level.BUSES – Your child’s bus stop, route number, and pick-up/arrival times will be mailed to you by the CCS Department of Transportation. If the information mailed to you is incorrect, call them immediately at 614-365-5074. Do not wait until the first day of school because you may not get through due to high call volumes. Your child should be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the scheduled pick up time. Due to unforeseen circumstances, buses may run late especially at the beginning of the year. Please be patient. SAFETY – Your child’s safety is very important to us. Please remember that you MUST BRING A PICTURE ID each time you wish to pick up your child during school hours and only those individuals listed on your child’s emergency card may pick up your child. These individuals must provide picture ID as wellFOOD SAFETY - In recent years, CCS initiated a FOOD AND ALLERGY POLICY. This means that no outside food will be distributed at school by means other than school staff. This may include breakfast/lunch/vending programs. Students cannot bring food or snacks to share at school due to the possibility of allergic reactions. BIRTHDAYS-Please note that due to possible food allergies and also in order to maximize learning time, West Broad does not permit classroom birthday celebrations or birthday deliveries (e.g. balloons, flowers, etc.) to students. West Broad recognizes birthdays by announcing them on the intercom and giving the child a birthday pencil. Thank you for your support regarding this.TOYS, PHONES, & FIDGET SPINNERSToys should not be brought to school unless given special permission by a teacher. Spinners are considered toys and we have found them quite disruptive to the classroom environment in a relatively short amount of time. However, if your child has a disability or a condition that may require the use of a Fidget Spinner, please contact me to discuss options. According to the CCS Electronics Devices Policy, cell phones must be powered off during the school day and should remain out of sight until students are off school grounds. For safety, I wholeheartedly agree that our students may need cell phones; but please remind them they should turn them off before coming to school and they should remain put away until after they leave. IMMUNIZATIONS - It’s the law! Ohio Revised Code requires that all students must meet school district immunization requirements in order to attend school. Students who do not meet school district requirements for school immunizations will be excluded from school as of Thursday, September 12, 2019. The Ohio Department of Health School Immunization Requirements can be viewed at: Please note that school personnel are not permitted to give any type of medicine or apply topical creams/lotions without medical authorization from a doctor or hospital (this includes cough drops, sun tan lotion, etc.). There are forms available for physicians to complete in the event your child needs to take medication during the school day. If your child should be taking medication on the first day of school; please call the school office prior to the beginning of school so you can obtain the proper paperwork.In closing, I want to thank you for being a part of the West Broad Elementary School family. I am looking forward to an exciting and memorable school year. However, the success of our students depends greatly upon the support that we have from you at home. Please discuss with your child’s teacher about how you can work together to support your child. Sincerely,Christina IfillPrincipal, West Broad ES 18669001905004953009525005591175952500Kindergarten Orientation2019 – 2020Welcome to West Broad ES and to the 2019-2020 school year! We are looking forward to meeting you and your child. To make sure your child’s first experience with the West Broad Family is smooth, we will have Kindergarten Orientation over three days (Thursday – Monday). This format is exciting because your child’s teacher will be able to interact with you and your child one-on-one and in a small group setting!In this letter you will find the day kindergarten students should report to school, the day and time you and your child will meet with his/her teacher (Please be prepared to stay for 30-45 minutes for your appointment time.) and information about transportation. Thursday, August 22nd & Friday, August 23rd Each parent and child will have a 30-minute appointment and only come to school for 30-45 minutes on the 22nd or 23rd. On the day of your appointment, please sign in at the office and we will direct you to your child’s classroom. Please do not be late. Out of respect for other parents, we will stick strictly to the scheduled times. Monday, August 26th If your child’s last name begins with the letter A – M she/he will attend kindergarten from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (bring your child at 8:30 AM if you would like them to eat breakfast). Students will stay for two hours and be dismissed at 11:00 AM. They will not stay all day and should be picked up at 11:00 AM. If your child’s last name begins with the letter N – Z she/he will attend kindergarten from 1:30 PM to3:25 PM. Your child will need to eat lunch before arriving to school. Students will stay for two hours and be dismissed at 3:25 PM. They should not attend in the morning on this day. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. During each section there will be an informational with the kindergarten staff. Tuesday, August 27th All kindergarten students report for class.Transportation For August 22nd, 23rd and 26th transportation is the responsibility of the parent/caregiver. On Tuesday, August 27th, Columbus City School transportation will be provided for eligible students. If your child is eligible for transportation, you will receive information directly from the transportation department. You and your child _____________________________ will meet with her/his kindergarten (Student’s Name)Teacher ____________________ on: Thursday August 22nd at __________Friday, August 23rd at __________ (Time) (Time)If you have any questions, call the school office at 614-365-5964.9207538925500MEET YOUR CHILD’S TEACHERWhen: Tuesday, August 20, 20195:30 – 6:30 PMWhere: West Broad Elementary SchoolIn the cafeteria Come meet West Broad’s amazing staff and have a treat as we celebrate the beginning of a new school year!Recently, a donation of book bags and school supplies were made to WB. These will be given away as well – while supplies last!SCHOOL-WIDE ARRIVAL AND DISMISSAL PROCEDURESDismissal Change RequestsClear dismissal procedures allow us to keep all children safe as they leave the building. Please read our procedures carefully and be mindful of ALL students at dismissal. Please have clear communication with your child’s teacher and your child about how they are getting home the first week of school and thereafter. In the unlikely event that you need to make changes to your child’s dismissal method, contact the school office prior to 2:30 PM. If we are not notified by the parent about changes, the original plan will be followed. In other words: No call, No Note, NO STAY.ArrivalIf a student is eating breakfast, s/he may line up in the front of the school, no earlier than 8:30 AM. Staff does not report for duty prior to 8:30 AM and students are not supervised. At 8:30 AM the breakfast bell rings and students can enter through the front doors.If a student is not eating breakfast, s/he may line up in the back of the school no earlier than 8:40 AM. Staff does not report for duty prior to that time and the students are not supervised. Students should line up at their homeroom number and remain there until the 8:50 AM bell. Students that arrive prior to 8:40 AM must enter the front of the building and wait in the cafeteria. If a student is not eating breakfast and it is too cold or rainy to wait outside, s/he should enter the building using the front doors. If it is before 8:40 AM students should go into the cafeteria. If is after 8:40 AM s/he should go to the kindergarten hallway. Staff will direct students K-2 to form a line on the right and 3-5 students on the left. Students should remain in line until 8:50 AM, at which time the duty teachers will dismiss the students to classrooms.If a student is arriving by bus, s/he can be dropped off in the front of the building. If you are dropping off in the morning, you may park in the alley alongside the playground. Parking is also available along Grace Avenue and Harris Avenue. Parents should refrain from parking in the front of school during arrival and dismissal hours. The Columbus Police Department will be ticketing parents who park in the front of the building. Students dropped off prior to 8:40 AM must enter through the front doors and proceed to the cafeteria. After 8:40 AM students that enter through the front doors, but are not eating breakfast, may exit through the “tunnel doors” to line up. Students dropped off in the back of the building must wait in the classroom line until 8:50 AM. DismissalWest Broad Elementary School will not release students for early sign-out after 3:00 PM. This policy is to maximize your child’s educational time in the classroom, to minimize classroom/office interruptions and for the safety of your child(ren).Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten pick-up students will be dismissed at 3:25 PM through the side doors (near the dumpster). Students will remain with their teacher until a parent or specified adult picks them up. Teachers and assistants only release students to adults listed on the emergency/identification card. In an effort to provide a safe and orderly dismissal this new school year, some changes have been made to our dismissal process. NEW THIS YEAR *Changes to dismissal* PLEASE READ CAREFULLY*Grades 1 and 2 walkers/pick-up students will dismiss to the playground at 3:25 PM. Teachers will escort student to the playground and line up on their classroom line. Parents and/or “safe” pick-up person must remain behind the second blue line until the teacher identifies the pick-up person and releases the child.*Grades 3-5 walkers that are not picked up by a parent will be dismissed at 3:25 PM.*Grade 3-5 car riders and students picked by a guardian will be dismissed at 3:30 PM exiting the front door to the front lawn. Teachers will escort 3rd and 4th grade students to the front lawn on the Hague side. Teachers will escort 5th grade students to the front lawn on the Harris side. Staff will escort students to their designated space where they will be released. Parents must remain on the side walk until the teacher identifies the pick-up person and releases the child.*** IF PARENTS ARE NOT PRESENT, 3RD , 4th and 5TH GRADE STUDENTS WILLWALK HOME. OLDER SIBLINGS WILL NOT BE ISSUED A PICK-UP PASS FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 3-5.****Sibling dismissal If you would like your 3rd, 4th or 5th grader to walk with a younger sibling, the sibling will be noted on the younger student’s dismissal plan. The older student will walk to the playground at 3:25 PM, stand behind the painted homeroom number and wait until the teacher identifies the pick-up person and releases the child.* Pick-Up Passes are available for student in grades K-2. Only one sibling (and one back-up) will be able to qualify for a pick-up pass. The young person you designate to pick-up your son or daughter must come into the office the first time they pick -up, to turn in their form and have his/her picture taken. This picture will be added to the student’s dismissal plan. Middle and high school students will no longer have a physical pick-up pass. Staff will be able to identify the “safe” pick-up person from the photo. This change is for student safety and to decrease disruption.*Bus riders and Daycare students will remain in their designated area until their bus/daycare provider arrives. When their bus/daycare provider arrives, they will be escorted to the bus/daycare transportation by a staff member(s). If you have questions about bus route, bus stop, or bus time, please call the transportation department at 365-5074. When picking up your child, please be prompt. All students must be picked up by 3:35 PM daily. Adults picking up students from the office during school hours must be on the child’s emergency card and present a valid ID every time.Early Sign-Outs-Signing a student out early disrupts both classroom instruction and student learning. Furthermore, the last 45 minutes of each day are perhaps the busiest time throughout the entire school. In the classroom, students are getting last minute directions, going over homework, and wrapping up the day. The school office is also exceptionally busy at this time as well, preparing for dismissal etc. In order to provide you with the best customer service, please call the office prior to 2:30 PM. If you must pick your child up early, please do so before 2:45 PM. Following this request will provide the best customer service. Please note that school personnel are not permitted to give any type of medicine nor apply topical creams/lotions without medical authorization from a doctor or hospital (this includes cough drops, sun tan lotion, etc.). There are forms available for physicians to complete in the event your child needs to take medicine during the school day. If your child should be taking medication on the first day of school; please call the school office prior to school beginning so you can get the appropriate paperwork. WEST BROAD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUPPLIES 2019-2020Supplies are specific to each grade level. Please locate the column with your child’s grade level. The number in the box is the quantity of that supply that is needed.ITEMPKK1st2nd3rd4th5thSPECIFICATIONSBackpack/School Bag1111111Regular Size; No Mini Bags Box of Colored Pencils11111@1Primary ColorsBox of Crayons (24 Count)23111@1Primary ColorsColored Pens1PackageSpiral Notebook2242Wide RuleElmer’s White School Glue111No Glue GelEraser 32211Big Pink EraserPencil Top Erasers1PackageFacial Tissues1233322Standard SizeGlue Stick1466663Gym Shoes1111111Non-SkidLoose Leaf Notebook Paper22400 SheetsMarkers (8 count/washable)1111Basic ColorsComposition Notebook12Wide RuleNo. 2 Yellow Pencil Packs144441Packs of 12Pocket Folders222*4*4*6*3Solid Color; With ProngsArt Smock111111Old Large ShirtCloth Pencil Pouch 1Scissors111 1Slide Lock Gallon Freezer Bags111111$1Slide Lock Quart Freezer Bags111111$Lysol Wipes1234221Hand Sanitizer111121Dry Erase Markers111One Inch 3-Ring Binder1113 x 5 Index Cards21 Package*1st Grade: Two Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs: 1yellow& 1 green*2nd Grade: Four Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs: 1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow, & 1 green *3rd Grade: Four Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs: 1 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow, & 1 green*4th Grade: Six Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs: 1 of each – blue, red, green, orange, purple, yellow @4th Grade: Colored Pencils (Girls Purchase) & Crayons (Boys Purchase) $4th Grade: Slide Lock Freezer Bags (Girls Purchase Gallon Size & Boys Purchase Quart Size)6159510096500FREE PRODUCE GIVE-AWAYSOur friends at Linworth United Methodist Church have arranged for Hilltop families to pick up free fruits, vegetables, bread, etc. from Burroughs Elementary School. The dates are as follows: September 12th, October 10th, November 14 and December 12thBe sure to bring some plastic bags and your neighbors! No photo ID is necessary; you will just need to sign-in with your name and address. -62230795020Parent & Guardian Right to KnowIn June, 2012 Ohio was granted a waiver for the federal education law known as NCLB. Under the waiver, CCS is no longer required to offer supplemental Educational Services (SES). Public school choice will still be offered through the CCS lottery process. Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, eligible schools will offer the following interventions and supports: Extended learning opportunities that will be available at the school site for additional instruction in reading and mathematicsAfter-school academic programs will be offered starting in late fall. More details on these programs and how to sign up will be forth-coming.Building-level professional development and the implementation of school improvement plans will be assisted by district staff. There are four guiding principles in NCLB:Schools are expected to teach students using standards-based curriculum and scientifically based methods proven to be successful.Schools and districts are accountable for demonstrating that all students are meeting academic goals each year. Schools not making adequate progress for two or more consecutive years in reading or math are in "school improvement" status.Teachers and instructional paraprofessionals must be highly qualified. School districts must develop plans to ensure highly qualified teachers and instructional paraprofessionals in Title I funded programs.Parents must be given information, rights and choices concerning their child's education. NCLB states parents have a have access to their child's individual performance levels on the statewide assessments,to know if their child's school is making adequate yearly progress (links to Ohio Department of Education Local Report Cards) know the qualifications of their child's teachers, and to be informed if their child is being taught by a substitute or a non-highly qualified teacher for longer than four consecutive weeks.0Parent & Guardian Right to KnowIn June, 2012 Ohio was granted a waiver for the federal education law known as NCLB. Under the waiver, CCS is no longer required to offer supplemental Educational Services (SES). Public school choice will still be offered through the CCS lottery process. Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, eligible schools will offer the following interventions and supports: Extended learning opportunities that will be available at the school site for additional instruction in reading and mathematicsAfter-school academic programs will be offered starting in late fall. More details on these programs and how to sign up will be forth-coming.Building-level professional development and the implementation of school improvement plans will be assisted by district staff. There are four guiding principles in NCLB:Schools are expected to teach students using standards-based curriculum and scientifically based methods proven to be successful.Schools and districts are accountable for demonstrating that all students are meeting academic goals each year. Schools not making adequate progress for two or more consecutive years in reading or math are in "school improvement" status.Teachers and instructional paraprofessionals must be highly qualified. School districts must develop plans to ensure highly qualified teachers and instructional paraprofessionals in Title I funded programs.Parents must be given information, rights and choices concerning their child's education. NCLB states parents have a have access to their child's individual performance levels on the statewide assessments,to know if their child's school is making adequate yearly progress (links to Ohio Department of Education Local Report Cards) know the qualifications of their child's teachers, and to be informed if their child is being taught by a substitute or a non-highly qualified teacher for longer than four consecutive weeks.WHY WE ASK YOU NOT TO SIGN YOUR CHILD OUT EARLY Please do not sign your child out from 3:00 – 3:30 PM. This time of day is VERY BUSY for both students and teachers. When we buzz your child’s classroom, it DISRUPTS THE ENTIRE CLASS. It interrupts the time teachers are giving out homework, wrapping up the day with important messages and information, and may cause your child or other students to miss important details. Our teachers teach until the very last minute. Furthermore, attendance is monitored “BY THE MINUTE” and leaving a few minutes early has a noticeable effect on your child’s attendance.Thank you for your cooperation. ................

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