School of Social Ecology



B.A. Colgate University, Hamilton, New York (1947)

University of Stockholm, Sweden (1948)

M.S. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (1949)

Ph.D.University of Wisconsin, Madison (1953)


1971 - Department of Criminology, Law and Society, School of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine. (Visiting Professor, 1971-72; Professor, 1972-1987; Acting Director, 1974-75; Professor Emeritus, 1987- ).

Fall 1996 Department of Law, Police Science, and Administration of Justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York (Distinguished Visiting Professor).

Spring 1981 College of Human Development, Pennsylvania State University. (Distinguished Visiting Professor).

Winter 1979 Faculty of Law, University of Sydney. (Visiting Professor).

1976 - 1977 Institute of Criminology, Cambridge University. (Visiting Fellow) (also Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College).

1957 - 1972 Department of Sociology, California State University, Los Angeles. (Assistant Professor, 1957-60; Associate Professor, 1960-63; Professor, 1963-72).

1969 - 1970 School of Criminal Justice, State University of New York, Albany.

(Visiting Professor).

1952 - 1957 Department of Sociology, University of Oklahoma, Norman.

(Instructor, 1952-55; Assistant Professor, 1955-57).


2008 Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Professional Contributions

in the field of White-Collar Crime, National White-Collar

Crime Center/White-Collar Crime Research Consortium (hereafter “Geis Award”)

1992 Donald R. Cressey Award for Excellence in Fraud Detection and Deterrence, National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.

1989 Richard A. McGee Award for Distinguished Contribution to Research on Criminal Justice, American Justice Institute.

Spring 1987 Fulbright Award, Lisbon, Portugal; Consultant, Ministry of Justice.

1985 Edwin H. Sutherland Award for Outstanding Contributions to Theory or Research in Criminology, American Society of Criminology.

1980 Distinguished Faculty Lectureship Award, University of California, Irvine.

1980 Paul Tappan Award for Outstanding Contributions to Criminology, Western Society of Criminology.

1980 Stephen Schafer Award for Outstanding Achievement in Victim/Witness Research, National Organization for Victim Assistance.

Winter 1979 Senior Scholar Grant for Australia, Council for International Exchange of Scholars.

1971 Outstanding Professor Award, California State Universities and Colleges.

1967-1968 Distinguished Professor Award, California State University, Los Angeles.

1964-1965 Liberal Arts Fellowship in Law and Sociology, Harvard Law School, Cambridge.

Summer 1960 Summer Research Training Institute in the Administration of Criminal Justice, University of Wisconsin (Social Science Research Council).

Summer 1958Summer Research Training Institute in the Judicial Process, University of Wisconsin (Social Science Research Council).

1951 - 1952 Area Training Fellowship, Social Science Research Council, and Fulbright Fellowship, Oslo, Norway.

1949 - 1951 Carnegie Fellowship, University of Wisconsin.


1982 - 1983 Co-Principal Investigator, Practitioner Fraud and Abuse in Government Medical Benefit Programs, National Institute of Justice, U. S. Department of Justice (82-IJCX-0035).

1980 - 1981 Principal Investigator, Employers' Attitudes and Actions in Regard to Occupational Health in California, Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Industrial Relations, State of California.

1979 - 1980 Principal Investigator, Deterring Automobile Repair Fraud: A Field Investigation, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U. S. Department of Justice (79-NI-AX-0050).

1976 - 1978 Principal Investigator, Forcible Rape in England and Sweden, National Institute of Mental Health (MH 28868).

1975 - 1977 Co-Principal Investigator, Bystander Intervention in Crime, National Institute of Mental Health (MH 26667).

1973 - 1975 Co-Research Director, Parole Volunteer Project, California Council on Criminal Justice (#1746-2)

1971 - 1974 Co-Principal Investigator, Public Compensation for Victims of Crime, Ford Foundation.

1969 - 1970 Principal Investigator, The Use of Ex-Narcotic Addicts as Streetworkers, National Institute of Mental Health (MH 16323).

1969 - 1971 Research Director, Evaluation of Aftercare Program of Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act (NARA), Federal Bureau of Prisons (JIC-22030).

1969 - 1970 Co-Project Director, Explorations in Deterrence and Criminal Justice: Phase I, New York Office of Crime Control Planning (OCCP #186).

1968 - 1971 Contact, Center for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, National Institute of Mental Health, for preparation of a manuscript on

victimless crimes (NIH 69-283).

1967 - 1969 Research Director, Boyle Heights Narcotics Research and Demonstration Project, Office of Economic Opportunity.

1966 - 1969 Project Director, Study of Compensation to California Victims of Violent Crime, Walter E. Meyer Research Institute of Law.

1962 - 1965 Project Director, A Halfway House for Narcotic Offenders, National Institute of Mental Health (MH 808).


Editorial Board, Open Law Journal, 2007-

International Board of Advisors, Criminal Studies Center (Portugal), 2006-

Advisory Board, Crime and Delinquency, 2000-

Member, Advisory Committee, National White Collar Crime Center, 1997-2002

Editorial Board, American Journal of Criminal Justice, 1993-2002

Editorial Advisor in Criminal Justice, Northeastern University Press, 1992-2003

Overseas Correspondent, Current Issues in Criminal Justice, Sydney, 1991-96

Member, Editorial Advisory Board (Sociology), University Press of America, 1989-91

President, Institute for Financial Crime Prevention, 1988-90.

Member, Board of Regents, National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 1988- 1990; President, Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 1992-2002

Member, Advisory Board, Edward Sagarin Institute for the Study of Deviance and Social Issues, 1988-

Member, International Editorial Board, International Review of Victimology, 1987-2000

Editorial Advisory Board (sociology), Peter Lang Publishing Co., 1986-89.

Associate Editor, Criminal Justice Policy Review, 1984-90.

Associate Editor, Justice Quarterly, 1984-85.

Editorial Board, Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1983-88.

Advisory Board, Crime and Social Justice (later Social Justice), 1982-90.

Criminology Editorial Consultant, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1980-1993.

Co-Editor, Series on Contemporary Criminology, State University of New York Press, 1980-88.

Executive Committee, World Society of Victimology, 1980-88.

Member, Advisory Committee, National Organization of Victim Assistance, 1979-82.

Member, Advisory Panel, National Crime Survey Redesign Program, 1979-83.

Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Criminal Justice Contemporary Issues, 1979-84.

Consultant Editor, The Company Lawyer, 1979-87.

Associate Editor, Criminology Review Yearbook, 1979-82.

Member, Editorial Board, Law and Human Behavior,1977-82.

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Sage Annual Reviews of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, 1977-80.

Member, Board of Consulting Editors, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 1976-81.

Member, Criminal Justice Advisory Board, Rand, Santa Monica, CA, 1976-77.

Associate Editor, Victimology: An International Journal, 1976-79.

Assistant Editor, Criminology, 1974-79.

Member, Editorial Board, Addictive Diseases, 1974-78.

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Criminal Justice, 1972-

Member, Narcotics Addiction and Drug Abuse Review Committee, National Institute of Mental Health, 1970-1974. (Chairman: 1973-74).

Faculty, National College of the State Judiciary, Reno, NV, 1972-74.

Consultant, National Commission on Causes and Prevention of Violence, 1968-70.

Consultant, Joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training, 1967-69.

Associate Editor, Pacific Sociological Review, 1967-70.

Consultant, President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, 1/2 time, February-September, 1966.

Consultant, Job Corps, Office of Economic Opportunity, 1964-66.

Advisor, President's Committee on Narcotic and Drug Abuse, 1963-64.

Training Faculty, National Council of Juvenile Court Judges, 1963-65.

Research Director (part-time), Oklahoma Crime Study Commission, 1954-56.

Reporter, New Brunswick, NJ, Daily Home News, 1947-48.

Reporter, Hartford, CT, Times, Summer, 1946.

Radioman 2/C, V-12, ROTC, U. S. Navy, 1942-45.


American Bar Association: Chair, Subcommittee on White-Collar Crime, Committee on Criminal Justice, 1984-85.

American Society of Criminology: President, 1975-76; Member, Executive Committee, 1971-72.

American Sociological Association: Section on Criminology: Chair, 1970-71; Secretary-Treasurer, 1966-69; Member, Executive Council, 1973-76, 1983-86.

Association for Criminal Justice Research (California): Member, Executive Council, 1973-76; 1978-81; 1985-88; 1988-91.

British Institute of Securities Laws: Honorary Member, 1977-90.

National Council on Crime and Delinquency: Member, Professional Council, 1973-76.

Society for the Study of Social Problems: Member, Executive Committee, 1970-75; Chair, Committee on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency, 1964-67; Member, Committee on Standards and Freedom of Research Publications, 1958-59.



"A Disillusioned Look at International Education," Education, 68 (September 1947), 20-23.

"Outgrowing Alcoholic Culture: Sweden's Solution," International Student, 45 (October 1947), 22-23.


"Socialism and Smorgasbord," PEN, 23 (February 1948), 10-14.


A Study of Racial Attitudes and Problems in the Educational Program, Provo, Utah. Master's thesis. Brigham Young University, 1949. 168 pages.


"Do Utah Schools Face the Race Problem?" Utah Educational Review, 43 (January 1950), 20-22.

"The NAM in the Schools," The Progressive, 14 (March 1950), 10-12. Reprinted: The Guild Reporter, 13 (May 12, 1950), 11-12; Congress of Industrial Organizations, Department of Education and Research, 1950.


"Rental Housing and the Family Cycle," (with Svend Riemer), Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 17 (Spring 1951), 77-79.

"International Education Re-examined," Education, 71 (June 1951), 634-637.


"Geography in Norwegian Schools," Education, 72 (February 1952), 434-439. Reprinted: Den Høgre Skolen (Oslo), 51 (May 1, 1952), 246-248.

"Knut Hamsun, 1859-1952," The Norseman (London) 10 (May-June 1952), 160-166.

"Hollywood Brutality Abroad," Film Sense, 3 (July-August 1952), 5-7.

"Some Factors Related to Norwegian Stereotypes of Americans," Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences, 33 (1952), 272-274.


"Oklahoma's County Attorneys," (with Herbert Costner), Oklahoma Bar Association Journal, 24 (April 25, 1953), 687-694.

American Motion Pictures in Norway: A Study in International Mass Communications. Doctoral dissertation. University of Wisconsin, 1953. 419 pages.

"The Death Penalty in Oklahoma," Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, 34 (1953), 191-193.


"Film Censorship in Norway," Quarterly of Film, Radio, and Television, 8 (Spring 1954), 290-301.

"Progress at Oklahoma State Penitentiary," The Prison Journal, 34 (April 1954), 28-30.

"Municipal Motion-Picture Theater Ownership in Norway," Quarterly of Film, Radio, and Television, 9 (Fall 1954), 79-91.


"A Cross-Cultural Study of University Students," (with William Simenson), Journal of Higher Education, 26 (January 1955), 21-25.

"Jeremy Bentham," Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 46 (July-August 1955), 159-171. Reprinted: Pioneers in Criminology. Edited by Hermann Mannheim. London: Stevens, 1960, 51-67; 2nd ed., Montclair, NJ: Patterson Smith, 1972, 51-68.

Municipal Law Enforcement in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Crime Study Commission, 1955. 46 pages.


"Matching Probation Officer with Delinquent," (with Fred W. Woodson), NPPA Journal, 2 (January 1956), 58-62. Reprinted: Sourcebook on Probation, Parole, and Pardons. Edited by Charles L. Newman. 3d ed., Springfield, IL: Charles Thomas, 1968, 384-390.

"Courtship Patterns of Norwegian and American University Students," (with William Simenson), Marriage and Family Living, 18 (November 1956), 334-338.


"Cameras in the Courtroom," (with Robert E. L. Talley), Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 47 (January-February 1957), 546-560.

"Forum Anonymous: The Techniques of Alcoholics Anonymous Applied to Prison Therapy," (with Joseph A. Cook), Journal of Social Therapy, 3 (1st Quarter 1957), 9-13.

"Basic Issue in Canon 35 is the Right of Defendant to Impartial Trial," The Quill, 45 (May 1957), 9-11.

"Canon 35 in the Light of Recent Events," American Bar Association Journal, 43 (May 1957), 419-422, 475.

"Thorstein Veblen: Conspicuous Dissenter," New York Times Magazine, August 11, 1957, 66-67.

"Thorstein Veblen on Legal Education," Journal of Legal Education, 19 (1957), 62-67.

"Racial Self-Fulfillment and the Rise of an All-Negro Community in Oklahoma," (with William E. Bittle), Phylon, 18 (October 1957), 247-260. Reprinted: The Making of Black America. Edited by August Meier and Elliott Rudwick. New York: Atheneum, 1969, Vol. II, 106-118; Blacks in White America Since 1865. Edited by Robert C. Twombly. New York. McKay, 1971, 156-170.

"Veblen on Jewish Intellectualism," Chicago Jewish Forum, 16 (Winter 1957-58), 107-110.


"Publicity and Juvenile Court Proceedings," Rocky Mountain Law Review, 30 (February 1958), 101-126. Reprinted: Law Review Digest, 8 (November-December 1958), 41-55; Children's Bureau, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, 1958, 26 pages; NPPA Journal, 4 (October 1958), 333-355.

"Order of Final Argument in Minnesota Criminal Trials," (with Marilyn Kunkel), Minnesota Law Review, 42 (March 1958), 549-558.


"Lyles v. State: Cameras in Court Camera," Oklahoma Law Review, 12 (May 1959), 218-232.

"Sociology, Criminology, and Criminal Law," Social Problems, 7 (Summer 1959), 40-47.

"In Scopolamine Veritas: The Early History of Drug-Induced Statements," Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 50 (November-December 1959), 347-357.


"La Narco-Analyse et la Jurisprudence Des Tribunaux Americains," Revue de Science Criminelle et de Droit Penale Compare, 15 (January-March 1960), 139-140.

"Sociology and Crime," in The Sociology of Crime. Edited by Joseph C. Roucek. New York: Philosophical Library, 1960, 7-33. Reprinted: New York: Greenwood Publishers, 1969.

A Study of the Sociology Graduates of Los Angeles State College, 1951-1960, (with Herman J. Loether), Los Angeles State College, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, 1960. 42 pages.


"The Status of Interrogation Drugs in the United States," Journal of Forensic Medicine, (Johannesburg), 8 (January-March 1961), 29-33.

"Preliminary Hearings and the Press," U.C.L.A. Law Review, 8 (March 1961), 397-414. Reprinted: Publishing, Entertainment, Advertising Law Quarterly, 3 (September 1963), 253-275.

"Juvenile Justice: Great Britain and California," Crime and Delinquency, 7 (April 1961), 111-120.

"Drug-Induced Statements," (with Ernest R. Kamm), Cleveland-Marshall Law Review, 10 (May 1961), 313-319.


"Trends in the Dismissal of Tenure Teachers," (with Robley Huston), in The Yearbook of School Law. Edited by Lee O. Garber. Danville, IL: Interstate Publishers, 1962, 199-209.

Man, Crime, and Society: The Forms of Criminal Behavior, (with Herbert A. Bloch), New York: Random House, 1962. 642 pages.

"Toward a Delineation of White-Collar Offenses," Sociological Inquiry, 32 (Spring 1962), 160-171. Reprinted: Walter C. Reckless, The Crime Problem. 4th ed. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967, 360-362; Crime in America: Perspectives on Criminal and Delinquent Behavior. Edited by Bruce J. Cohen. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock, 1970, 243-251; 2nd ed., 1977, 397-406.

"The Social Sciences and the Law," Washburn Law Journal, 1 (Spring 1962), 569-586.

"Publication of the Names of Juvenile Felons," Montana Law Review, 23 (Spring 1962), 141-157.

"Alfred Charles Sam and an African Return: A Case Study in Negro Despair," (with William E. Bittle), Phylon, 23 (Summer 1962), 178-194. Reprinted: Bobbs-Merrill Reprint Series on Black Studies (BC-24), 1970; The Black Man in America Since Reconstruction. Edited by David M. Reimers. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1970, 131-152; Black Brotherhood: Afro-Americans and Africa. Edited by Okon Edet Uya. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1971, 113-127..

"Death and Social Values," (with Robert L. Fulton), Indian Journal of Social_Research, 3 (July 1962), 7-14. Reprinted: Death and Identity. Edited by Robert Fulton. New York: John Wiley, 1965, 67-75; Sociology of Death. Edited by Jack Kamerman. East Rutherford, NJ: University Publishing Solutions, 2003, 1-5.

"Jews and Narcotic Addiction," Congress Bi-Weekly, 29 (November 12, 1962), 7-8.

"Corrections in California," The Prison Journal, 42 (Autumn 1962), 43-48.


"The Self-Image of the Prostitute," (with Norman R. Jackman and Richard O'Toole), Sociological Quarterly, 4 (Spring 1963), 150-161. Reprinted: Sexual Deviance. Edited by John H. Gagnon and William Simon. New York: Harper and Row, 1967, 133-146; Deviance: The Interactionist Perspective. Edited by Earl Rubington and Martin S. Weinberg. New York: Macmillan, 1968, 348-355; Sociological Perspectives: Readings in Deviant Behavior and Social Problems. Edited by Mhyra S. Minnis and Walter J. Cartwright. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1968, 188-197; Deviance: Studies in the Process of Stigmatization and Societal Reaction. Edited by Simon Dinitz, Russell R. Dynes, and Alfred C. Clarke. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969, 393-400; Sexual Behavior: Prostitution, Homosexuality, Swinging. Edited by Ronald M. Holmes. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan, 1971, 24-33; Society and the Environment: Contemporary Readings. Edited by Cecil E. Johnson and Malcolm M. MacDonald. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1971, 232-243; The Social Dimensions of Work. Edited by Clifton D. Bryant. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972, 314-324; as "Den Prostituerades Bild av Sig Sjalv," in Stamplingsprocessen. Edited by Ann Lunden and Elisabet Nasman. Stockholm: Bokforlaget Prisma, 1973, 171-183.

"Contributing to Delinquency," St. Louis Law Journal, 8 (Fall 1963), 58-81.


"Changing Criminals: Volleyball Versus the Orgasm," in Experiments in Culture Expansion. Edited by Carol Spencer. Sacramento: Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, 1964, 117-123.

"Sociology and Sociological Jurisprudence: Admixture of Lore and Law," Kentucky Law Journal, 52 (Winter 1964), 267-293.

"Correctional Work: 'Think Ye that Ye May be Wrong,'" Criminologica, 2 (May 1964), 3-5. Reprinted: Readings in Delinquency and Treatment. Edited by Robert Schasre and Jo Wallach. Vol. 7. Los Angeles: Youth Studies Center, University of Southern California, 1965, 99-104.

The Longest Way Home: Chief Alfred C. Sam's Back-to-Africa Movement, (with William E. Bittle). Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1964. 229 pages.

"The Social Atmosphere of Policing," Police, 9 (September-October 1964), 75-79.

"The Community-Centered Correctional Residence," in Corrections in the Community: Alternatives to Incarceration. Monograph No. 4. Sacramento: California Board of Corrections, 1964, 19-28. Reprinted: Readings in Delinquency and Treatment, 1964, op. cit. 72-83.

"Narcotic Treatment Programs in California," in Perspectives on Narcotic Addiction. Edited by John F. Mulcahy, Jr. Boston: Massachusetts Health Research Institute, 1964, 58-75.

The Role of the Institutional Teacher, (with Houshang Poorkaj and Ronald Honnard). Training Report No. 1. Los Angeles: Youth Studies Center, University of Southern California, 1964. 134 pages.

"Training for Teachers of Institutionalized Delinquents," (with Houshang Poorkaj and Ronald Honnard), The Welfare Reporter, 15 (October 1964), 139-142.

"A Dream that Faded," (with William E. Bittle), New York Times Magazine, December 6, l964, 47-50.

"In Re: Juvenile Court Publicity," in Current Readings in the Juvenile Court. Edited by Charles W. Tenney, Jr. Chicago: National Council of Juvenile Court Judges, 1964, 28-32. Reprinted: Juvenile Court Judges Journal, 16 (Spring 1965), 12-15; Cases and Materials Relating to Juvenile Courts. Edited by Orman W. Ketcham and Monrad G. Paulsen. Brooklyn: Foundation Press, 1967, 407-412.


"Statistics Concerning Race and Crime," Crime and Delinquency, 11 (April 1965), 142-150. Reprinted: Crime, Criminology and Contemporary Society. Edited by Richard D. Knudten. Homewood, IL: Dorsey, 1970, 27-32; Juvenile Delinquency: A Reader. Edited by James E. Teele. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock, 1970, 243-251; Race, Crime, and Justice. Edited by Charles E. Reasons and Jack L. Kuykendall. Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear, 1972, 61-69.

"Liberal Education and Social Welfare: Educational Choices and Their Consequences," Journal of Education for Social Work, l (Spring 1965), 26-32.

Juvenile Gangs. Washington: President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime, 1965. 60 pages. Reprinted, microfiche: Glen Rock, NJ: Microfilming Corp. of America, 1967; Reprinted in part: New Light on Juvenile Delinquency. Edited by Ronald Steel. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1967, 66-74; Critical Issues in the Study of Crime: A Book of Readings. Edited by Simon Dinitz and Walter C. Reckless. Boston: Little, Brown, 1968, 149-157; Juvenile Delinquency: A Reader. Edited by Richard D. Knudten and Stephen Schafer. New York: Random House, 1970, 158-168.

"A Halfway House for Narcotic Addicts," in Committee on Drug Addiction and Narcotics, National Academy of Science - National Research Council, Bulletin, 1965, 4241-4248. Reprinted: British Journal of Addiction, 61 (November 1965), 79-89.

"Relation of Liberal Arts and Specialized Education at the Undergraduate Level," in Report of the Conference on Undergraduate Education for the Social Services. Inglewood: California State Colleges, 1965, 7-14.

"Identifying Delinquents in the Press," Federal Probation, 29 (December 1965), 44-49. Reprinted: Washington: Children's Bureau, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 1966. 6 pages; Deviance: Studies in the Process of Stigmatization and Societal Reaction. Edited by Simon Dinitz, Russell R. Dynes, and Alfred C. Clarke. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969, 393-400.

Treatment Programs at Camps for Delinquent Youth. Edwardsville: Delinquency Study Project, Southern Illinois University, 1965. 18 pages.


"Violence and Organized Crime," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 364 (March 1966), 86-95. Reprinted in part in Papers Presented to the Sino-American Institute in Criminal Justice. Taichung: Tunghai University, 1986, 72-75.

"Experimental Design and the Law: A Prospectus for Research on Victim-Compensation in California," California Western Law Review, 2 (Spring 1966), 85-91.

"Recruitment and Retention of Correctional Personnel," (with Elvin Cavanagh), Crime and Delinquency, 12 (July 1966), 232-239. Reprinted: Probation and Parole: Selected Readings. Edited by Robert M. Carter and Leslie T. Wilkins. New York: Wiley, 1970, 663-671; Issues in Corrections: A Book of Readings. Edited by Edward Eldefonso. Beverly Hills, CA: Glencoe, 1974, 138-147; The Sociology of Correctional Management. Edited by David A. Jones and Catherine M. Jones. New York: MSS Information Corp., 1976, 175-182.

The East Los Angeles Halfway House for Narcotic Addicts. Sacramento: Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, 1966. 401 pages.

"A Summary Discussion of Selection Issues," in The Offender: An Answer to the Correctional Manpower Crisis. Sacramento: Institute for the Study of Crime and Delinquency, 1966, 19-27.

"California's Program of Compensation to Crime Victims," (with Dorothy Zietz), Legal Aid Briefcase, 25 (December 1966), 66-69. Reprinted: Security World Magazine, 4 (January 1967), 22-23; New Jersey Law Journal, 90 (April 13, 1967), 1-2.


"Antitrust Violators and White-Collar Crime: The General Electric Case," in Walter C. Reckless, The Crime Problem, 4th ed., New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967, 362-365.

"Crime," Americana Annual: 1967, 220-224; 1968, 210-212; 1969, 218-220; 1970, 222-224; 1971, 224-227; 1972, 217-219; 1973, 210-212; 1974, 189-191; 1975, 197-199; 1976, 199-201; 1977, 172-174; 1978, 162-164; 1979, 169-171; 1980, 181-183; 1981, 197-200; 1982, 176-179; 1983, 186-188; 1984, 188-190; 1985, 193-195; 1986, 194-196; 1987, 195-198; 1988, 198-200; 1989, 196-199.

"Violence in American Society," Current History, 52 (June 1967), 354-358. Reprinted: Violence in the Streets. Edited by Shalom Endleman. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1968, 92-101; Confroontation: Issues of the 70s. Edited by Ray Kytle. New York: Random House, 1971, 294-300; Violence: An Element of American Life. Edited by Karl K. Taylor and Fred W. Soady, Jr. Boston: Holbrook, 1972, 58-69; Crime: Emerging Issues. Edited by James A. Inciardi and Harvey A. Siegal. New York: Praeger, 1976, 44-51.

"Juvenile Delinquency and the Social Order," Ball State University Forum, 8 (Spring 1967), 41-46.

"The East Los Angeles Halfway House: Two Years Later," in Rehabilitating the Narcotic Addict. Edited by Saul B. Sells. Washington: Vocational Rehabilitation Administration, 1967, 231-237.

"State Compensation to Victims of Violent Crime," in Crime and Its Impact - An Assessment. Washington: President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, 1967, Appendix B, 157-177. Reprinted in part: Walter C. Reckless, American Criminology: New Directions. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1973, 231-238.

"White-Collar Crime: The Heavy Electric Equipment Antitrust Case of 1961," in Criminal Behavior Systems: A Typology. Edited by Marshall B. Clinard and Richard Quinney. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1967, 139-150. Reprinted: White-Collar Criminal, 1968, op.cit., 103-118; White-Collar Crime, rev. ed., 1977, op.cit., 117-132, 3rd ed. 1995, op.cit., 151-165; Crime and Delinquency: A Reader. Edited by Carl A. Bersani. New York: Macmillan, 1970, 170-185; Problems of Modern Society. Edited by Peter Worsley. Baltimore: Penguin, 1972, 368-375; Perspectives on Marginality: Understanding Deviance. Edited by James McIntosh. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1974, 124-135; in part in Martin R. Haskell and Lewis Yablonsky, Criminology: Crime and Criminality. Chicago: Rand-McNally, 1974, 291-294; in part in Martin R. Haskell and Lewis Yablonsky, Crime and Delinquency, 2nd ed. Chicago: Rand-McNally, 1974, 241-244; Corporate and Governmental Deviance: Problems of Organizational Behavior in Contemporary Society. Edited by M. David Ermann and Richard J. Lundman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978, 55-72, 2nd ed., 1982, 123-143; 3rd ed., 1987, 124-144; 4th ed., 1992, 74-94, 5th ed., 1996, 98-117; 6th ed., 2002, 111-130; Readings in Criminology. Edited by Peter Wickman and Phillip Whitten. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1978, 249-255; Contemporary Masters in Criminology. Edited by Joan McCord and John H. Laub. New York: Plenum Press, 1995, 139-156; Fraud; Organization, Motivation and Control, Vol. I: The Extent and Causes of Whjite-Collar Crime. Edited by Michael Levi. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999, 250-266.

"Ethical and Legal Issues in Experimentation with Offender Populations," in Research in Correctional Rehabilitation. Edited by Roma K. McNickle. Washington: Joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training, 1967, 34-41. Reprinted: Correctional Institutions. Edited by Robert M. Carter, Daniel Glaser, and Leslie T. Wilkins. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1972, 488-498; Contemporary Corrections: A Concept in Search of Content. Edited by Benjamin Frank. Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Co., 1973, 317-327; Justice and Corrections. Edited by Norman Johnston and Leonard D. Savitz. New York: Wiley, 1978, 615-622; Criminal Justice Research: Approaches, Problems, and Policy. Edited by Susette M. Talarico. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1980, 221-230.

“Community Response to Substance Misuse: The East Los Angeles Halfway House (with Donald E. Miller and Alfred N. Himelson), International Journal of the Addictions, 2 (Autumn

1967), 3-5-321.


"Correction and Programs of Compensation to Victims of Violent Crime," American Journal of Correction, 30 (January-February 1968), 19-22.

"Community Treatment of Narcotic Addicts," In U. S. House of Representatives, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Subcommittee on Public Health and Welfare, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., Hearings on H.R. 15758, March 1968, 290-291.

"Who is Responsible for the Victim of Violent Crime?" Social Justice Review, 61 (April 1968), 8-12.

"Slum Art, Shoestrings, and Bootstraps," in The Arts, Youth, and Social Change. Edited by Joan Grant. New York: National Council on Crime and Delinquency, 1968, 42-47, 259-263.

"The Fable of a Fatty," Issues on Criminology, 3 (Spring 1968), 211-214. Reprinted: Reason, 4 (May 1972), 12-14; The Supreme Court and the Criminal Process: Cases and Comments. Edited by Peter W. Lewis and Kenneth D. Peoples. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1978, 150-152; Constitutional Rights of the Accused - Cases and Comments. Edited by Peter W. Lewis and Kenneth D. Peoples. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1979, 150-152.

"Law, Politics, and Ex-Offenders in the Correctional Process," in Offenders as a Correctional Manpower Resource. Edited by Roma K. McNickle. Washington: Joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training, 1968, 22-30.

(Editor). White-Collar Criminal: The Offender in Business and the Professions. New York: Atherton Press, 1968, 448 pages. Reprinted: New Brunswick, NJ: Aldine Transaction, 2007. "Introduction" reprinted in Readings in Contemporary Criminology. Edited by Stephen Schafer. Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Co., 1976, 119-135.

"The Right to Vote for Prisoners," Presidio, 35 (July-August 1968), 9-10.

"Ex-Addicts as Streetworkers: The Boyle Heights Narcotics Prevention Program," (with Bruce Bullington and John G. Munns), Criminologica, 6 (August 1968), 51-56.

"Social and Epidemiological Aspects of Marijuana Use," Journal of Psychedelic Drugs, 2 (Fall 1968), 67-77. Reprinted: The New Social Drug: Cultural, Medical, and Legal Perspectives on Marijuana. Edited by David E. Smith. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1970, 78-90; Marihuana. Edited by Stanley E. Grupp. Columbus, OH: Merrill, 1971, 24-36.

"Social Change and Social Conflict: The Rabbi and the Funeral Director," (with Robert L. Fulton), Sociological Symposium, 1 (Fall 1968), 1-9.

Socio-Cultural Perspective on Drug Problems. Portland: Alcohol and Drug Section, Mental Health Division, Oregon State Board of Control (No. 10, 1968). 12 pages. Reprinted as "Hypes, Hippies, and Hypocrites," Youth and Society, 1 (June 1970), 364-379; Survey of Social Ecology. Edited by Carol Whalen. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971, Vol. 1, 4267-1 to 4267-15; Faces of Delinquency. Edited by John P. Reed and Fuad Baali. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1972, 409-418.

"Evaluating a Training Institute for Juvenile Court Judges," (with Charles Tenney, Jr.), Community Mental Health Journal, 4 (December 1968), 461-468.


Crime and Delinquency in a Changing Society. Washington: Joint Commission on Correctional Manpower and Training, 1969. 99 pages.

Addicts in the Classroom: The Impact of an Experimental Narcotics Educational Program on Junior High School Pupils, (with Edward L. Morgan, Mary Schor, Bruce Bullington, and John G. Munns). Los Angeles: Economic and Youth Opportunities Agency, 1969. 258 pages. Reprinted in part in U. S. Senate, Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, Subcommittee on Health, 91st Congress, 1st Session, Hearings on Addictive Drug Problems, 1969, 35-40.

Ex-Addicts as Streetworkers: The Boyle Heights Narcotics Prevention Project, (with Bruce Bullington and John G. Munns). Los Angeles: Economic and Youth Opportunities Agency, 1969. 148 pages.

"Purchase of Conformity: Ex-Narcotic Addicts Among the Bourgeoisie," (with Bruce Bullington and John G. Munns), Social Problems, 16 (Spring 1969), 456-463. Reprinted: U. S. Senate, Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, 1969, op. cit., 40-45; Mental Health Digest, 1 (September 1969), 33-35; Understanding Sociology Through Research. Edited by Donald R. McQueen. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1973, 152-159.

"Police," Americana Annual: 1969, 543-544; 1970, 549-550; 1971, 545-546; 1972, 546-547; 1973, 546-547; 1974, 476-477.

"Compensation for Crime Victims and the Police," Police, 13 (May-June 1969), 55-59. Reprinted: Congressional Record, 115 (September 5, 1969), S10223-S10225.

"Concerning Heroin Use and Official Records," (with Bruce Bullington, John G. Munns, and James Raner), American Journal of Public Health, 59 (October 1969), 1887-1893.

"Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime," in Crimes of Violence. Washington: National Commission on the Causes and Prevention of Violence, 1969, Vol. 13, Appendix 34, 1559-1597.


"Victim Compensation and S.2936," in U. S. Senate, Committee on the District of Columbia, 91st Congress, 1st Session, Compensation of Victims of Crime, 1970, 90-94.

"State Aid to Victims of Violent Crime," (with Herbert Sigurdson), State Government, 43 (Winter 1970), 16-20.

Man, Crime, and Society, (with Herbert A. Bloch), 2nd. ed. New York: Random House, 1970. 552 pages.

"International Conference on Compensation to Innocent Victims of Violent Crime," (with Richard A. Weiner), International Review of Criminal Policy, 26 (March 1970), 123-125.

"Ex-Addict Streetworkers in a Mexican-American Community," (with John G. Munns and Bruce Bullington), Crime and Delinquency, 16 (October 1970), 409-416. Reprinted as "The Boyle Heights Project: Former Narcotic Addicts as Streetworkers," in Major Modalities in the Treatment of Drug Abuse. Edited by Leon Brill and Louis Lieberman. New York: Behavioral Publications, 1972, 191-202.

"Victims of Violent Crime: Should They Be Compensated?", Vital Issues, 20 (November 1970), 1-4.


"Narcotics Traffic and Control," Encyclopedia Americana. New York: Americana Corporation, Volume 19, 705a-705c, 1971; "Prostitution," Volume 22, 669-670, 1977; "Rape," Volume 23, 255, 1979.

"Group Sexual Assaults," Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 5 (May 1971), 101-107. Reprinted: The Sex Offender and the Law. Edited by Seymour Pollack. Los Angeles: Institute of Psychiatry and Law, University of Southern California, 1972, 505-510.

"Introduction to Reprint Edition," in Jerome Michael and Mortimer J. Adler, Crime, Law and Social Science (1933). Montclair, NJ: Patterson Smith, 1971, ix-xxi.

A Model for Criminal Justice System Planning and Control: School Survey, (with Leonard W. Seagren). Long Beach, CA: Digital Resources Corp., 1971. 74 pages.

Graduated Release, (with Eugene Doleschal). Public Health Service Publication No. 2128. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1971. 30 pages. Reprinted in part in Community Corrections: A Reader. Edited by Burt Galaway, Joe Hudson, and C. David Hollister. Springfield, IL: Thomas, 1976, 98-105, 126-134, 143-149; Issues In Correction and Administration: Selected Readings, Edited by George G. Killinger, Paul F. Cromwell, Jr., and Bonnie J. Cromwell. Minneapolis: West, 1976, 353-373. Introduction to Corrections: Selected Readings, Edited by George G. Killinger and Paul F. Cromwell, Jr. Minneapolis: West, 1978, 208-225.

"Forcible Rape by Multiple Offenders," (with Duncan Chappell), Abstracts on Criminology and Penology, 11 (July-August 1971), 431-436.

"Forcible Rape: A Comparative Study of Offenses Known to the Police in Boston and Los Angeles," (with Duncan Chappell, Stephen Schafer, and Larry Siegel), in Studies in the Sociology of Sex. Edited by James M. Henslin. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971, 169-190. Reprinted: Lynn A. Curtis, Criminal Violence: Inquiries into National Patterns and Behavior. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1972, 838-869; Forcible Rape, 1977, op.cit., 227-244; The Sociology of Sex: An Introductory Reader. Revised edition. Edited by James M. Henslin and Edward Sagarin. New York: Schocken, 1978, 107-122.

The NARA Title-II Program in Los Angeles: September 1969-July 1971, (with Virginia Munns and Seymour Pollack). Los Angeles: Public Systems Research Institute, University of Southern California, 1971. 187 pages.

"Response of Female Homicide Offenders to Press Coverage of Their Trials," (with Judit Soler), Journalism Quarterly, 48 (Autumn 1971), 558-560.

"Charles Manson and His Girls: Notes on a Durkheimian Theme," (with Ted L. Huston), Criminology, 9 (August-November 1971), 342-353. Reprinted in Social Psychology: A Book of Readings. Edited by Don G. Dutton. Vancouver: Centre for Continuing Education, University of British Columbia, 1976, 85-92.

The Open Door: Evaluative Report on a Walk-In Drug Treatment Center. San Gabriel, CA: Family Counseling Service of West San Gabriel Valley. 191 pages.

"Introduction," in Eugene Smith, Criminal Law in the United States (1910). Dubuque, IA: Brown Reprints, 1971, i-xii.


"State Compensation for Crime Victims," Hospitals, J.A.H.A., 46 (January 1, 1972), 50-51.

"Criminal Penalties for Corporate Criminals," Criminal Law Bulletin, 8 (June 1972), 277-292. Reprinted: Crime and Justice, 1971-1972. Edited by Jackwell Sussman, New York: AMS Press, 1974, 263-274.

"Notes on the Free Clinic Movement," Journal of Drug Issues, 2 (Summer 1972), 6-9.

"Explorations in Deterrence and Criminal Justice," (with Duncan Chappell and Robert Hardt), Criminal Law Bulletin, 8 (July-August 1972), 514-538.

"Crimes - But No Victims," Reason, 4 (September 1972), 16-18. Reprinted as "'Victimless Crimes: Is Anyone Hurt?", Los Angeles Times, Opinion, September 24, 1972, 7; Staircase to Writing and Reading: A Rhetoric and Anthology. Edited by Alan Casty and Donald J. Tighe, 2d ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1974, 470-473.

Not the Law's Business?: An Examination of Homosexuality, Abortion, Prostitution, Narcotics and Gambling in the United States. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1972. 262 pages. Reprinted: New York: Schocken Books, 1979; Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific, 2001; as One Eyed Justice: An Examination of Homosexuality, Abortion, Prostitution, Narcotics and Gambling in the U.S. New York: Drake, 1974. 262 pages; as Higaisha Naki Hanzai. (Kenkyubu Shiryo: 27). Translated by Eisaku Kimura. Tokyo: Ministry of Justice, 1974, 314 pages; Reprinted in part as "Criminal Abortion," and "Prostitution," in Deviance: Studies in Definition, Management, and Treatment, 2nd ed. Edited by Simon Dinitz, Russell R. Dynes, and Alfred C. Clarke. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975, 313-324 and 331-349; as "Prostitution in the United States," in Perspectives in Criminology. Edited by Daniel M. Carrier, Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt, 1977, 227-240; in part in Nicholas N. Kittrie and Elyce H. Zenoff, Sanctions, Sentencing, and Corrections: Law, Policy and Practice. New York: Foundation Press, 1981, 235- 237; in part in Kittrie, Zenoff, Vincent A. Eng, Mark H. Allenbaugh and Melinda K. Fisher, Sentencing, Sanctions, and Corrections. 2nd ed. New York: Foundation Press, 2002, 540-542..

"New Developments in Victims of Crime Compensation," in Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Compensation of Victims of Crime. Toronto: Ontario Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, 1972, 21-32.

"Ethical and Social-Psychological Aspects of Urinalysis to Detect Heroin Use," (with Viriginia S. Lewis, David M. Petersen, and Seymour Pollack), British Journal of Addiction, 67 (December 1972), 303-308.


"Deterring Corporate Crime," in Corporate Power in America. Edited by Ralph Nader and Mark J. Green. New York: Grossman, 1973, 182-197. Reprinted: Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1977; The Consumer and Corporate Accountability. Edited by Ralph Nader. New York: Harcourt, Brace Johanovich, 1973, 337-350; The Criminologist: Crime, and the Criminal. Edited by Charles E. Reasons. Pacific Palisades, CA: Goodyear, 1974, 246-259; Ethics in Perspective: A Reader. Edited by Karsten J. Struhl and Paula Rothenberg Struhl. New York: Random House, 1975, 398-411: Perspectives in Criminology. Edited by Daniel M. Carrier. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt, 1977, 179-185; Corporate and Governmental Deviance: Problems of Organizational Behavior in Contemporary Society. Edited by M. David Ermann and Richard J. Lundman. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978, 251-261.

"Public Compensation to Victims of Crime: A Survey of the New York Experience," (with Herbert Edelhertz, Duncan Chappell, and L. Paul Sutton), Criminal Law Bulletin, 9 (January-February 1973), 5-47, and 9 (March 1973), 101-123.

"Nalline and Urine Tests in Narcotics Detection: A Critical Overview," (with Virginia S. Lewis, Seymour Pollack, and David M. Petersen), International Journal of the Addictions, 8 (1973), 163-171. Reprinted: Drug Abuse and the Law: Cases, Texts and Materials. Edited by Gerald F. Uelmer and Victor G. Haddox. Minneapolis: West, 1974, 441-449.

"Criminal Law and Consumer Fraud: A Sociolegal View," (with Herbert Edelhertz), American Criminal Law Review, 11 (Summer 1973), 989-1010; Reprinted in part in Sanford H. Kadish and Monrad G. Paulsen, Criminal Law and its Processes: Cases and Materials, 3d ed. Boston: Little Brown, 1975, 59-61.

"Abortion and Prostitution: A Matter of Respectability," The Nation, 217 (September 3, l973), 179-180.

"The Employment of Abstinent Narcotic Addicts in Rehabilitative Work with Practicing Addicts," (with Bruce Bullington and John G. Munns), in Vocational Rehabilitation of the Drug Abuser. Edited by Herbert H. Liebowitz, William O. Johnson, and Adele Pilsk. Washington: Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1973, Vol. III, 104-115.


Public Compensation to Victims of Crime, (with Herbert Edelhertz). New York: Praeger, 1974. 309 pages.

"Upperworld Crime," in Current Perspectives on Criminal Behavior: Original Essays on Criminology. Edited by Abraham S. Blumberg. New York: Knopf, 1974, 114-137. Revised 2nd ed., 1981, 179-198.

"Turning Off: Cessation of Marijuana Use After College," (with James W. Brown, Daniel Glaser, and Elaine Waxer), Social Problems, 21 (April, 1974), 527-538.

"Interracial Forcible Rape in a North American City: An Analysis of Sixty-Three Cases," (with Michael W. Agopian and Duncan Chappell), in Victimology. Edited by Israel Drapkin and Emilio Viano. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1974, 93-102; Reprinted: Images of Crime: Offenders and Victims. Edited by Terence P. Thornberry and Edward Sagarin. New York: Praeger, 1974, 91-101; Forcible Rape, 1977, op.cit., 129-141.

"Women and Violence: The SLA," The Nation, 218 (June 29, 1974), 812-813.

"Forcible Rape: Bibliography," (with Duncan Chappell and Faith Fogerty), Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 65 (June 1974), 248-263; Reprinted as Forciible Rape: A Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography. Washington, DC: National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice, U. S. Department of Justice, 1978. 84 pages; as A Rape Bibliography: Bibliographie Sur Le Viol. Ottawa: Communication Division, Ministry of the Solicitor General of Canada, 1979..

"Compensating Victims of Violent Crime," Western Journal of Medicine, 121 (August 1974), 161-163.

"Adolescence and Drug Use," Addictive Diseases, 1 (1979), 8-9.

"Avocational Crime," in Handbook of Criminology. Edited by Daniel Glaser. Chicago: Rand-McNally, 1974, 273-298.

The Value of Drug Diversion in the County of Orange, California, (with Vincent H. Myers and Bill D. Miller). Santa Ana, CA: Drug Program Coordination Office, 1974. 188 pages.

"Sociocultural Factors in Forcible Rape: Commentary," in Sexual Behavior: Current Issues. Edited by Leonard Gross. Flushing, NY: Spectrum, 1974, 184-185.

"California's New Statute to Compensate Victims of Crime," (with Herbert Edelhertz), San Diego Law Review, 11 (1974), 880-905.

"A Halfway House is Not a Home: Notes on the Failure of a Narcotic Rehabilitation Project," Drug Forum, 4 (1974), 7-13.

"The Use of Ex-Addicts in a Rehabilitative and Educational Program," (with John G. Munns and Bruce Bullington), in Sociological Aspects of Drug Dependence. Edited by Charles Winick. Cleveland: CRC Press, 1974, 239-252.


"Victimization Patterns in White-Collar Crime," in Victimology: A New Focus. Edited by Israel Drapkin and Emilio Viano. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1975, Vol. V, 89-105.

"Compensating Victims of Crime," Tennessee Bar Journal, 11 (February 1975), 24-27.

"Victims of Crimes of Violence and the Criminal Justice System," in Violence and Criminal Justice. Edited by Duncan Chappell and John Monahan. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1975, 61-74. Reprinted: Perspectives on Crime Victims. Edited by Burt Galaway and Joe Hudson. St. Louis: Mosby, 1981, 62-71.

"Therapists or Helpers?: Notes on a Youth-Type Free Clinic," (with Michael W. Agopian and Robert W. Dellinger), Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 2 (Summer 1975), 499-507.

Planning Correctional Reform: An Assessment of the American Bar Association's BASICS Program, (with C. Ronald Huff and Ross F. Conner). Washington, DC: American Bar Association, 1975. 282 pages.

"Program Descriptions in Criminal Justice Research," in Criminal Justice Research. Edited by Emilio Viano. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1975, 87-95.

"Attorneys as Friends Out of Court: An Examination of the Santa Clara County Volunteers in Parole Program," (with Steven J. Simmons, John Monahan, Duff Zwald, and Howard Bidna), Santa Clara Law Review, 15 (Summer 1975), 817-854. Reprinted in part as "A Look at the Santa Clara Volunteers in Parole Program," in California Youth Authority Quarterly, 28 (Fall 1975), 14-22.


"Social Ecology of Violence," (with John Monahan), in Moral Development and Behavior: Theory, Research, and Social Issues. Edited by Thomas Lickona. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976, 342-356.

"Controlling 'Dangerous' People," (with John Monahan), Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 423 (January 1976), 142-151.

"Compensation to Victims of Violent Crime," in Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice: Some Problems and Suggested Reforms. Edited by Rudolph J. Gerber. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1976, 94-115.

"Foreword," in Daniel Katkin, Drew Hyman, and John Kramer, Juvenile Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System. No. Scituate, MA: Duxbury, 1976, vii-xii.

"Reflections on Social Problems Theory," Society for the Study of Social Problems, Social Problems Theory Division Newsletter, 5 (Winter 1976), 11-13.

"Compensating Good Samaritans," (with Ted Huston and Richard Wright), Crime Prevention Review, 3 (April 1976), 28-35; Reprinted in Criminal Justice: Allies and Adversaries. Edited by John R. Snortum and Ilana Hader. Pacific Palisades, CA: Pacific Publishers, 1978, 285-292.

"The Angry Samaritans," (with Ted L. Huston and Richard Wright), Psychology Today, 10 (June 1976), 61-64; Reprinted in Readings in Social Psychology 77/78. Guilford, CT: Dushkin, 1977, 102-105.

"Good Samaritans as Crime Victims," (with Ted L. Huston, Richard Wright, and Thomas Garrett), Victimology: International Journal, 1 (Summer 1976), 284-294. Reprinted in Victims and Society. Edited by Emilio C. Viano. Washington, DC: Visage Press, 1976, 518-528.

"Assessing the Needs of Crime Victims," in U. S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, 94th Cong., 2nd Sess., Crime Victim Compensation, 1976, 430-433.

"Reported Consequences of Decriminalization of Consensual Adult Homosexuality in Seven American States," (with Richard Wright, Thomas Garrett, and Paul R. Wilson), Journal of Homosexuality, 1 (Summer 1976), 419-426. Reprinted in Justice and Corrections. Edited by Norman Johnston and Leonard D. Savitz. New York: John Wiley, 1978, 433-438.

"Crime Victims and Victim Compensation," in Criminal Justice and the Victim. Edited by William F. McDonald. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1976, 237-259.

"Revisting Sutherland's Criminology (1924)," Criminology, 14 (November 1976), 303-306.

"Defrauding the Elderly," in Crimes and the Elderly. Edited by Jack Goldsmith and Sharon S. Goldsmith. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1976, 7-19.

"Changes in Hospital Care for Rape Victims," (with Duncan Chappell and Fay G. Cohen), Journal of Emergency Nursing, 2 (November-December 1976), 19-23.

"Severe Terms for the Victimization of Elderly Persons." Prosecutor's Brief, 2 (December 1976), 6. Reprinted: Forgotten Victims: An Advocate's Anthology. Edited by George Nicholson, Thomas W. Condit, and Stuart Greenbaum. Sacramento: California District Attorneys Association, 1977, 150-151.


(Editor) White-Collar Crime: Offenses in Business, Politics, and the Professions, (with Robert F. Meier). Revised edition. New York: Free Press, 1977. 356 pages.

"Restitution by Criminal Offenders," in Restitution in Criminal Justice: A Critical Assessment of Sanctions. Edited by Joe Hudson and Burt Galaway. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1977, 206-213.

"The Criminal Justice System without Victimless Crimes," in Readings in Social Problems: Contemporary Perspectives. Edited by Peter Wickman. New York: Harper & Row, 1977, 212-217. Reprinted: Readings in Criminology. Edited by Peter Wickman and Phillip Whitten. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1978, 272-276.

"Foreword," in Bruce Bullington, Heroin Use in the Barrio. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1977, ix-xii.

"Anonymity in Rape Cases," (with Robley Geis), Justice of the Peace, 41 (May 21, 1977), 293-294.

(Editor). Forcible Rape: The Crime, the Victim, and the Offender, (with Duncan Chappell and Robley Geis). New York: Columbia University Press, 1977. 393 pages.

"Forcible Rape: An Introduction," in Forcible Rape, 1977, op,cit., 1-44.

"White-Collar Crime," in Crime and Justice in America. Del Mar, CA.: Publisher's Inc., 1977, 4-6. Reprinted: Law Enforcement Journal, 8 (1978), 132; Crime and Society. Edited by Traudl Hoops and Wiklef Hoops. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag, 1981, 17-20.

"The Terrible Indignity: Crimes Against the Elderly," in Justice and Older Americans. Edited by Marlene A. Young Rifai. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1977, 7-11.

"Is Criminology a Policy Science?" (with Robert F. Meier), Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 4 (November 1977), 1273-1283.


"Illicit Use of Central Nervous System Stimulants in Sweden," Journal of Drug Issues, 8 (Spring 1978), 189-197. Reprinted: Criminal Justice and Drugs: The Unresolved Connection. Edited by James C. Weissman and Robert L. DuPont. Port Washington, NY: Kennikat, 1982, 122-132.

"Rape in Marriage: Law and Law Reform in England, the United States, and Sweden," Adelaide Law Review, 6 (June 1978), 284-302.

"Lord Hale, Witches, and Rape," British Journal of Law and Society, 5 (Summer 1978), 26-44; Reprinted: Witchcraft in England. Edited by Brian P. Levack. New York: Garland, 1992, 48-66.

"White-Collar Crime: Losses Warrant Greater Attention, Prosecutor's Brief, 4 (July-August 1978), 10-12. Reprinted: U. S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, 95th Cong., 2nd Sess., White-Collar Crime, 1979, 21-25.

"Looking Backward and Forward: Criminologists on Criminology as a Career," (with Robert F. Meier), Criminology, 16 (August 1978), 273-288. Reprinted: Criminology, New Concerns: Essays in Honor of Hans W. Mattick. Edited by Edward Sagarin. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1979, 173-188.

"Police Surgeons and Rape: A Questionnaire Survey," (with Robley Geis and Richard Wright), The Police Surgeon, 14 (October 1978), 7-14. Reprinted as "Police Officer or Doctor?: Police Surgeons' Attitudes and Opinions About Rape," in Perspectives on Rape and Sexual Assault. Edited by June Hopkins. London: Harper & Row, 1984, 56-66.

"The Case of Rape: Legal Restrictions on Media Coverage of Deviance in England and America," Deviance and Mass Media. Edited by Charles Winick. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1978, 153-177.

"Rape Reform: An Appreciative-Critical Review," (with Robley Geis), Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 6 (1978), 301-312.


"The White-Collar Offender," (with Robert F. Meier), in Psychology of Crime and Criminal Justice. Edited by Hans Toch. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979, 427-443. Reprinted: Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1986.

"Preface to the Schocken Edition," in Gilbert Geis, Not the Law's Business. New York: Schocken Books, 1979, iii-vii.

(Editor). "Criminal Justice: Progress and Prospects," (with Arnold Binder), American Behavioral Scientist, 22 (July-August 1979), 611-757.

"Misdemeanors and the Criminal Justice System," American Behavioral Scientist, 22 (July-August 1979), 678-696.

"Epilogue: On Imprisonment," in Prisons: Present and Possible. Edited by Marvin E. Wolfgang. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1979, 201-234.

"White-Collar Crime," in Proceedings of the Institute of Criminology, No. 37: White Collar Crime (No. 2). Sydney: Institute of Criminology, Sydney University Law School, 1979, 22-36; Reprinted: Risk Management Review, 6 (April 1979), 9-14.

"Elderly Crime Victimization," Prosecutor's Brief, 5 (July-August 1979), 11-13.

"Corporate Violence: Research Strategies for Community Psychology," (with John Monahan and Raymond W. Novaco), in Challenges to the Criminal Justice System: The Perspectives of Community Psychology. Edited by Theodore R. Sarbin. New York: Human Sciences Press, 1979, 117-141.

"Rape in Stockholm: Is Permissiveness Relevant?", (with Robley Geis), Criminology, 17 (November 1979), 311-322.


"El Abuso de Ponder Como Actividad Delictiva: Hacia un Entendimiento de su Comportamiento y Metodos para su Control," (with Robert F. Meier), Capitulo Criminologico (Maracaibo), 7/8 (1979-1980), 253-280.

"Altruism, Risk-Taking, and Self-Destructiveness: A Study of Interveners into Violent Criminal Events," (with Ted L. Huston), in The Many Faces of Suicide: Indirect Self- Destructive Behavior. Edited by Norman L. Farberow. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980, 360-372.

(Editor). White-Collar Crime: Theory and Research, (with Ezra Stotland). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1980. 320 pages.

"Foreword," in Rape and Sexual Assault: Management and Intervention. Edited by Carmen Germaine Warner. Germantown, MD: Aspen Systems Corporation, 1980, xv-xx.

"Foreword," in William B. Sanders, Rape and Woman's Identity. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1980, 7-13.

"Evaluation Issues and Victimless Crimes," in Handbook of Criminal Justice Evaluation. Edited by Malcolm W. Klein and Katherine S. Teilmann. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1980, 403-421.

"Forcible Rape and Human Sexuality," (with Ted L. Huston), Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 3 (June 1980), 186-187.

"Criminal Enforcement of California's Occupational Carcinogens Control Act," (with Thomas R. Clay), Temple Law Quarterly, 53 (1980), 1067-1099.


"Bystander Intervention into Crime: A Study Based on Naturally-Occurring Episodes," (with Ted L. Huston, Mary Ruggiero, and Ross Conner), Social Psychology Quarterly, 44 (March 1981), 14-23.

"Foreword," in Michael W. Agopian, Parental Child-Stealing. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1981, xi-xv.

The Crime Intervenor: Samaritan or Superman? (Sixth Annual Distinguished Faculty Lecture). University of California, Irvine, 1981. 12 pages. Reprinted as "The Crime Intervenor and the Crime Victim," in Victimology in Comparative Perspective. Edited by Koichi Miyazawa and Minoru Ohya. Tokyo: Seibundo Publishing Co., 1986, 19-29.

"Drogenmissbrauch," Auswirkungen auf die Kriminologie, Band XIV in Die Psychologie des

Jahrhundrents. Zurich: Kindler Verlag, 1981, 550-564.

"In Celebration of Sy Dinitz," in The Mad, the Bad, and the Different: Essays in Honor of Simon Dinitz. Edited by Israel L. Barak-Glantz and C. Ronald Huff. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1981, 249-254.

"'Przestepczosc Bialych Kolnierzykow' W Stanach Zjednoczonych Ameryki Polnocnej," Przestepczosc Na Swiecie (Warsaw), 14 (1981), 31-41.

"Sir Thomas Browne and Witchcraft: A Cautionary Tale for Contemporary Law and Psychiatry," (with Ivan Bunn), International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 4 (1981), 1-11; Reprinted: Witchcraft in England. Edited by Brian P. Levack. New York: Garland, 1992, 249-259.

"Hexen als Opfer Par Excellence," (with Ivan Bunn), in Das Verbrechensopfer in der Strafrechtspflege. Edited by Hans Joachim Schneider. Berlin: Water de Gruyter, 1981, 253- 263. Reprinted as "Witches: The Nonesuch Victims," in The Victim in International Perspective. Edited by Schneider. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1982, 247-256.

"Die Anwendung der Vicktimologischen Forschung auf die Wiedereingliederung des Opfers in die Gesellschaft, in ibid. 339-353. Reprinted as "Application of Victimological Research to the Victim's Reintegration into Society," in ibid., 345-357.

"On Criminology and the Social History of Crime," IAHCCJ (International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice) Newsletter, 4 (July 1981), 36-44.


"The Framework of Violence," Topics in Emergency Medicine, 3 (January 1982), 1-7.

"Edwin H. Sutherland: A Biographical and Analytical Commentary," (with Colin Goff), in White-Collar Crime and Economic Crime: Multidisciplinary and Cross-National Perspectives. Edited by Peter Wickman and Timothy Dailey. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1982, 3-21.

"A Research and Action Agenda with Respect to White-Collar Crime," in White-Collar Crime: An Agenda for Research. Edited by Herbert Edelhertz and Thomas D. Overcast. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1982, 175-202.

"On Theory and Action for Corporate Crime Control," (with John Braithwaite), Crime and Delinquency, 28 (April, 1982), 292-314. Reprinted in part as "Stricter Penalties Would Reduce Corporate Crime," in Crime and Criminals: Opposing Viewpoints, 2nd ed. Edited by Claudia Debner, Terry O'Neill, and Bonnie Szumski. St. Paul: Greenhaven Press, 1984, 115-119; in Punishment. Edited by Antony Duff. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1993, 289-311; in Crimes of Privilege: Readings in White-Collar Crime. Edited by Neal Shover and John Paul Wright. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001, 361-379; as “Corporate Crime,” in Current Controversies in Criminology. Edited by Ronald Weitzer. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002, 158-170.

"Birthdays and Time of Death: A Footnote," Omega-Journal of Death and Dying, 13 (1982-83), 91-93.

"The Jack-Roller: The Appeal, the Person, and the Impact," in The Jack-Roller at Seventy: A Fifty-Year Follow-Up. Edited by Jon Snodgrass. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1982, 121-134.

On White-Collar Crime. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath, 1982. 216 pages.

"Policing Physicians: Practitioner Fraud and Abuse in a Government Medical Program," (with Henry N. Pontell and Paul D. Jesilow), Social Problems, 30 (October 1982), 117-125. Reprinted: Deviant Behavior: A Text-Reader in the Sociology of Deviance. 2nd ed. Edited by Delos H. Kelly. New York: St. Martin's, 1984, 815-825; Exploring Crime: Readings in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Edited by Joseph F. Sheley. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1987, 219-228.

"Interaction with the Legal System," in Management of the Physically and Emotionally Abused: Emergency Assessment, Intervention, and Counseling. Edited by Carmen Germaine Warner and G. Richard Braen. Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1982, 97-103.


Methods of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice, (with Arnold Binder). New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983. 272 pages.

"Bystander Intervention into Crime: Public Policy Considerations," (with Ted. L. Huston), Policy Studies Journal, 11 (March 1983), 398-408.

"Introduction," (with Colin Goff), to Edwin H. Sutherland, White Collar Crime: The Uncut Version. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983, ix-xxxiii.

"Criminal Justice and Adult Offenders: An Overview," Counseling Psychologist, 11 (1983), 11-16.

"Victim and Witness Assistance Programs," and "Victim Compensation and Restitution," in Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice. Edited by Sanford H. Kadish. New York: Free Press, 1983, Vol. 4, 1600-1605 and 1605-1608.

"Assaults in the Air: Concerning Attacks Against Flight Attendants," (with Henry N. Pontell and Lawrence R. Salinger), Deviant Behavior, 4 (April-September 1983), 297-311.

"White-Collar Crime Seriousness: Assessments by Police Chiefs and Regulatory Agency Investigators," (with Henry Pontell, Constance Keenan, and Daniel Granite), American Journal of Police, 3 (Fall 1983), 1-16.


"Ad Populum Argumentation in Criminology: Juvenile Diversion as Rhetoric," (with Arnold Binder), Crime and Delinquency, 30 (October 1984), 624-647.

"Practitioner Fraud and Abuse in Medical Benefit Programs: Government Regulation and Professional White-Collar Crime," (with Henry N. Pontell and Paul D. Jesilow), Law and Policy, 6 (October 1984), 405-424. Reprinted: Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research. Edited by Henry N. Pontell. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993, 326-340; Fraud: Organization, Motivation and Control, Vol. II: The Social, Administrative and Criminal Control of Fraud. Edited by Michael Levi. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999, 199-208.

"Foreword," in Harold E. Pepinsky and Paul Jesilow, Myths That Cause Crime. Cabin John, MD: Seven Locks Press, 1984, vii-xi; 2nd ed., 1985; 3rd ed., 1992.

Educating Evaluators: Final Report of a Five-Year Training Program at the University of Southern California. Los Angeles: Public Service Research Institute, University of Southern California, 1984. 167 pages.

"White-Collar and Corporate Crime," in Major Forms of Crime. Edited by Robert F. Meier. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1984, 137-166.


"Abolition of the Insanity Plea in Idaho: A Case Study," (with Robert F. Meier), Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 477 (January 1985), 72-83.

"Seriousness of Crime: A Survey of The Nation's Chiefs of Police," (with Henry N. Pontell, Daniel Granite, and Constance Keenan), Journal of Criminal Justice, 13 (1985), 1-13.

"Fraud and Abuse of Government Medical Benefit Programs by Psychiatrists," (with Paul Jesilow, Henry Pontell, and Mary Jane O'Brien), American Journal of Psychiatry, 142 (February 1985), 231-234.

"Medical Students' Attitudes on Physician Fraud and Abuse in the Medicare and Medicaid Programs," (with Constance E. Keenan, Gregory C. Brown, and Henry Pontell), Journal of Medical Education, 60 (March 1985), 167-173.

"State Law and Local Ordinances in California Barring Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation," (with James W. Meeker and John Dombrink), University of Dayton Law Review, 10 (Spring 1985), 745-765.

"Medical Criminals: Physicians and White-Collar Offenses," (with Paul D. Jesilow and Henry N. Pontell), Justice Quarterly, 2 (June 1985), 149-165.

"A Demographic Portrait of Physicians Sanctioned by the Federal Government for Fraud and Abuse Against Medicare and Medicaid," (with Henry N. Pontell, Paul Jesilow, and Mary Jane O'Brien), Medical Care, 23 (August 1985), 1028-1031.

"Criminological Perspectives on Corporate Regulation: A Review of Recent Research," in Corrigible Corporations & Unruly Law. Edited by Brent Fisse and Peter A. French. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 1985, 63-84.

"Assaults Against Airline Flight Attendants: A Victimization Study," (with Lawrence M. Salinger, Paul Jesilow, and Henry N. Pontell), Transportation Journal, 25 (Fall 1985), 66-71. Reprinted: Sociology: An Introduction. 3rd ed. Edited by J. Ross Eshelman, Barbara G. Cashion, and Laurence A. Basirico. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman, 1987, 99-105; Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research. Edited by Henry N. Pontell. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993, 276-282; 2nd ed. 1996, 288-294.

"'Is My Battery Any Good?': A Field Test of Fraud in the Auto Repair Business," (with Paul Jesilow and Mary Jane O'Brien), Journal of Crime and Justice, 8 (1985), 1-20.

"Peculating Psychologists: Fraud and Abuse Against Medicaid," (with Henry N. Pontell, Constance Keenan, Stephen M. Rosoff, Mary Jane O'Brien, and Paul D. Jesilow), Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 16 (December 1985), 823-832.

"Medical Fraud and Abuse: Australia, Canada, and the United States," (with Paul R. Wilson, Henry N. Pontell, Paul Jesilow, and Duncan Chappell), International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 9 (Winter 1985), 25-34.


"On the Declining Crime Rate: An Exegetic Conference Report," Criminal Justice Policy Review, 1 (January 1986), 16-36.

"Experimental Evidence that Publicity Has No Effect in Suppressing Auto Repair Fraud," (with Paul Jesilow and Mary Jane O'Brien), Sociology and Social Research, 70 (April 1986), 222-223.

"Diversion and Community-Based Treatment," in Papers Presented to the Sino-American Institute in Criminal Justice. Taichung: Tunghai University, 1986, 163-167.

"Menschliches Leiden Lindern-Bericht Über das Fünfte Internationale Symposium Über Viktimologie," (with Duncan Chappell and Michael W. Agopian), Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 69 (August 1986), 221-236. Reprinted as "Toward the Alleviation of Human Suffering: The Fifth International Symposium on Victimology," in Victimology: International Action and Study of Victims. Edited by Zvonimir Paul Separovic. Zagreb: Samobor, 1988, Vol I, 189-207.

"Revisiting Lord Hale, Misogyny, Witchcraft and Rape," Criminal Law Journal, 10 (October 1986), 319-329.

"Physician Immunity from Prosecution and Punishment for Medical Program Fraud," (with Paul Jesilow and Henry N. Pontell), in Punishment and Privilege. Edited by W. Byron Groves and Graeme Newman. Albany, NY: Harrow and Heston, 1986, 7-22.

(Editor, Special Issue: Essays in the History of Law and Psychiatry). International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 9 (1986), 139-260.


"The Privatization of Prisons: Panacea or Placebo?" in Private Means - Public Ends: Private Business in Social Service Delivery. Edited by Barry J. Carroll, Ralph W. Conant, and Thomas A. Easton. New York: Praeger, 1987, 76-97.

Crime Victims, Victim Surveys, and Victimology. Lisbon: Gabinete e Estudos E Planeamento Do Ministerio Da Justica, 1987. 32 pages.

"Presentazione," (with Colin Goff), to Edwin H. Sutherland, Il Crimine Dei Colletti Bianchi: La Versione Integrale. Translated by Gabrio Forti. Milan: Giuffre Editore, 1987, xiii-xix.

"Edwin H. Sutherland's White-Collar Crime in America: An Essay in Historical Criminology," (with Colin Goff), Criminal Justice History: An International Annual, Vol. VII (1986). Westport, CT: Meckler Publishing Co., 1987, 1-31; Reprinted: The Origins and Growth of Criminology: Essays in Intellectual History, 1760-1945. Edited by Piers Beirne. Aldershot, Hants: Dartmouth, 1994, 291-321.

"This Place Could Be So Much": A Report on Clark County Juvenile Court Services. Las Vegas: Clark County Public Employees Association, 1987. 67 pages.

"Musings on Cross-Cultural Criminology," The Criminologist, 12 (September-October 1987), 1, 4, 7-8.

"Betrug durch Ärtze in Rahmen Medizinischer Wohlfahrtsprogramme in den Vereinigten Staaten," (with Henry Pontell, Mary Jane O'Brien, and Paul Jesilow), in Internationale Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet der Wirtschaftskriminalität. Edited by Karlhans Liebl. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1987, 147-159.

"Covert Facilitation and Crime: Restoring Balance to the Entrapment Debate," (with John Braithwaite and Brent Fisse), Journal of Social Issues, 43 (1987), 5-42.

"Overt Observations on Covert Facilitation: A Reply to the Commentators," (with John Braithwaite and Brent Fisse). Journal of Social Issues, 43 (1987), 103-122.


Juvenile Delinquency: Historical, Cultural, Legal Perspectives, (with Arnold Binder and Dickson Bruce). New York: Macmillan, 1988. 608 pages.

"Foreword," to Richard A. Ball, C. Ronald Huff, and J. Robert Lilly, House Arrest and Correctional Policy: Doing Time at Home. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1988, 9-16. Reprinted in part: Gresham M. Sykes and Francis T. Cullen, Criminology, 2nd ed. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992, 488-489.

"Medicaid Fraud," (with Henry N. Pontell and Paul D. Jesilow), in Controversial Issues in Crime and Justice. Edited by Joseph E. Scott and Travis Hirschi. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1988, 7-39.

"From Deuteronomy to Deniability: A Historical Perlustration on White-Collar Crime." Justice Quarterly, 5 (March 1988), 7-32. Reprinted in part in Proceedings of Symposium 87: White Collar/Institutional Crime - Its Measurement and Analysis. Edited by Julie Pearl. Sacramento: California Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, 1988, 21-26.

"On Sleeping Under Bridges and Unequal Criminal Justice," in Ethics and Fairness in Criminal Justice. Edited by Roslyn Muraskin. Brookville, NY: Criminal Justice Institute, Long Island University, C. W. Post Campus, 1988, 1-11.

"District Attorneys and Corporate Crime: Surveying the Prosecutorial Gatekeepers," (with Michael L. Benson, William J. Maakestad, and Francis T. Cullen), Criminology, 26 (August 1988), 505-518. Reprinted: Criminal Behavior: Text and Readings in Criminology. 2nd ed. Edited by Delos H. Kelly. New York: St. Martin's, 1990, 413-424.

"Australian Immigrants and Crime: A Review Essay," (with Paul Jesilow), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 21 (September 1988), 179-185.

"La Criminalita Economica: Aspetti Criminologici," in Forme di Organizzazioni Criminali e Terrorismo, Vol 9 of Trattato di Criminologi, Medicina Criminologica e Psichiatria Forense. Milan: Giuffre Editore, 1988, 33-47.

"'Proper' Bank Fraud Sentencing?" The White Paper: Journal of the Institute for Financial Fraud Prevention, 2 (Fall 1988), 2,5.


"White-Collar Crime," in The Encyclopedia of Police Science. Edited by Willliam G. Bailey. New York: Garland, 1989, 666-671; Revised 2nd ed., 1995, 817-822; Revised 3d ed., Edited by Jack R. Greene. New York: Routledge, 2007, Vol. 2, 1350-1354.

Should I (Legally) Be My Brother's Keeper? Kalamazoo: Center for the Study of Ethics in Society, Western Michigan University, 1989. 26 pages; Reprinted: Legal Philosophy: Selected Readings. Edited by Timothy C.Shiell. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993, 432-441.


"Foreword," to Gary S. Green, Occupational Crime. Chicago: Nelson Hall, 1990, xiii-xv; 2nd ed., 1997, xi-xiv.

"Non-Lethal Weapons: The Potential and the Pitfalls," (with Arnold Binder), Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 6 (February 1990), 1-7.

"Is the Crime Rate Going Up or Down?: The Question is Flawed," in Crime and Delinquency in California, 1980-1989. Sacramento: Bureau of Criminal Statistics and Special Services, Department of Justice, 1990, 128-129.

"Crime Victims: Practices and Prospects," in Victims of Crime: Problems, Policies, and Programs. Edited by Arthur J. Lurigio, Wesley G. Skogan, and Robert C. Davis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1990, 251-268.

"Criminology," in Fraud Examiners Manual. Austin, TX: National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 1990, Section IV, 1-100.

"Per Non Dover Più Piangere: Strategie Per Il Controllo Delle Trasgressioni Ambientali," (with Kitty Calavita and Joseph DiMento), Revista Giuridica Dell' Ambiente, 5 (September 1990), 603-610.

"Crime and Criminal Justice: Where Have We Been: Where Are We Going?" Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 6 (December 1990), 254-263. Reprinted: Criminal Justice: Concepts and Issues. Edited by Chris W. Eskridge. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 1993, 297-301; 2nd ed., 1996, 394-399.

"Politicki Delinkventi Iz Majinskih Grupa: Kada Su Zrtve, A Kada Pocinitelj," (with Paul Jesilow), Viktimologija (Zagreb), 1 (1990), 71-75.


Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Contexts, (with Stephen E. Brown and Finn-Aage Esbensen). Cincinnati: Anderson, 1991. 727 pages.

"And A Child Shall Mislead Them: Notes on Witchcraft and Child Abuse Accusations," (with Ivan Bunn), in Perspectives on Deviance: Dominance, Degradation and Denigration. Edited by Robert J. Kelly and Donal E. J. Mac Namara. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1991, 31-45.

"Sins of Their Children: Parental Responsibility for Juvenile Delinquency," (with Arnold Binder), Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, 5 (1991), 303-322; Reprinted in Examining the Justice Process: A Reader. Edited by James A. Inciardi. Fort Worth: Harcourt and Brace, 1996, 443-459.

"Sanctioning the Selfish: The Operation of Portugal's New 'Bad Samaritan' Statute," International Review of Victimology, 1 (1991), 297-313.

"The Case Study Method in Sociological Criminology," in A Case for the Case Study. Edited by Joe R. Feagin, Anthony M. Orum, and Gideon Sjoberg. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1991, 200-223.

"White-Collar Crime: What Is It?" Current Issues in Criminal Justice (Sydney), 3 (July 1991), 9-24. Reprinted: White-Collar Crime Reconsidered. Edited by Kip Schlegel and David Weisburd. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1992, 31-52; Readings in White-Collar Crime. Edited by David Shichor, Larry Gaines, and Robert Ball. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 2002, 7-25..

"The Amelia Stern Syndrome: A Diagnosis of a Condition Among Female Physicians?" (with Robley Geis and Paul Jesilow), Social Science & Medicine, 33 (1991), 967-971.

"Rewards for Information: The Views of Law Enforcement and Business Groups," (with Ted Huston and Joseph Wells), The White Paper [National Association of Certified Fraud Examiners], Part I, 5 (September-October 1991), 6-9; Part II, 6 (January-February 1992), 8-9.

"Dam Disasters and Durkheim: An Analysis of the Theme of Repressive and Restitutive Law," (with Kitty Calavita, Joseph DiMento, and Gabrio Forti), International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 19 (November 1991), 407-426.

"Fraud by Physicians Against Medicaid," (with Paul Jesilow and Henry Pontell), Journal of the American Medical Association, 266 (December 18, 1991), 3318-3322.

"Rewards by Businesses for Crime Information: The Views of Law Enforcement," (with Ted Huston and Joseph T. Wells), American Journal of Police, 10 (1991), 69-81.


"Foreword," to Joseph T. Wells, Fraud Examination: Investigative and Audit Procedures. New York: Quorum Books, 1992, xv-xviii.

"On Teaching a Criminal Justice Seminar, Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 3 (Spring 1992), 143-148.

"Lifting the Cover from Undercover Operations: J. Edgar Hoover and Some of the Other Criminologists," (with Colin Goff), Crime, Law and Social Change, 18 (September 1992), 91-104.

"Culture Conflict Revisited: Fraud by Vietnamese Physicians in the United States," (with Paul Jesilow, Henry Pontell, and John Huey-Long Song), International Migration, 30 (June 1992), 201-222.

"Scrutiny on the Bounty: Business Rewards for Crime Tips," (with Ted Huston and Joseph Wells), Business Horizons, 35 (November-December 1992), 80-81.

"Lost in the Melting Pot: Asian Youth Gangs in the United States," (with John Huey-Long Song and John Dombrink), Gang Journal, 1 (1992), 1-12.


(Editor). "White-Collar Crime," (with Paul Jesilow). Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 525 (January 1993), 1-169. ["Preface," 8-11].

"Matthew Arnold and the Lowestoft 'Witches,'" (with Ivan Bunn). Nineteenth-Century Prose, 20 (Spring 1993), 1-17.

Prescription for Profit: How Doctors Defraud Medicaid, (with Paul Jesilow and Henry N. Pontell). Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. 247 pages; Pp. 104-147 reprinted in part as "Medical Criminals: Physician Fraud in Medicaid," in Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research. Edited by Pontell. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall 1996, 337-361; 3rd ed. 1999, 356-380; 4th ed. 2002, 381-404; 5th ed. 2004, 391-415. Reprinted in part as "How Doctors Defraud Medicaid: Doctors Tell Their Stories," in In Their Own Words: Criminals on Crime. Edited by Paul Cromwell. Los Angeles, Roxbury, 1996, 74-86; 2nd ed., 1998, 106-115; 3rd ed., 2003, 132-141; 4th ed. 2006, 178-186; as “Doctors Tell Their Stories of Medicaid Fraud,@ in About Criminals: A View of the Offender=s World. Edited by Mark Pogrebin. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2004, 147-156.

"The Evolution of the Study of Corporate Crime," in Understanding Corporate Criminality. Edited by Michael B. Blankenship. New York: Garland, 1993, 3-28.

"In What Way Do Gender-Related Attributes and Beliefs Affect Marriage? (with Ted L. Huston), Journal of Social Issues, 49 (1993), 97-106.

"Portugal," in Prostitution: An International Handbook on Trends, Problems, and Policies. Edited by Nanette J. Davis. Wesport, CT: Greenwood, 1993, 225-242.

"School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Florida State University." In Program Review of the Protective Services. Tallahassee: State University System of Florida, 1993, 49-69.

(Editor). "The Environment and Social Justice," (with Colin Goff), Journal of Human Justice, 5 (Autumn 1993), 1-128.

Fraud Examiners Manual (with Joseph T. Wells, Charlotte J. Bell, W. Michael Kramer, James D. Ratley, and Jack Robertson), 2nd ed. Austin: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 1993. 1246 pages.

"Diagnosing and Treating the Slumlord Syndrome," (with Gregory C. Brown), Western State University Consumer Law Journal, 2 (1993), 35-56.


"Trade Secret Theft as an Analogue to Treason," in Citizen Espionage: Studies in Trust and Betrayal. Edited by Theodore R. Sarbin, Ralph M. Carney, and Carson Eoyang. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1994, 127-142.

"Foreword," to Richard T. Wright and Scott H. Decker, Burglars on the Job: Streetlife and Residential Break-ins. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1994, ix-xii.

"Psychological Research on Child Witnesses in Sexual Abuse Cases: Fine Answers to Mostly Wrong Questions," (with Jon'a Meyer), Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 11 (June 1994), 209-220.

"Corporate Crime: Three Strikes, You're Out," Multinational Monitor, 15 (June 1994), 30.

"Moral Innatism, Connatural Ideas, and Impuissance in Daily Affairs: James Q. Wilson's Acrobatic Dive Into An Empty Pool." Criminal Justice Ethics, 13 (Summer-Fall, 1994). 78-82.

"'This Sort of Thing Isn't Helpful': The Dilemmas of the Australian Institute of Criminology," Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 27 (December 1994), 282-298.


"Foreword to the 20th Anniversary Edition." in George F. Cole, The American System of Criminal Justice. 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1995, xiii-xiv.

"A Review, Rebuttal, and Reconciliation of Cressey and Braithwaite and Fisse on Criminological Theory and Corporate Crime," in The Legacy of Anomie Theory: Advances in Criminological Theory. Volume 6. Edited by Freda Adler and William S. Laufer. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1995, 399-428.

(Editor). White Collar Crime: Classic and Contemporary Views, (with Robert F. Meier and Lawrence M. Salinger). 3rd ed. New York: Free Press, 1995. 511 pages.

"Foreword," in David Shichor, Punishment for Profit: Private Prisons/Public Concerns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1995, vii-x.

"White Collar Crime," in Readings in Deviant Behavior. Edited by Alex Thio and Thomas C. Calhoun. New York: HarperCollins, 1995, 213-221; 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2001.

"Social Science Advising," (with Ted L. Huston), in Teaching Through Academic Advising: A Faculty Perspective. Edited by Alice G. Reinarz and Eric R. White, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 62 (Summer 1995), 55-63.

"Doomed to Repeat Our Errors: Fraud in Emerging Health Care Systems," (with Paul Jesilow and John Harris), Social Justice, 22 (1995), 125-138.

"The Limits of Academic Tolerance: The Discontinuance of the School of Criminology at Berkeley," in Punishment and Social Control: Essays in Honor of Sheldon L. Messinger. Edited by Thomas G. Blomberg and Stanley Cohen. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1995, 277-304.

"Should We Prosecute Corporations and/or Individuals?" (with Joseph DiMento), in Corporate Crime: Contemporary Debates. Edited by Frank Pearce and Laureen Snider. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995, 72-86.

"Is Germany's Xenophobia Qualitatively Different from Everybody Else's?" Crime, Law and Social Change, 24 (1995), 65-75.


Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context, (with Stephen E. Brown and Finn. Agge Esbensen), 2nd ed. Cincinnati: Anderson. 1996. 560 pages.

"Anger, Disappointment and Disgust: Reactions of Victims of a Telephone Scam," (with David Shichor and Jeff Doocey), in International Victimology: Selected Papers from the 8th International Symposium. Edited by Chris Sumner, Mark Israel, Michael O'Donnell, and Rick Sarre. Canberra, ACT: Australian Institute of Criminology, 1996, 105-111.

"A Base on Balls for White-Collar Criminals," in Three Strikes and You're Out: Vengeance as Public Policy. Edited by David Shichor and Dale K. Sechrest. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996, 244-264.

"Definition in White-Collar Crime Scholarship: Sometimes It Matters," in Definitional Dilemma: Can and Should There be a Universal Definition of White-Collar Crime? Edited by James Helmkamp, Richard Ball, and Kitty Townsend. Morgantown, WV: National White Collar Crime Center Training and Research Institute, 1996, 161-171.

"People v. Simpson: Some (Ir)relevant Variables, Research, and the Future," in Representing O.J.: Murder, Criminal Justice and Mass Culture. Edited by Gregg Barak. Guilderland, NY: Harrow and Heston, 1996, 9-21; Reprinted in Media, Criminal Justice and Mass Culture, 2nd ed., ed. Barak. Monsey, NY: Criminal Justice Press, 1999.


Victimless Crime? Prostitution, Narcotics, Homosexuality, and Abortion, (with Robert F. Meier). Los Angeles: Roxbury 1997. 216 pages; Reprinted in part as APublic Order Crime,@ in Crime and Criminals: Contemporary and Classic Readings in Criminology. Edited by Frank Scarpitti and Amie L. Nielsen. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 1999, 361-374; in part as AThe Social Construction of Drug Use@ and AThe Social Organization of Prostitution,@ in Investigating Deviance: An Anthology. Edited by Bruce A. Jacobs. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 2002, 146-151 and 232-241.

Juvenile Delinquency: Historical, Cultural and Legal Perspectives, (with Arnold Binder and Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.), 2nd ed. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1997. 487 pages.

"Prostitution as a Reckless Enterprise," Sociological Focus, 30 (February 1997), 17-29.

"The Good, the Bad and the Duty-Bound," Los Angeles Daily Journal, October 3, 1997, 6.

A Trial of Witches: A Seventeenth-Century Witchcraft Prosecution, (with Ivan Bunn). London: Routledge, 1997. 284 pages.

AWitches and Wisdom," (with Ivan Bunn), Times Higher Education Supplement (London), October 31, 1997, 16-17.


Fraud Examiners Manual, (with Joseph T. Wells, Nancy Bradford, W. Michael Kramer, John Gill, James D. Ratley, and Jack Robertson), 3rd ed. Austin: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, 1998. 1713 pages.

"Antitrust and Organizational Deviance," (with Lawrence S. Salinger), in Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Deviance in and of Organizations. Edited by Peter A. Bamberger and William F. Sohnenstuhl. Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 1998, Vol. 15, 71-110.

"Fox on Corporate Personhood, Limited Liability and Community Control: A Critique." Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 16 (Spring 1998), 265-272.

"Women's Response to a Telemarketing Scam," (with Dale K. Sechrest, David Shichor, and Jeffrey H. Doocy), Women and Criminal Justice, 10 (1998), 75-89.

Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context, (with Stephen E. Brown and Finn-Agge Esbensen), 3rd ed. Cincinnati: Anderson, 1998. 602 pages.

"The Pleasures (and Displeasures) of Professoring," in Teaching Excellence: A Collection of Essays on College Education. Written by Recipients of the California State University Trustees' Outstanding Professor Award. Edited by Michael Flachmann. Long Beach: California State University Institute, 1998, 53-63.

"Crime and the Czech Republic: Summary Observations," Crime, Law and Social Change, 28 (1997/98), 311-323.

"Foreword," in Jack Kamerman, ed., Negotiating Responsibility in the Criminal Justice System. Carbondale; Southern Illinois University Press. 1998, ix-xiv.

Crimes of the Century: From Leopold and Loeb to O.J. Simpson, (with Leigh B. Bienen). Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1998/Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2000.. 230 pages; Issued Washington, DC: National Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, 2002; Chapter 6 reprinted in part as AO.J. Simpson and the >Trial of the Century=,@ in The 1990s. Edited by Stuart A. Kallen. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2000, 113-122.

ACrime Victims: From the Wings to Center Stage." in Essays in Honor of Hans Joachim Schneider. Edited by Hans-Dieter Schwind, Edwin Kube, and Hans-Heiner Kühne. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1998, 315-329.


"Is Incarceration an Appropriate Sanction for the Nonviolent White-Collar Offender? Yes," in Controversial Issues in Corrections. Edited by Charles B. Fields. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999, 152-158, 166-167.

AMeans, Gaston Bullock,@ in American National Biography. Edited by John A. Garraty and Mark C. Crane. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Vol. 15, 224-225. Reprinted: Gangsters, Swindlers, Killers, & Thieves: The Lives & Crimes of Fifty American Villains. Edited by Lawrence Block. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004, 156-161.

APrivate Prisons, Criminological Research, and Conflict of Interest: A Case Study,@ (with Alan Mobley and David Shichor), Crime and Delinquency, 45 (July 1999), 372-388; ALetter to the Editor,@ ibid., 46 (October 2000), 443-445.

AA Quarter of a Century for Social Justice,@ Social Justice, 26 (1999), 60-62.


AOn the Absence of Self-Control as the Basis for a General Theory of Crime: A Critique,@ Theoretical Criminology, 4 (February 2000), 35-53. Reprinted in Social Deviance: Readings in Theory and Research. Edited by Henry N. Pontell. 5th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2004), 168-179.

AStadium Sightlines and Wheelchair Patrons: Case Studies in Implementation of ADA,@ (with Sanjoy Mazumdar), in Expanding the Scope of Social Science Research in Disability. Edited by Barbara A. Altman and Sharon N. Barnartt. Stamford, CT: JAI Press, 2000, 205-234.

AForeword,@ in Joseph T. Wells, Frankensteins of Fraud: The Twentieth Centuries Top Ten White-Collar Criminals. Austin, TX: Obsidian Press, 2000, i-iv.

AThe Corrections Corporation of America aka The Prison Realty Trust, Inc.,@(with Alan Mobley), in Privatization in Criminal Justice: Past, Present, and Future. Edited by David Shichor and Michael J. Gilbert. Cincinnati: Anderson, 2000, 207-226; Reprinted in Justice, Crime & Ethics. Edited by Michael C. Braswell. Belinda R. McCarthy, and Bernard J. McCarthy. 4th ed. Cincinnati: Anderson, 2002, 329-340; 5th ed., 2005, 349-370.

AIntroduction,@ to Brian P. Wallace and Bill Crowley, Final Confession: The Unsolved Crimes of Phil Cresta. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2000, xiii-xvii.

AFrederic M. Thrasher (1892-1962) and The Gang (1927)@, (with Mary Dodge), Journal of Gang Research, 8 (Fall 2000), 1-49.


Juvenile Delinquency: Cultural and Legal Perspectives, (with Arnold Binder and Dickson D.

Bruce), 3rd ed. Cincinnati: Anderson, 2001. 517 pages.

(Co-editor). Sexual Deviance (with Nanette Davis). Vol. II in Encyclopedia of Criminal and

Deviant Behavior. Philadelphia: Bruner-Routledge, 2001. 484 pages.

AMalleus Maleficarum (1486)@ and ARape, Statutory,@ in ibid., 196-197, 307-309.

AForeword,@ in Jody Miller, Cheryl Maxson, and Malcolm W. Klein, eds., The Modern Gang

Reader, 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Roxbury, 2001, ix-xii.

AThe Criminalization of Physician Violence: Social Control in Transformation?@, (with John Liederbach, Francis T. Cullen, and Jody Sundt), Justice Quarterly, 18 (March 2001), 141-170; Reprinted in Readings in White-Collar Crime. Edited by David Shichor, Larry Gaines, and Richard Ball. Prospect Heights, IL. Waveland Press: 2002, 202-232.

Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context, (with Stephen E. Brown and Finn-Agge Esbensen, 4th ed. Cincinnati: Anderson, 2001. 652 pages.

AInterpreting Accessibility Standards: Experiences in the U.S. Courts,@ (with Sanjoy Mazumdar), in Universal Design Handbook. Edited by Wolfgang E. Preiser and Elaine Ostroff. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001, 18-1 to18-20. Reprinted as AAccessibility Kijyun no Kaisha-ku: Bei-ko-ku Houtei De no Kei-ken. Tokyo: Maruzen, 2003, 230-248.

ATelemarketing Fraud: Who Are the Tricksters and What Makes Them Trick?@, (with Jeffrey H. Doocey, David Shichor and Dale K. Sechrest), Security Journal, 4(3), (2001), 7-26; Reprinted in Readings in White-Collar Crime. Edited by David Shichor, Larry Gaines, and Richard Ball. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland, 2002, 157-182.

ACase Study Method for Research on Disability,@ (with Sanjoy Mazumdar). in Exploring Theories and Expanding Methodologies: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go. Edited by Sharon N. Barnartt and Barbara M. Altman. Killington, Oxford: Elsevier Science, 2001, 255-275.

ACorporate Criminal Liability: A Bibliography,@ (with Joseph F. DiMento and Julia M. Gelfand), Western State University Law Review, 28 (2000-2001), 255-275.

APreface,@ to John P. Dussich, Paul C. Friday, Takayuki Okada, Akira Yamagami, and Richard D. Knudten, Different Responses to Violence in Japan and America. Monsey, NY. Criminal Justice Press, 2001, ix-xiv.

ACorporate Criminal Law, Cooperative Regulation and the Parting of Paths,@ (with William S. Laufer), Cahiers de Defense Sociale, 2001, 103-112. Reprinted in part as ACorporate Crime and a New Brand of Cooperative Regulation@ International Society of Social Defence and Humane Criminal Policy, 14th International Conference, Proceedings (2002), 128-135.


AWhite-Collar Crime,@ in Controversies in White-Collar Crime. Edited by Gary W. Potter. Cincinnati: Anderson, 2002, 37-52.

AGanging Up on Gangs,@ in Gangs in America III. Edited by C. Ronald Huff. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2002, 257-270.

AVictims,@ in Encyclopedia of Crine & Justice. Edited by Joshua Dressler. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan Reference, 2002, Vol. IV, 1629-1639. Reprinted: Victims and Victimology. Edited by David Shichor and Stephen G. Tibbets. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland, 2002, 15-31.

(Co-editor) (with Mary Dodge). Lessons of Criminology. Cincinnati: Anderson, 2002. 265 pages.

AOn Cross-Disciplinary Qualitative Research: Some Homilies,@ The Criminologist, 27 (March/June 2002), 1, 3-5.

AInsider Trading: Patterns and Analysis,@ (with Elizabeth Szockyj), Journal of Criminal Justice, 20 (2002), 273-286.

AAccessible Buildings, Architects, and the ADA Law: The MCI Sports Arena Case,@ (with Sanjoy Mazumdar), Journal of Architectural Research and Planning, 19 (August 2002), 195-217.

AEmpirical Evidence and the Legal Doctrine of Corporate Criminal Liability,@ (with Joseph F. C. DiMento), American Journal of Criminal Law, 29 (Summer 2002), 341-375; Reprinted::

Corporate Crime. Edited by Sally Simpson and Carole Gibbs. Aldershot: Ashgate,

2007, 495-529.

Arrojo v. Ex Cam, Inc. (1987); Aymette v. State (1848); Bernethy v. Walt Feiler=s, Inc.. (1978);

Cases v. United States (1942); Commonwealth v. Davis (1976); Dickerson v. New Banner Institute (1983); Farmer v. Higgins (1990); Fresno Rifle and Pistol Club, Inc. v. Van der Kamp (1993); Huddleston v. United States (1974); Merrill v. Navigar, Inc. (2001); Printz v. United States (1997); Robertson v. Baldwin (1897); Sklar v. Byrne (1984); Smith v. United States 1993); United States v. Adams (1935); United States v. Emerson (2001); United States v. Verdugo-Urquidez (1990); United States v. Warin (1976). In Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law. Edited by Gregg Lee Carter. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2002, Vol I, 32-33, 48-49, 59-60, 103-104, 135-136, 160-161, 191, 217-218; Vol. II, 391-393, 481-482, 506, 536-537, 543-544, 617-618, 619-620, 629-630, 630-631.


ACambridge-Somerville Youth Study@ and AThrasher, Frederic M. (1892-1926), (with Mary Dodge). In Encyclopedia of Juvenile Justice. Edited by Marilyn D. McShane and Frank P. Williams III. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2003, 43-46, 373-376.

Stealing Dreams: A Fertility Clinic Scandal, (with Mary Dodge). Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2003. 215 pages.

AArchitects, the Law, and Accessibility: Architects= Approaches to the ADA in Arenas,@

(with Sanjoy Mazumdar), Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 20 (August 2003), 199-220.

APublic Wealth, Public Health, and Private Stealth: Australia=s Black Market in Cigarettes,@ (with Sophie Cartwright and Jodie Houston), Australian Journal of Social Issues, 38 (August 2003), 363-378.


AThe Wide and Unreasonable Reach of California=s Three Strikes Law,@ (with Doug Kieso), in For the Common Good: A Critical Examination of Law and Social Control. Edited by R. Robin Miller and Sandra Lee Browning. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2004, 266-284.

Criminology: Explaining Crime and its Context, (with Stephen E. Brown and Finn-Agge Esbensen), 5th ed. Cincinnati: LexisNexis/Anderson, 2004. 670 pages.

A2004 Edwin H. Sutherland Award Recipient: John Braithwaite, (with Henry N. Pontell), The Criminologist, 29 (September/October 2004), 1, 3.

ANegley K. Teeters (1896-1971): Pioneer in Penology,” The Prison Journal, 84 (December 2004), 5S-19S.

APathological Gambling and Insanity, Diminished Capacity, Dischargeability, and Downward Sentencing Departures,@ Gaming Law Review, 8 (December 2004), 347-360.


Chop-Chop: The Illegal Cigarette Market in Australia. Working Paper 48. Canberra: Centre for Tax System Integrity, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, January 2005. 59 pages. Also: RegNet Occasional Paper No. 2. Canberra: Regulatory Institutions Network, Australian National University, 2004.

AAncient Mercantile Crime,@ ACaveat Emptor,@ ACorporate Crime,@ and ASherman Antitrust Act.@ In Encyclopedia of White-Collar & Corporate Crime.@ Edited by Lawrence M. Salinger. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2005, Vol. I, 36-41, 146-147, 211-213; Vol. II, 241-243.

ABentham, Jeremy,” In Encyclopedia of Social Measurement Edited by Kimberly-Kempf Leonard. San Diego, CA: Elsevier, 2005, Vol. I, 159-164.

AForeword,@ in Michael Braswell, Jocelyn Pollock, and Scott Braswell, Morality Stories: Dilemmas in Ethics, Crime & Justice. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press, 2005, xi-xiv; Revised and reprinted: 2nd ed., 2007, xi-xiii.

ALaw Enforcement Agency Accreditation: An Advocatus Diaboli Brief,@ Law Enforcement Executive Forum, 5 (January 2005), 39-43.

APathological Gambling Should Not Be an Excuse for Law-Breaking,@ BASIS ONLINE [The Brief Addiction Science Information Source]. Cambridge, MA: Division of Addictions, Cambridge Health Alliance - Harvard Medical School, May 25, 2005. 3 pages.

ACorporate Criminal Liability in the United States,@ (with Joseph F. C. DiMento). In Research Handbook on Corporate Criminal Responsibility. Edited by Steven Tully. Cheltingham: Glos.: Edward Elgar, 2005, 159-176.


Criminal Justice and Moral Issues, (with Robert F. Meier). Los Angeles, CA: Roxbury, 2006/. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. 274 pages.

AAbortion,@ In Criminal Justice. Edited by Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2006. Vol. I, 1-4.

APalau,@ (with Bryan Vila); AMali.@ In World Police Encyclopedia. Edited by Dilip K. Das and

Michael J. Palmiotto. New York: Routledge, 2006. Vol. 2, 646-650, 532-535.

AFieldwork with the Elite: Interviewing White-Collar Criminals@ (with Mary Dodge). In The Sage Handbook of Fieldwork.. Edited by Dick Hobbs and Richard Wright. London: Sage, 2006, 79-92.

AAllotriophagy,@ AHale, Sir Matthew (1609-1676),@ (with Ivan Bunn), AHolt, Sir John (1642- 1720).” Encyclopedia of Witchcraft in WesternTradition. Edited by Richard M. Golden. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2006, Vol. I, 30-31, Vol. II, 468-469, 503-504.

“The Viability of Voluntary Visitability: A Case Study of Irvine, California.” (with Scott E. Kaminksi, Sanjoy Mazumdar, and Joseph F. C. DiMento. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 19 (Summer 2006), 49-56.

“El Delito de Cuello Blanco como Concepto Analiĭico et Ideológico.” In Derecho Penal y Criminologia como Fundamento de la Politica Criminal: Estudios en Homenaje Professor Alfonso Serrano Gomez. Edited by Jose Luis Guzman Dabora and Alfonso

Serrano Maillo. Madrid: Editorial Dykinson, 2006, 309-324.

“The Extraordinary Condition of Extraordinary Rendition: The C.I.A., the D.E.A., Kidnapping,

Torture, and the Rule of Law,” (with Joseph F. C. DiMento). War Crimes, Genocide & Crimes against Humanity, 2006. 35-64.


White-Collar and Corporate Crime. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007.

190 pages.

(Editor) (with Henry N. Pontell). International Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime New York: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. 701 pages.

“The Itching Palm: The Crimes of Bribery and Extortion,” (with David Shichor). In ibid.,


“Sexual Deviance,” (with Valerie Jenness). In 21st Century Sociology: A Reference Handbook. Edited by Clifton D. Bryant and Dennis L. Peck. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007, Vol. I, 380-389, 670-672.

“Ivar Kreuger,” “Charles Ponzi,” “South Sea Bubble.” In Encyclopedia of White-Collar Crime.

Edited by Jurg Gerber, Eric L. Jensen, and Jiletta L. Kubena. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2007, 166-169, 234-236, 263-266.

“Offshore Internet Gambling and the World Trade Organization: Is It Criminal Behavior or a Commodity?”” (with Henry N. Pontell and Gregory C. Brown). International Journal of

Cyber Criminology, 1 (January 2007), 119-136.

“Cassie L. Chadwick,” “John Law.” In Great Lives from History: Notorious Lives. Edited by Carl L. Bankston III. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2007, Vol. I, 193-194; Vol. II, 614-615.

“Crime, Corporate,” “Crime, White-Collar,” “Sutherland, Edwin H. (1883-1950,)” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Edited by George Ritzer. New York: Blackwell, 2007, Vol II, 826-828, 850-851, Vol. X, 4900-4903.

“New Times, New Crimes: ‘Blocking’ Financial Identity Fraud,” (with Henry N. Pontell),

In The Organized Crime Community: Essays in Honor of Alan A. Block. Edited by Frank Bovenkerk and Michael Levi. New York: Springer, 2007, 45-58.

Criminology: Explaining Crime and Its Context (with Stephen E. Brown and Finn-Aage

Esbensen). 6th ed. Cincinnati, OH: LexisNexis/Anderson, 2007. 614 pages.

“Black Mist and White Collars: Economic Crime in the United States and Japan,” (with Henry N. Pontell), Asian Journal of Criminology, 2 (December 2007), 111-126.

Reprinted as: “Kuroikiri to ‘White-Collar’ Zaku: Keizaihanzai no Nichiheihikakaku,”” [Waseda University] Commparative Law Review, 40 (2007): 63-88.

“The Paradox of Economic Crime in Japan: The Thalidomide Scourge, the Lockheed

Scandal, and Endemic Political Corruption,” (with Henry N. Pontell).

Monatschrift fűr Kriminolgoie unde Straffrechtsreform, 90 (June 2007). 103-113’ Reprinted as “Nippon no Keizai-Hanzai ni okeru Paradox:Thalidomide-ka, Lockheed- Jiken, and Kouzout Seiji-Oshoku, Saituma Social Science Reivew, 123 (2008), 49-63.

“Forensic Accounting in Japan,” (with Tokikazu Konishi and Henry N. Pontell). Journal of

Forensic Accounting, 8 (June-December 2007), 141-154.

“In Memoriam: Simon Dinitz,” ACJS Today [Academy of Criminal Justice Science]

32 (December 2007), 10-11.

“Economic and Environmental Crimes,” (with Byung-SunCho and Joseph F. C.

DiMento). In Intenatiionales Handbuch der Kriminologie.Edited by Hans Joachim Schneider. Berlin: de Gruyer, 2007, Band I, 667-689.


“Perils of Provocative Scholarship,” (with Elizabeth F. Loftus), Observer [Association for

Psychological Science], 21 (May 2008), 13, 15.

“The Undeveloped Concept of Opportunity,” (with Sally S. Simpson). In Out of Control:

Assessing the General Theory of Crime. Edited by Erich Goode. Stamfprd. CA:

Stanford University Press, 2008, 49-60.

“Self-Control: A Hypocritcial Assessment,” In ibid., 203-216.

“Asset Forfeiture and Policing,” Criminology & Public Policy, 7 (May 2008), 215-218.

“The Transnational Traffic in Human Body Parts,” (with Gregory C. Brown), Journal of

Contemporary Criminal Justice, 24 (August 2008), 212-224.

“Lewis F. Powell, Jr.,” Sherwood Rowland,” “Helen Brooke Taussig.” In Great Lives

from History: The Twentieth Century. Edited by Robert F. Gorman. Pasadena, CA:

Salem Press, 2008, 3325-3327, 3547-3550, 3950-3952.

Religion and the Psychology of Gambling in China and the U.S., (with Henry N.

Pontell. In Psychology of Gambling.. Edited by Marco J. Esposito. New York:

Nova Biomedical Books, 2008, 1-14.

“Ben Reitman, MD: Colorful Critical Criminologist.” Contemporary Justice Review, 11

(September 2008), 271-285.

“The Michael-Adler Report (1933): Criminology Under the Microscope,” (with Colin

Goff), Journal of te History of the Behavioral Scienes, 14 (Fall 2008), 350-363.

“The ACFE Stands on Giant Shoulders, Fraud Magazine, 22 (November/December

2008), 33.

“A Legislator’s Lament: Profile of George W. Cartwright (1843-1939). Competition

[Antitrust and Unfair Law Section of the State Bar of California], (with Kathleen

Tuttle), 17 (Fall 2008), 21-30.


“Internet Gambling,” (with Gregory C. Brown and Henry N. Pontell). In Crimes of the Internet. Edited by Frank Schmalleger and Michael Pittaro, Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2009, 166-190.

“Thalidomide” and “Truth Serum.” In Forensic Science. Edited by Amy Enbar-

Seddon and Allan D. Pass. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, 2009, 977-978,


Co-editor (with Mary Dodge). Special Issue: Social & Political Transformation

In White-Collar Crime. Crime, Law and Social Change, 51 (February 2009).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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