| |WEDNESDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2016 AT 9.30AM |

|PRESENT: |Constable S Crowcroft (SC) |

| |Mr G Jennings (GJ) |

| |Mr R Le Brocq (RLB) |

| |Mr N Blake (NB) |

| |Mr P Wade (PW) |

| |Mr B Manning (BM) |

| | |

|IN ATTENDANCE: |Mr P Pearce (Procureur du Bien Public) (PP) |

| |Mr J Stievenard (Director of Technical & Environmental Services) (JS) |

| | |

|APOLOGIES |The Very Rev R Key (Dean) (RK) |

| |Mr C Barton (Procureur du Bien Public) (CB) |

| | |

|OPEN MEETING |Having been previously circulated, the ‘A’ Agenda Minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2015 were |

| |agreed. |

| | |


| | |


|01/16 - MOTOR CYCLE PARKING |Following a recent fire in the motor cycle bay in Columbus Street the Committee were asked to consider a |

|FACILITIES – COLUMBUS STREET |request from the occupant of an adjacent property that the bay is not reinstated, Andium Homes have also |

| |relayed similar concerns from a couple of tenants. |

| | |

| |This is the first instance of a fire in a motor cycle bay but the Committee accepted that although |

| |extremely rare a fire could occur in any street at any time and this could occur if the bays accommodated |

| |motor cycles or vehicles. |

| | |

| |Having surveyed the area T & E were unable to identify an alternative location which was not either next to|

| |domestic or commercial buildings and a number of bays in the Parish are situated in similar location and |

| |all of these pose a risk to nearby buildings should a fire occur. |

| | |

| |The motor cycle bay is well used, however the Committee did consider altering the motor cycle bay to |

| |accommodate vehicles, however, four or five motor cycles can be accommodated in one vehicle space thus |

| |supporting the States Sustainable Transport Policy in the reduction of car use. |

| | |

| |A suggestion was made to relocate the motor cycle bay to Dorset Street where the planter is currently |

| |located but this was not supported. |

| | |

| |The Committee agreed that the motor cycle parking bay would be reinstated in Columbus Street, SC and RLB |

| |dissented. |

| | |

|02/16 - UNLOADING BAY & DISABLED |Following a request from Parking Control the Committee were asked to consider changing the temporary |

|PARKING – WHARF STREET |disabled bay in Wharf Street to a small unloading bay. |

| | |

| |Prior to commencement of the redevelopment of the Southampton Hotel, Weighbridge Place, in 2014 two |

| |disabled parking spaces have been established at the north eastern boundary of the building. The extensive|

| |hoarding and working compound used by the contractor resulted in the two spaces being lost, although one |

| |was temporarily relocated to Wharf Street. |

| | |

| |The Southampton Hotel development is now complete and the two disabled bays have been reinstated. |

| | |

| |However, Parking Control have identified the continual struggle by delivery personnel to find suitable |

| |space to unload their goods efficiently and move on to their next destination and have suggested the |

| |provision of an additional unloading bay would be welcomed by businesses. |

| | |

| |Although the Committee recognised that additional disabled parking spaces would always be welcomed, it was |

| |felt that the need for an additional unloading bay in this location was of significant value and agreed |

| |that the parking bay be changed in to an unloading bay. |


|03/16 - ESPLANADE QUARTER |P/2015/1920 |

|(BUILDING 5), ESPLANADE, ST |Esplanade Quarter (Building 5), Esplanade, St Helier |


| |Construct multi-storey office building with associated basement parking and public realm. Temporary |

| |relocation of existing public parking. |

| |The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided: |

| | |

| |The Parish is of the strong view that any vehicular access to the site from the public highway should |

| |incorporate such features, whether ground materials, signage or markings, to show that pedestrians have |

| |priority over vehicles. These vehicle crossing points must be subservient to pedestrian movement in order |

| |that pedestrian activity is encouraged in this busy sector and safety is maintained. |

| | |

| |It is understood that there will be cycle stands provided between Buildings 4 & 5 as marked within the |

| |‘Arrivals Square: Landscape and Public Realm Strategy’ report, the Roads Committee would welcome further |

| |information on the provision being provided for public cycle parking. The Roads Committee would welcome the|

| |opportunity to see a drawing illustrating the public cycling parking provision. Ideally, covered public |

| |cycling spaces would be welcomed. |

| | |

| |A strategy to clean the façade of the building without the necessity for external equipment which must be |

| |operated from the roadway must be developed for the Castle Street elevation. |

| | |

| |The construction process and site servicing arrangements must be discussed with T&E Services at development|

| |stage. |

| | |

| |That the refuse store and collection arrangements are agreed in detail with the Parish Refuse Manager. |

| | |

| |That a refuse separation and recycling strategy is agreed in conjunction with the Parish. |

| | |

|04/16 - ANN COURT, PROVIDENCE |RC/2015/1946 |

|STREET, ST HELIER |Ann Court, Providence Street, St Helier |

| |Vary Condition 1 (cease on 19th January 2016) to RC/2014/2157(Vary Condition 1 to extend by 12 months to |

| |continue using as a public car park) to extend by 12 months. |

| |The Roads Committee has no objections to the above submission. |

| | |

|05/16 - FIRST TOWER METHODIST |RP/2015/0931 |

|CHURCH, LA ROUTE DE ST AUBIN, ST |First Tower Methodist Church, La Route de St Aubin, St Helier, JE2 3SH |

|HELIER, JE2 3SH | |

| |Revised plans to P/2015/0017 (Change of use from church into three bedroom dwelling. Replace extension to |

| |south west elevation. Create vehicular access to south. Various external alterations.): Various internal |

| |alterations. Reduce floor area and replace flat roof with pitched roof of extension to south west. Reduce|

| |height of vent to north west elevation. |

| |The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided: |

| | |

| |That the refuse store and collection arrangements are agreed in detail with the Parish Refuse Manager. |

| | |

| |That a refuse separation and recycling strategy is agreed in conjunction with the Parish. |

| | |

|06/16 - LE SEELLEUR WORKSHOP & |P/2015/1960 |

|OFFICES, OXFORD ROAD, ST HELIER, |Le Seelleur Workshop & Offices, Oxford Road, St Helier, JE2 4LJ |

|JE2 4LJ | |

| |Change of use from workshop to 3 No two bedroom dwellings. |

| |The Roads Committee does not support this application for the following reasons:- |

| | |

| |The property falls outside the core retail area, therefore Roads Committee policy is that each unit of |

| |accommodation should be provided with a minimum of one parking space, i.e. 3 No, otherwise the applicant to|

| |consider reducing the density of the development to enable adequate parking to be created. i.e. reducing |

| |the development to two units of accommodation as opposed to three units. |

| | |

| |If this application is approved by the Planning Department, the Roads Committee would like the following |

| |items to be noted: |

| | |

| |The applicant should be requested to provide adequate space for bicycle or motorcycle parking within the |

| |development at least one space per property. It is noted that there is potential within the courtyard for |

| |this. |

| | |

| |That the refuse store and collection arrangements are agreed in detail with the Parish Refuse Manager. |

| | |

| |That a refuse separation and recycling strategy is agreed in conjunction with the Parish. |

| | |

|07/16 - THADDEUS JEWELLERS, 79 |RC/2016/0014 |

|KING STREET, ST HELIER, JE2 4WE |Thaddeus Jewellers, 79 King Street, St Helier, JE2 4WE |

| |Remove Condition 1 (the advertising station hereby permitted is temporary only) from permission P/2010/0185|

| |(display advertising station). |

| |The Roads Committee approve this application on condition that the previously agreed arrangement of the |

| |Parish of St Helier having 10% use of the screen for community purposes is maintained. |

| | |

| | |

|08/16 - SARUM HOTEL, 19 – 21 ST |P/2016/0021 |

|JOHN’S ROAD, ST HELIER, JE2 3LD |Sarum Hotel, 19 – 21 St John’s Road, St Helier, JE2 3LD |

| |Demolish part ground floor to create vehicular access from Old St John’s Road into internal courtyard. |

| |Infill swimming pool to create parking. Construct cycle shelter in courtyard. |

| |Whilst the Roads Committee is supportive of creating additional private parking the loss of 2 valuable |

| |on-street Residents’ Parking spaces will place further pressure on an already over-subscribed Residents’ |

| |Parking Scheme and cannot be supported. These schemes are finely balanced between visitor (Paycard) spaces|

| |and those set aside for residents of the area who pay an annual fee for a permit to park. The Parish has |

| |recently been criticised for not providing sufficient parking facilities for residents of the zone |

| |resulting in Parish Deputies insisting that additional spaces must be identified and delivered. The |

| |removal of such provision is in direct opposition to that request and the express wishes of a Parish |

| |Assembly held in March 2015. |

| | |

| |There are a number of points raised by the applicant which require response: |

| | |

| |Visibility splays with an indicated 11.50m vision is unsatisfactory. A vehicle travelling at 20 mph |

| |requires 18.30m to stop in the wet. At 8.9m per second the indicated vision lines of 11.50m give no |

| |ability for the driver to stop adequately. |

| | |

| |The applicant has not shown how pedestrian visibility can be achieved to meet current standards. |

| | |

| |It is asserted that there is a shortage of available parking spaces in the local vicinity. This is |

| |rejected. Since the introduction of Cheapside Residents’ Parking Zone there has been no reduction in |

| |on-street spaces, just a more balanced process of administering them. |

| | |

| |The applicant refers to ‘open’ parking spaces; it is assumed that this refers to Paycard or disc parking. |

| |It should be noted that ‘visitor’ (Paycard) spaces have been retained in the adjacent streets of West Park |

| |Avenue, Peirson Road, Parade Road and Kensington Place. In addition there is a 50 place car park in |

| |Elizabeth Lane 150 metres away, 60 spaces along the perimeter of People’s Park and 44 at Inn on the Park |

| |Car Park. |

| | |

| |The applicant refers to 13 hotels which have closed in the last 15 years. The considerable draw on public |

| |parking, particularly during the period June to September, which these establishments would have taken |

| |advantage of has been removed resulting in a far better chance of securing a space. |

| | |

| |The applicant states that the on-street parking impedes the operation of the bin store. This is refuted. |

| |The footway is of sufficient width to manoeuvre the large bins and this has been confirmed by the Parish |

| |Refuse Department. The doors to the refuse store open outward (which they should not) and if re-hung to |

| |open inward more space on the footway will be afforded. In addition, it is noted that this bin store has |

| |double doors which open on to the hotel’s private car parking area and with some adjustment of that parking|

| |the pavement side doors could be made redundant. |

| | |

| |It is asserted that the on-street public parking spaces are ‘inappropriate’ and ‘not permissible under the |

| |current Island Plan Policies’. The Highway Authority (The Parish Roads Committee) is charged with, and has|

| |commensurate powers, to establish such on-street car parking as it deems appropriate and suitable to |

| |establish. No Planning permissions are required and no policies have been broken. |

| | |

| |The applicant has suggested that between 2 and 4 new parking spaces could be created to the south of the |

| |hotel. The Roads Committee continually assesses and challenges its own criteria for the safe and |

| |convenient provision of on-street parking and will adjust spaces accordingly. Old St John’s Road has been |

| |surveyed and it has been ascertained that no further on-street spaces can be created without compromising |

| |safety and access. |

| | |

| |The suggestion that the parking spaces outside the hotel can be rearranged to create a chicane arrangement |

| |has been investigated and cannot be achieved to provide a safe and accessible route north/south. |

| | |

| |The Parish is happy to discuss how the matters above can be overcome to achieve an acceptable arrangement |

| |but the loss of 2 valuable on-street Residents’ Parking spaces cannot be supported. |

| | |

| |RLB dissented on the Committee’s reply to this application. |

| | |

|09/16 - WESTAWAY CHAMBERS, 37 – |P/2016/0030 |

|39 DON STREET, ST HELIER, JE2 4TR|Westaway Chambers, 37 – 39 Don Street, St Helier, JE2 4TR |

| |Convert offices into 2 No one bedroom and 13 No two bedroom dwellings with associated parking and ancillary|

| |stores. |

| |The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided: |

| | |

| |It is noted that the applicant has reduced the number of apartments from 21 to 15. The Parish takes a |

| |pragmatic view of developments within the core retail sector of St Helier and will relax its request for |

| |one parking space per unit in this instance. The development of this site into residential units is |

| |supported with the provision of 8 parking spaces equating to 53% of the units of accommodation having |

| |off-street parking. It is also noted that one parking space is allocated for the existing ground floor |

| |retail unit. |

| | |

| |That the requirements of the Highway Encroachments (Jersey) Regulations 1957 are strictly complied with. |

| | |

| |That any windows bordering the Public Road or Footpath shall be of a type whose opening lights do not open |

| |beyond the face of the building. |

| | |

| |That the refuse store and collection arrangements are agreed in detail with the Parish Refuse Manager. |

| | |

| |That a refuse separation and recycling strategy is agreed in conjunction with the Parish. |

| | |

|10/16 - 20 PETER STREET, ST |P/2016/0018 |

|HELIER, JE2 4SP |20 Peter Street, St Helier, JE2 4SP |

| |Convert ground floor office into 1 No one bed unit. |

| |The Roads Committee has no objections to the above submission. |

|11/16 - JERSEY DEEP FREEZE, |PP/2015/1538 |

|ARCHWAY HOUSE, BOA WAREHOUSE, LE |Jersey Deep Freeze, Archway House, BOA Warehouse, Le Masurier House, F Nicholson & Son Ltd, Totem Plastics,|

|MASURIER HOUSE, F NICHOLSON & SON|L'Avenue et Dolmen du Pré des Lumières |

|LTD, TOTEM PLASTICS, L'AVENUE ET |/La Rue le Masurier, St Helier, JE2 4YE |



|JE2 4YE | |

| |OUTLINE PLANNING: Demolish existing warehouse, office & commercial units. Convert, alter and extend |

| |existing Archway building, store & commercial unit. Construct 174 No dwellings, 4 No commercial units, |

| |community facility, 191 No car parking spaces & associated ancillary storage, plant & landscaping. Fixed |

| |matters: Layout, Massing and Means of Access. Reserved matters: Appearance and Landscaping. (EIS submitted)|

| |(3D Model available) AMENDED PLANS: Reduce height of block along La Rue le Masurier by one storey. Total |

| |number of residential units reduced to 169.  |

| |Comments made on PP/2015/1538, dated 11.11.15 and comments raised in our reply to the previous application:|

| |PP/2015/0454 remain: |

| | |

| |The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and gives approval provided: |

| | |

| |That a minimum visibility of 30 metres is achieved between the driver 2 metres within the access and |

| |drivers in the centre of the near side and off side traffic lanes. Everything in the visibility areas so |

| |formed including gates, pillars, walls and plants growth to be permanently restricted in height to 900 mm |

| |above road level. |

| | |

| |Vehicle entrances into car park to have continuous footpath to give right of way to pedestrians. Applicant |

| |to discuss proposals for entrance/exist into the site with the Department for Infrastructure and Parish. |

| | |

| |It is believed that a financial contribution of £1,000 per unit of accommodation is to be secured for |

| |potential public realm improvements. It is requested that this money is used partly to mitigate the impact|

| |of the scheme on residents living in the adjacent street of Stopford Road by environmental/regeneration |

| |improvements. The Parish believe that this aspect of the development should involve the residents of the |

| |area by asking them to contribute ideas for public realm improvements. |

| | |

| |Public parking in the north east of town has become increasingly difficult since the closure of the Gas |

| |Works Car Park and the Parish’s Residents’ Parking Scheme is over subscribed.  The Planning Minister has |

| |indicated his willingness to consider options for increasing residential car parking including the |

| |contribution of developers via planning gains and the Parish urge the Planning Department on this |

| |application to seek ways of providing a number of public parking spaces within the development. |

| | |

| |That the refuse store and collection arrangements are agreed in detail with the Parish Refuse Manager. |

| | |

| |That a refuse separation and recycling strategy is agreed in conjunction with the Parish. |

| | |

| |That the requirements of the Highway Encroachments (Jersey) Regulations 1957 are strictly complied with. |

| | |

| |That notwithstanding the above comments, this submission should be referred to the Department for |

| |Infrastructure since the road in front of the property is a States Main Road. |

| | |

| |The construction process and site servicing arrangements must be discussed with T&E Services at development|

| |stage. |

| | |

| |Applicant to discuss with Parish its proposals for the visitor parking spaces as it has been suggested that|

| |Parish/Department for Infrastructure manage the visitor spaces (11.9 of Design statement). |

| | |

|12/16 - INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, 41 |P/2016/0062 |

|THE PARADE, ST HELIER, JE2 3QQ |International House, 41 The Parade, St Helier, JE2 3QQ |

| |Change of use from Class A retail to Class B restaurant with ancillary takeaway facilities. Install |

| |extract flue to west elevation. |

| |The Roads Committee has examined plans for the above submission and comments as follows:- |

| | |

| |The Roads Committee is concerned with the potential noise from the extraction unit; the applicant is to |

| |ensure that the noise generated from the ventilation system complies with the requirements from |

| |Environmental Health. It is noted that the vertical extraction vent is adjacent to what looks like a |

| |residential unit (refer to photos on the applicants drawing). |

| | |

| |It is noted that a carbon filtration system will be used for the control of odour, it is understood that |

| |these systems do require regular maintenance in order to ensure that they remain effective in removing |

| |odours, the Roads Committee would like a condition placed on the applicant to ensure that the filtration |

| |system is kept maintained and that if unacceptable odours do occur that contravene Environmental Health set|

| |standards that the applicant would have to address this immediately and cease cooking until the issue is |

| |resolved satisfactorily to Environmental Health. |

| | |

| |It is noted that the applicant intends to offer takeaway service; the applicant is to provide detail of how|

| |this will be controlled to ensure that patrons collecting takeaways do so on foot and if travelling by car,|

| |park within designated parking spaces. |

| | |

| |The applicant is to agree a cleaning strategy for the external area around the proposed restaurant, i.e. |

| |cleaning of the granite paving where the patrons of the restaurant may leave litter. The Parish would like |

| |to view the proposal for litter bins and the applicant will need to agree with the Parish on their design |

| |to ensure that they are appropriate for the streetscape. |

| | |

| |That the refuse store and collection arrangements are agreed in detail with the Parish Refuse Manager. |

| | |

| |That a refuse separation and recycling strategy is agreed in conjunction with the Parish. |

| | |

| |The following delivery regime should be noted and adopted by the applicant: |

| | |

| |Unloading bays exist in The Parade (opposite the site) and are available for delivery purposes between |

| |5.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Saturday. |

| | |

| |Access to Old Street through the automated bollard will be given on the basis that any vehicle using this |

| |route parks ‘off road’. It is understood that the premises will be granted permission to park in the |

| |adjacent private off street car park and access to this facility will be granted. At no time will it be |

| |acceptable for deliveries to take place from Old Street. |

| | |

| |It should be noted that the paved area in front of the premises and on the western side must not be used |

| |for delivery purposes. |

| | |

|13/16 - 30 – 34 CENTRAL MARKET, |SSI/2016/0094 |

|HALKETT PLACE, ST HELIER, JE2 4WL|30 – 34 Central Market, Halkett Place, St Helier, JE2 4WL |

| |Insert 2 No glass doors to east elevation. Construct granite ramp with new planter and reinstate 2 No |

| |timber windows to south elevation. |

| |The Parish has no objections to this application provided that the requirements of the Highways |

| |Encroachments (Jersey) Regulations 1957 are complied with. |

| | |

|NEXT MEETING |The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 16 March 2016 at 9.30am in the Committee Room, First Floor, |

| |Town Hall. |


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