

Meeting of the Board of Trustees

of the Northwest Civic Association

WebEx Meeting

3 June 2020

Call to Order

President Nick Cipiti called the virtual meeting to order at 7:03pm.

Trustees present: Nick Cipiti, Marilyn Goodman, Roy Wentzel, Ruth Royal, John Fortkamp, Cheryl Grossman, Steve Donnell. A quorum was present.

Moment of Silence

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting and Special Meeting by Roy Wentzel. John Fortkamp seconded. Motion passed. Minutes are approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Marilyn Goodman motions to approve the report as prepared by Treasurer John Guroy, Ruth Royal

seconds. Motion passes.

Approve New Members

Phil Tuttle & Kori Mulligan. Motion to approve; John Fortkamp seconded. Motion passed.

Discussion of Trustee Elections/Voting

Instructions will be emailed out and will include blurb from each candidate. Members will place ballot in an unmarked envelope within an envelope addressed to PO Box. Two Board Members will review ballots to ensure all ballots are from members in good standing. Two other members will count the votes. Must have 50% + 1 of votes to be elected. Hopefully, the process will be completed by end of June.

Committee Reports

No Committee Reports

Zoning Applications – Kit and Marilyn

• 682 Sternberger Place – Additional Garage

o The applicant is applying for a variance to construct an additional garage.  He currently has a 598 sq. ft. garage.  His proposed additional garage would be 720 sq. ft. and would allow for storage of his car collection and indoor parking of applicant cars.  The new garage would match the house.  An aging wooden shed would be taken down.  Applicant has informed neighbors of his plans.

▪ Kit moved to recommend approval of Zoning as described. Roy seconded.

▪ Motion approved 6-0.

• 2)  1776 Drew Avenue @ Seton Square – Divide parcel to obtain funding for renovations

o The applicant wants to obtain HUD funding to renovate the interior of Seton Square which contains apartments, affordable housing and senior living.  The northern portion of the lot has environmental conditions that would have to be remediated before a funding application could be submitted.  Applicant wants to split off that portion so funding can be obtained for the remainder of the lot.  If this split is approved, applicant will then have to apply for variances to continue the existing use and operations and have less parking spaces after the reduction in lot size, and to make the smaller lot compliant with the current Columbus code.

▪ Motion from Marilyn Goodman to approve the 8 requested variances (specifically 3312.03, 3312.49, 3312.09, 3312.25, 3312.21(A), 3312.21(D), 3321.01, 3349.03) with the condition that after the remediation is complete, the northern parcel will be recombined with the parcel from which it was split. Seconded by Cheryl Grossman.

▪ Motion approved 6-0.

Airport Report - Marilyn

Marilyn Goodman, John Guroy and Nick Cipiti had a Zoom meeting with Stephanie Morgan (Executive Director, Air Transportation and Aerospace Campus) at the airport regarding how the airport is looking more industrial along West Case which is made worse by the lack of landscaping. Typically there is no funding available for landscaping after maintenance of runways; given the pandemic, there really are no funds available for landscaping. An interim director, Adam Wolfe, was selected and started 2 March 2020. The hiring of a permanent director has been delayed by the pandemic. In the future, the airport will no longer share land with the agriculture college as it is not ideal for an airport to have that use surrounding it.

Parks & Rec Report - Roy

Marilyn Goodman raised the concern that the Sheep Farm gates off West Case are closed. Roy says it will be about a month before we can have access to that area.

Old Business / New Business

Future Improvement to Intersection of I-161 and Linworth - Marilyn

The Franklin County Engineer met with the governmental entities that have jurisdiction over the intersection. They have created a Transportation Improvement District and everyone is collaborating. They are requesting $200,000 to plan to improve the intersection: smooth RR crossing, add left and right turn lanes on I-161. Plan would take about 1-2 years; design would take around 4 years. Nothing expected before 2024.


Next meeting is 17 June 2020 via WebEx to hear 2 zonings.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22pm.


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