Circleville Obscene and Threatening Letters Continued
Circleville Obscene and Threatening Letters Continued
Freshour’s writing test given him by sheriff Radcliff was given wrong. Freshour should have never seen a letter, let-a-lone copy from the actual letters which Freshour did. His testing should have consisted of dictation only.
This was serious, and where was Freshou’s lawyer, Vincent Depascale? It is now confirmed Freshour’s attorney; Vincent Depascale was working with procecution. Refer back to exhibit m, at page 148. Depascale did not fight the letters claims and his participation is why Freshour never got letter discovery, and why Freshour’s writing expert was hand picked for prosecution…in order to control the letters.
Kline could not afford to give Freshour discovery of the letters because many involved. Kline himself claiming Kline had a teacher murdered. Although Sheriff Radcliff requested the letters not be opened, and turned over to him, many people actually opened and read the letters regardless of Sheriff Radcliff’s request.
All letters were in Block Printing and easily recognized. Exhibit m at page 148 confirms the following when the letters continued after Freshour’s arrest and release on bond.
“Upon a hearing on the matter with the participation, and consent of plaintiff’s counsel, the courts order was journalized to avoid pre-trial publicly and resulting prejudice to either party and to prevent obscene and threatening letters.”
The above was trial judge Ammers answer (testimony) in a district court deposition and under oath which is doubtful judge Ammer lied.
However , there was much publicity on this regardless of the courts order to avoid pre-trial publicity. The headlines read Freshour changes his plea from not guilty to not guilty by reason of insanity . (Headline news). This on purpose and Depascale a part there of.
Freshour didn’t even know about this in part also caused Freshours conviction , however, the letters continued regardless. With Freshour back in jail and the sheriff claiming it was freshour and he caught many smuggling letters.
Depascale lied to Freshours family, telling them he needed them to go with this because judge Ammer would not grant a continuence and attorney depascale needed time to investigate and talk to the witness, and in fact he caused freshour to go back to jail off bond due to his participation with judge Ammer and Kline . Vince depascale didn’t even talk to Freshours witness until the fist day of court,out in the hallway , with all the witness confirming this. Depascale did no investigation at all. He misled the freshours. Depascale lied. Attorney Vincent depascale……they agreed with the court after they denied freshour discovery of the letter for independent examination of them for trial prepation. The court ruled; the only way the letters could be examined for freshour was at BCI wich is where the prosecution writing experts work. Depascale did not even meet freshours writing expert there. BCI’s Green worked with freshours writing expert there , and Bci writing expert Walter Knight is the one who trained Freshours writing expert so he could be a writing expert himself? Yet Depascale set this up?
Depascale knew writing expert massie well. During trial Freshour asked his lawyer to ask Green , the Nci writing expert if he’d ever been wrong ,however attorney depascale didn’t .Freshour asked again for depascale to ask his own writing expert massie ,had he ever been wrong, and again depascale wouldn’t. See all media from February 1983, to November 1983 , and see for yourself what caused freshours conviction.
Vince depascale had lots of information on the letters but would not for sone reason use it. While the sheriff claimed he had Freshours fingerprints no fingerprint expert testified in court and Depascale should have used this himself. (Radcliff lied). Attorney depascale knew Kline had layed out his case based on the letters which has now been confirmed scientifically. (freshours never wrote to start with). Kline even referred to the thousand of letters and just not the 39 allowed . The appeals court decision confirmed the letters were used to show motive. (freshour never wrote the letters).And for the appeals court the jury instruction on the letters was wrong.
Although sheriff Radcliff stated, “ even if Freshour didn’t write the letter”. It was still his gun in the booby trap.The letters caused prejudice and hate. To get a conviction and one of the reasons they were used. Everyone hated the letters.
The instruction on the letters to the jury was wrong. The letters did cause his conviction. On the booby trap, his lawyer couldn’t or didn’t get discovery on it either. Vince depascale had lots of information on this which he didn’t use. For example Freshours ex wife was living on mary gillispies property in a trailer where mary had just evicted freshours ex wifes parents from. Freshours ex wife was also living with her boyfriend where sheriff Radcliff returned the typewriter as confirmed in exhibit k. Many believe had freshours ex wife been up front with her brother Ron about Gordon massie and mary gillispies affair, ron would still be alive today.
Here mary gillispie evicted freshours ex wifes parents from their own home a trailer. How many people would move in after their parents eviction? How heartless can one be?most people would be over protective of their parents, just not here, and how cruel was mary gillispie to have evicted two old people? The jury should have heard this. How close was mary to his ex? People laugh that mary claimed her relationship with Gordon massie did not start until after her husbands death and Gordon massies divorce. There were witness ready to take the stand to confirm gillispie was lying about this , however, depascale would not use them and they are still available to this day. Mary gillispie even called mrs.massie saying “ she hoped she didn’t believe the letters about her and Mr. Massie “ , and she was sneaking around with massie at that very time. Depascale should have tied this together with the witness present to testify , and where Radcliff claimed there was no affair per his investigation which he claimed untrue and a lie, and where sheriff Radcliff lied an claimed he caught mary smuggling letters, yet mary gillispie was believed on a booby trap no one else seen. This can all still be confirmed. Depascale knew Reid was a suspect but failed to stop him from testifying undisclosed?
Kline hid evidence, the black and yellow elcameo car, changed transcripts , and much other evidence, depascale could have confirmed, had only he would have investigated or had investigations as freshour wanted.
See exhibit A-1 pages 1 through 12 , in detail.
Page 5 confirms trial judge ammer instructed the jury on state of mind, now refer back to exhibit D where the appellate court ruled state of mind not proper which confirms “state of mind” was an improper instruction to the jury. Yet no relief. Page 5 also confirms separation of winess yet Kenneth reid testified undisclosed, see exhibit d in detail. Yet no relief. A-1 page 5 confirms the limiting instruction to the jury on state of mind…was not proper. Importantly , see page 7 , where freshours very own writing expert admits that he did not examine the letters to determine if freshour had written them. Yet he testified against freshour. Exhibit A-1 at page 8 confirms trial counsel depascale admits it was his decision not to permit freshour to testify. See exhibit A-1 in detail. One appellate court judge decented, see exhibit D. depascale should have never allowed freshour to have been put in such position.
With this control and denial something is seriously wrong. Freshour believes its murder cover up and the sheriff and Columbus ohio FBI has had 35 years to clear it up , to prove freshour wrong. Depascale should have fought the letter rather than agree with prosecution on them. Depascale had plenty of evidence to use.
1 it should have been heard by the jury about freshours ex living on gillispies property in a trailer where mary had just evicted freshours ex wifes parents from. How close were they?
2 the divorce court should have been known by the jury , and where freshours ex didn’t mention the letters at all during the divorce.
3 freshour was denied discovery of the booby trap and depascale should have pointed this out to the jury. Why? (freshours hands were tied)??? While unsolved mysteries discovered Klines hidden evidence on the yellow and black el cameo which could have tied freshours ex wife and boy friend to the scene ( had depascale talked to the people around the scene of the crime this im partial evidence could have been known and used at trial heard by the jury). Depascale did no investigations what so ever , nor talk to anyone? But he did use investigators in his divorce cases? Just not this important high class trial.
Attorney depascale had a chance to crack Freshours case wide open when the Pickaway county sheriff Dwite Radcliff claimed in the media ,that he caught many smuggling letters from jail,and he didn’t catch a one. This could have been easily confirmed as ( a Radcliff lie),but depascale would not use this before the jury? The jury should have known this. This would create doubt . if Radcliff lied about this, what else did he lie about?
Freshour was denied discovery of the letters for independent examination of them,and this should have been heard by the jury,and especially with the letters claiming prosecutor kline had a school teacher pregnant and murdered. Depascale did not use this at all, and it was a part of the letters. Since kline referred to the thousand letters, this could have been used as well. Depescale did not for some reason challenge the letters at all?
Freshour was denied discovery of the booby trap and this prevented freshour from putting on a professional witness to rebuttle the prosecutors witness on the booby trap. Freshour had a professional expert but denied discovery on the booby trap, and Depascale did nothing about this. Despascale mad esure nothing good was heard concerning Freshour on the letters, see transcripts. Now…as confirmed by the state of Ohio department of corrections (prisons), Freshour never wrote the obscene and threatening letters for the (10½) years he was in prison and they were in the same writing/printing as all other letters and this even admitted by Sheriff Radcliff. Freshour never wrote the letters and this was proven scientifically. It’s a fact Sheriff Radcliff went to the prison often or called the prison oftern, claiming Freshour was writing the obscene and threatening letter from prison, even causing Freshoulr to be put in the “hole” and this without proof or charges. The “hole” is for punishment, yet Freshour was put in the “hole” and the letters continued while he was in the “hole”.
While Prosecutor Kline, now and affiliate court judge refereed to the letters during trial (even the thousand letter which the trial judge ruled would not be entered into evidence) and where (39) only would be, Prosecutor Kline purposely did this for hate and to get him a coviction as long as the letters involving him were not known. This was Kline’s self cover-up?
If Freshour was so guilty, why all the denials on the letters, and the letter control by Judge Roger Kline? If freshour was so guilty, why was he denied discovery or the booby trap? If Freshour was so guilty why did Kline hide evidence, change transcripts, and refer often to the obscene and threatening letter during trial? Why do all this, if Freshour was so guilty, however this not known by the jury.
Had Kline (had Freshour charged with the letters), Freshour would have gotten much more prison time than the attempted murder charge, because many letter contained arsenic, and this was more-so attempted murder than the attempted murder charge on the booby trap. Yet Kline would have lost control of the letters which he could not have afforded what-so-ever. Here Kline protected by the higher court system completely. See exhibit Bal at page 8, Kline got by with changing transcipts and yet hi did not have to answer for it. Why? This is exactly the purpose of the U.S. Constitution and must not be denied because a lawyer could be responsible for a murder and many covering and protecting him. There is no way Kline could/can explain this and those responsible for Freshour’s checks and balances have confirmed it. They ignored it? They covered it up with excuses? Abuse of power and authority is involved here in Freshours case. All of Freshours actions denied by the courts and some not even answered. There is no doubt Radcliff has a lot of pwer and its more than likely he has dirt on mary. Exhibit M. confirms Radcliff tried to use an inmate to keep freshour in prison. First,the inmates grandfather picked him up and saw no letter, next Radcliff did not even get the letter fingerprinted which should have been done immediately. Attorney depascale knew this and should have made the jury aware of it. Here depascale protected Radcliff. See M. completely. The obscene and threatening letters crossed state lines from ohio to California, yet no charges by the FBI. Its possible Radcliff would not allow the Columbus ohio FBI to get involved. This is why freshour went to the FBI in Washington. Many of the letters true and covered up, however no one is allowed to investigate them. In fact recently discovered is exhibitly about David Longberry. Longberry was a heavy duty suspect of the letters. Longberry and Kenneth Reid, (the undisclosed witness) , kline used to tesify against freshour were tight and for some reason this couldn’t be known.
You’d thought they were enemies..they weren’t. Reid was over the school bus drivers and high up in the school system. Longberry was a school bus driver. Who ever was responsible for the letters knew everything about the school. Longberry raped an 11 year old girl, see exhibit C-1. more importantly longberry hung himself in texas and could not be identified for 10 years. Longberry went to texas in 1999. this confirmed by the texas police. Now see exhibit C-2 which confirmed after a decade of searching , cops confirmed longberry was dead, from 1999 to 2009 longberry was dead in texas unidentified for these 10 years. Its believed the letters continue around the time of longberrys (1999) disappearance…and freshour believes this is when the letters stopped. No one knew where longberry was for these ten years and the texas police didn’t lie about it. Freshour believes the letters stopped in late 1998 or 1999 when longberry went to texas where he immediately hung himself. So far it appears freshour is right and hopefully confirmed quickly ..even with out Radcliffs cooperation. Attorney depascale knew about longberry but as usual did nothing, no investigation what so ever on longberry. Longberry was a suspect of the letters.
Its odd that after freshour was put in prison he was granted copies of the letters by a United States district court in Columbus ohio , where the very first writing expert said it was not freshours writing. This was submitted to a local T.V station, however , with prosecution and Radcliffs screaming, freshour was not in prison for the letters. But for attempted murder. (no relief granted).
Yet the letters caused his conviction.
However the sheriff kept calling or going to the prison claiming freshour was still writing the letters which caused freshour punishment with freshour being put in the hole even without an charges, just on Radcliffs word only. Freshours writing paper , pens, and pencils matched nothing .
Sheriff Radcliff cant admit the truth about the letters or he’d be in prison himself. Freshour still cant believe vince depascale allowing the trial judge to keep freshour from taking the witness stand claiming if freshour takes the witness in his belief that all letters would be enforced into evidence against him. Depascale went for this and kline refered to the thousands regardless and freshour at this point should have testified on his behalf, however, although the court and vince put on a convincing show, they knew freshour couldn’t or wouldn’t be taking the stand and being heard out. Kline couldn’t afford ro rake a chance on freshour taking the stand, its confirmed now they kept freshours ex wife fom taking the stand by keeping her hid in the sheriffs house. When freshour didn’t testify and kline referring to the thousand letters, the trial judge violated his own agreement/ruling and depascaled did nothing about this…
Exhibit A-1 confirms at page 5.
Freshour had a lawyer (depascale). Freshour should never been placed in such position. The obscene and threatening letters interfered with the school and some people even moved because of them. Depascale had an obligation to follow the law. School children were in danger often, for example, mary gillispie placed a booby trap on her school bus. The school bus was loaded with school children. The booby trap could as well been an explosive device which could have killed everyone on the bus. Authorities should have handled it , only yet no charges for tampering with the evidence. Here the pickaway county sheriff Dwight Radcliff confirms he didn’t do his job, when mary gillispie didn’t abide by his instructions to her. She controlled sheriff Radcliff . why? He did what ever she wanted.
People should be thankful to this day that children weren’t hurt. Now even thought the children are grown the parents should be thankful and remember this.
Attorney depascale would not use this factual evidence heard by the jury which could have shown what gillispe was all about, and even while mary gillispie read a letter at trial threatening to put a bullet in her little girls head, she still had and affair with massie. What kind of mother was she?
Could she lie about a booby trap? This why discovery so important!!! On the booby trap gillispie took the law into her own hands regardless of Radcliff? The jury should have been informed of this in detail. The letters threatened many people, judges included. Arsenic was mailed in the letters, however , sheriff Radcliff and the Columbus ohio FBI hate freshour. Freshour hates no one. Freshour believes Radcliff leads the FBI , where the FBI should be leading, after 35 years and nothing done ( knowing all of the above information)? And Radcliffs lies????
Prosecution came to the prison in 1988 and ask the (3) following questions;
1) was freshour writing the letters?
2) Was freshour having someone write the letters?( this would be another writing and not freshours).
3) Did freshour know who was writing the letters?
All questions favored freshour and proves prosecution didn’t know who wrote the letter to start with. Yet freshour was kept in prison.
Depascale almost set it up to where freshours appeal couldn’t be perfected properly while representing freshour at trial. See exhibit D in complete detail. In fact there was large signs posted as the letters informed and with all of radcliffs supposed investigations, why wasn’t someone caught? Someone was running around posting signs and never caught? What an investigation! All counties have there own license plate numbers, freshours would show up franklin county.
The appeals court claimed “ while it may have been advisable under the facts here to have limited the use of the letters” we are not persuaded freshour was prejucied”. In fact the appellate coiurt nor jury knew how the letter test was completed, the writing test given wrong, green, Bci writing expert assisted freshours writing expert at Bci. The sheriff told many residents he had freshours finger prints on the letters and he didn’t. the sheriff put in the newspaper that freshour admitted to writing the letters which freshour didn’t. the sheriff lied and claimed he caught many smuggling letters for freshour and he never did. No wonder the letters continued. While sheriff Radcliff told many freshours finger prints were on the letter he lied and no print expert used in court could back him up.
This would have been scientific evidence. The appellate court decision confirmed the following; see exhibit D.
The trial judges instruction on state of mind was not proper. Ruled state of mind not a permission purpose.
Ruled Kenneth Reid should have been disclosed , however, freshour did not request a continuence..depascale was freshours attorney? Depascale failed here , not freshour.
Ruled two juriors should have been further inquired, however, this was not of record. Freshour had an attorney who was Vincent depascale? Depascale swears Kline kept this from the record, by Depascale didn’t do anything about it.
See exhibit D in detail where the appellate court ruled many things wrong, that freshour failed to do.. however, freshour had a lawyer, Vincent Depascale. See exhibit D in detail which confirms the ineffective assistance of cousil and where the appellate court would not revere due to possible murder cover up of one of their own. There own would be in deep trouble had they reversed. There Is no other reason as they were told and they claimed.
Its possible had the appeals court reversed , their deeds would be snitched out. The appeals court made a joke out the law. Freshour believes here sheriff Radcliff has so muc on the ohio legal system that he must be backed. Remember freshour and Radcliff argued for years over freshours brother in laws murder. Its now being investigated about a Connie Mangus, the sheriff and his deputy talked to and they had her say what they wanted on a recorder. Connie was only 17 at the time , so her mother got involved with her lawyer. This really upset Mrs.Mangus because the way the pickaway sheriff used her underage daughter in his car without her knowledge. While the sheriff claimed he didn’t use tape recorders this is the third instance disproving that. See also exhibit D-1. he did use tape recording on freshour as well which he denies. That recording would prove what freshour said the night of his arrest, however, see again exhibit B-1 at page 4 , assignment of error number two “where the trial court failed to conduct a hearing out of the presence of the jury to determine self incriminating statements”. Then importantly see exhibit B-1 page 8 in detail where records were changed.
Isn’t is odd that letters fortold that Gordon Massie and Mary Gillispie were having an affair? Which turned out to be true!
Isn’t it odd that the letters claimed Dr.Caroll was molesting children. Which turned out to be true.
Isn’t it odd that letters claimed baby bones would be removed from a baby grave and sent at random if outside investion into school teachers murder wasn’t investigated by outside sources. Which turned out to be true.
Isn’t it odd that letters claimed Roger Kline was having an affair with a murdered school teacher Vicki koch, having her pregnant and murdered to protect his life and career. (its still unsolved) it will never be solved under a Radcliff administration.
Isn’t it odd that Mr. Ronald Gillispie received a letter for him to confirm Massie and Marys affair relationship and then notify the school so Massie would get fired from the school , and that they knew where Ronald Gillispie lived and what he drove, and he would be killed if he didn’t obey the letter. Ron was murdered. As the letter claimed a short time late. This is when the pickaway county sheriff and freshour started argueing. They argued for years over Ron Gillispies death. In fact the pickaway county sheriff called freshour off work to meet him at Ron Gillispies parents home to break the news on Ron Gillispies death. The sheriff feared Dave Gillispie would be out of control because of the letters. Rons parents received the letter often. Freshour actually give the notice and the sheriff and deputy waited outside the trailer. Anheuser bush records and employees will confirm this. The facts ; Radcliff solved none of the crimes and tried to cover them up. Sheriff Radcliff claimed in the media “that Massie an Gillispies affair purported, untrue and a lie” yet it was true. Freshour will be posting this media at a later date. The letters claimed Dr. Carrol molested children , with Radcliffs investigation missing this, however, children finally ( on there own ) admitted Dr. Carrol molested them. The sheriff still covered up this crime and Dr. Caroll moved to florida. No punishment what so ever. Its possible Dr. Caroll covered up for Radcliff and Kline. On the baby bones , sheriff Radcliff tried to get the parents to not mention this to anyone because it would interfere with his investigation , however the parents informed a local TV station and in fact someone did open their small babies grave (tampering with its bones and baby remains mailed at random), yet the sheriff tried to cover this up and keep it quiet like everything else? This was a precious baby and should be solved no matter what? Radcliff should be ashamed here! On Roger Kline since the letters are true on everything else why not on Kline? It’s a fact a teacher was murdered , and never solved, and it will not be as long as Radcliffs the sheriff, because, the sheriff Dwight Radvliff will always control. Its rumored already that Dwight claimes his son will definitely take over the next election. Should there be a new sheriff elected. Freshour believes the school teachers murder will be solved, however, with Radcliffs power his son will replace him. Only a Radcliff will be sheriff in pickaway county. On the Ron Gillispie murder, Freshour believes that murder will get solved because it was a murder. Radcliff did not investigate the truck and it was destroyed immediately as requested by Mary Gillispie to the cautly salvage yard. ( more on truck later).
Freshour did over 10 ½ years because of sheriff Radcliff and Kline regardless, because of the abscene and threatening letters he never wrote. Which also involved his lawyer depascale.
8 thigs everyone has a right to ask and know.
1)did the letters stop when freshour went to prison?
2) Did sheriff Radcliff actually go to the prison and inform them that freshour was writing the obscene and threatening letters from prison?
3) Did Radcliff call the prison and tell them freshour was writing the letters from prison?
4)how many times?
5) Did the letters continue for over a 35 year period ?
6) Did the letters stop upon David Longberrys death?
7)Did the letters continue when freshour was in prison for the entire time with out disturbances at all?
8)why didn’t the prison stop freshour from writing the obscene and threatening letters from prison? Why didn’t Radcliff?
Its because freshour wasn’t writing the letters from prison to start with.its not believed while freshours finger prints were not on the letters at all, and with Bci admitting therewere finger prints on the letters labeled unclassified , that Kline feared that discovery of the letters to freshour would confirm who the unclassified finger prints belonged to. Even David Longberry and others could have been discovered which would have allowed freshour full discovery and confirm a connection to judge Klines alleged murder of a school teacher. This in part is why freshour was denied copies of the letters for private testing and examinations of them. Fresour was denied discovery of the booby trap…as well, and freshour believes for the same reason. Had freshour been granted discloser of the booby trap, its possible finger prints of another would have been confirmed and without purpose ..including freshours ex wife..and even Mary Gillispie in places unexplainable. However, Freshour was denied discovery of the booby trap, his only charge. Depascale did not challenge the denied discovery. Per legal authorities ( the denial of discovery) confirms something wrong and being covered up.discovers how either of you are guilty.
Or the state of Ohio is guilty, here discovery denied. FReshour claims this exactly why he was denied everything because someone else would have surfaced. There can be no excuses for freshour to have been denied discovery on the booby trap. There can be no excuses for the obscene and threatening letters to have been so controlled by Kline. There can be no excuse for freshour to have been denied discovery of the letters for private independent examinations of them for trial preparation. There was no excuse for freshour to be treated the way he was and he knows its because of murder cover up and for no other reason. Freshour had to be put away and where he would never be credible or believed by anyone. This which is fact , points to Kline and Radcliff. Depascale was gotten to also while there was no finger prints or DNA of freshour, the footprint, tire tracks and all scientific evidence was never used. All scientific evidence covered up and denied confirms something seriously, seriously wrong, and freshour believes murder and murder cover up is the reason. This all should be been cleared up years ago, however there was/is so much cover up.
(more later)
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