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Title: How can catching a cab drive us to a cleaner energy future?

Duration: 3:07 minutes


In this video, we see how Greenlots, now part of Shell, is making it possible for businesses across the USA, such as Yellow Cab of Columbus, to make the switch to electric vehicles through a combination of hardware and software.

Shell Electric Greenlots Transcript

[Background music plays]

Upbeat instrumental music with rhythmic strings.

[Video footage]

Panning bird’s eye view of the city of Los Angeles.

[Text displays]

Los Angeles California, USA


How can catching a cab drive us to a cleaner energy future?

[Video footage]

Aerial footage of traffic on a bridge over water, including two lanes of stationery yellow cabs on the right-hand side of the bridge.

[Text displays]

How can catching a cab drive us to a cleaner energy future?

Interview with Idine Ghoreishian


Greenlots Senior Manager

[Video footage]

Interior close-up of Idine smiling into the camera. Title text displays over this.

[Text displays]

Idine Ghoreishian Greenlots Senior Manager

[Idine Ghoreishian]

At Greenlots, we are committed to advancing the more reliable, smarter and cleaner way for transportation. So we look at each customer’s needs in order to be able to help solve the promise of electrification.

[Video footage]

Close-up of the Greenlots webpage displaying on a computer screen. Profile-view close-up of Idine talking to the off-camera interviewer. Medium footage of a man and woman, seen from behind, engaged in discussion in front of a large wall-mounted display screen, both pointing to various text and graphics displayed on the screen. Medium footage of Idine walking along a corridor, approaching the shot; to his right, large windows showing the view outside the building. Wide, low-angle footage, seen from outside the building, of Idine walking along the corridor, moving towards frame-right.


By acquiring Greenlots, Shell is helping businesses across the USA make the switch to electric vehicles.

[Video footage]

Low-angle footage of the façade of one of the ROW DTLA/Southern Pacific buildings in Los Angeles, and we see traffic passing in the foreground. We cut to a closer view of a ‘bike share’ electric bicycle parked outside the building, and see a young man walking past the building.

[Background music plays]

Instrumental music with gentle keys.

[Video footage]

Panning bird’s eye view of the city of Columbus, Ohio.

[Text displays]

Columbus Ohio, USA

Interview with Morgan Kauffman


Yellow Cab Columbus CEO

[Video footage]

Close-up of Morgan smiling into the camera, standing outside a red-brick building with “Yellow Cab Columbus Ohio” signage over the entrance. Title text displays over this footage.

[Text displays]

Morgan Kauffman Yellow Cab Columbus CEO

[Morgan Kauffman]

My grandfather started this company in 1928. And he was able to save up enough money to buy a taxicab and then, eventually, own most of the taxicabs in Columbus. Times change and we are going fully electric right now. A cleaner planet is better for everyone and we all have to play our own part.

[Video footage]

Talking-head footage of Morgan, standing in the parking area of his business. Miscellaneous footage of the Yellow Cabs parked in the parking area. Tilting close-up of a section of a photovoltaic panel, with cabs parked in the parking area in the background. Close-up of an EV charging port as the charging plug is inserted. We return to talking-head footage of Morgan, standing in the parking area of his business.

[Morgan Kauffman]

We had to deal with the problem of range anxiety. With charging, you have to know where and when you’re going to charge your car.

[Video footage]

Close-up footage of the “Yellow Cab Columbus 1928” wording painted on the side-view mirror of a white EV cab, before it pulls off, passing the shot. Wide-angle footage of the white EV moving down a city street, approaching the shot, then turning left. Profile-view close-up of the driver of the EV. Footage of the white EV moving down a street, seen from behind.

Interview with Abou Diao


Yellow Cab Columbus Driver

[Video footage]

Close-up of Abou smiling into the camera, leaning against his cab parked in the Yellow Cab of Columbus parking area. Title text displays over this.

[Text displays]

Abou Diao Yellow Cab Columbus Driver

[Abou Diao]

If I’m having a long trip, going out of town, and if I don’t have enough battery, I’m always kind of thinking maybe I’m going to be stuck somewhere.

[Video footage]

Close-up of Abou speaking to the off-camera interviewer, seated in his cab with the driver’s door open. Miscellaneous footage of Abou driving his cab through traffic.


Yellow Cab drivers typically travel over 200 miles a day, which means regular fuel stops.

[Video footage]

Again, miscellaneous footage of Abou driving his cab on urban streets.

[Idine Ghoreishian]

They’ve been used to being able to have five minute stops at a fuel station before they’re back on the road, so we put in high powered chargers at the depot to help their need for quick charging. Now we have to make sure that they never have range anxiety when they’re out in the streets.

[Video footage]

Talking head footage of Idine speaking to the off-camera interviewer. Next, we see Abou pull up and park his cab next to a Yellow Cab of Columbus charging station. A series of shots show Abou walk to the charging station and pick up the charging plug and connect it to his cab’s charging port, then stand next to his car while it charges.


By mapping out Yellow Cab’s busiest routes, Greenlots created a network of charging points to ensure that vehicles never run out of power.

[Video footage and animated sequence]

Wide-angle footage of a white-painted wall in an office environment. Graphical devices appear and animate onscreen, displaying a map of Ohio against the white wall. The shot zooms in on Obetz, Ohio on the map graphic, and see two location markers indicating EV charging stations. A circle surrounds the two location markers and lines extend from the circle in various directions to indicate potential routes on the map, and we see more location markers pop up at various points along the route, indicating the location of charging stations. We pull back to a wider view of the map graphic, showing the network across Ohio.

[Background music plays]

Upbeat instrumental music with rhythmic keys intro.

[Video footage]

We see a series of shots of the façade of the ROW DTLA/Southern Pacific building in which Greenlots is located.


The Greenlots team have also developed a software platform called SKY.

[Video footage]

Close-up profile-view footage of Idine sitting at his computer. Close-up of Greenlots webpages successively displayed on his computer screen. High-angle close-up of Idine looking at his computer screen. Mid-view footage of another member of the Greenlots team seated at her desk, looking at the computer screen facing her. Profile-view footage of two men seated either side of a table working on their laptops in front of them; in the background, a wall-mounted screen displays a Greenlots webpage.

[Idine Ghoreishian]

The SKY network is helping the Yellow Cab drivers make sure that their vehicles are always charged, ready to go and that they can actually keep their costs in check.

[Video footage]

Talking-head footage of Idine speaking to the off-camera interviewer from the Greenlots office space. More footage of Abou driving his EV cab along a city street. Wide-angle footage of members of the Greenlots team working at various workstations in their office.

[Morgan Kauffman]

Their platform allows us to see how much we’re saving from a gasoline versus electric standpoint.

[Video footage]

Close-up of a page from the platform displayed on a computer screen. Talking-head footage of Morgan, standing in the parking area of his business. More close-up footage of pages from the platform displayed on a computer screen.


And for the drivers, there’s a user-friendly phone app.

[Video footage]

Medium footage of Abou standing at the rear of his charging cab, looking down at his cell phone. Close-up of Abou’s hands holding his cell phone as he taps the screen.

[Abou Diao]

The apps tell you how many fast chargers are in the city, their location and you can see them on a map, and you go there and charge.

[Video footage]

Close-up of the display screen of the cell phone held in Abou’s hands; he uses his thumbs to zoom in on and scroll over the map displayed on the screen. Medium footage of Abou standing at the rear of his charging cab, looking down at his cell phone. Again, we see a close-up of the map on the phone’s screen as Abou taps through options. Low-angle close-up of Abou looking down at his phone.


By combining clever software and hardware, Greenlots is driving forward the switch to EV fleets in US cities and reducing emissions.

[Video footage]

Close-up of a black car flashing past the shot. Wide-angle footage of the white cab crossing over a bridge. Medium footage of a passenger waiting at the side of a city street, looking down at his cell phone. Close-up of the young man looking up and peering down the road. A series of shots show Abou’s cab pulling up next to his waiting passenger and the passenger opening the cab’s rear door and getting in.

[Idine Ghoreishian]

Starting with the Columbus project helps Greenlots fulfil its goal for cleaner mobility as we continue our electrification projects throughout the rest of America.

[Video footage]

Profile-view close-up of Idine talking to the off-camera interviewer. A series of footage shows Abou driving his cab along urban streets.

[Morgan Kauffman]

I think my grandfather would really smile to himself and nod and just be proud of the work that we’re doing.

[Video footage]

Talking-head footage of Morgan, standing in the parking area of his business. Footage of the red-brick building with “Yellow Cab Columbus Ohio” signage over the entrance.


Shell brand mnemonic played on keys.


Shell Pecten centred over the footage of the Yellow Cab Columbus entrance, with text displaying below.

[Text displays]


© Shell International Limited 2019


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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