Colleges and Universities in Ohio

Diversity of Recent Ohio High School Graduates Attending

Public Colleges and Universities in Ohio

Questions: What types of high school students are enrolling in Ohio’s colleges and universities? Do they enroll as full-time or part-time students? Are females more likely to enroll in college than males? Does the college load (full-time vs. part-time) differ according to whether or not the students took the academic core while in high school? Is their gender related to whether or not the students took the academic core while in high school? Do answers to these questions vary by type of school district? Note: An academic core curriculum is defined, minimally, as 4 years of English, and 3 years each of mathematics, science, and social studies while in high school.

Why ask about diversity of recent high school graduates going on to college in Ohio? While high school students can enter college as full-time or part-time, they typically find that student financial aid is more available if they enroll full-time, and full-time college enrollment is necessary to graduate in a timely fashion. There are full-time jobs available for recent high school graduates who might then pursue college part-time, however there is no doubt that having a two-year or four-year college degree is related to much higher earnings for young adults. State data indicate that there are approximately equal numbers of males and females in high school.

National Answers:

• Full-Time vs. Part-Time College Students: There are no known comparable data on full-time vs. part-time college attendance of recent high school graduates.

• Male vs. Female College Students: Nationally, 45% of undergraduate college students in 2000 were males and 55% were females*. Nationally, in the 2000 school year, 48% of the 12th graders enrolled in high school were males and 52% were females**.

• *Chronicle of Higher Education, 2000 and 2001 Almanac

• **U.S> Department of Education, NCES Common Core data: 12 grade report

Statewide Answers:

• Full-Time vs. Part-Time College Students: 89% of the high school students graduating in 2000 and enrolling in public colleges and universities in Ohio enrolled full-time. Full-time students were more likely to take the academic core in high school (59%) than were part-time students (23%) and more students are enrolled part-time at two-year colleges.

• Male vs. Female College Students: State reports filed with the U.S. Department of Education indicate that approximately 46% of 12 graders in Ohio’s high schools were males. 46% of recent high school graduates enrolling in college in 2000 were males. The proportion of males going to college after graduation is quite similar then to the proportion of males enrolled in the 12th grade. Females who enrolled in college were somewhat more likely to take the academic core in high school (56%) than were males (54%) and they were also more likely to take a college entrance exam while in high school.

Demographics of Recent High School Graduates Enrolling in College Autumn 2000

|  |% of Enrolled Students |

| |Enrolled Students|Full-Time |Part-Time |Male |Female |

|Grand Total |49,930 |89% |11% |46% |54% |

Academic Core Taking Patterns of 49,930 Recent High School Graduates Enrolling in College Autumn 2000

|known core H.S. |known less-than-core H.S. |did not take the |known core H.S. |known less-than-core H.S. |did not take the |

|curriculum |curriculum |College Entrance |curriculum |curriculum |College Entrance Exam |

| | |Exam | | | |

|% of Full-Time Students |% of Part-Time Students |

|59% |26% |15% |23% |23% |54% |

|% of Male Students |% of Female Students |

|54% |25% |21% |56% |26% |18% |

High School District Grouping Answers: In Autumn of 2000, enrollment of recent high school graduates as full-time vs. part-time varied greatly by type of school district when the students were enrolling at public 2-year campuses. This was not true for student enrollment at public 4-year campuses where the percentage of full-time students was quite similar across all school district types. A larger percentage of college enrollments by females from major city school districts with extremely high poverty (61% at 2-year campuses and 62% at 4-year campuses) are noted. An analysis of the percentage of females enrolled as 12th graders in major city school districts reveals much the same pattern as the percentage of graduates going on to college – higher rates of 12th grade enrollment and higher rates of college enrollment for females.

Demographics of Recent High School Graduates Enrolling in College Autumn 2000

|  |% of Enrolled Students |

|Type of College Attended |District Grouping |Enrolled |Full-Time |Part-Time |Male |Female |

| | |Students | | | | |

|public 2-year  |Major City, extremely high poverty |1,197 |65% |35% |38% |62% |

| |Urban moderate SES |1,691 |72% |28% |45% |55% |

| |Suburban/urban high SES |3,001 |71% |29% |50% |50% |

| |Suburban very high SES |816 |68% |32% |56% |44% |

| |Small town, very high poverty |749 |83% |17% |48% |52% |

| |Small town, moderate SES |1,682 |77% |23% |48% |52% |

| |Rural High Poverty |914 |90% |10% |40% |60% |

| |Rural |1,293 |80% |20% |44% |56% |

| |Independent Schools |108 |65% |35% |50% |50% |

| |Parochial |891 |81% |19% |49% |51% |

|public 2-year Total  |14,282 |72% |28% |47% |53% |

|public 4-year  |Major City, extremely high poverty |2,574 |95% |5% |39% |61% |

| |Urban moderate SES |2,928 |96% |4% |44% |56% |

| |Suburban/urban high SES |8,782 |97% |3% |46% |54% |

| |Suburban very high SES |4,152 |97% |3% |48% |52% |

| |Small town, very high poverty |2,478 |95% |5% |47% |53% |

| |Small town, moderate SES |4,528 |96% |4% |44% |56% |

| |Rural High Poverty |1,685 |96% |4% |43% |57% |

| |Rural |3,012 |96% |4% |44% |56% |

| |Independent Schools |448 |96% |4% |52% |48% |

| |Parochial |4,266 |97% |3% |50% |50% |

|public 4-year Total |35,648 |96% |4% |46% |54% |

A much greater pattern of variance in academic core taking behavior is noted, by school district type, on the following page.

Academic Core Taking Patterns of Recent High School Graduates Enrolling in College Autumn 2000

|  |  |% of Full-Time Students |% of Part-Time Students |

|Type of |District Grouping |Enrolled |known core H.S.|known |did not take the|known core H.S.|known |did not take the|

|College | |Students |curriculum |less-than-core |College Entrance|curriculum |less-than-core|College Entrance|

|Attended | | | |H.S. curriculum|Exam | |H.S. |Exam |

| | | | | | | |curriculum | |

|public |Major City, extremely high |1,197 |30% |27% |42% |20% |20% |59% |

|2-year  |poverty | | | | | | | |

| |Urban moderate SES |1,691 |28% |32% |40% |18% |31% |51% |

| |Suburban/urban high SES |3,001 |36% |28% |36% |22% |24% |54% |

| |Suburban very high SES |816 |43% |23% |34% |30% |19% |50% |

| |Small town, very high |749 |33% |35% |32% |25% |29% |47% |

| |poverty | | | | | | | |

| |Small town, moderate SES |1,682 |33% |37% |30% |16% |28% |56% |

| |Rural High Poverty |914 |30% |40% |29% |23% |37% |40% |

| |Rural |1,293 |32% |40% |28% |18% |35% |47% |

| |Independent Schools |108 |43% |34% |23% |29% |34% |37% |

| |Parochial |891 |43% |32% |25% |40% |28% |32% |

|public 2-year Total  |14,282 |31% |30% |39% |17% |21% |62% |

|public |Major City, extremely high |2,574 |62% |28% |10% |34% |38% |28% |

|4-year  |poverty | | | | | | | |

| |Urban moderate SES |2,928 |65% |29% |6% |43% |27% |30% |

| |Suburban/urban high SES |8,782 |71% |22% |7% |43% |33% |23% |

| |Suburban very high SES |4,152 |77% |15% |7% |38% |35% |27% |

| |Small town, very high |2,478 |64% |29% |8% |33% |41% |26% |

| |poverty | | | | | | | |

| |Small town, moderate SES |4,528 |65% |29% |6% |46% |32% |21% |

| |Rural High Poverty |1,685 |59% |33% |8% |39% |42% |18% |

| |Rural |3,012 |61% |33% |6% |47% |36% |18% |

| |Independent Schools |448 |72% |19% |9% |44% |50% |6% |

| |Parochial |4,266 |76% |19% |4% |63% |29% |8% |

|public 4-year Total |35,648 |68% |25% |8% |38% |31% |31% |

Academic Core Taking Patterns of Recent High School Graduates Enrolling in College Autumn 2000

|   |% of Male Students |% of Female Students |

|Type of |District Grouping |Enrolled |known core H.S.|known |did not take the|known core H.S.|known |did not take the|

|College | |Students |curriculum |less-than-core |College Entrance|curriculum |less-than-core|College Entrance|

|Attended | | | |H.S. curriculum|Exam | |H.S. |Exam |

| | | | | | | |curriculum | |

|public |Major City, extremely high |1,197 |25% |24% |51% |28% |26% |46% |

|2-year  |poverty | | | | | | | |

| |Urban moderate SES |1,691 |24% |29% |47% |27% |34% |39% |

| |Suburban/urban high SES |3,001 |32% |25% |43% |32% |28% |39% |

| |Suburban very high SES |816 |38% |21% |41% |40% |23% |37% |

| |Small town, very high |749 |32% |34% |34% |32% |33% |35% |

| |poverty | | | | | | | |

| |Small town, moderate SES |1,682 |28% |34% |38% |31% |36% |33% |

| |Rural High Poverty |914 |28% |41% |31% |31% |40% |30% |

| |Rural |1,293 |28% |37% |35% |30% |41% |30% |

| |Independent Schools |108 |35% |43% |22% |41% |26% |33% |

| |Parochial |891 |42% |32% |27% |43% |32% |25% |

|public 2-year Total  |14,282 |27% |26% |48% |28% |29% |43% |

|public |Major City, extremely high |2,574 |61% |28% |11% |60% |30% |10% |

|4-year  |poverty | | | | | | | |

| |Urban moderate SES |2,928 |63% |28% |9% |64% |29% |6% |

| |Suburban/urban high SES |8,782 |69% |22% |8% |72% |22% |6% |

| |Suburban very high SES |4,152 |73% |18% |10% |79% |14% |7% |

| |Small town ,very high |2,478 |61% |30% |10% |63% |29% |8% |

| |poverty | | | | | | | |

| |Small town, moderate SES |4,528 |64% |28% |8% |64% |31% |5% |

| |Rural High Poverty |1,685 |58% |34% |8% |58% |34% |8% |

| |Rural |3,012 |62% |32% |7% |60% |34% |6% |

| |Independent Schools |448 |66% |24% |10% |76% |17% |7% |

| |Parochial |4,266 |77% |18% |5% |76% |21% |4% |

|public 4-year Total |35,648 |66% |24% |10% |67% |25% |8% |

High School District Answers:

• The complete list of demographics and core taking patterns by high school district can be found at:

• To demonstrate how these data appear, the Franklin County School districts are reported on the following page.

Demographics of Recent High School Graduates Enrolling in College Autumn 2000*

|   |% of Enrolled Students |

|District Grouping |district name |Type of College |Enrolled |Full-Time |Part-Time |Male |Female |

| | |Attended |Students | | | | |

|Major City, extremely |COLUMBUS CITY SD |public 2-year |239 |60% |40% |44% |56% |

|high poverty | | | | | | | |

| | |public 4-year |360 |97% |3% |41% |59% |

| | |total |599 |82% |18% |42% |58% |

|Urban moderate SES |GROVEPORT MADISON LOCAL SD |public 2-year |46 |67% |33% |35% |65% |

| | |public 4-year |28 |93% |7% |32% |68% |

| | |total |74 |77% |23% |34% |66% |

| |SOUTH-WESTERN CITY SD |public 2-year |145 |73% |27% |37% |63% |

| | |public 4-year |161 |99% |1% |40% |60% |

| | |total |306 |87% |13% |39% |61% |

| |WHITEHALL CITY SD |public 2-year |18 |78% |22% |56% |44% |

| | |public 4-year |16 |94% |6% |38% |63% |

| | |total |34 |85% |15% |47% |53% |

|Suburban/urban high SES|CANAL WINCHESTER LOCAL SD |public 2-year |11 |73% |27% |55% |45% |

| | |public 4-year |36 |97% |3% |42% |58% |

| | |total |47 |91% |9% |45% |55% |

| |GAHANNA-JEFFERSON CITY SD |public 2-year |53 |75% |25% |49% |51% |

| | |public 4-year |134 |100% | |41% |59% |

| | |total |187 |93% |7% |43% |57% |

| |GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS CITY SD |public 2-year |6 |83% |17% |50% |50% |

| | |public 4-year |25 |100% | |48% |52% |

| | |total |31 |97% |3% |48% |52% |

| |HILLIARD CITY SD |public 2-year |99 |71% |29% |39% |61% |

| | |public 4-year |153 |99% |1% |48% |52% |

| | |total |252 |88% |12% |45% |55% |

| |REYNOLDSBURG CITY SD |public 2-year |41 |61% |39% |44% |56% |

| | |public 4-year |104 |100% | |45% |55% |

| | |total |145 |89% |11% |45% |55% |

| |WESTERVILLE CITY SD |public 2-year |120 |70% |30% |49% |51% |

| | |public 4-year |284 |99% |1% |45% |55% |

| | |total |404 |91% |9% |47% |53% |

|Suburban very high SES |BEXLEY CITY SD |public 2-year |7 |57% |43% |57% |43% |

| | |public 4-year |54 |96% |4% |48% |52% |

| | |total |61 |92% |8% |49% |51% |

| |DUBLIN CITY SD |public 2-year |91 |73% |27% |66% |34% |

| | |public 4-year |264 |99% |1% |46% |54% |

| | |total |355 |92% |8% |51% |49% |

| |PLAIN LOCAL SD |public 2-year |6 |67% |33% |67% |33% |

| | |public 4-year |27 |96% |4% |41% |59% |

| | |total |33 |91% |9% |45% |55% |

| |UPPER ARLINGTON CITY SD |public 2-year |34 |68% |32% |68% |32% |

| | |public 4-year |131 |97% |3% |45% |55% |

| | |total |165 |91% |9% |50% |50% |

| |WORTHINGTON CITY SD |public 2-year |83 |73% |27% |65% |35% |

| | |public 4-year |242 |99% |1% |54% |46% |

| | |total |325 |93% |7% |57% |43% |

|Small town, very high |HAMILTON LOCAL SD |public 2-year |23 |70% |30% |26% |74% |

|poverty | | | | | | | |

| | |public 4-year |10 |100% | |30% |70% |

| | |total |33 |79% |21% |27% |73% |

* = Cell Sizes < 5 students – blanked out for confidentiality purposes

Demographics of Recent High School Graduates Enrolling in College Autumn 2000*

|   |% of Enrolled Students |

|District Grouping |district name |Type of College |Enrolled |Full-Time |Part-Time |Male |Female |

| | |Attended |Students | | | | |

|Independent Schools |COLUMBUS ACADEMY HIGH |public 2-year | ................

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