Ch 1: New World Beginnings (33,000 B

Chapter 1: New World Beginnings (33,000 B.C. to 1769)

Unit 1 – Founding the New Nation

Required Reading:

• Textbook: The American Pageant, Bailey, Kennedy, and Cohen

o Chapter 1 (pages 4-23) – do not neglect pages 16 & 17 – “Makers of America,” the Spanish Conquistadores

o Due: __________________________

• Historical Scholarship: A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn

o Chapter 1 – Columbus, the Indians and Human Progress

o Due: __________________________

• Primary Source: “Columbus to the King & Queen of Spain”

o Due: __________________________


• Multiple Choice Exam will be given with Chapter 2 at a date to be announced later

• Exam Date: ___________________________________

People to Know/Terms to Know from Chapter 1

• Optional Assignment – to be used as part of Curve Packet

Due: Day of Unit Exam, __________________________


• Required Homework Assignment

Due: ______________________________

Reading Objectives:

• Required Homework Assignment

Due: ______________________________

Additional Assignments:

• 1 Page Reaction Paper (typed) to “Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress” by Howard Zinn, from A People’s History of the United States, Chapter 1

o What new information did you learn about Columbus and/or Spanish Exploration of the “New World”?

o How did what you learn about Columbus change your views of Columbus, the Indians, or celebrations like “Columbus Day,” if at all? Explain.

Due: ___________________________________

• APPARTS Analysis – “Columbus to the King and Queen of Spain”

Due: ____________________________________

People to Know:

Identify and state the historical significance of the following

|Marco Polo | |

|Hernando de Soto | |

|Hernán Cortés | |

|Jacques Cartier | |

|Vasco Nunez Balboa | |

|Quetzalcoatl | |

|Bartolome de Las Casas | |

|Francisco Pizarro | |

|Montezuma | |

|Francisco Coronado | |

|Ferdinand of Aragon | |

|Bartholomeu Dias | |

|Ferdinand Magellan | |

|Juan Ponce de León | |

|Christopher Columbus | |

|Robert de La Salle | |

|John Cabot | |

|Isabella of Castile | |

|Vasco da Gama | |

Terms to Know:

Define and state the historical significance of the following

|Renaissance | |

|“three sister” farming | |

|Mound Builders | |

|Conquistadores | |

|Pueblo Indians | |

|Native Americans | |

|Ecosystem | |

|Mestizos | |

|Great Ice Age | |

|Spanish Armada | |

|Aztecs | |

|Iroquois Confederacy | |

|Spice Islands | |

|encomienda | |

|Treaty of Tordesillas | |

|Canadian Shield | |

|Black legend | |

|Popé's Rebellion | |

|Cartography | |

|St. Augustine, Florida | |

|Moors | |


Label the following map


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Reading Objectives:

1. Why did explorers after Columbus continue to view themselves as Europeans?

2. What ideals did early colonist bring to America?

3. What help cause a division with imperial powers in the 1770’s

4. How did scientist draw the conclusion of the world originally being a single continent?

5. What is the oldest mountain range in North America? How can we prove this?

6. How do we know the Grand Canyon was not part of the ice age glaciers?

7. Who were the 1st people to come to North America? How did they get here?

8. What was the estimated population of North & South America when Columbus “discovered” them in 1492?

9. Describe the characteristics of the Native American cultures living in the Americas.

10. What allowed population to grow into large civilizations in Central & South America?

11. Describe the Characteristics of the Mayan, Incas, & Aztec?

12. What became the staple crop for Native American civilizations?

13. Why were Native Americans in North America not a developed as those in Central & South America?

14. What was the main factor Europeans were able to conquer Native Americans in North America with such ease?

15. When European settlers began coming to North America, how many estimated tribes lived there?

16. What is “Three Sister Farming” & how did it impact life in the Southeast?

17. What type of settlement patterns Native Americans have when Columbus came to the Americas?

18. What was the Iroquois Confederacy & how was it effective against European settlers?

19. Describe the social structure of Native American groups in agriculturally developed settlements.

20. Why didn’t the early Scandinavian explorers establish permanent settlements in North America?

21. Why are Christian Crusaders indirectly responsible for discovering America?

22. Why did Europeans want a shorter route to Asia?

23. What began the slave trade long before the Europeans arrived?

24. Where did the modern plantation system begin?

25. Where did Columbus think he had landed on his 1st voyage?

26. Why did Columbus call the native people “Indians”?

27. What created an interdependent global economic system?

28. What New World plants revolutionized the international economy?

29. What happened to Native American populations due to contact with Europeans? What caused this?

30. What % of the Native American population died?

31. What was an encomienda?

32. Why did men become conquistadors?

33. Why did chief Moctezuma allow Cortés to enter the capital of Tenochtitlán?

34. Know the area each of the following explored.

|Coronado |Ponce de León |Cortés |Pizarro |Columbus |

35. Why did Spain begin to fortify its settlements in North America?

36. What happened as result of Pope Rebellion in 1680?


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