Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Agricultural Literacy Resources


● Contact a local legislator to discuss public policies affecting AFNR systems and summarize the interview in a word document.

Wisconsin Legislators - Find your legislator

The Right to Farm Law- 2019 Policy

Building the Agricultural Economy - 2019 Policy

● Read and print three to four peer-reviewed research articles about current and historical public policies affecting AFNR systems.

Farm Bureau Current Policies

Farm Bureau Policy Page

Wisconsin Farmers Union Advocacy

● Create a Powerpoint containing all AFNR systems and include their smaller components with visuals.

Wisconsin Career Pathways

● Create a visual presentation highlighting all components of the agricultural economy. Include short descriptions for each component.

Agricultural Economics - Wikipedia

DATCP Website Click on “Publications”


● Write an analytical paper about two public policies from each AFNR systems and include who the policies affect, when it was last updated and if it needs improvement.

American Farm Bureau - Farm Policy

● Create a hypothetical policy that will impact an AFNR system and include who the policy aims to help and tangible improvements the policy will create.

How to Make a Public Policy

How to Develop Policies and Procedures

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Policy Development check out the Policy Book

● Create an organization web with descriptions to identify the relationships between components of each AFNR system.

Wisconsin Career Pathways

● Read and print a peer-reviewed article containing information about the economic impact of specific AFNR system for the local, state, national and global levels.

American Farm Bureau


● Develope a 15-minute presentation with visuals to defend or challenge a public policy within an AFNR system.

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Policy Development

● Create a timeline and include the step-by-step process of setting policy agenda, formulating policy, and adopting policy.

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Policy -Take Action

● Use visuals such as graphs, charts and pictures to explain the different components of AFNR systems.

Wisconsin Ag in the Classroom

National Ag in the Classroom

● Write a 3-5 page research paper discussing the impact of positive and negative changes in the economy on AFNR systems.

Growing a Nation Into a New Millenium - Timeline


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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