Jefferson Local Schools

Jefferson Local Schools

West Jefferson High School

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program

Parent Guide

In accordance with section 3365.02 pf the Ohio Revised Code, it is the policy of the Jefferson Local Schools that students in grades nine through twelve may enroll at a college on a full-time or part-time basis and complete nonsectarian courses for high school and/or college credit.

Your child may be eligible for this program, which could result in their earning high school and college credit. This brochure provides basic information about all aspects of the programs.

You and your parents may have questions about this program. This guide will help you answer your questions and can help you decide whether this opportunity is right for you.

If you would like to participate in the PSEO program you and a parent must complete this tutorial and turn in the required downloadable forms.

Turn in the paper work required (by the State of Ohio) by March 30th of the year prior to participating in the program. The paperwork includes forms indicating that you watched this entire presentation and that you feel you would like to participate in the PSEO program. If you turn in the paperwork and decide to you don’t want to participate you simply have to notify counselor.

Information for the


School Year

PSEO Program


Students enrolled in the Jefferson Local School District in grades 9-12.

Students must meet the academic requirements of the selected post-secondary institution and be accepted into that institution. Please know that the PSEO institution that you may wish to attend may have special entrance requirements you must meet before you take courses there. For example, Columbus State makes you take the Compass test which is a preadmissions/placement test.


OPTION A: [College Credit] Students may choose at the time of enrollment to receive college credit and not to receive credit for graduation from high school. Under this option, the student must pay tuition and fees as established by the college or university and must pay for textbooks and materials.

OPTION B: Students may choose at the time of enrollment to receive both high school and college credit. The State of Ohio pays for tuition and books. Parents and students are responsible for transportation and parking fees. These college credits transfer to any college/university in Ohio. They rarely are accepted as college credit outside of the State of Ohio.


(1) Credits may be earned under this program for course work taken only during the established school calendar year (i.e., September- June).

(2) The method for granting credit for individual courses will be guided by the following:

Semester Hours Carnegie Units

1 sem. hour = .20 cr.

2 sem. hours = .40 cr.

3 sem. hours = .60 cr.

4 sem. hours = .80 cr.

5 sem. hours = 1.00 cr.

You may attend a college/university either full or part time. The number of college semester hours you are allowed to take is based on the number of high school credits/courses you are NOT taking at your high school. A “formula” established by the Ohio Department of Education says that 5 college semester hours equals one high school credit.

Statement of Policy

1. Graduation Ceremony Participation- all participants in the Post-Secondary Enrollment Option Program must have successfully completed all course requirements required by the Jefferson Local Board of Education to be eligible to be included in the West Jefferson High School graduation ceremony.

2. All college courses taken for the purpose of fulfilling West Jefferson High School graduation requirements must be pre-approved by the Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Holt and high school Principal Mr. Metz.

3. All grades earned in college courses will be listed on the student’s high school transcript. All grades will be computed in the student’s cumulative grade point average (GPA).

4. A student at West Jefferson High School must:

1. Take a minimum of 4 one credit high school classes (not to include study hall; teacher’s aide; or office aide); also Post-Secondary classes.


2. Take all Post-Secondary classes if arrangements are made through the guidance department.

5. To be eligible, a student at West Jefferson High School must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, must be accepted by the college of his/her choice, and must be considered less than a full-time student.

6. Students under Option B who fail to complete a course or withdraw from the course after the college withdraw date are responsible for all associated expenses. If a student completes a course and fails, the student must prove attendance and effort in the course or he/she will be responsible for all associated expenses. This becomes a financial obligation which must be paid prior to graduation.

7. West Jefferson High School cannot waive requirements and will not adjust a master schedule of classes to accommodate individual student requests.

8. All participating students and their parents must sign the Parent/Student Acknowledgement Form (see page 10) to be considered for the program. The form must be returned to the Guidance Counselor by March 30, 2012 to be eligible for the 2012-2013 school year.

9. All students in this program must maintain an overall 2.5 GPA each grading period to remain eligible.

10. Note: It is very important for students who are athletes to work with their counselor to make sure they have enough high school and college credit to be eligible under OHSAA rules. Remember for athletic eligibility only 3 college semester hours count as one high school credit. Student-Athletes must also be passing 5 (five) units of credit at the high school to be eligible to participate in their activity.

11. Participating students are encouraged to utilize counseling services at both the high school and college.


Before you decide to participate in the program, you and your parents should consider the following:

Program Design- The program has been designed to help enhance the curriculum of students who have exhausted their high school course offerings in one or more subjects.

Future Plans- If you plan well, this program can assist you in making future education and career decisions and in exploring postsecondary educational opportunities.

High School Graduation- Even if you participate in this program, you still must meet your high school graduation requirements in order to earn a high school diploma. Review graduation requirements and your academic standing with your high school counselor.

Scheduling- Participating in this program on a part-time basis means that you must schedule classes at your high school and at a postsecondary institution. Yearly schedules and vacation times may differ between the two schools. If you don’t have a class at one school, you may still need to attend classes at the other. Sometimes it may be difficult or impossible to take the courses you want at both schools because of scheduling conflicts.

College-Level Work- You may find college-level classes to be more accelerated and academically challenging than your high school courses. You need to be able to work without supervision and have self-discipline both academically and socially. Be sure you are ready for these responsibilities.

Transportation- If you attend classes at both a high school and postsecondary institution, you need to think about transportation between two schools. Be sure you can make arrangements to get to classes on time. You may also need to consider getting back to the high school for after school activities.

Extracurricular Activities- If you take part in this program, you will not be in your high school full-time. You may not be able to participate in some activities as a result in your enrollment at a postsecondary institution.

Program Advantages

1. You have the opportunity to take courses that may not be offered by your high school.

2. You have the chance to experience college-level work and college life prior to making a final decision about post-secondary education.

3. You can take classes that academically challenge you or that cover areas of particular interest to you.

4. You and your parents can use this opportunity to involve your high school counselor or principal in your education and career planning.

5. You can take college courses and receive both high school and college credits.

Potential Risks

1. You will have increased responsibility for learning

2. You could have increased financial obligations for your education if you choose “Option A” or if your college course requires special tools or equipment. Participation may decrease the time you have available for part-time employment.

3. You may have reduced opportunities or time for participating in high school activities.

4. Your grades in your college course(s) could affect your high school GPA and class standing which also would affect scholarship opportunities.

5. You will need to plan for increased time to travel to and from the post-secondary institutions.

6. Scope or content of the college course may differ from high school courses as well as the content of the high school proficiency tests.

7. There is no guarantee that you will get the courses that you want.

8. You may experience some social discomfort when with older students in the class.

9. If you fail to withdraw from a college course, it may affect the credits you need to graduate from high school.

10. If you withdraw from a course, you or your parents may have to pay the cost of the courses.


1. If you decide to participate in PSEO it is helpful to have an idea of which college you wish to attend after you graduate. This is because you want to try and take general education or core classes through PSEO. Classes that you know will transfer as something you MUST take at college.

2. If you don’t know which college you wish to attend- look at the core/general education classes for all the colleges you are considering and make a full list of all the courses the colleges have in common and try to schedule those courses through PSEO. You can see how things will transfer by using the website:

3. With this website you can put in the PSEO courses you are planning to take and the college(s) you are looking at and it will tell you what the PSEO course(s) will transfer “as”. You can then see if that matches the core college class you need to take.

4. Matching PSEO classes to general education classes of the college you are considering is very important. You do not want to have to take something again because it did not match the general education requirement you expected it to.


If you are interested in participating in the program, you will want to talk to your parents, your high school counselor, and a representative for the postsecondary institution you plan to attend. Do this as far in advance of your post secondary enrollment as possible. Remember, you need to notify your district of your intent to participate by March 30, 2012. Listed below is the process to follow:

1. Discuss plans with your parents.

2. View online presentation.

3. Think about how the program might fit with your educational and personal goals. If you decide to participate, your parents (or guardian) and you must sign a statement (p. 10) indicating that you have received information on the program and are aware of your responsibilities. Once you have completed and signed this form, return it to your high school guidance counselor.

4. Contact the postsecondary institution’s admission’s staff to request an application.

5. Complete the necessary postsecondary admission and registration forms. You will need to send a high school transcript with your application. Transcripts can be obtained from your high school guidance counselor. Be sure to contact your high school counselor if you make course changes from your original schedule. Make sure you meet all the deadlines!

6. Verify the number of high school credits you will receive from the postsecondary courses. Refer to the conversion formula on page 2.

7. It is recommended that students take the PSAT, ACT, or SAT prior to applying to a college for Post-Secondary Enrollment. Most colleges would like to have some type of standardized test score to help them make admissions decisions.

8. The first semester you will need to schedule your college classes first then schedule an appointment with your counselor to schedule high school classes. The second semester you will need to schedule your college classes around your high school schedule.

9. If you plan to take online PSEO classes the student and family must provide the computer. In order to participate you must have high speed internet.


If you decide you will no longer participate in the program before the term has ended, you must file withdrawal forms with the postsecondary institution and meet with your high school counselor to develop a new course schedule. Failure to file the necessary forms could result in a failing grade in the course. Withdrawal from the postsecondary course may result in a financial obligation for parents. In order to withdraw from a course you must have permission from your school counselor to drop the class.


Clark State Community College 937-328-6027

Columbus State Community College 614-287-5961

Tiffin University- online 567-703-8154

Urbana University 937-484-1276

If you are interested in taking PSEO courses at another college or university it will have to be approved by the principal and counselor.


This guide should have helped answer your questions about the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program. Think carefully about the advantages the program gives you and about your decision to participate. If you have more questions please contact Mrs. Holt at 614-879-7681 ext 2306 or by email at

Parent / Student Acknowledgement Form

Post-Secondary Option Program

Student ______________________________________________ (please print)

Parent _______________________________________________ (please print)

As specified in R.C. 3365.02 Section 10, we have been provided counseling services concerning the advantages, possible risks and consequences of participation concerning:

1. Program eligibility.

2. Availability of Options A and B.

3. Financial arrangements and obligations.

4. The process of granting academic credit.

5. The criteria for transportation.

6. Support services available at the local level and selected colleges.

7. Scheduling arrangements and possible difficulties.

8. The consequences of failing and not completing a course and the possible effect of the grade attained on the high school GPA.

9. The effects of participation of high school graduation requirements.

10. The academic and social responsibilities of the student and parent.

11. Information that students can take college courses at no cost.

12. Information and encouragement to use counseling services at the selected college

13. Encouragement to consider this program if a student has the ability to do college level work.

14. Eligibility requirement for athletes and possible restrictions on other extra-curricular activities.

My signature below is my acknowledgment that I have viewed the whole information/counseling presentation. I intend to participate and understand the responsibilities I must assume in the Post-Secondary Enrollment Option Program.

____________________________________________ Student’s Signature

____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature

_________________________ Date

Please return this form to Mrs. Holt by March 30, 2012


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