

Subject area: Human and Nature (Ember és természet)

Subject: Nature and Science (Környezetismeret)

Grade: 4

Objectives: See them in NAT and Kerettanterv (2012). Teaching learning strategies. Developing children’s competencies.

Competencies to develop: Cognitive competencies (attention, memory, interpreting, problem-solving, reasoning, thinking skills) Language competencies (communication, questioning and enquiry, listening, speaking, writing, reading skills), Social competencies (co-operative, collaborative, adaptive, self-evaluation skills).

Methods: Assessment, Self-assessment, Checking, Collaboration, Conversation, Co-operation, Differentiation, Explanation, Hands-on, Playing, Practice, Task solving

Way of work: Frontal, Group, Pair, Individual

Connection with other subjects: Biology, English, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Physical Education

Book: Nature and Science for class 4 pupil’s book

Number of Tests: Revision Test: 1 (at the beginning of the year), Unit Test: 6

Number of Weeks: 36

Number of Lessons: 72

Készítette: Vizi Andrea


| |Communication of new knowledge |Practice, systematization, revision and checking of knowledge | |

|Topics |(Új ismeretet feldolgozó óra) |(A tanult ismereteket megszilárdító, gyakorló, ismétlő, |Total lesson number |

|(Témák) | |összefoglaló, ellenőrző óra) |(Teljes óraszám: heti 2 óra) |

|Revision of last year knowledge |- |3 |3 |

|ANIMALS |14 |2 |16 |

|HUMANS |9 |2 |11 |

|PLANTS |8 |2 |10 |

|BASIC GEOGRAPHY |8 |2 |10 |

|BASIC PROCESSES |10 |2 |12 |


|Lessons for free use : |8 |- |8 |

|Project work, Supplementary materials | | | |

|Sum: |57 |15 |72 |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|2. |General Revision: | |Playful activities: |photocopies, pictures, | |

| |Basic Processes, | |(guessing games, puzzles, fill the gaps, etc.) |word cards | |

| |Basic geography | |Different exercises revising basic knowledge. | | |

| | | | |worksheets | |

|3. |Revision Test | |30 min test on some basic knowledge learnt last year. |Test sheets | |

| | | |Learning the structure of the book; | | |

| | | |Reading the introduction part; | | |

| |Introduction | |Looking through the contents; | | |

| |of | |Classroom rules, necessary equipment | | |

| |the new book | | | | |

|4. |Animals Around Our Home | |Learning why and how plants and animals need each other.|scissors, glue, pencil, coloured | |

| |Animals in the Garden, in the | |Understanding what symbiosis and food cycle mean. |pencils, illustrations of the | |

| |Field | | |course book, | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 7 | | |

| | |dead, die, food cycle, habitat, symbiosis |Cutout page A-1 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|7-8. |The Red Fox |arctic fox, bank, blind, brush, bushy, |Learning about the red fox. Why does a fox belong to the|illustrations of the course book,| |

| | |carnivore, cub, desert fox, fox earth, front |group of mammals? Learning the important features of the|pictures, a pencil, coloured | |

| | |foot, grey fox, hind foot, litter, nocturnal,|red fox. Comparing the fox to the common vole. (place of|pencils, | |

| | |reynard, rubbish dump, sense of smell, trail |living, eating habits, size, etc…) | | |

| | |pattern, vixen | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 11 | | |

|9-10. |The Blackbird |blackbird, blotch, bluish, communicate, |Learning about the blackbird. Why does a blackbird |illustrations of the course book,| |

| | |golden yellow, melodic, mistle thrush, |belong to the group of birds? Learning the important |pictures, a pencil, coloured | |

| | |omnivore, shrub, territory |features of the blackbird. |pencils, | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 13 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|13-14. |The Tree Frog |adhesive disc, adult, amphibians, bulging, |Learning about the tree frog. Why does a tree frog |illustrations of the course book,| |

| | |bury, croak, depend on sg., environment, frog |belong to the group of amphibians? Learning the |pictures, a pencil, coloured | |

| | |egg, froglet (like a frog), hibernate, jelly, |important features of the tree frog. Understanding and|pencils | |

| | |life cycle, moist, salamander, stage, sticky, |learning the frog’s lifecycle. | | |

| | |tadpole (like a fish), toads, webbed toe | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 17 | | |

|15-16. |The Honey Bee |abdomen, air-tube system, attack, bumble bee, |Learning about the honey bee. Why does a honey bee |illustrations of the course | |

| | |collect, drone, exoskeleton, hive, jointed leg, |belong to the group of insects and invertebrates? |book, pictures, a pencil, | |

| | |killer bee, lazy, stinger, sting, store, take |Learning the important features of the honey bee. |coloured pencils | |

| | |care of sy., thorax, worker | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 19 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|18. |Lesson 1 to use freely | | | | |

|19. |Revision: | |Playful activities |pictures, illustrations of the | |

| |Animals | |(puzzles, guessing games, |course book, photocopies | |

| | | |fill the gaps, etc.) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Revision: Page 26 - 27 | | |

|20. |Test 1 | | | | |

| |Animals | | | | |

|21. |Humans |attach, backbone, blood cell, cartilage, |Learning the basic things about the skeleton, bones |pictures, illustrations of the |Experiments with joints. Watching|

| |Skeletal System |cartilaginous, femur, thigh bone, fuse together,|and joints. Understanding what their functions are in |course book, a pencil |how joints work while doing |

| | |joint, organ, pelvis, ribcage, skeletal system, |our body, why they are important parts. | |different movements. |

| | |skull, slightly, spinal cord, wide | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 30 - 31 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|23. |The Human Body Language |besides, body language, emotion, feeling, |Talking and learning about why body language is |illustrations of the course book,| |

| | |express, facial expression, gesture, internal, |important in human communication. Animals cannot talk,|pictures of people showing | |

| | |non-verbal communication, verbal communication |they use body language to communicate. Learning about |different emotions, a pencil, | |

| | | |dogs’ body language. |coloured pencils | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 35 | | |

|24. |Teeth |bite, bumpy, canine, chew, edge, grind, incisor,|Learning about our teeth. Why are they important to |a mirror, an apple, a croissant, |Experiments with different foods.|

| | |jaw, milk teeth, molar, permanent teeth, |us? Learning about the different types of teeth and |soft food (pureed baby food, pure|Observing which teeth are used |

| | |pointed, tear, wisdom tooth |understanding the functions of each type. |yoghurt), illustrations of the |when biting the different foods. |

| | | | |course book, pictures, a pencil, | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 36 - 37 |coloured pencils | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|27. |Healthy Mind |bully, call names, character, community, count |Learning about the importance of having healthy and |illustrations of the course book,| |

| | |on s.body, habit, inappropriate, interest, play |good habits, and of being a part of a family and a |a pencil, coloured pencils | |

| | |equipment, relationship, relative, secure, |community. | | |

| | |selfish, share | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 41 | | |

|28. |Sick Body |addictive, cancer, chickenpox, digest, digestive|Learning what can cause diseases, the sings of a |illustrations of the course book,| |

| | |system, disease, droplet spread, drug, flu, |disease. Reading about some prevention rules. Learning|pictures, pencil | |

| | |infect, infection, infectious, measles, |about bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) and their | | |

| | |medicine, microbe, nicotine, poison, prevent, |effects on human’s body. | | |

| | |rash, silly, swallow, tobacco, vaccination | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 43 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|30. |Lesson 2 to use freely | | | | |

|31. |Lesson 3 to use freely | | | | |

|32. | Revision: | |Playful activities: |photocopies, pictures, | |

| |Humans | |(guessing games, puzzles, fill the gaps, etc.) |word cards | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Revision: Page 47 - 49 | | |

|33. |Test 2 | | | | |

| |Humans | | | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|35. |Plant Parts: Roots, Stems, Leaves|carbon-dioxide, chlorophyll, deciduous, |Learning about the functions of roots, stems and |a real leaf or a picture of a | |

| | |evergreen, inside, |leaves. Observation, examination of a leaf. Learning |leaf, | |

| | |oxygen, photosynthesis, release, stalk |the process how green plants make sugar and oxygen; |pencil, coloured pencils, | |

| | | |why they are important for the living things on Earth.|illustrations of the course book | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 54 - 55 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|37. |Plant Parts: Fruits |fruit, fewest, protect, proverb |Observation, examination of different fruits and |five kinds of fruit, | |

| | | |seeds. |an apple or a pear, | |

| | | |Learning the function of a fruit. |a peanut, a plum, | |

| | | | |a grape or a green- | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 58 -59 |pepper, a pencil, glue, scissors | |

| | | |Cutout page A-2 | | |

|38. |Plant Parts: |bean, bulb, corn, embryo, plant, seedling, size,|Learning about the lifecycle of plants. Examination of|bean, peanut, corn, | |

| |Seeds |snowdrop, sprout, wheat |different seeds. |wheat, flower, grass | |

| | | | |seeds, a pencil, coloured | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 60 - 61 |pencils, | |

| | | | |illustrations of the course book | |

|39. |Plants can Store Food |beet, cauliflower, cucumber, green-pepper, |Classifying plants according to where they store food.|scissors, glue, carrot, potato, | |

| | |onion, potato, spinach, tomato | |cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, | |

| | | | |bean plants, a pencil, | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 62 - 63 |coloured pencils, | |

| | | |Cutout page B-1 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|41. |Plants Help People: Paper |cellulose, chemical, chip, chipping, consists |Learning about how paper is made in paper factories. |illustrations of the course book,| |

| | |of, debarking, drain away, filter, filtering, |Discussing why recycling paper is very important |a pencil, | |

| | |fine, flatten, flattening, log, pulp, pulping, |nowadays. | | |

| | |remove | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 67 | | |

|42. |Lesson 4 to use freely | | | | |

|43. |Lesson 5 to use freely | | | | |

|44. |Revision: | |Playful activities |pictures, illustrations of the | |

| |Plants | |(puzzles, guessing games, |course book, photocopies | |

| | | |fill the gaps, etc.) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Revision: Page 69 - 71 | | |

|45. |Test 3 | | | | |

| |Plants | | | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|47. |Directions, Points of the Compass|cardinal points, compass, direction, East, |Revising the four cardinal points of the compass. |illustrations of the course book,| |

| | |intercardinal points, North, Northeast, |Learning the intercardinal points of the compass. | | |

| | |Northwest, South, Southeast, Southwest, West | |a compass, | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 76 - 77 |a pencil | |

|48. |Compass |arrow, device, float, horizontal, magnetized, |Learning about what a compass is and how it works. |a compass, a piece of paper, a |Making a compass. |

| | |mark(ed), needle, post, print(ed), swing |Making a compass. |needle, a piece of cork or other | |

| | | | |materials, a bowl with water, a | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 78 - 79 |pencil | |

|49. |Making |ground plan, original, outline, reality, reduce |Learning to make outlines and ground plans; reducing |a big piece of wrapping paper, | |

| |Outlines |in size, scale number, scale of reduction, |bigger objects in size. |a ruler, small objects, a pencil | |

| |and |top-view | | | |

| |Ground Plans | |Activity part: Page 80 -81 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|51. |Our Country: Hungary |anthem, arms, county, faithfulness, hope, |Learning about our home country: Hungary; the symbols |the county map of Hungary, a | |

| | |national, official, population, strength, |of our country. |pencil, coloured pencils | |

| | |stripe, symbol, symbolize | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 85 | | |

|52. |The Big Areas of Hungary |Great Hungarian Plain, |Learning the big regions of Hungary. Locating the |the relief map of Hungary, | |

| | |Little Hungarian Plain, |areas and being able to find and identify them on the |illustrations of the course book, a| |

| | |North Hungarian Mountains, |relief map of Hungary. |pencil, coloured pencils | |

| | |Transdanubian Hills with the Mecsek Mountains, | | | |

| | |Transdanubian Mountains, |Activity part: Page 86 - 87 | | |

| | |West-Hungarian Borderland | | | |

|53. |Transport |abroad, ferry, goods, means of transport, public|Learning about transport and vehicles. Understanding |illustrations of the course book, | |

| | |transport, railway, route, throughout, tram, |why a country needs a transport system and why public |pictures of vehicles, a pencil, | |

| | |trolleybus, van, lorry, truck (US), vehicle |transport is important in a city. |coloured pencils | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 88 - 89 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|55. |Lesson 7 to use freely | | | | |

|56. |Revision: | |Playful activities |photocopies, pictures, word cards, | |

| |Basic Geography | |(puzzles, guessing games, |sentence cards, etc. | |

| | | |fill the gaps, etc.) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Revision: Page 92 - 95 | | |

|57. |Test 4 | | | | |

| |Basic Geography | | | | |

|58. |Basic Processes | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Weather | | | | |

| | |breeze, bump into, droplet, element, gentle, |Learning about the weather and its elements. |illustration of the course book, |Continuous observation: |

| | |give off, | |a pencil, coloured pencils |Making a weather calendar. |

| | |heat energy, join together, precipitation, |Activity part: Page 99 | |(Project 3 page 120) |

| | |sideways, speed, sun’s radiation, weather, | | | |

| | |weather forecast | | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|60. |The |reservoir, store, storage tank, the water cycle,|Learning the water cycle. Understanding why living |illustration of the course book, | |

| |Water Cycle |water tower |things need water and why we always have water on |a pencil, coloured pencils | |

| | | |Earth. Earth is a wonderful natural machine that | | |

| | | |provides us water if we take good care of it. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 102 - 103 | | |

| | | | | | |

|61. |Recycling |compost, composting, fertiliser, fix, laundry, |Learning about the different kinds of pollutions which|illustrations of the course book, | |

| | |organic, plenty of, pollution, precious, |ruin our Earth and our lives. Talking about and |a pencil | |

| | |recycling, waste |discussing what people and we should and can do to | | |

| | | |protect our environment and nature. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 105 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|64-65. |The Seasons |attention, balance, celebrate, church, custom, |Learning about the seasons. Understanding why the |a pencil | |

| | |history, Midsummer, revolution, revolve, |changing of seasons was important in people’s life in | | |

| | |solstice, tradition, war of independence |the past. Learning about some special days. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 108 - 109 | | |

|66-67. |Life in the Past |accurate, agriculture, blend in, breeding cycle,|Learning the four main phases of the Moon. |pictures, illustrations of the | |

| | |crop, First Quarter, flood, floodplain, Full |Learning about how people lived in Hungary in the |course book, | |

| | |Moon, game, grey cattle, Last Quarter, |past. Understanding how and why their life depended on|a pencil | |

| | |long-wooled sheep, mangalica pig, mud house, New|the changes of nature. Learning about flood land | | |

| | |Moon, orchard, ox(en), phase, progress of time, |farming and some special Hungarian animals. | | |

| | |reed, regulation, satellite, vineyard | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page 111 | | |

|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |Observations, Experiments |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, | |

| | | | |necessary materials) | |

|69. |Revision: | |Playful activities |photocopies, pictures, word cards, | |

| |Basic Processes | |(puzzles, guessing games, |etc. | |

| | | |fill the gaps, etc.) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Revision: Page 114 - 117 | | |

|70. |Test 3 | | | | |

| |Basic Processes | | | | |

|71-72. |General Revision: | |Playful activities: |photocopies, pictures, | |

| | | |(guessing games, puzzles, fill the gaps, etc.) |word cards | |

| |Animals, | | | | |

| |Humans, | | | | |

| |Plants, | | | | |

| |Basic geography, | | | | |

| |Basic Processes | | | | |

| | | | | | |


|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, necessary |

| | | | |materials) |

|1. |INTERESTING READING |chest, dive, float, furry, playful, shellfish |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |The Otter | |Task to do: Page 23 | |

|2. |INTERESTING READING |brighten, cage, electric lights, firefly, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |The Firefly |glow, lantern, let, light, outdoors |Task to do: Page 24 | |

| | | | | |

|3. |INTERESTING READING |backbone, climb, cold-blooded, curl up, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |The Snake |eyelid, harm, poison fang, rat, reptile, |Task to do: Page 25 | |

| | |sheltered spot, swallow, wriggle | | |

|4. |INTERESTING READING |allow, control, flow, hormone, linked to |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |Human Brain |s.thing, release, smart |Task to do: Page 46 | |

|5. |INTERESTING READING |strange, Venus flytrap |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |The Venus Flytrap | |Task to do: Page 68 | |

|6. |INTERESTING READING |blanket, border, drop, peak, reach, rise, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |WAY UP HIGH |tank, thin |Task to do: Page 90 | |

|7. |INTERESTING READING |blow, commonly known, draw, drew, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |THE COMPASS ROSE |Mediterranean, originally, throughout |Task to do: Page 91 | |

|8. |INTERESTING READING |area, cause, equal, hemisphere, lean, orbit, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |How the seasons change |revolution, revolve, tilt, trip |Task to do: Page 112 | |

|9. |INTERESTING READING |crater, crescent, neighbour, own, reflect, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |THE Moon |sliver |Task to do: Page 113 | |

Interesting Reading: Human Brain (answer)



|Lesson |Topic |New Words, |Objectives, Activities |Demonstration |

| | |Expressions | |(visual aids, illustrations, necessary |

| | | | |materials) |

|1. |MAKING PIZZA |add, chop, disc, divide, grease, knead, |Being and working together, practising vocabulary of |illustrations of the course book |

| | |preheat, sieve, slice, spread |bread making and learning new expression. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Page 118 | |

|2. |MAKING PAPER |blender, decoration, foil, layer, mushy, peel,|Being and working together. Learning how to make |illustrations of the course book |

| | |press, punch, scrap, strainer |recycled paper. Talking about the importance of | |

| | | |recycling. Learning new vocabulary. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Page 119 | |

|3. |MAKING | |Working individually. Everybody has to listen to the |chart in the course book |

| |A WEATHER CALENDAR | |weather forecast for some weeks and fill the calendar| |

| | | |each day using the picture keys. | |

| | | | | |

| | | |Page 120 | |


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