Environmental Science Syllabus

Environmental Science Syllabus

Mr. McGuire’s Class

Academic year 2018-2019


Environmental Science course objectives:

1. To learn about the environment in order to help solve environmental problems.

2. To appreciate how our lives and cultures have been influenced by our environment.

3. To help you understand how the biotic and abiotic factors in the environment influences the various species within the environment (including us as people).

4. To help you understand the environment in terms of biology, earth science, chemistry, social sciences, physics and engineering.

5. To keep you informed of new and exciting developments in the field of Environmental Science.


Classroom Rules:

I Everyone gives and receives respect

A) Raise your hand and wait to be called on if you wish to speak.

B) If you have a problem within class, discuss it with me (the teacher) and let’s talk it out at the appropriate time as designated by the teacher.


C) Show integrity: Do not cheat on tests, quizzes, labs, or homework assignments.

Cheating = 0 (More importantly you don’t learn that way!)

1. Cheating definition:

a) To practice fraud or deceit: Turning in copied work. Looking at somebody’s answers to answer your questions. Turning in work that isn’t yours (plagiarism).

b) To violate rules or regulations: Giving somebody else the answers.

c) To take an examination or test in a dishonest way, as by improper access to answers.


D) Ask permission to leave the room and ask at an appropriate time.

E) Students entering class late must present a teacher/staff-signed pass.

F) Come to class prepared with your work in a binder, text book, pens and pencils, and calculator.


G) Ask to go to the bathroom at the beginning of class, before the bell rings.

H) Have your pencils sharpened before class starts (have at least two in case one breaks).

I) If you need to go to your locker because you are not prepared for class it is a late.[pic][pic]

J) You will be removed from class with a referral for disruptive, disrespectful and or dangerous behavior (throwing objects with out permission is dangerous).


Some other examples include:

1. Yelling or screaming in the class.

2. Not keeping your hands and feet to yourself (horse play, and rough housing).

3. Arguing, use of obscenities, insubordination (not doing what you are told)

K) You should keep track of your own grades and progress as we go. A sheet will be given to you for each unit in order to help you stay organized in this respect. I might look at these for a grade, so do not lose them.

L) No sleeping in class. If you are sick, you may be excused to the nurse’s office.


II Home work policy

A) Everyone turns in their homework on time and to the best of their ability.

1) If absent, the work must be turned in on the following day.

B) Quizzes may be used to verify that the reading homework was done (20% of your average)

1) Notes may be used for such quizzes.

C) Homework assignments weigh heavily as apart of your average (30% of your average)

D) Homework, quizzes and labs must have a full heading (see below).

First and last name Date:__________

Assignment (page number and questions) Period:_________


H) Lab rules must be followed for everyone’s safety and the protection of the equipment.

1. Wearing eye protection when instructed to do so.

2. Carrying and handling the materials the correct way.

3. Proper disposal and clean up of materials and work space.


IV Tests

A) Tests are given at the conclusion of each unit.

B) Tests are 40% of your average.

C) There are no make up exams so study hard the first time.

1) In cases of absence, students will take the test at a later date.


V Extra credit

A) You may come up with a project (that meets teacher approval) to do for extra credit.

B) Extra credit is only given to students who do not owe any work.


VI Common Sense

A) Any school rules not listed here still apply and will be strictly enforced.

(Ex dress code and the use of electronic devices.)

B) I reserve the right to create new rules or modify existing ones in order to maintain a productive classroom setting.


VII Consequences

A) First step: Verbal warning

B) Second step: Phone call or e-mail home

C) Third step: Administration is contacted via referral

1. These are things the administration can do to you:

a. In school suspension

b. After school detention (3:00 or 5:00)

c. Out of school suspension

D) Fourth Step: Removal from classroom with a referral for disruptive, disrespectful and or dangerous behavior (throwing objects with out permission is dangerous). This will lower your participation grade because you choose not to correctly participate in class. (20%)

Examples (but are not limited to)

1. Yelling or screaming in the class.

2. Not keeping your hands and feet to yourself (horse play, and rough housing).

3. Arguing, use of obscenities, insubordination (not doing what you are told)

E) I reserve the right to skip and/or combine steps if the situation calls for it


VIII Topics covered in Environmental science:

A) Introduction to Environmental science.

B) Ecology.

C) Populations.

D) Water, air and land.

E) Mineral and energy resources.

F) Our health and our future




[pic]IX Class Format

Class time will be a mix of readings, lectures, discussions, videos, projects, tests, quizzes, presentations, demonstrations and papers. You should take notes throughout the class to assist you in preparing for exams. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class so don’t be late! Extra help may be obtained by appointment. With your cooperation this will be an exciting class that we can all have fun learning in. However, keep in mind that you must pay attention, keep up with your work and study hard in order to be successful, as this can be a challenging class. Remember, your grades typically do not reflect your intelligence nearly as much as your effort! My personal goal for you is help you start to think like a scientist. Together we will work on developing your logic and analytical thinking skills as you explore the vast topic of environmental science.


Environmental Science Course Description

Mr. McGuire's Class

Academic year 2018-2019


Grading system break down:

Tests = 40%

Projects/Papers = 30%

Homework/ Participation/Quizzes = 30%

I have read the course description (pages 1-9) for Mr. McGuire’s class and I understand all of the rules and classroom policies.

Student Signature:__________________________ Date:_____________

Parent Signature:__________________________ Date:____________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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