Chapter 11—Late Paleozoic Events - earthjay science

The Earth Through Time, 10th Editionby Harold L. LevinChapter 11—Late Paleozoic EventsMultiple Choice QuestionsSelect the best answer.1.The late Paleozoic was the time of the _____________________.a. assemblage of Pangeab. assemblage of Laurasiac. Caledonian orogenicsd. Acadian orogenicse. Hercynian orogenics2.Laurenia and Baltica combined to form ___________________.a. Alleghenianb. Pangeac. Mississippid. Laurasiae. Valtica3.What is the name of the orogeny in late Carboniferous that resulted from Gondwana colliding with North America?a. Alleghenianb. Pangeac. Mississippid. Laurasiae. Valtica4.Mountain building events of the Carboniferous Period lead to the formation of extensive continental deposits containing vast _________________.a. schist clastsb. carbonate depositsc. shaled. sandy shale or siltstone.e. coal beds 5.The Mississippian Period was typified by epicontinental seas on the North American craton that lead to the deposition of the thick ______________deposits.a. coal bedsb. limestonec. shale.d. sandy shale or siltstone.e. schist6.What shape was the Pangea landmass at the end of the Paleozoic?a. the land mass stretched out in a east-west orientationb. the land mass stretched out in a north-south orientationc. the land mass stretched out in a northeast-southwest orientationd. equidimensionale. rectangular7.The Devonian North America featured __________.a. passive margins on all sidesb. passive margin on three sides and on the fourth side a transcontinental arch surrounded by shallow seasc. orogenic belts on two sides and a transcontinental arch surrounded by shallow seasd. passive margin on one side, orogenic on another side and unknown on the last two sidese. None of the above8.What is the name of the sandstone deposited with the transgression of the Kaskaskia Sea?a. Oriskanyb. Chattanoogac. Mississippid. Upper Devoniane. Lower Permian9.What is the name of the clastic wedge formed during the Devonian?a. Queenstonb. Catskillc. Old Redd. New Rede. Newark10.Why is the Chattanooga shale an important regional correlation marker? a. Widespread b. Easy to recognize c. Can be dated ratiometricallyd. Locally restrictede. All but d. 11.Which of the following is the depositional environment for the Chattanooga shale?a. Fast moving waterb. Oxygen rich waterc. Stagnant oxygen deficient waterd. Volcanic magmae. None of the above12.Mississippian Limestones contained vast numbers of which type of fossil?a. O?litesb. Crinoidsc. Phytoplanktond. Cyclothemic animalse. Flatirons13.During the Devonian the Williston basin was the site of reefs, evaporates, and oil formations. What type of structure was the Williston basin?a. Open basinb. Deep basinc. Barred basind. Paradox basine. Oquirrh basin14.The Mississippian and Pennsylvanian systems are separated by an extensive____________. a. unconformityb. Sandstonec. Limestoned. Mass extinction evente. shale15.The Pennsylvanian period of eastern and central North America is dominated by ________________.a. glacial depositional environmentsb. marine depositional environmentsc. island arcsd. continental depositional environmentse. passive margin16.During the Pennsylvanian cyclic sequences of marine and non marine strata groups called ________________ were formed.a. limestone groupsb. sandstone surgesc. regional metamorphismd. barred basinse. cyclotherm17.What rock type marks the transition from non marine to marine conditions in the Pennsylvanian cyclic sequences?a. Coalb. Limestonec. Shaled. Sandy shale or siltstonee. Schist18.What is the likely cause of the Pennsylvanian cyclic sequences of marine/non marine rocks?a. earthquakesb. local subsidencec. isostatic reboundd. worldwide sea level changes related to glaciatione. All the above.19. During the Pennsylvanian period, mountains grew in the region centered on the present day Colorado. What caused the mountain building event?a. Crustal stretchingb. Formation of Rodiniac. Laurentia collided with Gondwanad. Opening of the Atlantic Oceane. None of the above20.Which of the following was a Pennsylvanian mountain range in the Colorado region?a. Appalachianb. Uncompahgrec. Teconicd. Sierra Nevadae. None of the above21.What is the name of the clastic red beds formed from weathering of the Colorado region?a. Old Red Bedsb. Young Red Bedsc. St. Peter Sandstoned. Tapeats Sandstonee. Fountain Formation22.What is the name of a restricted marine basin located in the Four Corners region during the Pennsylvanian period?a. Illinoisb. Michiganc. Barred d. Paradox e. Oquirrh 23.West Texas during the Permian period was characterized by a. lagoonsb. reefsc. basins d. shallow submerged platformse. All of above24.Laurentia collided with Baltica and the _________________ to produce the Acadian orogeny.a. Indiab. Avalon terranec. South Americad. Chinae. Antarctica25. The late Carboniferous Alleghenian orogeny resulted from North America colliding with _________________.a. Asiab. Europec. Africad. Hawaiie. None of the above26.The Acadian orogenic belt extended from Newfoundland to ____________.a. West Virginiab. Marylandc. New Jerseyd. Floridae. Ohio27.The rapid sediment changes from sandstone to shale produced traps for _____________ in the Catskill clastic wedge.a. copperb. petroleumc. coald. diamondse. gold28.In which direction (use modern orientation of North America) did the Acadian orogeny progress?a. North to Southb. South to Northc. East to Westd. West to Easte. Northeast29. The red beds of the Catskill Wedge were deposited in which of the following settings?a. marine conditionsb. glaciationc. braided streamsd. continental risee. lagoons30.The Pennsylvanian system is characterized by coal seams formed from ancient _____________.a. continental rise sedimentsb. continental shelf sedimentsc. glacial depositsd. plankton oozese. mangroves-like forests31. The Allehenian orogeny extended from __________to Alabama.a. New Yorkb. New Jerseyc. New Hampshired. Pennsylvaniae. Ohio32. Rocks of the Appalachian Mountains have been pushed across the craton to the ____________.a. Northwestb. Northeastc. Southwestd. Southeaste. West33. What is it called when basement rocks are not deformed while the overlying sedimentary rocks break and fold above?a. Normal faultingb. Basin and Rangec. Extensional tectonicsd. Thin-skinned tectonicse. Passive margin34. What are Novaculites?a. An igneous rock typeb. A type of fossilc. bedded cherts that have been subjected to heat and pressured. A course grained clastic rocke. None of the above35. The remnants of the mountains chains built during the Ouachita Orogeny are called _____________________.a. Taconic Mountainsb. Alleghany Mountainsc. Rocky Mountainsd. Ouachita Mountainse. Sierra Nevada Mountains36. Which of the following orogenic events took place in the Cordilleran?a. Avalonian b. Acadian c. Alleghenian d. Appalachian e. Antler37.The Sonoma orogeny resulted from which of the following events?a. collision with a microcontinentb. collision with Balticac. collision with Chinad. collision with a volcanic island arce. collision with South America38.The Caledonian orogenic belt produced the Caledonian classic wedge also called the __________________.a. Queenstonb. Catskillc. Paradoxd. Old Red Continente. St. Peter39.During the late Paleozoic Gondwana was covered by ________________.a. glaciersb. tropical forestsc. epicontinental seasd. braided streamse. Both a. and c.40.Which of the following has been proposed as a mechanism for triggering the Paleozoic Gondwana ice age?a. Burial of organic matterb. Meteorite impactc. Increase in free oxygend. Transgressionse. Breakup of PangeaAnswers to Questions1.a11.c21.e31.a2.d12.b22.d32.a3.a13.c23.e33.d4.e14.a24.b34.c5.b15.d25.c35.d6.b16.e26.a36.e7.c17.a27.b37.d8.a18.d28.a38.d9.b19.c29.c39.a10.e20.b30.e40.a ................

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