AHS Earth Science

Honors Chemistry Course Syllabus

|Teacher Information: |

|Teacher’s Name: Aebeyo Abraha |Email: abrahaa@ |Phone Extension: |

| | |(336) 294-7300 Ext 544654 |

|Virtual meetings |Block 1 |Block 2 |Block 3 |Block 4 |

| | Honors Chemistry |Honors Chemistry |Physical Science |Planning |

| | | | | |

| |8:50 am –10:25 am |10:30 am –12:00 pm |12: 00 pm – 2:15 pm |2:20 Pm – 3:50 pm |

Course Description:

Honors Chemistry is an accelerated comprehensive laboratory course designed to give the students a more conceptual and in-depth understanding of the concepts in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study in Chemistry. In Honors Chemistry students are expected to work independently on a variety of assignments and accept greater responsibility for their learning. The course will include the additional Honors objectives and an in-depth study of at least two of the listed enrichment topics. Students will design and complete at least one in depth independent study of chemistry directed questions. The curriculum will integrate inquiry and technology to explore the world of chemistry.

Honors Chemistry is intended to be a tenth or eleventh grade course for students accelerated in mathematics. Success in Honors Chemistry will require the student to: 1) operate with algebraic expressions to solve problems using direct, inverse, combined, and joint variation, 2) use logarithms and exponents to solve problems, and 3) describe graphically, algebraically and verbally real-world phenomena as functions and identify the independent and dependent variables.

Enrichment Topics

In depth study of at least two of the following eight enrichment topics is required in addition to the extended objectives listed below.

1. Crystal structure

2. Environmental Chemistry

3. Organic Chemistry

4. Nuclear medicine

5. Textile chemicals

6. Polymers

7. Forensics

8. Chemistry of computers

List of Instruction Strategies and Methods:

Lecture, demonstrations, class discussions, brainstorming, Think-Pair-Share, jigsaw, problem solving, cooperative learning groups, peer teaching, research project, inquiry, concept mapping, experiments, PowerPoint presentations, prizes, field work, and use of chemistry laboratory equipment.

Text(s)/Materials for Course:

STEMscopes -Online textbook and hard copy

Laptop or computer

3- Ring Binder

Composition Book

Scientific Calculator

Pens and Pencils


Notebooks: Your notebooks will be collected at the end of each chapter.

You will receive a grade based on neatness, organization and completeness. This will be a part of your classroom participation grade. You should use a loose-leaf binder for your class notes and assignments.

Attendance: Four or more absences (excused or unexcused) from a class

in a marking period result in a NO CREDIT STATUS. Parents will be notified by SIMS generated letters when a student has been absent from a class at 3, 6, and 8 absences and will be asked to help develop the EXTRA HELP plan for the their child. Please refer to your Guilford County Schools Student Attendance Policy Handbook for more information.

Lab Safety Expectations (Also reference your safety handout)

Safety glasses worn during all labs

Report all spills/accidents

Always get teacher’s permission before you start your lab activity

Keep all materials away from open flames

5. Tie back long hair and loose clothing

Always slant test tubes away from yourself and others when heating


Never inhale or taste chemicals

Never eat or drink in the lab (food, beverages, chewing gum)

9. Always wash your hands with soap and water after working lab

Horseplay and fooling around in the lab are very dangerous!

After you finished your lab activity, make sure you turn off the gas and

disconnect electrical devices

Classroom Conduct

Please come to class prepared with all required materials including pencil/pen, paper, bound lab notebook, calculator, textbook, and notebook.

Be punctual.

Refrain from verbal or written abusive language.

No eating or drinking in class.

No electronic devices allowed.

Show respect and consideration for everyone.

Do your own work! This includes plagiarism, copying, cheating, or using unauthorized academic materials.

Positives Reinforcement


Praiseworthy notes, reports, phone calls

Student role model recognition

Things to include in your lab reports

Name of lab, date, your name and group names



List of materials/equipment used

Note of observations

Data in table and /or graph form

Results/ conclusions

Sources of error


Grading Scale: The grade scale is as follows:

90– 100 = A

80 – 89 = B

70 – 79 = C

60- 69 = D

0- 59 = F

Grade Weight: You will be graded based on a 100% grading system, as follows:

Class Participation 10%

Cumulative Tests/ Quizzes 25%

Projects /Lab Activities 20%

1 Homework 20%

2 Final Exam 25%

Total 100%

Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes will generally be given on Thursdays.

We will review in class the day before all quizzes and


Tentative Test Dates:

To Be Announced

Makeup Exams: Do not miss tests. Make-up tests can only be given if a documented excuse is presented. Any missed test without an excuse will count as a zero.

Late Work: A due date will be given for each assignment. Any assignment that is late will be penalized 10% of grade.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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