Microsoft Office 2003

Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Chapter One: Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart

A Guide to this Instructor’s Manual:

We have designed this Instructor’s Manual to supplement and enhance your teaching experience through classroom activities and a cohesive chapter summary.

This document is organized chronologically, using the same heading in red that you see in the textbook. Under each heading you will find (in order): Lecture Notes that summarize the section, Figures and Boxes found in the section, if any, Teacher Tips, Classroom Activities, and Lab Activities. Pay special attention to teaching tips, and activities geared towards quizzing your students, enhancing their critical thinking skills, and encouraging experimentation within the software.

In addition to this Instructor’s Manual, our Instructor’s Resources CD also contains PowerPoint Presentations, Test Banks, and other supplements to aid in your teaching experience.

For your students:

Our latest online feature, CourseCasts, is a library of weekly podcasts designed to keep your students up to date with the latest in technology news. Direct your students to , where they can download the most recent CourseCast onto their mp3 player. Ken Baldauf, host of CourseCasts, is a faculty member of the Florida State University Computer Science Department where he is responsible for teaching technology classes to thousands of FSU students each year. Ken is an expert in the latest technology and sorts through and aggregates the most pertinent news and information for CourseCasts so your students can spend their time enjoying technology, rather than trying to figure it out. Open or close your lecture with a discussion based on the latest CourseCast.

Table of Contents

|Chapter Objectives |2 |

|EX 2: What is Microsoft Excel 2007? |2 |

|EX 2: Project – Worksheet with an Embedded Chart |3 |

|EX 4: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): General Project Guidelines |4 |

|EX 6: Starting Excel |4 |

|EX 7: The Excel Workbook |4 |

|EX 9: Worksheet Window |5 |

|EX 15: Selecting a Cell |7 |

|EX 15: Entering Text |7 |

|EX16: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Select Titles and Subtitles for the Worksheet |8 |

|EX16: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Determine the Contents of Rows and Columns |8 |

|EX 22: Entering Numbers |8 |

|EX 24: Calculating a Sum |9 |

|EX 24: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Determine Calculations that are Needed |10 |

|EX 26: Using the Fill Handle to Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells |10 |

|EX 29: Saving the Project |11 |

|EX 30: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Determine Where to Save the Workbook |11 |

|EX 33: Formatting the Worksheet |12 |

|EX 34: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Identify How to Format Various Elements of the Worksheet |13 |

|EX 47: Using the Name Box to Select a Cell |13 |

|EX 48: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Decide on the Type of Chart Needed |14 |

|EX 49: Adding a 3-D Clustered Column Chart to the Worksheet |14 |

|EX 54: Changing Document Properties and Saving Again |15 |

|EX 57: Printing a Worksheet |15 |

|EX 59: Quitting Excel |16 |

|EX 60: Starting Excel and Opening a Workbook |16 |

|EX 62: AutoCalculate |17 |

|EX 63: Correcting Errors |17 |

|EX 67: Excel Help |19 |

|End of Chapter Material |19 |

|Glossary of Key Terms |21 |

Chapter Objectives

Students will have mastered the material in Chapter One when they can:

• Start and quit Excel

• Describe the Excel worksheet

• Enter text and numbers

• Use the Sum button to sum a range of cells

• Copy the contents of a cell to a range of cells using the fill handle

• Save a workbook

• Format cells in a worksheet

• Create a 3-D Clustered Column chart

• Change document properties

• Save a workbook a second time using the same file name

• Print a worksheet

• Open a workbook

• Use the AutoCalculate area to determine statistics

• Correct errors on a worksheet

• Use Excel Help to answer questions

EX 2: What is Microsoft Excel 2007?


• Discuss the four major parts of Excel: workbooks and worksheets; charts; tables; and Web support

• Describe the benefits of the latest version of Excel

o A new style of user interface that makes it easier to perform common functions

o The capability to create larger worksheets

o Improved formatting, printing, charting, and table functionality

o Simplified data sharing via XML within and outside an organization

o Improved business intelligence functionality

o Capability of performing complex tasks on a server


1. Assign a Project: Ask students what a spreadsheet is. Have them suggest ways in which they have seen spreadsheets used. Then, have them brainstorm as many uses for a spreadsheet as they can think of. Encourage students to be attentive as they go through the Excel projects to see if they can add to their list of uses for a spreadsheet

2. Quick Quiz:

1) What are the four major parts of Microsoft Excel? (Answer: workbooks and worksheets; charts; tables; and Web support)

2) What are three new highlights in Excel 2007? (Answer: Any three of the following — new style of user interface; capability to create larger worksheets; improved formatting, printing, charting, and table functionality; simplified data sharing via XML; improved business intelligence functionality; capability of performing complex tasks on a server)

EX 2: Project – Worksheet with an Embedded Chart


• Describe/review the requirements document and emphasize its importance

• Review the tasks performed to create the worksheet in the project

• Draw a sketch of the worksheet and emphasize its importance

FIGURES: 1-1, 1-2, 1-3


1. BTW: Excel 2007 Features. Review features such as analysis tools, research capabilities, collaboration tools, streamlined user interface, smart tags, charting features, Web capabilities, hundreds of functions, and enhanced formatting capabilities.

2. BTW:Worksheet Development Cycle

Describe how spreadsheet specialists follow an organized plan (methodology) before developing a worksheet: (1) analyze requirements, (2) design solution, (3) validate design, (4) implement design, (5) test solution, and (6) document solution.


Many people start creating a worksheet before a requirements document or sketch has been made. Encourage students to work from a requirements document and to create a sketch of what they want the workbook to look like. These two tools are like having an outline before writing a book.


1. Class Discussion: Ask students why they think each component of a requirements document (needs statement, source of data, summary of calculations, and special requirements) is important in developing a worksheet.

2. Assign a Project: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to select one or more of the following projects that might be done in Excel, and write a requirements document for each, including a needs statement, the source of data, required calculations, and chart requirements:

1) A log for the usage, maintenance schedule, insurance, and licensing of the vehicles of a family with two cars, a pick-up truck, and a van

2) A money tracking program for a student organization

3) A statistical record for a neighborhood T-ball league

4) A fitness-tracking program for a gym with several members

EX 4: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): General Project Guidelines

• Review the 7 general guidelines for determining the appearance and characteristics of the finished worksheet

• Select titles and subtitles for the worksheet

• Determine the contents for rows and columns

• Determine the calculations that are needed

• Identify how to format various elements for the worksheet

• Decide on the type of chart needed

• Establish where to position and how to format the chart


1. Quick Quiz:

1) True/False: Totals for values in a worksheet can be done in columns, but not in rows. (Answer: False; values can be totaled in a variety of ways, including across rows or in columns)

2. Group Activity: After reviewing the list of Plan Ahead guidelines, ask students to close their books and list as many of the guidelines as they can remember. Then, have them call out the guidelines they have written down.

EX 6: Starting Excel


• For figures that match those in the book, change screen resolution to 1024 x 768

• Use Figures 1-4 and 1-5 to start Excel: click: Start, All Programs, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Office Excel 2007

FIGURES: 1-4, 1-5


1. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of starting Excel.


1. Quick Quiz:

1) What is a maximized window? (Answer: A window that fills the entire screen)

2. Critical Thinking: In what career paths would knowledge of Excel worksheets benefit you?

EX 7: The Excel Workbook


• Define workbook, worksheet, and sheet tab

• Introduce the components of the worksheet: column heading, row heading, cell, cell reference, active cell, and guidelines



1. BTW: Excel Help. Discuss the Help button on the right side of the Ribbon and how to find what is new in Excel 2007.

2. BTW: Worksheet Development. Describe how up-front planning and analyzing reduces effort and produces a more efficient worksheet. Review the four steps for analysis and design of worksheet.


When a cell is active, its row and column headings are highlighted. Discuss that by using the mouse pointer to highlight one or multiple rows and/or columns, all of those cells are active.


1. Assign a Project: Ask students to supply the cell references of other cells in Figure 1-6, such as the cell containing the mouse pointer.

2. Group Activity: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each small group to play “Hot Potato” using the following terms: column heading, row heading, cell, cell reference, active cell, Name box, gridlines, and sheet tab. To play “Hot Potato,” each group needs a ball or some similar item (a crumpled piece of notebook paper will serve). The student who is “It” holds the ball, calls out any one of the terms, and then tosses the ball to another member of the group, who must define the term. This person then becomes “It,” calling out a term and tossing the ball. Students may refer to pages EX 7 and EX 8 in their textbooks to help them identify the terms. Continue until all terms have been referred to at least once.

3. Quick Quiz:

1) Where do the names of the worksheets contained in the active workbook appear? (Answer: On a sheet tab at the bottom of the workbook)

2) What is a cell? (Answer: The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data)

3) How is a cell identified? (Answer: By specifying the column letter first, followed by the row number)


1. The different shapes taken on by the mouse pointer are described in a text tip when they appear on the screen. As an introduction to the different shapes, have students open an Excel workbook and experiment with moving the mouse, entering data, copying data, and so on. Ask them to see how many shapes they can get the mouse pointer to assume. Have them sketch each shape along with a description of its purpose.

EX 9: Worksheet Window


• Discuss the worksheet window elements as follows:

o Status bar location and its purpose, indicators, and modes

o Ribbon acts as the control center for Excel

o Formula bar location and its purpose

o Mini toolbar and its automatic appearance, and how shortcut menus appear

o Quick Access Toolbar location and its purpose of providing frequently used commands

o Office Button location and how clicking opens the Office Button menu

o Key Tips offer information about what keys to press to implement commands instead of using menus

FIGURES: 1-7a, 1-7b, 1-8, 1-9, 1-10, 1-11, 1-12a, 1-12b, 1-13, 1-14a, 1-14b, 1-14c, 1-15, 1-16, 1-17


Many of today’s students have never created a manual spreadsheet, so it may be difficult for them to see the practical advantages of its electronic counterpart. You can really drive the point home by reviewing Figure 1-1 on page EX 3. Refer to the dollar amount in cell B4 (Northeast/Video) and ask the students what would happen if you changed the value in the cell? Ask them to locate all the subsequent values that also will change. Ask them to imagine using an eraser to make all the necessary changes and they’ll soon appreciate the time-saving aspects of an electronic spreadsheet.


1. BTW: The Worksheet Size and Window. Review the huge worksheet size and how students can move the window to view any part of the worksheet.

2. BTW: Increasing the Viewing Area. Describe that the window is a view of the spreadsheet and how to increase the viewing area size.

3. BTW: Minimizing the Ribbon Describe the two ways to minimize and the two ways to restore a minimized Ribbon. Describe that the top-level tab allows the use of commands on a minimized Ribbon.

4. BTW: Quick Access Toolbar Commands Describe how to add a button to or delete it from the Quick Access Toolbar, and how to display the Quick Access Toolbar.


1. Assign a Project: If students are familiar with other Windows applications, have them list features shared with the Excel window (e.g., shortcut menus, scroll bars, status bar, etc.).

2. Class Discussion: Susan Kare, creator of the icons used with many software applications, claims that “the best icons are more like traffic signs than graphic illustrations,” providing a quick indication of the task they represent. Using Figure 1-8, ask students how well the graphic on each of the Ribbon gallery choices represents the corresponding function. Which graphics are most effective (i.e., easiest to understand)? Which graphics are least effective? Why? Challenge students to make their own sketches for graphics they consider ineffective.

3. Quick Quiz:

1) What is the default view of the worksheet? (Answer: Normal view)

2) What happens when you decrease the view of the sheet tabs? (Answer: The length of the horizontal scroll bar is increased)

3) When the mode of Excel is Ready, what does this mean? (Answer: Excel is ready to accept the next command or data entry)

4) What is a gallery? (Answer: A set of choices arranged in a grid or in a list)

5) What does live preview allow? (Answer: To point to a gallery choice and see its effect in the worksheet without actually having to select the choice)

6) What does the Mini toolbar contain? (Answer: Commands related to changing the appearance of text in a worksheet)

7) When does a shortcut menu appear? (Answer: When you right-click an object)

8) What does a menu contain? (Answer: A list of commands)

9) What happens when you press a Key Tip? (Answer: Additional Key Tips related to the selected command)

EX 15: Selecting a Cell


• Discuss how to select a cell

• Explain how to know when a cell is active/selected


1. BTW: Selecting a Cell. Explain how to select using a cell reference.


1. Quick Quiz:

1) How do you tell which cell is the active (currently selected) cell? (Answer: It has a heavy border around it; the active cell reference appears in the Name box on the left side of the formula bar; both its row head and column head change to a gold color)

EX 15: Entering Text


• Define text and show text entered into cells

• Use Figures 1-19 through 1-22 to discuss how to enter the worksheet titles

• Illustrate how to enter text in a cell

• Define and point out left-aligned text

• Discuss correcting a mistake while typing

• Define the AutoCorrect feature

• Use Figures 1-23 through 1-28 to describe how to enter column and row titles

FIGURES: 1-18, 1-19, 1-20, 1-21, 1-22, 1-23, 1-24, 1-25, 1-26, 1-27, 1-28


1. BTW: The enter Key. Describe the feature of using the enter key to complete an entry and move it but also how to disable the feature.

2. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of completing a cell entry.


Tell students that sometimes they may want numbers or numeric symbols to be treated like text. For example, they might want to put a row of minus signs (hyphens), or a zip code, in a cell. By default, any information typed into a cell that contains only numeric symbols will be treated as a number. To cause Excel to treat such information as text, precede it with an apostrophe (').


1. Group Activity: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to discuss all the ways they can think of that tell Excel that the entry in a cell is complete. Halfway through the discussion, suggest that they refer to page EX 18, Other Ways.

2. Quick Quiz:

1) What does the insertion point indicate? (Answer: Where the next typed character will appear)

2) What does a left alignment position in a cell entry mean? (Answer: The cell entry is positioned at the far left in the cell)

3) What are the two ways to cancel an entire entry before entering it into a cell? (Answer: Click the Cancel box in the formula bar, or press the esc key)

4) What are the three types of corrections that AutoCorrect makes? (Answer: Corrects two initial capital letters, capitalizes the first letter in the names of the days, replaces commonly misspelled words with their correct spelling)


1. AutoCorrect will correct the spelling of hundreds of commonly misspelled words automatically. Have students open a blank workbook and intentionally type commonly misspelled words to see which of the words are replaced with their correct spelling. For example, AutoCorrect will change the misspelled word recieve to receive when the entry is completed. Ask students to find at least 10 misspelled words that are corrected with AutoCorrect.

EX16: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Select Titles and Subtitles for the Worksheet


• Emphasize the importance of brevity in the selection of worksheet titles and subtitles

• Use Figure 1-18 to review the selection of brief and meaningful titles and subtitles

EX16: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Determine the Contents of Rows and Columns


• Contrast the types of content contained in rows and in columns.

• Use Figure 1-18 to describe the rationale for placing the data in rows or columns


While rows usually contain information that is similar to items in a list, columns contain descriptive information about the items in the rows or information that helps to group the data in the worksheet.

EX 22: Entering Numbers


• Review the characters that a number in Excel can contain

• Use Figures 1-29 through 1-31 to illustrate how to enter numbers using the data in Table 1-1

FIGURES: 1-29, 1-30, 1-31


1. BTW: Numeric Limitations. Define the negative and positive limits numbers allow.

2. Q&A: Do I need to enter dollar signs, commas, or trailing zeros for the quarterly sales numbers? Emphasize that these indicators are not required but that decimal points are required for cents.


1. Quick Quiz:

1) What are four characters that a number can contain, apart from the numerals 0–9? (Answer: + - ( ) , / . $ % E e)

2) Brainstorm with the students about the different types of monetary currency in the world and symbols used for those currencies. Would using any of those currencies affect how Excel formats numbers in a column? What if a column contained a mix of currencies? How would numbers line up? Or would it make sense to put those currencies in their own columns?

EX 24: Calculating a Sum


• Discuss Excel’s SUM function

• Define range

• Use Figures 1-32 through 1-34 to illustrate how to sum a column of numbers

FIGURES: 1-32, 1-33, 1-34


1. BTW: Entering Numbers as Text. Describe how Excel treats numbers as text.

2. BTW: Calculating Sums. Describe how to calculate sums of various data types.

3. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of calculating the sum of a column of numbers.


Emphasize that first it is necessary to identify the cell where the sum will be stored. Point out that the AutoSum button can be used to enter the SUM function. Note that SUM functions with different ranges are assigned to each cell.


1. Quick Quiz:

1) What does the SUM function do? (Answer: Adds all of the numbers in a range of cells)

2) What is a range? (Answer: A series of two or more adjacent cells in a column or row or a rectangular group of cells)

2. Class Discussion: Ask students what other functions would be useful in a worksheet?


1. Ask students to open an Excel worksheet and enter numbers in several cells, using at least three adjacent rows and four adjacent columns. Have students investigate what happens when they position the mouse on different cells and click the Sum button on the Ribbon. Ask them to notice specifically the range that Excel selects. For example, what happens when they position the mouse in the middle of a column of figures instead of at the end? Ask students to repeat this investigation for some other functions on the Sum button arrow, and write a brief report that summarizes their discoveries.

EX 24: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Determine Calculations that are Needed


• Use Figure 1-2 to review the calculations and totals for this worksheet

• Review the purpose of the SUM function is to add numbers

• Review the definition of a range that is a series of adjacent cells

EX 26: Using the Fill Handle to Copy a Cell to Adjacent Cells


• Introduce the terms source (copy) area and destination (paste) area

• Discuss SUM functions illustrated in Table 1-2

• Define relative reference

• Explain the function of the fill handle

• Use Figures 1-35 through 1-37 to illustrate how to copy a cell to adjacent cells in a row

• Use Figures 1-38 through 1-40 to illustrate how to determine multiple totals at the same time

FIGURES: 1-35, 1-36, 1-37, 1-38, 1-39, 1-40


Emphasize that there are more columns and rows to the worksheet than can be seen at one time. Students should not think that they have lost some of their worksheet just because they cannot see it on the screen. ctrl+home will take students back to the upper-left corner of the worksheet. They can use the arrow keys or the scroll bars to navigate to any part of the worksheet. Also, if students do not like where the menu bar is, they can move it to any location on the screen by dragging the move handle. They can dock it against any side of the screen, or let it float in the window area.


1. Class Discussion: Ask students which cell’s function displays in the formula bar in Figure 1-37 (B9 – students should see this, both from the range in the function displayed in the formula bar and from the cell reference in the Name box). Choose other cells in the selected range and ask students to determine the assigned SUM function. For example, for cell F6, the assigned SUM function is =SUM(B6:E6). Next, ask students to repeat this procedure to sum the columns.

2. Critical Thinking: Excel updates relative references when formulas are copied. Could Excel ever be “too smart”? Might updating relative references when formulas are copied ever produce the wrong result? When?

3. Quick Quiz:

1) What is the difference between the source area and the destination area when you are copying cells? (Answer: The cell being copied is called the source — or copy — area, and the range of cells receiving the copy is called the destination — or paste — area.)

2) What is the fill handle? (Answer: The small black square located in the lower-right corner of the heavy border around the active cell, used to copy cells to adjacent cells)


1. Ask students to open an Excel worksheet that has several numbers entered in several rows and columns (or create one if necessary). Using the Sum button on the Ribbon, have them enter a SUM formula in one of the cells. Have students copy this formula to a range of cells using the fill handle.

EX 29: Saving the project


• Introduce the terms file and file name

• Explain why it is important to save the workbook frequently

• Use Figures 1-41 through 1-45 to illustrate how to save a workbook and save it to another drive

FIGURES: 1-41, 1-42, 1-43, 1-44, 1-45


1. BTW: Saving. Mention the ability to save workbooks in many different types of file formats.

2. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of saving the workbook.


1. Group Activity: Divide the class into small groups and have them invent specific circumstances in which they might use each Save As dialog box toolbar button shown in Figure 1-41. Then, reconvene the class and compare the suggested circumstances to show why each toolbar button might be used and clarify any misunderstandings.

2. Quick Quiz:

1) What is a file name? (Answer: The name assigned to a file when it is saved)

2) What are two reasons for saving a workbook frequently? (Answer: The worksheet in memory will be lost if the computer is turned off or you lose electrical power while Excel is open; if you run out of time before completing the workbook, you can finish your worksheet at a future time without starting over.)

3) What is a folder? (Answer: A specific location on a storage medium)

EX 30: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Determine Where to Save the Workbook


• Review the pros and cons of each of the storage media offered as locations for a workbook


1. Group Activity: Take a class poll regarding what storage media the students use. Record this information on the board to show the media most used and the type least used.

2. Assign a Project: Ask student to research on the Web some of the future types of storage media that are in development. Ask them to write a list of their results and cite the references.

EX 33: Formatting the worksheet


• Explain the reasons for formatting a worksheet

• Introduce the terms font type, font style, font size, point size, and font color

• Use Figures 1-47 through 1-49 to show how to change a cell style

• Use Figures 1-50 through 1-52 to illustrate how to change the font type

• Use Figure 1-53 to discuss how to bold a cell

• Use Figures 1-54 and 1-55 to describe the steps to increase the font size of a cell entry

• Use Figures 1-56 and 1-57 to illustrate the steps to change the font color of a cell entry

• Use Figures 1-58 through 1-60 to discuss how to center cell entries across columns by merging cells

• Use Figures 1-61 through 1-64 to discuss formatting and the steps to format column titles and the total row

• Use Figures 1-65 through 1-68 to illustrate how to format numbers in the worksheet

• Use Figures 1-69 and 1-70 to describe how to adjust the column width

FIGURES: 1-46a, 1-46b, 1-47, 1-48, 1-49, 1-50, 1-51, 1-52, 1-53, 1-54, 1-55, 1-56, 1-57, 1-58, 1-59, 1-60, 1-61, 1-61, 1-62, 1-63, 1-64, 1-65, 1-66, 1-67, 1-68, 1-69, 1-70


1. BTW: Fonts and Themes. Explain about the default recommended fonts and default theme, Office.

2. BTW: Fonts. Suggest to use 2 fonts per worksheet.

3. Other Ways: Encourage students to try other methods of bolding.

4. Other Ways: Encourage students to experiment with font sizes.

5. Other Ways: Encourage students to try other ways of selecting font colors.

6. Other Ways: Encourage experimenting with the merge, center, and alignment features.

7. Other Ways: Encourage students to try other ways of using the Accounting format.


Emphasize the importance of formatting — use an axiom of business, which states that the higher up the corporate hierarchy a document is destined, the greater the effort that must be invested in formatting. Tell students that there is no order with formatting. A color or a text size can be done in any order and students can change any of the format attributes independently at any time.


1. Group Activity: Divide the class into small groups. Have each group examine Figures 1-46a and 1-46b on page EX 33 of the text. Ask them to list all the differences they can between the worksheets; that is, the differences caused by formatting.

2. Group Activity: Divide the class into small groups. Ask the groups to compare and contrast the steps used to format the title with the steps used to format the subtitle to determine the similarities and differences between the processes.

3. Critical Thinking: The entire worksheet uses some form of the Calibri font type as shown in Figure 1-51. When might other font types be used in a worksheet? Why?

4. Quick Quiz:

1) Why should you format a worksheet? (Answer: To emphasize certain entries and to make the worksheet easier to read and understand)

2) What does font style indicate? (Answer: How the characters are emphasized)

3) What is a theme? (Answer: A collection of cell styles and other styles that have common characteristics)

4) How do you merge cells and split a merged cell? (Answer: Merging cells involves creating a single cell by combining two or more selected cells; splitting a merged cell splits the merged cell to display the original cells on the worksheet.)

5) What effect does the Comma Style format have on selected cells? (Answer: The Comma Style format causes the cells to display with two decimal places and commas as thousands separators.)

EX 34: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Identify How to Format Various Elements of the Worksheet


• Use Figures 1-46a and 1-46b to review the individual tasks required to format the various elements of the worksheet


1. Critical Thinking: What other creative ways might a worksheet be formatted? Would adding graphics help or detract from the information in the worksheets?

2. Project to Assign: Ask students to research the Web for examples of different styles of workbooks or worksheets. Ask them to list some of the things they like or did not like about the examples they find. Have them cite their Web site locations.

EX 47: Using the Name Box to Select a Cell


• Use Figures 1-71 and 1-72 to discuss the use of the Name box to select a cell

• Review all of the additional ways to select a cell

• Discuss the additional ways to select a cell using Table 1-3

FIGURES: 1-71, 1-72


1. BTW: Find & Select. Describe how to find and select cells based on their content.


1. Group Activity: Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to play “Hot Potato” using Table 1-3 on page EX 48 of the text. To play “Hot Potato,” each group needs a ball or some similar item (a crumpled piece of notebook paper will serve). The student who is “It” holds the ball, calls out any item from column 1 of the table (one of the ways to select a cell), and then tosses the ball to another member of the group, who must explain how that way of selecting cells works. This person then becomes “It,” calling out another item from column 1 of the table and tossing the ball. Continue until all items in column 1 have been visited at least once. Have the groups note any items that are not clear, and ask about them when the class comes together again.

2. Critical Thinking: Encourage the students to think about the 11 types of charts that Excel offers. What types of information would best be suited to which types of chart? Some types of data are better represented in one style than another. For example, what are some types of data that might work better in a Pie chart? Think about the audience looking at the data. Think of how you have seen charts represented in the media — magazines, newspapers, or financial bulletin.

EX 48: Plan Ahead Box (Critical Thinking): Decide on the Type of Chart Needed

• Review the ways to determine the type of chart to use

• Discuss how aspects of a worksheet’s purpose help with determining where to position and format the chart

1. Quick Quiz:

1) How many chart types does Excel offer? (Answer: Eleven chart types are available.)

2. Assign a Project: Research the Web for any other types of charts that are available as an add-on (plug-in) to Excel. For example, have any online users posted their suggestions for other types of charts. Have students list what they find and cite their references.

EX 49: Adding a 3-D Clustered Column Chart to the Worksheet


• Relate the 3-D Clustered Column chart to an embedded chart

• Use Figures 1-74 through 1-81 to review the method for adding a 3-D Clustered Column chart to the worksheet

FIGURES: 1-73, 1-74, 1-75, 1-76, 1-77, 1-78, 1-79, 1-80, 1-81


To resize a chart proportionally, keeping the height and width of the chart in the same ratio, hold down the shift key while dragging a corner sizing handle. The 3-D Clustered Column chart is just one chart type. Other chart types are available and students can use any.


1. BTW: Cell Values and Charting. Discuss the relationship of cell values, charts and recalculations of values.


1. Quick Quiz:

2) Which tab has the command for adding objects to a worksheet)? (Answer: The Insert tab has commands for inserting various objects, such as shapes, tables, illustrations and charts)

3) Which button do you click to view the available types of Column charts? (Answer: The Column button on the Ribbon tab)

2. Group Activity: Divide the class into groups of three or four and the students make lists of the activities in their lives for which creating a worksheet would be helpful. An example might be tracking all of the receipts for purchases made during the year. Have the groups share the information with the class.

EX 54: Changing Document Properties and Saving Again


• Introduce document properties (metadata)

• Contrast standard properties and automatically updated properties

• Use Figures 1-82 through 1-84 to illustrate how to change document properties

• Use Figure 1-85 to illustrate how to save an existing workbook with the same file name

FIGURES: 1-82, 1-83, 1-84, 1-85


1. BTW: Document Properties. Discuss assigning additional properties and creating custom properties.

2. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of saving an existing workbook with the same file name.


1. Class Discussion: Ask students to name the different types of storage devices where they can store their workbooks.

2. Quick Quiz:

1) What are document properties (metadata)? (Answer: The details about a file)

2) What are automatically updated properties? (Answer: File system properties, such as the date you create or change a file, and statistics, such as the file size)

EX 57: Printing a Worksheet


• Introduce the terms hard copy or printout

• Review the reasons why printed copies of a worksheet can be useful

• Use Figures 1-86 and 1-87 to illustrate how to print a worksheet

FIGURES: 1-86, 1-87


1. BTW: Conserving Ink and Toner. Talk about the Color/Grayscale levels that students can adjust.

2. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of printing.


Many people believe that getting information from the computer to the printer is one of the most difficult tasks in using the computer. It is quite true that trying to print a document may cause the document to be changed, or may cause the computer system to freeze. For this reason, it is always a good idea to save a document before students attempt to print it.


1. Quick Quiz:

1) What is a hard copy? (Answer: A printed version of the worksheet)

2. Discussion Topic

It takes time, ink, and paper to print a worksheet. Ask the class to brainstorm reasons for wanting a hard copy of a worksheet created in Excel.

EX 59: Quitting Excel


• Use Figure 1-88 to discuss quitting Excel

• Review the dialog box options resulting from quitting Excel

FIGURE: 1-88


1. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of quitting Excel.


1. Quick Quiz:

1) What happens if you click the Cancel button in the dialog box that results when you quit Excel? (Answer: The dialog box closes and the worksheet is redisplayed, without any changes being saved.)

EX 60: Starting Excel and Opening a Workbook


• Review the steps to start Excel

• Use Figures 1-89 through 1-91 to illustrate opening a saved workbook from a USB flash drive

FIGURES: 1-89, 1-90, 1-91


1. BTW: Print Preview. Refer students to Figure 1-86 on page EX 58 and explain about previewing a worksheet.

2. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways of opening a workbook.


In the open window, when students are selecting a drive, they can click the box arrow to see what drives and other storage hardware is attached to the computer.


1. Quick Quiz:

1) What is a reason for retrieving a workbook from a storage medium? (Answer: You might want to revise the worksheet, or reprint it.)

2) What documents are shown in the Recent Documents list? (Answer: The most recently opened document file names)

EX 62: AutoCalculate


• Introduce the AutoCalculate area

• Review the AutoCalculate shortcut menu commands using Table 1-4

• Use Figures 1-92 and 1-93 to illustrate the use of the AutoCalculate area to determine a maximum

FIGURES: 1-92, 1-93


1. BTW: AutoCalculate: Explain how students can check the accuracy of their work.


1. Assign a Project: Using Table 1-4, point out the AutoCalculate commands available, one at a time, and ask the class to mention times when each function might be useful.

2. Quick Quiz:

1) How do you display a list of AutoCalculate functions? (Answer: Right-click the AutoCalculate area to display the Status Bar Configuration shortcut menu)

EX 63: Correcting Errors


• Discuss methods for correcting errors on a worksheet including while you are typing, after entering data, and undoing the last cell entry

• Describe the reasons for the choice of a given method

• Using Table 1-5, summarize in-cell editing tasks

• Discuss the steps for clearing a cell or range of cells

o Clearing cell entries using the fill handle

o Clearing cell entries using the shortcut menu

o Clearing cell entries using the delete key

o Clearing cell entries and formatting using the Clear button

o Clearing formatting using the Cell Styles button

o Clearing the entire worksheet

o Deleting an embedded chart

FIGURES: 1-94, 1-95


1. BTW: In-Cell Editing. Describe the alternative to double-clicking.

2. BTW: Editing the Contents of a Cell. Describe an alternative to in-cell editing.

3. BTW: Quick Reference. Point out the location for the Quick Reference Summary and Excel 2007 Quick Reference Web page.

4. BTW: Certification. For more information on the MCAS program see Appendix F or visit the Excel 2007 Certification Web page.

5. BTW: Getting Back to Normal. Explain how to repair unwanted formats in a cell range.


If a cell looks empty but acts as if it has something in it, it probably contains a space character. Clear the cell using one of the methods on page EX 66. To avoid this problem, do not clear a cell by highlighting the contents and pressing the spacebar.


1. Group Activity: Divide the class into two groups. Ask one group to be the “mouse” group and one group to be the “keyboard” group. Have each group choose one member to stand and be ready to answer a question. Then, call out one of the in-cell editing tasks from Table 1-5 on page EX 65. The mouse group representative tells how to do the task using the mouse; the keyboard group representative tells how to do the task using the keyboard. Have students refer to Table 1-5 if they do not know the answer. Then, ask each group to designate another representative, and continue with another of the tasks. Continue until all the tasks have been mentioned at least once.

2. Critical Thinking: Excel allows you to clear a cell or a range of cells, or to clear the entire worksheet and start over with the New command. Ask students to suggest situations in which it is preferable to clear a cell or range of cells. When might be best to clear the worksheet and start over? Why?

3. Assign a Project: Have students open a workbook and experiment with each of the four methods to clear cell entries. Also have them clear cell entries using the Cut command. Then, have students prepare a brief report indicating which of the suggested options is easiest for them, and why.

4. Quick Quiz:

1) When Excel is in Edit mode, what displays in the formula bar? (Answer: The entry of the active cell; that is, the cell containing a flashing insertion point)

2) How do you toggle between Insert mode and Overtype mode? (Answer: By pressing the insert key)

3) What happens in Overtype mode? (Answer: Excel overtypes, or replaces, the character to the right of the insertion point.)

4) How many actions can Excel undo? (Answer: Up to 100 previous actions)

5) How do you clear cell entries using the fill handle? (Answer: Select the cell or range of cells to be cleared, drag the fill handle back to the selected cell or range until a shadow covers the cell or cells you want to erase, and then release the mouse button)

6) What is another way to select the entire worksheet, besides using the Select All button? (Answer: Press ctrl+a)

EX 67: Excel Help


• Introduce Excel Help

• Use Figures 1-96 through 1-98 to illustrate searching for Excel Help

• Discuss the steps to quit Excel

FIGURES: 1-96, 1-97, 1-98


1. BTW: Excel Help. Refer students to Appendix C for more information about Excel Help, and exercises for practicing with its use.

2. BTW: Quitting Excel. Emphasize to remove the USB flash drive from the computer after quitting.

3. Other Ways: Encourage your students to explore other ways to search for Excel Help.


1. Quick Quiz:

1) True/False: Excel allows searches by key terms but not by phrases. (Answer: False. Excel allows searches by key terms and phrases)

2 True/False: After entering a search phrase in the Help window text box, Excel displays the results in a list of links with different icons, depending on the type of link (Answer: True. Search results display different icons, depending on type of link.)


1. Have students look through the Help system to become familiar with it. Ask them to try the search feature. Ask them if they experienced instances where Help did not provide information they were looking for.

End of Chapter Material

▪ Learn It Online is a series of online student exercises that test your knowledge of chapter content and key terms.

▪ Apply Your Knowledge is a student assignment that helps you to reinforce the skills and apply the concepts you learned in this chapter.

▪ Extend Your Knowledge is a student assignment that challenges you to extend the skills you learned in this chapter and to experiment with new skills. You may need to use Help to complete the assignment.

▪ Make It Right is a student assignment that requires you to analyze a presentation and correct all errors and/or improve the design.

▪ In the Lab (Lab): In the Lab is a series of student assignments that ask you to design and/or create a presentation using the guidelines, concepts, and skills presented in this chapter. The assignments are listed in order of increasing difficulty.

▪ Cases and Places is a series of student assignments where you apply your creative thinking and problem solving skills to design and implement a solution.

Glossary of Key Terms

• active cell (EX 8)

• active tab (EX 10)

• AutoCalculate area (EX 62)

• AutoCorrect feature (EX 19)

• automatically updated properties (EX 54)

• bold (EX 38)

• Cancel box (EX 17)

• category axis (EX 52)

• cell (EX 8)

• cell reference (EX 8)

• column heading (EX 7)

• contextual tabs (EX 10)

• destination area (paste area) (EX 27 )

• dialog box (EX 11)

• Dialog Box Launcher (EX 11)

• Document Information panel (EX 55)

• document properties (EX 54)

• Edit mode (EX 63)

• embedded chart (EX 49)

• Enhanced ScreenTip (EX 11)

• Enter (EX 9)

• Enter box (EX 17)

• Excel Help (EX 67)

• file (EX 29)

• file name (EX 29)

• fill handle (EX 27)

• folder (EX 30)

• font color (EX 34)

• font size (EX 34)

• font style (EX 34)

• font type (EX 34)

• format (EX 33)

• formula bar (EX 12)

• gallery (EX 10)

• gridlines (EX 8)

• group (EX 9)

• hard copy (EX 57)

• in-cell editing (EX 64)

• in-Ribbon (EX 10)

• Insert mode (EX 64)

• insertion point (EX 17)

• Home tab (EX 10)

• keyboard indicators (EX 9)

• Key Tip (EX 15)

• Key Tip badge (EX 15)

• keywords (EX 54)

• left-aligned (EX 18)

• legend (EX 54)

• live preview (EX 10)

• menu (EX 14)

• merging cells (EX 40)

• metadata (EX 54)

• Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (EX 2)

• Mini toolbar (EX 12)

• Name box (EX 12)

• mode indicators (EX 9)

• My Places bar (EX 31)

• normal view (EX 9)

• number (EX 22)

• Office Button (EX 14)

• Overtype mode (EX 64)

• point size (EX 34)

• printout (EX 57)

• Quick Access Toolbar (EX 13)

• range (EX 24)

• Ready (EX 9)

• relative reference (EX 27)

• requirements document (EX 3)

• Ribbon (EX 9)

• Ribbon commands (EX 10)

• row heading (EX 7)

• ScreenTip (EX 11)

• scroll arrows (EX 9)

• scroll bars (EX 9)

• scroll boxes (EX 9)

• sheet tab (EX 7)

• shortcut menu (EX 12)

• snaps (EX 53)

• splitting a merged cell (EX 41)

• status bar (EX 9)

• source area (copy area) (EX 27)

• standard properties (EX 54)

• submenu (EX 14)

• SUM function (EX 24)

• tab (EX 9)

• tab split box (EX 9)

• task pane (EX 11)

• text (EX 15)

• theme (EX 37)

• to select a cell (EX 15)

• workbook (EX 7)

• worksheet (EX 7)

• worksheet window (EX 9)

• x-axis (EX 52)

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