Physics Level II Final Exam Study Guide

Physics Level II Final Exam Study Guide

Chapter 12: Universal Gravitation

12.1 The Falling Apple

12.2 The Falling Moon

12.3 The Falling Earth

12.4 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

12.5 Gravity and Distance: The Inverse Square Law

12.6 Universal Gravitation

Chapter 13: Gravitational Interactions

13.1 Gravitational Fields

13.2 Gravitational Field Inside a Planet

13.3 Weight and Weightlessness

13.4 Ocean Tides

Chapter 14: Satellite Motion

14.1 Earth Satellites

14.2 Circular Orbits

14.3 Elliptical Orbits

Chapter 15: Special Relativity—Space and Time

15.1 Space-Time

15.2 Motion Is Relative

15.3 The Speed of Light Is Constant

15.4 The First Postulate of Special Relativity

15.5 The Second Postulate of Special Relativity

15.6 Time Dilation

15.7 The Twin Trip

15.8 Space and Time Travel

Chapter 16: Special Relativity—Length, Momentum, and Energy

16.1 Length Contraction

16.3 Equivalence of Mass and Energy

16.4 Kinetic Energy in Relativity

Chapter 18: Solids

18.2 Density

18.3 Elasticity

18.4 Compression and Tension

18.5 Scaling

Chapter 19: Liquids

19.1 Liquid Pressure

19.2 Buoyancy

19.3 Archimedes' Principle

19.4 Does It Sink, or Does It Float?

19.5 Flotation

19.6 Pascal's Principle

Chapter 20: Gases

20.5 Boyle's Law

20.6 Buoyancy of Air

20.7 Bernoulli's Principle

20.8 Applications of Bernoulli's Principle

Chapter 21: Temperature, Heat, and Expansion

21.1 Temperature

21.2 Heat

21.3 Thermal Equilibrium

21.4 Internal Energy

21.5 Measurement of Heat

21.8 Thermal Expansion

21.9 Expansion of Water

Chapter 22: Heat Transfer

22.1 Conduction

22.2 Convection

22.3 Radiation

22.4 Absorption of Radiant Energy

22.5 Emission of Radiant Energy

Chapter 24: Thermodynamics

24.2 First Law of Thermodynamics

24.4 Second Law of Thermodynamics

24.6 Order Tends to Disorder

24.7 Entropy

Chapter 25: Vibrations and Waves

25.1 Vibration of a Pendulum

25.2 Wave Description

25.3 Wave Motion

25.4 Wave Speed

25.5 Transverse Waves

25.6 Longitudinal Waves

25.8 Standing Waves

25.9 The Doppler Effect

Chapter 26: Sound

26.1 The Origin of Sound

26.2 Sound in Air

26.4 Speed of Sound

26.5 Loudness

26.6 Forced Vibration

26.7 Natural Frequency

26.8 Resonance

Chapter 27: Light

27.1 Early Concepts of Light

27.2 The Speed of Light

27.3 Electromagnetic Waves

27.4 Light and Transparent Materials

27.7 Polarization

Chapter 28: Color

28.1 The Color Spectrum

28.2 Color by Reflection

28.3 Color by Transmission

28.4 Sunlight

28.5 Mixing Colored Light

28.8 Why the Sky Is Blue

Chapter 29: Reflection and Refraction

29.1 Reflection

29.2 The Law of Reflection

29.3 Mirrors

29.6 Refraction

29.8 Refraction of Light

29.10 Dispersion in a Prism

29.11 The Rainbow

29.12 Total Internal Reflection

Chapter 30: Lenses

30.1 Converging and Diverging Lenses

30.2 Image Formation by a Lens

30.6 The Eye

30.7 Some Defects in Vision

Chapter 32: Electrostatics

32.1 Electrical Forces and Charges

32.2 Conservation of Charge

32.3 Coulomb's Law

32.4 Conductors and Insulators

32.5 Charging by Friction and Contact

32.6 Charging by Induction

32.7 Charge Polarization

Chapter 33: Electric Fields and Potential

33.1 Electric Fields

33.2 Electric Field Lines

33.3 Electric Shielding

33.4 Electric Potential Energy

33.5 Electric Potential

33.6 Electric Energy Storage

33.7 The Van de Graaff Generator

Chapter 34: Electric Current

34.1 Flow of Charge

34.2 Electric Current

34.3 Voltage Sources

34.4 Electric Resistance

34.5 Ohm's Law

34.6 Ohm's Law and Electric Shock

34.7 Direct Current and Alternating Current

34.10 The Source of Electrons in a Circuit

34.11 Electric Power

Chapter 35: Electric Circuits

35.1 A Battery and a Bulb

35.2 Electric Circuits

35.3 Series Circuits

35.4 Parallel Circuits

35.5 Schematic Diagrams

35.6 Combining Resistors in a Compound Circuit

35.7 Parallel Circuits and Overloading

Chapter 36: Magnetism

36.1 Magnetic Poles

36.2 Magnetic Fields

36.3 The Nature of a Magnetic Field

36.4 Magnetic Domains

36.5 Electric Currents and Magnetic Fields

36.7 Magnetic Forces on Current-Carrying Wires

Basic equations:

v = d/t a = ∆v/t d = √at2

O A vi2 sin2Ø

sin Ø = ——— cos Ø = ——— dx = ———————

H H a

a = 9.8 m/s2


a = ——


momentum ’ m·v ρtotal ’ mtotal· vtotal impulse = F·t

impulse = ∆ momentum

net momentum (before collision) = net momentum (after collision)

Work = F·d Power = work/ time

Fout·dout = Fin·din PE = mgh g = 9.80m/s2

MA = Fout/Fin MA = din/dout

Fout·rout = Fin·rin MA = rin /rout

Fout · height = Fin · length

length of plane

MA = ——————————

height of plane

θ m·v2

ω ’ —— v = ω·r F = ———

t r

T = F·d

First Condition of Equilibrium

∑F parallel = 0

Second Condition of Equilibrium

∑ T clockwise = ∑ T counterclockwise

Hoop Solid Cylinder Solid Sphere

I = mr2 I = 1/2mr2 I = 2/5mr2


F = G ——— where G = 6.67 X 10-11 N·m2/kg2


∆to ___________

∆t = _________ L = Lo· √ 1- v2/c2

√ 1- v2/c2


m = _________ E = mc2

√ 1- v2/c2

mass weight

density = ——————— weight density = ———————

volume volume


Pressure = —————— Force = mg


P1·V1 = P2·V2

v = λf f = 1/T v = 331m/s + (.600 x Temp in °C)

Q1 x Q2 V

F = k ————— I = ——

d2 R

k = 9.00 x 109 N·m2/C2




Current I = I1 = I2 = I3 = · · ·

Resistance R = R1 + R2 + R3 + · · ·

Voltage V = V1 + V2 + V3 + · · ·





Current I = I1 + I2 + 13 + · · ·

1 1 1 1

Resistance R = R1 + R2 + R3 + · · ·

Voltage V = V1 = V2 = V3 = · · ·



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