AUGUST 18, 2009

9:30 A.M.

Members Present: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Robert McCullion, Edwin Koehler, Joseph Duncan, Kellyann Tolomeo, Richard Ogen and Robert Maschio. Also present were City Administrator Raymond Townsend, Solicitor James Cafiero and Engineer Ralph Petrella.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that the Social Affair Permit Application from the Elks Lodge for Irish Weekend has been added to the agenda and the Extension Application from JP Prime has been pulled pending further review. The Application from Keenans was revised and Administrator Townsend handed out copies to Council Members. Keenans will not have a tent in the parking lot on 1st Avenue as requested. All of the applications for Irish Weekend will be grouped together for approval during the meeting.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that at 10 AM we will have a presentation from NJ DEP regarding the beach renourishment project. Resolution #1 changes the completion date for USDA Phase 2A but not the contract price. Resolution #2 amends the Boardwalk Sound System contract because of a change in specifications. Resolution #3 authorizes a UEZ application with the required 20% match from the City. Resolution #6 authorizes the Notice of Intent to withdraw from COWCO. As of December 31 we will no longer be associated with COWCO and the City must now decide what direction to take for construction office services.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that Resolution #1 will affect the 400 block of East 9th and 14th Avenues. Bids will be opened on September 1 for USDA Phase 2B which will include the reconstruction of New York Avenue from 10th to 26th Avenues and other streets.

On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, that caucus now be adjourned until regular meeting begins. Carried. 9:45 AM


AUGUST 18, 2009

10:00 A.M.

A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held on the morning of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated, “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 7, 2009.”

ROLL CALL: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Robert McCullion, Edwin Koehler, Joseph Duncan, Kellyann Tolomeo, Richard Ogen and Robert Maschio. Also present were City Administrator Raymond Townsend, Solicitor James Cafiero and Engineer Ralph Petrella.

A SPECIAL PRESENTATION was made by representatives from the NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection regarding the Beach Renourishment Project. Ben Keiser from the Bureau of Coastal Engineering introduced Brett Bailey-Project Engineer, Bill Dixon-Environmental Supervisor, Chris Constantino-Environmental Specialist, and representatives from the Contractor (Great Lakes).

BILL DIXON of the NJ DEP gave a PowerPoint Presentation that highlighted the following facts about the Beach Renourishment Project:

1. North Wildwood lost more than 1000’ of beach between 1991 and 2004.

2. This Project will add 300’ of beach with a 14.75’ dune for shore protection, fix outfall lines and add fences and dune grass.

3. There will be 24 crossovers through the dunes, with four being ADA compliant, and three vehicular crossovers.


AUGUST 18, 2009

4. The project will build up the beach from 2nd Avenue to Poplar Avenue, with 1,186,000 cubic yards of sand coming from a borrowing area in Hereford Inlet.

5. State inspectors will monitor vibration levels for effect on nearby structures.

6. The cost to North Wildwood will be $2,660,131.50.

7. By bundling several projects together, each municipality involved will save $273,333.33.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that there will be a meeting this afternoon regarding this project.

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND thanked the NJ DEP representatives for their help in this project.

COUNCILMAN DUNCAN asked how much time would be needed to complete each 1000’ section of beach, with the response being about 280’ per day, or about one City block, with the total pumping expected to take about 45 days.

COUNCILMAN MCCULLION asked if steps could be put in at the 14th Avenue bulkhead for ADA compliance.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO opened a public hearing on the Beach Renourishment Project at 10:19 AM.

LEW OSTRANDER, 223 E. 3rd Avenue, asked if it would be necessary to change the location of the fall fishing tournaments to Wildwood. Ben Keiser responded that the Contractor will keep the City informed as to the progress of the work and which sections will be closed at specific times. Ostrander asked about warning signs so the vehicles don’t bottom out in the softer sand. Keiser stated that State and Federal Inspectors will be onsite constantly to rope off and monitor the affected sections of the beach.

JIM KOCH, 1301 Surf Avenue, asked if the money was in place for this project. Koch asked about the angle of slope on the restored beach. Chris Constantino stated that all areas of the beach would be built up to 6.75’, which may necessitate adding more sand in some areas than in others. Koch asked about the use of geotubes. Keiser stated that geotubes are in use in many places but only protect structures behind them, not the beach in front of them. Koch asked about stagnant water on the beach. Bill Dixon stated that the plan as proposed will have the beach sloped in such a way that standing water should be minimal. Koch asked when the project will start. Dixon stated that there are certain variables that could affect the start date in North Wildwood, but the contract has a 180-day deadline and work already began in July.

DIANE MCGUIRE, 123 W. 4th Avenue, asked about the areas in front of Morey’s Pier where at the present it is impossible to walk at high tide. Dixon stated that there will be 300’ of beach in front of the dunes and at least 30’ behind the dunes when the project is completed.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO declared the public hearing closed at 10:36 AM and thanked the NJ DEP Representatives for their presentation.

MINUTES: On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, that the minutes of the regular meeting of August 4, 2009 be approved as read. Carried.



RE: Waterfront Development Application - NJDEP

Bulkhead at 219 W. 4th Avenue

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, that the above correspondence be received and filed. Carried.


AUGUST 18, 2009


RE: ABC Extension - Irish Weekend 9/25-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: ABC Extension - Irish Weekend 9/25-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: ABC Extension - Irish Weekend 9/25-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: ABC Extension - Irish Weekend 9/25-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: ABC Extension - Irish Weekend 9/25-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: ABC Extension - Irish Weekend 9/25-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Social Affair – Irish Weekend 9/25-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Social Affair – Irish Weekend 9/24-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.


RE: Social Affair – Irish Weekend 9/25-27, 2009

On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Koehler, that the above application be approved and filed with the State. Carried.

MAYOR’S COMMUNICATIONS: Mayor Henfey stated that he received a letter from a seasonal resident who needed help on the beach at 5th Avenue and thanked the Beach Patrol staff for their hard work and assistance.


AUGUST 18, 2009



Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 55,947.68


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 493.00

Totals in NW for Month: Deaths -4- Marriages -0- Births -0-


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………………….$ 29,296.02

Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month……………… 309


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 21,784.00

Total Inspections for Month……………………………………………. 446


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 311,802.12


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 119,411.40


Total monies turned over to the City Clerk’s Office……………… …….$ 331.70

Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month…………….. 4,891


Detailing various projects and tasks performed by the Public Works Department.

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Tolomeo, that the above reports be received and filed as presented. Carried.


Finance Department:

Matt Tomlin Clerk-Part Time 8/10/09

On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, the above appointment be confirmed. Carried.



RE: Approving Change Order #1 USDA Sanitary Sewer Replacement Program – Phase 2A

The above resolution was offered by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted. Mayor Henfey explained that the extension of the completion date for Phase 2A will affect the 400 block of East 9th and 14th Avenues.


RE: Authorizing The City Of North Wildwood To Amend The New Jersey Enterprise Zone Authority Project Contract For The Purpose Of Purchasing A Boardwalk Sound System To Be Located On The Boardwalk

The above resolution was offered by Duncan, seconded by Maschio, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


AUGUST 18, 2009


RE: Authorizing The City Of North Wildwood To Request $50,000.00 From The New Jersey Enterprise Zone Authority For The Purpose Of Purchasing A Green Machine And Electric Cart

The above resolution was offered by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Requesting That The US Department Of Veterans Affairs Establish A Health Care Center Facility Program For Veterans In South Jersey At The Former William B. Kessler Memorial Hospital

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Canceling Amounts On Sewer Accounts

The above resolution was offered by Duncan, seconded by Maschio, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


RE: Authorizing Mayor To File Notice Of Intent To Withdraw From Construction Office Interlocal Services Agreement

The above resolution was offered by McCullion, seconded by Tolomeo, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO recused himself from the remaining business of the meeting and left Council Chambers at 10:46 AM. Councilman McCullion took the chair on the dais as Acting President of Council.


ORDINANCE NO. 1569 - On a motion by Ogen, seconded by Duncan, that Ordinance No. 1569 be placed on its second reading. Carried.

The Deputy Clerk read Ordinance No. 1569 by its title, as required by Law, known as “An Ordinance Authorizing The Purchase Of Real Property For Public Purposes “.

This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request.

The Acting President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1569 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance. The public hearing began at 10:48 AM.

JIM KOCH, 1301 Surf Avenue, asked about the size of the parcel in question and why the City was not attempting to purchase the entire property. Mayor Henfey and Councilman Duncan provided explanations. Koch stated that he believes this purchase is of no benefit to the City. The City should instead purchase the property behind JP Prime to be used as a parking lot. Koch is opposed to the passage of this ordinance.


AUGUST 18, 2009

TOM McCARRY, 110 W. 7th Avenue, stated that the city has been attempting to purchase this property for 15 years and now the opportunity has presented itself and the City should buy it.

STEVE MURRAY, Friends of the Lighthouse Association, expressed his support, on behalf of the Association, for the passage of this ordinance.

BILL KELLY, 217 E. 1st Avenue, stated that he supports the purchase of this property.

JACK KEENAN, NW Tavern Association, stated that the Association is in favor of this ordinance.

PHYLLIS CATANOSO, 401 W. 18th Avenue, stated that the Lighthouse Trustees support the purchase of this property.

GERARD ZDENEK, 2103 Seaboard Circle, stated that he supports this ordinance.

BETTY MUGNIER, 129 E. Chestnut Avenue, stated that she supports this ordinance.

The Acting President of Council then asked the Deputy Clerk if he had received any objections in writing, the Deputy Clerk stated none in writing but one phone call which was in support of passage of this ordinance. The Acting President of Council declared the hearing closed at 10:56 AM.

On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, that Ordinance No. 1569 be passed on its second reading and published according to Law, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative with Rosenello absent, the Acting President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1569 duly adopted.

ORDINANCE NO. 1571 - On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, that Ordinance No. 1571 be placed on its first reading. Carried.

The Deputy Clerk read Ordinance No. 1571 by its title, known as “Bond Ordinance Providing For The Acquisition Of Property In And By The City Of North Wildwood, In The County Of Cape May, New Jersey, Appropriating $940,000 Therefor And Authorizing The Issuance Of $893,000 Bonds Or Notes Of The City To Finance Part Of The Cost Thereof “.

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Duncan, that Ordinance No. 1571 be passed on its first reading and published according to Law, the Deputy Clerk called the roll, all voting in the affirmative with Rosenello absent, the Acting President of Council declared Ordinance No. 1571 passed on its first reading.


On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Koehler, authorizing payment of all approved vouchers. Carried. As per Resolution #09-09, all bills listed below be paid and warrants drawn by the proper officers for the stated amounts.

|Check # |Check Date |Vendor | Amount Paid |

|24803 |8/5/2009 |GARY GLASS MD | $ 4,000.00 |

|24804 |8/4/2009 |CITY OF NORTH WILDWOOD | $ 75.00 |

|24805 |8/4/2009 |CITY OF NORTH WILDWOOD | $ 1,051.35 |

|24806 |8/18/2009 |A&M PRODUCTS | $ 840.24 |

|24807 |8/18/2009 |ALGIE'S PLACE, INC. | $ 47.00 |

|24808 |8/18/2009 |AT&T | $ 35.06 |

|24809 |8/18/2009 |AAAA BIKE SHOP | $ 27.80 |

|24810 |8/18/2009 |THOMAS AMENHAUSER | $ 172.50 |

|24811 |8/18/2009 |AVAYA FINANCIAL SERVICES | $ 701.30 |

|24812 |8/18/2009 |BROADVIEW NETWORKS | $ 3,576.29 |

|24813 |8/18/2009 |AT&T | $ 0.60 |

|24814 |8/18/2009 |AVAYA INC | $ 1,894.83 |

|24815 |8/18/2009 |ABLE OFFICE PRODUCTS | $ 115.84 |

|24816 |8/18/2009 |ABJ SPRINKLER CO INC | $ 300.00 |

|24817 |8/18/2009 |ALLISTER BUSINESS SOLUTIONS | $ 51.00 |

|24818 |8/18/2009 |GERALD A. BARRETT, INC. | $ 539.75 |

|24819 |8/18/2009 |FRANK BASILE | $ 65.00 |

|24820 |8/18/2009 |THE BRIGHT SIDE | $ 27.00 |

|24821 |8/18/2009 |BATTELINI TRANSPORTATION SYS | $ 725.00 |

|24822 |8/18/2009 |BLUE STAR OF NJ, INC. | $ 740.00 |

|24823 |8/18/2009 |CRYSTAL SPRINGS | $ 396.76 |

|24824 |8/18/2009 |BREUSS PLUMBING | $ 273.75 |

|24825 |8/18/2009 |BAUR MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES | $ 406.00 |

|24826 |8/18/2009 |JOSEPH M BIMBO | $ 500.00 |

|24827 |8/18/2009 |RYANN BURKE | $ 325.00 |

|24828 |8/18/2009 |COURT HOUSE OFFICE SUPPLIES | $ 1,027.47 |

|24829 |8/18/2009 |C.M.C.M.U.A. | $ 800,027.92 |

|24830 |8/18/2009 |CAPRIONI PORTABLE TOILETS | $ 926.00 |

|24831 |8/18/2009 |FRANK CERVINO | $ 337.50 |

|24832 |8/18/2009 |CAPE COUNSELING SERVICES | $ 1,281.25 |

|24833 |8/18/2009 |CAFIERO AND BALLIETTE | $ 6,802.88 |

|24834 |8/18/2009 |COASTAL LANDSCAPING | $ 619.00 |

|24835 |8/18/2009 |CDW GOVERNMENT, INC | $ 1,848.69 |

|24836 |8/18/2009 |RAYMOND TOWNSEND | $ 91.05 |

|24837 |8/18/2009 |COMCAST | $ 60.15 |

|24838 |8/18/2009 |CAROLYN COLLIER | $ 200.00 |

|24839 |8/18/2009 |ATLANTIC CITY ELECTRIC | $ 39,930.69 |

|24840 |8/18/2009 |COMCAST | $ 75.09 |

|24841 |8/18/2009 |CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT | $ 3,500.00 |

|24842 |8/18/2009 |CAPE MAY CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY | $ 200.00 |

|24843 |8/18/2009 |THOMAS DE FELICE | $ 32.50 |

|24844 |8/18/2009 |DUNCAN PARKING TECHNOLOGIES | $ 10,610.94 |

|24845 |8/18/2009 |MARTIN DERER | $ 215.00 |

|24846 |8/18/2009 |DELL COMPUTER CORP. | $ 499.19 |

|24847 |8/18/2009 |DONALD DELEO JR. | $ 325.00 |

|24848 |8/18/2009 |FORD SCOTT & ASSOC., L.L.C. | $ 5,600.00 |

|24849 |8/18/2009 |FRALINGER STRING BAND | $ 2,500.00 |

|24850 |8/18/2009 |JOHN T FAIR JR | $ 177.50 |

|24851 |8/18/2009 |FASTENAL SUPPLY | $ 134.42 |

|24852 |8/18/2009 |GROVE SUPPLY, INC. | $ 1,925.17 |

|24853 |8/18/2009 |GENSERVE, INC. | $ 1,620.00 |

|24854 |8/18/2009 |GRANT GRAPHICS | $ 275.11 |

|24855 |8/18/2009 |CAPE MAY COUNTY HERALD | $ 20.66 |

|24856 |8/18/2009 |HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES | $ 1,090.24 |

|24857 |8/18/2009 |WILLIAM HENFEY | $ 106.20 |

|24858 |8/18/2009 |BRIAN M. HAAS | $ 400.00 |

|24859 |8/18/2009 |SHAI HENRY | $ 325.00 |

|24860 |8/18/2009 |INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL | $ 30.00 |

|24861 |8/18/2009 |IACP CONFERENCE REGISTRATION | $ 375.00 |

|24862 |8/18/2009 |JONACH ELECTRONICS, INC | $ 1,308.00 |

|24863 |8/18/2009 |JOSHUA MARCUS GROUP | $ 3,439.20 |

|24864 |8/18/2009 |JOYCEMEDIA | $ 560.00 |

|24865 |8/18/2009 |JOSEPH P. PRINCE SR. | $ 1,437.50 |

|24866 |8/18/2009 |LAWSON PRODUCTS | $ 384.47 |

|24867 |8/18/2009 |LOWE'S BUSINESS ACCOUNT | $ 154.07 |

|24868 |8/18/2009 |MATCO TOOLS | $ 37.56 |

|24869 |8/18/2009 |EDWARD MAGAN | $ 32.50 |

|24870 |8/18/2009 |MASTERMAN'S | $ 51.15 |

|24871 |8/18/2009 |MOBILE MINI, INC. | $ 4,473.90 |

|24872 |8/18/2009 |NORTH WILDWOOD BD OF EDUCATION | $ 534,475.00 |

|24873 |8/18/2009 |NEXTEL | $ 2,387.47 |

|24874 |8/18/2009 |NEXGEN | $ 230.67 |

|24875 |8/18/2009 |NIMCO INC. | $ 40.45 |

|24876 |8/18/2009 |NLEOMF GIFT SHOP | $ 252.75 |

|24877 |8/18/2009 |JOHN O'BRIEN | $ 600.00 |

|24878 |8/18/2009 |OFFICE DEPOT | $ 469.77 |

|24879 |8/18/2009 |MARY OTT | $ 750.00 |

|24880 |8/18/2009 |GRUCCIO,PEPPER,DESANTO & RUTH | $ 850.50 |

|24881 |8/18/2009 |PARAMOUNT SANITARY CHEMICAL CO | $ 146.08 |

|24882 |8/18/2009 |PIER "47" MARINA | $ 189.92 |

|24883 |8/18/2009 |PEDRONI FUEL COMPANY | $ 5,751.42 |

|24884 |8/18/2009 |PARAMOUNT AIR SERVICE | $ 3,500.00 |

|24885 |8/18/2009 |POLAR BEAR MECHANICAL SERVICES | $ 1,187.38 |

|24886 |8/18/2009 |POLAR BEAR MECH. SERV. | $ 574.90 |

|24887 |8/18/2009 |PEG QUATTRONE | $ 63.23 |

|24888 |8/18/2009 |RADIO SHACK | $ 76.41 |

|24889 |8/18/2009 |WILLIAM RUTHERFORD | $ 267.50 |

|24890 |8/18/2009 |REMINGTON,VERNICK & WALBERG | $ 1,827.50 |

|24891 |8/18/2009 |RI TEC INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS | $ 2,365.00 |

|24892 |8/18/2009 |ANTHONY RAFFA | $ 195.00 |

|24893 |8/18/2009 |SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL | $ 34.58 |

|24894 |8/18/2009 |STAPLES - (PUBLIC WORKS) | $ 242.74 |

|24895 |8/18/2009 |SEASHORE SIGN | $ 1,300.00 |

|24896 |8/18/2009 |SEA ISLE ICE CO., INC. | $ 82.00 |

|24897 |8/18/2009 |SANDPIPER MONOGRAMMING, INC. | $ 240.00 |

|24898 |8/18/2009 |SOUTH JERSEY PAPER PRODUCTS | $ 369.52 |

|24899 |8/18/2009 |SOUTH JERSEY GAS CO | $ 710.54 |

|24900 |8/18/2009 |STAPLES | $ 340.82 |

|24901 |8/18/2009 |SMALL ASSELTA INTERIOR DESIGN | $ 16,092.00 |

|24902 |8/18/2009 |SERVICE STATION SERVICE INC. | $ 757.28 |

|24903 |8/18/2009 |TRIAD ASSOCIATES | $ 67.50 |

|24904 |8/18/2009 |VINCENT J. TROMBETTA | $ 65.00 |

|24905 |8/18/2009 |TREASURER, STATE OF NJ | $ 368.00 |

|24906 |8/18/2009 |TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS | $ 242.00 |

|24907 |8/18/2009 |VAN NOTE-HARVEY ASSOCIATES | $ 23,456.16 |

|24908 |8/18/2009 |VERIZON | $ 1,625.77 |

|24909 |8/18/2009 |ROSS VERSAGGI | $ 8.00 |

|24910 |8/18/2009 |VERIZON CABS | $ 721.66 |

|24911 |8/18/2009 |WEST PAYMENT CENTER | $ 129.20 |

|24912 |8/18/2009 |TED KINGSTON, INC. | $ 550.00 |

|24913 |8/18/2009 |WASTE MANAGEMENT | $ 3,990.00 |

|24914 |8/18/2009 |WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION | $ 131.00 |

|24915 |8/18/2009 |KELLIE WOOD | $ 50.00 |

|24916 |8/18/2009 |PATRICK M FLYNN | $ 325.00 |

|24917 |8/18/2009 |CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT | $ 3,000.00 |

|24918 |8/18/2009 |CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT | $ 3,500.00 |

|24919 |8/18/2009 |CREATIVE ENTERTAINMENT | $ 2,750.00 |


COUNCILMAN DUNCAN complimented the Fire and Police Departments for their quick and efficient work at the scene of an accident at 20th & New York Avenues recently.

COUNCILMAN MASCHIO thanked the Ambulance crew for their excellent job during a recent trip to the Hospital. Maschio has great respect and gratitude for them.

COUNCILMAN KOEHLER stated that it is an honor to have former Mayor Anthony Catanoso and former State Senator James Cafiero with us today. They guided the City for many years.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that the land acquisition near the Lighthouse is important for the City. It is the last piece of the puzzle and we cannot pass up this opportunity. Henfey is very confident that the County will come through with the Open Space funding. Henfey thanked all who have expressed support of this purchase. The Lighthouse is a great attraction for the City, with its beautiful gardens, etc. Henfey also reminded all about the Around-the-Island Row on August 19 and the TRI-DU Run on August 22.


AUGUST 18, 2009


EVERETT MCCORKELL, 410 E. 13th Avenue, stated that he is pleased with the traffic light at 13th & Surf. McCorkell expressed his concern over the number of people who use cell phones while driving.

LEW OSTRANDER, 223 E. 3rd Avenue, thanked Council for passing the Resolution regarding the Veterans Health Care Facility.

JOAN SHEFSKI, Marina Bay Towers #125, read the following statement:

August 6, 2009

City Council:

On Wednesday the fifth of August there was a Management meeting at Marina Bay

Towers. Paul Cococella informally chaired this meeting. For the better part of

an hour Paul bashed City Hall to the tenants. To be a little more specific the

following was discussed regarding City Hall:

-City Hall has kept the $80 some thousand dollar voucher from him for a

number of year

-City Hall's sending the voucher back and forth from Trenton is the

reason he had to pay lawyers to help him get the voucher

-City Hall signed the voucher over to him and he alone is going to be

accountable for this voucher

-City Hall; worded over and over in many different ways is responsible

for not letting Marina Bay Towers have the voucher that would have been

used for serious "Maintenance, for instance carpeting that was going

to injure tenants.

-City Hall; somehow there is $340 thousand and some dollars in tax money

involved with Marina Bay Towers. I personally don’t understand what tax

money has to do with the voucher, but it was discussed more than once

Now after all of the living under unsafe conditions and of the back and forth

"He said She said" regarding this voucher, according to Paul, he is going to use

some of this voucher money to pay his lawyers. So my questions are:

-Is City Hall still involved with the distribution of this voucher

-Did City Hall turn the whole voucher over to Paul

-Is City Hall and Trenton going to allow Paul to give any part of the

voucher to lawyers

-Is the voucher that was given to Paul now in cash (Paul's answer was

not very clear)

-Is someone or some agency assigned to overseeing the distribution of

this voucher

I assumed that after being used as a political football all these years, the

seniors at MBT should at least be afforded the respect and honesty to use this

entire voucher to take care of the disarray in this once beautiful building that

the state of New Jersey helped financially to build for Senior Citizens.

Would it be possible, due to the fact that City Hall was not represented at this

meeting, for an official statement from you be posted or sent to the North

Wildwood residents at MBT regarding your position on what happened to this much

needed voucher. At this point you are the bad guys

About 2 years ago, the Mayor told a few others and myself that all Paul had to

do was sign some legal papers stating that he would use the voucher only for

work in the MBT building. That fact was never brought up at the meeting.

Once again it Seems we are back to “Paul says you say” or “You say Paul says”

which leaves me very confused and concerned regarding how taxpayers money is

being used at MBT.

MAYOR HENFEY explained what the City has gone through in trying to keep the building safe.

TOM McCARRY, 110 W. 7th Avenue, stated that $100 million from phone bills that was supposed to be placed in an emergency trust fund has instead been used in the State’s general fund. The City should speak out about this on behalf of the citizens. Solicitor Cafiero stated that someone will probably challenge the use of that money. Mayor Henfey suggested that the Deputy Clerk prepare a resolution for the next meeting, to be forwarded to our representatives and other municipalities. McCarry stated that Marina Bay Towers has an emergency door on the side that is locked, also a door downstairs that is locked which should be open for emergencies. The caulking is coming out from the front panels on the New York Avenue side, which will cause the panels to fall out. Cocoziello is probably using the money for the restaurant. The stores have never been rented. Something must be done.


AUGUST 18, 2009

FIRE OFFICIAL LEW OSTRANDER stated that the emergency exits at Marina Bay Towers are always open. The side door is not an emergency exit. The building is inspected at least once a week. There is no way to close the building. It passes fire inspection each year. The Mayor and Fire Official are involved each week with different issues in the building.

JOAN SHEFSKI, Marina Bay Towers #125, stated that although it is Senior Citizens Center there are 6 apartments there that have people under the age of 62 living in them.

TOM McCARRY, 110 W. 7th Avenue, stated that there was an agreement with a list of things that the owner was supposed to fix but none of it was done. Can the City get the money back?

ADMINISTRATOR TOWNSEND stated that since the City is currently in litigation with Marina Bay Towers the subject should not be discussed further.

JAY GILL, 116 E. Spruce Avenue, stated that there is sometimes flooding near Flip Flopz which is so deep that waves reach his garage from the wake as cars go by. It looks like the water is flowing out but does not seem to go down. Perhaps the outfall lines are too small.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that the City Engineer is working on a plan to install larger pipes. It is in the works at the present time. The Police Department will do its best to barricade the affected areas.

JIM KOCH, 1301 Surf Avenue, asked about Resolution #6, which authorizes the City to withdraw from COWCO. Councilman McCullion explained that the City had to file this Notice of Intent by August 31 if we decide to withdraw. Administrator Townsend explained the on-going difficulties that the City and residents have had with the Construction Office. The City is still in COWCO until December 31. Mayor Henfey stated that the City has many options and will do what is best for its citizens. Koch asked about the new street signs, with Mayor Henfey responding that it is a filler project that Public Works does when they have time.

EVERETT MCCORKELL, 410 E. 13th Avenue, asked about the old gas station on New Jersey Avenue near McDonalds. Councilman Maschio stated that it looks like a beach grill.

DENNIS MCKANE, 905 Surf Avenue, stated that the service that he has received from COWCO is terrible.


On a motion by Duncan, seconded by Tolomeo, that there being no further business before Council, we do now adjourn. Carried. 11:25 A.M.



William J. Henfey - Mayor



W. Scott Jett - Deputy City Clerk

This is a generalization of the meeting of August 18, 2009 and not a verbatim transcript.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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