From the Pastor October 9, 2005

-3175017145000From the PastorAugust 9, 201519th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B We do not ‘have to’ participate in holy Mass on August 15 this year, for when this Solemnity falls on a Saturday or Monday it is not a holy day of obligation. However, we should not ‘have to be told’ to honor our Blessed Mother’s Assumption into the glory of heaven! Our Assumption Masses on Saturday, August 15 are at 9:30 am and 11:30 am; the 5:00 pm Mass is for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Although the following is not the Assumption Preface, it references her being taken up into glory and beautifully encapsulates the highpoints of the Virgin Mother’s life. Preface: Mary: Model and Mother of the ChurchIt is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,always and everywhere to give you thanks,Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,and to proclaim your greatness with due praise,as we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.Receiving your Word in her Immaculate Heart,she was found worthy to conceive him in her virgin’s womb and, giving birth to the Creator,she nurtured the beginnings of the Church.Standing beside the Cross,she received the testament of divine loveand took to herself as sons and daughtersall those who by the Death of Christare born to heavenly life.As the Apostles awaited the Spirit you had promised, she joined her supplication to the prayers of the disciples and so became the pattern of the Church at prayer.Raised to the glory of heaven, she accompanies your pilgrim Church with a mother’s loveand watches in kindness over the Church’s homeward steps, until the Lord’s Day shall come in glorious splendor.And so, with all the Angels and Saints,we praise you, as without end we acclaim:She’s Only the One Needed for Jesus to be Born. Many Christians - even Catholics - dismiss our Blessed Mother with sentiments similar to the above title which is heretical, insulting and biblically indefensible! For as this Preface points out, our Lord’s earthly Mother played - and still plays - a central role in our salvation. Mary Received God’s Word. When God called Mary to be the Mother of His Son, He made no threats or ultimatums; the Father respected her free will. Unlike Eve, whom God also created without Original Sin, Mary kept her heart immaculate and devoted to God. So while Eve, whose rejection of God’s plan and acceptance of Satan’s sinister plot brought sin and death into the world, Mary’s trusting obedience enabled God’s Word to become flesh. So she truly is the Model and Mother of the Church, but her role did not end there … The Mother at Her Son’s Cross. The Gospels say Mary not only cared for Jesus through her pregnancy, His Nativity, Infancy and childhood; at her request, Jesus performed His first miracle, changing water into wine at Cana’s Wedding Feast [John 2:1-12]; she heard Him teach [Matthew 12:47; Mark 3:12; Luke 8:20]; and bravely stood below His Cross [John 19:25-27]. From that Cross Jesus entrusted His Mother and the Beloved Disciple to each other. Since that disciple is not named [most presume it was John] Catholicism applies that interchange to ALL disciples who hope to be the Beloved of the Lord, which makes us all sons and daughters of the Mother of God and brothers and sisters of Jesus.Mary in the Upper Room. Although it could have led to her martyrdom, Mary stayed with the Apostles as they awaited the day of Pentecost. Thus we should include her in all our prayers, especially at holy Mass. And we should learn from her example not to be ‘Lone Rangers’ but to join with other disciples in prayer.Our Mother Walks With and Watches Over Us. Mary is safe in heaven, but does not rest on her laurels! She intercedes and roots for us, guides and directs us, comforts and consoles us, and above all, admonishes us to “Do whatever [her Son] tells you.” [John 2:5] Do you listen to your Mother, and honor her by praying to and with her? Do you rely on her maternal love to help get you through this vale of tears? Will you be at Mass this Saturday for her Assumption? In His holy Name,Rev. Thomas J. SerafinMass or Communion Prayer Service IntentionsSaturdayVigil: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time5:00 pmAnthony Tiernor/o: Cadwallader familySunday19th Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 amDorothy Hickeyr/o: Janet & Chris Malzone9:30 amJohn Sekelyr/o: Barnes family11:30 amAntonio Tavaresr/o: his grandchildrenMondaySaint Lawrence9:00 amPrayer Service with Holy CommunionTuesdaySaint Clare9:00 amPrayer Service with Holy CommunionWednesday9:00 amPrayer Service with Holy CommunionThursday9:00 amPrayer Service with Holy CommunionFridaySaint Maximilian Kolbe9:00 amPrayer Service with Holy CommunionSaturdayVigil: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time5:00 pmDominick DeLiser/o: Teresa WaltenSunday20th Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 amMary Jane Toveyr/o: Lois & Brian Dornan9:30 amMary Jane Nodesr/o: Maureen & John Lybarger11:30 amEdward Neunerr/o: Dolores Neuner+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this weekin celebration of the wedding ofKatie Althamer and Bill Cupittas requested by John & Ronnie Althamer+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +The Bread & Wine will be offered this weekin celebration of the birthday of Michele Waltenas requested by Teresa Walten+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +The Saint Jude Lamp will burn this weekfor the intention of Bill DeLiseas requested by Joan Drake-349258064500Solemnity of The Assumptionof the Blessed Virgin MaryWhile not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, Masses for this Solemnity will be celebrated on Saturday, August 15 at 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM.Wear blue for Mary!Our Parish Prayers“For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven…”a time to be born… a time to heal… We pray for all the sick of our Parish and especially for:Jack BolandJoseph ClarkCarol ClericoDan CummingsBill DeLiseShirley FreyJames HegadornMary HotalingKathy IbbetsonSamuel JohnJosephine KnoblochDave KreutzerJulianne MazurAnn PadovaniZarefth ParveezChris SantellaAnthony SorrentinoChristopher ViscusoNames will remain on our sick list for three months after which time they will be removed, unless we are notified to keep them on the list. a time to die… Cecil the Lion and Planned Parenthood:Why The Double Standard?No one likes to see the senseless killing of animals, but why is the outcry in the media so one sided? While officials in President Obama’s administration are offering to help the Zimbabwean government investigate the high-profile killing of a lion, the President still supports [PP] Planned Parenthood. He has also threatened to veto any action that stops PP’s funding. And did you know the judge who forbid those possessing videos of PP’s heinous practices from releasing them was appointed by President Obama, and raised [according to Public Citizen] $230,000 to support him. Where’s the TRUTH in our media? Do pregnant women and babies have to dress like lions to be kept safe, protected and alive? God bless America -and pray for her! Mary Immaculate, pray for us! Ministers of the LiturgyWe acknowledge with appreciation the following Liturgical Ministers who will serve at next weekend’s Masses: August 15 & 165:00 PM MassSacristan: Lisa & Tom O’Connell; EMs: Liz Delasandro, Rita Koch, Marion Bergen, Linda Augustine, Cindy Campbell, Floyd Campbell, Gordon Eyler, Geri Kaczorek; Readers: Tracy Kirk, John Polkowski; Altar Servers: Erin Devine, Meghan Pedrani, Jacob Romano, Luke Romano8:00 AM MassSacristan: Fran McAfee; EMs: Norma Santella, Jeanmarie Dool, Rick Dool, Pat Sheeto, Kathleen Urban, Walter Urban, Wendy VanDine, Larry Wuest; Readers: Elizabeth Leonard, Dave VanDine; Altar Servers: Logan VanDine, Grace Jenison, Lukas VanDine, Lily VanDine9:30 AM MassSacristan: James Horner; EMs: Paul Witko, Sharon Boehmer, Marian Wasitowski, Bill Weber, Lisa Weber, Fran Wasitowski, Kate Zaleski, Linda Williams; Readers: David Geisler, Gabe Sasso; Altar Servers: TJ Rothemich, Alex, Buckland, Cecilia Smola, Sophia Smola11:30 AM MassSacristan: Bob & Cathy Kloss; EMs: Mike Schuler, Helen Schuler, Tom Boelter, Barbara Boelter, Christine Walker, Larry Dawkins, Lynne Dawkins, Paula Kornspan; Readers: Mike Stanbro, Fred Gentzel; Altar Servers: Thomas Murdock, Julia Clark, Eva Cardenas, Emma HojnoskiLast Weekend’s CollectionAugust 2$13,095.00Thank you!Renegotiated Mortgage InformationNew Mortgage (5/1/2015)$1,865,560.60Principal Paid to Date$5,820.42Interest Paid to Date$6,586.47Current Balance (6/1/2015)$1,859,740.16Monthly Payment$12,406.89Some Ways to Bring Stewardship into Your Life:As a Family . . .Identify the gifts of each family member and discuss how each person’s gifts might be used at home, at work, in the parish, in school, and in the community.As Parishioners . . .Support parish leaders as they work to strengthen the faith community. As an Individual . . .Loosen your grip on “things” - let go, and bring God into your life. Brief Eucharistic Adoration at the end of MassesJuly 26, August 2, August 9, August 16The 17th, 18th, 19th & 20th Sundays in Ordinary Time - BIn the 3-year cycle of Sunday readings, Year ‘A’ highlights Matthew’s Gospel; the current Year ‘B’ is Mark and Year ‘C’ is Luke. Mark’s Gospel, the shortest, does not cover the year, so for 5 weeks we read from Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel: the ‘Bread of Life Discourse’ in which Jesus declares, “I am the Bread of Life!” For 4 weeks we will end Mass with a brief taste of an ancient ritual: Eucharistic Adoration. [The theme of the 5th week is less Eucharistic, so we will not have Adoration.] Jesus often said we need to be in His Presence: “Come to me, all who labor … and I will give you rest.” [Matthew 11:28] “I am with you always until the end of time.” [28:20] “Can you not watch one hour with me?” [Mark 14:37] “Remain in me as I remain in you.” [John 15:4] How blessed are they who ‘make a visit’ to the Blessed Sacrament … just to be in Christ’s Real Presence! Each weekend’s Mass will end similarly: after Communion has been distributed, the Blessed Sacrament will remain on the Altar as all remain kneeling. Then all stand for the Prayer after Communion, [announcements are made earlier] and then kneel again to sing a hymn of various traditions that adores or extols Christ’s Real Presence. After the Sacrament is reposed in the Tabernacle, all stand for the Blessing, Dismissal and an instrumental Recessional. On July 26 and August 2 the Hosts will be left in the usual ciborium for Adoration; no incense is used; on August 9 and 16 we will ‘expose’ the Sacrament in a monstrance, which requires at least 4 candles and incense. On August 9 Mass will end as above; on the 16th the Priest, donning a humeral veil, will impart the Eucharistic Blessing. May this taste of this venerable rite help us better appreciate Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist, and encourage more people to frequently ‘visit’ the Tabernacle during the week to ‘watch one hour’ [Mark 14:37] with our Eucharistic Lord.Note: since Christ is equally present when the Host is ‘exposed’ in a monstrance, in a ciborium or in the Tabernacle, a SINGLE knee genuflection is the proper sign of reverence; the ‘double knee’ genuflection during adoration, taught to many of us, has been suppressed. [C.f.: Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist, #9, from the document Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside of Mass, #84.]Catechetical SundaySeptember 13, 2015This Year’s Theme:Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person. A Year of Mercy.917575762000Upcoming RF MeetingsAug. 9, 2015 - Grade Coord. Mtg-10:30 P&P RmAug. 16, 2015 - Bldg Coord/Hall Mon. Mtg 10:30Aug. 30, 2015 - Catechist/Aide Mtg 10:30-HFRThinking of Becoming a Catechist or a Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Leader?Pass on the Good News!What good news? The Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic Faith! This fall, over 800 children and young people, kindergarten to grade 8 will sign up to learn more about Jesus and the Catholic faith. You can help them learn and grow in faith by becoming a Catechist for Faith Formation. Be a CLOW Leader for pre-school to 4th grade children. CLOW is offered Saturday evening and Sunday mornings at each Mass. Mon, Tues, and Weds classes are offered for the school year. You are almost sure to find a time that fits your schedule. As you nurture the faith of our young, you will learn and grow as well! We provide you with training, materials, and support. Classes begin Sept. 8th. If interested, please contact the RF office at 908-284-2929 x23 or email mnawab@+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Mandatory Training for all New CatechistsEchoes of Faith - The Methodology SetMethodology Part 1: New Catechist TrainingSunday, August 9 - 10:30AM-12PM ORTuesday, August 25 - 7:00-8:30 PMMethodology Part 2: Catechism of the Catholic ChurchSunday, September 13 - 10:30AM-12:30PMAttention Parents of Upcoming 2nd GradersMark Your Calendars!There will be a meeting for parents of upcoming 2nd graders on September 21, 2015 at 12:30pm OR 7:30pm in the Holy Family Room.Religious Formation News2468880571500WELCOME BACK TORELIGIOUS FORMATION! We are now offering Religious Formation Classes for Children entering:KINDERGARTENAT NO COST!Beginning in September 2015Tuesday Afternoons 4:45-6:00pmFirst Day of RF Classes: Prayer Service with children and parents. Go directly to the church.RF CLASSES RESUME:September 8, 2015574040382905002015-2016 Fall Religious Formation Registration is currently in progress.Please register your children if you have not already done so.2015-2016 Fall Religious FormationNurses & Substitutes are needed for all grades and sessions. Please contact the RF office at 284-2929 or gperez@ to sign up.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Special Ministry for Newly Confirmed & OlderWe invite you to join the following ministries:CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word /Ushers / Aides / Hall Monitors / Teen Ministry (WINGS) / Readers / Choir+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Religious Formation OfficePlease contact Mariam Nawab, Parish Catechetical Leader at 908-284-2929 x23 or mnawab@ for any RF concerns.Adult Faith FormationWith fall just around the corner, now is the time to plan your fall activities! Don’t forget to include plans for your faith formation in your schedule! See below for the programs we offer right here at SEAS! If you have questions or would like to register for any of our AFF programs, please contact Diane Luceri: 782-1475 X 14 or dluceri@The Prophets Bible StudyWednesdays: 9:30-11:15 am or 7:30-9:15 pm September 30th - December 9th, 2015There are 16 prophetic books in the Old Testament, with the length equal to the New Testament! Importantly, it is nearly impossible to understand the work and message of Jesus without them! Take this time to come to know Jesus better and deepen your relationship with your Divine Bridegroom … and the time could not be better! Beginning with this bible study, we now have an online capability to supplement our usual program.Our program will run as usual, beginning with hospitality and prayer, then breaking into discussion groups on the questions, and finally gathering to watch the DVD together.What’s different:-You will now register through .-You will order your materials yourself and they will ship them directly to your house.-You will be able to access the DVDs from your home computer, iPad, iPhone, etc.Advantages of this program:-The cost is less than if you order through the church - $10 less - it is only $24.95 if you order through (vs. $35).-You will receive your materials earlier - as soon as you place your order, they will be shipped directly to you.-The biggest advantage - you will be able to access the DVDs on your own computer or electronic device! Therefore, if you miss a session, you can keep up to date by watching the DVD on your own. You can listen to a DVD again if you’d like. If you need to leave the session early, you can still watch the DVD on your own. You can watch the DVD at home with a family member - great time to evangelize in your own home! Even if you can’t make it to this study at all, you can still take part - you will get the study materials and be able to watch the DVD on your own.If you are interested in the online opportunity, sign up through or contact Diane Luceri and you will be sent a link that will take you directly to our study - it could not be easier!***Note you can still sign up and order your materials the usual way by contacting Diane Luceri - the cost for this option is $35. So the choice is yours - but the best choice you can make is to join us for this wonderful program!Beloved: Program for Married CouplesTuesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 PMSept. 15, 29, Oct. 6, 20, Nov. 3, 17Join with other couples in the parish for fellowship and for a chance to explore the mystery and the meaning of the sacrament of marriage as revealed in Sacred Scripture - and see how this can make a difference in your marriage! There is no cost or materials required for this program. We will meet every other week, but each session stands on its own. Please register by contacting Diane Luceri.Symbolon: the Catholic Faith ExplainedHas someone ever questioned you about your faith and you did not know how to respond? Do you have some questions about our Faith? Then join us for these sessions. Symbolon asks the questions everyone is asking … and provides the answers! There is no cost and no materials required for these sessions. Sessions meet throughout the year beginning in October at the same time as RF classes: Mondays (4:45-6pm, 7-8:30 pm), Tuesdays (4:45-6pm, 6:30-7:45 pm), and Wednesdays (4:45-6pm) and on Tuesday mornings (9:30-11 am). Each session stands on its own, so come whenever you’d like. Symbolon Fall Schedule—The Sacraments:Week of:TopicOct. 12:The Journey of FaithOct. 26:The Sacraments~Baptism/ConfirmationNov. 2:EucharistNov. 9:Walk through the MassNov. 16:Penance and Anointing of the SickNov. 30:Matrimony and Holy OrdersRCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Have you or anyone you know been considering the possibility of becoming a member of the Catholic Church? Is there someone in your life with whom you’d like to share their Catholic faith?Have you been coming to Mass for years and feel that now is the time for you to become Catholic?Have you been experiencing a desire to receive Jesus in the Eucharist? Whatever your reasons might be for choosing to become Catholic, beneath that choice is God who is calling you to “Come and see!”The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the way in which adults become fully active, participating members of the Catholic Church.It helps adults grow in their relationship with God, become familiar with Catholic teachings and practices, get acquainted with people in the parish and get involved in service with the parish and wider community. Through this process non-Christian adults are prepared for Baptism, Confirmation and first Eucharist, and non-Catholic Christians and Catholics who are only baptized are prepared for Confirmation and first Eucharist, which takes place at the Easter Vigil.Ready to find out more?RCIA Inquiry Sessions ~ Sept. 19th & 20thCome to any Mass the weekend of September 19th & 20th. There will be speakers at each Mass talking about their experience in the RCIA. Following each Mass you will have the opportunity to talk with the speaker and the RCIA team to receive more information and to have any questions answered. If you prefer, you may contact our RCIA Director, Diane Luceri, at 782-1475 X 14 or dluceri@, at any time to find out more information or to set up an appointment. Adult Catholics needing Confirmation should also contact DianeSEAS Ministry InformationParish Ministry ContactsTo join a ministry, please contact the ministry head. A complete list of ministries can be found in the narthex or on our website: parishesonline/seasthreebridges.Adult Choir/CantorsBrett Walzer ~ 782-1475 x20Adult Faith FormationDiane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14Baptismal PrepAnne & Brian Moore ~ 534-2136Cancer Support GroupAndrew Casella ~ 782-1475Employment GroupDeacon Mike ~ 400-3036EM of Holy Communion/Homebound/HospitalLarry Dawkins ~ 284-1617Fatima RosaryShirley Frey ~ 806-4889Knights of ColumbusFloyd Campbell ~ 732-598-5905Lazarus MinistryAnne Hayes ~ 751-5660Linens MinistryParish Office ~ 782-1475Liturgical EnvironmentNorma Santella ~ 782-1475Men’s ClubDeacon Paul ~ 782-1475 x13Military OutreachChris McPherson ~908-246-5114Prayer ShawlsJudy Herdman ~ 782-7973Pat Rivero ~ 806-7890ReadersAnn McCrystal ~ 908-797-4070Georgann Scibilia ~ 908-782-6625Respect for LifeHelen Schuler ~ 369-6618R.C.I.A.Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14SacristansMaureen & John Lybarger ~ 369-5331Usher/Minister of HospitalityBob Caron ~ 236-6492Wedding CoordinatorGeri Kaczorek ~ 369-3712Women’s SpiritualityLoraine Richmond ~ 725-2502Youth MinistriesAltar ServersSuzanne Wooby ~ 369-6390Children’s ChoirColeen Cucci ~ 346-0367Children’s Liturgy (CLOW)Kelly Robison ~ 284-2234Religious Formation Main Line284-2929P.C.L.Mariam Nawab ~ 284-2929 x23ConfirmationJenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24RF SecretaryGina Perez ~ 284-2929Safe Environment Background CoordinatorHelen Schuler ~ 369-6618Summer RFGina Perez ~ 284-2929Karen Baron ~ 806-4384WINGS Teen MinistryJenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24Holy Water FontsLast fall we asked if anyone was interested in joining the ministry that cleans and refills the holy water fonts weekly. We are trying to compile a list of the people who answered that call. If you are currently helping with this ministry, please let the Parish Office know either by email at parishoffice@ or phone at 908-782-1475 x10.If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.Pre-Employment GroupThe SEAS Pre-Employment Group is a ministry designed to help anyone deal with employment, and underemployment. If there are enough participants, a group will meet to discuss the needs of everyone, review resumes, interviewing, marketing, etc. Or, members of the ministry are willing to help anyone one-on-one. Anyone is welcome to join. Contact Deacon Mike Tomcho at mtomcho277@ for more infor.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Altar Server Ministry26168354381500Any child who has already received First Holy Communion and wishes to become part of the SEAS Altar Server Ministry is invited to attend a training session on Wednesday, September 9 at 7:00 PM in the church. At least one parent should accompany the child as important information about the ministry will be shared as well. Training should take approximately one hour. After a period of observing current Altar Servers at Mass, newly-trained servers will be ‘albed’ on Seton Sunday and added to the schedule.All interested in this ministry should email Suzanne Wooby at woobyfamily@ with child's name, grade, and email address.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Women’s Spirituality GroupAll interested WSG Members are invited to attend the WSG Core Group Meeting on Thursday, August 20 at 7 PM in the Adult Conference Room across from the Parish Office.Please bring your ideas and suggestions for WSG meetings and activities in 2015-2016. In addition to considering topics for our meetings, we will be discussing our participation in the SEAS picnic on September 20 and getting organized for our Day of Reflection on October 10. Lots of help is needed for both events!If you are planning to attend the meeting on August 20, or if you have a recommendation involving WSG, please send an email to seaswsg@.+ + + + + + + + + +We look forward to our first meeting of the year on Thursday, October 1 at 7:30 PM. Judy Ashcraft will lead our first meeting with her presentation on the Shroud of Turin.+ + + + + + + + + +The title for Sister Mary Cleary’s presentation at the WSG Day of Reflection on Saturday, October 10 will be "Untying the Knots of Our Lives with God's Mercy".Prayer Shawl Ministry - Meeting This Week02540000The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry will be on Thursday, August 13, 10 AM-12 Noon and also 7-8:30 PM. ALL are welcome! Come whenever it fits your schedule!If you know someone who could use one of our shawls, or for more information, please call Judy Herdman at 908-782-7973.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Seton Men’s Club - Meeting This WeekThe next meeting sponsored by the Men’s Club will be on Thursday, August 13 at 7:30 PM in the Holy Family Room.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Summer Series - Top Ten Reasons People GiveFor Not Going To ChurchWe all try to find ways to justify our lack of Mass attendance and believe (momentarily) that our justification will convince ourselves and others of their correctness. We continue our look at some of the most popular excuses along with a humorous and realistic response.6: Mass/Church Is Unrelatable To My LifeReally? Real Housewives of New Jersey, gossip magazines and Candy Crush are unrelatable to your life. Mass is about who we actually are. It is where we are reminded that we are children of God, brothers and sisters to each other. It’s belonging to a community that cares for one another, who share values. Mass - the prayers we pray together, the readings from Scripture, the quiet time with Jesus - puts us more in touch with who we are meant to be. Yes, we may fail, we may make mistakes, but Mass is where we are unconditionally loved by God and invited into a deeper union with Him so that we can live in a more fulfilled, loving way every day.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +This Week’s Daily ReadingsMonday2 Corinthians 9:6-10John 12:24-26TuesdayDeuteronomy 31:1-8Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14WednesdayDeuteronomy 34:1-12Matthew 18:15-20ThursdayJoshua 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17Matthew 18:21 - 19:1FridayJoshua 24:1-13Matthew 19:3-12St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’sTwelfth AnnualSunday September 20, 20151:00 - 5:00 PMON PARISH GROUNDSof St. Elizabeth Ann Seton ChurchMusic by Pete ‘with a beat’ SepesiTICKETS AVAILABLEafter all MassesSeptember 5/6 & September 12/13Donations appreciated.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +This Weekend’s ReadingsNineteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeFirst Reading: I Kings 19:4-8Queen Jezebel had vowed to kill Elijah, who went into the desert and prayed for death. Instead he went to sleep and was awakened by an angel, who told him to eat the food God had given him. He ate and went back to sleep, but God’s angel again woke him and told him to eat. Strengthened by the food, he got up and walked forty days and nights to the mountain of God.Second Reading: Ephesians 4:30 - 5:2Paul appeals to the Ephesians to get rid of bitterness, anger, and malice. Instead they must be kind, compassionate, and forgiving just as God has been. We must be imitators of Christ, and love one another as he has loved us.Gospel: John 6:41-51The Jews were not convinced that Jesus was the bread that came down from heaven. But he again explains that he is the bread of life. He tells them that anyone who believes and eats this bread shall live forever. He explains that the bread he will give is his flesh, for the life of the world. ? 1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc.+ + + + + + + + + +Next Weekend’s ReadingsTwentieth Sunday in Ordinary TimeFirst Reading: Proverbs 9:1-6Second Reading: Ephesians 5:15-20Gospel: John 6:51-58Around the DioceseBlood Drive - TodayThere will be a blood drive at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 390 Route 523 in Whitehouse Station on Sunday, August 9, from 8:45 a.m. until 1:45 p.m. There is a great need for blood, and each pint can save up to three lives. If you are 17 or older, weigh at least 110 pounds and are in good health, please come to donate the gift of life. For information, call the church office at (908) 534-2319.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church Slavic Dinner Wednesday, August 12, 2015St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church will sponsor the Slavic Dinner on Wednesday, August 12 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM. The dinner will be held in the St. Mary Parish Center, 1900 Brooks Boulevard, Hillsborough. The cost is $13.00 for adults (ages 9 and up) and $5.00 for Children (8 and under) and includes all you can eat Pirohi, Stuffed Cabbage, Kielbasa and Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes, salad, dessert and beverage. A new feature of the dinner is a surprise entrée each month specially selected and prepared by St. Mary’s chef John Pagano. Orders to go are available. For more information contact: St. Mary’s at 908-725-0615.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 452Proudly Hosts the 13th AnnualVeterans of America DaySunday, August 30, beginning at 4:00 PMTD Bank Ballpark1 Patriots Park, Bridgewater, NJGuest of HonorColonel Jack H. Jacobs - Medal of Honor (1969)For actions in Vietnam, Two Silver Stars, Three Bronze Starts and Two Purple HeartsWe would like to welcome you, your family and friends to Celebrate and Salute all of our Veterans. We owe them the respect and gratitude they have earned by defending our country for all of the freedoms we enjoy today!After the celebration, stay and enjoy the game at 5:05 pm. “FREE” tickets for veterans! Family & friends are only $5.00 per ticket. For further information, please contact Gerry Cadwallader at 908-303-1765, Joe Yuzuik at 732-563-4012 or Marc Russinoff, Somerset Patriots, at 908-252-0700 x215, e-mail: mrussinoff@.Dominican College - Information Session470 Western Highway, Orangeburg, NY845-359-7800Prospective students interested in Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees, including Undergraduate online programs are invited on Wednesday, August 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the Hennessy Center. This event will provide an opportunity to learn about our programs and meet our faculty and admissions counselors. Info about financial aid, grants and scholarships, will also be available.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Thinking about Separation or Divorce?You Can Help Your Marriage -Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille is sponsored by the Family Life Office/Diocese of Metuchen, to help couples through difficult times in their marriages. It helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together. The program is highly successful in not only saving hurting marriages, but also in bringing reconciliation to couples who have already separated or even divorced.For confidential info about the September 18-20 weekend, call the Family Life Office 732-562-1990 x1705 or visit the website at . To register call Tom & Pat McTague (evenings) 732-583-4468 or (days) Rich & Annette Colasuonno 732-236-0671.+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Diocese of Metuchen Catholic CemeteriesYou are cordially invited to the dedication ceremony of the Statue of the Blessed Mother Saturday, August 15, 2015 at 10:00 AM.Holy Cross Cemetery840 Cranbury South River Rd., Jamesburg, NJ.Rev. Msgr. William Benwell, V.G. presiding. Refreshments will be served.Kindly respond by August 10, 2015 to 732-463-1424 or cemeteries@+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Laudato Si'The first papal encyclical devoted to the environment has now been released. Start reading Pope Francis' document at and take up the pope's urgent call for dialogue on the future of our common home. Visit the diocesan website at for related information.World Apostolate of Fatima,Our Lady's Blue Army674 Mountain View Road, Washington, NJOn Thursday, August 13, celebrate the Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima:10:30 AM Confessions12:00 PM Outdoor Rosary Procession12:30 PM Speaker: Rev. Michael Venditti1:00 PM Holy Mass Celebrant: Most Rev. Frank Caggiano3:00 PM Divine Mercy ChapletVisit the Holy House USA with largest piece of tree upon which Our Lady stood, altar from Tuy, stone from Loreto. Visit the Angel Tabernacle carved according to the description of the Angel of Portugal by the Fatima seers. 908-689-1700+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Diocese of Metuchen, Office of CemeteriesThree Open Job PositionsOffice Manager - Piscataway, NJFull-time, permanent. Duties include bookkeeping, information management, maintaining records and cemetery software application, processing account payable bills for payment and other duties as required. Bachelor’s degree required. Must be proficient in MS Office applications.Temporary Cemetery Maintenance Worker - Piscataway, NJ Must be able to perform manual labor, work some weekend/overtime shifts, and have a familiarity with operating heavy machinery and equipment. Temporary Office Manager - East Brunswick, NJAnswer phones, process basic forms and data entry. Must be computer proficient, have excellent customer service skills and be Catholic. Resumes for any of the above positions should be sent to hr@. Please indicate the interested position in the subject line. No phone calls please. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +2015 Empty Bowl Event on Friday, October 23The annual "The Empty Bowl" event sponsored by the Flemington Area Food Pantry to be held at the Flemington Methodist Church (corner Main St. and Maple Ave. in Flemington). The lunch highlights bowls created by local potters which you take home as a reminder of those who have "empty bowls" in our area. A pottery sale profiting the pantry is held during the luncheon - 11 AM to 3 PM.Tickets are available ($25 for adults; $7 for children) in advance on the Food Pantry website, , or by visiting the Pantry from 9 to 11:30 AM, Monday through Thursday. The Pantry is located at 154 Route 31 North in Flemington, behind Walmart. ................

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