Promenades East Condo Assoc

Promenades East Condominium Association, Inc

21405 Olean Blvd. Port Charlotte, FL 33952 ♦ Phone (941) 627-6880 ♦ Fax (941) 624-2987 ♦

Email: promeast@ Website:


Call Meeting to Order: Steve Wilson

On March 9th, 2020 at 7:00 pm

Proof of Notice of Meeting: Terry Owens

Proof of notice of this meeting was established with agendas posted prior to 48 hours of the meeting on the bulletin boards in the clubhouse, mailroom and at the entrance to the elevators. The agenda was also emailed to the owners that have supplied their email address to the office.

Roll Call: Steve Wilson

Present: Steve Wilson, Anne Heinen Allyn Rotthoff, Kit Nevin and David Hooper.

Absent; Peggy Riccio and Pat Vasquez, a quorum was established.

Approval of Minutes Anne Heinen

I would like to make a motion to approve the minutes of the November 11th, 2019 regular meeting as posted.

Motion made by Anne Heinen and seconded by Kit Nevin

There was no further discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Officer’s Reports

a) President’s Remarks Steve Wilson

Good evening everyone, thank you for coming Tonight, we'll be voting on a resolution to complete our insurance claim from the lightning strike. We will also be voting on chairs for the building and Rules & Regulations clerical changes.

b) Treasurer’s Report Pat Vasquez

Promenades East Condominium Association continues to be financially sound.

Un-Audited Bank Balances as of February 29th, 2020:

Operating Account checking_ $ 77,034.76

CB Res. Acct Checking $ 71,099.09 Damage Escrow $ 22,000.00

FCB Money Market $239,989.72

Reserves total $311,088.81

Owners with payments in arrears;

$840.10- In foreclosure, turned over to our attorney

$840.10 Total

Committee Updates

a) Architectural Kit Nevin

There have been four architectural requests since the November, 2019 meeting, two to install tile, one to install vinyl and one to install hurricane shutters.

Old Business

a) Lightning Strike Insurance Resolution Steve Wilson

We had a lightning strike on July 24th, 2019 that did a lot of damage to our entry system, Comcast equipment and office and community computers. We submitted an insurance claim for damages and the insurance company is now looking for a resolution to release them for any further responsibility. All damage has been repaired and the insurance company has paid us completely for the damage, minus our $2,500.00 deductible. Would anyone like to make a motion to adopt Resolution #3920 to release the insurance company from any further obligations on this claim?

A MOTION was made by Anne Heinen and seconded by Allyn Rotthoff to adopt Resolution #3920 to approve final payment on the lightning strike in the total amount of $5,036.86.

There was no further discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

New Business

a) Chairs for building Steve Wilson

Two sets of pictures were sent out for a straw vote of the owners for chairs for the main building. The first set had two options, both barrel back chairs, one with brass tacks and one without. The options that was given was to choose the one with brass tacks, the one without or neither. 16 chose the one with tacks, 17 chose the one without tacks and 3 chose neither. A resident wanted us to consider another option of chair, an armed chair with brass tacks called a Raye chair. The Raye chair is available in a burgundy and in black. The manager will send out another questionnaire to see if most prefer the original barrel back chairs or the Raye chairs with arms. If they prefer the Raye chair, they will be asked to give their preference between the burgundy and the black chair. The second set of pictures had four options for chairs for the 2nd floor north main elevator lobby. This time residents were given the option of #1, #2, #3, #4 or none of the options. 8 chose #1, 7 chose #2, 9 chose #3, 6 chose #4 and 3 none of the options. I would like to recommend that since the vote for the four chairs are evenly split, that we have Kit Nevin, Allyn Rotthoff and myself, the ones that met with the Interior Designer, choose the chairs for the building. We will compare the options for number of votes, size, price and take the reviews into consideration when choosing. Would anyone like to make a motion to purchase 17 chairs as proposed?

A MOTION was made by Allyn Rotthoff and seconded by Kit Nevin to purchase 17 chairs as proposed.

After much discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

b) Rules & Regulation Clerical Changes Steve Wilson

We have many outdated statements and statements that are no longer correct in the Rules & Regulations booklet. I will now read the original statements then read the corrected statement changes to our rules and regulations. When I am through, we can discuss the corrections. Steve read the original and corrected statements. Would anyone like to make a motion to adopt the Rules & Regulations as read?

A MOTION was made by Anne Heinen and seconded by Kit Nevin to adopt the Rules & Regulations changes to the booklet as read.

After some discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Board Members Comments Steve Wilson

Steve asked the board members for any additional comments

Steve Wilson- Appointed manager’s review committee, Peggy Riccio, Pat Vasquez and myself, Steve Wilson. To have the review completed by the April 13th meeting.

Allyn Rotthoff- Asked about distribution of the R&R’s? Was told that they will be emailed, will be available on the website and will have hard copies available for those that want them.

Owner’s Comments Steve Wilson

Steve asked the audience if any owner would like to make any other comments

Ted Elward #519- Asked about the insurance coverage for the sealing of building cracks? Was told the insurance claim was denied. Ted also asked about weather stripping for the door, was told that the manager has it available for anyone who would like to pick it up.

June Potter #521- Commented about the update on the coronavirus and what the association is doing to protect the residents? Steve Wilson read a letter explaining what has been done (attached to the meeting minutes). June also commented about loud lanai sliders in the building, was told that we’d look into it.

Karen Tremblay #308- Asked about the Waste Management dumping trash on Monday, Wednesday & Fridays at 5:00 am. Asked if anything had been addressed about it since it was brought up in the annual meeting? Was told that we met with the Waste Management supervisor and the driver and they said they would try to dump quieter and look into plastic bins for here, which would also be quieter when dumping. They said that they couldn’t dump later because they wouldn’t be able to back out onto Harbor into the traffic at that time of day.

Henry Tremblay #308- Stated that something has to be done, change the ramp or what ever is necessary so that people aren’t being woken up at 5:00 am in the morning.

Reggie Jackey #507- Asked what can be done about the tall grass by the sidewalks? Was told that it’s the county’s responsibility but they said they will only mow it once per month and the ditch is now too steep for our landscaper to mow. Reggie also asked about replacing the tattered flag and was told it would be replaced.

Next Meeting Date: April 13th, 2020 @ 7:00 PM in the clubhouse.

Adjournment: Do I have a motion to adjourn this meeting? Steve Wilson

A MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 pm was made by Anne Heinen and seconded by Allyn Rotthoff.

There was no further discussion, the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.



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