Your Computer and Kana

Your Computer and Kana/LivePerson

Computer Hardware/Software Requirements:

You will be responsible for supplying your own computer hardware and upkeep of your system.  Below please find our computer requirements:


• Intel Dual Core Processor or higher

• Minimum of 2048MB of RAM (2GB of memory).

• Monitor set at 1024 by 768 or higher

• CD/DVD-Rom

• Internet Service Provider with Cable or Fios “broadband” service

• Active Anti-virus software subscription with the most current and up-to-date virus definitions installed

• working email address for internal communications (such as you would receive from your Internet Service Provider like Comcast, Roadrunner, Earthlink -- or such as you would receive with a free, web-based email account like Hotmail or Yahoo)

• Windows Messenger Instant messenger service

• Internet Explorer Version 7.0 or higher with all Windows updates installed

• Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel software

• Printer

To check and see if you do have any of this unwanted software please perform the following:

1) Click Start/Control Panels/ Add or Remove Programs

2) You will see a window open that will populate a list of everything you have installed on your computer. Search for any of the above software and click Remove to uninstall from your system.

3) Once you uninstall the unwanted software, please close and reopen all Internet Explorer windows.

For Windows Vista/Windows 7 Users

You can uninstall a program from your computer if you no longer use it or if you want to free up space on your hard disk. You can use Programs and Features to uninstall programs or to change a program's configuration by adding or removing certain options.

To uninstall or change a program

1. Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start button [pic], clicking Control Panel, clicking Programs, and then clicking Programs and Features.

2. Select a program, and then click Uninstall. Some programs include the option to change or repair the program in addition to uninstalling it, but many simply offer the option to uninstall. To change a program, click Change or Repair. [pic] If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

The Windows Keyboard Shortcut Method of copying and pasting text within Kana:

1. Highlight your desired text with your mouse.

2. Push and hold "Ctrl" key on your keyboard.

3. While holding down the "Ctrl" key, press the "C" key on your keyboard. (You have now copied the text.)

4. Now take your fingers off of the keyboard and, with your mouse, place your cursor where you wish the text to go.

5. Push and hold the "Ctrl" key on your keyboard again.

6. While holding down the "Ctrl" key, press the "V" key on your keyboard. (You have now pasted the text.)

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Bonus Tip: Ctrl-X deletes the highlighted selection of text from where it was, but saves it within "memory". You can paste this deleted text back, just place your cursor where you wish the text to go and then use Ctrl-V.

Delete Cookies

It is recommended that you toss your cookies every few weeks to not only improve the performance of Internet Explorer and your hard drive, but to safeguard your User Names and Passwords. Nowadays, it is possible for “No-good Sites” and Internet Marketing Companies to read and track your cookies from the sites you've visited. Then, when you visit their website, they can "target" you with specific ads that you may be more inclined to pay attention to.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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