Billy Kidwell

INSPECTOR GENERALFEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION45 L. STREET, N.E.WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554UNSWORN DECLARATION OF BILLY RAY KIDWELL, PURSUANT TO 28 U.S.C. §1746, PROVING BLATANT DISCRIMINATION AGAINST VETERANS BY F.C.C. CHAIRMAN, AJIT V. PAI, AND THE F.C.C., AND THE INTENTIONAL AGGRAVATION OF BILLY KIDWELL’S DISABILITIES, AND INTENTIONAL ENDANGERMENT OF BILLY KIDWELL’S LIFEI, Billy Ray Kidwell, hereby declare the following, Under Penalty of Perjury, pursuant to Title 28 U.S.C. §1746, stating that the statements herein are true to the best of my knowledge, and beliefs.1. I, Billy Ray Kidwell, state that I am over the age of eight (18), and that I have personal knowledge of the facts, and statements, herein that I describe to the best of my ability, acting Pro Se, without legal training.2. I state that I am an Elderly, Severely Disabled, 100% Service-Connected, Vietnam Combat Veteran Medically Unable to Stand Stress. [Emphasis added.]3. I state that I have severe Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder and that stress causes me to suffer Stress-Caused P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attacks, Stress-Caused Bleeding Ulcers, and Stress-Caused Heart Problems, including Stress-Caused Heart Attacks.4. I state that it is documented in a Court ORDER that I suffered a P.T.S.D. Anxiety Attack from stress in chambers before Chief Judge Johnstone in the United States District Court in Louisville Kentucky where my heart stopped and I was rushed by ambulance to the Emergency Room of a hospital where I was on intensive care several days.5. Recently I suffered a Stress-Caused Heart Attack and was rushed to the VA Hospital Emergency Room at Bay Pines VA Hospital in Saint Petersburg, Florida where I was placed in the Heart Intensive Care Unit for ten (10) days, and released to a VA Home Heart Failure Program.6. I was told by my VA Heart Doctor that Stress-Caused Heart Attack caused so much damage to my heart that my heart is barely beating, and I am dying from Heart Failure, and that I need to avoid stress.7. Another Stress-caused Heart Attack could kill me so I am Medically Unable to Stand Stress. [Emphasis added.]8. I was victimized, robbed, and cheated by Comcast, which preys on the most vulnerable in America, the Elderly, the Disabled, Veterans, Military Families, and Disabled Veterans.9. Comcast commits fraud against the Elderly, the Disabled, Veterans, Military Families, and Disabled Veterans, selling them Comcast Services for what seems like an affordable price, and then Comcast adds “Secret” fees, charges, and rental charges, making Internet Services Cost Prohibitive for Veterans, and the most vulnerable in America.10. I found that Comcast is defrauding Veterans, the Elderly, the Disabled, Military Families, and Disabled Veterans, with a “Comcast Introductory Offer Con-Game”, called “Comcast Internet Essentials”, that intentionally conceals the actual cost of Comcast Services, once an Introductory Offer Time Period Expires.11. Comcast obstructs Veterans, and Disabled Veterans, from accessing the internet.12. I contacted the CEO of Comcast, Brian L. Roberts, the President of Comcast Cable, David N. Watson, and former Comcast General Counsel, Arthur Block, making them fully aware that I am severely disabled, and Medically Unable to Stand Stress, and complained about them defrauding, and cheating me, because of my being a vulnerable Elderly Disabled Veteran.13. The CEO of Comcast, Brian L. Roberts, the President of Comcast Cable, David N. Watson, and former Comcast General Counsel, Arthur Block, responded by terminating my Comcast Internet Services, without a lawful reason to do so.14. Comcast then terrorized my family by using their Wi Fi Hot Spot System to fraudulently broadcast on cell phones around my house that I owed Comcast Money to intentionally aggravate my Stress Disorder, knowing I am dying from Heart Failure, and that another Stress-Caused Heart Attack can kill me.15. Comcast illegally used their Wi Fi Hot Spot System to enter my home, to get on my computer, and laptop, posting “Pop-Ups” claiming I owed Comcast money.16. Comcast had make a Payment Plan Contract with me for me to pay Sixty (60) Dollars a month, and two (2) days AFTER I made my timely payment, in full, with no payment being due to Comcast for another month, Comcast violated the Payment Plan Contract and terminated my Internet Services, for no lawful reason, knowing I needed the internet to obtain Medical Care, to shop, and to provide Medically Needed Entertainment to reduce the stress, and help my Stress Disorder.17. Since Comcast is non-responsive to Veterans, I filed a Complaint with F.C.C. Chairman, Ajit V. Pai, on September 25, 2020, making him fully aware that Comcast was denying Disabled Veterans access to the internet during the Pandemic.18. In my Complaint I made F.C.C. Chairman, Ajit V. Pai, fully aware of my Medical Condition, and how I am Dying from Heart Failure, and Medically Unable to Stand Stress.19. I made F.C.C. Chairman, Ajit V. Pai, fully aware that there is no lawful reason for Comcast to discontinue my internet services, and that denying me the internet during the pandemic endangered my live because of my need for the internet to get Medical Care, to safely shop without leaving home during the pandemic, and to communicate with VA Doctors.20. Because I am Dying, and being irreparably harm, while my life is being endangered, I requested Emergency Help from the Federal Communications Commission.21. It has been over a month, and a half, and F.C.C. Chairman, Ajit V. Pai, and the F.C.C. have refused to respond despite my giving them a phone number, and e-mail address to contact me, and made it extremely clear that each day I am denied access to internet services by Comcast I am suffering irreparable harm, and aggravation of my disabilities.22. I state that F.C.C. Chairman, Ajit V. Pai, and the F.C.C., discriminate against Veterans, and are knowingly, and intentionally, helping Comcast aggravate my Stress, and Heart Disabilities during the Pandemic.23. I state that F.C.C. Chairman, Ajit V. Pai, and the F.C.C., by refusing to timely respond to an Elderly, Dying, Severely Disabled Veteran during the pandemic have caused me to suffer Heart Pains, Shortness of Breath, Dizziness, and the symptoms of suffering another Stress-Caused Heart Attack, that inflicted such severe harm on me that I am now nearly completely bed-bound, and suffer constant severe dizziness.24. I state that I firmly believe that Comcast, Chairman, Ajit V. Pai, and the F.C.C., are knowingly, and intentionally, causing my death in a scheme to cover-up the Comcast abuse, cheating, stealing, and fraud against America’s Veterans, and Disabled Veterans. 25. I state that I am willing to take a polygraph, or any other test, to prove every statement herein is true, and correct, to the best of my knowledge, and beliefs.All of the facts, and statements herein are true, and correct, to the best of my knowledge, and beliefs, and given Under Penalty of Perjury.Very truly yours,_____________________________ November 11, 2020Billy Ray Kidwell ................

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