?0-127000Public Utilities Commission of the State of CaliforniaAlice Stebbins, Executive DirectorHeadquarters505 Van Ness AvenueSan Francisco, CA 94102(415) 703-2782Southern California Office320 West 4th Street, Suite 500Los Angeles, CA 90013(213) 576-7000Sacramento Office300 Capitol MallSacramento CA 95814(800) 848-5580Website: CalendarFriday, April 24, 2020 HYPERLINK \l "votingmeeting" Commission Voting MeetingsCommission Ratesetting Deliberative MeetingsCommissioner Committee MeetingsCommissioner All-Party MeetingsHearing CalendarOther Public MeetingsNew ProceedingsPetitions for ModificationDraft ResolutionsAdvice Letters SubmissionsOther NoticesThe Commission’s policy is to schedule hearings (meetings, workshops, etc.) in locations that are accessible to people with disabilities.The CPUC encourages all Californians to participate in its meetings, hearings, workshops, and proceedings. We try to hold our public meetings only in places that are wheelchair accessible and which can accommodate specialized equipment and other services useful to people with disabilities. Please see the notice of the meeting you wish to attend for more specifics.If you plan to attend and need specialized accommodations for a particular meeting that are not listed in the notice, request them from the Public Advisor’s Office at least three business days in advance of the meeting. Contact the Public Advisor’s Office by any one of the following: Email: public.advisor@cpuc. toll-free: 1-866-849-8390 Voice: 415-703-2074FAX: 415-355-5404 (Attn.: Public Advisor)TTY: 1-866-836-7825 (toll-free) 1-415-703-5282COMMISSION VOTING MEETINGSPursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, paragraph 3, that was issued on March 17, 2020, Commissioners may participate remotely from teleconferencing locations. The public may observe, provide public comments during the public comment period, and otherwise participate remotely pursuant to the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting act as described below. ?Link to Executive Order N-29-20: 07, 202010:00 amCommission Auditorium, San FranciscoMay 21, 202010:00 amCommission Auditorium, San FranciscoMay 28, 202010:00 am Commission Auditorium, San FranciscoReturn to Table of ContentsCOMMISSION RATESETTING DELIBERATIVE MEETINGS (Not Open to the Public)Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered.April 27, 2020NoonPursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, paragraph 3, that was issued on March 17, 2020, Commissioners may participate remotely from teleconferencing locations. Link to Executive Order N-29-20: Continuation Meeting Agenda: Please use this link to view the published documentMay 04, 202010:00 am Commission Room 5305, San FranciscoMay 18, 202010:00 am Commission Room 5305, San FranciscoReturn to Table of ContentsCOMMISSIONER COMMITTEE MEETINGSMay 13, 202010:00 am Commission Auditorium, San FranciscoReturn to Table of ContentsCOMMISSIONER ALL-PARTY MEETINGS – NONEA quorum of Commissioners may attend all-party meetings in ratesetting proceedings upon 10 days’ notice of the meeting in the Daily Calendar. Otherwise, all-party meetings are noticed directly to the parties and might not be posted here.Return to Table of ContentsHEARING CALENDARDates in parentheses following the word “also” are subject to change without notice. The assigned Commissioner’s name is listed next to the proceedings as matter of record; the assigned Commissioner may or may not be present at the hearing.(PHC) = Prehearing Conference(WS) = Workshop(OA) = Oral Argument(PPH) = Public Participation Hearing(STC) = Status Conference(CA) = Closing Argument(EH) = Evidentiary Hearing(L&M) = Law & Motion(CM) = Community Meeting(ECP) = Expedited Complaint Proceeding Hearing04/28/201:30 p.m. -2:30 p.m.ALJ Liang-UejioComr Guzman AcevesA.19-12-016 (TELEPHONIC PHC) – In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp (U901E) for Authority to Establish a Memorandum Account for Costs Associated with Retirement and Decommissioning of Cholla Power Plant Unit 4Call-In Number: 877-937-0696Participant PASSCODE: 703200804/30/201:30 p.m.ALJ Liang-UejioComr RandolphA.19-12-007 (TELEPHONIC – PHC) Application of EcoVate Inc. for Registration as an Interexchange Carrier Telephone Corporation Pursuant to the Provisions of Public Utilities Code Section 1013,Toll Free Number: 8779370696Participant Passcode: 703200805/07/209:00 a.m. – 1:00?p.m.ALJ FogelComr RechtschaffenR.12-11-005 (WS) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Regarding Policies, Procedures and Rules for the California Solar Initiative, the Self-Generation Incentive Program and Other Distributed Generation Issues,Webex: Call-In: +1-415-655-0002Meeting Access Code: 262 559 154 Meeting passcode: !Energy1Contact: Nora Hawkins, Nora.Hawkins@cpuc., 415 703 3306More Info: a.m. –11:00 a.m.ALJ FitchALJ KaoComr RandolphR.13-11-005 (WS) - Order Instituting Rulemaking Concerning Energy Efficiency Rolling Portfolios, Policies, Programs, Evaluation, and Related Issues.Link: Number: +1 (623) 404-9000Meeting ID: 148 587 8740Contact: Sasha Merigan, amq@cpuc., (585) 705-752505/11/2010:30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.ALJ NojanComr ShiromaA.20-02-006 (TELEPHONIC – PHC) - In the Matter of the Application of SOUTHWEST GAS CORPORATION (U905G) for authority to: (1) issue one or more types of debt securities in the principal amount of up to $700,000,000; (2) refinance previously issued short-term debt securities; (3) refinance previously authorized securities under the Evergreening Authority Guidelines; and (4) enter into one or more interest rate risk management contracts.Call-In Number: 866-556-2084Participant PASSCODE: 842381605/14/2010:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.ALJ WangComr RechtschaffenA.19-07-006 (EH) - Application of SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY (U902E) for Approval of Electric Vehicle High Power Charging Rate,Commission Courtroom, San Francisco(Also May 15)05/18/2010:30 a.m.ALJ Liang-UejioComr ShiromaA.19-10-001 (EH) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for Approval of Its Carbon-Free Surplus Energy Transaction with Bonneville Power Administration,Commission Courtroom, San Francisco(Also May 19)05/27/209:30 a.m. – 3:30?p.m.ALJ KenneyALJ PoirierComr RechtschaffenI.19-06-016 (EH) - Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission’s Own Motion into the Operations and Practices of Southern California Gas Company with Respect to the Aliso Canyon storage facility and the release of natural gas, and Order to Show Cause Why Southern California Gas Company Should Not Be Sanctioned for Allowing the Uncontrolled Release of Natural Gas from its Aliso Canyon Storage Facility. (U904G),Commission Courtroom, San Francisco(Also May 28 – June 10, and June 15 – 17*)*Mon. – Thurs. at 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.06/02/2010:00 a.m.ALJ KellyComr ShiromaA.19-07-004 (EH) - Application of California-American Water Company (U210W) for Authorization to Increase its Revenues for Water Service by $25,999,900 or 10.60% in the year 2021, by $9,752,500 or 3.59% in the year 2022, and by $10,754,500 or 3.82% in the year mission’s Courtroom, San Francisco (Also June 3 – 5, June 8 – 9, July 20 – 24, July 27 – 28, and August 24 – 28)06/22/2010:00 a.m.ALJ McKinneyComr ShiromaA.10-07-009 et al. (EH) - In the Matter of the Application of San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U902E) for Approval of its Proposals for Dynamic Pricing and Recovery of Incremental Expenditures Required for Implementation. And related mission Courtroom, San Francisco(Also June 23 – 26, 2020)07/06/209:30 a.m.ALJ SeybertALJ WildgrubeComr ShiromaA.19-08-013 (EH) - Application of Southern California Edison Company (U338E) for Authority to Increase its Authorized Revenues for Electric Service in 2021, among other things, and to Reflect that Increase in Rates,Commission Courtroom, San Francisco(Also July 7 – 24, 2020)09/10/209:00 a.m.ALJ ZhangComr RandolphI.19-12-009 (EH) – Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission’s Own Motion into the Operations, Practices, and Conduct of Frontier Communications Corporation, Frontier of America, Inc., (U-5429-C), and Frontier California, Inc., (U-1002-C) to Determine Whether Frontier Violated the Laws, Rules, and Regulations of this State through Service Outages and Interruptions and Disclosing and Publishing Customer mission Courtroom, San Francisco(Also September 11, 2020)Return to Table of ContentsOTHER PUBLIC MEETINGSPublic Meeting Notice:? Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP) – Telecommunications Access for the Deaf and Disabled Administrative Committee (TADDAC)April 24, 202010 am – 4 pmFor Meeting call in information, please contact Reina Vazquez at (510) 302-1147, or by email at rvazquez@ Public Workshop Notice: Utilities’ Demand Response 2020 Load Impact Protocols (LIP) Report WorkshopsMay 1, 20209:00 am – 12:15pmWebEx Information: Number (access code): 624 935 719Meeting Password: c6rX2emTcy5Teleconference:Dial: +1-408-418-9388?Passcode: 26792368Contact Information: Leslie Willoughby | Manager, Demand Response Electric Load Analysis 858.654.1262 lwilloughby@More Information: Workshop Notice: Utilities’ Demand Response 2020 Load Impact Protocols (LIP) Report WorkshopsMay 4, 20209:00 am – 12:15pmWebEx Information: number (access code): 627 345 007Meeting password: SjS3JjVK4Q6Teleconference:Dial: +1-408-418-9388?| Passcode: 75735585Contact Information: Leslie Willoughby - Manager, Demand Response Electric Load Analysis 858.654.1262 lwilloughby@More Information: Workshop Notice: ERRA/PABA/End of Year Consolidated Rate Advice Letter Timing and Transparency WorkshopMay 6, 202010 am – 4 pmWebEx Information: HYPERLINK "" Number: 962 369 153Meeting password: SjcUMAjE827Contact: David Zizmor at DAVID.ZIZMOR@CPUC. or phone at 415-703-1575Return to Table of ContentsNEW PROCEEDINGS COMPLAINT04-21-2020(ECP) C.20-04-015 - ANI Private Security & Patrol, Inc., Complainant vs. Comcast Phone of California, LLC d/b/a Comcast Digital Phone (U5698C), Defendant. [Charging allegations: For overbilling the customer]Return to Table of ContentsPETITIONS FOR MODIFICATION - NONEReturn to Table of ContentsDRAFT RESOLUTIONSIssued for public comment. Comments are governed by Rule 14.5.Draft Resolution No. E-5046Meeting DateMay 7, 2020Subject MatterResolution E-5046. Request by Pacific Gas and Electric to Modify its 2014 Conformed Bundled Procurement Plan.Web Link Comments Due DateApril 15, 2020Serve comments on:Nick.Dahlberg@cpuc. and Michele.Kito@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. E-5054Meeting DateMay 7, 2020Subject MatterResolution E-5054. Approval of the Center for Sustainable Energy’s (CSE) Proposed Revisions to the Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Program Handbook.Web Link Comments Due DateApril 23, 2020Serve comments on:tory.francisco@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. T-17685Meeting DateMay 7, 2020Subject MatterResolution T-17685.? Affirms Cox’s Obligation to Remit Surcharges and User Fees for Directory Listings Service Intrastate Revenue Pursuant to Audit Findings for Fiscal Years 2012-2015.?Web Link Due DateApril 23, 2020Serve comments on:Dorris.Chow@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. T-17690Meeting DateMay 7, 2020Subject MatterResolution T-17690. This Resolution approves grant funding in the amount of $10,820,150 from the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) Infrastructure Account for the Karuk Tribe to construct the Klamath River Rural Broadband Initiative project.Web Link Due DateApril 27, 2020Serve comments on:Kim.hua@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. T-17694Meeting DateMay 7, 2020Subject MatterApproval of advice letters setting forth fines for telephone service providers that failed to meet required service quality performance standards in Year 2019 pursuant to General Order 133-DWeb Link Due DateComments: April 28, 2020Reply Comments: May 4, 2020Serve comments on:CASF Distribution ListVincent Coppey vincent.coppey@cpuc. and Phil Enis (phillip.enis@cpuc.)Draft Resolution No. T-17697Meeting DateMay 7, 2020Subject MatterResolution T-17697 Establishes the Criteria for the California Department of Education in Response to COVID-19 within the California Advanced Services Fund Broadband Adoption AccountWeb Link Due DateOpening Comments: April 27, 2020Reply Comments: May 1, 2020Serve comments on: Resolution No. W-5219Meeting DateMay 7, 2020Subject MatterGrants Slide Inn Water Company a general rate increase producing an additional annual revenue of $36,208 or 58.25%, for Test Year 2019 and $31,149 or 50.11%, for Escalation Year 2020 to be paid by the Ratepayers.Web Link Comments Due DateApril 27, 2020Serve comments on:California Public Utilities CommissionWater Division505 Van Ness AvenueSan Francisco, CA 94102Water.Division@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. W-5220Meeting DateMay 21, 2020Subject MatterThe Water Division has prepared Proposed Comment Resolution W-5220 for the May 21, 2020, Commission Meeting. This resolution authorizes Del Oro Water Company to extend its Statewide Lost Revenue Surcharge of $10.54 per month per customer by the earlier of three months or approval of the utility’s General Rate Case.Web Link Comments Due DateMay 11, 2020Serve comments on:California Public Utilities CommissionWater Division505 Van Ness AvenueSan Francisco, CA 94102Water.Division@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. E-5037Meeting DateMay 28, 2020Subject MatterResolution E-5037. Pacific Gas and Electric Company seeks approval of three power purchase agreements with Qualifying Facilities and associated cost recovery.Web Link Comments Due DateMay 11, 2020Serve comments on:David.Matusiak@cpuc. and Amy.Mesrobian@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. E-5050Meeting DateMay 28, 2020Subject MatterRESOLUTION E-5050: Certification of Redwood Coast Energy Authority’s Energy Efficiency Program Administration PlanWeb Link Due DateMay 06, 2020Serve comments on:Nils.Strindberg@cpuc. and Alison.Labonte@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. E-5061Meeting DateMay 28, 2020Subject MatterResolution E-5061. San Diego Gas & Electric Company seeks Approval of Modified Standard Power Purchase Agreement with Renewable Qualifying Facility.Web Link Comments Due DateMay 05, 2020Serve comments on:David.Matusiak@cpuc. and Amy.Mesrobian@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. E-5064Meeting DateMay 28, 2020Subject MatterResolution E-5064. Denying Sierra View Dairy’s Petition for Modification of Resolution E-4665.Web Link Comments Due DateMay 04, 2020Serve comments on:Brian.Korpics@cpuc. and Tory.Francisco@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. E-5074Meeting DateMay 28, 2020Subject MatterResolution E-5074: Ratifies the Executive Director’s letters to direct Investor Owned Utilities to offer a 60-day advance payment to Energy Savings Assistance Contractors.Web Link Comments Due DateMay 13, 2020Serve comments on:Jason.Symonds@cpuc. and Alison.Labonte@cpuc. Draft Resolution No. G-3564Meeting DateMay 28, 2020Subject MatterResolution G-3564. Pacific Gas and Electric Company seeks to revise Gas and Electric Rule 9 to remove the utility’s Bill Relief Program for customers impacted by the 2010 San Bruno gas pipeline incident.Web Link Comments Due DateMay 05, 2020Serve comments on:cpe@cpuc. and elc@cpuc.Draft Resolution No. SX-138Meeting DateMay 28, 2020Subject MatterThe Rail Safety Division has prepared Resolution SX-138 for the May 28, 2020, Commission meeting. This resolution grants Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Authority, A temporary deviation from General Order 26-D, Section 2.1, Allowing an overhead clearance of Not Less Than 20 Feet above the top of the highest rail at the proposed Lone Hill Avenue Light Rail Transit Bridge structure in Glendora, Los Angeles County.Web Link Comments Due DateMay 21, 2020Serve comments on:Jose.Pereyra@cpuc. Return to Table of ContentsADVICE LETTERS SUBMISSIONS -To inquire about filings, suspension or protest, call or email the Energy Division (415-703-1974 or email: EDTariffUnit@cpuc. ), Communications Division (415-703-3052) or Water Division (415-703-1133 or email: water.division@cpuc.04/20/20Energy 4195ESouthern California Edison Company, Submission of BioMAT Contract Modifications as Ordered by Decision 20-02-044 (anticipated effective 05/20/20)04/20/20Water 35Live Oak Springs Water & Power Co., Covid-19 and CEMA (anticipated effective 03/04/20)04/21/20Energy 610EPacificorp, Purchase and Sale Agreement for Renewable Energy Credits between PacifiCorp and Renewable Power Strategies, LLC (anticipated effective 06/22/20)04/21/20Energy 611EPacificorp, PacifiCorp (U 901-E) Advice Letter No. 611-E Request for Updates to Rule 15, Line Extensions (anticipated effective 05/21/20)04/21/20Energy 5621GSouthern California Gas Company, March 2020 Standby Procurement Charges (anticipated effective 04/21/20)04/21/20Telecom 14-ADSCI, LLC, Supplements A.L.No.14, Annual Performance Bond (effective TBD)04/22/20Energy 141ELiberty Utilities (CalPeco Electric) LLC, Liberty Utilities Tariff Reflecting Updated Income Eligibility Levels for the California Alternate Rates for Energy Program and the Energy Savings Assistance Program (anticipated effective 06/01/20)04/22/20Energy 5661E-APacific Gas & Electric Company, Supplements A.L.No.5661E, Annual Electric True-Up Submittal Change to PG&E's Electric Rates on January 1, 2020. (anticipated effective 01/01/20)04/22/20Energy 2861GSan Diego Gas & Electric Company, March 2020 Standby Procurement Rate (anticipated effective 04/22/20)04/22/20Energy 3531ESan Diego Gas & Electric Company, San Diego Gas & Electric Company's 2019 Recorded Costs for the Decommissioning of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station 2 & 3 (anticipated effective 05/22/20)04/22/20Energy 4196ESouthern California Edison Company, Request by Southern California Edison Company for Approval to Grant an Easement to the City of Fontana (anticipated effective 05/22/20)04/22/20Telecom 31Intrado Communications, LLC, Text Change (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48322Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48323Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48324Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48325Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48326Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48327Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48328Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48329Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 48330Pacific Bell, Contract (effective TBD)04/22/20Telecom 9-ARCLEC, Inc., Supplements A.L.No.9, Endorsement/Rider for Bond 57BSBGO7547 - changing bond number (effective TBD)04/23/20Telecom 4345AT&T Corp., California Teleconnect Fund Changes (effective TBD)04/23/20Telecom 7California Broadband Cooperative, Inc., Annual submission of performance bond (effective TBD)04/23/20Telecom 48331Pacific Bell, California Teleconnect Fund Changes (effective TBD)04/23/20Water 75Cold Springs Water Company, Inc., GRC (anticipated effective 04/23/20)ADVICE LETTER SUSPENSIONS (Pursuant to M-4801, 04/19/01)02/07/20Telecom 292Pinnacles Telephone Company. Initial suspension on the following grounds: resolution is needed. Date suspension ends: 06/05/20. Note: Initial suspensions will be automatically extended for an additional 180 days if the Commission has not issued an order regarding the advice letter by the date the first suspension period ends.ADVICE LETTER PROTESTS04/22/20Water 1290California American Water Company, [Central Satellite] 2019 Central Satellite WRAM & MCBA Protest by Public Trust Alliance/M. Warburton.CONSUMER PROTECTION AND ENFORCEMENT DIVSIONTo inquire about a filing regarding TNC Access, email the Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division at tncaccess@cpuc..04/15/20Transportation 1Nomad Transit LLC. A.L.No.1, requesting retroactive offset for Q3 2019 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)04/15/20Transportation 2Nomad Transit LLC A.L.No.2, requesting retroactive offset for Q4 2019 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)04/15/20Transportation 3Nomad Transit LLC A.L.No.3, requesting retroactive offset for Q1 2020 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)04/15/20Transportation 1Uber Technologies Inc. A.L.No.1, requesting retroactive offset for Q3 2019 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)04/15/20Transportation 2Uber Technologies Inc. A.L.No.2, requesting retroactive offset for Q4 2019 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)04/15/20Transportation 3Uber Technologies Inc. A.L.No.3, requesting retroactive offset for Q1 2020 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)04/15/20Transportation 1Lyft Inc. A.L.No.1, requesting retroactive offset for Q3 2019 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)04/15/20Transportation 2Lyft Inc. A.L.No.2, requesting retroactive offset for Q4 2019 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)04/15/20Transportation 3Lyft Inc. A.L.No.3, requesting retroactive offset for Q1 2020 in Compliance with Decision 20-03-007. (anticipated effective 05/15/20)Return to Table of ContentsOTHER NOTICES - NONEReturn to Table of Contents ................

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