LocSec Lowdown - Mensa International

The Newsletter of Plains and Peaks Mensa, Southern Colorado

LocSec Lowdown

Hello, fellow Peaksters! I gotta tell you ? what a great group we have! We had 20 Mensans, family and friends show up for the Ultimate Saturday Supper at Mama Pearl's Cajun Kitchen in August! As luck would have it (and none of us realized it until that evening) it was the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and KKTV showed up to do an interview with the owner! So, if you watched the news that night you saw a packed Mama Pearl's (it only seats about 30) ? and you got a pretty good look at some of us! We posted a link on our Plains & Peaks Mensa Facebook page if you want to watch the news report! Mensans attending: Mike & Sandy Halby, Scott Mosher, Al Ackerson, George Proeller, Kate Nicoli (George's daughter), Charles Simmons, RC & Connie Timm, Jay & Susan Ridge, Doug & Linda Laird, Nancy & Larry Lukenbill, Chris & George Cooper, Vera-Louise & John Pfeiffer, and Wayne & Jennie-Jo White. Huge thanks to Al Ackerson for setting this up!

Then, in September, we had a bunch of events ? GITBP, ExComm, BurgerQuest, Trivia, a Deck Warming Party, Mini-Golf, Scrabble and of course, the Cripple Creek Mini-RG! The MiniRG kicked off with dinner at the Imperial Hotel, then the show at their theater. The Mitguards were performing and unlike past shows at the Imperial, this was fun and worth the money. The Mitguards perform all around this area and sing a lot of their own songs ? folk-style mostly. Then, on Saturday, a bunch of us went to the Butte for the performance of 39 Steps by the Thin Air Company. It was a fun, fun play and the acting was superb! Afterwards, we gathered in our hotel room for a gabfest, some wine and snacked on cheese and penguins. (Want to know about penguins? You need to come to the Mini-RG next year!) That evening, a few of us met up

and dined at Bronco Billy's Steakhouse ? very good food, but the place was packed! If you go there, make a reservation! Some of us wanted to take the Mount Pisgah tour, but the times we needed (due to the play at the Butte) were sold out ? next year we'll know to get tickets early! Mike and I did visit the Cripple Creek Jail Museum. Very well laid out with interesting stories posted around the jail building. We got to pet a donkey that was penned up next to the jail and he hee-hawed for me! What a loud bray he had!! Unfortunately, he was under the weather so I couldn't give him a treat as a reward! Then, on Sunday, some of us duffers got together and did a round of golf at Shining Mountain. I am such a lousy golfer ? but I had fun anyway! And, the fall colors were at their peak, just as I predicted! Beautiful!

Coming up in October, besides our "usual events," we're doing an "escape room"! We're booking an "escape room" right here in Colorado Springs for a chance to pit our wits against time and the creators of this venue. We'll be "locked" in a room with clues to a mystery and we must solve that mystery within one hour to escape the room. Sound challenging? Let's give it a try! Check out the calendar for the date and details!

Also October is National Testing Month, so we'll be holding two testing sessions in Colorado Springs. If you know someone who might be interested in testing for Mensa membership, have them contact me for details!

Don't forget to mark you calendars now for the Holiday Gala Party, scheduled for the 5th of December. We've booked the Stagecoach Inn again this year and we'll have dinner, door prizes, a White Elephant Gift Exchange and a

really great evening! Look for all the details in the November newsletter!

Gosh, that's about all I can come up with now. I'll probably think of six more things to include in this column, but I'm writing this up while dashing outside every few minutes to see the Super Moon Lunar Eclipse tonight. Just a few minutes ago was totality ? really cool to see!

Hope you are enjoying your fall ? and see you soon at a Mensa event!


In This Issue

What's Up in Our Region...............2 Plains and Peaks Officers...............2 Welcome & Farewell.......................2 Plains & Peaks Patter....................3 Birthdays.........................................3 Mensa-versaries...........................3 BurgerQuest....................................4 Trivia................................................4 Cryptogram.....................................4 Meet the Mensan.........................5 Trivia/Cryptogram Answers..........5 October Events............................6/7 October Calendar...........................7

Volume 32, Issue 9

October 2015

What's Up In Our Region

Greg Kontz Regional Vice Chair Heartland Region 7

RVC7 ? LocSec 07/585 North Dakota

grjk@ 701-290-0743

Hi Guys ?

Sorry for the lateness and brevity ? been doctoring a lot lately. Had a bad reaction to a statin drug I was put on for high blood pressure, and I'm still trying to find something that doesn't make me feel like I'm 90 years old. Plus, they're checking to make sure it's not something else causing the muscle weakness, loss of dexterity, etc. Just went through a `stress test' yesterday that took a half day. Been a lousy several months, health-wise. So ? short and sweet.

The motion for changes in the amendment regarding the use of the Name and Logo was withdrawn at the last meeting. We've still got a ways to go to reach a consensus regarding how to balance the desire for adherence to the constitutional mandate of `expressing no opinion' with the desire to allow interaction with focus groups on the Local Group level. Some, including me, place utmost priority on adherence to the constitutional mandate that, as an organization, Mensa has no opinion. Some believe that Local Groups may have more leeway than that, and have more room to express themselves. There is consensus that individuals can do what they wish. There are a few more angles to it, but that's it in a nutshell. Nothing that's decided will be perfect ? or lacking in controversy (welcome to Mensa).

The motion to have an RVC on the ExComm passed. New member is Baker Ring ? RVC5 from Tennessee.

Motion to revert back to "AMC" or "American Mensa Committee" from "Board" or "Board of Directors" passed.

Trekkies, rejoice! Just confirmed that speaker for AG2016 will be Will Wheaton......(played Wesley Crusher on Star Trek Next Generation).

Later, ~ Greg

Plains and Peaks Mensa Officers

Sandy Halby (LocSec/President) 6066 Del Rey Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80918 719-528-5483 mandshalby@

Chris Cooper (2nd Vice Pres. for Membership) 1105 Bowstring Rd. Monument, CO 80132-8595 (719-646-4456) Shedonist@

George Cooper (treasurer) 1105 Bowstring Rd. Monument, CO 80132-8595 719-646-4456

Srikant Mantravadi (Gifted Youth Coordinator) 6433 Jules Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80923 (719) 352-5074 srikant_mantravadi@

Betsy Ogan (PlainsPeaking Editor) 1061 Hummingbird Ct. Colorado Springs, CO 80921 719-481-1199 Bogan54@

Windy Adoretti (Webmaster) 1465 Stella Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80921 719-201-4743


Al Ackerson (Past President) 5102 Galley Road, #430AW Colorado Springs, CO 80915 719-465-3747 Alackerson@

Welcome &


WELCOME: Geoffrey T Mooney, who moved here from Indiana. Welcome to you!

FAREWELL: Jonathan Grobstein, who moved to California.

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Plains & Peaks Patter

ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTER: If you're receiving this via "snail mail", please consider changing your preferences to electronic newsletter and correspondence. Your PlainsPeaking will not only be in full color, but it's interactive too! Either contact American Mensa (1-800-66MENSA) or go to the American Mensa web-site (http:// us.) to change your preferences!

MINI-GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP GAME! Only four of us turned out to hold the fourth Plains & Peaks Mensa Mini-Golf Championship Game

at Adventure Miniature Golf. On the Course #2 (Wild West) were: Sandy, Mark, Sean and Ellen ? and we had a blast! The weather was excellent ? not too warm or cool and the sunset was spectacular that evening. Sandy took the trophy home with an excellent score of 48 and one Ace (on the 16th hole). Mark was second and Sean came in third (he also got an Ace on the 14th hole)! Ellen placed fourth ? with a very respectable score! Way to go!! Bring a light jacket and join us in October, beat Sandy and take the trophy/pincushion away from her!

TRIVIAL PURSUIT RESULTS! We had some tough completion at the monthly Trivial Pursuits in September (Carlos was playing) ? but our own Jim Hunter won the overall game, ranking 1st at the Buffalo Wild Wings and 125th nation-wide! Winners of the individual rounds were: Warm-up and Countdown ? Al took both of those; Category Round ? Sandy won that; Lightening ? Jim Hunter; Pyramid: Jay Ridge and, as already noted, Jim Hunter won the final showdown! Our excellent performances gave our location a rank of 60th nationwide for trivia that night! Go, team!!

SCRABBLE! Another great afternoon of Scrabble at the Halby's home. As always, Sandy offered wonderful snacks and beverages. Spot (Sandy's orange striped cat) was having a grand time weaving in and out among the player's legs and getting plenty of petting. The players were Al Ackerson, Mark Berte, Chris Cooper, George Cooper and Sandy Halby. Chris Cooper doesn't want to brag or anything (yeah, sure) but she came in first place in Game #1. Beat Al by ONE WHOLE point! Al, of course, came in second with George coming in third. Game #2 was exciting. Sandy made the word "STEERING" using all

seven of her letters and placing it on a Triple Word Score. That one word gave Sandy 80 points. Naturally, Sandy won game #2 with Chris coming in second and Al third. It was a good night for Sandy. She won Game #3, with Al coming in second and George coming in third. Al mentioned something about not coming back if he lost all three games. Looks like we'll have to do some begging.

HELP WANTED! Do you have a Media or Publicity background? Maybe that's something you'd like to try? If so, consider helping Plains & Peaks Mensa with Admissions Testing publicity! We're looking to increase our testing numbers and really need a hand with the publicity ? ideas, contacts, someone to take this particular bull by the horns and wrestle around with it! And, bonus ? this would look good on your resume or annual job appraisal! If you'd be interested in volunteering to be our Publicity person, contact Sandy at manshalby@!

JOIN PLAINS & PEAKS MENSA ON FACEBOOK! See photos of recent activities and meetings and get to know some of your fellow Mensans via this popular social site! It's a "closed" group so you have to ask to join. Search FB for "Plains & Peaks Mensa."

GET PUBLISHED! If you'd like to contribute to the PlainsPeaking newsletter, submit your article, poem, photo, puzzle, whatever to Betsy at bogan54@ . Or, if you have a blog or website that you think might interest other Mensans, send the link to Betsy.

WORDS WITH FRIENDS PLAYERS: Can't get enough Words with Friends? Look Sandy up on Facebook (Sandra Lynn Halby) and start a game with her!

You can advertise your business in PlainsPeaking. The current rates are: business card size $6, quarter page $10, half page $25 and full page $50.

Larry Lewis Lee Van Arsdale Kari Minton Wass Susan Pelto Betsy Ogan Daniel Tapio James Kwiecien Kenneth Connolley Steven L Neidens Marietta Denniston Nancy Lukenbill Chris Cooper

October 3 October 6 October 7 October 8 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 17 October 23 October 25 October 25 October 28

NOTE: If your birthday isn't here, it's probably because that information is marked "non-releasable" on our rosters. To check your personal information release status, please contact American Mensa (1-800-66MENSA) or us. and under Member Resources, select the PDQ section.


George Cooper Brad Laybourne William H Luden III Susan Pelto

George J Proeller Judy Sikes Philip Stahl Keith Wear

Volume 32, Issue 9

Page 3

BurgerQuest 2015

BurgerQuest ? Remember George? He's Back...

First of all, let me extend my sincere gratitude to Sean, Al, and Sandy

for filling in for me the past few months. For some reason, my sched-

ule had me out of town on three consecutive "Second Sundays" and

the substitute hosts did a fine job keeping things rolling. In the August

newsletter, you heard about the visit to the Hatch Cover, hosted by

Sean in July. Then in August, Al hosted a visit to Freddy's in Monu-

ment, and nine "Questors" participated: Al, Caitlin, Ellen, Jessica,

Mike, Sandy, Scott, Sean, and Terri. Al did a great job tabulating the

results, which were in our customary categories:









Value for $:




Comments: "Good, thin fries."

"Good fry sauce. Excellent burgers for fast food."

"Long way from Woodland Park. Burger was very good. Onion rings

were marginal. Not greasy, but not tasty."

In addition, seven folks recommended we visit Crazy Otto's on one of

our future quests. I wonder if there is any coincidence in the fact that

Al hosted this occasion, and in July recommended Crazy Otto's him-


Then in September, Sandy hosted a quest while George was riding trains in the Canadian Rockies.

Hello! Sandy here! As guest host of the September BurgerQuest, I had the pleasure of dining with Mike, Wayne and Jennie-Jo, Sean, Ellen, Caitlin and Austin at the Gunther Toody's on Woodman. While the food was considered average by most, service rated high. Our server was attentive and made sure we had everything we ordered. We did enjoy the ambiance, which is just like a 50's diner, complete with memorabilia scattered about as well as a display motorcycle, whose pedal jutted out dangerously and almost beaned Sean! Several of us enjoyed thick malts and shakes ? probably the highlight of my meal. Here's the scoring for Gunther Toody's:







Value for $:






Suggestions: Culver's and only one comment: "Just okay."

So, if you're in the mood for a plain old burger, like you used to get, along with fries and a malt ? Gunther Toody's may be the place for you! While other places serve burgers with a myriad of toppings, sometimes you can't beat just a plain old burger!

Now ? back to George! So where do we go next? While driving in south-east Springs, I noticed a place called Bubba's 33 Pizza Burgers & Beer. It looked interesting, so I checked it out online at http:// and it still looked very interesting. Their website has a menu, some info on the place itself, and a few pictures. One review I read indicated that Bubba's is an offshoot of the Texas Roadhouse, one of my favorite places. Check it out. They even mention


by RC Timm

65th anniversary of the comic strip Peanuts.

1. On what day in October, 1950, was Peanuts first printed?

2. Who did Snoopy visit on Veterans Day? 3. Charlie Brown's father did what for a living? 4. How many original strips did Shultz draw? 5. What was Shultz's original name for the comic strip? 6. Lucy & Linus are siblings, what is their last name? 7. What is Snoopy flying in his battles with the Red Baron? 8. Who is Schroeder's' favorite composer? 9. How did Snoopy start all his novels? 10. When did Charley Brown & Snoopy go into space?




BurgerQuest 2015, continued

what the "33" in their name might mean. It's located at 5807 Constitution Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80915, in the southeast corner of the intersection of North Powers and Constitution Ave. You'll have to enter the parking area from Constitution.

Again, thanks to our substitute hosts, and please don't forget to bring along the ankle-biters. Remember, BurgerQuest is a kid-friendly event.

*For burgers, service, cleanliness, sides, and value: 1=worst, 5=best. Ambiance is scored from 1 = very casual to 5 = very classy.

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Meet the Mensan

This is a new column for our newsletter ? every month we're going to feature one, two, or even three Plains & Peaks Mensa members! We're kicking it off by introducing you to some of the "regulars" so when you do come to an event, you'll hopefully recognize a few of your fellow Mensans. Additionally, after reading the biographies, you might find out you have something in common with someone ? what an icebreaker!

We're starting off with a few of the local officers ?

SANDY HALBY ? LocSec (Local Secretary, a British term) or President, or ... as she likes to call herself: The Supreme Mensan of the Pikes Peak Region! Sandy is originally from Montana, but has lived in Colorado Springs since 1994 (this time). She recently retired from civil service after 30 years of working for the Army and Air Force. She's married to Rent-AMike (ask her for the story!). Sandy enjoys her dogs (two Newfoundlands and one GSD), golf, bowling, beekeeping, cooking, puzzles, reading, and spending lots of time with the wonderful folks she's met through Mensa!

CHRIS COOPER - Membership Director. Chris joined Mensa and became a Lifetime Member in 2006. She moved to Colorado Springs with her husband in 2012 and joined Plains & Peaks Mensa. Chris is the mother of three, stepmother of two, and grandmother of six. She is retired and her career was as a ClerkTreasurer/Deputy Treasurer of several municipalities on Long Island, NY. Chris loves traveling, drinking good red wine, and "playing" with her Mensa and church friends. In her spare time, she's an avid reader!

Answers to Trivia/Cryptogram

GEORGE COOPER ? Treasurer. George grew up in NJ and joined the Air Force right after college (the alternative to being drafted). He stayed in for 20 years, so he's lived all over the USA and several places overseas. George first learned about Mensa in the early 1970s, but didn't join until 1988 and remained a "closet member" for an additional two years. That's when he attended his first AG (1990) and had such a great time he promised himself he'd never miss another. So far, he has kept that promise! George's interests outside of Mensa: travel, computers, gardening, games, DIY, and applied oenology.

Trivia 1. Oct 2nd 2. Cartoonist, Bill Mauldin 3. Barber 4. Almost 18,000 5. 'Lil Folks, changed due to the similarity with the comics 'Lil Abner & Little Folks 6. van Pelt 7. A Sopwith Camel 8. Ludwig van Beethoven 9. It was a dark and stormy night. 10. May 18, 1969, as the names of the command and lunar modules for Apollo 10.

Cryptogram "There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch." ~Robert Brault

Volume 32, Issue 9

Page 5

October Events

Friday, October 2nd, 5pm: Give In To Beer Pressure. Off to Manitou Springs to visit Creekside Cuisine and Craft Beer, 934 Manitou Avenue Suite 102, Manitou Springs. Whew, this one almost slipped by without me noticing! Thank you, Sandy, for the heads-up. Creekside is collaboration between Borriello Brothers for the food and Red Leg Brewing for the beer. They have taken the former Adams Mountain Cafe location in the Manitou Spa building! I predict fantastic food and beer all in one stop. See you there! Remember, if you have an idea or new pub for Give In To Beer Pressure, let Sean know! Email: sean.mccormick.us@member., or cell: (719) 651-6706.

Tuesday, October 6th, 8pm: RSVP for ExComm Meeting & Dinner. Let Sandy know you'll be at the ExComm Meeting and dinner Wednesday at Paravicini's Italian Bistro, 2802 West Colorado in Old Colorado City. Sandy can be reached at 719-528-5483 or e-mail mandshalby@.

Wednesday, October 7th, 6pm: ExComm Meeting & Dinner. Let's have a short (very short) business meeting and then eat dinner at Paravicini's Italian Bistro, 2802 West Colorado in Old Colorado City. Chef Franco Pisani cooks using authentic Italian recipes that have been in his family for generations and uses the freshest ingredients to complement his hand-made sauces! All Mensa members and guests are welcome at this event. If you can, please let Sandy know if you'll be there by RSVPing by Tuesday evening, 719-528-5483 or mandshalby@

Saturday, October 10th, 6:15pm: The Greatest Escape Game! We're booking an "escape room" right here in Colorado Springs for a chance to pit our wits against time and the creators of this venue. We'll be "locked" in a room with clues to a mystery and we must solve that mystery within one hour to escape the room. Sound challenging? Let's give it a try! Visit this web-site to book on-line: The game is played at 801 South Tejon Street in Colorado Springs. The room we're booking is: SCANDAL. The cost: $30 per person. Other notes: Children can participate, but must be accompanied by an adult. Please park on Las Animas Street and use the entrance facing Las Animas Street. If parking is a problem please look for additional parking behind the building at 805 S. Tejon or west of Tejon St. on Las Animas Street. Space is limited ? there are only 8 to a room! If we fill up the 6:30 time, maybe you can book the other scenario (Cabin Fever), which starts at 6pm! Also, please note ? there are no refunds if you must cancel!

Saturday, October 10th, 6pm: RSVP for BurgerQuest! In October Bubba's 33 Pizza, Burgers, and Beer. Reply "YES" as soon as you can, but by 6:00 PM today. RSVP to George Cooper, (719) 418-6073 and leave a message, or e-mail gcooper@. Forgot to reply? You're welcome anyway!!

Sunday, October 11th, 1pm: BurgerQuest 2015-8. Today BurgerQuest visits Bubba's 33 Pizza, Burgers & Beer. Bubba's 33 is at 5807 Consti-

tution Ave, just off Powers. Off Bubba's 33 website: "So what's up with the 33? Well, it's Bubba's favorite number. Some say it's because Prohibition ended in 1933. Others say it was inspired by the

fresh 33% bacon grind. Maybe 33 is the jersey number of Bubba's favorite athlete. What do you think? Only Bubba knows for sure." Let's see if we can get 33 people to BurgerQuest this month! See you there at 1:00. Bring a friend and your kiddos, BurgerQuest is a kidfriendly event!

Tuesday, October 13th, 6pm: Mensa Admissions Testing. If you know someone who would like to test for Mensa membership, this is the day! Contact Sandy (mandshalby@ or 528-5483) for details.

Thursday, October 15th, 8pm: RSVP for Poker and Games Night! Please RSVP for Games Night by calling the Coopers at 719-646-4456 or emailing Chris Cooper at shedonist@.

Saturday, October 17th, 7pm: Poker/Games Night. Once again, Chris and George will be hosting Poker/Games Night! They will have chips (poker and snack type), and unmarked cards. Those who would prefer to play a board game may do so; they have plenty. Bring a favorite game if you like. Those who prefer not to play any game may do so. Cooper's have comfy furniture! Come play, snack, drink and gab. The Coopers will supply the snacks; you supply your beverage. Children are invited. Please RSVP no later than Thursday, October 15th, at shedonist@ or 719-646- 4456. Location: 1105 Bowstring Road, Monument

Tuesday, October 20th, 5:30pm: Trivial Pursuits. We're playing Showdown, a 6-stage trivia contest featuring a wide variety of topics, at Buffalo Wild Wings, 2905 Geyser Drive (at I-25 and Lake, next to Outback Steaks and Tinseltown) ? they claim to have 45 players and Wi-Fi

so everybody should be able to play this month! We're drinking some adult beverages (if you want to) and noshing on wings and other Buffalo Wild Wings specialty foods like burgers and sandwiches! The actual game starts at 6pm, but if you want a game player you probably should get there earlier! Call or e-mail Al (465-3747, alackerson@) to let him know you'll be there!

Wednesday, October 21st, 7pm: Mini-Golf! We're going golfing! Mini-golfing, that is! Try to unseat Sandy as the Plains & Peaks MiniGolf Champion and take the trophy/pin cushion (don't ask, you just have to see it!) away from her! Meet up at the Adventure Miniature Golf, 6550 Corporate Drive in Colorado Springs, just off Woodman and I-25. This is a family event - everybody is welcome, especially the kids! Cost for 18 challenging holes is $5 for adults, $4 for kids and seniors! Winner will be declared the Plains & Peaks Mini-golf Champion ... and can keep that title until the next time we go mini-golfing!

Saturday, October 24th, 10am: Mensa Admissions Testing. If you know someone who would like to test for Mensa membership, this is the day! Contact Sandy (mandshalby@ or 528-5483) for details.

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1:00 PM



Bubba's 33





4:30 PM Kimball's Peak Three










6:00 PM

RSVP for





@ Paravicini's

Italian Bistro



6:00 PM





RSVP for Poker/Games




2 5:00 PM Give In To

Beer Pressure @ Creekside Cuisine

& Craft Beer 9



10 6:15 PM

The Greatest Escape Game


BurgerQuest 17

7:00 PM Poker/Games

Night @ The Cooper's






5:30 PM

7:00 PM

10:00 AM

Trivial Pursuit




@ Adventure


Buffalo Wild Wings Miniature Golf







6:00 PM


Ultimate Saturday



Ultimate Saturday

@ Colorado





Sunday, October 25th, 4:30 pm: Kimball's Peak Three Movie! Join some of your fellow Mensans at Kimball's, which is a downtown (Pikes Peak and Tejon) first run movie theater showing "the very best of current independent and foreign films." The plan is to meet at 4:30, have a drink in Kimball's full service bar, select a movie to attend together, and then afterwards, have another drink and/or dinner and discuss the movie. We'll be taking a chance on what Kimball's is showing on this date - but you never know! Could be the best movie you've ever seen!!

Saturday, October 31st, 6pm: Ultimate Saturday Supper! Ready for some picnic food as summer ends? Let's journey to the Colorado Smokehouse Barbecue, 4737 North Academy Blvd (at Flintridge and Academy, right behind the ANB Bank). Sweet corn fritters and fried pickles will start us off, followed by ribs, brisket, burnt ends, pulled pork, or chicken, and finish with some black berry or peach cobbler! Yum! As usual, call or e-mail Al (465-3747, alackerson@) to let him know you're coming by Thursday, October 29th, 8pm.

Advance Notice: Friday, November 6th, 5pm: Give In To Beer Pressure. We're checking out another new brewery ? Triple S Brewing,

located at 318 E Colorado Ave. In addition to handcrafted brews, they serve coffee and craft sodas, which have about 1/3 the sugar of regular sodas! Remember, if you have an idea or new pub for Give In To Beer Pressure, let Sean know! By email: sean.mccormick.us@member., by cell: (719) 651-6706.

Advance Notice: Saturday, November 7th, 9am: ExComm Meeting & Breakfast. Up and at'em! Let's check out breakfast at Wade's Caf?, 3504 North Academy Blvd, after a short (very short) ExComm Meeting. Please let Sandy know you'll be there by RSVPing by Thursday, November 5th, 8pm.

Advance Notice: Saturday, December 5TH, HOLIDAY GALA PARTY! 5pm Cocktails, 6:30pm Dinner. We'll be getting together on Saturday, the 5th of December, to celebrate the holiday season, our friendships and our unique Mensa camaraderie. Our annual gala, featuring dinner, door prizes, White Elephant Gift Exchange, and a generally allaround GREAT time will be at the historic Stagecoach Inn in Manitou Springs. We'll be meeting for cocktails (pay-as-you-go) at 5:00 pm, with dinner at 6:30 pm. Watch your November PlainsPeaking newsletters for all the details! Mark your calendars now!!

Volume 32, Issue 9

Page 7




Mensa? is an international organization made up of people who have scored in the top 2% on standardized IQ tests. Mensa is non-profit and has no political or religious affiliations. The purpose of Mensa is to serve as a means of communication for its members and to foster intelligence. PlainsPeaking is the official publication of Plains & Peaks Mensa (#808). Mensa itself has no opinions; any opinions expressed in PlainsPeaking, if not otherwise designated, are those of the individual contributor or of the editor. The appearance of any paid advertisement, should such an unlikely event occur, in PlainsPeaking does NOT imply any endorsement of products, services, or anything else mentioned in said ad by either Plains & Peaks Mensa, PlainsPeaking, American Mensa, Ltd., or Mensa International. Mensa? is registered at the U.S. Patent Office as the collective mark of an international membership organization.

PlainsPeaking is published monthly by Plains and Peaks Mensa Editor, 1061 Hummingbird Ct, Colorado Springs, CO 80921-5696. All material within is copyright?2013 by Plains & Peaks Mensa, except where otherwise indicated. Masthead photo copyrighted 2009 by Betsy Ogan. Subscriptions are $6.00 (12 monthly issues) for non-Mensans and for Mensans who are not members of the Plains&Peaks local group. Single issues are available on a first-come, first-served basis at no charge (but please include SASE).

Editorial Policy: We (deliriously) welcome your letters, articles, poems, artwork, and puzzles. Items submitted to PlainsPeaking should be the

ORIGINAL work of the author, and should be emailed if possible. If previously published, please include where and when. MS Word , RTF, and plain text formats are especially encouraged for articles, JPG or GIF for artwork. Equations should be typeset with MS Equation Editor. Typewritten work signed by the author and submitted by surface mail is also welcome. Handwritten items may be accepted, but we cannot guarantee accuracy in publication. The editor's e-mail address is Bogan54@. Please check with the editor about other acceptable media and formats. Artwork will be reproduced as black and white or grayscale (drawings or photographs). The Editor reserves the right to refuse to publish submitted material and to edit as necessary.

Note to Contributors: By contributing material to Plains and Peaks Mensa, you are giving permission for your material to be published in both the newsletter and the web-based newsletter archives. You MAY withhold your name, email address, or any other address from the webbased version; simply request this from the Editor. Other Mensa publications may reprint PlainsPeaking material if the author/artist and PlainsPeaking are credited and the material is not individually copyrighted. Letters (and letter-like emails) to the Editor will be considered for publication unless the author specifically requests otherwise.

Note to Reprinting Editors: a courtesy copy indicating the material reprinted would be greatly appreciated. To: PlainsPeaking Editor, 1061 Hummingbird Ct, Colorado Springs, CO 80921-5696


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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