[Department Name Here]


Continuity of Operations Plan


TOC / Definitions?

Section I: Continuity of Operations Plan Overview


The Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) ensures the Department of Parks and Recreation has a viable and executable contingency plan for continuity of operations. COOP planning addresses important aspects to the Department’s continued operation during periods of adversity (i.e., providing essential functions to customers from a different location due to a primary facility becoming unusable, for long or short periods of time; the continued performance of essential agency functions and support of the Board of Calvert Commissioners during emergency or disaster situations). This COOP ensures that the Department of Parks and Recreation:

• Maintains a high level of readiness.

• Can implement the Plan either with or without warning.

• Can become operational no later than twelve (12) hours after activation.

• Can maintain sustained operations for up to thirty (30) days.

• Takes maximum advantage of existing agency field infrastructures.


1. Ensuring the continuous performance of a department or agency’s essential functions and operations during an emergency.

2. Protecting essential facilities, equipment, records, and other assets.

3. Reducing or mitigating disruptions to operations.

4. Reducing loss of life and minimizing damage and losses.

5. Achieving a timely and orderly recovery from an emergency and resumption of full service to customers.


1. Phase I - Activation and Relocation (0-12 hours)

a. Notify alternate facility manager(s) of impending activation and actual relocation requirements.

b. Notify the Public Safety Director and other appropriate departments and agencies of the decision to relocate and the time of execution or activation of call-down procedures.

c. Activate plans, procedures, and schedules to transfer activities, personnel, records, and equipment to alternate operating facility (ies).

d. Notify initial COOP contingency staff (all critically essential personnel) to relocate.

e. Instruct all other emergency and non-emergency personnel on what they are to do.

f. Assemble necessary documents and equipment required to continue performance of essential operations at alternate operating facility (ies).

g. Order equipment and supplies if not already in place.

h. Transport documents and designated communications, automated data processing and other equipment to the alternate operating facility (ies), if applicable.

i. Secure the normal operating facility physical plant and non-moveable equipment and records to the extent possible.

j. Continue essential operations at the normal operating facility if available until alternate facility (ies) is/are operational.

k. Advise alternate operating facility manager(s) on the status of follow-on personnel.

2. Phase II— Alternate Facility Operations (12 hours — termination)

a. Provide amplifying guidance to other key staff and non-emergency employees.

b. Identify replacements for missing personnel and request augmentation as necessary.

c. Commence full execution of essential operations at alternate operating facility (ies).

d. Notify all other appropriate departments and agencies immediately of the agency’s alternate location, operational and communications status, and anticipated duration of relocation if known.

e. Develop plans and schedules to phase down alternate facility (ies) operations and return activities, personnel, records, and equipment to the primary facility when appropriate.

3. Phase III— Reconstitution (termination and return to normal operations)

a. Inform personnel that the threat of or actual emergency no longer exists and provide instructions for resumption of normal operations.

b. Supervise an orderly return to the normal operating facility or movement to other temporary or permanent facility (ies).

c. Report status of relocation to the Public Safety Director, other departments and agencies, if applicable.

d. Conduct an after-action review (AAR) of COOP operations and effectiveness of plans and procedures as soon as possible, identify areas for correction, and develop a remedial action plan.

D. Organizational Functions


In partnership with Calvert County residents, the Department of Parks & Recreation cultivates programs, parks and services that positively impact quality of life; preserve natural and cultural resources; promote economic stability; and satisfy community needs for opportunities in recreation, wellness, knowledge, and connecting with nature.


The Calvert County Department of Parks & Recreation strives to enhance the health, economy and well-being of our community through sustainable practices, leisure opportunities and environmental stewardship.


The Recreation Division offers a myriad of both active and passive recreation programs. These take place in community centers, school facilities, parks, and other leased or loaned facilities. This Division is also tasked with the oversite and operation of all community centers, sports programs, and special events.

The Parks and Safety Division is responsible for operation of the Counties active recreation facilities including three (3) District Parks; ten (10) Recreation Areas; satellite playgrounds.

The Special Facilities Division is responsible for operation of three (3) aquatic centers, Breezy Point Beach and Campground, Chesapeake Hills Golf Course and all concession operations within the parks system.

The Natural Resources Division is responsible for the preservation, management and operation of ±1600 acres of natural resource areas in Calvert County for the purpose of providing compatible outdoor recreation and educational opportunities for the public. This includes providing a public schedule of hours for visitation at ten nature park facilities, regularly scheduled public programs and school group programs at all facilities. In addition, Battle Creek Cypress Swamp houses live animals including hawks, owls, snakes and turtles that require daily care.

The Administrative section of the Department, comprising main office staff, support the field operations of the Department, provides human resources support, and finance and budget support.

E. Essential Function: The term “essential function” is defined as those organizational functions and activities that must be continued under any and all circumstances in order to provide continuous park, recreation, and leisure services to the residents and visitors of Calvert County.

Section II: Department Organization

Organizational Chart

Section III: Parks & Recreation Department

Essential Function: Oversight of Department

|Description of Function (Critical Process |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|or Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Personnel; Payroll, HR Duties

|Description of Function (Critical |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Process or Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Financial Services – Revenue

|Description of Function (Critical |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Process or Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Financial Services - Expenses

|Description of Function |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|(Critical Process or Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Scheduling of Facilities and Activities

|Description of Function (Critical |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Process or Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Web Site Maintenance

|Description of Function (Critical|RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Process or Service) | | | | | |

Authority to be Delegated

|Authority |Type of Authority |Position Holding Authority |Triggering Conditions |

|(Function) | | | |

|All functions |Emergency and Administrative |Parks and Recreation Director |COOP Emergency |

Order of Succession

|Key Position |Successor 1 |Successor 2 |Successor 3 |Successor 4 |

|Parks & Recreation Director |Parks & Recreation Deputy |Parks & Safety Division |Recreation Division Chief |Natural Resources Division Chief |

| |Director |Chief | | |

Vital Records

|Critical Service or |Vital Record |Description |Form of Record |Type of Record |Time Critical? |

|Process | | | | | |

|Public use of Facilities |Reservations |Facility Reservations and |Paper / |Computer database; |No |

| | |contracts |Electronic |paper forms if | |

| | | | |necessary | |

|Department Administration |Budget |Revenue and Expenditure Budgets |Electronic |Finance |Yes |

|Public use of Programs |Registrations |Rec-Trac Household registration |Electronic |Computer database; |Yes |

| | |for programs and facilities | |paper forms in | |

| | | | |necessary | |

|Department Administration |Deposits |Deposits to Bank |Paper / |Computer entry, |Yes |

| | | |Electronic |paper deposit slips| |

|Department Administration |Expense |Purchase Orders, Requisition, |Paper / |Invoices, Purchase |Yes |

| | |Check Requests, Instructor Pay |Electronic |orders | |

|Department Administration |Project Files |Folders and Drawings w/ project |Paper / |Lay out sheets; CAD|No |

| | |details |electronic |drawings | |

|Human Resources |Employment Applications |Employment Applications |Paper |Applications |No |

Vital Records Protection Methods

|Vital Record |Storage Location |Maintenance Frequency |Current Protection |Recommendations for Additional |

| | | |Method(s) |Protection Method(s) (if necessary) |

|Payroll |Originals stored in finance. In |2 weeks |Our paper copies are | |

| |P&R office only for processing | |backup to originals in | |

| | | |Finance | |

|Reservations |P&R Main Office |Weekly in season |Scanned on receipt and |Copy to Disk |

| | | |kept on TS system | |

|Budget |Original stored in Finance |Weekly |On TS Finance system | |

|Registrations |Rec-Trac on TS drive |Daily |On TS system | |

|Deposits |Original records in Rec-Trac on |Daly |On TS system | |

| |TS drive or stored w/ Finance. | | | |

| |In P&R office only for | | | |

| |processing | | | |

|Expense Records |Originals stored w/ Finance. |Weekly |On TS system | |

| |Operations on computer system, | | | |

| |Some originals in P&R office for| | | |

| |processing | | | |

|Project Files |P&R Main Office |Occasionally |None |Old files and drawing need to 1) |

| | | | |copied and kept off site 2) scanned |

| | | | |and kept electronically |

|Employment Applications |Copies on that w/ Human |Occasionally |On TS system | |

| |Resources | | | |

Restoration and Recovery Resources

|Company Name |Contact Name | Phone |Services |

|General Services |Kerry Dull |410-535-1600 ext.2326 |Buildings |

|Technology Services |Joe Klausner |410-610-2405 |Phones/Computers |

| | | |Fax, Network drives, Programs |

|Finance & Budget |Sharon Strand |410-535-1600 ext.2210 |Purchases |

|Wireless Communications |Control Center |410-535-1600 ext.2230 |Radio repair |

|Park Section |Shaun Meredith |410-610-9007 |Facilities & Parks |

Requirements for Alternate Work Sites

Facility Best Equipped: North East Community Center

|Essential Function |Number of Personnel |Power |Communication |

|Computers |Dell |Email, internet, Network Drives, Specialized | |

| | |software | |

|Cell Phones |Verizon |Mobile Phone | |

|Hard Lines (phones) |Verizon |Phone | |

|Radios |Wireless Communication |Portable Radio System | |

|Fax |Technology Services |Facsimile | |

Rapid Recall List

|Employee Cascade List |Email Address |Work # |Home # |Cellular # |

|Shannon Nazzal |Shannon.Nazzal@ |X2224 |772-353-1324 |443-684-3971 |

|Robert Branham |Robert.Branham@ |X2673 | |410-610-9009 |

|Kristin Zimmerman |Kristin.Zimmerman@ |X2349 |319-330-7134 |410-610-2850 |

|Karyn Molines |Karyn.Molines@ |410-535-5327 | |443-684-1729 |

|Nola Formy-Duval |Nola.Formy-Duval@ |X2234 |443-532-1784 | |

|Michael Maher |Michael.Maher@ |410-326-4653 | |410-474-1798 |

|Melissa McCoy |Melissa.McCoy@ |X2674 | |443-624-2531 |

|Emergency Personnel |Phone Number(s) |

|Shaun Meredith |410-610-9007 |

|Brian Hogan |410-474-6204 |

|Charles Horsman |410-610-9006 |

|Phil Ashworth |443-532-1806 |

Section IV: Recreation Division

Essential Function: Oversight of Recreation Division

|Description of Function (Critical |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Process or Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Operation of Recreation Programs

|Description of Function (Critical Process or|RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Operation of Sports Programs

|Description of Function (Critical Process or|RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Operation of Therapeutic Recreation Programs

|Description of Function (Critical Process or |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Service) | | | | | |

Authority to be Delegated

|Authority |Type of Authority |Position Holding Authority |Triggering Conditions |

|(Function) | | | |

|All functions |Emergency and |Recreation Division Chief |COOP Emergency |

| |Administrative | | |

Order of Succession

|Key Position |Successor 1 |Successor 2 |Successor 3 |Successor 4 |

|Recreation Division Chief |Recreation Coordinator|Sports Coordinator |Therapeutic Recreation|Automation Specialist |

| |- NECC | |Supervisor | |

Vital Records

|Critical Service or Process |Vital Record |Description |Form of Record |Type of Record |Time Critical? |

|Section Administration |Budget |Revenue and Expenditure Budgets |Electronic |Finance |Yes |

|Public use of Programs |Registrations |Rec-Trac Household registration |Electronic |Computer database;|Yes |

| | |for programs and facilities | |paper forms in | |

| | | | |necessary | |

|Section Administration |Deposits |Deposits to Bank |Paper / Electronic|Computer entry, |Yes |

| | | | |paper deposit | |

| | | | |slips | |

|Section Administration |Expense |Purchase Orders, Requisition, |Paper / Electronic|Invoices, Purchase|Yes |

| | |Check Requests, Instructor Pay | |orders | |

|Human Resources |Employment Applications |Employment Applications |Paper |Applications |No |

Vital Records Protection Methods

|Vital Record |Storage Location |Maintenance Frequency |Current Protection |Recommendations for Additional |

| | | |Method(s) |Protection Method(s) (if |

| | | | |necessary) |

|Reservations |P&R Main Office |Weekly in season |Scanned on receipt and |Copy to Disk |

| | | |kept on TS system | |

|Budget |Original stored in Finance |Weekly |On TS Finance system | |

|Registrations |Rec-Trac on TS drive |Daily |On TS system | |

|Deposits |Original records in Rec-Trac on|Daily |On TS system | |

| |TS drive or stored w/ Finance. | | | |

| |In P&R office only for | | | |

| |processing | | | |

|Expense Records |Originals stored w/ Finance. |Weekly |On TS system | |

| |Operations on computer system, | | | |

| |Some originals in P&R office | | | |

| |for processing | | | |

|Employment Applications |Copies w/ Human Resources |Occasionally |On TS system | |

Restoration and Recovery Resources

|Company Name |Contact Name |Address / Phone/Hours |Services |

|General Services |Kerry Dull |410-535-1600 ext.2326 |Buildings |

|Technology Services |Joe Klausner |410-610-2405 |Phones/Computers |

| | | |Fax, Network drives, Programs |

|Finance & Budget |Sharon Strand |410-535-1600 ext.2210 |Purchases |

|Wireless Communications |Control Center |410-535-1600 ext.2230 |Radio repair |

|Park & Safety Division |Shaun Meredith |410-610-9007 |Facilities & Parks |

Requirements for Alternate Work Sites

Facility Best Equipped: Mt. Hope and Southern Community Centers

|Essential Function |Number of Personnel |Power |Communication |

|Computers |Dell |Email, internet, Network | |

| | |Drives, Specialized software | |

|Cell Phones |Verizon |Mobile Phone | |

|Hard Lines (phones) |Verizon |Phone | |

|Fax |Technology Services |Facsimile | |

Rapid Recall List

|Employee Cascade List |Email Address |Work # |Home # |Cellular or Pager # |

|Robert Branham |Robert.Branham@ |X2673 | |410-610-9009 |

|Rob Jaensch |Robert.Jaensch@ |X2226 |410-286-7544 |443-957-1355 |

|Joy Weir |Joy.Weir@ |X8204 |757-784-3608 |443-624-8145 |

|Emily Sullivan |Emily.Sullivan@ |X8205 |410-231-2644 |443-532-1802 |

|Nate Smith |Nate.Smith@ |X2229 |443-975-2356 |443-532-1801 |

|Taylor Morton |Taylor.Morton@ |X2228 | |410-610-9005 |

|Paul Lundberg |Paul.Lundberg@ |X2227 | |443-624-1296 |

|Doris Holland |Doris.Holland@ |X8203 | |410-474-4596 |

|Diane Holloway |Diane.Holloway@ |410-586-1101 | |443-474-4597 |

|Emergency Personnel |Phone Number(s) |

|Shaun Meredith |410-610-9007 |

|Brian Hogan |410-474-6204 |

|Charles Horsman |410-610-9006 |

|Phil Ashworth |443-532-1806 |

|Shannon Nazzal |443-684-3971 |

Section V: Parks & Safety Division

Essential Function: Oversight of Parks & Safety Division

|Description of Function (Critical |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Process or Service) | | | | | |

Essential Function: Operation of Park Facilities

|Description of Function (Critical Process |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|or Service) | | | | | |

Authority to be Delegated

|Authority |Type of Authority |Position Holding Authority |Triggering Conditions |

|(Function) | | | |

|All functions |Emergency and |Parks and Safety Division |COOP Emergency |

| |Administrative |Chief | |

Order of Succession

|Key Position |Successor 1 |Successor 2 |Successor 3 |Successor 4 |

|Parks and Safety Division Chief |Park Superintendent |Maintenance Mechanic |Park Supervisor |Park Maintenance Specialist II |

Vital Records

|Critical Service or Process |Vital Record |Description |Form of Record |Type of Record |Time Critical? |

|Division Administration |Budget |Revenue and Expenditure Budgets |Electronic |Finance |Yes |

|Division Administration |Expense |Purchase Orders, Requisition, |Paper / Electronic|Invoices, Purchase|Yes |

| | |Check Requests, Instructor Pay | |orders | |

|Human Resources |Employment Applications |Employment Applications |Paper |Applications |No |

Vital Records Protection Methods

|Vital Record |Storage Location |Maintenance Frequency |Current Protection |Recommendations for Additional |

| | | |Method(s) |Protection Method(s) (if |

| | | | |necessary) |

|Budget |Original stored in Finance |Weekly |On TS Finance system | |

|Expense Records |Originals stored w/ Finance. |Weekly |On TS system | |

| |Operations on computer system, | | | |

| |Some originals in P&R office | | | |

| |for processing | | | |

|Employment Applications |Copies on that w/ Human |Occasionally |On TS system | |

| |Resources | | | |

Restoration and Recovery Resources

|Company Name |Contact Name |Address / Phone/Hours |Services |

|General Services |Kerry Dull |410-535-1600 ext.2326 |Buildings |

|Technology Services |Joe Klausner |410-610-2405 |Phones/Computers |

| | | |Fax, Network drives, Programs |

|Finance & Budget |Sharon Strand |410-535-1600 ext.2210 |Purchases |

|Wireless Communications |Control Center |410-535-1600 ext.2230 |Radio repair |

Requirements for Alternate Work Sites

Facility Best Equipped: Hallowing Point and Cove Point Park

|Essential Function |Number of Personnel |Power |Communication |

|Computers |Dell |Email, internet, Network | |

| | |Drives, Specialized software | |

|Cell Phones |Verizon |Mobile Phone | |

|Hard Lines (phones) |Verizon |Phone | |

|Fax |Technology Services |Facsimile | |

Rapid Recall List

|Employee Cascade List |Email Address |Work # |Home # |Cellular or Pager #|

|Shaun Meredith |Shaun.Meredith@ |X2228 |412-613-8326 |410-610-9007 |

|Brian Hogan |Brian.Hogan@ | | |410-474-6204 |

|Charles Horsmon |Charles.Horsmon@ | | |410-610-9006 |

|Philip Ashworth |Philip.Ashworth@ |X2673 | |443-532-1806 |

|Charles Charnley |dunkirkpk@ |410-257-9654 |410-257-3879 |410-474-1871 |

|Gregory Heffner |Gregory.Heffener@ |410-535-1295 |240-643-7034 | |

|Leonard Goddard | |410-535-1292 |301-259-2343 |301-672-1491 |

|Michael Miller |Michael.Miller@ |410-535-1292 |610-451-0463 | |

|Bryan Sunderland | |410-326-2833 | |443-624-1863 |

|Emergency Personnel |Phone Number(s) |

|Shannon Nazzal |443-684-3971 |

|Robert Branham |410-610-9009 |

|Nola Formy-Duval |443-532-1784 |

Section VI: Special Facilities Division

Essential Function: Operation of Special Facilities Division

|Description of Function (Critical Process |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|or Service) | | | | | |

Operation of Aquatic Facilities

|Description of Function (Critical Process or |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Service) | | | | | |

Operation of Breezy Point Beach and Campground

|Description of Function (Critical Process or |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Service) | | | | | |

Operation of Chesapeake Hills Golf Course

|Description of Function (Critical Process or |RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|Service) | | | | | |

Authority to be Delegated

|Authority |Type of Authority |Position Holding Authority |Triggering Conditions |

|(Function) | | | |

|All functions |Emergency and |Special Facilities Division|COOP Emergency |

| |Administrative |Chief | |

Order of Succession

|Key Position |Successor 1 |Successor 2 |Successor 3 |Successor 4 |

|Parks and Recreation Deputy Director |Special Facilities |Golf Course General |Aquatics Supervisor |Beach and Campground Manager |

| |Division Chief |Manager | | |

Vital Records

|Critical Service or Process |Vital Record |Description |Form of Record |Type of Record |Time Critical? |

|Section Administration |Budget |Revenue and Expenditure Budgets |Electronic |Finance |Yes |

|Public use of Programs |Registrations |Rec-Trac Household registration |Electronic |Computer database;|Yes |

| | |for programs and facilities | |paper forms in | |

| | | | |necessary | |

|Section Administration |Deposits |Deposits to Bank |Paper / Electronic|Computer entry, |Yes |

| | | | |paper deposit | |

| | | | |slips | |

|Section Administration |Expense |Purchase Orders, Requisition, |Paper / Electronic|Invoices, Purchase|Yes |

| | |Check Requests, Instructor Pay | |orders | |

|Human Resources |Employment Applications |Employment Applications |Paper |Applications |No |

Vital Records Protection Methods

|Vital Record |Storage Location |Maintenance Frequency |Current Protection |Recommendations for Additional |

| | | |Method(s) |Protection Method(s) (if necessary) |

|Reservations |P&R Main Office |Weekly in season |Scanned on receipt and |Copy to Disk |

| | | |kept on TS system | |

|Budget |Original stored in Finance |Weekly |On TS Finance system | |

|Registrations |RecTrac on TS drive |Daily |On TS system | |

|Deposits |Original records in Rec-Trac on|Daly |On TS system | |

| |TS drive or stored w/ Finance. | | | |

| |In P&R office only for | | | |

| |processing | | | |

|Expense Records |Originals stored w/ Finance. |Weekly |On TS system | |

| |Operations on computer system, | | | |

| |Some originals in P&R office | | | |

| |for processing | | | |

|Employment Applications |Copies on that w/ Human |Occasionally |On TS system | |

| |Resources | | | |

Restoration and Recovery Resources

|Company Name |Contact Name |Address / Phone/Hours |Services |

|General Services |Kerry Dull |410-535-1600 ext.2326 |Buildings |

|Technology Services |Joe Klausner |410-610-2405 |Phones/Computers |

| | | |Fax, Network drives, Programs |

|Finance & Budget |Sharon Strand |410-535-1600 ext.2210 |Purchases |

|Wireless Communications |Control Center |410-535-1600 ext.2230 |Radio repair |

Requirements for Alternate Work Sites

Facility Best Equipped: Hall Aquatic Center

| Essential Function |Number of Personnel |Power |Communication |

|Computers |Dell |Email, internet, Network | |

| | |Drives, Specialized software | |

|Cell Phones |Verizon |Mobile Phone | |

|Hard Lines (phones) |Verizon |Phone | |

|Fax |Technology Services |Facsimile | |

Rapid Recall List

|Employee Cascade List |Email Address |Work # |Home # |Cellular or Pager # |

|Kristin Zimmerman |Kristin.Zimmerman@ |X2349 | |410-610-2850 |

|Michael Maher |Michael.Maher@ | | |410-474-1798 |

|Philip Ashworth |Philip.Ashworth@ |X2673 | |443-532-1806 |

|Elizabeth King |Elizabeth.King@ |410-535-0259 | |410-610-9675 |

|Emergency Personnel |Phone Number(s) |

|Shannon Nazzal |443-684-3971 |

|Robert Branham |410-610-9009 |

|Nola Formy-Duval |443-532-1784 |

Section VII: Natural Resources Division

Essential Function: Natural Resources Division

|Description of Function (Critical Process|RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|or Service) | | | | | |

|Description of Function (Critical Process|RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|or Service) | | | | | |

|Description of Function (Critical Process|RTO |Priority |Personnel |Records |Equipment and Systems |

|or Service) | | | | | |

Authority to Be Delegated:

|Authority |Type of Authority |Position Holding Authority |Triggering Conditions |

|(Function) | | | |

|Close the affected park to the public & |Administrative |Division Chief |Unsafe conditions, inaccessibility due to damage |

|school groups | | |After consultation with Department Director |

Order of Succession:

|Key Position |Successor 1 |Successor 2 |Successor 3 |Successor 4 |

|Natural Resources Division Chief |Naturalist II |Park Manager (FPNP) |Park Manager (KLP) |Parks & Recreation Director |

Vital Records

|Critical Service or Process|Vital Record |Description |Form of Record |Type of Record |Time Critical? |

|Rental of facilities |Master schedule with |Identifies what program or |paper |Schedule |yes |

| |electronic or paper copy |group is scheduled | | | |

| |to affected facility | | | | |

Restoration and Recovery Resources

|Company Name |Contact Name |Address / Phone/Hours |Services |

|SMECO | |410-535-4400 |Electric service |

|Verizon |Calvert County Computer Services |410-535-1600 x2555 |Telephone service |

|Comcast |Calvert County Computer Services |410-535-1600 x2555 |Internet |

Requirements for Alternate Work Sites

|Essential Function |Number of Personnel |Power |Communication |

|Voice lines |Verizon | | |

|Fax lines |Verizon | | |

|E-mail |County server | | |

|Radio |County radios (4) | | |

|Mobile Phones |Verizon | | |

|Internet |Comcast | | |

Rapid Recall List

|Employee Cascade List |Email Address |Work # |Cell # |Home # |

| |@ | | | |

|Division Chief |Karyn.Molines@ |410-535-5327 |443-684-1729 |410-286-2928 |

|Park Supervisor |Beau Sanders@ |443-771-0278 |443-771-0278 |301-237-0701 |

|3a.Naturalist II |Andrew.Brown@ |410-535-5327 |443-624-3687 | |

|(Battle Creek) | | | | |

|3b. Park Manager (FPNP) (Flag Ponds)|Vacant |410-586-1477 | | |

|3c. Park Manager (KLP) (Kings |Vacant |410-535-2661 | | |

|Landing) | | | | |

|Emergency Personnel |Phone Number(s) |

| |Office, Home, Cell-work |

|Division Chief |o-410-535-5327, h-410-286-2928, cw-443-684-1729 |

|Park Supervisor |o-c-443-771-0278 h-301-237-0701 |

|Naturalist II |o-410-535-5327, c-h-443-624-3687 |

|Park Manager (FPNP) |o-410-586-1477 |

|Park Manager (KLP) |o-410-535-2661 |




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