Doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0781r1

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2009-07-13 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Stephen McCann |Research in Motion (RIM) UK |200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 |+44 1753 667099 |smccann@ |

| |Ltd |3XE, UK | | |

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #116

Hyatt Regency, San Francisco, California, USA

July 12th – 17th, 2009

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 13th July 2009

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 13:33 PDT

Jon Rosdahl CSR

Adrian Stephens Intel Corporation UK Ltd

Stephen McCann Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd

There are 239 voting members of IEEE 802.11

1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-09-0656r4)

1. Chair: This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots.

2. Chair: Any modifications. Not seeing any.

3. No objection to the approval of the agenda

4. Note: The tab for TGad needs to be updated.

2. May 2009 (Montreal) WG Minutes (11-09-0549r1)

1. Move to approve the May 2009 (Montreal) minutes

2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Matthew Gast

3. Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

3. Notices

1. Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings.

4. Attendance

1. 10 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 185 people in the room.

5. Financials (11-09-0774r0)

1. The vice-chair summarized the current state of the group’s financial situation.

6. Call for essential Patents

1. The vice-chair called for essential patents information.

2. No statements were made.

7. Policies and Procedures (11-09-0809r0)

1. The vice-chair presented the P&Ps update. This document contains all the information and links to the appropriate P&P rules.

2. Please note that this is a new version of the P&P, which is common across all IEEE 802 working groups.

3. In addition, IEEE 802.11 is now allowed to adopt its own operations manual (OM).

4. One rule from these new rules, means that the last interim was in Quorum and so a re-affirmation motion is no longer required.

5. Chair: I’d like to thank the vice-chair for his explanation of these rule changes.

6. Vice-chair: An additional change is that a TAG will be more like a standing committee than before.

8. Announcements

1. Missing chairs and replacements (11-09-0657r0)

1. The yellow blocks indicate openings which should be filled.

2. I’ve highlighted TGs and JTC1 chairs, who will not be able to continue following this meeting.

3. Chair: Nominations for JTC1 chair are now open.

4. Chair: Nominations for TGs chair are now open.

5. I’d like to close nominations by Wednesday.

2. Meetings this week (11-09-0658r0)

1. Joint meetings: TGad and 15.3.c, TGaa and 802.1avb, TGu and TGv (although this may not happen, subject to the TGu and TGv chairs notices)

2. IEEE 802.18 has announced an agenda. Please note the slot about the ETSI EN 300 meetings, which may have some effect on IEEE 802.11 products in Europe.

3. IEEE 802.19 has an agenda which discusses the whitespace device issue.

9. IEEE 802 WG PARs (11-09-0658r0)

1. IEEE 802.21: PAR for the support for Emergency Services will be covered this week.

2. Please note that from the EC meeting, there was a discussion about asking for a change of scope in IEEE 802.21. This will be now considered later.

3. Chair: I have allocated some specific time this week to consider other IEEE 802 group PARs. There are three “PAR ad hoc meeting” slots which will work on this. Two of these prepare outgoing statements, and one on Thursday will assess the incoming responses from the other IEEE 802 groups.

10. Regulatory Meetings (11-09-0658r0)

1. Chair: There is also some time allocated for a “regulatory ad hoc meeting” which go into and come out of IEEE 802.18, from an IEEE 802.11 point of view. As ETSI EN 300 328 is up for review, IEEE 802.11 needs to spend some more time on them.

11. Voting status, attendance, meeting network & documentation (11-09-0713r0)

1. Document describes how to do attendance, voting status, letter ballots.

2. No questions

12. Publicity

1. Secretary mentioned that there are no publicity issues this week.

2. Chair: However, at the September 2009 meeting, there may be press announcements for TGw and TGn.

13. Timelines

1. Secretary spoke about recent changes to the timeline chart and invited comments. Many updates this time, which have been reflected in the updated chart.

14. IEEE 802.19 Liaison Report (11-09-0763r0)

1. Please note the TV whitespace report. There are a couple of IEEE 802.19 use case documents within this group which refer to IEEE 802.11. They appear to misrepresent IEEE 802.11 behavior and this should be rectified. It appears that these documents only considered IEEE 802.11-1999 behavior.

2. However, from previous work, it should be noted that the IEEE 802.11y / IEEE 802.16h co-existence document shows that this is not really true.

3. No questions

15. WG Technical Editor

1. Chair: The Technical editor is not available this meeting, so Peter Ecclesine will stand in for him.

16. Status of all groups (11-09-0657r0)

1. Technical editors meeting Tuesday 7am

2. ARC: 1st session Tuesday AM2. Apologies that there is no agenda at the moment.

3. TGmb: Received 87% approval. 730+ comments received.

4. TGn: Considering re-circulation sponsor ballots comments. Draft 11.0 will hopefully go to RevCom in September.

5. TGp: No questions

6. TGu: No questions

7. TGs: No questions

8. TGv:

1. Question (Q) : The MEC report states an issue with the TGv PAR.

2. Answer (A) : IEEE Staff have confirmed that the comment was in error and will be removed. It highlighted a bug in the PARs from that era.

9. Chair: Mandatory Editorial Coordination (MEC) is a necessary step for all groups wanting to go to sponsor ballot.

10. TGw: This group will also consider a motion to pass the draft to RevCom this week.

11. TGz: No questions

12. TGaa: No questions

13. TGac: No questions

14. TGad: No questions

15. JTC1: No questions

16. WNG: Note that there are now two session, Tue AM1, Wed PM1

1. Q: Please can we have the TV whitespace discussion on Tuesday, as it needs to come before the Wednesday IEEE 802.11 mid-week plenary.

2. A: Ok, that will be taken into account.

17. Chair: Please note that 11-09-0657r2 now has the correct TGs snapshot inserted.

18. Ballots

19. Please see slides for several ballots (5 letter ballots and 2 sponsor ballots) which have recently closed (slide #19).

20. Chair: Any more questions and/or updates?

21. None seen

17. Any Other Business

1. None

2. Meeting recessed at 15:10 PDT

Wednesday, 15th July 2009

IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 10:30 PDT

160 people present.

18. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-09-0656r5)

1. Chair: Inserted some more specific entries and changed some items around.

2. Any objection to accepting the changes to the agenda?

3. No objection, so moved and approved.

19. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for essential patents

2. Comment (C) : A couple of items came up in TGad. Two submissions require LoAs.

3. C: Within TGaa, there was also an announcement.

4. Chair: Please can you forward any information/emails to me.

20. CAC

1. Reminder about 19.30 meeting on Thursday. Need to consider quite a lot of documentation for the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) meeting on Friday.

21. Other Announcements

1. Social tonight here in the hotel this evening in the breakfast/lunch location at 18:30 PDT on the Atrium level. Please note that Guests must have name badges, which can be obtained from the IEEE 802 registration desk, prior to the event. This includes partners and children.

22. Liaisons

1. IEEE 802.18 : Radio Regulatory Tag (11-09-0734r2)

1. Items also discussed during IEEE 802.11 Regulatory Ad Hoc yesterday

2. Other issues are concerned with EN 300 328

3. Request that ETSI members, within the RLAN community, attend these meetings.

4. Please note proposed teleconference dates.

5. Q: Should we send you an email if we are interested in this Ad Hoc.

6. Chair: We’ve not had a regulatory Ad Hoc within IEEE 802.11 before. We feel that we need more IEEE 802.11 expertise and that’s why we had an Ad Hoc. This group will use the 802.11 reflector.

7. Chair: This meeting will have now have meeting plans and times and I ask the Ad Hoc chair (Richard Kennedy – RIM) to assist with this.

2. IEEE 802.19 : Co-existence Tag (11-09-0763r1)

1. This is a more complete report than that given on Monday.

2. Chair: May I remind you that some of these analysis documents assume IEEE 802.11 ISM behavior (2.4 GHz) band, within the TV Whitespace band; which may not be necessarily so. At this point, IEEE 802.11 is still not content with these documents from IEEE 802.19.

3. C: Possibly in the IEEE 802.19 meeting this afternoon, this can be addressed and then reviewed within the IEEE 802.11 closing plenary on Friday.

4. C: I am one of the authors of the IEEE 802.19 documents. I think it does correctly consider IEEE 802.11 device operation in the TV Whitespace (and other IEEE 802 devices, except IEEE 802.22). The document discusses the use of all devices in the TV Whitespace band. We have received some positive comments from IEEE 802.11 members. I don’t believe that the comments of the IEEE 802.19 liaison officer are totally correct. Please read r4 before attending the IEEE 802.19 meeting today.

5. Q: Has the matrix been updated?

6. A: Yes, this has been updated. However, please read the text associated with the text.

7. C: The only time we have to discuss this issue with 802.19 is on Wednesday. I’m quite concerned that IEEE 802.19 can send an output, unless something is done on Wednesday afternoon.

8. Chair: The TV Whitespace output is only going to the EC at the moment.

9. C: This is an IEEE 802.19 study group, which reports to the EC.

10. C: There is a lot of overlap between 802.19 and 802.11, which is indeed hard to manage.

11. Chair: Ok, but we have to deal with 802.11, 802.18 and 802.19 agendas, which are created separately.

12. Q: Please can 802.19 and 802.11 have a joint meeting at the next session.

13. Chair: Ok, I will try for the September 2009 meeting.

3. Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA)

1. The WFA is very interested in the final version of 11n, and is very happy about its progress. The Draft 2.0 certification will be extended to generate the final version. Although the WFA took the controversial step of ratifying Draft 2.0, I think it has worked out well.

2. Brief update on a few WFA projects, showing that the scope is now starting to widen:

1. Peer to Peer certification

2. WMAC (Admission Control)

3. Voice Enterprise

4. WPS extensions

5. Network management

6. TDLS (11z)

7. Security (11w)

3. New Items

1. Smart Grid

2. Enterprise market

4. Next meeting is in Seoul, October 2009.

5. No questions

4. IETF (11-09-0867r0)

1. Next meeting is in 2 weeks time in Stockholm.

2. GEOPRIV: There is an outgoing liaison from TGv 1718r1

3. EMU: Work is going on there to update requirements and methods. Special note is about the WAPI related internet draft.

4. No questions

5. JTC1

1. No update since Monday’s meeting, but Andrew Myles (Cisco) has volunteered to stand as chair of this group.

2. Chair: Are there any other candidates for this position.

3. None seen, so Andrew was affirmed by acclamation.

6. 3GPP

1. The secretary mentioned a new liaison incoming from 3GPP CT1 (11-09-xxxr0) which is being considered by TGu this week.

2. No questions

23. PAR meetings (11-09-0778r1)

1. Chair: The meetings this week met to consider PARs from other working groups and generate some feedback. The final PAR meeting will meet on Thursday to review their feedback back to IEEE 802.11.

2. Vice-chair: Primarily concentrated on IEEE 802.21 PAR for emergency services.

3. Chair: I’d just like to point out that this was a useful exercise, as all IEEE 802 groups should have their PARs scrutinized in this way, to ensure that other projects are of benefit to IEEE 802.11.

4. No questions

24. P&P revision status

1. Vice chair: Nothing new to report since Monday.

25. Bluetooth SIG Liaison

1. There was a full report at the last meeting (558r0), which shows how Bluetooth utilizes the IEEE 802.11 stack. There is a lot of interest from mobile phone vendors, with the extended range. I’d also like to thank IEEE 802.11n for their useful co-existence document. This means that 11n can be used by Bluetooth, as the co-existence has been well engineered.

2. Chair: During the new IEEE 802.11 Regulatory Ad Hoc, we mentioned that we would like to harmonize with IEEE 802.15.

3. A: Indeed Richard’s IEEE 802.18 report was also presented in IEEE 802.15 today.

26. Room Change Requests

1. Chair: TGn has one slot Thursday AM1 becoming free.

2. C: TGv is releasing Wednesday PM1 slot.

3. C: ARC is releasing Thursday PM1

4. C: TGac would like to take Thursday AM1 slot (from TGn)

5. C: TGs would like Thursday PM1 (from ARC)

6. C: The Wednesday PM1 slot is still open.

7. IMAT, face to face and the agenda will be updated

8. Chair: Is there any objection to changing the agenda as outlined?

9. None seen

27. WNG TV Whitespace SG proposal

1. WNG would like to recommend to the IEEE 802.11 WG that an IEEE 802.11 TV Whitespace SG be created.

2. Moved: Because of its suitability as a primary candidate for a TVWS technology, and in the expectation that the FCC and OfCom will clarify their requirements for the database in the interim, the 802.11WG should begin a Study Group to develop PAR and 5 Criteria documents for approval by the EC at the Atlanta Plenary in November 2009

3. Moved: TK Tan on behalf of WNG, Second: Peter Ecclesine

4. (WNG result: 39/0/15)

5. For: 77, Against: 0, Abstain: 8 (Motion passes 100%)

6. Please note that WNG has an additional meeting later today.

28. Smart Grid and IEEE 802.11 (11-09-0716r0)

1. Presentation on this new topic, which appeared a few months ago.

2. This is a very large project and this presentation introduces it.

3. Within North America (NA), NIST has been driving this initiative within industry. Also note the IEEE SCC21 P2030 project.

4. C: Business cases start with “B” and this one is big.

5. C: The Wi-Fi Alliance staff is now working with NIST to gather requirements on this. Additionally the IEEE 802 chair called a brainstorm on this topic yesterday. Incidentally, NIST commented that IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.11 are “given” as included projects, which just have to be there.

6. Chair: Also, please realize that this is not just an IEEE 802.11 initiative; it does include the other 802 technologies.

7. Chair: There will be a mini tutorial during the Monday evening of the September Interim in September 2009. Additionally there will be a normal tutorial at the Atlanta meeting in November 2009. There may also be an EC study group to co-ordinate activities in this area between all the 802 groups.

8. Chair: In summary the Smart Grid is moving rapidly and we need to make sure that we’re kept informed and possibly work out how we respond to them.

9. C: Regarding slide #4, if you look at the components, IEEE 802.11 could be inside the vehicle. We need to work out where IEEE 802 technologies fit and determine one technology per component, not multi ones. Hence the first thing we need to realize is that which IEEE 802 WG specifies the interfaces for which bits.

10. C: This is a big project, and is much bigger outside of IEEE 802. Also remember Ethernet and the higher layer services. It’s better to look at co-operation now, rather than working on new items. IEEE 802.11 is expected to be there. P2030 is looking at cross-harmonization issues, like electric vehicles and IEEE 802 devices.

29. Any Other Business

1. Chair: As there is no other business, I’d like to recess early.

2. Meeting recessed at 12:10 ET

Friday, 17th July 2009

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:02 PDT by Bruce Kraemer (Marvell).

101 people present in the room.

30. Agenda (11-09-0656r8)

1. Chair: There have been changes due to revised time of motions.

2. Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda.

3. None seen

31. Patents

1. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)

2. No items arose.

3. No questions on this

32. Announcements

1. Chair’s minutes, reports and web pages

1. Please can you send these to the secretary

2. Also please note that agendas for the September 2009 meeting will be due soon.

3. In September, we’re currently planning to operate a 4 slot schedule as opposed to the normal 5.

4. Please be aware of the Chair’s schedule for the chair’s committee meetings

2. Letters of Assurance (LoA)

1. Apart from Monday’s announcements, nothing new has been announced.

3. IEEE Store (11-09-0658r3)

1. The IEEE sells drafts and other publications. The slides show the drafts currently for sale.

2. Are there any new requests for drafts to be put on sale?

3. C: TGp Draft 7.0

4. C: TGv Draft 6.0

5. C: TGu Draft 7.0

6. C: TGz Draft 5.0

7. Chair: Action: I will ensure to try and sort this out shortly.

8. Chair: There are some changes expected in the store, shortly. This is regarding the mechanism of actually purchasing the documents themselves. Hopefully the whole system will become easier.

4. Tutorials in September and November 2009

1. Chair: There will be a Smart Grid mini-tutorial activity in September on the Monday evening. This will not stop other meetings at the same time. It will be treated as a 5th slot.

2. In November there will be a more complete tutorial on this topic.

33. New Group Chairs

1. TGs

1. This is the last meeting for Donald Eastlake as TGs chair. There is one candidate at the moment.

2. C: I’d just like to mention that the position of TGu secretary was filled in Montreal (May 2009)

2. Regulatory ad hoc

1. Richard Kennedy has been appointed as chair.

3. JTC1 ad hoc

1. Andrew Myles has been appointed as chair.

2. Additional thanks to Jesse Walker for filling this position for several years.

4. TV Whitespace SG

1. Chair: For the Exec meeting, I require a pro-tem chair. I have chosen Richard Kennedy at the moment, although a call for formal candidates is now open.

2. QoS Management SG

3. Chair: Again this group requires a pro-tem chair. Mike Montemurro has stepped forward to fill this position, but again the call for formal candidates is now open.

4. Wireless RAC (Registration Authority Committee)

5. This is responsible for ANA co-ordination within the IEEE. There has been a wired and wireless representative within IEEE 802. The wireless representative has now resigned. We’ve been asked for candidates from each IEEE 802 wireless group and then the IEEE 802 chair will select one. Hence this is our opportunity.

6. Chair: The RAC meeting is normally in the July IEEE 802 plenary (and meets on the Thursday evening), just once a year.

7. Chair: Please can you give me your names if you are interested.

34. Meeting Location (San Francisco and Hawaii)

1. Chair: Can I have a show of hands to see who is in favor of returning to this location next year?

2. Most people

3. Chair: Additionally who will be going to the September 2009 Hawaii meeting in the room? 40 out of 101 people in the room.

35. Documentation & Attendance

1. Vice-chair: the documentation system is running, although some documents from 2001 and 2002 have appeared, which the IEEE staff has been re-populating.

2. The attendance system did go down yesterday. If you are close to the 75% attendance rate and have a problem due to this, please let the vice-chair know.

3. Q: There has been a small change to the attendance system, but no problems have been reported.

4. Chair: These tools keep evolving and constantly getting better.

5. Q: When doing JTC1, I was not asked for my affiliation.

6. A: This is because the system assumes its part of the working group.

36. WG Reports

1. Publicity

1. Nothing to report this week, but perhaps something may be created for 802.11w and 802.11n in September

2. No questions.

2. Timelines

1. The secretary talked about the updated timeline chart, which will be posted following this meeting.

2. The main changes so far are for 802.11n. There are some other updates due over this weekend.

37. WG Committee Reports (11-09-0868r0)

1. Technical editor (slide #19)

1. Some discussions between the editors and 11mb.

2. Chair: Please note that Terry Cole is working away from the meetings and Peter Ecclesine is working with us here in the meetings.

3. No questions

2. WNG SC (slide #30)

1. Two sessions this week and quite busy with 7 presentations all together.

2. 2 motions were passed for QoS Management SG and TV Whitespace SG.

3. Chair: If you have anything for September, please let us know, as we’ve had quite a few issues this week.

4. No questions

3. ARC (slide #36)

1. Attendance has been very low recently, so we have decided to hibernate the ARC group. Hence there are no formal sessions planned for September.

2. No questions

4. TGmb (slide #40)

1. Nice photograph was displayed, with dark clouds in the distance.

2. Approved 13 comments this week.

3. No questions

5. TGn (slide #47)

1. I believe that we’ve finished comment resolution and the group will be asking to go to RevCom at this afternoon’s EC with Draft 11.0.

2. The timeline has been moved forward, to publish in November 2009.

3. One slot has been requested for the September meeting.

4. No questions

6. TGp (slide #55)

1. Completed all comments for this week and now wish to go to re-circulation ballot.

2. Also wish to ask for conditional sponsor ballot at today’s EC.

3. No questions

7. TGs (slide #62)

1. Still working on resolving the comments from the previous letter ballot.

2. Hopefully will go to re-circulation letter ballot in September.

3. Q: There is a typo on Slide #62 with the document number.

8. TGu (slide #65)

1. Managed to go to re-circulation ballot this week.

2. Also wish to ask for conditional sponsor ballot at today’s EC...

3. No questions

9. TGv (slide #69)

1. Also managed to go to re-circulation ballot this week.

2. Also wish to ask for conditional sponsor ballot at today’s EC.

3. Approved a liaison letter to go to IETF GEOPRIV.

4. Q: What is the document number for the last LB comment resolutions?

5. 676r6

6. Q; Is it complete

7. A: yes

10. TGw (slide #80)

1. Since we had no comments on the last sponsor ballot re-circulation, we only had a motion to ask for RevCom approval which will come up later today.

2. No questions

11. TGz (slide #84)

1. Managed to go to re-circulation ballot this week.

2. Also wish to ask for conditional sponsor ballot at today’s EC.

3. Q: What does “carried forward” mean?

4. A: That they will be presented to EC today.

12. TGaa (slide #89)

1. 11 technical presentations this week

2. Currently compiling the TGaa Draft.

3. Decided not to meet in the September 2009 meeting.

4. IEEE 802.1Qat is now forming a sponsor ballot pool, which has relevance to TGaa.

5. Hopefully start the November 2009 meeting with Draft 0.02

6. Chair: There are many questions on slide 91. What’s happening to them?

7. A: Some of them have been answered in the joint meeting with 802.1AVB.

8. Chair: So some are still open?

9. A: Yes, and there is no set time line to finish these questions.

10. Chair: I think we may wish to have some more detail on the relationship between TGaa and 802.1AVB at the mid-week November plenary.

13. TGac (slide #97)

1. Reviewed quite a few technical submissions this week looking at channel models and functional requirements.

2. Have also worked on a selection procedure.

3. No questions

14. TGad (slide #103)

1. Lot of participation at this meeting, with 19 technical presentations.

2. Held a joint meeting with IEEE 802.15.3c regarding channel modeling.

3. Widespread international attendance at the moment.

4. The experiment with 2 calls in one day, resulted in the 2nd call not really being required. Hence the group has decided to just have one call on one day.

5. No questions

15. JTC1 Ad Hoc (slide #109)

1. Group met to consider the output from the SC6 meeting in Tokyo in early June 2009.

2. Q: What is DIS?

3. A: Draft International Standard

16. Regulatory Ad Hoc (slide #114)

1. Primary focus was regarding EN 300 328 (v1.8.1) in Europe.

2. I think it’s important to become involved, as the rules for operations of WLAN in Europe may change.

3. Q: Please note the PDT time zone on slide 115.

4. A: Ok, sure

5. Q: How long for conference calls?

6. A: 1 hour

17. PAR feedback meeting (slide #118)

1. This was to organize review and feedback from other IEEE 802 WG PARs.

2. The only comments were for IEEE 802.21 Emergency Services (ES) PAR.

3. IEEE 802.21 generated a summary document of their feedback to all the IEEE 802 WG comments.

4. IEEE 802.21 has decided to withdraw the specific IEEE 802.21 ES PAR; but they wish to ask the EC to form an EC ES PAR.

5. Chair: I think this meeting worked very well and would like to repeat the exercise in November 2009.

6. No questions

38. Liaison Reports

1. IEEE 802.21 (11-09-907r0)

1. As mentioned above, a request for an EC ES SG will be made.

2. In addition, they would like to change the IEEE 802.21 scope itself.

3. There may be a tutorial in November 2009.

4. Note: A subset of IEEE 802.16 will be meeting with us in Hawaii (September 2009) and hence IEEE 802.21 will be co-located with them in Hawaii.

5. No questions

2. IEEE 802.15 (11-09-0906r0)

1. This submission covers a summary of most IEEE 802.15 groups

2. Lot of information about groups, including the IEEE 802.15.6 Body Area Networks (BAN).

3. Chair: Regarding the BAN issue, the response to the FCC NPRM (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking) has indicated that the 2.4 GHz should not be used.

3. IEEE 802.19 (11-09-0763r4)

1. There are some more changes in this submission, the previous version of which was shown on Wednesday.

2. These updates are regarding the TV Whitespace use cases, which have been re-balanced for IEEE 802.11.

3. There will be a request to continue the TV Whitespace SG, asking to create a PAR for a TV Whitespace co-existence standard.

4. Q: Are they asking for a standard or a recommend practice

5. A: Standard

6. C: It looks as though some of the IEEE 802.22 people were in IEEE 802.19. To create a standard for co-existence within a limited spectrum will be endless.

7. C: Actually the IEEE 802.22 people all abstained in those motions.

8. C: So, please can more IEEE 802.11 members attend the future IEEE 802.19 meetings.

9. Q: The IEEE 802.19 did not conclude where this SG should do its work. It’s up to EC to decide where this will occur. Hence I think that IEEE 802.11 members will be invited to join in with this initiative.

10. Q: On slide #9, it must be realized that this mixes licensed and un-licensed band operation. It’s going to be a real mess. If given to 802.1, it will never finish.

11. Q: To produce this umbrella co-existence TV Whitespace, the IEEE 802.19 schedule will be arranged to include all IEEE 802 WGs.

12. Chair: This may have to been scheduled as a 5th parallel slot in the September 2009 meeting.

39. Coffee Break

1. Chair: It’s now break time. Please can we come back to order in 10 minutes.

2. No objection to recess.

40. Working Group Motions (11-09-0869r1)

1. Old business motions

2. Teleconferences (slide #4)

1. Move to approve the following teleconferences

|Group |Dates |Start Time |Duration |

|Editors | |12:00 ET (noon) |1 Hour |

|TGmb |Fridays, starting July 31 |11:00 ET |1.5 Hours |

|TGn |Wed July 22, 29; Aug 19, 26; Sept 02, 16 |11:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGp |Every Thu |15:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGs |Wed July 29; Aug 19; Sept 16 |10:00 ET |1.5 Hours |

|TGu |Every Wed |11:00 ET |1 Hour |

| |Every Fri |12:00 ET (noon) | |

| |from Aug 19 to Sept 16 | | |

|TGv |Fri Aug 14 |12:00 ET (noon) |2 Hours |

| |Tue Sept 1, 15 | | |

|TGz | |02:00 ET |1 Hour |

|TGaa |Mon every other week |11:00 ET |1.5 Hours |

| |July 27; Aug 10, 24; Sep 07; Oct 19; | | |

| |Nov 02, 30 | | |

|TGac |Thu Aug 13; Sept 10 |11:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Aug 27 |20:00 ET | |

|TGad |Thu Aug 20; Sept 3 |10:00 ET |2 Hours |

|Regulatory AHC |Thu Aug 6, 27; Sept 17; Oct 8 |12:00 ET (noon) |1 Hour |

|TVWS SG |Tue Aug 4; Sept 1 |9:00 ET |1 Hour |

| |Aug 18; Sept 15 |15:00 ET | |

|ARC |Tue Aug 4, Sept 1 |12:00 ET |1 Hour |

|QMF SG | |  |  |

2. Moved Adrian Stephens, 2nd Clint Chaplin

3. C: The number of teleconferences is now shown by the electronic calendar on the web-site. This is a good indication of how these are scheduled.

4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

3. WNG SC QoS Management SG (slide #6)

1. Summary: With the Action Management frames defined in TGk and subsequent amendments, there is an increasing amount of Action Management traffic, which could lead to contention issues with Voice and Video QoS streams. The proposed SG will create a PAR and 5 criteria to address QoS issues with Management frames. The WNG presentation was given in document 11-09/817r1.

2. Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an 802.11 Study Group to Address QoS for Management Frames [as described in doc 11-09/0817r1] with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria.

3. (WNG Moved by: Michael Montemurro, Second: Nancy Cam-Winget: Result: 34,3,14)

4. Moved on behalf of WNG SC, 2nd: Richard Kennedy

5. Q: I represent the minority, who do not support this motion. I’m concerned about a potential denial of service attack by management frames. I don’t think this SG is therefore required based on features which already exist within TGk and TGv. It’s currently impossible to do simulations on any systems to determine what the current problem is to be solved.

6. C: Within TGv, management action frames are dealt with in a different manner. Hence this SG and initiative avoids each TG having to tackle this problem.

7. For: 39, Against: 2, Abstain: 20 (Motion passes 95.12%)

4. TGn RevCom (slide #9)

1. Approve Document 11-09-674r2 as the report to the 802 Executive Committee (EC) on the requirements for approval to forward P802.11n to RevCom and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward P802.11n to RevCom.

2. (TGn: Moved: Adrian Stephens, 2nd John Barr, Result: 26,0,0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGn, 2nd: Jesse Walker

4. The revision number of the document is now 11-09-0674r3 and so the motion needs to be amended

5. C: The document 11-09-0674r3 is not on the server.

6. This motion is now postponed until later.

5. TGp Letter ballot (slide #9)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB151 on TGp P802.11p D 7.0 as contained in document 11-09-0688-03-000p, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft P802.11p D 8.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGp P802.11p D 8.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”  

2. (TGp: Moved: Clint Chaplin, Seconded: Justin McNew, Result: 13,0,1)

3. Moved on behalf of TGp

1. Motion to amend the text

2. Moved Adrian Stephens, 2nd Peter Ecclesine

3. No objection to the amendment

4. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB151 on P802.11p D 7.0 as contained in document 11-09-0688-03-000p, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft P802.11p D 8.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11p D 8.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

5. For: 56, Against: 0, Abstain: 5 (Motion passes 100%)

6. TGn RevCom (slide #9)

7. Please note that this is the postponed motion from earlier:

1. Approve Document 11-09-674r2 as the report to the 802 Executive Committee (EC) on the requirements for approval to forward P802.11n to RevCom and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward P802.11n to RevCom.

2. Moved on behalf of TGn, 2nd: Jesse Walker

1. Motion to amend, to revise the document number to r3

2. Moved by Adrian Stephens, 2nd: Eldad Perahia

3. No objection to amend.

3. Approve Document 11-09-674r3 as the report to the 802 Executive Committee (EC) on the requirements for approval to forward P802.11n to RevCom and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward P802.11n to RevCom.

4. For: 53, Against: 1, Abstain: 6 (Motion passes 98.15%)

8. TGu re-circulation LB (slide #13)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from letter ballot 152 on P802.11u Draft 7.0, as contained in document 11-09-0692-14-000u-lb152-comment-spreadsheet.xls, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 8.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11u Draft 8.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. (TGu Moved by: Lee Armstrong, Seconded: Mike Montemurro, Result: 14,1,0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGu

4. For: 52, Against: 0, Abstain: 3 (Motion passes 100%)

9. TGu Sponsor Ballot (slide #14)

1. Approve document 11-09-0715-04-0000-TGu-report-to-EC.ppt as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11u to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11u to sponsor ballot.

2. (TGu Moved by: Mike Montemurro, Seconded: Necati Canpolat, Result: 14,1,0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGu, 2nd Stuart Kerry

1. Motion to amend

2. Moved Stephen McCann, 2nd Peter Ecclesine

3. No objection to motion to amend

4. Approve document 11-09-0715-05-000u-TGu-report-to-EC.ppt as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11u to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11u to sponsor ballot.

5. For: 49, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 100%)

10. TGv re-circulation LB (slide #17)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB150 on TGv Draft 6.0, instruct the editor to prepare Draft 7.0 incorporating these resolutions and Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11v Draft 7.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. (TGv Mover: Ganesh Venkatesan, Seconder: Emily Qi, Result: 9,0,2)

3. Moved on behalf of TGv

4. For: 56, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes 100%)

11. TGv Sponsor Ballot (slide #18)

1. Approve document 11-09-720-01 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward TGV to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding the TGV Draft meeting conditional approval requirements to sponsor ballot. Note: Approval for the addition of a myballot version of the comments to a revision of 09-720 is given.

2. (TGv: Moved: Joe Kwak Seconded: Ganesh Venkatesan Result: 8,0,3)

3. Moved on behalf of TGv, 2nd Peter Ecclesine

1. Motion to amend to 720r2

2. Moved Dorothy Stanley, 2nd Stuart Kerry

3. No objection to motion to amend

4. Approve document 11-09-0720-02 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11v to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding the P802.11v Draft meeting conditional approval requirements to sponsor ballot.

5. For: 58, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes 100%)

12. TGv liaison to IETF GEOPRIV (slide #20)

1. Move to request the 802.11WG chair to forward the liaison request in 09-0718-01 to IETF GEOPRIV.

2. (TG Result: Moved:Allan Thomson, Seconded:Ganesh Venkatesan, 7,0,4)

3. Moved on behalf of TGv

4. For: 48 , Against: 0, Abstain: 5 (Motion passes 100%)

13. TGw RevCom (slide #22)

1. Approve document 11-09/795r1 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for approval to forward P802.11w D11.0 to RevCom, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward P802.11w D11.0 to RevCom. P802.11w had a 94% approval on the last Recirculation Sponsor Ballot. There are 6 disapprove voters representing 44 unsatisfied comments.

2. (TGw Results: Mover: Jouni Malinen, Seconder: Kapil Sood, Result: 7,0,0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGw, 2nd: Dorothy Stanley

1. Motion to amend

2. Moved Jesse Walker, 2nd Peter Ecclesine

3. No objection to motion to amend

4. Approve document 11-09/795r2 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for approval to forward P802.11w D11.0 to RevCom, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to forward P802.11w D11.0 to RevCom. P802.11w had a 94% approval on the last Recirculation Sponsor Ballot. There are 6 disapprove voters representing 44 unsatisfied comments.

5. For: 55, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes 100%)

6. C: I’d to thank the chair of TGw for reaching this milestone

14. TGz re-circulation LB (slide #24)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB153 on TGz draft 5.0 as contained in document 11-09-0739-04, Instruct the editor to prepare TGz draft 6.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGz draft 6.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. (TGz vote: Moved: Richard van Nee, Seconded: Geert Awater, Result: 8,0,0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGz

4. For: 52, Against: 0, Abstain: 4 (Motion passes 100%)

15. TGz Sponsor Ballot (slide #25)

1. Approve document 11-09-0879-00 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11z to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11z to sponsor ballot.

2. (TGz vote: Moved: Allan Thomson, Seconded: Daniel Borges, Result: 7,0,1)

3. Moved on behalf of TGz, 2nd Lee Armstrong

1. Motion to amend

2. Moved Menzo Wentink, 2nd Peter Ecclesine

3. No objection to motion to amend

4. Approve document 11-09-0879-02 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11z to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11z to sponsor ballot.

5. For: 52, Against: 0, Abstain: 3 (Motion passes 100%)

16. New business motions

17. TGp Sponsor Ballot (slide #28)

1. Approve document 11-09/0871r2 as the report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11p to Sponsor Ballot, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11p to sponsor ballot.

2. Moved: Lee Armstrong, 2nd Clint Chaplin

3. For: 44, Against: 0, Abstain: 6 (Motion passes 100%)

18. Chair: I’d like to mention many thanks for the 11n effort over the past 7 years.

41. Affiliation

1. Chair: Is it a valid choice for a speaker to change their affiliation during the course of a meeting. They are allowed to change their affiliation, when they talk on different topics. It is the responsibility of the speaker to ask this to be noted within meeting minutes.

42. EtherType (11-09-0868r0 : slide #121)

1. TGz received a request to change an Ethertype.

2. Chair: What’s the next step?

3. A: I need to send a letter to the RAC reprentative (see text)

4. Chair: This was initially associated with 11r.

5. C: I would want to “churn” on these types of names. Typically names are not changed until groups are in sponsor ballot and TGz is not there yet. I’d rather wait for the letter to be sent to the RAC. Additionally, should we have some central authority over this?

6. Q: Why is Management Protocol a good name?

7. A: We can name this whatever we want within the draft.

8. Chair: I’d rather not discuss the name here, let’s use the email reflector for that.

9. A: The name was chosen because other similar Ethertypes are called “Protocol”.

10. C: The proposal is to perhaps use “IEEE 802.11 Management”.

11. Chair: No, that does not seem sensible.

12. C: I think we should send comments to the reflector and some choice can be made at the September 2009 meeting.

13. Straw Poll

14. Do you think the name “IEEE 802.11 Management Protocol” is useful?

15. Yes: 34, No: 9

16. Chair: Ok, let’s use that name then.

43. Presentations (Jesse Walker and Donald Eastlake)

1. Chair: I’d like to ask the WG for permission to take photographs

2. No objection

3. Chair: I’d like to thank Jesse Walker and Donald Eastlake for all their help and recognize them. Some presentation will be made at a later point.

4. Jesse: Thank you for all your words. I’d like to warn you all, that I don’t think IEEE 802.11 is at critical mass at the moment, so please be careful not to start too many other initiatives.

44. Other New Business

1. Open Positions

1. Chair: Please can I remind you about the blank spots in the officers list

2. C: I’d like to thank the secretary of TGad.

45. AOB

1. Vice-Chair: Please note that we are now the 3rd group in size, within IEEE 802, following IEEE 802.16 and IEEE 802.15. Previsouly we have been 2nd.

46. Next Meeting

1. Q: I’d request that we do not go to Waikoloa again after September.

2. A: Unfortunately, we have a contract to return in September 2010.

3. Chair: So please can I remind you about the next meeting (#117) is in the Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, Hawaii, USA from September 20th – 25th 2009:

47. Adjournment

1. Chair: I propose to adjourn

2. The meeting is adjourned without objection at 11:12 PDT

Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

|Name |Affiliation |

|Aboulmagd, Osama |self |

|Aldana, Carlos |Broadcom Corporation |

|Amos, James |Aclara RF |

|Andrus, David |Apple Inc. |

|Armstrong, Lee |US DoT |

|Ashley, Alex |NDS Ltd |

|Astrin, Arthur |Astrin Radio |

|Au, Kwok |Huawei Technologies |

|Awater, Geert |Qualcomm |

|Bagby, David |Calypso Ventures, Inc. |

|Bahr, Michael |Siemens AG |

|Bajko, Gabor |Nokia |

|Banerjea, Raja |Marvell Semiconductor |

|Banerjee, Kaberi |none |

|Barr, John |JRBarr, Ltc. |

|Basson, Gal |Wilocity |

|Baykas, Tuncer |NICT |

|Benko, John |Orange Labs |

|Benveniste, Mathilde |En-aerion |

|Bi, Hao |Motorola |

|Booth, Ted |Sony |

|Borges, Daniel |Apple, Inc. |

|Bourdoux, Andre |IMEC |

|Breit, Gregory |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Brennan, Joseph |Apple |

|Buga, Walter |Proximetry |

|Bumiller, G |Research In Motion |

|Cam-Winget, Nancy |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Canpolat, Necati |Intel corp. |

|Cardona, Javier |cozybit Inc. |

|Cariou, Laurent |france telecom Orange Labs |

|Castor, Douglas |InterDigital |


|Chan, Douglas |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Chang, Kapseok |ETRI |

|Chaplin, Clint |Samsung Electronics |

|Chen, Lidong |NIST |

|Cheong, Minho |ETRI |

|Cho, Sungrae | |

|Cho, Woong |ETRI |

|Choi, Chang-Soon |IHP GmbH |

|Choi, In-Kyeong |ETRI |

|Choi, Seyeong |LG ELECTRONICS |

|CHRISTIN, Philippe |Orange-FTgroup |

|Chu, Liwen |STMicroelectronics |

|Coffey, John |Realtek Semiconductor Corp. |

|Cook, Charles |Qwest |

|Cordeiro, Carlos |Intel Corporation |

|Cypher, David |NIST |

|de Vegt, Rolf |Qualcomm, Inc. |

|Denteneer, Theodorus |Philips |

|deVries, Jeremy |apple Inc. |

|Dharanipragada, Kalyan |Quantenna Communications |

|Dickey, Susan |Caltrans |

|Dorsey, John |Apple Inc. |

|Drennan, Offie |buffalo |

|Durand, Roger |RIM |

|duvvuri, srinivasa |Atheros Communications |

|Eastlake, 3rd, Donald |Stellar Switches |

|Ecclesine, Peter |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Erceg, Vinko |Broadcom Corporation |

|Fischer, Matthew |Broadcom |

|Fisher, Wayne |ARINC, Inc. |

|Fitzgerald, C |Defense Information Systems Agency |

|Gao, Wen |Thomson |

|Gast, Matthew |Trapeze Networks |

|Ghasemi, Amir |Communications Research Centre, Canada |

|Gilb, James |SiBEAM |

|Glassford, Rob |BT |

|Glibbery, Ronald |Peraso Technologies |

|Gloger, Reinhard |Nokia Siemens Networks |

|Gong, Michelle |Intel |

|Goodall, David |G2 Microsystems |

|Grandhi, Sudheer |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

|Grigat, Michael |Deutsche Telekom AG |

|Grow, Robert |Intel Corporation |

|Guo, Chris |EFJohnson Technology Inc |

|Gyungho, Hwang |Hanbat National University |

|Hamilton, Mark |Polycom |

|Hanna, Salim |Industry Canada |

|Hansen, Christopher |Broadcom Corporation |

|Harada, Hiroshi |NICT |

|Harkins, Dan |Aruba Networks |

|Hart, Brian |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Hartman, Chris |Apple |

|Hassan, Amer |Microsoft |

|Heidari, Sam |quantenna communications |

|Hiertz, Guido |Philips |

|Hillman, Garth |Oak Tree Wireless |

|Hong, Seungeun |ETRI |

|Hsu, Ju-Lan |Samsung Electronics |

|hu, wendong |STMicroelectronics, Inc. |

|Huang, Robert |Sony Corporation |

|Huang, Tian-Wei |National Taiwan University |

|Hunter, David |Panasonic |

|Iso, Akio |NICT |

|Jeffery, Stuart |none |

|Jeong, Moo |NTT DOCOMO |

|Ji, Lusheng |AT&T |

|Jin, Sunggeun |ETRI |

|Jones, Vince |Qualcomm |

|Kafle, Padam |Nokia |

|Kain, Carl |Noblis |

|KANEKO, MASAHIKO |WiViCom Co., Ltd. |

|Karkhanechi, Haideh |Hifar |

|Kasher, Assaf |Intel Corporation |

|Kato, Shuzo |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology |

|Kato, Tatsuya |Tokyo Electric Power Company |

|Kavner, Douglas |Raytheon |

|Kennedy, Richard |Research In Motion |

|Kenney, John |VSC2 |

|Kerry, Stuart |OK-Brit |

|Kim, Chang |ETRI |

|Kim, Eung |Samsung |

|Kim, Joonsuk |Broadcom Corporation |

|Kim, Yongsun |ETRI |

|Kim, Youngsoo |Samsung Electronics |

|Kitazawa, Shoichi |ATR Wave Engineering Lab. |


|Kraemer, Bruce |Marvell |

|Kuerner, Thomas |TU Braunschweig |

|Kurihara, Thomas |TKstds Management |

|Kwak, Byung-Jae |ETRI |

|Kwak, Joseph |InterDigital Communications |

|Kwon, Hyoungjin |ETRI |

|KWON, UI |Samsung Electronics |

|Laihonen, Kari |TeliaSonera |

|Lakkis, Ismail |Tensorcom |

|Lambert, Paul |Marvell |

|Lan, Zhou |NICT |

|Lanante, Leonardo |Kyushu Institute of Technology |

|Landt, Jeremy |Transcore |

|Lauer, Joseph |Broadcom Corporation |

|Lee, 1 |Broadwave Corp. |

|Lee, Jae |ETRI |

|Lee, Seung-Hwan |ETRI |

|Lee, Wooyong |ETRI |

|Li, Liang |Vinno Technoloiges Inc. |

|Lin, Paul |Ralink Technology Corp. |

|Liu, Hang |Thomson Inc |

|Liu, Pei |Polytechnic Institute of New York University |

|Liva, Valentino |EurmaNet |

|Loc, Peter |IWT Inc. |

|Lou, Hui-Ling | |

|Lynch, Bradley |Peraso Technologies |

|Malinen, Jouni |Atheros Communications |

|Mano, Hiroshi |Root Inc |

|Marshall, Bill |ATT Labs Research |

|Mccann, Stephen |Research in Motion |

|Mcnew, Justin |Kapsch TrafficCom Inc. |

|McVeigh, Michael |Pace |

|Mesecke, Sven |Nitero |

|Miller, James |InterDigital Communications |

|Miller, R |AT&T |

|Molisch, Andreas |USC |

|Montemurro, Michael |Research in Motion Ltd. |

|Moorti, Rajendra |Broadcom Corp |

|Morioka, Hitoshi |ROOT INC. |

|Morioka, Yuichi |Sony Corporation |

|Mur, Daniel |NEC Corporation |

|Murabito, Anthony |UNH-IOL |

|Murali, Partha |Redpine Signals Inc. |

|Murray, Peter |Self Employed |

|Myles, Andrew |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Nadeau, Gerard |UNH-IOL |

|Nagao, Yuhei |Kyushu Institute of Technology |

|Nakano, Hiroki |Trans New Technology, Inc. |

|Nandagopalan, Sai |Broadcom Corporation |

|Narasimhan, Ravi |Quantenna Communications, Inc. |

|Ngo, Chiu |Samsung Electronics |

|Nishimori, Kentaro |NTT |

|Okada, Kazuyasu |NTT |

|Oyama, Satoshi |Hitachi, Ltd. |

|Paine, Richard |Self |

|Pare, Thomas |Ralink Technology |

|Park, Changmin |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Park, Jaewoo |ETRI |

|Park, Minyoung |Intel |

|Park, Tae |Samsung |

|Peiris, Bemini |Atheros Communications Inc. |

|Perahia, Eldad |intel |

|Petranovich, James |ViaSat |

|petrick, Albert |jones-petrick and associates |

|Petro, John |NSA/IAD |

|Poncini, Victoria |Microsoft |

|Ponnampalam, Vishakan |Mediatek |

|Portaro, James |rf-Works, LLC |

|Purnadi, Rene |Research in Motion |

|Pustogarov, Ivan |Sitronics Labs |

|Puzio, Matthew |InterDigital LLC |

|Qi, Emily |Intel Corporation |

|Qu, Huyu |Honeywell International |

|Raab, Jim |Dell |

|Rahman, Mohammad |NICT, Japan |

|Raissinia, Ali |qualcomm inc |

|Ramamurthy, Harish |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Reede, Ivan |AmeriSys Inc. |

|Reuss, Edward |Plantronics, Inc. |

|Reznik, Alex |InterDigital |

|Rosdahl, Jon |CSR |

|Roy, Richard |SRA |

|Sampath, Hemanth |Qualcomm |

|Sawada, Hirokazu |Tohoku University |

|Schwendimann, Greg |UNH-IOL |

|Schwoerer, Jean |France Telecom |

|Shao, Huairong |Samsung Electronics |

|Shellhammer, Stephen |Qualcomm, Inc. |

|Sherlock, Ian |Texas Instruments |

|Shi, Kai |atheros communicaitons |

|SHIBAGAKI, Nobuhiko |Hitachi |

|Shimada, Shusaku |Schubiquist Technologies |

|Simon, Francois |ARINC |

|Smadi, Mohammed |Research in Motion |

|Smith, Graham |DSP Group |

|Smith, Matt |Atheros Communications |

|Sood, Kapil |Intel |

|Sridhara, Vinay |Qualcomm Inc. |

|Srinivasa, Sudhir |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Stacey, Robert |Intel |

|Stanley, Dorothy |Aruba Networks |

|Steer, David |Research In Motion |

|Stephens, Adrian |Intel Corporation |

|Stephenson, David |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Stine, John |none |

|STRUTT, GUENAEL |Motorola |

|Sum, Chin-Sean |NICT |

|Takahashi, Kazuaki |Panasonic |

|Takai, Mineo |Waseda University |

|Takatori, Yasushi |NTT |

|Tan, Teik-Kheong |GCT Semiconductor |

|Tanaka, Yasuhiro |Kyocera Corporation |

|Taraz, Ramin |Fortress Technologies |

|Thandaveswaran, Subramania |Atheros Communications |

|THOMSON, ALLAN |Cisco Systems Inc |

|Thrasher, Jerry |Lexmark International Inc. |

|Tokubo, Eric |Motorola |

|Tomcik, James |Qualcomm, Incorporated |

|Toyoda, Ichihiko |NTT |

|Trainin, Solomon |intel |

|Tsai, Shiau-He |Huawei |

|Tsao, Jean |Hysignal |

|Tu, Yung-Szu |TGac |

|Umehira, Masahiro |Ibaraki University |

|Urban, David |Comcast |

|Van Erven, Niels |3Com |

|Van Nee, Richard |qualcomm |

|Van Zelst, Allert |Qualcomm |

|Varshney, Prabodh |Nokia |

|Venkatesan, Ganesh |Intel Corporation |

|Vlantis, George |STMicroelectronics |

|Walker, Jesse |Intel Corporation |

|Wang, Chao-Chun |MediaTek |

|Wang, Haiguang |Huawei |

|Wang, Junyi |NICT |

|Wang, Qi |Broadcom Corporation |

|Ward, Lisa |Rohde & Schwarz |

|Watanabe, Fujio |NTT DOCOMO Inc. |

|Wentink, Menzo |Qualcomm |

|Whetten, Frank |Boeing |

|Willey, Dan |Research In Motion |

|Worstell, Harry |AT&T |

|Wu, Fonchi |Ralink Tech. |

|Yao, Steve |ITT Corp |

|Yee, James |Mediatek |

|Yee, Peter |NSA/IAD |

|Yong, Su |Samsung |

|Young, Christopher |Broadcom Corporation |

|Zeng, Jianlin |aerohive networks |

|Zhang, Ning |Atheros Communications, Inc. |

|Zhao, Meiyuan |Intel Corporation |

|Zhu, Chunhui |Samsung Electronics |


Annex B : Working Group Officers

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Bruce Kraemer |IEEE 802.11 Working Group (WG) Chair |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc |

| |Mail: |c/o:  Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |Phone:   |

| | |5488 Marvell Lane,  | |

| | |Santa Clara, CA 95054 | |

|Jon |Working Group - 1st Vice-Chair / Treasurer |CSR |

|Rosdahl | | |

| |Policies & Treasury |+1 (801) 756-1496 |

| | |jrosdahl@ |

|Adrian |Working Group - 2nd Vice-Chair |Intel Corporation (UK) Limited. |

|Stephens | | |

| |Attendance, Ballots, Documentation & Voting |Tel: +44 1954 204 609 (office) |

| | |Tel: +44 792 008 4900 (mobile) |

| | |adrian.p.stephens@ |

|Stephen |Working Group - Secretary & Publicity |Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd |

|McCann | | |

| |Minutes, Reports, & Communications |+44 1753 667099 |

| | |stephen.mccann@ |

|Terry |Working Group - Technical Editor |Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. |

|Cole | | |

| |Standard & Amendment(s) Coordination | |

| |Working Group - ANA LEAD |+1 (512) 602-2454 |

| |802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority |terry.cole@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Teik-Kheong "TK" |WNG Standing Committee - Chair |GCT Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Tan | | |

| |Wireless Next Generations |+1 (408) 480-0431 |

| | |tktan@ |

|DAVID BAGBY |ARC Ad-Hoc - CHAIR |Calypso Ventures, Inc. |

| |802.11 Architecture |+1 (650) 637-7741 |

| | |Dave@ |

|ANDREW MYLES |JTC1 Ad-Hoc - CHAIR |Cisco Systems |

| |ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 |+61 2 84461010 |

| | |andrew.myles@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|MATTHEW GAST |Task Group mb - Chair |Trapeze Networks |

| |802.11 Accumulated Maintenance Changes |+1 (925) 474-2273 |

| | |msg@ |

|Bruce P. |Task Group n - Chair |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Kraemer | | |

| |High Throughput |+1 (321) 427-4098 |

| |(802.11n Amendment) | |

| | |bkraemer@ |

|Sheung |Task Group n - VICE-Chair |SiBEAM, Inc. |

|Li | | |

| |High Throughput |+1 (408) 245-3120 |

| |(802.11n Amendment) | |

| | |sli@ |

|Lee |Task Group p - Chair |US Department of Transportation |

|Armstrong | | |

| |Wireless Access for the Vehicular Environment |+1 (617) 620-1701 |

| |(802.11p Amendment) | |

| | |LRA@ |

|Donald E. |Task Group s - Chair |Motorola, Inc. |

|Eastlake 3rd | | |

| |Mesh Networking |+1-508-634-2066 |

| |(802.11s Amendment) | |

| | |d3e3e3@ |

|Stephen |Task Group u - Chair |Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd |

|McCann | | |

| |InterWorking with External Networks |+44 1753 667099 |

| |(802.11u Amendment) | |

| | |stephen.mccann@ |

|DOROTHY v. sTANLEY |Task Group v - Chair |Aruba Networks |

| |Wireless Network Management |+1( 630) 363-1389 |

| |(802.11v Amendment) | |

| | |dstanley@ |

|JESSE WALKER |Task Group w - Chair |Intel Corporation |

| |Protected Management Frames |+1 (503) 712-1849 |

| |(802.11w Amendment) | |

| | |jesse.walker@ |

|MENZO WENTINK |Task Group z - Chair |Qualcomm Netherlands |

| |Direct Link Setup |+31 65 183 6231 |

| |(802.11z Amendment) | |

| | |mwentink@ |

|GANESH |Task Group aa - CHAIR |Intel Corporation |


| |802.11 Video Transport Streams |+1 (503) 264-0637 |

| | |ganesh.venkatesan@ |

|OSAMA ABOUL-MAGD |Task Group ac - CHAIR |Nortel Networks |

| |802.11 Very High Throughput < 6 GHz |+1 613-763-5827 |

| | |osama@ |

|ELDAD PERAHIA |Task Group ad - CHAIR |Intel Corporation |

| |802.11 Very High Throughput 60 GHz |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

| | |eldad.perahia@ |

Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

|WG |TE |09-0781r0 |

|TGMB |TGC |09-0777r0 |

|TGN |TGC |09-0776r0 |

|TGP |TGC |09-0895r0 |

|TGS |TGC |09-0902r0 |

|TGU |TGC |09-0826r0 |

|TGV |TGC |09-0842r0 |

|TGW |TGC |09-0877r0 |

|TGZ |TGC |09-0819r0 |

|TGAA |TGC |09-0848r0 |

|TGAC |TGC |09-0898r0 |

|TGAD |TGC |09-0747r0 |

|WNG SC |SCC |09-0866r0 |

|ARC SC |SCC |09-0840r0 |

|JTC1 AHC |AHG |09-0890r0 |




This document constitutes the minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the July 2009, San Francisco, California, USA meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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