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Center/Classroom:Teachers:Week of:(A) General Information Study/Topic - BIG IDEAS this week:Children will continue their exploration of transportation with a focus on trains and railways. They will learn that trains ride on tracks/rails; carry goods and people from place to place; and there are different types (subways, trams, monorails). This week, the dramatic play area will be transformed into a train station where children can take on different roles related to trains.Key vocabulary: Train 1. TrenTracks, railroads 2. Vías, Ferro CarrilesPassengers 3. PasajerosConductor, engineer 4. Conductor, IngenieroTickets 5. BoletosTravel, trip 6. Viaje, PaseoSubway, underground Metro, SubterráneaFriday “To Do” List:Review Planned Read-Alouds; read books through at least once.Review Small Group Activity forms and gather/create materials, including neighborhood buildings (see Art Area, week 1), materials to create roads/bridges/tunnels, spools, buttons, and other 3D building materials; props for “Train Station.”Review lyrics to “Down at the Station” and “Working on the Railroad.” Gather/create materials for centers and circle time, including images of trains/rails and bells, triangles and/or plastic bottlesInvite families to share their experiences riding on trains, or to accompany you on a walking trip to nearby train station (if applicable).SS Week-Support for Dual Language Learners:Use visuals such as pictures or vehicles when talking about the different modes of transportation. Encourage children to repeat what you say and offer them descriptive language to extend both their home language and English. Encourage children to use their home language to tell you about what they are doing during free play or small group time; even if you can’t understand, you can encourage them through nonverbal signals such as smiling and nodding, or with brief phrases such as “?Verdad?” (really?) or “?Dime más!” (tell me more!) Family/ Community Involvement:Encourage families to point out different types of cars or other vehicles as they walk or drive with their children. They can talk about how loud/quiet, fast/slow the vehicle is, and where it might be going. E.g., what do they think is in the delivery truck that passes them on the street? If they hear a train, where do they think it might be going and what might it be carrying?Tell families about reading The Little Engine That Could, and encourage them to ask their child questions about the book and reinforce it at home. For example, you could post a note on the door for parents to see at pick-up time: “Today we read a book about a train who tried hard to go up a hill. Ask your child what the train said over & over!”If you live in a community with trains or subway, consider taking a field trip to the train station. Time your visit so that children can see a train arrive, and be sure to look for signs, train schedules, etc. Or have a parent who takes the trains regularly come speak to the class—and perhaps show pictures! There are always props and materials needed for classroom activities, and parents can be extremely helpful by donating or lending items. This week items include spools, buttons, dowels, or other items to make vehicle wheels. (B) Materials to Enhance Children’s PlayBlocksDramatic PlayToys and GamesAdd: Trains and train tracksPost pictures of trains, railways, train stations, subways, trams, etc.Add: “Train Station” or “Auto Repair”Train Station: Conductor hats or uniforms; tickets; train schedules; map of train routes; chairs set up as train seats; hole puncher to punch tickets; bell; railway signs; money, cash registerAuto Repair: Medium-sized or large vehicles; tools; mechanic’s coverall or cap; toolbox; large blocks (to put cars up on for fixing); waiting room for customers Keep: Vehicle picture-word cards to sort and matchAdd train images (if you did not include them last week) – see Activities packet from week 1 ArtLibrary/WritingDiscovery/ScienceKeep any items from previous week(s) that children were particularly engaged with.Add: Spools, buttons Popsicle sticks Paper cut into triangle, hexagon and circle shapes(Children might make road signs, railroads, vehicles, etc.)Sand and WaterMusic and MovementComputersKeep?any items from previous week(s) that children were particularly engaged with.Add: Bells, tambourines, trianglesAdd:OutdoorsCooking(C) Group Experiences Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayArrivalOpening CircleMovementRelaxationTransitionsClosing CircleArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one other SS Puppet ScriptDiscussion: What rides on rails? Show images of train, tram, subway etc. (see Activity packet or find your own) What do children notice? Have they ever been on one? Why do people ride them? Compare similarities and differences in the photos.Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: Question of the Day (QOTD): “How did you get to school today?” (Car, bus, train, airplane) use visuals. While similar to last week’s QOTD, this will be valuable in highlighting children’s experience (or lack thereof) with trains. You can change the other answer options but keep “train” as one of them.Music/Movement: SS Song & “Train” (see below) Relaxation:Transition: SS Brain Builder-Closing Circle:Goodbye songArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one otherReview daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition: QOTD: “Which do you like best?” (train, bus, garbage truck) Use visuals. Have children answer charting with whiteboard/ pocket chart/etcMusic/Movement: “I’ve Been Working on the Railroad” & one otherRelaxation: Choose a math transitionTransition:Closing Circle:Review QOTD results with the full group, counting each column and writing the numeralGoodbye songArrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one other- Morning Message:Clickety-clackClickety-clackTrain on the trackClickety-clackingTo _____* and back (* insert your location)Have message written in advance and read aloud to children (or with their help). Ask children to recall where they’ve heard words like this recently? If time permits, invite children to notice concepts of print, e.g. similarities between words, long vs. short words, etc.Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the dayTransition:Music/Movement: : “Down by the Station” & one otherRelaxation:Transition:Closing Circle:Goodbye song Arrival: Attendance graphMorning Circle:Welcome song & one other-Discussion: What have we learned about trains? (E.g., parts of a train, what they carry, jobs on a train or at a train station…) Chart children’s ideas with simple words, phrases or images.Review daily schedule and rules now and throughout the daySS Skill ActivityTransition: QOTD: “Where would you like to take a train to?” (Use choices that will be meaningful to your group: zoo, Grandma’s house, Chuck E Cheese, Mexico, etc.)Music/Movement: SS Song & one otherRelaxation:Transition: SS Brain Builder-Closing Circle:Goodbye songRead-AloudsGroup 1: The Little Engine That Could by Watty PiperGroup 2: Train Song by Diane SiebertGroup 1: Train Song by Diane SiebertGroup 2: The Little Engine That Could by Watty PiperGroup 1:SS Story and Discussion-Group 2: SS book-Group 1: SS BookGroup 2: SS Story and Discussion-Small-Group ActivityGroup 1: Train Station (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 3a,3b,9a,s9a,10a,s10a,14bGroup 2: Where to Go and How to Get There (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 8a,s8a,9a,s9a,14a,19b,s19b,37,38Group 1: Where to Go and How to Get There (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 8a,s8a,9a,s9a,14a,19b,s19b,37,38Group 2: Train Station (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 3a,3b,9a,s9a,10a,s10a,14bGroup 1: SS Skill Activity-Group 2: Building Roads (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 3a,11d,14b,30Group 1: Building Roads (See Activity Guide) TS Gold Objectives- 3a,11d,14b,30Group 2: SS Skill Activity-Special ActivitiesHave children move in a train (line), changing their speed to match a tempo you set (e.g. with rhythm sticks) or the noise they make (puff, chug, choo choo, etc.)3D Vehicles (see activity guide) during free choice3D Vehicles(see activity guide) during free choice3D Vehicles(see activity guide) during free choiceTangible Acknowledgement SystemInclement Weather PlanEmergency DrillsOutsideIndividual Child Planning FormTeachers:Classroom:Week of:Focus DateChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) Why Chosen?(IFSP, observation/assessment, family input conference goal, etc.)Strategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysical Child PlanningChild’sNameSchool Readiness Goal Focus Domain(s)Focus TS GOLD Objective(s) IFSP GOALStrategy/ActivityNOTE: Children with similar needs may benefit from differentiated instruction (e.g. during small-group activity). You can use the “Small Group” column at right to make notes about possible groupings.Possible small-group?CHECK when implementedSoc-EmotionalApproaches to LearningLanguage & LiteracyCogn./ Gen. KnowledgePhysical*Please review all IFSP plans including Speech Only to ensure implementation of all classroom goals.*For speech goals the what/who would be: Directed by the Speech Language Therapist*If you have additional goals, highlight the last row for that child, right click with mouse, scroll to Insert rows, scroll to insert row below. Do this as many times as needed. ................

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