Comic Book Page Rubric - Mr. Linn's Art Classes at GSHS

Children’s Book Rubric Name___________________________

Objective: by the end of this project students will be able to write, and illustrate an age appropriate (2nd grade) children’s book.


1. Image size width 13.5 x height 8 x 150 ppi (each page will actually be half this size)

2. Book is at least 10 pages long + front cover, with average of 15-20 words per page.

3. Illustrations must use at least 4 of the “shots” listed below to add interest and variety (to earn a 4).

Long Shot: Subject is seen from a distance.

Full Shot: Character fits the frame from head to toe.

Medium Shot: You see character from the waist up.

Close-up: Head takes up the whole frame.

Extreme close-up: Even closer e.g. just the eyes.

4. May use vector graphics, bitmap drawing with stylus or mouse, or collage technique with photos of patterns, textures or “materials”, but no photos of people/places/objects or other prefab graphics. Tracing okay for photographs only.

Whichever illustration technique you choose, stay consistent to create a unified look throughout the book, and use only original characters and imagery!

Standard 1: Students recognize the visual arts as a form of communication.

|Advanced 4 |High Proficient 3 |Basic Proficient 2 |

|Story is age appropriate in content and reading level. There is a |Story is age appropriate, and illustration/text|Story is age appropriate and/or vocab/content could be a |

|clear connection between the illustrations and text for each page, |connection is evident. Problem/solution is |better fit. Problem/solution may be somewhat unclear. |

|and the story contains a problem that is solved in positive way. |included and/or could be stronger. | |

Standard 2: Students know and apply elements of art and principles of design.

|Advanced 4 |High Proficient 3 |Basic Proficient 2 |

|Illustration and character design show significant detail and |Illustration includes some detail, and/or style and|More detail may add interest to the illustration, and/or |

|effort. Style is consistent, and creates visual unity |character design is consistent with minor |style could be more consistent to create unity throughout|

|throughout the book. Each page includes a detailed background |exceptions. Backgrounds are included and/or at |the book. Backgrounds may be minimal, and/or 2/5 shots |

|setting, and at least 4/5 different shots are used. |least 3/5 shots used. |used. |

Standard 4: Students relate the visual arts to various historical and cultural traditions (children’s books).

|Advanced 4 |High Proficient 3 |Basic Proficient 2 |

|Book design meets all requirements listed above: front cover, size |Book design meets all but 1 of requirements |More than 1 requirement is not met e.g. imagery may not |

|requirements are accurate, at least 10 pages, 15-20 words per page |above. |be original. |

|average, and illustration is original work. | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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