Central Bucks School District

53555901343700left-1129200766119-216244To thine own self be true! 00To thine own self be true! 4053840-222885Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.00Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.Miss Iatarola INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Ninth Grade Honors English INCLUDEPICTURE "" \* MERGEFORMATINET Unami Middle SchoolEmail: biatarola@Hello! I am thrilled to welcome you to my English class. Never forget—your ideas are valuable, your insights are necessary, and your perspective is unique. There will only ever be one you. I look forward to knowing you better! Overview: The English 9 Curriculum is comprised of concept-based threads to explore throughout the year: Personal Identity Through History, Through the Eyes of Youth, Knowledge Comes at a Price, and Ordinary People as Heroes. We’ll use these threads to address essential questions and themes of our readings. In their readings, students will focus on how theme, point of view, and characterization influence texts and allow authors to convey messages about history, politics, culture, and much more.?By becoming more aware of these methods and messages, students will become more conscious readers—able to interpret each text while taking context into account. The focus of writing in ninth grade is to express a narrative they find meaningful by analyzing the elements that make narrative writing effective and harnessing the power of those tools to create meaningful work of their own. Core Course Texts (both are required for all 9th Graders): To Kill a MockingbirdRomeo and JulietAdditional Course Texts The Book ThiefNightVarious poems and short storiesSupplies (there will be a check for all of these on Monday, September 11th : Several pencils, pens, highlighters, etc.4. A 3-ring binder with dividers for classes Assignment Book5. Any assignments/homework dueAny novel/required book we are reading 6. Your writer’s notebook and your SSR book 7. USB flashdriveHomework: Please expect to have some form of homework on a nightly basis. All assignments, including homework, are always verbally explained and written on the homework board. It is your responsibility to write down your assignments in your assignment book. Assignments are also posted on my website, but please do not rely only on my website for assignments. If you do not have your homework in class or if it is incomplete, you will earn 0 points. The only way to earn back points on missed homework assignments is to complete a “missing homework form”. Based on this form, you will earn back an appropriate percentage. Book Love:The first ten minutes of every class (assessment days excluded) will be set aside for independent reading, a.k.a Book Love. I have a classroom library, but I also expect you to come in each day knowing the text you plan to read. Notice I said text, I did not say book. Books are grand and interesting and we will read a few of them together this year, but this daily reading time is for you to read about your favorite things in your favorite form. Bring in a magazine, newspaper, comic book, book (fiction, nonfiction), encyclopedia, gaming guide, or whatever else is interesting to you. That’s what I expect you to read for those ten minutes. We will not be going to the library during that time, so come prepared or be ready to peruse book recommendations from past classes instead. Grading: In addition to homework, your learning in language arts will be assessed through tests, quizzes, projects, writing pieces, and the work we do during class time. Each assessment will have its own point value, and you will get a rubric for projects and writing pieces. My grade book is weighted meaning the points you earn on projects, writing pieces, tests, and quizzes are worth more to your overall grade than classwork and homework points.CategoryPercentage of Total GradeProjects, Essays, Quizzes & Tests80%Classwork & Homework20%Late Assignments: Any major project or writing assignment that is turned in past the date that it is due will receive a half of a letter grade deduction (10 percentage points) for each day that it is late. Exceptionally late assignments cannot earn higher than a 70 %. If there is something, such as a family emergency, that prevents you from completing an assignment on time please have your parent/guardian contact me so we can discuss the situation and make a plan for you to complete the assignment.Absences: You are responsible for making up the work you missed when you were absent. Please check my website and/or contact a classmate. When you return to school, you will have two days to complete and submit any homework or class work that was assigned while you were absent. When you return, it is your responsibility to pick up worksheets, arrange to make up tests or quizzes, and communicate with me in person or via e-mail. For my class specifically, you will be able to find all classwork and homework assignments and materials on my website. If, at any time, you cannot access those materials, e-mail me and I will send the materials you need.A Note To All Students:All of the above are rules to follow and organizational tools I have in place to assure your success this year in school. They’re necessary. But more than anything else, I want to convey the honest respect I have for you as a writer and reader in this class. Please be aware: your opinions, thoughts, and feelings are always relevant and valid in my classroom. This year is not about reading books and writing assignments for the purpose of busywork. It is a year of practice. English is, in its barest form, communication. I am here to hand you tips, tricks, and strategies so that you can become the best communicator possible, and so that you will be able to spread the messages important to you and influence the world in the way you want to. I ask you to practice those skills here with me, so that when it really counts, you’ll be ready to use them for yourself. This year we are going to be discussing topics that unveil some of the darkest truths about human history. I expect, at all times, respect and sensitivity for any topics or texts that express these truths. If you ever need any support or guidance regarding any aspect of this class, please approach me during class or resource, otherwise, e-mail me at biatarola@. I am so happy to have you as part of this class, and I expect great things. Please sign below to indicate that you understand Miss Iatarola’s rules and expectations:Name of Student: ____________________________________________________________________Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________________Please ask your parent/guardian to sign below to indicate that he or she understands Miss Iatarola’s rules and expectations: -23114016319500Parent Signature: “The final forming of a person’s character is in their own hands.” –Anne Frank ................

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