MIE Expert Name: Antonis AntoniouCountry: CyprusGrade: 8No of Learners: 12Topic: Erasmus + Key Action 2 (KA2) Project (Comics in Teaching Languages) Project Activity 1 –Lesson 1: Creating and presenting your own Comics story line – Character DesignLearners from 6 different countries in Europe are working together in an Erasmus + (KA2) Project which is funded by the European Commission. The purpose of the project is to use innovative ways to design and use comics in teaching and learning languages. In this project, learners are learning how to use new technologies to create and present comics both in the classroom to their peers and in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Platforms to their international partner schools.Learning ObjectivesDeveloping learners’ digital competences helping them to become competent and confident ICT usersFostering creativity and critical thinking skillsEncourage learners to develop their potential and the appropriate collaborative skills that are essential for independent ICT and project based learningDuration90 minRationaleLearners will learn how to use ICT tools in the classroom as an innovative learning strategy to design Comics. In fact learners will get engaged in ICT project based tasks to design and create comics as well as to disseminate their outcomes - Comics. In this lesson learners will work in groups and they will use software applications: Bing search engine to do research work, Windows Paint to draw a character, OneNote to share learners’ ideas, PowerPoint o365 to present learners’ outcomes: drawing the comics character, OneDrive to share learners’ art work, Sway to present, share and disseminate learners work with their peers in class as well as in KA2 project partners schools, Skype to communicate with their peers in the partners schools of other European countries.This lesson will help learners to develop their digital skills, communication skills as well as it fosters learners’ team work and collaboration skills. The learners will use their computer skills and creativity to find an innovative way to complete the tasks of the project. They will develop their critical thinking and decision making even further. Learners will use research approach to perform their tasks. Besides they will improve their evaluation and problem solving skills as well as their organization skills. Pre-requisiteLearners have basic knowledge of using the Internet, Bing search engine, Windows Paint, Microsoft PowerPoint o365, Skype, One Drive, and OneNote. They also have basic skills of art and graphics design from Art lessons. Materials PowerPoint tutorial: Introduction to Comics Character Design Computer Lab with Internet connectionSoftware required – Bing, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office 365, OneNote, OneDrive, Sway, SkypeCameras and Headsets for learnersStage ContentTeaching Strategies Learning Strategies Stage 130 minIntroduction Learners are asked to work in pairs but every learner should have a computer to work. Learners are asked to use Bing search Engine in order to search about “Designing and drawing comics”Teamwork: Two pairs of learners will form one group (total - 3 groups)Learners are asked to discuss with their group whether it is possible for them to use Windows Paint application they have already learned how to use in Computer Lessons in order to design the Comic Character. Learners are supposed to discuss and give feedback in groups.Teacher asks each group to use OneNote to write their comments and share their conclusions with the rest of the groups and the teacher. Learners brainstorm to find out whether the Windows Paint application they have available can be used for a specific purpose, i.e drawing a comic character.Groups discuss whether it is possible for them to practice the arts skills they have learned in Arts lesson and the computer skills they have learned in Computer lessons to design and draw a Comics Character.Pupils will write their conclusions in OneNote and share it with the rest of the class for discussion and reviewing. Stage 210 minDevelopment: Learning and Engagement Teacher asks learners to learn more about the “Character Design” by studying the PowerPoint tutorial. Presentation Link input information on how to design a comics character by studying PowerPoint tutorial sent to them by the teacher.Stage 310 minDevelopment: Group DiscussionAfter studying the tutorial, learners get in to their group to discuss and create a mind map of the character’s role in their story. Learners are asked to decide about the character relevance in the story. Learners write their conclusions in OneNote and share them with the rest of the groupsLearners show critical thinking and problem solving by taking decisions on their creative process to design the comics character and decide on its relevance in the story.Each group shares their conclusions by using OneNote in order to allow all learners to know about their comics character and exchange ideas on it.Stage 420 minDesigning/Drawing Learners are asked to work in groups and use Windows Paint application to draw the comics character. Learners are encouraged to express their creativity and innovativeness to produce the outcome. Learners are advised to perform last minute modifications and improvements if necessary. Every group must save their work in OneDrive Group Folder created by the teacher.Using Windows Paint, learners apply and develop not only their ITC skills but also their creativity skills and team work skills. Learners save their work on OneDrive and share their work with the other class groups.Learners communicate and discuss their ideas as well as the good practices they use in creating and drawing the Comic Character. The group members evaluate the outcomes and share them using OneDrive.Stage 510 minDevelopment: PresentationLearners work in groups to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation using Office365 to present their outcomes.Group leaders submit their outcomes to the teacher for evaluation. PowerPoint o365 share capability is used.Stage 610 minConclusion: Dissemination Learners are asked to use Bing Search Engine to search and find information on “How to use Microsoft Sway to create a presentation”Learners are asked to create their own Sway presentation to disseminate their outcomes.Each group submits their Sway presentations showing the Comics Characters they have designed.Group leaders compile one Sway presentation from the whole class which should be shared online.Learners discuss and share the best ideas on how to create the Sway presentationLearners create the Sway presentation to disseminate their outcomes.Group Leaders upload the final outcomes on the Project’s blog () for dissemination with the other partner schools from Erasmus + KA2 project.Note: ?Group Leaders will represent their class in a Skype call meeting with the KA2 project partner schools. The Skype call meeting will be about the final outcomes on the drawing of the comics characters from each partner school. ................

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