Movie Review of Danton (1982) - Kirkwood

Movie Review of Danton (1982)

In America, Polish director Andrzej Wajda remains completely obscure. In Europe, it is a different story, where many of his movies have received awards at film festivals. While American recognition has been slow in coming, he will receive an Honorary Academy Award this year.

While other talented Polish directors such as Roman Polanski soon emigrated to the West, Wajda has worked in Poland whenever possible. However, Wajda was forced to leave the country in 1981. His film Man of Iron (1981) praised the Solidarity union and labor leader Lech Walesa, putting him at odds with the communist dictatorship. He was not able to return until 1989, when communist governments were overthrown across central Europe.

Danton was the first film for Wajda produced in France. It starred imposing, charismatic French actor Gerard Depardieu in the title role. However, the largest role was that of Robespierre, which went to Polish actor Wojciech Pszoniak. Wajda has directed Pszoniak in seven films altogether.

Danton takes place in the Spring of 1794. It is the second year of the French Republic, following the revolution that cost King Louis XVI his head. The revolution continues, now as "the reign of terror". The guillotine sees heavy use, as opponents of the 'republic' across the political spectrum are rounded up.

The times are volatile, and former allies become enemies as the revolutionaries turn on each other. Robespierre leads the Committee of Public Safety, whose primary duty is the arrest of political opponents. Robespierre is portrayed as an earnest patriot who has become cornered by events. To retain power with his fellow extremists, he is forced to silence opposition with executions, which lead to further opposition.

The poverty and suffering of the French population, exacerbated by a recent disastrous war with Austria, puts additional pressures on the government. However, Danton confines itself to the political intrigues of Danton, Robespierre, and their respective allies.

Danton is a gifted orator, and a hero of August 10, the day that the King was finally arrested. Danton is a moderate who favors the end of political persecutions. Desmoulins (Patrice Chereau) is a newspaper propagandist whose recent work has turned against Robespierre. The popularity of Danton and Desmoulins with the French people is dangerous to the Government.

Danton is arrogant, and overconfident in his ability to lead the public to do his will. However, Danton is prescient in his political predictions, as Robespierre would soon share his fate. Many writers have drawn parallels between the relationship of Danton and Robespierre to that of Walesa and Jaruzelski, comparing the turmoil of the French Revolution to the contemporary political struggles in Wajda's homeland.

Danton has excellent production values. The script, direction, cast, costumes, and sets are outstanding. The members of the large supporting cast are given distinct personalities, although it is sometimes confusing to keep track of them all, and their political allegiances.

Like A Tale of Two Cities (1935), the film ends with scenes of a guillotine. But Danton is far more graphic in its depiction. The bloody blade is repulsive, but there is no better way to get across the horror and tragedy of a revolution gone awry.



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