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Success Through


Session Background


Successful teams form the foundation of successful organizations. Second vice district governors will have the opportunity to be part of several teams, so it is imperative that they have an understanding of what makes teams ‘work’. In this session, second vice district governors will learn about the benefits of teamwork, the five characteristics of successful teams, and the challenges that can occur in team environments.

Session Objectives


• Define ‘teamwork’

• Describe the role of teamwork in district leadership

• Recognize the benefits of teamwork

• Identify the characteristics of successful teams

• Recognize the challenges that teams encounter

Session Preparation


• Consider the technical requirements for the session. Do a test of the laptop/computer, the LCD projector and screen, PowerPoint slides, and the wireless mouse/laser pointer, if appropriate.

• Conduct an inventory of the materials for the session. Utilize the Training Materials Checklist in the Instructor Preparation Guide to check that you have everything you will need for the session.

• Review all activities that will take place during the session. Have you obtained and organized all materials needed to complete the activities?

• Do a review of content prior to the start of the session as a final measure of preparation.


|Instructor Guide | |

|Participant Guide |

|PowerPoint slides |

|Team Tower Activity materials: |

|30 balloons (not inflated) |

|1 role of masking tape |


|Computer |

|LCD projector and screen |

|Flipchart and markers |

|Wireless mouse/laser pointer (optional) |

Action Icons

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|Refer to Participant Guide |

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Session Timeline


|INTRODUCTION |Opening Activity: Team Tower |Activity materials |

|(40:00) | | |

| |Presentation: Session Overview |Participant Guide |

| | |PowerPoint slides |

|MODULE 1: |Presentation/Discussion: Characteristics of Successful Teams |PowerPoint slides |

|Successful Teams | |Participant Guide |

|(25:00) | | |

| |Presentation/Discussion: Obstacles to Team Success |PowerPoint slides |

|MODULE 2: | |Participant Guide |

|Challenges of Working Together |Activity: Overcoming Obstacles to Team Success | |

|(20:00) | |Participant Guide |

|CONCLUSION |Presentation: Teamwork Resources and Session Summary |Participant Guide |

|(5:00) | |PowerPoint slides |

|Total Time: 90:00 |


Total Time: 40:00

Opening Activity: Team Tower (30:00)

Instructor Preparation Note: Prior to the session, determine how many teams you will have for this activity, and how many participants will be on each team. Teams should have no less than three members. If the group is very small (less than six people), you can also conduct the activity with one team. If conducting the activity with only one team, adjust the activity directions as necessary.


We are going to begin our session with a short activity.

|Activity Directions: |

| |

|Divide participants into groups of 3-4. |

| |

|Distribute the following materials to each group: |

|30 balloons (not inflated) |

|1 roll of masking tape |

| |

|Give the following directions: |

| |

|Each team has a challenge: to build the tallest free-standing tower using only the materials |

|given to your team (balloons and tape). |

| |

|You will have 20 minutes to complete the tower. |

| |

|The team that builds the tallest tower wins! |

| |

|Ask if there are any questions about the activity. |

| |

|Begin the activity. |

| |

|During the activity, circulate around the room and observe the interaction between the members of|

|each team. |

| |

|Call time after 20 minutes. |

| |

|Determine which team is the winner of the activity. |


We will discuss this activity in detail later in the session. For now, keep your experiences during this team activity in mind as we begin our discussion on teamwork.

Presentation: Session Overview (10:00)


This session will explore teamwork and team success.


Can anyone provide me with a definition of ‘teamwork’?

Allow 2-3 volunteers to provide a definiton. Responses will vary.


Display slide 1 and read the definition of ‘teamwork’:


Refer participants to page 1 in the Participant Guide.


This is a basic definition, but we all know that for teams to work together and experience success, team members must understand the benefits of teamwork, embrace and demonstrate specific team characteristics, and be aware of the challenges that teams may encounter.

Close your eyes. Now, imagine your own district without teams of any kind. There is a district governor, first vice district governor, and second vice district governor, but there is no unified team approach to managing the district. Imagine that there is no team structure for the Global Action Team. Committees and project teams have simply ceased to exist.

Give participants approximately 60 seconds to visualize the scenario. Ask them to open their eyes.


• What types of things did you envision happening in your districts? Responses will vary.

• What consequences would likely occur as a result of not having teams and teamwork? Responses will vary.


It is obvious that a district without teams and teamwork would be very different and would likely experience overwhelming challenges.

The role of teamwork within the district is critical. Success of these teams, and ultimately, the success of your district, depends on whether or not people are functioning together – in other words, whether or not ‘teamwork’ is present.


Display slide 2: Benefits of Teamwork



There are several benefits to teamwork including:

• Efficiency: Working together, members can accomplish more in less time

• Collaboration: Members can work together to solve problems

• Innovation: Members can draw on individual and collective experiences to brainstorm and generate new ideas

• Support: Members can encourage and help one another

• Satisfaction: Members striving toward a common goal attain new levels of fulfillment and success when working together


But what does this discussion on teamwork and its benefits have to do with your position as second vice district governor?


Display slide 3: District Teams



As a second vice district governor, you will serve in various team-related roles:

• Being a team member of the district governor team

• Working with the Global Action Team district coordinators

• Working with and supporting other district teams, such as district committees


Display slide 4 and review the session objectives.



This session will provide you with an overview of teamwork and the ways that teamwork can impact success.


In order to truly understand how teamwork can impact success, we need to first identify the characteristics of successful teams.

MODULE 1: Successful Teams

Total Time: 25:00

Presentation/Discussion: Characteristics of Successful Teams (25:00)


Teamwork is not just a concept – it is a practice. To be successful, there are five characteristics that teams should strive to implement.


Display slide 5: Characteristics of Successful Teams



The five characteristics of successful teams are:

o Direction and Purpose

o Commitment

o Processes and Procedures

o Leadership

o Interdependence

These five team characteristics create an environment in which team members feel valued and supported and where they are encouraged to collaborate and work together as a means of reaching team goals.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these characteristics.

Refer participants to page 2 in the Participant Guide.


Display slide 6: Direction and Purpose



Without direction and purpose, there is no common understanding of where the team is going and how they are going to get there.

A team with direction and purpose means that:

• Goals have been established through a process of group collaboration

• Goals and purposes are understood by all team members

• Goals are periodically reviewed and revised as necessary

By involving all members in the establishment of the team’s direction, members feel both a responsibility and investment in achieving those goals.


Think about your team experience during the opening ‘Team Tower’ activity:

• Were direction and purpose demonstrated by the members of your team during that activity? Responses will vary.

• Now that you know that having direction and purpose is a characteristic of successful teams, is there anything that you would have done differently during the activity? Responses will vary.


Display slide 7: Commitment



The second characteristic, commitment, implies a strong sense of dedication and responsibility. Teams who demonstrate commitment are successful because each individual member is completely dedicated to the achievement of the goals set forth by the collective team. Team success and achievement of goals is prioritized over individual achievement.


Consider your team experience during the opening ‘Team Tower’ activity:

• Did the members of your team demonstrate commitment during the activity?

o If so, how did it benefit the team? Responses will vary.

o If not, how did it impact team success? Responses will vary.


Display slide 8: Processes and Procedures



Successful teams have established processes and procedures by which they operate. These rules, guidelines, and norms provide a framework of expectations for team members as they interact with one another and work to accomplish tasks.

A team that follows processes and procedures:

• Has established a set of ground rules and operating norms

• Promotes the free flow of communication between team members

• Has a process for discussing issues and resolving problems

• Encourages all team members to provide input into the decision making process

• Encourages team members to provide frequent and constructive feedback to one another


Think about your team experience during the opening ‘Team Tower’ activity:

• Did your team establish any processes and/or procedures (define duties, guidelines, etc.) during the activity?

o If so, what were they and how did they contribute to team success? Responses will vary.

o If not, how did the lack of processes and procedures impact team success? Responses will vary.


Display slide 9: Leadership



Effective leadership is critical to team success. In many team structures, there is a designated ‘leader’ who guides and supports the ‘members’ in achieving team goals. This individual is the formal team leader.

However, team structures can also provide the opportunity for shared leadership and for informal leaders to emerge. As tasks, projects, resources, or responsibilities change, different needs arise and new leaders can and should emerge. These informal leader roles provide the opportunity for all team members to develop their leadership skills and gain experience for future leadership roles.

Whether formal or informal, a leader should always be supportive of team members and prioritize team performance over individual power or agendas.


Consider your team experience during the opening ‘Team Tower’ activity:

• Did a leader(s) emerge within the team? Responses will vary.

• Was leadership shared among members of the team during the activity? Responses will vary.

• Did members of the team feel supported and encouraged by team leadership? Responses will vary.


Display slide 10: Interdependence



The final characteristic we are going to discuss is interdependence. Successful teams function interdependently, meaning that every member’s role and work complements someone else and individual progress is dependent on the help and feedback of others.

Teams who are interdependent recognize, value, and utilize the skills, knowledge, abilities, and perspectives of each member of the team.


Think about your team experience during the opening ‘Team Tower’ activity:

• Was there a sense of interdependency present among team members team during the activity? Responses will vary.

o If so, how did it benefit the team in achieving the goal of the activity? Responses will vary.

o If not, how did it impact team success? Responses will vary.


Does anyone have anything else they would like to add about their team experience during the opening activity?


The Team Tower activity was an exercise in teamwork. Each team was given a goal and some materials, but teams were forced to begin working without clearly defined leadership, plans, and specific tasks. This activity, in conjunction with our discussion on the five characteristics, should have demonstrated how those characteristics are critical for success in any team situation.


Despite our best intentions, teams do not always function in an ideal way. We will now take a few minutes to discuss the challenges that can result when we work together in teams.

MODULE 2: Challenges of Working Together

Total Time: 20:00

Presentation/Discussion: Obstacles to team Success (5:00)


In a perfect world, every team experience would be a successful one. However, we know that that expectation is simply not realistic, and that there will likely always be obstacles to team success.

Refer participants to page 3 in the Participant Guide.


Display slide 11 and review the obstacles to team success:



Every team is as unique as its individual members, so every team may encounter its own unique set of obstacles. However, there are some common obstacles that many teams often face:

• Unclear goals: If goals are not clearly defined and/or team members do not understand the goals, it is difficult for the team to work together in unison.

• Lack of commitment: A lack of commitment can result in ambiguity about team direction and priorities and a lack of confidence in decisions.

• Lack of motivation: There are many reasons that a team can lose its motivation. Perhaps the team is struggling with a task or in coming to a consensus about a decision. This might result in a ‘can’t do’ attitude, and people may lose their confidence and belief in the team.

• Unclear roles: It is critical that each member of the team have a clear understanding of the role he/she must play as part of the team. Unclear roles can result in confusion, conflict, duplicated work, and wasted time.

• Absence of trust: When trust is missing from team dynamics, team members feel they cannot be totally honest when expressing themselves and that they cannot rely on one another for support or when completing tasks. This absence of trust can inhibit team relationships, team communication, and team productivity.


Has anyone encountered any of these obstacles in their own team experiences?


Identifying obstacles to team success is the first step toward overcoming the challenges that can result when we work together in teams.

ACTIVITY: Overcoming Obstacles to Team Success (15:00)


We are now going to spend a few minutes brainstorming and discussing strategies for overcoming some of the most common obstacles to team success.

|Activity Directions: |

| |

|Divide participants into groups of 2-3. |

| |

|Give the following directions: |

| |

|Each group will select two or three obstacles from the list at the top of page 3 in the |

|Participant Guide. |

| |

|In your groups, brainstorm strategies for overcoming each of the obstacles your group has chosen |

|to discuss. |

| |

|You will have 10 minutes to discuss and brainstorm strategies. |

| |

|Begin the activity. |

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|Call time after 10 minutes |

| |

|Ask for volunteers from each small group to share a summary of their brainstorming discussions. |

|Responses will vary. |


Keep these strategies in mind as you work with your teams this year, and in the future as you attain higher leadership positions.


(Transition to the conclusion.)


Total Time: 5:00

Presentation: Teamwork Resources and Session Summary (5:00)


There are several resources available from LCI that you can use to develop your own teamwork skills, to promote teamwork, and to build teams.

Refer participants to pages 4-5 in the Participant Guide.


On page 4, you will see two online resources available on the LCI Web site in the Leadership Resource Center. Each of these resources serves a slightly different team-related purpose, but will guide you in the development of your own teamwork skills and help you promote teamwork within your district.

On page 5 is the ‘Team Effectiveness Assessment’. This assessment is aligned with the five characteristics of successful teams and can be used as a resource to evaluate areas where your team is being successful, and areas that may need to be improved.

Refer participants to pages 6-8 in the Participant Guide.


On pages 6-8, you will find a few team building activities that you can use with members of your own teams or suggest to other Lions who may be looking for team building activities.

This collection of activities is not exhaustive. You may have your own team building activities to share with participants. The Internet is also a good source when searching for team building activities and resources.


Display slide 12 and review the session objectives:



Did we meet our objectives?


If one of your teams is not performing up to your standards, remember the five characteristics of successful teams and determine which of those characteristics might be absent from your team dynamics. If your team is facing obstacles, remind yourself of the strategies we identified during our brainstorming session, or conduct your own brainstorming session with members of your team to determine ways to overcome the specific obstacles you are facing.

As a member of several teams within the district, your knowledge of teams and teamwork will serve as an important resource for helping to ensure that your teams are successful.

(Conclude the session.)


Instructor Guide

Second Vice District Governor Training


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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