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English 9 Enrichment ActivitiesThe following optional activities are being suggested for Mrs. Mullin’s and Mrs. Piscopink’s English 9 classes to help maintain skills and enrich your learning experience at home. Most resources are available either on the class website or in your notebook. Week of March 30th:Complete any of the activities that you did not get a chance to do last week, especially the Odyssey ones.Argument Writing Practice: Is Troy Real?Go the Padlet (available on the class website) and read the articles about Troy and the Trojan War – you will need to scroll down to the bottom of the third column.Read about Troy and Trojan War and take notes in your notebook. I suggest creating a chart (Real vs Not Real) and focus on writing quality summaries and paraphrases (not direct quotes) and citing the information correctly. You may need to review research notes.Write a Flash Draft that focuses on supporting one side of the argument but also addresses the counterargument. You should set a timer for 20 minutes.When you are done, review your Flash Draft and think about the elements of a quality essay. Did you have time to write a complete essay? What did you do well on? What could you improve on next time? Remember, the purpose of a Flash Draft is to get you to practice getting all of your thoughts and ideas down quickly in an organized manner.Create a virtual book club for a book of your choice with 3-5 other people (too many participants might cause the discussion to become too long or to go off task). You might want to use a platform that allows all of you to talk at the same time – FaceTime, Zoom, etc. Assign specific chapters to read each day and take notes (characters/setting/plot, likes/dislikes, author’s craft moves, thoughts/comments, discussion questions, etc)Come prepared for each discussion with at least two discussion questions. Discussion questions should not have a right/wrong answer.I would love to hear what book you are reading and what your group discusses! Please feel free to send me your questions/responses, thoughts, opinions, and more. If you send me discussion questions in advance, I will try to respond before your next group meeting. NOTE: If you do not want to create a book club, then just choose a book that you want to read and discuss the book with a family member as you get through certain sections. If your group can’t agree on a book, you can still create a book club and just discuss each book.Let me know if you need book suggestions!Work on your grammar and writing skills!You should spend time reviewing the following skills (Note: I am including the skills from last week too):Clauses (dependent, independent, noun, adjective, and adverb)Fragments and run-ons Comma rulesParallel StructureColonsSemi-colonsThere are several links on the class website (Helpful Sites) that you can use to review these concepts. Many of the sites provide quizzes with immediate feedback.You can also use Khan Academy to review the skills. I have assigned most of the work through our class, but you can also look them up on your own if you do not remember your sign-on.Suggestion: After practicing with a concept/skill, can you identify them in your own writing? For example, circle all of the commas in one of your paragraphs or essays (reprint from Office 365 if needed). Can you identify the comma rules? Can you recognize different types of clauses or even add them into your writing.Week of March 23rd:Odyssey Introduction Activities (provided in class before the break)Book 1-8 NotesTake this activity to another level by creating a notebook page that shows what you learned from the notes. Who are the main characters? Can you put the characters into categories (good/bad, human/god) and summarize their role? Can you make a timeline of main events for Odysseus and for his family back in Ithaca? Books 9-12 Vocabulary (use your Literature Book)Take this activity to another level by doing any of the following:Create notecards and quiz yourselfSort the words into different categories – what kinds of categories can you come with? Record this in your notebook.Write your own sentences for each of the words. Tip: When you write sentences that relate to you and your life, it is easier to remember what the word pare the Hero’s Journey (notes are available on the Padlet) to the Elements of an Epic Hero (in your notebook). Option #1: Create a notebook page that shows how the hero you researched fits the elements of an epic hero. Provide specific examples as support.Option #2: Watch a movie or read a book that follows the hero’s journey (think back to the projects that were presented – Star Wars, Lion King, Nemo, Divergent, Hunger Games, etc.). How does the hero of that story fit the different elements of an epic hero? Create a notebook page to show what you learned. I would love to see what you created. You can send me a picture through Remind or email.Research one of the Greek Gods (Zeus, Athena, or Poseidon) that will play an active role in the Odyssey and create something (blog, PPT, Prezi, paragraph/essay, etc) to show what you learned. Review the elements of research, including how to create a Works Cited page, how to properly use internal citations, and how to write summaries and paraphrases.Share what you learned with someone (like me )!Work on your grammar skills!You should spend time reviewing the following skills:Clauses (different types – subordinate/dependent, independent, noun, adjective, and adverb)Noun, adjective, and adverb clause have not been discussed yet, but it would benefit you to start looking at them now.Fragments and run-onsComma rulesThere are several links on the class website (Helpful Sites) that you can use to review these concepts. Many of the sites provide quizzes with immediate feedback.Suggestion: After practicing with a concept/skill, can you identify them in your own writing? For example, circle all of the commas in one of your paragraphs or essays (reprint from Office 365 if needed). Can you identify the comma rules? Can you recognize different types of clauses or even add them into your writing? ................

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