Assignment: Economy

Assignment: Command Name:

For more than 70 years after The Russian Revolution, the Soviet government used a modified command economy and made all the important economic decisions including what was produced, where it was produced, how much was produced and how much the product cost.

In comparison the United States is based on a modified market or capitalism economy. In a market economy the law of supply and demand determines what is produced and how much it costs.

In 1991, saw the end of the United Soviet Socialist Republic and the emergence of an independent Russia and Russian Federation.

In addition to your reading in this unit, do some online research to answer the following questions:

1. You must include at LEAST two cited sources for your information.

2. Briefly explain the policies of Glasnost and Perestroika?

3. Describe at least one way in which economic policies in the Russian Federation have changed compared to the command economy of the USSR.

4. Describe at least one economic policy that Russia now shares in common with the United States.

5. Describe one advantage that you think the command economy of the USSR had compared to the current system.


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