Mac OS X Server Command-Line Administration

Mac OS X Server Command-Line Administration

For Version 10.3 or Later

Apple Computer, Inc. ? 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.

The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Mac OS X Server software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid for support services.

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Apple, the Apple logo, AirPort, AppleScript, AppleShare, AppleTalk, ColorSync, FireWire, iMac, Keychain, Mac, Macintosh, Power Mac, Power Macintosh, QuickTime, Sherlock, and WebObjects are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Extensions Manager and Finder are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.




Preface Chapter 1

Chapter 2

11 About This Book 11 Notation Conventions 11 Summary 11 Commands and Other Terminal Text 11 Command Parameters and Options 12 Default Settings 12 Commands Requiring Root Privileges

13 Typing Commands 13 Using Terminal 14 Correcting Typing Errors 14 Repeating Commands 14 Including Paths Using Drag-and-Drop 15 Commands Requiring Root Privileges 16 Sending Commands to a Remote Server 16 Sending a Single Command 17 Updating SSH Key Fingerprints 17 Notes on Communication Security and servermgrd 18 Using Telnet 18 Getting Online Help for Commands 19 Notes About Specific Commands and Tools 19 serversetup 19 serveradmin

21 Installing Server Software and Finishing Basic Setup 21 Installing Server Software 21 Automating Server Setup 21 Creating a Configuration File Template 22 Creating Customized Configuration Files from the Template File 25 Naming Configuration Files 25 Storing a Configuration File in an Accessible Location 25 Changing Server Settings


Chapter 3 Chapter 4

Chapter 5

26 Viewing, Validating, and Setting the Software Serial Number

26 Updating Server Software 27 Moving a Server

29 Restarting or Shutting Down a Server 29 Restarting a Server 29 Examples 29 Automatic Restart 30 Changing a Remote Server's Startup Disk 30 Shutting Down a Server 30 Examples

31 Setting General System Preferences 31 Computer Name 31 Viewing or Changing the Computer Name 31 Date and Time 32 Viewing or Changing the System Date 32 Viewing or Changing the System Time 32 Viewing or Changing the System Time Zone 33 Viewing or Changing Network Time Server Usage 33 Energy Saver Settings 33 Viewing or Changing Sleep Settings 33 Viewing or Changing Automatic Restart Settings 34 Power Management Settings 34 Startup Disk Settings 34 Viewing or Changing the Startup Disk 35 Sharing Settings 35 Viewing or Changing Remote Login Settings 35 Viewing or Changing Apple Event Response 35 International Settings 35 Viewing or Changing Language Settings 36 Login Settings 36 Disabling the Restart and Shutdown Buttons

37 Network Preferences 37 Network Interface Information 37 Viewing Port Names and Hardware Addresses 38 Viewing or Changing MTU Values 38 Viewing or Changing Media Settings 38 Network Port Configurations 38 Creating or Deleting Port Configurations 38 Activating Port Configurations



Chapter 6 Chapter 7

39 Changing Configuration Precedence 39 TCP/IP Settings 39 Changing a Server's IP Address 40 Viewing or Changing IP Address, Subnet Mask, or Router Address 41 Viewing or Changing DNS Servers 42 Enabling TCP/IP 42 AppleTalk Settings 42 Enabling and Disabling AppleTalk 42 Proxy Settings 42 Viewing or Changing FTP Proxy Settings 43 Viewing or Changing Web Proxy Settings 43 Viewing or Changing Secure Web Proxy Settings 43 Viewing or Changing Streaming Proxy Settings 43 Viewing or Changing Gopher Proxy Settings 44 Viewing or Changing SOCKS Firewall Proxy Settings 44 Viewing or Changing Proxy Bypass Domains 44 AirPort Settings 44 Viewing or Changing Airport Settings 44 Computer, Host, and Rendezvous Name 44 Viewing or Changing the Computer Name 45 Viewing or Changing the Local Host Name 45 Viewing or Changing the Rendezvous Name

47 Working With Disks and Volumes 47 Mounting and Unmounting Volumes 47 Mounting Volumes 47 Unmounting Volumes 47 Checking for Disk Problems 48 Monitoring Disk Space 49 Reclaiming Disk Space Using Log Rolling Scripts 50 Managing Disk Journaling 50 Checking to See if Journaling is Enabled 50 Turning on Journaling for an Existing Volume 51 Enabling Journaling When You Erase a Disk 51 Disabling Journaling 51 Erasing, Partitioning, and Formatting Disks 51 Setting Up a Case-Sensitive HFS+ File System 52 Imaging and Cloning Volumes Using ASR

53 Working With Users and Groups 53 Creating Server Administrator Users 54 Importing Users and Groups 55 Creating a Character-Delimited User Import File




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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