PI AutoPointSync Connector for the Intellution Fix DMACS ...

PI AutoPointSync Connector

for the Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX)

Interface to the PI System


Revision A

Copyright © 2003-2009 OSIsoft, Inc.

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Table of Contents

Terminology v

Introduction 1

Reference Manuals 2

Summary of Features and Requirements 2

Supported PI Point Attributes 5

Diagram of PI APS for the PI  IntFix Interface 8

PI  IntFix _APS Features and Limitations 8

Preventing Interference with iFIX Startup 8

Limitations 9

Principles of Operation 11

Point Class 11

Point Source and Instance ID 12

Key Attributes 12

Creatable and Synchronizable Attributes 12

Available and Hidden Points 12

Tag Naming Conventions 14

Point Type 15

Updated Attributes 15

Error Handling 15

Installation, Upgrading, and Uninstallation Instructions 17

Installation Instructions 17

Upgrading Instructions 18

Uninstallation Instructions 18

Registering an Interface Instance with PI APS 21

Register the Interface 22

Configure the Settings 24

Rules 25

Synchronization Schedule 27

User-set Defaults 28

Connector-specific Options 35

Enable Synchronization 36

Connector-specific Configuration Control 37

Available Intellution Nodes 38

OSI_iFIXmonitor Options 39

Appendix A: Error and Informational Messages 41

Messages 41

Installation Problems 41

Upgrade Problems 42

Operational Problems 43

Revision History 45


In order to understand this manual, you must be familiar with the terminology used in this document. Specifically, you must have read the PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual that explains important PI AutoPointSync concepts and provides full definitions of PI AutoPointSync terminology.

PI AutoPointSync Terms


The acronyms PI APS and APS are shortened forms of PI AutoPointSync.

APS Configuration Utility

The PI APS Configuration Utility is the interactive interface that registers instances of interfaces for automatic point synchronization and configures PI APS options.

APS Sync Engine

The PI APS Sync Engine is the core service of the PI AutoPointSync Product that schedules and performs synchronization scans for registered interface instances. During a synchronization scan, it obtains current points and their attributes from a data source by dynamically loading and calling “plug-ins” known as PI APS Connectors. The PI APS Sync Engine adds, edits, or deletes PI points as necessary to agree with current point definitions in the data source.

APS Connector

Each PI APS Connector obtains the current point definitions from a data source for the PI APS Sync Engine. Generally, a PI APS Connector is designed for a particular interface and its implementation is based on a specific programming interface for the data source.

APS Connector-specific Control

A PI APS Connector-specific Control is a plug-in to the PI APS Configuration Utility. Each PI APS Connector-specific Configuration Control provides the user interface for configuring the options of a specific PI APS Connector.

Available Points

Available Points are points that PI AutoPointSync detects on the data source but do not exist in PI.

Existing Points or Existing PI Points

Existing Points or Existing PI Points refers to points that already exist in PI and are assigned to an interface instance that is registered with PI APS.

Hidden Points

Hidden Points are points that PI AutoPointSync detects on the data source, that do not exist in PI, and that the user marked to be hidden from view.

Key Attributes

A Key Attribute is a PI attribute that is required by the interface and PI APS to identify the corresponding data source point for the PI point.

General Terms


Each PI point has an associated list of Attributes, which are parameters that describe the PI point. Some Attributes are simply descriptive. Other attributes are configuration parameters for the PI Server, the interface that transfers data between the PI point and data source, or both.

COM Connector

A COM object designed to allow the PI Server to access data from foreign data sources and make it available to any PI client application in a seamless fashion. Some currently available COM Connectors include those for data historians from AspenTech and Honeywell as well as one for any data source with an OLEDB provider. COM Connectors are only available on Windows platforms.


ICU refers to the PI Interface Configuration Utility. The ICU is the primary application that you use in order to configure and run PI interface programs. You must install the ICU on the same computer on which an interface runs. A single copy of the ICU manages all of the interfaces on a particular computer.

You can configure and run an interface by editing a startup command file. However, OSIsoft discourages this approach. Instead, OSIsoft strongly recommends that you use the ICU for interface management tasks.

ICU Control

An ICU Control is a plug-in to the ICU. Whereas the ICU handles functionality common to all interfaces, an ICU Control implements interface-specific behavior. Most PI interfaces have an associated ICU Control.


An Interface is a software program that collects data from some type of data source and sends the data to a PI Server. Some interfaces also have the ability to read data from a PI Server and write back to the data source.

Interface Node

An Interface Node is a computer on which

• the PI API and/or PI SDK are installed, and

• PI Server programs are not installed.


The PI API is a library of functions that allow applications to communicate and exchange data with the PI Server. All PI interfaces use the PI API.

PI Collective

A PI Collective is two or more replicated PI Servers that collect data concurrently. Collectives are part of the High Availability environment. When the primary PI Server in a collective becomes unavailable, a secondary collective member node seamlessly continues to collect and provide data access to your PI clients.


PIHOME refers to the directory that is the common location for PI client applications. A typical PIHOME is C:\Program Files\PIPC. PI interfaces reside in a subdirectory of the Interfaces directory under PIHOME. Most PI APS files are in the APS directory under PIHOME.


The PI SDK is a library of functions that allow applications to communicate and exchange data with the PI Server. Some PI interfaces, in addition to using the PI API, require the use of the PI SDK.

PI Server Node

A PI Server Node is a computer on which PI Server programs are installed. The PI Server runs on the PI Server Node.


PI SMT refers to PI System Management Tools. PI SMT is the program that you use for configuring PI Servers. A single copy of PI SMT manages multiple PI Servers. PI SMT runs on either a PI Server Node or a PI Interface Node.


The pipc.log file is the file to which OSIsoft applications write informational and error messages. While a PI interface runs, it writes to the pipc.log file. The ICU and PI APS Configuration Utility provide easy access to the pipc.log.


The PI point is the basic building block for controlling data flow to and from the PI Server. For a given timestamp, a PI point holds a single value.

A PI point does not necessarily correspond to a "point" on the data source. For example, a single "point" on the data source can consist of a set point, a process value, an alarm limit, and a discrete value. These four pieces of information require four separate PI points.


A Service is a Windows program that runs without user interaction. A Service continues to run after you have logged off from Windows. It has the ability to start up when the computer itself starts up.

The ICU allows you to configure a PI interface to run as a Service.

Tag (Input Tag and Output Tag)

The tag attribute of a PI point is the name of the PI point. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the name of a point and the point itself. Because of this relationship, PI System documentation uses the terms "tag" and "point" interchangeably.

Interfaces read values from a data source and write these values to an Input Tag. Interfaces use an Output Tag to write a value to the data source.


This manual describes the operation of the PI AutoPointSync (PI APS) Connector for the Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Interface. The informal name of the interface is PI  IntFix and the informal name of this PI APS Connector is PI  IntFix _APS.

PI APS is a tool for synchronizing the PI points for interfaces with the points in the data sources associated with the interfaces. PI APS is based on Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) technology and consists of four types of modules:

• The PI APS Configuration and Management Utility.

The PI APS Configuration Utility is the interactive interface that registers instances of interfaces that have corresponding PI APS Connectors for automatic point synchronization and configures PI APS options.

• The PI APS Synchronization Engine (Sync Engine).

The PI APS Sync Engine schedules synchronization scans and performs point attribute synchronization for all interface instances that are registered with PI APS. This module is the foundation of PI APS and does most of the work. The PI APS Sync Engine is installed as a Windows service that starts automatically and is the only PI APS module that is always running.

• PI APS Connector modules (Interface-specific Connectors).

PI APS Connectors are interface-specific modules that call the application programming interface (API) for the same data source as the interface to determine point attribute updates. During each synchronization scan, the PI APS Sync Engine invokes the PI APS Connector for the interface instance to retrieve a list of current point definitions in the data source. The PI APS Sync Engine then uses this information for updating the PI point database.

• PI APS Connector-specific Configuration Controls.

Each PI APS Connector-specific Configuration Control provides the user interface for configuring the options of a specific PI APS Connector. If the PI APS Connector for an interface instance has a connector-specific configuration control, the PI APS Configuration Utility makes it available when the interface instance is selected for configuration.

The modularized architecture of PI APS allows a single instance of the PI APS Configuration Utility and PI APS Sync Engine to support multiple PI APS Connector modules on one computer. Also, adding new PI APS Connector modules does not require changes to the PI APS Configuration Utility or PI APS Sync Engine. The use of COM allows individual components to be upgraded independently of the other components.

When synchronizing the PI points for an interface instance, the PI APS Sync Engine uses an interface-specific PI APS Connector to obtain current point definitions from the data source. For the PI  IntFix Interface, the PI APS Sync Engine calls the PI  IntFix _APS Connector to retrieve a list of the current point definitions from the Intellution FIX32/iFIX . This information is used for creating, updating, or deleting PI points for the PI  IntFix Interface instance registered with the PI  IntFix _APS Connector. PI APS provides many options to tailor its operation for each registered interface instance. Some options apply to the interface instance, such as the period between synchronization scans or the changes that the PI APS Sync Engine is permitted to make automatically. Other options apply to individual PI points, such as whether the PI APS Sync Engine is allowed to synchronize the point as a whole and, if so, which specific attributes are editable. The PI APS Sync Engine logs all automated actions and changes for auditing by the administrator.

Reference Manuals


• PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors (PI APS User Manual.pdf)

• PI Interface Configuration Utility (PI Interface Configuration Utility.pdf)

• Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Interface to the PI System (PI_IntFix.doc)


• Intellution Electronic Books

Summary of Features and Requirements

The following table summarizes the main features and requirements of the PI  IntFix _APS Connector. An asterisk (*) in the table indicates that additional explanation follows the table.

|Feature |Support |

|* Platforms |Windows (2000 SP3 and SP4, XP, 2003) |

|PI Point Types |Point creation: float32, digital, string |

| |Existing points: float, int, digital, string |

|Interface Instance ID Attribute |Location1 |

|Point Class |Classic (see the “Point Class” section) |

|Synchronizable PI Attributes |See the “Supported PI Point Attributes” table |

|Must install on PI Server |No |

|Must install on Intellution FIX32/iFIX node |Yes |

|Must install on Interface node |Yes |

|Tag Selection Conditions |Yes |

|Tag Naming Rules |Yes |

|Attribute Formulas | No |

|Attribute Lookup |No |

|* Additional PI Software Required |Yes |

|* Vendor Software Required on PI APS Node |Yes |

|* Vendor Software Required on Foreign Device |No |

|* Vendor Hardware Required | No |

|Additional PI Software Included with PI APS Connector |No |

|* Data Source Point Types |float, string, digital states |


The PI APS Connector is designed to run on the above-mentioned Microsoft Windows operating systems and their associated service packs:

• Windows 2000 SP3 and SP4

• Windows XP

• Windows 2003

Because the PI APS Connector is dependent on vendor software, newer platforms may not yet be supported.

Please contact OSIsoft Technical Support for more information.

Additional PI Software Required

PI APS obtains information about installed interface instances from configuration data stored in the Module Database by the PI Interface Configuration Utility (PI ICU). Also, PI APS stores its configuration information in the Module Database. Therefore, PI APS requires installation of the OSIsoft products in the following list. In general, these additional OSIsoft products can be installed on separate computers. See the “Diagram of PI APS for the PI IntFix Interface” section for restrictions that apply to this PI APS Connector.

• PI Server version 3.3.361.43 or greater is required for Module Database support.

• Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Interface.

• PI ICU is required because an interface instance must be managed by PI ICU before it can be registered with PI APS. An instance of a Windows interface must be managed by a copy of PI ICU that is installed on the interface node.

• OSI_iFIXmonitor (distributed in the PI IntFix Interface installation kit).

Vendor Software Required on PI APS Node

Intellution FIX32 or iFIX must be installed on the node where both the PI IntFix Interface and PI IntFix_APS Connector are installed. The Intellution software on this node can be configured as either a SCADA node or a View node.

Data Source Point Types

An Intellution process database is composed of blocks. Intellution FIX32/iFIX provides a variety of block types. Each block type performs a specific function, such as input/output to plant instrumentation or performing a calculation. Blocks contain fields that contain values relevant to the block type. Some fields contain dynamic values and other fields contain configured values that are relatively static. For example, an input block has a current value field, which is continuously updated by reading from the plant instrumentation, and other static fields for a description of the input value, engineering units, high and low range, scaling factors, etc.

The data type of an Intellution field is indicated by the first character of the field name. Field names that begin with F_ contain floating-point values. Field names that begin with A_ contain character strings. For certain block types, string values are actually the names of digital states. The PI IntFix_APS Connector supports all three of these cases.

Blocks can be chained together to build the supervisory and control strategies for a process. An Intellution process database can contain an arbitrary number of stand-alone blocks and chains.

The PI IntFix_APS Connector can create new PI points for the current value field of the block types in the following table. The table also shows the PI point type that will be used for the corresponding block type.

|Supported Intellution Block Types |PI PointType |

|AA – Analog Alarm |Float32 |

|AI – Analog Input |Float32 |

|AO – Analog Output |Float32 |

|AR – Analog Register |Float32 |

|DA – Digital Alarm |Digital |

|DI – Digital Input |Digital |

|DO – Digital Output |Digital |

|DR – Digital Register |Digital |

|MDI – Multistate Digital Input |Digital |

|TX – Text |String |

The PI IntFix_APS Connector can synchronize an existing PI point that references a field in any block type that has fields for the synchronizable attributes, which depend on the PointType of the PI point.

The descriptor attribute is synchronizable for all PI point types if the referenced block contains an A_DESC field. If the block does not contain an A_DESC field (for example, TX blocks in FIX32), an empty string is used as the descriptor value.

For existing PI points that are not digital or string type, the PI IntFix_APS Connector expects the referenced block to have A_ETAG (engineering units), A_ELO (low range), and A_EHI (high range) fields. If the block does not contain these fields, the PI point is not synchronizable.

Supported PI Point Attributes

The following table lists the PI point attributes that the PI  IntFix _APS Connector supports. An asterisk (*) in the table indicates that additional explanation follows the table.

Intellution FIX32/iFIX Attribute Column

The “ Intellution FIX32/iFIX Attribute” column contains the data source attribute that provides the value for each PI attribute.

Sync Column

The “Sync.” column indicates whether an attribute is used for point creation only or for both point creation and synchronization of existing points.

“No” in this column indicates that the attribute cannot be synchronized. That is, the PI APS Connector can provide a value for this attribute for point creation but the attribute cannot be edited for an existing point. Generally, the key attributes for the PI APS Connector (and interface) are not synchronizable because changing a key attribute causes the PI point to reference a different tag in the data source.

“Yes” in this column indicates that the PI APS Connector is capable of obtaining new values from the data source for editing the attribute. However, the per-point synchronization settings govern whether the attribute will actually be edited for a specific point.

Default Value Column

The “Default Value” column in the table shows the default values that will be assigned to attributes for new points that PI APS creates. The notation “” in this column indicates that the default value can be configured with the PI APS Configuration Utility. The configurable default values can be viewed and changed on the Security & Archive Settings tab in the User-set Defaults dialog box.

|Description |PI Point Attribute | Intellution FIX32/iFIX |Sync. |Default Value |

| | |Attribute | | |

|PI Tag Name |Tag |‘Node:Tag Name’ |No |See “Tag Naming |

| | | | |Conventions” section |

|PI Point Type |PointType |inferred from field type |No |See “Point Type” |

| | | | |section |

|Intellution field location |InstrumentTag |‘Node,Tag Name,Field’ |No | |

| | |or | | |

| | |‘Tag Name’ | | |

|Input or Output point |Location2 | |No |0 (input) |

|Scan class |Location4 | |No |1 |

|Point Description |Descriptor |A_DESC |Yes | |

|Extension of InstrumentTag |ExDesc |blank, or |No | |

| | |‘NODE=node, FIELD=field’ | | |

|Engineering Units |EngUnits |A_ETAG |Yes | |

|Point Zero |Zero |A_ELO |Yes |0 |

|Point Span |Span |A_EHI – A_ELO |Yes |100 |

| | |or | | |

| | |A_ELO – A_EHI | | |

|Digital Set Name |* DigitalSet |concatenation of states |No | |

| | |from Intellution block | | |

|States in Digital Set |* DigitalStateSet |list of states from |No | |

| | |Intellution block | | |


When creating a new point, the PI IntFix_APS Connector will query Intellution FIX32/iFIX for a list of available digital states for digital block types (DA, DI, DO, DR, and MDI). The associated digital state set will be created in PI if one does not already exist.

Note: Digital set names are not synchronizable. If changes are made to a digital block definition, the DigitalSet attribute of the associated PI point must be updated manually.

PI requires each digital point to have an associated Digital Set that defines the possible states. The Digital Set name assigned to the DigitalSet attribute will be a string formed by concatenating each possible state.

For example, assume that a digital input block has two possible states: Open and Close. The associated PI point will be a digital point with the DigitalSet attribute defined as OpenClose, with state 0 being Open, and state 1 being Close.

Also, if the PI APS Connector receives a null string when querying for digital states, it will substitute a value of ‘.’ This indicates that the digital state in Intellution has not been configured.


DigitalStateSet is an artificial attribute that PI APS uses internally; it is not an actual PI attribute. DigitalStateSet only applies to digital points and is coupled with the DigitalSet attribute. For a digital point, the value in the DigitalSet attribute contains the name of the PI digital state set for the point. If the DigitalStateSet attribute for the point is not empty, its value is a list of the states expected in the digital state set.

When the PI APS Connector returns both a name and a list of states in the digital state set to the PI APS Sync Engine, the PI APS Sync Engine checks whether a digital state set already exists in the PI Server with the name.

If the digital state set name does not exist, the PI APS Sync Engine creates a digital state set with that name and the states in the digital state list.

If the digital state set name does exist, the PI APS Sync Engine compares the state list for the digital state set in the PI Server with the state list provided by the PI APS Connector. If the state lists agree, the PI APS Sync Engine edits the DigitalSet attribute of an existing point to the digital state set name from the PI APS Connector or sets the DigitalSet attribute of a point being created to the digital state set name from the PI APS Connector. However, if the state list for a digital state set in the PI Server disagrees with the state list provided by the PI APS Connector for a point that the PI APS Sync Engine is automatically creating or editing, the PI APS Sync Engine creates a new digital state set with a unique name that contains the states in the state list from the PI APS Connector. The PI APS Sync Engine constructs the digital state set name by concatenating the digital state set name provided by the PI APS Connector with “_APS_” and the tag name: digitalsetname_from_connector_APS_tagname. The PI APS Sync Engine uses this new name (not the original name provided by the PI APS Connector) to edit an existing point or create a new point. Because the check state for agreement between digital state lists occurs on a point-by-point basis, a digital state set with a new name will be created for each point when a digital state set with the name exists and the state lists disagree.

[pic]Caution: Disagreement between the state list for an existing digital state set and the state list from the data source can result in the creation of a large number of digital state sets. In extreme cases, the maximum number of digital state sets supported by the PI Server can be exceeded. Since the PI Server never deletes digital state sets, recovery usually requires restoring the PI Server from an earlier backup.

Unless constraints on the data source guarantee that the conditions described above cannot occur, OSIsoft emphatically advises disabling synchronization of the DigitalStateSet attribute.

Diagram of PI APS for the PI  IntFix Interface


The Intellution FIX32/iFIX does not support remote clients. Therefore, the PI  IntFix Interface, PI ICU, and PI APS components (PI APS Sync Engine, PI APS Configuration Utility, and the PI  IntFix _APS Connector) must be installed on the Intellution FIX32/iFIX node.

PI  IntFix _APS Features and Limitations

Preventing Interference with iFIX Startup

Any program that uses the Intellution EDA library for iFIX, like the PI APS Sync Engine if it loads the PI IntFix_APS Connector, can prevent iFIX itself from starting. This hazard is inherent in the implementation of the EDA library.

[pic]Caution: The default options for the PI IntFix_APS Connector do not coordinate the PI APS Sync Engine service with iFIX. If the PI APS Sync Engine service is running and has attempted to synchronize a PI IntFix Interface, the PI APS Sync Engine service process will prevent iFIX from starting.

The fundamental issue is that, after a program loads the EDA library and calls it, the EDA library acquires resources whose existence (if iFIX is not already running) will prevent iFIX from starting. Once acquired, the resources held by the EDA library cannot be released programmatically and are only released when the program terminates. If iFIX stops while any programs that have called the EDA library are running, iFIX will refuse to restart until these EDA client programs terminate and consequently release the EDA library resources. The implication is that the EDA library expects EDA client programs to start after iFIX starts and stop when iFIX indicates that it is stopping. This is contrary to the normal installation of PI APS, which configures the PI APS Sync Engine as a service that starts automatically with Windows and run continuously.

To avoid the situations that prevent iFIX from starting, the PI APS Sync Engine must

1) wait until iFIX is known to be running before the EDA library is loaded or called, and 2) terminate if it detects that iFIX has shutdown after the EDA library has been called.

In order for the PI APS Sync Engine to start before iFIX and not prevent iFIX from subsequently starting, the PI IntFix_APS Connector must verify that iFIX is running before the EDA library is loaded or called. Therefore, the EDA library cannot be called to determine whether iFIX is running, and the PI IntFix APS Connector must use some other method. When the PI IntFix APS Connector is configured to wait until iFIX is running before dynamically loading the EDA library, the PI IntFix APS Connector looks for a running copy of the OSI_iFIXmonitor program (which is included in the PI IntFix Interface installation kit) as an indication that iFIX is running. To accurately reflect the running or stopped state of iFIX, OSI_iFIXmonitor must be configured in iFIX as a task that iFIX starts and stops. Thus, OSI_iFIXmonitor starts after iFIX is running and terminates prior to iFIX itself stopping. (Instructions for configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor are in the “Configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor Program” section of the Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Interface to the PI System user manual. Additional information on the OSI_iFIXmonitor program is in “Appendix E: OSI_iFIXmonitor Program” of the same document.)

As noted earlier, after a program loads and calls the EDA library, the EDA library acquires and holds resources for the life of the process. If iFIX stops, it will not restart until all EDA client programs terminate and consequently release the iFIX resources they hold. Since the constraints of the EDA library require the PI APS Sync Engine to terminate when iFIX stops, an external agent is needed to restart the Sync Engine service. To meet these needs, OSI_iFIXmonitor provides options to start, stop, and optionally restart the Sync Engine service in coordination with iFIX starting and stopping.


Strings for some attributes have limitations due to constraints of the Intellution EDA library used to acquire the data. The following table lists these limitations:

|Attribute |Limitation |

|Description |Retrieves first 40 characters. |

|Engineering Units |Retrieves first 4 characters. |

|Digital State Set |Retrieves first 7 characters of each state of a digital block. |

| |Retrieves first 9 characters of each state for a multi-state digital |

| |input block. |

Principles of Operation

This section explains how the PI  IntFix _APS Connector and PI APS Sync Engine work together to synchronize PI points for an instance of the PI  IntFix Interface.

The PI APS Sync Engine runs as a Windows service. It appears in the Windows Task Manager on the Processes tab as PIAPSEngine.exe. The PI APS Sync Engine schedules synchronization scans and implements the synchronization tasks common to all PI APS Connectors. The PI APS Sync Engine makes all PI SDK calls to obtain or change PI point information. By itself, the PI APS Sync Engine is unable to communicate with any data source.

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector implements a specific set of functions required by the PI APS Sync Engine. It is an in-process COM object that is implemented in a dynamic-link library (DLL) named IntFix _APS.dll. This object is registered during installation of the PI  IntFix _APS Connector. The PI APS Sync Engine dynamically loads the PI  IntFix _APS Connector. That is, the PI APS Connector “plugs into” the PI APS Sync Engine.

During a synchronization scan for the PI  IntFix Interface, the PI APS Sync Engine calls functions in the PI  IntFix _APS Connector that actually obtain point definitions by calling the programming interface for the Intellution FIX32/iFIX . The PI  IntFix _APS Connector returns point information from the data source to the PI APS Sync Engine. The PI  IntFix _APS Connector does not access or change the PI point database.

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector has two primary functions that are called by the PI APS Sync Engine:

• Acquire a list of available points in the data source, and

• Obtain current data source attributes for existing interface points.

The PI APS Sync Engine uses information returned by the PI  IntFix _APS Connector to synchronize existing PI  IntFix Interface instance points in the PI Server, create new PI points for the interface instance, and remove PI points when corresponding data source points are deleted.

Point Class

This PI APS Connector returns “classic” when the PI APS Sync Engine asks for the point class to use when creating new PI points. PI APS will create only classic points for an interface instance registered with this PI APS Connector. Existing classic points can be edited or deleted.

If the interface has existing points in a point class other than classic and the point class contains all of the attributes listed in the table in the “Supported PI Point Attributes” section, the PI APS Sync Engine can obtain updated attributes and detect deleted points for the non-classic points. However, if an existing point belongs to a class that does not contain all attributes in the table, the point cannot be synchronized by the PI APS Sync Engine because errors result when the PI APS Sync Engine requests the current attribute values for attributes that are not defined in the class. Therefore, use the PI APS Configuration utility to disable synchronization for any point in a class that does not contain all of the attributes supported by this PI APS Connector.

Point Source and Instance ID

PI points are associated with a PI  IntFix Interface instance by the PointSource and Location1 attributes. PI APS obtains the PointSource and instance ID values for an interface instance from its PI ICU configuration. PI APS uses these attributes and the values from PI ICU to identify the existing points for an interface instance. If PI APS creates a point for the interface instance, the values from PI ICU will be assigned to the PointSource and Location1 attributes of the new points.

Key Attributes

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector uses the following attributes to map PI points to data source points:

• InstrumentTag

• ExDesc

The key attributes are used to uniquely map interface points to their corresponding Intellution field. Specifically, this information is the Intellution node, tag, and field names. The interface requires that this information be specified in the InstrumentTag and, if necessary, in the ExDesc PI point attributes.

Creatable and Synchronizable Attributes

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector supports the PI point attributes listed in the table in the “Supported PI Point Attributes” section. The “Sync” column indicates whether an attribute is used for point creation only or for both point creation and synchronization of existing points.

Available and Hidden Points

The PI APS Sync Engine initially categorizes data source points that the PI APS Connector discovers without a corresponding point in the target PI Server as Available Points. Using the PI APS Configuration Utility, available points can be selectively changed into Hidden Points and hidden points can be changed back into available points. Both available and hidden points correspond to data source points with no associated PI points. The PI APS Sync Engine handles the two categories differently: available points are available for creation in the PI Server, and hidden points are treated as if they do not exist.

During each synchronization scan, the PI APS Sync Engine constructs a list containing the key attributes of existing PI points and hidden points for the interface instance.

The PI APS Sync Engine passes the list of key attributes for existing and hidden points to the PI IntFix_APS Connector in a call for available points.

The PI APS Connector queries Intellution FIX32/iFIX for a list of its point definitions. Using the key attributes, the PI IntFix_APS Connector matches the points in the list of existing and hidden points from the PI APS Sync Engine with the points in the list from Intellution FIX32/iFIX. Points in Intellution FIX32/iFIX that match a point in the list of existing and hidden points are not available points.

Unmatched points in Intellution FIX32/iFIX are returned to the PI APS Sync Engine as available points for point creation.

The PI IntFix_APS Connector does not support all Intellution block types for tag creation. To obtain a list of point definitions from Intellution FIX32/iFIX, the PI IntFix_APS Connector will query the local node and any networked SCADA nodes for all blocks of the following types:

|Supported Intellution Block Types |Intellution Field |PI PointType |

|AA – Analog Alarm |F_CV |Float32 |

|AI – Analog Input |F_CV |Float32 |

|AO – Analog Output |F_CV |Float32 |

|AR – Analog Register |F_CV |Float32 |

|DA – Digital Alarm |D_CV |Digital |

|DI – Digital Input |D_CV |Digital |

|DO – Digital Output |D_CV |Digital |

|DR – Digital Register |D_CV |Digital |

|MDI – Multistate Digital Input |M_CV |Digital |

|TX – Text |A_CV |String |

The PI IntFix_APS Connector considers the current value field of each block to be available for point creation. The table shows the field that will be used to create PI points for each block type and the corresponding PI point type that will be assigned.

Note: In the “Intellution Field” column, the field names D_CV and M_CV are not actual Intellution FIX32/iFIX field names. The field names D_CV and M_CV are interpreted by the PI IntFix Interface as aliases for the A_CV field and imply conversion of the string value to a digital set code.

Each block is identified by a tag name. The node, tag, and field names (NTF) are needed by the PI IntFix Interface to access the Intellution FIX32/iFIX field associated with a PI point. The PI IntFix_APS Connector attempts to store the complete NTF specification in the InstrumentTag attribute. If the NTF specification exceeds the length limit for the InstrumentTag attribute, the block tag name will be stored in the InstrumentTag attribute, and node and field names will be encoded in the ExDesc attribute.

By default, the PI APS Connector will query all available SCADA nodes, including networked nodes. Alternatively, the connector-specific configuration control can be used to create a list of specific Intellution nodes to query.

The PI IntFix_APS Connector supports the Tag Naming feature. If no tag selection conditions are configured, all blocks of the supported types are candidate available points. Candidate available points are added to the list of Intellution FIX32/iFIX point definitions and subjected to matching with the list of existing and hidden points provided by the PI APS Sync Engine.

If tag selection conditions are configured, a block must satisfy the conditions before it will be accepted as a candidate available point. Configure the tag selection rules on the Tag Selection tab in the User-set Defaults dialog box in the PI APS Configuration Utility. For instructions on configuring tag selection, see the “Tag Selection Tab” section in the PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual. The PI APS Configuration Utility User-set Defaults dialog box and PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual refer to the data source attributes as “DCS attributes.”

Intellution output blocks will be created in PI as inputs. This means that the interface will read their values, but the PI points will not be configured for writing back to Intellution. The user must manually edit the PI point configuration for Intellution output blocks in order to be able to write data from PI to Intellution. See the Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Interface to the PI System user manual for output point configuration requirements.

Tag Naming Conventions

The following naming conventions are used when available points are found:

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector constructs tag names according to user-configurable rules. Each tag naming rule consists of a condition and a formula for constructing a tag name. Data source attributes are used as variables in both conditions and formulas. If the attributes for a point satisfy the condition in a rule, the PI APS Connector uses the formula in the same rule to construct a tag name for the point. Configure the tag naming rules on the Tag Naming tab in the User-set Defaults dialog box in the PI APS Configuration Utility. For details on configuring tag naming rules, see the “Tag Naming Tab” section in the PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual. The PI APS Configuration Utility User-set Defaults dialog box and PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual refer to the data source attributes as “DCS attributes.”

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector supports the following data source attributes in the tag naming rules:

• Node Name

• Tag Name

• Block type

• Descriptor

If no tag naming rules are configured or the point does not satisfy the condition in any rule, the default naming convention will be used. The default tag name is the concatenation of the Intellution node, a colon, and then the Intellution tag name for the block: Intellution_Node:Intellution_Tag.

Point Type

The PointType attribute for available points is based on the Intellution FIX32/iFIX block type. The PI point type associated with each block type is shown in the table in the “Available and Hidden Points” section.

Updated Attributes

During each synchronization scan, the PI APS Sync Engine constructs an array containing the key attributes of existing PI points for the interface instance that are enabled for synchronization.

The PI APS Sync Engine passes the array of synchronizable existing points to the PI  IntFix _APS Connector in a call for updated attributes.

For each synchronizable existing point, the PI  IntFix _APS Connector uses the key attributes to query the mapped point in the Intellution FIX32/iFIX for current values of synchronizable attributes. The PI APS Connector assembles the results for each point into an array to return to the PI APS Sync Engine.

If an existing point successfully maps to a data source point, the PI APS Connector adds the current attribute values for the data source point to the array of information for return to the PI APS Sync Engine.

If an existing point does not map to a valid data source point, the PI APS Connector adds an indication that the existing PI point has no point in the data source to the array for return to the PI APS Sync Engine.

After the PI APS Connector processes all of the synchronizable existing PI points, the array of results is returned to the PI APS Sync Engine. The PI APS Sync Engine uses the information in the array to generate a list of updates and a list of points to be deleted.

Error Handling

If Intellution FIX32/iFIX returns an error during a synchronization scan, the PI IntFix_APS Connector will handle it as described below:

• If the error indicates that Intellution FIX32/iFIX on the local node is not running, the PI IntFix_APS Connector will abort the synchronization.

• If the error prevents obtaining available tags from a remote SCADA node, the PI IntFix_APS Connector will perform the synchronization with the nodes that are available at the time. It will also print a message to the pipc.log file indicating which remote nodes are unavailable for the synchronization.

If an error occurs when querying Intellution FIX32/iFIX for a specific tag’s attributes, the PI IntFix_APS Connector will log the error for that specific point and continue with the synchronization. This is independent of whether the tag lives on the local or a remote node. All connector-specific errors are passed back the PI APS Sync Engine and printed in the pipc.log file.

Installation, Upgrading, and Uninstallation Instructions

Installation Instructions

PI APS must be installed on the same machine as the PI  IntFix _APS Connector.

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector setup program uses the services of the Microsoft Windows Installer. Windows Installer is a standard part of Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003. When running on Windows NT 4.0 systems, the setup program will install the Windows Installer itself if necessary.

To install, run the IntFix _APS_x.x.x.x.exe installation kit.

Note: This installation package installs only the PI  IntFix _APS Connector, not the PI  IntFix Interface or PI APS.

If installing PI APS on a FIX32 node, the path to the FIX32 installation folder must be added to the system Path environment variable.

Open the Control Panel applet: Start ► Settings ► Control Panel.

Double click System to open the System Properties dialog box.

Click on the Advanced tab.

Click the Environment Variables button.

In the System variables area, scroll until the Path variable is visible.

Click on the Path variable to select it.

Click on the Edit button to open the Edit System Variable dialog box.

Examine the variable value for the Path variable. If the path to the FIX32 installation folder is not in this variable, add a semicolon followed by the FIX32 installation folder path to the end of the Path value.

Click OK on the Edit System Variable, Environment Variables, and System Properties dialogs boxes.

To guarantee that all applications on this computer begin using the new setting for the Path variable, reboot the system before proceeding.

Installation Checklist

1. Log on as a user with Administrator privileges.

2. Install PI AutoPointSync, if it is not already installed. (The PI APS installation kit also contains the PI SDK, PI API, and PI ICU. If necessary, the PI APS installation kit will install or upgrade these components.)

[pic]Caution: Installing PI APS on a computer with operational interfaces can upgrade PI API and PI SDK, which may stop the interfaces. If any interfaces are stopped because installation of PI APS upgrades PI API or PI SDK, the interfaces must be manually restarted.

3. Run IntFix _APS_x.x.x.x.exe to install the PI  IntFix _APS Connector.

Upgrading Instructions

For information on the current version of the PI  IntFix _APS Connector, see the following web site:

The same IntFix _APS_x.x.x.x.exe installation kit is used for either an initial installation or upgrading an existing installation of the PI  IntFix _APS Connector.

Upgrading Checklist

1. Log on as a user with Administrator privileges, preferably the same user who originally installed the PI  IntFix _APS Connector.

2. If the PI APS Configuration Utility is running, exit from the program.

3. Stop the PI APS Sync Engine. The most common ways of stopping the PI APS Sync Engine are from the Services applet or from a command prompt. For convenience, the Services applet or command window can be left open and used later to restart the PI APS Sync Engine.

To open the Services applet, click Start ► Settings ► Control Panel ►Administrative Tools ► Services. In the right pane, scroll to PI APS Synchronization Engine and click on that item to select it. Then, either click ■ on the toolbar or Stop on the Actions menu.

To stop the PI APS Sync Engine from a command prompt, enter:

net stop piapsengine

4. Run the installation kit.

5. Restart the PI APS Sync Engine.

If using the Services applet, either click ► on the toolbar or Start on the Actions menu.

If using a command window, enter:

net start piapsengine

Uninstallation Instructions

To uninstall the PI  IntFix _APS Connector:

1. Review the interface instances that are registered with PI APS. Unregister all interface instances that are associated with the PI  IntFix _APS Connector.

2. If the PI APS Configuration Utility is running, exit from the program.

3. Log on as a user with Administrator privileges, preferably the same user who originally installed the PI  IntFix _APS Connector.

4. Stop the PI APS Sync Engine. The most common ways of stopping the PI APS Sync Engine are from the Services applet or from a command prompt. For convenience, the Services applet or command window can be left open and used later to restart the PI APS Sync Engine.

To open the Services applet, click Start ► Settings ► Control Panel ►Administrative Tools ► Services. In the right pane, scroll to PI APS Synchronization Engine and click on that item to select it. Then, either click ■ on the toolbar or Stop on the Actions menu.

To stop the Sync Engine from a command prompt, enter:

net stop piapsengine

5. Click Start ► Settings ► Control Panel ► Add or Remove Programs to open the Add or Remove Programs applet. The following program needs to be removed:

• PI Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) ( IntFix ) APS Connector

6. Restart the PI APS Sync Engine.

If using the Services applet, either click ► on the toolbar or Start on the Actions menu.

If using a command window, enter:

net start piapsengine

Registering an Interface Instance with PI APS

PI AutoPointSync synchronizes the points for interface instances that are registered with PI APS. When an interface has multiple instances, registering one instance with PI APS synchronizes only the points for that specific instance. Each interface instance must be registered with PI APS for its points to be synchronized.

If you are not familiar with registering interface instances with PI APS, this section does not provide the in-depth discussions of the configurable options that are essential for successful configuration. Important concepts and detailed explanations of the configurable options are presented in the PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual, which you must read before proceeding with the steps in this section. The “Connector-specific Configuration Control” section in this manual is also prerequisite reading. The “Principles of Operation” section is strongly recommended reading.

Note: OSIsoft emphasizes the need to read both manuals before beginning to register the first interface with PI APS.

If you are familiar with PI APS, the set of procedures in this section gives the main steps for registering an interface instance. These procedures are presented in the order that you must perform them.

1. Register the Interface

2. Configure the Settings

3. Enable Synchronization

Register the Interface

Only interface instances managed by the PI Interface Configuration Utility can be registered with PI APS. If a new interface instance is being created or an existing interface instance is not managed by PI ICU, run PI ICU and add the interface instance. Refer to the PI Interface Configuration Utility and the Interface manual title user manuals for instructions.

1. Run the PI APS Configuration and Management Utility and select Register New… on the Interface menu.


The Configure Interface or COM Connector for PI-APS dialog box opens:


For details on using the Configure Interface or COM Connector dialog box, see the “Configure an Interface or PI COM Connector Dialog” section in the PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual.

2. Click the Select APS Connector arrow and select the IntFix _APS Connector from the list:


3. Click the Select PI server host arrow and select the PI Server where points for the interface instance either exist or will be created.

After making a selection in both boxes, the PI APS Configuration Utility loads the Select an interface list with the interface instances that are not yet registered with PI APS.

4. Click the Select an interface arrow and select a specific interface instance for registration.

5. Click Add.

Configure the Settings

Click the arrow in the Interface box and select the interface instance to configure.

Configure the PI APS options for the new interface instance using the commands on the Settings menu in the PI APS Configuration Utility:


Review the options on the dialog boxes that are opened by Rules…, Sync Schedule…, User-set Defaults…, and Connector-specific… on the Settings menu. It is likely that the default settings need to be changed for your specific requirements.

Note: OSIsoft emphasizes the necessity to configure these options before enabling a new interface instance. In particular, options on the User-set Defaults dialog box establish the default per-point synchronization settings that are assigned to existing points only once on the first synchronization scan. Therefore, these settings must be configured for your specific needs prior to the first synchronization scan.

The settings dialog boxes are briefly described in these sections:

• Rules

• Synchronization Schedule

• User-set Defaults

• Connector-specific Options

The options on the dialog boxes opened by Sync Settings… and Debug… do not have to be reviewed or configured during initial registration.

Note: The screenshots bellow are given using APS Configuration Utility version For latest screenshots and details how to use settings see the PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual.


On the Settings menu, click Rules:


The Rules dialog box opens:


The options on this dialog box determine how the PI APS Sync Engine handles available points, attributes of existing points that disagree with current values in the data source, and points that no longer map to valid points in the data source.

Note: OSIsoft emphasizes that you should initially choose the options to store the synchronization results. Carefully review the results of several synchronization scans for expected behavior before selecting any options to automatically update the PI point database.

The PI APS Sync Engine detects PI points that no longer map to valid points in the data source while scanning for attributes that need to be edited. Therefore, if the Skip search for edits option is selected, PI points that are candidates for deletion are not detected. When the Skip search for edits option is selected, the options in the PI Points That No Longer Exist on the DCS area have no effect and the PI APS Sync Engine behaves like the Do Nothing option is selected.

Synchronization Schedule

On the Settings menu, click Sync Schedule…:


The Synchronization Schedule dialog box opens:


The options in the Synchronization Schedule area choose between automatic synchronization scans at periodic intervals or manual synchronization scans started by clicking Sync Now on the PI APS Configuration Utility toolbar or by defining a Synchronization Trigger.

Note: If you select Synchronize automatically, the first synchronization starts immediately when the interface is enabled.

The options in the Synchronization Trigger area are unavailable because they are under development.

User-set Defaults

On the Settings menu, click User-set Defaults…:


For details on using the User-set Defaults dialog box, see the “User-set Defaults Dialog” section in the PI AutoPointSync for Interfaces and PI COM Connectors user manual. The User-set Defaults dialog box contains tabs that switch between four sets of options.

Security & Archive Settings

On the User-set Defaults dialog box, click the Security & Archive Settings tab:


The settings on this tab provide default values for PI attributes that have no corresponding attributes in most data sources. When the PI APS Sync Engine processes an available point, the attribute default values from this tab are merged with the attributes from the PI APS Connector. If the PI APS Connector provides a value from the data source for any of these attributes, the value from the data source is used.

Initial Sync Masks

On the User-set Defaults dialog box, click the Initial Sync Masks tab:


When the PI APS Sync Engine encounters an existing point for the first time and the existing point does not have per-point synchronization settings, the PI APS Sync Engine assigns the default settings in the Existing PI Points area to the point. The settings in this area are only used in two situations:

• On the first synchronization scan for an interface that has existing points when the interface is registered with PI APS.

• When points are added to an interface by tools other than PI APS.

After synchronization settings are assigned to an existing point, changes made to the settings in the Existing PI Points area do not affect the point during subsequent synchronization scans.

The PI APS Sync Engine assigns the per-point synchronization settings in the Available Points area to PI points that it creates automatically or the PI APS Configuration Utility assigns these settings to PI points that it creates under user control.

Both areas contain a list of the synchronizable attributes supported by the PI APS Connector and two options under Tag is sync’d by APS. The Tag is sync’d by APS: options select the master synchronization setting assigned to a point. When an interface is registered, the initial Tag is sync’d by APS: selections default to No. These defaults were chosen to ensure that the PI APS Sync Engine does not synchronize any points until explicitly enabled. The master synchronization setting for a point must be Yes for the PI APS Sync Engine to synchronize any attributes.

Note: The Tag is sync’d by APS options determine the master synchronization setting for a point. The default setting is No, which prevents the PI APS Sync Engine from synchronizing the point.

The check boxes in the lists select the individual synchronization setting for each attribute. The initial settings for the individual attribute synchronization options are obtained from the PI APS Connector. The settings for individual attributes can be toggled by clicking the check boxes in the list.

Tag Naming

On the User-set Defaults dialog box, click the Tag Naming tab:


Use the Tag Naming tab to configure tag naming rules for available points. Each tag naming rule has a condition part and a tag formula part. Data source attributes are the variables in both conditions and formulas. If the attributes for a data source point satisfy one of the conditions, the tag formula associated with the condition is used to construct the tag name for the available point. The tag naming rules are processed in the order shown in the list. The tag name is constructed from the tag formula associated with the first condition that is true.

If no tag naming rules are configured or the point does not satisfy the condition in any rule, the default name will be used. The default tag name is the concatenation of the Intellution node, a colon, and then the Intellution tag name for the block:


This PI APS Connector supports four DCS attributes in condition expressions and tag formulas:

[Tag] the tag name of the Intellution block

[NodeName] the Intellution node name

[BlockType] the Intellution block type

[Descriptor] the descriptor of the Intellution block

Tag Selection

On the User-set Defaults dialog box, click the Tag Selection tab:


Use the Tag Selection tab to configure conditions that select a subset of new data source points for available points. If the Use All Tags check box is selected, the Tag Selection feature is turned off and all data source points are candidate available points.

Clear the Use All Tags check box to enable tag selection. Tag selection is based on a list of condition expressions that use data source attributes as variables. Select the Use these tags option to use only points that match any condition in the list. Select the Do not use these tags option to exclude points that match any condition in the list.

The condition expressions on this tab support the same attribute variables as on the Tag Naming tab:





Connector-specific Options

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector has additional configuration options. On the Settings menu, click Connector-specific…:


The PI-APS Connector Control dialog box opens:


The “Connector-specific Configuration Control” section in this document provides a detailed discussion of the options on this dialog.

Enable Synchronization

1. The PI APS Sync Engine is installed in disabled mode and must be enabled before any interface instances can be synchronized. Click the Tools menu. If the Enable Sync Engine command has a check mark next to it as shown in the following figure, then the PI APS Sync Engine is already enabled and no action is required. Otherwise, click Enable Sync Engine to enable the PI APS Sync Engine.


2. When an interface instance is registered with PI APS, the interface instance is in disabled mode and must be enabled before it can be synchronized.

Note: If an interface instance is configured for automatic scheduled synchronization, the first synchronization scan starts immediately when the PI APS Connector is enabled for the interface instance. Confirm that configurations of Rules, Sync Schedule, and User-set Defaults are appropriate for your needs before enabling the PI APS Connector.

Click the Tools menu. If no check mark appears by the Enable Connector command as shown in the following figure, click Enable Connector to enable synchronization for the interface instance.


Connector-specific Configuration Control

The PI  IntFix _APS Connector includes a connector-specific configuration control. This control configures options that affect operation of the PI  IntFix _APS Connector.

Access the configuration control from the PI APS Configuration Utility. In the PI APS Configuration Utility, select the interface instance to configure. On the Settings menu, click the Connector-specific… command to open a dialog box that contains the connector-specific control.


This control is used to specify which Intellution nodes will be queried for new tags and to configure options for coordinating the PI APS Sync Engine service with iFIX.


Available Intellution Nodes

The Available Intellution Nodes area is used to configure which Intellution SCADA nodes will be queried for new tags.

If no Intellution nodes are specified, the PI IntFix_APS Connector will attempt to query the local node and all available networked SCADA nodes for new tags.

The nodes specified in the list do not limit the synchronization of existing points. All existing points will attempt to synchronize attributes with the node specified in the point configuration, regardless of whether the node in the point configuration is in the list of nodes specified with the connector-specific configuration control.

To add a SCADA node to the list, first type the node name in the box above the list.

To transfer the new node name into the list, either type ENTER or click [pic].


This button prepares for adding a new SCADA node to the list. The box above the list is cleared and the insertion point for typing is position in the box. After clicking this button, typing will enter characters into the box.


Click this button to add the SCADA node in the box above the list to the end of the list. Typing ENTER in the box has the same effect as this button.


This button removes the selected item from the list.

OSI_iFIXmonitor Options

The options in the OSI_iFIXmonitor Options area apply to a specific problem that can occur when the PI IntFix_APS Connector is used on an iFIX node. As discussed in more depth in the “Preventing Interference with iFIX Startup” section, any program that uses the Intellution EDA library for iFIX, like the PI APS Sync Engine if it loads the PI IntFix_APS Connector, can prevent iFIX itself from starting. The options in this area configure both the PI IntFix_APS Connector and the OSI_iFIXmonitor program.

Note: The OSI_iFIXmonitor program (which is distributed in the PI IntFix Interface installation kit) must be configured as an iFIX task. See the “Configuring OSI_iFIXmonitor Program” section in the Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Interface to the PI System user manual.

Do not load Intellution libraries until local Intellution software is running

Select Do not load Intellution libraries until local Intellution software is running to configure the PI IntFix_APS Connector to verify that Intellution (iFIX) is running on the local node before loading the Intellution libraries. When this option is selected and the PI APS Sync Engine starts before iFIX, the Intellution libraries will not be loaded and, therefore, PI APS will not prevent iFIX from starting.

At the start of each synchronization scan, the PI IntFix_APS Connector will check whether Intellution is running on the local node. If Intellution is not running, the synchronization scan is aborted. If Intellution is running, the Intellution libraries are loaded and the synchronization scan proceeds. After the Intellution libraries are loaded, however, the libraries acquire resources that, if iFIX subsequently stops, will prevent iFIX from restarting. If iFIX stops, the PI APS Sync Engine service must be stopped to release the resources that prevent iFIX from restarting.

The three option buttons configure OSI_iFIXmonitor to manage the PI APS Sync Engine service.

Do nothing to the APS Sync Engine

The Do nothing to the APS Sync Engine option removes the PI APS Sync Engine service from management by OSI_iFIXmonitor.

[pic]Caution: This option allows the PI APS Sync Engine service to continue to run when iFIX stops. If the PI APS Sync Engine has acquired Intellution library resources, iFIX will refuse to restart.

Stop the APS Sync Engine

The Stop the APS Sync Engine option configures OSI_iFIXmonitor to manage the PI APS Sync Engine service. When iFIX starts, iFIX starts OSI_iFIXmonitor, which starts the PI APS Sync Engine service (if it is not already running). When iFIX stops, it signals OSI_iFIXmonitor to terminate and OSI_iFIXmonitor stops the PI APS Sync Engine service. The PI APS Sync Engine service remains stopped until iFIX is restarted. This option is recommended if an initial synchronization scan is wanted when iFIX starts.

Stop then restart the APS Sync Engine

The Stop then restart the APS Sync Engine option configures OSI_iFIXmonitor to manage the PI APS Sync Engine service. When iFIX starts, iFIX starts OSI_iFIXmonitor, which starts the PI APS Sync Engine service (if it is not already running). When iFIX stops, it signals OSI_iFIXmonitor to terminate and OSI_iFIXmonitor stops the PI APS Sync Engine service, waits for the PI APS Sync Engine service to actually terminate, then restarts the PI APS Sync Engine service. The restarted PI APS Sync Engine attempts to run a synchronization scan for all registered interfaces when it starts. Since the PI APS Sync Engine restart was the result of iFIX stopping, the PI IntFIX APS Connector will probably find that iFIX is not running and abort the synchronization scan. The PI APS Sync Engine will try to synchronize again at the configured scheduling intervals from the restart time.

Appendix A:

Error and Informational Messages


This section discusses several specific errors that may be encountered with the PI APS Connector for the PI  IntFix Interface and general troubleshooting methods for resolving other problems.

Installation Problems

Symptoms of installation problems are usually noticed when the PI APS Configuration Utility registers the first PI  IntFix Interface instance. Installation problems can also occur after the PI  IntFix _APS Connector is upgraded; the symptoms of post-upgrade installation problems are messages in various log files (see “Log Files” below for information on the log files).

The following is a list of symptoms and error messages, their explanations, and steps for resolving the circumstances that caused them.

• IntFix _APS does not appear as an installed connector in the PI APS Configuration Utility

The PI APS Connector must be visible as IntFix _APS in the Installed PI APS Connectors dialog box (Tools ► Installed Connectors…) and in the Select APS Connector: list in the Configure Interface or COM Connector for PI APS dialog box (Interface ► Register New…). If IntFix _APS does not appear in these places, IntFix _APS.dll is not registered.

To register IntFix _APS.dll, open a command window and enter the following commands:

cd path_to_PIPC\APS\Connectors\ IntFix _APS

regsvr32 IntFix _APS.dll

• Error when opening the Connector-specific Control

If a dialog similar to the following is displayed when a PI  IntFix Interface is selected and Connector-specific… is clicked on the Settings menu, IntFix _APS_Cfg.dll is not registered.


To register IntFix _APS_Cfg.dll, open a command window and enter the following commands:

cd path_to_PIPC\APS\Connectors\ IntFix _APS

regsvr32 IntFix _APS_Cfg.dll

• “Error from CoCreateInstanceEx” messages from the PI APS Sync Engine

Messages similar to the following appear in the synchronization logs or pipc.log files:

PIAPSEngine.exe>PI-APS> Error from CoCreateInstanceEx. -2147221164: A specified class is not registered in the registration database. from call ptrAPSC.CreateInstance(IntFix_APS.PIAPSConnector) (for localhost,Sandbox%pi-eda1) in LoadAPSRegisteredConnectors - will log every 100 errors

PIAPSEngine.exe>PI-APS> Error from CoCreateInstanceEx. -2146233054: from call ptrAPSC.CreateInstance(IntFix_APS.PIAPSConnector) (for localhost,Sandbox%pi-eda1) in LoadAPSRegisteredConnectors - will log every 100 errors

PIAPSEngine.exe>PI-APS> Error from CoCreateInstanceEx. -2147024894: from call ptrAPSC.CreateInstance(IntFix_APS.PIAPSConnector) (for localhost,Sandbox%pi-eda1) in LoadAPSRegisteredConnectors – will log every 100 errors

Other error numbers are also possible. The significant aspect of these messages is that the error was returned from a call to CreateInstance( IntFix _APS.PIAPSConnector). These messages indicate that IntFix _APS.dll is not registered.

To register IntFix _APS.dll, open a command window and enter the following commands:

cd path_to_PIPC\APS\Connectors\IntFix _APS

regsvr32 IntFix _APS.dll

Upgrade Problems

Following an upgrade, if the logs indicate that the old version of the PI  IntFix _APS Connector is still being used, the PI APS Sync Engine needs to be stopped and restarted. When the PI APS Sync Engine starts, it loads copies of the PI APS Connectors for all registered interface instances into its virtual memory. After a PI APS Connector is loaded, the PI APS Sync Engine uses the copy in its virtual memory until the PI APS Sync Engine service is stopped. Thus, if a PI APS Connector is upgraded while the PI APS Sync Engine is running, the new version will not be used until the PI APS Sync Engine is restarted. Follow the steps in the “Upgrading Checklist” section to restart the PI APS Sync Engine.

Operational Problems

Log Files

When the PI APS Sync Engine performs a synchronization scan for an interface, it creates a log file for that synchronization scan. If errors occur during the synchronization scan, the PI APS Sync Engine writes error details to the pipc.log file and usually also writes an error indication into the log file for the synchronization scan. The log files created by the synchronization scans must be routinely monitored. If indications of errors are found, additional information may be available in pipc.log. The PI APS Configuration Utility provides simple access to these log files. On the Tools menu, click Log Files… to open the Synchronization & Point Logs dialog box.

In normal operation, the PI IntFix_APS Connector rarely logs messages. When it does, the message is written to the pipc.log file. When the PI IntFix_APS Connector encounters an error that it cannot handle, it returns an error code and description string to the PI APS Sync Engine, which the PI APS Sync Engine usually writes to both the pipc.log file and the log file for the synchronization scan.

• LoadLibrary(eda.dll) error 126

PIAPSEngine.exe>Intfix_APS> GetAvailablePoints> LoadDLL returned -2147024770 LoadLibrary(eda.dll) error 126 (The specified module could not be found.)

PIAPSEngine.exe>Intfix_APS> GetUpdatedAttributes> LoadDLL returned -2147024770 LoadLibrary(eda.dll) error 126 (The specified module could not be found.)

Either of these errors can occur if the Intellution FIX32 or iFIX software has not yet been installed on the machine where the PI IntFix APS Connector is installed. This error can also occur if FIX32 has been installed but the path to the installation folder has not been added to the system Path variable (see the “Installation Instructions” section for instructions on correcting the Path variable).

Revision History

IntFix IntFix "

PI  IntFix Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Interface to the PI System" PI AutoPointSync Connector for the Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) Interface to the PI System = "*" "" "" \* MERGEFORMAT

Intellution FIX32/iFIX Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX)"

Intellution Fix DMACS (FIX32) / Dynamics (iFIX) pi-eda IntFix _APS"

IntFix _APS IntFix _APS"

PI  IntFix _APS IntFix _APS" IntFix _APS

|Date |Author |Comments |

|25-Jun-03 |POWilliams |Initial version |

|06-Nov-03 |HABeeson |Updated a few things for Beta 1 |

|17-Dec-03 |POWilliams |Updated for configuration control. Incremented version to |

| | |Beta 2 |

|06-Jul-04 |POWilliams |Update for release |

|16-Nov-05 |GGladysheva |Added tag naming/selection support |

|17-Nov-05 |Chrys |Version Rev B: Reformatted; standardized terminology; fixed |

| | |grammar; changed title to match interface manual; changed directory, |

| | |description and file names to match those actually being used; TOC; |

| | |fixed headers & footers. |

|16-May-06 |LDaley |Version Rev C: Updated for release. |

|31-May-06 |Janelle |Version Rev D: Updated hyperlink to current web address for |

| | |APS; removed hyphens from “PI SDK”, “PI ICU” and “PI API” |

|28-Jul-06 |MKelly |Version Updated the version number to show both and |

| | | There was no change to the manual on a bug fix for|

|26-Feb-07 |LDaley |Version Rev A: Content from previous manual merged into |

| | |skeleton version 1.1. Revised for new version features. |

|6-Mar-09 |GMillar |Version Content from previous manual merged into skeleton |

| | |version 1.3.2. Revised for new version features. |

|6-Mar-2009 |Janelle |Version Rev A: updated headers; updated hyperlinks; removed |

| | |NT4 as supported O/S; added SP3 and SP4 for Windows 2000 support; |

| | |updated title page; updated how to contact us page |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


Process Data

Tag Information

PI APS Sync Engine

PI  IntFix _APS


OSIsoft Libraries: PI API and PI SDK

PI  IntFix


Intellution FIX32/iFIX

Intellution FIX32/iFIX Node

PI Server


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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