PAC Mate BX Keystrokes

PAC Mate BX Keystrokes

The keystrokes listed here are in tables and are grouped by headings with major sections being level two headings. On a PAC Mate BX or computer, use the JAWS List of Headings (H CHORD, H or INSERT+F6) or Navigation Quick Key, H, or SHIFT+H, to move quickly to the heading of your choice. On a computer, you can also use Navigation Quick Key, T, or SHIFT+T, to move from one table to the next. For a complete list of JAWS Navigation Quick Keys, refer to the JAWS Keystrokes page.

Function Keys

|Description |Command |

|ESC/Cancel |F1 |

|Activate Menu Bar |F2 |

|Open FSCalc |F3 |

|Open Stopwatch |F7 |

|Open the Start Menu |F4 |

|List Recent Applications |F5 |

|Open FSEdit |F6 |

|Open File Explorer |F8 |

|Refresh Screen |F1 CHORD |

|Activate Application Context Menu |F2 CHORD |

|Open Calendar |F3 CHORD |

|Open Contacts |F7 CHORD |

|Read system Time |F4 CHORD |

|Read System Date |F4 CHORD twice quickly |

|Open the Task Tray |F5 CHORD |

|Open Inbox |F6 CHORD |

|Open Tasks |F8 CHORD |

|Toggle One-Hand Mode |F1-F2-F3-F7 CHORD or F4-F5-F6-F8 CHORD |

General Commands

|Description |Command |

|Warm Reset |DOTS 1-2-3-4-6-7-8 CHORD |

|Shortcut to Running Programs |DOT 8 CHORD, M |

|Toggle Continuous Braille Mode |R CHORD |

|Backspace |DOT 7 |

|Enter |DOT 8 |

|Tab |DOTS 4-5 CHORD |

|Shift Tab |DOTS 1-2 CHORD |

|Read Window Type and Text |DOTS 1-2-4-5 CHORD |

|View Modem Connection Details |SH CHORD, M |

|Toggle Keyboard Help |DOTS 1-4-5-6-8 CHORD |

|Read Access Keys in Menus and Dialogs |DOTS 2-3-5-6 CHORD |

|Start/Toggle ActiveSync Remote PAC Mate |DOTS 1-2-7-8 CHORD, D or DOTS 1-5-7-8 CHORD, D |

|Stop ActiveSync Remote PAC Mate |DOTS 1-2-8 CHORD, D or DOTS 1-5-8 CHORD, D |

|Obtain Help on Currently Selected Control |DOTS 1-4-5-6 CHORD |

|Obtain Context-sensitive Help |DOTS 1-4-5-6 CHORD twice quickly |

|Insert ASCII Value or Control Character in Document |DOTS 2-4-7-8 CHORD followed by V for value and a number in |

| |computer braille or X for control character and a letter |

|List General PAC Mate Keystrokes |W CHORD |

|Caps Lock On |U CHORD, U |

|Caps Lock Off |U CHORD, L |

|Translate between computer braille and contracted braille in |T CHORD |

|Notes or Pocket Word | |

|Quit Current Application (may not work in all Pocket PC |DOT 8, Z |

|applications) | |

Dialog Box Navigation Commands

|Description |Command |

|Move to the Next Control |DOTS 4-5 CHORD |

|Move to the Previous Control |DOTS 1-2 CHORD |

|Read the Current Window Prompt and Text |DOTS 1-2-4-5 CHORD |

|Move to the Nex Page in a Multi-page Dialog |DOTS 5-6 CHORD |

|Move to the Previous Page in a Multi-page Dialog |DOTS 2-3 CHORD |

|Read Default Button |I CHORD, E |

|Read Dialog Box in Tab order |I CHORD, W |

Information Layer Keystrokes

|Description |Command |

|Obtain PAC Mate Version Information |I CHORD, A |

|Query Battery Power Status |I CHORD, L |

|Network Adapter IP Address Information |I CHORD, N |

|Read Window Title |I CHORD, T |

|Read Entire Window |I CHORD, W |

|Obtain Font Information |I CHORD, F |

|Read the Default Button in a Dialog |I CHORD, E |

|Braille Language Currently in Use |I CHORD, C |

|Braille Language Configured as Primary |I CHORD, P |

|Braille Language Configured as Secondary |I CHORD, S |

Settings Layer Commands

|Description |Command |

|Increase Volume |S CHORD, UP ARROW |

|Decrease Volume |S CHORD, DOWN ARROW |

|Increase Speech Rate |S CHORD, RIGHT ARROW |

|Decrease Speech Rate |S CHORD, LEFT ARROW |

|Adjust Typing Echo |S CHORD, K |

|Adjust Screen Echo |S CHORD, S |

|Adjust Punctuation Level |S CHORD, P |

|Toggle Contracted Braille Input |S CHORD, G |

|Open Dictionary Settings Dialog |S CHORD, D |

|Toggle Braille Study Mode |S CHORD, B |

|Toggle Keyboard Lock |S CHORD, C |

|Change Language |S CHORD, L |

|Mute Speech |S CHORD, M |

|Start/Toggle ActiveSync Remote PAC Mate |S CHORD, R |

|Exit Settings Layer after making a Change (volume, rate, keyboard|SPACEBAR |

|echo, screen echo, and punctuation level) | |

Keystrokes for Reading and Navigating Text

|Description |Command |

|Prior Character |DOT 3 CHORD or LEFT ARROW |

|Next Character |DOT 6 CHORD or RIGHT ARROW |

|Current Character |DOTS 3-6 CHORD |

|Current Character Phonetic |DOTS 3-6 CHORD twice quickly |

|ASCII Value of Current Character |DOTS 3-6 CHORD three times quickly |

|Prior Word |DOT 2 CHORD or DOT 2+LEFT ARROW |

|Next Word |DOT 5 CHORD or DOT 5+RIGHT ARROW |

|Current Word |DOTS 2-5 CHORD |

|Spell Current Word |DOTS 2-5 CHORD twice quickly |

|Prior Line |DOT 1 CHORD or UP ARROW |

|Next Line |DOT 4 CHORD or DOWN ARROW |

|Current Line |DOTS 1-4 CHORD |

|Prior Sentence |DOT 4+LEFT ARROW |

|Next Sentence |DOT 4+RIGHT ARROW |

|Current Sentence |DOT 4+LEFT+RIGHT ARROW |

|Prior Paragraph |DOT 1+UP ARROW |

|Next Paragraph |DOT 1+DOWN ARROW |

|Current Paragraph |DOT 1+UP+DOWN ARROW |

|Page Up |DOT 2+UP ARROW |

|Page Down |DOT 2+DOWN ARROW |

|Move to Beginning of Line |DOT 3+LEFT ARROW |

|Move to End of Line |DOT 3+RIGHT ARROW |

|Move to Top of File |L CHORD or DOT 3+UP ARROW |

|Move to Bottom of File |DOTS 4-5-6 CHORD or DOT 3+DOWN ARROW |

|Read from Beginning of Line |DOTS 3-7+LEFT ARROW |

|Read to End of Line |DOTS 3-7+RIGHT ARROW |

|Read Selected Text |DOTS 4-5-6-7-8 CHORD |

Say All Commands

|Description |Command |

|Start Say All |DOTS 1-2-4-5-6 CHORD or DOTS 3-7+DOWN ARROW |

|Rewind |LEFT ARROW |

|Fast Forward |RIGHT ARROW |

|Increase Speech rate |DOT 4 |

|Decrease Speech Rate |DOT 1 |

|Increase Speech Volume |DOT 5 |

|Decrease Speech Volume |DOT 2 |

|Stop Say All |DOTS 6-8 |

Selecting, Copying, and Pasting

|Description |Command |

|Select Prior Character |DOTS 3-7 CHORD |

|Select Next Character |DOTS 6-7 CHORD |

|Select Prior Word |DOTS 2-7 CHORD |

|Select Next Word |DOTS 5-7 CHORD |

|Select Prior Line |UP ARROW CHORD |

|Select Next Line |DOWN ARROW CHORD |

|Select Prior Sentence |DOT 4+LEFT ARROW CHORD |

|Select Next Sentence |DOT 4+RIGHT ARROW CHORD |

|Select Prior Paragraph |DOT 1+UP ARROW CHORD |

|Select Next Paragraph |DOT 1+DOWN ARROW CHORD |

|Select Page Up |DOT 2+UP ARROW CHORD |

|Select Page Down |DOT 2+DOWN ARROW CHORD |

|Select to Beginning of Line |DOT 3+LEFT ARROW CHORD |

|Select to End of Line |DOT 3+RIGHT ARROW CHORD |

|Select to Top of File |DOT 3+UP ARROW CHORD |

|Select to Bottom of File |DOT 3+DOWN ARROW CHORD |

|Select One Item in Listview |SPACEBAR |

|Select Multiple Items in Listview Going Down |DOWN ARROW CHORD |

|Select Multiple Items in Listview going up |UP ARROW CHORD |

|Select All |E CHORD, A |

|Read Selected Text |DOTS 4-5-6-7-8 CHORD |

|Copy Selected Text to Clipboard |E CHORD, c |

|Cut Selected Text to Clipboard |E CHORD, XK |

|Paste From Clipboard |E CHORD, P |

|Delete Selected Text/Item |DOTS 1-2-3-4-5-6 CHORD or E CHORD, D |

Advanced Keystrokes

|Description |Command |

|Activate JAWS Cursor |DOT 8 CHORD, J |

|Activate Invisible Cursor |DOT 8 CHORD, J twice quickly |

|Activate PC Cursor |DOT 8 CHORD, P |

|Cycle Between Restriction Settings for the JAWS or Invisible |DOT 8 CHORD, R |

|Cursor When Active | |

|Route JAWS to PC |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 3-6 |

|Route PC to JAWS |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 3-4-6 |

|Say Active Cursor and Position |DOT 8 CHORD, C |

|Left Click |DOT 8 CHORD, DOT 7 |

|Adjust Graphics Verbosity |DOT 8 CHORD, G CHORD |

|Open Graphics Labeler |DOT 8 CHORD, G |

|Say Foreground and Background colors at Active Cursor |DOT 8 CHORD, E |

|Say Currently Active Script and Application |DOT 8 CHORD, Q |

|Reinitialize Currently Active Scripts (for script development |DOT 8 CHORD, F1 CHORD |

|only | |

Home Row Utility Keystrokes

|Description |Command |

|Toggle Home Row Mode |DOT 8 CHORD, U |

|Route JAWS to Home Row |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 1-2-5-6 |

|Initialize Home Row Position |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 2-6 |

|Read Current Home Row Window |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 2-3-6 |

|Read Output Information for Current Home Row Window |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 3-5 |

|View Output Information for Home Row Window in Message Box |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 3-5 CHORD |

|Set Output Mode for Home Row Window |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 2-5 |

|Next Home Row Window |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 4-5 |

|Prior Home Row Window |DOT 8 CHORD, B |

|First Child Home Row Window |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 3-5-6 |

|Move to Parrent Home Row Window |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 2-5-6-7 |

|Visibility Status of Current Window |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 2-3-5 CHORD |

|Toggle Speaking Window Visibility |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 2-3-5 |

|First Requested Attribute in Home Row |DOT 8 CHORD, A |

|Last Requested Attribute in Home Row |DOT 8 CHORD, DOT 4 |

|Next Requested Attribute in Home Row |DOT 8 CHORD, DOT 5 |

|Prior Requested Attribute in Home Row |DOT 8 CHORD, DOT 2 |

|Set Attribute Mode in Home Row |DOT 8 CHORD, DOTS 1-4-6 |

Online Help

|Description |Command |

|Back a Page |DOTS 2-4-6 CHORD |

|Forward a Page |DOTS 1-3-5 CHORD |

|Refresh Page |SH CHORD, R |

|Next Link |DOTS 4-5 CHORD |

|Prior Link |DOTS 1-2 CHORD |

|List Links |H CHORD, L |

|Move to Next Non-Linked Text |N |

|Move to Prior Non-Linked Text |DOTS 1-3-4-5-7 |

|List Headings |H CHORD, H |

|Next Heading |H |

|Prior Heading |DOTS 1-2-5-7 |

|Move to First Heading |H CHORD, UP ARROW |

|Move to Last Heading |H CHORD, DOWN ARROW |

Navigating Tables in Online Help

|Description |Command |

|Read Current Cell |H CHORD, C |

|Next Cell |DOT 8+RIGHT ARROW |

|Prior Cell |DOT 8+LEFT ARROW |

|Cell Above |DOT 8+UP ARROW |

|Cell Below |DOT 8+DOWN ARROW |

|First Cell |DOTS 1-3-8 |

|Last Cell |DOTS 4-6-8 |

File Explorer

|Description |Command |

|Prior File/Folder |UP ARROW |

|Next File/Folder |DOWN ARROW |

|Open File/Folder |DOT 8 |

|Up One Folder Level |LEFT ARROW |

|Show By |SH CHORD, W |

|Sort By |SH CHORD, Y |


|Description |Command |

|Create New Contact |SH CHORD, N |

|Show By |SH CHORD, W |

|Open Expandable Fields (when creating or viewing the details of a|SH CHORD, F |

|contact | |


|Description |Command |

|New Appointment |SH CHORD, N |

|Open Calendar View |SH CHORD, V |

|Next Day |RIGHT ARROW |

|Prior Day |LEFT ARROW |

|Jump to Day of Week |SH CHORD followed by 1 through 7 |

|Change Start or End Date of Appointment |SH CHORD, D (while on the Start or End fields) |

|Change Reminder Time of Appointment |SH CHORD, T (while on the Reminder field) |

|Change Reminder Increment of Appointment |SH CHORD, I (while on the Reminder field) |

Calendar View

|Description |Command |

|Open Calendar View |SH CHORD, V |

|Back One Day |LEFT ARROW |

|Forward One Day |RIGHT ARROW |

|Back One Week |DOT 5+LEFT ARROW |

|Forward One Week |DOT 5+RIGHT ARROW |

|Back One Month |UP ARROW |

|Forward One Month |DOWN ARROW |

|Back One Year |DOT 1+UP ARROW |

|Forward One Year |DOT 1+DOWN ARROW |

|Jump to Day of Week |SH CHORD followed by 1 through 7 |

|Close Calendar View |F1 |


|Description |Command |

|Create New Task |SH CHORD, N |

|Create New High Priority Task |SH CHORD, H |

|Create New Low Priority Task |SH CHORD, L |

|Change Reminder Date |SH CHORD, D (when on the Reminder field) |

|Change Status of Selected Task |SPACEBAR |

|Show By |SH CHORD, W |

|Sort By |SH CHORD, Y |


|Description |Command |

|New Message |SH CHORD, N |

|Expand/Collapse Message Headers |SH CHORD, H |

|My Text Messages |SH CHORD, M |

|Open Contacts |SH CHORD, C |

|Move to Message Body |M CHORD |

|Spell Check Current Message |DOTS 1-6 CHORD, S |

|Read Misspelled Word in Context |DOTS 1-6 CHORD, C |

|Read Spelling Error and Suggestion |DOTS 1-6 CHORD, R |

|Translate Message and Send |SH CHORD, T |

|Send Message Without Translation |SH CHORD, S |

|Next Message |N CHORD |

|Prior Message |P CHORD |

|Rename Folder When in Manage Folders dialog |SH CHORD, R |

|Show By |SH CHORD, W |

|Sort By |SH CHORD, Y |


|Description |Command |

|Create New Text Note |SH CHORD, N |

|Record a Voice Note |V CHORD, R |

|Play a Voice Note |V CHORD, P |

|Stop Recording or Playing a Voice Note |V CHORD, S |

|Show By |SH CHORD, W |

|Sort By |SH CHORD, Y |

Pocket Internet Explorer

|Description |Command |

|Read Address Bar |A |

|Go to Address Bar |G |

|Back a Page |DOTS 2-4-6 CHORD |

|Refresh Current Page |SH CHORD, R |

|Go to Home Page |SH CHORD, H |

|Adjust JAWS HTML Settings |H CHORD, V |

|Go to Favorites |SH CHORD, F |

|Hide Pictures |SH CHORD, P |

Web Page Navigation Commands

|Description |Command |

|Next Link |DOTS 4-5 CHORD |

|Prior Link |DOTS 1-2 CHORD |

|List Links |H CHORD, L |

|Move to Next Non-Linked Text |N |

|Move to Prior Non-linked Text |DOTS 1-3-4-5-7 |

|List Headings |H CHORD, H |

|Next Heading |H |

|Prior Heading |DOTS 1-2-5-7 |

|Move to First Heading |H CHORD, UP ARROW |

|Move to Last Heading |H CHORD, DOWN ARROW |

|Turn On Forms Mode |DOT 8 (while on a form control) |

|Turn Off Forms Mode |X CHORD |

|Next Form Field |F |

|Prior Form Field |DOTS 1-2-4-7 |

|Go to First Form Field |DOT 7+UP ARROW |

|Go to Last Form Field |DOT 7+DOWN ARROW |

Table Navigation Commands

|Description |Command |

|Read Current Cell |H CHORD, C |

|Next Cell |DOT 8+RIGHT ARROW |

|Prior Cell |DOT 8+LEFT ARROW |

|Cell Above |DOT 8+UP ARROW |

|Cell Below |DOT 8+DOWN ARROW |

|First Cell |DOTS 1-3-8 |

|Last Cell |DOTS 4-6-8 |


|Description |Command |

|Create New File |SH CHORD, N |

|Open File |SH CHORD, O |

|Save File |SH CHORD, S |

|Print File |SH CHORD, P |

|Insert Date-Time |I+DOT 8, D |

|Insert Text From File |I+DOT 8, F |

|Spell Check Document |CH CHORD, S |

|Read Misspelled Word in Context |CH CHORD, C |

|Read Misspelled Word and Suggestion |CH CHORD, R |

Editing and Formatting Commands

|Description |Command |

|Find |E CHORD, F |

|Find Next |E CHORD, N |

|Replace |E CHORD, R |

|Undo |E CHORD, U |

|Query Cursor Position |DOTS 2-4-5-6-8 CHORD |

|Move Cursor Position |DOTS 3-4-5-6 CHORD, XY (where X is a positive number indicating |

| |how far forward the cursor will move, or a negative number |

| |indicating how far back the cursor will move, and Y is the letter|

| |C for character, W for Word, or L for line – indicating the type |

| |of cursor movement) |

|Set Mark |E CHORD, M |

|Select to Mark |E CHORD, S |

|Swap Cursor and Marked Position |E CHORD, W |

|Quick Select Word |Q CHORD, W |

|Quick Select Sentence |Q CHORD, S |

|Quick Select Line |Q CHORD, L |

|Quick Select Paragraph |Q CHORD, P |

|Quick Select Entire Document |Q CHORD, D |

|Bold |F+DOT 8, B |

|Italic |F+DOT 8, I |

|Underline |F+DOT 8, U |

|StrikeThrough |F+DOT 8, S |

|Center |F+DOT 8, C |

|Left Justify |F+DOT 8, L |

|Right Justify |F+DOT 8, R |


|Description |Command |

|Clear Current Display |DOTS 3-5-6 CHORD |

|Clear History |SH CHORD, H |

|Clear Variables |SH CHORD, V |

|Save Calculations to a File |SH CHORD, S |

|Load History From File |SH CHORD, O |

Pocket Word

|Description |Command |

|New Document |SH CHORD, N |

|Spell Check Document |CH CHORD, S |

|Read Misspelled Word in Context |CH CHORD, C |

|Read Misspelled Word and Suggestion |CH CHORD, R |

|Open Find and Replace Dialog |F CHORD, F |

|Find Next |F CHORD, N |

|Replace |F CHORD, R |

|Replace All Occurrences |F CHORD, A |

|Cancel Find and Replace |F CHORD, C |

|Bold |1-2-4-8, B |

|Italic |DOTS 1-2-4-8, I |

|Underline |DOTS 1-2-4-8, U |

|Undo |E CHORD, U |

Pocket Excel

|Description |Command |

|Move to Next Cell in Row |DOTS 4-5 CHORD or RIGHT ARROW |

|Move to Prior Cell in Row |DOTS 1-2 CHORD or LEFT ARROW |

|Move to Next Cell in Column |DOWN ARROW |

|Move to Prior Cell in Column |UP ARROW |

|Up One Screen |DOT 2+UP ARROW |

|Down One Screen |DOT 2+DOWN ARROW |

|Move to Next Worksheet |DOT 2 CHORD+DOWN ARROW |

|Move to Previous Worksheet |DOT 2 CHORD+UP ARROW |

|Go to First Cell in Data Region |DOT 3+UP ARROW |

|Go to Last Cell in Data Region |DOT 3+DOWN ARROW |

|Select Entire Worksheet |E CHORD, A |

|Select Entire Row |DOT 7+LEFT ARROW+RIGHT ARROW |

|Select Entire Column |DOT 7+UP ARROW+DOWN ARROW |


|Edit Current Cell |DOTS 1-2-4-6 CHORD |

|Format Cell |SH CHORD, C |

|Autosum a Range of Cells |DOTS 2-3-4-5-6 CHORD, DOTS 1-2-3-4-5-6 |

|Insert Date |DOTS 2-4-8, D |

|Insert Time |DOTS 2-4-8, T |

|Find |E CHORD, F |

|Replace |E CHORD, R |

|Go To |E CHORD, G |

|Formula Mode |DOTS 1-2-3-4-5-6 |


|Description |Command |

|Start/Stop |S |

|Reset |R |

|Say Last Time |L |

|Say Current Time |T |

|Open Count Down Dialog |C |

Windows Media Player

|Description |Command |

|Play/Pause |P CHORD, P |

|Stop |P CHORD, S |

|Fast Forward |P CHORD, RIGHT ARROW |


|Previous Track |P CHORD, B |

|Next Track |P CHORD, F |

|Mute Player Independently of JAWS |P CHORD, M |

|Increase Player Volume Independently of JAWS |P CHORD, UP ARROW |

|Decrease Player Volume Independently of JAWS |P CHORD, DOWN ARROW |

|Open Media Guide |P CHORD, G |

Playlist Commands

|Description |Command |

|Play Current Selection |DOT 8 |

|Add Files to Playlist |DOTS 1-7-8 |

|Remove From Playlist |E CHORD, D |

|Move Current Selection Up in Playing Order |DOTS 1-3-6-7-8 |

|Move Current Selection Down in Playing Order |DOTS 1-4-5-7-8 |

|View Media File Properties for Current Selection |DOTS 1-2-3-4-7-8 |

|Show By |SH CHORD, Y |

MSN Messenger

|Description |Command |

|Review Most Recent Message |M CHORD, DOT 2 |

|Review Second Most Recent Message |M CHORD, DOTS 2-3 |

|Review Third Most Recent Message |M CHORD, DOTS 2-5 |

|Review Fourth Most Recent Message |M CHORD, DOTS 2-5-6 |

|Toggle Announcement of the Status Indicator |M CHORD, S |

|Toggle Announcement of the Message Sender's Name |M CHORD, C |

|Activate Pending Contact Notification |M CHORD, N |


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