CADET GUIDE - Horry County Schools

CADET _____________________ FLIGHT________CADET HANDBOOK SC-821“BRAVES IN BLUE”SOCASTEE HIGH SCHOOL4900 SOCASTEE BLVD., MYRTLE BEACH, SC 29588 (843) 293-9104AIR FORCE JUNIOR RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPSCORE VALUESINTEGRITY FIRSTSERVICE BEFORE SELFEXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO644253-592455CADET CHAIN OF COMMANDFILL IN NAMES WITH PENCIL AND KEEP CURRENT00CADET CHAIN OF COMMANDFILL IN NAMES WITH PENCIL AND KEEP CURRENTCommander-in-ChiefSecretary of DefenseSecretary of the Air ForceAir Force Chief of StaffCommander, AETCCommander, Air UniversityCommander, Holm CenterDirector, AF Junior ROTCSASI/ASICadet Group CommanderCadet Director of OperationsCadet Flight CommanderCadet Flight SergeantMEMY PERSONAL RECORD OF POSITIONS HELD AND CADET RANKSFROMTOPOSITION TITLECADET RANK____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cadet Command CMSgtCadet Element Leader Commander-in-ChiefSecretary of DefenseSecretary of the Air ForceAir Force Chief of StaffCommander, AETCCommander, Air UniversityCommander, Holm CenterDirector, AF Junior ROTCSASI/ASICadet Group CommanderCadet Director of OperationsCadet Flight CommanderCadet Flight SergeantMEMY PERSONAL RECORD OF POSITIONS HELD AND CADET RANKSFROMTOPOSITION TITLECADET RANK____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Cadet Command CMSgtCadet Element Leader Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Cadet and Parent Letter PAGEREF _Toc505765483 \h 51 MISSION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE AFJROTC PROGRAM PAGEREF _Toc505765484 \h 62 ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS PAGEREF _Toc505765485 \h 73 CONDUCT AND MILITARY COURTESY PAGEREF _Toc505765486 \h 84 CADET HONOR CODE PAGEREF _Toc505765487 \h 125 CADET APPEARANCE PAGEREF _Toc505765488 \h 136 WEARING THE UNIFORM PAGEREF _Toc505765489 \h 157 CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ACCOUNT PAGEREF _Toc505765490 \h 188 SALUTING/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/NATIONAL ANTHEM RULES PAGEREF _Toc505765491 \h 199 CURRICULUM AND GRADING POLICY PAGEREF _Toc505765492 \h 2010 CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES PAGEREF _Toc505765493 \h 2211 FUNDRAISING PAGEREF _Toc505765494 \h 2312 CADET PROMOTION PAGEREF _Toc505765495 \h 2413 CADET PERSONNEL BOARDS PAGEREF _Toc505765497 \h 2814 UNIT MANNING DOCUMENT PAGEREF _Toc505765498 \h 2915 JOB DESCRIPTIONS PAGEREF _Toc505765499 \h 3016 JROTC SPECIAL PROGRAMS & AWARDS PAGEREF _Toc505765500 \h 3217 PHYSICAL TRAINING (PT) PAGEREF _Toc505765501 \h 3318 CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING AND COMPLETION PAGEREF _Toc505765502 \h 3319 FLIGHT COMPETITION PAGEREF _Toc505765503 \h 3520 INSTRUCTOR OFFICES, CADET COMPUTER AREA AND OFF LIMITS AREAS PAGEREF _Toc505765504 \h 36APPENDICES PAGEREF _Toc505765505 \h 37Cadet and Parent LetterTO: All AFJROTC SC-821 Cadets and Parents/GuardiansWelcome to Air Force Junior ROTC and SC-821 “The Braves in Blue”! The Cadet Handbook describes the requirements for being an AFJROTC Cadet at Socastee High School. As a Cadet you will be responsible for knowing and applying the contents of this handbook. We encourage you to share the information in the handbook with your parents/guardians so they may also know what is expected of you. You and your parents/guardians will then complete an Air Force Junior ROTC Course Agreement. Note: Uniform/shoes will be issued to each cadet at no cost. However, there will be a twenty dollar ($20) fee, per semester, due 15 September (1st Sem)/15 February (2nd Sem).As a JROTC Cadet, a great deal more will be expected of you than your fellow students at Socastee. You will be required to conform to Air Force JROTC grooming standards, uniform standards, and a strict personal code of conduct. There is no obligation to join any branch of military service after taking JROTC; however, there are advantages given to graduating cadets in good standing who take ROTC in college or enlist in the military. Recognition for achievement and service is an important part of the JROTC program. Each semester you will be required to attend an awards recognition ceremony in the evening. This will count as a uniform inspection grade. Cadets are recognized for their involvement in activities, community service, school attendance, good conduct, physical fitness, as well as many other categories. Parents/guardians are encouraged to attend these ceremonies to join in the celebration of these achievements.As we progress through the JROTC curriculum you will be responsible for completing all of your classroom assignments and wearing the prescribed AFJROTC uniform at least once per week. The uniform inspection grade is weighted as 50% of your overall AFJROTC grade. Failure to wear the uniform weekly or improper use of the uniform may result in cadet removal from the JROTC. JROTC should not be considered an easy alternative to taking physical education. Physical training/wellness is an important part of the JROTC program and you will be required to participate in weekly physical training activities. Physical training/wellness is weighted as 20% of your AFJROTC grade. Additionally, there will be field trips and extracurricular activities that have been planned to enhance your JROTC experience. Some of these activities will occur on non-school days or evenings. To be successful in JROTC, you will be encouraged to participate in some of these activities.AFJROTC is an excellent program and will provide you with a great opportunity to develop, not only as an individual, but as a productive part of our school and community. Our challenge to you is for you to do your best and take advantage of the opportunities provided in the Air Force Junior ROTC program.KEVIN H. CHRONISTER, CMSgt, USAF (Ret)Senior Aerospace Science Instructor CADETS & PARENTS: Sign below indicating that you have reviewed the Cadet Handbook. Parents, please call Chief Master Sergeant Chronister or Master Sergeant Boulay if you have any questions, (843) 293-9104.Signature(s):_________________________ ________________ (Cadet)(Date)_________________________ _________________ (Parent/Guardian)(Date)PARENTS or GUARDIANS: After reviewing the Cadet Handbook, we also ask for you and your son/daughter’s signatures on the Air Force JROTC Course Agreement.1 MISSION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE AFJROTC PROGRAM1.1 MISSION: The mission of the Air Force Junior ROTC program is to "develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community”.1.2 GOALS: The goals of the AFJROTC program are to instill in high school cadets the values of: Citizenship, Service to the United States, Personal Responsibility, and a Sense of Accomplishment. 1.3 With these objectives AFJROTC cadets should develop: 1.3.1 Respect for and an understanding of the need for constitutional authority in a democratic society. 1.3.2 A deep appreciation for patriotism for their country.1.3.3 Habits of orderliness and precision and a respect for authority.1.3.4 A high degree of personal honor, integrity, self-discipline, self-reliance, and leadership. 1.3.5 Broad-based knowledge of the aerospace age and fundamental aerospace doctrine. 1.3.6 An awareness and understanding of the basic elements of the military and national security.1.3.7 Knowledge of and an appreciation for the traditions of the Air Force such as the Air Force Song and the Military Ball.1.3.8 An interest in completing high school and pursuing higher educational goals or skills. 1.3.9 An awareness and understanding of the U.S Air Force Core Values – “Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in All We Do” as a guide in their personal development1.4 As a student at Socastee High School, we expect all students will: 1.4.1 Abide by all rules and guidelines set by the Horry County Schools and Socastee High School 1.4.2 Be empowered by knowledge of his/her talents to continually refine his/her future vision and goals. 1.4.3 Build upon a broad and diverse academic and extra/co-curricular education in order to realize his/her goals. 1.4.4 Use logical, systematic processes and effective communication to make responsible decisions and solve problems. 1.5 SC-821 Mission: To provide opportunities and experiences which support the mission and goals of AFJROTC and stimulate the student’s intellectual, physical, social and patriotic growth.1.6 SC-821 Goals:1. Recruit highly motivated and academically inclined cadets.2. Increase self-discipline, respect and motivation within the cadet corps.3. Promote a sense of pride in AFJROTC3. Promote activities to enhance the AFJROTC experience. 5. Increase participation in community service and unit activities.6. Sponsor an academic scholarship and a leadership scholarship.7. Conduct a fund raising program to support planned activities.8. Increase parent involvement in AFJROTC co-curricular activities.MORE EDUCATION = MORE OPPORTUNITIES 2 ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISENROLLMENT OF STUDENTS2.1 To be eligible for membership and continue in AFJROTC, a student must be:2.1.1 Enrolled in and attending a regular course of instruction at Socastee High School.2.1.2 Selected by the SASI/ASI with the approval of the principal or a designated representative to ensure enrolled students meet acceptable standards.2.1.3 Capable of participating in the complete AFJROTC curriculum. NOTE: Special needs and handicapped students, with the concurrence of the SASI/ASI and principal, may participate.2.2 Transfer students from other JROTC units will be admitted with credit given for training already received. No guarantees can be made, however, with respect to a student retaining permanent rank made in another unit.2.3 A cadet may be dis-enrolled for any of the following reasons:2.3.1 Failure to maintain acceptable standards (haircut, grooming, and proper uniform wear)2.3.2 Inaptitude or indifference to training2.3.3 Disciplinary reasons2.3.4 Undesirable character traits (to include cheating, fighting, stealing, using/selling drugs, using alcohol, arrested by a police officer),2.3.5 Individual being assigned to the Horry County Alternative School2.3.6 Behavior that reflects negatively on or will discredit AFJROTC2.3.7 Individual request for release, consistent with current Socastee High School drop/add policy2.3.8 Any other reason deemed appropriate by the principal and the SASI/ASI.2.4 All enrollment and disenrollment decisions will be free from any discrimination regarding race, religion, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or national origin. 2.5 ACTIVITY FEE. A $20 fee, to help defray the cost of non-returnable items, is required. Uniform cleaning is required before final turn-in of the uniform. Cadets will be charged the AFJROTC replacement fee for any uniform items lost or damaged. This includes coats and shirts with stains that cannot be removed by cleaning and makes the uniform item unusable.2.6 Cadet Responsibilities: Each cadet will agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Aerospace Science Department and to accept responsibility for the proper care and maintenance of his or her AFJROTC uniform, AFJROTC textbooks, and other AFJROTC equipment. Failure to do so will create financial obligations which may prevent later registration for classes, transfer of credit or graduation.3 CONDUCT AND MILITARY COURTESY3.1 GENERAL: All cadets are expected to abide by all standards set forth by Horry County Schools, Socastee High School, the Socastee High School Parent-Student Handbook and the SC-821 Cadet Handbook. The nature of the JROTC mission, as well as its high visibility within the school and the community, requires its members to adhere to higher standards than might normally be found among the student population. Such good behavior will reflect credit upon themselves, their parents, the SC-821 Cadet Group, Socastee High School and the United States Air Force Junior ROTC program.3.2 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: Promptness is an objective of the AFJROTC program and cadets are expected to be behind their chairs at "Parade Rest" before the late bell rings. When entering the classroom at the beginning of class, each cadet will go directly to his/her chair and place only AFJROTC required materials (handbook, notepaper, pen/pencil) on their table top. Cadets will then stand behind their chair at “Parade Rest” with no talking. Cadets having any non-AFJROTC materials (other class books, cell phones, letters, organizers, etc.) on their table anytime during the class period will have those items taken away. Book bags, gym bags etc., will be stored underneath each cadet's table, not in the aisle. Cadets not behind their chairs and at “Parade Rest” when the tardy bell rings will be marked tardy and lose 50 points from that week’s Leadership-in-Action grade. The Flight Sergeant will command "Flight Attention" at which time all cadets will assume the position of "attention" behind their chairs. The Flight Commander will command the Flight Guide to post the Flight Guide-on at the front of the classroom. Afterwards, the Flight Sergeant will lead the flight in reciting the Air Force Junior ROTC Cadet Creed. The Flight Commander will then command the Flight Sergeant to “Acquire the Report”. The Flight Sergeant will then command "Report". Each element leader, beginning with the first, will report to the Flight Sergeant the name of any cadet who is absent by saluting and stating, "Sir/Ma'am, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, (etc.) element reports Cadet(s) (last name) is absent, Sir/Ma’am.” If no cadets are absent the element leader will state "Sir/Ma'am 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. element reports all cadets present and accounted for, Sir/Ma’am". The Flight Sergeant will then return the salute. When all element leaders have reported, the Flight Sergeant will report to the Flight Commander by stating “Sir/Ma’am, Alpha, Bravo, (etc.) Flight reports Cadet (s) (last name) is absent, Sir/Ma’am” or “All cadets are present or accounted for, Sir/Ma’am”. The Flight Sergeant will, in turn, report to the instructor. If the Flight Commander is absent, the Flight Sergeant will replace him or her, and element leaders and alternate element leaders (cadets sitting next to element leaders) will fill in, as needed. If the Flight Sergeant is absent, the first element leader will move up (continue to the next element leader, if absent). If all element leaders are absent, the alternate element leader will take his or her place.3.2.1 After the attendance has been reported to the instructor by the Flight Sergeant, the Flight Commander will command "Take your seats". 3.2.2 In the event the instructor is delayed, the Flight Commander will give the command "Flight, ATTENTION" when the instructor enters. Cadets will then stand and assume a position of attention and maintain it until the instructor orders "Take your seats". 3.2.3 Cadets arriving after the tardy bell will wait behind the black tile in front of the SC-821 display board to report-in until the instructor has received the class report. At that time, the tardy cadet will KNOCK ONCE on the side of the display, wait to be acknowledged, salute and then report in to the Flight Commander stating, "Sir/Ma'am, Cadet (last name) requests permission to enter the classroom". If the Flight Commander is not present when the tardy cadet arrives the cadet will report-in to the Flight Sergeant who will in turn inform the instructor. Late cadets will receive a Socastee High School tardy referral unless they bring a written excuse with them to class. When leaving the classroom during the class period the Flight Commander will give the command "Flight, Attention," the Flight Commander will then command the flight to the required location. When returning, the flight will return in a military order by element. The Guide will stop and open the door for the other Cadets. Once in the room the Cadets will stand behind their chairs at “attention" until the Flight Commander calls "at ease" or "seats." Prior to dismissal, The Flight Sergeant will call, “Flight, Attention," and the Flight Commander will command the Flight Guide to “Retire the Flight Guide-on”. Dismissal from class will be by the Flight Commander and not by the bell. When the bell rings the Flight Commander will call "Dismissed" at which time the cadets will repeat, in unison, their flight motto and then leave the classroom in a quiet and orderly manner.3.2.4 CADET RULES. All cadets will be expected to abide by the following rules: Be on time to class each day with all materials ready for class. REQUIRED CLASS ITEMS: Blue/Black pen/pencil, notepaper, and Cadet Handbook. Gum chewing, food and drinks are not allowed in any AFJROTC room. Food and/or drinks may be allowed for a special occasion if permission is given by the instructor. Comply with instructions given to you by the cadet in charge. Listen and follow instructions the first time; if unclear ask for clarification. Raise your hand and be recognized before speaking and stand behind your chair when addressing visitors to the classroom. After standing, state “Sir/Ma’am, Cadet (last name)” and ask your question or provide your response. Cadets will address instructors by their rank and last name and answer a question with "Yes/No, Sir/Ma'am" as appropriate. Use appropriate language; no put downs, teasing, cursing, loud or vulgar language. No yelling, horseplay, passing notes or climbing on tables. Be attentive/quiet when someone else is speaking. Respect school and fellow cadets’ property. Keep hands, feet and all other objects to yourself. Do not move from your seat without permission. Sit in chairs properly, no slouching, sleeping or leaning head on desk. Turn in all homework and project assignments on time. Do not demonstrate any affection (holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc.) in the AFJROTC classroom. Public Display of Affection (PDA) is not tolerated and it will not be allowed in the AFJROTC classroom, during events or anytime while in in uniform. No cosmetics, lotions, hairspray, deodorants or perfumes will be opened or sprayed in the AFJROTC classroom and dressing rooms. The instructor's offices are off-limits to all cadets, unless an instructor is present. You must seek permission to enter SASI/ASI offices. You will knock once, salute once be acknowledged, and state your business. Do not touch anything on the instructors’ desks. You must have permission to use computers and/or telephone. Do not sleep in class. If you can't stay awake, move to the rear of the classroom and remain standing. The Flight Commander and Flight Sergeant will enforce this requirement. Let an instructor know if you are ill. Excuses from drill/physical training must be in writing from your parent/guardian and presented to an instructor at the beginning of class. Do not use the words "yeah", "yep", “dude” etc. - these are "disrespectful” words and use of them is not acceptable in JROTC. Use the chain-of-command. Example: turn in request to Element Leader, who will turn it into the flight commander, to the squadron commander, so on and so forth. Tuck unit and JROTC PT shirts in prior to entering the AFJROTC classroom (both male and female cadets). Your belt or belt loops must be visible. Unless an emergency arises, cadets will not be allowed to use the restroom during the first and last 30 minutes of the class block as established by the school principal.3.3 MILITARY COURTESY: Cadets will observe correct military conduct at all times. The practice of saying "YES/NO SIR/MA'AM" to instructors, military service members, school administrators, teachers, classroom visitors and cadets who are senior to you is always observed. Such responses reflect long-established military courtesies which will soon become a habit. The instructors and cadet senior staff will enforce strict military courtesy throughout the course of instruction. Military courtesy will be applied at all JROTC events.3.3.1 When an instructor or other classroom visitor enters the room from the hallway entrances, the first flight member to see the person enter will call the room to attention; “Flight, Attention”. Do not wait and expect another flight member to call the flight to attention, take the initiative and show the proper courtesy to our visitors. When the SASI/ASI is not conducting classroom instruction, the flight will be called to attention when their Flight Commander or one of the “Top 4” cadet officers enters the classroom from the hallway entrances. 3.3.2 Position of Honor. This military courtesy began centuries ago, when warriors fought with swords. Since they were primarily right-handed, the sword was carried with their right hand. The left-side became defensive position since the shield was normally carried with the left hand. Since units were proud of their fighting ability, the right side (sword-bearing side) or right of the battle line became the position of honor, assumed by great warriors and leaders. Thus, a cadet should walk or sit on the LEFT side of the school principal, administrator, JROTC instructor, military service member or a JROTC cadet officer of higher rank whom will assume the position of honor on the RIGHT.3.3.3 Use proper telephone etiquette if you answer the Instructor phone by saying, “Air Force JROTC, Socastee High School, cadet (state your last name). May I help you?” Ensure any phone message is written legibly and delivered to one of the instructors. 3.4 LEARN TO THINK BEFORE SPEAKING. Try to do things yourself rather than asking questions that are not necessary. For example, in the classroom, questions such as "What's the date?" or "What time is this class over?" are not appropriate simply as the answers to these questions are already posted in the classroom.3.5 RESPECT. This involves respect for self as well as mutual respect for others.3.6 INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR. Inappropriate behavior, in or out of uniform, is prohibited while a member of the SC-821 cadet group. This behavior includes, but is not limited to, consuming alcohol, tobacco use, horseplay, fighting, disparaging remarks, insubordination, disrespect, bullying, verbal threats and physical attacks. After a report of inappropriate behavior is made, an immediate investigation of the alleged incident will begin which could result in removal from the JROTC program.3.6.1 Hazing/Bullying, is the practice of directing someone to perform a humiliating act which entails the surrender of dignity and self-respect or a hazardous act which exposes one to physical danger, is strictly forbidden. Requiring cadets to perform push-ups or any other physical activity as punishment is also forbidden. Pushups may only be performed as part of the physical fitness program.3.6.2 Harassment, such as improper or abusive language, and coercion of any cadets for personal gain is strictly forbidden. Misuse of authority will not be condoned nor tolerated in SC-821. 3.6.3 Reporting an Incident. If a cadet feels that he/she is being hazed or harassed in any way, you must discuss this with anyone of authority (open door policy) i.e. SASI, ASI, Cadet Group Commander, Cadet Group Deputy Commander, or anyone in the cadet’s chain of command. If you witness or are made aware of an alleged hazing/harassment incident by a cadet, you must immediately report it to the SASI/ASI. After a report of hazing or harassment is made, an immediate investigation of the alleged incident will begin which could result in removal from the JROTC program.4 CADET HONOR CODE4.1 The SC-821 Cadet Honor Code is: "I will not lie, cheat, or steal nor tolerate anyone among us that does."The subject of honor is very important to us. We can learn a lesson from all the service academies whose young men and women adhere to the same honor code. Although, as a Junior ROTC cadet, you are not committed to the Air Force, you are still expected to bring honor to yourself, your family and your school. The best way to do that is to guard your integrity as your most precious asset. Do not lie, cheat, or steal or allow anyone else to, and you will always have the trust you'll need to succeed.4.2 The following constitutes the most important guiding principles of the SC-821 Cadet Honor Code:a. Intentional dishonesty is inexcusable and cannot be condoned.b. Quibbling, evasive statements or technicalities in order to shield guilt is dishonest.c. A cadet’s signature affixed to anything means exactly what is says both in letter and in spirit.d. Falsifying any document is a violation of the Cadet Honor Code.4.2.1 Cheating is not tolerated. Cheating is taking unfair advantage of a situation or of fellow classmates in order to obtain higher grades, better opportunities or cadet-of-the-month consideration, an academic/leadership award, or some other tangible gain. Cheating is usually, but not always, accomplished by using or copying from another person's work, or purposely not following instructions, and often takes the form of some last moment action that is done without thinking.4.3 Individuals who either knowingly allow others to violate the Cadet Honor Code are just as guilty as the active violator. They are willing participants and have endorsed, by their action, an act of dishonesty. They will be dealt with exactly the same as the active honor code violator.4.5 While instances of an honor code violation will be dealt with on an individual basis, these guidelines are intended to inform all cadets in advance of the seriousness with which such activities are viewed by SC-821 AFJROTC instructors. Any cadet accused of violating the Cadet Honor Code may be scheduled to appear before a Cadet Evaluation Board (CEB, see paragraph 13.9). 5 CADET APPEARANCE5.1 As an AFJROTC cadet you will wear the official uniform of the United States Air Force. You must strive to always present a neat, clean, and well-groomed appearance.5.1.1. Hair - male and female. Will be clean, well-groomed, present a professional appearance, allow proper wear of headgear and conform to safety requirements. Will not contain excessive amounts of grooming aids, appear lopsided, touch either eyebrow, or end below an imaginary line across the forehead at the top of the eyebrows that is parallel to the ground. If applied, dyes must result in natural, human hair colors. The hair color must complement the member’s complexion and skin tone. Examples of natural human hair colors are blonde, brunette, natural red, or black. 5.1.2. Fingernails – Male cadets are not authorized to wear nail polish. If worn by female cadets, nail polish will be a single color that does not distinctly contrast with the female’s complexion. Some examples of extreme colors include, purple, gold, blue, black, bright red and florescent colors. Do not apply designs to nails or apply two-tone or multi-tone colors; however, white-tip French manicures are authorized. Fingernails (both male and female) must not exceed ? inch in length beyond the tip of the finger and must be clean and well-groomed.5.1.3. Cosmetics – Male cadets are not authorized to wear cosmetics. Female cadets may wear cosmetics; however, if worn, they will be conservative (moderate, being within reasonable limits; not excessive or extreme) and in good taste. Female cadets will not wear shades of lipstick that distinctly contrast with their complexion or that detract from the uniform. Some examples of extreme colors include but are not limited to, purple, gold, blue, black, bright red, and fluorescent colors.5.1.4. Jewelry - Jewelry. Jewelry will be plain and conservative as determined by SASI/ASI. Earrings. Male cadets are not authorized to wear earrings. Female cadets may wear small (not exceeding 6 mm in diameter) spherical, conservative, white diamond, gold, white pearl, or silver earrings as a set with the AFJROTC uniform. If a female cadet has multiple holes, only one set of earrings is authorized to be worn in uniform and will be worn in the lower earlobes. Earrings will match and fit tightly without extending below the earlobe. Bracelets. Ankle bracelets are not authorized. Cadets may wear one bracelet around their wrist. If worn, the bracelet will be conservative, no wider than ? inch, gold or silver in color, and will not have any inappropriate pictures/writing. Bracelets that support a cause or individual/group are not authorized. Watches. Must be conservative and only one can be worn around the wrist while in AFJROTC uniform or PT uniform. Conservative examples are solid color black, brown, silver or gold. Prohibited examples are diamond-covered, neon, bright colors, and bands that exceed 1-inch width. Rings. Cadets may wear a total of no more than three rings. Rings will be worn at the base of the finger, and will not be worn on the thumb. Necklaces. A necklace will not be visible when in any AFJROTC uniform to include the unit T-shirt and Air Force PT shirt. If worn, the necklace will be concealed under a collar or undershirt. Body Piercing. With the exception of earrings for women, attaching/affixing jewelry or ornamentation to/through the ear, nose, tongue, eye brows, lips, or any exposed body part is not allowed in the AFJROTC uniform, AFJROTC classroom or while participating in any AFJROTC activity. 5.1.5. Sunglasses. Are not allowed while in formation or in the classroom.5.1.6 MALE CADETS: The face will be clean-shaven. Hair will present a tapered appearance on both sides and the back of the head, both with or without headgear. A tapered appearance is one that when viewed from any angle outlines the cadet’s hair so that it conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the natural termination point. Hair will not exceed 1 ? inch in bulk, regardless of length and ? inch at natural termination point; allowing only closely cut or shaved hair on the back of the neck to touch the collar. A block-cut is permitted with tapered appearance. Hair will not touch the ears or protrude under the front band of properly worn headgear. Male cadets whose hair is not in accordance with the above rules will have points deducted from their uniform grade. Some prohibitions are: Mohawk, mullet, cornrows, dreadlocks, “high and tight”, etched designs, hair extensions, bleached or dyed unnatural colors. Such hairstyles will result in minus 100 points (a zero grade) during the weekly uniform inspection. Continued violation will constitute grounds for removal from AFJROTC. Sideburns, if worn, will be neatly trimmed. Sideburns will not extend beyond the bottom of the exterior ear opening, will be straight and even width, and will end with a clean-shaven horizontal line.5.1.7 FEMALE CADETS: Minimum hair length is ? inch, to a maximum bulk of three inches from scalp and allows proper wear of headgear. Hair will end above the bottom edge of collar and will not extend below an invisible line drawn parallel to the ground, both front to back and side to side. Bangs, or side-swiped hair will not touch either eyebrow, to include an invisible line drawn across eyebrows and parallel to the ground. The hair must be styled to permit proper wear of JROTC headgear. Braids, twists, micro-braids, French braids, Dutch braids and cornrows are authorized. If adding additional hair, it must be a natural looking color, similar to the individual's hair color. Hairstyles must be conservative and not present a faddish appearance. Hair must not exceed bulk and length standards and must not extend below the bottom of the collar. Headgear must fit properly. All braids/twists, when worn will be of uniform dimension, no wider than one inch, with natural spacing between the braids/twists and must be tightly interwoven to present a neat, professional and well-groomed appearance. When worn, multiple braids shall be of uniform dimension, small in diameter (approx. ? inches), show no more than ? inch of scalp between the braids and must be tightly interwoven to present a neat, professional appearance. A braid/twist must continue to the end of the hair without design and following the contour of the head, and may be worn loose or in a secured style. Hair color, highlights, lowlights and frosting will not be faddish or extreme and will be natural looking hair color, similar to the individual’s hair color. Female cadets whose hair is not in accordance with the above rules will have points deducted from their uniform grade. Continued violation will constitute grounds for removal from AFJROTC. Hair accessories. If worn, fabric scrunchies, hairpins, combs, clips, headbands, elastic bands and barrettes must match the hair color (i.e., blonde, brunette, natural red, black.). Headbands or fabric scrunchies will not exceed one-inch in width. Hairnets and ornaments are not authorized (i.e., ribbons, beads, jeweled pins).6 WEARING THE UNIFORM6.1 Wearing of the uniform is intended to teach cadets good grooming habits and to encourage high personal appearance standards. The reputation of the US Air Force as a professional military organization is known worldwide. Since the uniform you wear is a symbol of that reputation, each cadet in the AFJROTC program must wear it properly. This handbook provides basic guidance on the proper wear of the AFJROTC uniform. Detailed guidance can be found in the AFJROTC Cadet Uniform and Awards Guide. If an instructor observes a cadet violating uniform wear, the appropriate deduction will be made from the cadet's inspection score. 6.2 UNIFORM OF THE DAY: The Uniform of the Day (UOD) is the uniform prescribed for wear by the Cadet Group Commander/SASI/ASI. The hat is considered an integral part of the uniform. When outdoors, personnel shall remain covered at all times except when ordered to uncover. The uniforms are to be worn by all cadets, ALL DAY on uniform day and/or on other occasions as prescribed by the SASI/ASI. Failure to wear the uniform all day, unless excused by the SASI/ASI, will result in a uniform inspection grade of zero (0) for the week.6.3 AUTHORIZED UNIFORM ITEMS 6.3.1 Do not mix any uniform items (including the windbreaker) with civilian clothing. 6.3.2 SHORT SLEEVE BLUE SHIRT/BLOUSE (SSS). The shirttail is pulled down into the trousers tightly and tucked at the sides to make it neatly form fitting. The only creases on the shirt/blouse are down the sides of the sleeves. A plain white V-neck undershirt will be worn under the blue shirt.6.3.3 MALE TROUSERS AND FEMALE SLACKS - The bottom of the trouser/slacks legs will touch the shoes in such a manner as to cause a slight break in the front trouser crease. No cuffs are worn on military uniform trousers/slacks. You must obtain permission from the SASI/ASI to alter the leg length and waist size of the trousers/slacks. The rear pocket of the male trousers will be buttoned at all times. Articles carried in the pocket will not be visible. The zipper tab will be pressed down to permit the fly to be neatly closed. Hands will be kept out of all uniform pockets.6.3.4 SERVICE COAT - The outside pockets of the coat are for decoration only. Do not carry bulky items in the pocket, or any item that distorts the uniform's shape. All outside pockets and snaps will be secure at all times. If the coat is removed in the classroom, it will be carefully draped over the back of the desk/chair. The necktie/tie tab will not be removed or loosened. The coat will be on and completely buttoned before leaving the classroom. The coat is not to be removed while eating. The service coat must only be dry-cleaned and not be pressed with a hot iron. 6.3.5 WINDBREAKER – If the temperature is forecast to be below 55 degrees, cadets must wear the windbreaker on uniform day. When worn, the jacket should be zipped up at least halfway. Do not carry bulky items in the pocket, or any item that distorts the uniform's shape. Hands will be kept out of uniform pockets. The windbreaker must only be dry-cleaned and not be pressed with a hot iron. 6.3.6 THE FLIGHT CAP is worn with the front crease towards the lower center of the forehead in a straight line with the nose, approximately 1" or two finger widths above the eyebrows. For males no hair may protrude from the front of the cap and for females, hair may not extend below the top of the eyebrows (females). For females, the flight cap will not be folded or tucked under in the back to accommodate a hair bun. When worn in this manner, the vertical crease of the cap will be fully extended without a protruding tip at the back, and for males the top crease will be totally closed up. The flight cap is always removed indoors unless you are a member of a color guard or carrying a weapon. When not worn, the flight cap should be tucked under the left side of the belt with the insignia to the outside. The flight cap is not worn with the male semi-formal uniform (Service coat, white shirt and tie). Cadets are required to wear their headgear outdoors at all times, including to/from school. 6.3.7 BELT will be threaded through the loops to your left for male cadets and through the loops to the right for female cadets. When properly buckled, only the metal tip of the belt should show. The adjustable belt clamp is to change the length of the belt for a proper fit.6.3.8 SHOES Issued leather low quarters will be laced to the top and shined to a high gloss at all times. Heels and sides of the soles will be clean of dust and dirt (HINT: Use polish).6.3.9 SOCKS must be plain black; no other colors are authorized.6.3.10 NAMETAG is to be worn over the right breast pocket parallel with and centered above the top seam of the male short sleeve pocket touching but not over the pocket top. For the female short sleeve blouse, the nametag is centered, between the lapel and arm seam 1 to 3 inches above the top button.6.3.11 AUTHORIZED INSIGNIA All insignia are fastened with metal clutches. Do not shine insignia.6.3.12 ribbons and badges earned through AFJROTC must be worn on the uniform at all times. Awards/ribbons earned through Civil Air Patrol or other JROTC programs may also be worn. 6.3.13 SHOULDER CORDS (“ROPES”). Cadets are authorized to wear one shoulder cord on the left shoulder. Wear the shoulder cord only on the short sleeve blue shirt and the service dress coat. Shoulder Cords for Staff positions can be found in Chapter 14. 6.3.14 AIRMAN BATTLE UNIFORM (ABU). The Airman Battle uniform may be worn only with the garrison ABU cap and sage green boots. ABU pants must always be properly bloused over the boots. UNIFORM CLEANING. The uniforms are issued clean. Cadets are required to maintain clean and presentable uniforms throughout the school year. The flight cap, service coat, windbreaker, male trousers and female slacks and necktie/tie tab must be dry-cleaned. The short sleeve shirt and ABUs may be laundered. The short sleeve shirt and blouse must be washed/laundered after each wearing. Light starch may be used on the shirts and blouses. 6.5 GENERAL RULES FOR WEARING THE UNIFORM:6.5.1 Wednesday is uniform day. The uniform combination to be worn will be posted in the classroom and briefed. Uniform wear will be evaluated weekly using the checklist found in the Cadet Handbook. If you are absent on uniform day, you must make up the inspection your first day back in class. If you do not wear the uniform, you will receive a zero (0) for uniform grade for the week missed. Uniform inspections can be made up through the following Tuesday but 10 points is deducted per day after the scheduled inspection. For example, if you make up the uniform inspection on a Monday, the highest score you could receive is 80 due to 20 points being deducted for being 2 days late. Do not give or loan uniform items to anyone.6.5.2 Your "GIG" line is the line formed by the edge of the shirt, the edge of the belt buckle, and the fly of the trousers. The "GIG" line should always be kept straight. Check it frequently.6.5.3 Trim loose strings and frayed seams on the uniform. Replace missing buttons promptly. 6.5.4 Carry books, book bags and other objects in the left hand to free the right hand for saluting.6.5.5 Sunglasses will not be worn on the body. Nothing (other than a hat) is tucked into the belt.6.5.6 Prohibitions while in uniform include: gum, sports activities, headphones/earbuds, hitchhiking, hard labor, and outside employment.6.6 UNIFORM TURN-IN. 6.6.1 At the end of the school year or within 10 days of withdrawing from AFJROTC, ALL UNIFORM ITEMS MUST BE TURNED-IN. Lost items must be paid for promptly. Turn in uniform items only to the SASI/ASI, not to the principal, teacher or any other school personnel. If lost items are not paid for promptly, the cadet’s name will be added to the school’s fine list. OPTIONAL ITEMS 6.7.1 Certain uniform items are considered optional. This means if these items are to be worn by cadets they must be purchased by the cadet at the Military Clothing Sales Store on any Air Force Base. The SASI/ASI reserves the right to designate which items may be worn by cadets and the circumstances under which they may be worn. Therefore, no cadet should ever purchase any optional item without first checking with an instructor as to its suitability. Optional items include, but are not limited to, service hats, Corfam shoes, and gloves. Gloves are to be solid black in color, without designs and five fingered (no skiing type gloves).THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE UNIFORM IS ONE OF THE SYMBOLS OF A PROUD AND HONORABLE SERVICE. WEAR THE UNIFORM WITH THE CARE AND PRIDE IT DESERVES.7 CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT ACCOUNT7.1 Protecting government property is every cadet's responsibility. All uniform items, AFJROTC textbooks, charts, etc., are equipment items loaned to you by the Air Force and must be accounted for at all times.?7.2 Upon issue, cadet will place initials on each line of the uniform receipt form for each individual item of uniform and equipment issued. Each item then becomes your personal responsibility. If you lose, willfully or negligently damage/destroy it, you will be required to pay for it. The cost of replacement will be the cost that is in effect when the account is cleared.?7.3 One complete blue uniform with all accessories and insignia and Airman Battle Uniform (when available) is issued to each cadet. It is very important that each cadet understand that all items of uniform or equipment (with the exception of black shoes, T-shirts and socks) must be returned or paid for before the end of the school term/year. Neither the AFJROTC Certificate of Training nor the Certificate of Completion will be awarded until all uniforms and equipment items have been turned-in. In addition, a financial obligation will be incurred which will not allow you to graduate, register, or transfer credit until satisfied.?7.4 To preclude unnecessary expense to the cadet and/or delay of receipt of grades or diploma, and to provide for efficient turn-in of uniforms and equipment, the following suggestions are offered:?7.4.1 Do not leave uniform items in unlocked lockers or unattended in other places at school.7.4.2 Do not permit another cadet to turn-in your uniform or equipment items.7.4.3 Do not lend insignia or other uniform/equipment items to your friends.7.4.4 Do place your name inside your flight cap and windbreaker.7.4.5 Do be alert for uniform or equipment items left or misplaced by another cadet. Turn-in such items to the SASI/ASI.?7.5 Clothing items that become worn or otherwise unserviceable should be turned in to the SASI/ASI as soon as possible. If the unserviceable condition is due to fair wear and tear in normal use, the item will be replaced at no cost. If the unserviceable condition is deliberate or due to negligence you will be held financially responsible. Items of clothing that do not fit properly will be exchanged or turned in to the SASI/ASI to be altered.8 SALUTING/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/NATIONAL ANTHEM RULES?8.1 The salute is a friendly military exchange of greetings the world over. Military personnel consider the salute a courteous and respectful greeting among members, and it is one of the oldest traditions binding military people together. You will be taught the proper manner of saluting and the rules that govern its use. The way cadets execute a salute is important. A smartly executed salute indicates pride in themselves and the Corps of Cadets. A sloppy, lackadaisical salute indicates lack of confidence and pride. ?8.2 When outdoors and in uniform at Socastee High School, saluting is always required. Salute when you recognize the person as an officer and eye contact is made with him/her within a reasonable distance. You must salute any commissioned officer as well as any cadet officers of higher rank in uniform when outside.?8.3 The salute is rendered indoors only when cadets are reporting to an instructor/cadet officers. The proper sequence of reporting includes saluting and stating "Sir/Ma'am, Cadet (Last Name) reports as ordered". The cadet holds the salute until it is returned. When the purpose of the meeting is completed, the cadet again salutes until it is returned. The cadet then turns smartly towards the most direct exit and departs.8.4 If a cadet observes the American flag being raised or lowered, he/she will assume the position of attention, render the hand salute (if in uniform) and hold it until the flag has reached the summit or base of the flag staff. If the cadet is in civilian clothes he/she will remove headgear assume the position of attention and place the right hand over the heart. ?8.5 If the Pledge of Allegiance is recited and a cadet is in uniform indoors, the cadet should stand at attention, face the flag and recite the Pledge. If the Pledge of Allegiance is recited and a cadet is in uniform outdoors, the cadet should stand at attention, remain silent, face the flag, and render the hand salute. If the Pledge of Allegiance is recited and a cadet is not in uniform and is either indoors or out of doors, the cadet should stand at attention, place right hand over the heart, and recite the pledge. ?8.6 If the National Anthem is being played, and a cadet is in uniform and is indoors, the cadet should face the flag (if present, if not, face the music,) remain silent but not salute unless under arms. If the National Anthem is being played, and a cadet is in uniform and is outdoors, the cadet should stand at attention, face the flag (if it is visible, or the music if it is not,) remain silent and salute until the anthem is completed (if no flag is visible and the music is recorded, the cadet should simply face straight ahead while saluting). If the National Anthem is being played, and a cadet is not in uniform (is in either civilian or athletic clothes) and the cadet is outdoors, he/she should stand at attention, face the flag, and place the right hand over the heart (cadets will also hold the hat in the right hand as described in 8.7 above). If in civilian clothes, indoors, the cadet will stand at attention and face the flag, if visible or the music if it is not.?8.7 If a cadet is late for a formation, he or she will approach the cadet or person in charge when the formation is at a halt, salute, and request permission to fall-in.?8.8 Cadet Officers and cadet NCOs should correct saluting errors in a courteous and helpful manner when such errors are committed by cadets junior to them. All cadets are expected to accept such corrections properly.9 CURRICULUM AND GRADING POLICY9.1 CURRICULUM: The AFJROTC curriculum is based on Aerospace Science, Leadership, Drill and PT. 9.1.1 Aerospace Science (AS). The emphasis is on civilian and military contributions to aviation and the development, modernization, and transformation of the Air Force. Also an introduction to the world’s cultures through the study of world affairs, regional studies and cultural awareness is covered.9.1.2 Leadership Education (LE). LE is the portion of the AFJROTC curriculum that develops leadership skills and acquaints students with the practical application of life skills. The LE curriculum emphasizes discipline, responsibility, leadership, followership, citizenship, customs and courtesies, cadet corps activities, study habits, time and financial management, communication skills, and drill and ceremonies.9.1.3 Physical Training (PT)/Wellness. PT/Wellness provides leadership opportunities, builds esprit de corps, and increases cadet confidence. The objective is to motivate cadets to lead active lifestyles beyond program requirements into their adult lives and to achieve substantial individual health improvements. Cadets will be evaluated for the Presidential and National Fitness awards during each semester. Cadets will monitor their individual progress during the school year. Cadets are expected to participate in PT unless they have a signed note from their parent/guardian. Inability to participate for more than two consecutive weeks will require a physician’s note. Students not able to participate in the PT program will be expected to complete assignments in the wellness curriculum.9.2 A syllabus will be provided for each course to aid you understanding the course objectives and proposed schedule of instruction.9.3 Your grades are based on performance in and out of JROTC class. 9.3.1 Grading is weighted and consists of the following areas:Uniform Wear/Appearance 50%Leadership-in-Action 30%Drill (Attitude/Performance)20%PT/Wellness (Participation/Attitude/Performance) 20%Tests/Quizzes/Presentations/Handbook Reviews20%Final 20% (of overall grade)9.3.2 Grades will be assigned using the Horry County Schools grading system found in the SHS Parent-Student Handbook:90 - 100 = A80 – 89 = B70 – 79 = C60 - 69 = D<60 = F9.3.3 Leadership-In-Action (LIA) Your JROTC performance and behavior in all of your classes/breaks/lunch at SHS will be evaluated daily. Each week, cadets will receive a LIA grade of 100 points if there are no infractions. Your LIA grade will count as 30% of your overall JROTC grade. If a cadet has behavior infractions the following points will be removed from the weekly grades:Out of School Suspension100Uniform not worn on inspection day50Hair not within standards___________________________50Tardy for class (Unexcused)50In-School Suspension50 for each dayDisrespect toward an Instructor or cadet50Detention/Chill-Out50Not participating in class activities50Poor Dress/Appearance 30Uniform worn improperly during school day30Inappropriate behavior (sleeping, chewing gum, etc.)30Materials Missing/Not Prepared 20 9.4 Makeup of assigned work is the sole responsibility of the cadet. If you have been absent, you are expected to ask your instructor the day you return if there is any work you need to make up. If you do not ask, and a quiz, homework, etc., was given on the day(s) you were absent, expect to take a zero for that/those grade(s). You will normally make up the work within 1 day for each day of absence. Students will have up to 1 week to make up a quiz/test/presentation, any student not completing the make-up within 1 week will receive a grade of 0 (zero). If you are not sure if something was missed, ask.9.4.1 In the event you are absent two or more days, discuss with the instructor(s) when you can reasonably be ready to take quizzes. Do not ignore the subject, if you do, you will receive zeroes for the missed work.9.4.2 If you are absent on uniform inspection day, you must make up the inspection your first day back in class. If you do not wear the uniform at the appropriate time, you will receive a zero for that uniform grade.9.5 ASSIGNMENT FORMAT. All assignments will be in the following format:Cadet/Rank (name-last, first) Flight Date Assignment 9.5.1 Answers must be in complete sentences and legible. Spelling matters; do not use U for you. 9.6 HOMEWORK POLICY. Getting your uniform inspection ready is your homework for each week.9.7 COMMANDER’S CALL. Occasionally, cadets will be required to participate in activities outside of the normal school hours. This is especially true of Cadet Commander's Call which provides the opportunity to recognize cadets for their achievements. Cadets are required to attend Commander’s Call. Failure to attend without prior SASI/ASI approval will result in a grade of “0” for the weekly uniform inspection. Parents/guardians, as well as other relatives and friends, are encouraged to come to celebrate the accomplishments of these young men and women.10 CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES??10.1 AFJROTC CO-CURRICULAR/EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:? These activities are designed to reinforce portions of the Aerospace and Leadership Education objectives.? They also serve to stimulate cadet involvement in AFJROTC activities and to increase cadet morale and esprit-de-corps.? All guidelines and requirements for these activities will be developed by the SASI/ASI but planned and conducted by the Group staff.? The SASI/ASI will be responsible for the supervision and control of these activities. To participate in any and all co-curricular activities cadets must have: a. Passing grade in all classes and have SASI/ASI approval; b. No out-of-school or in-school suspension during the semester of the activityc. No unexcused missed weekly uniform inspection prior to the activity10.1.1 COLOR GUARD:? The Color Guard has the honor of presenting the national, state, US Air Force and SC-821 flags at school and community events.? Distinctive uniform items will be worn by the Color Guard.? Training for Color Guard will be during the school year as determined by the SASI/ASI and Color Guard Commander. ?10.1.2 DRILL TEAMS (ARMED and UNARMED):? AFJROTC Drill Teams will represent SC-821 in drill competition and ceremonial functions. 10.1.3 MARKSMANSHIP TEAM: The Marksmanship Team will represent SC-821 in marksmanship competition. The team will fire .177 caliber CO2-powered pellet guns on a 10-meter rifle firing range.10.1.4 KITTY HAWK AIR SOCIETY (KHAS):? This is the official AFJROTC honor society.? The Society’s purpose is to promote high academic standards, be of service to the school and community, promote self-confidence and initiative, develop leadership abilities, promote academic excellence, encourage educational development in the post high school years, and furthers the knowledge of the Air Force’s role in aerospace education. Membership in the KHAS is limited to 20 percent of the cadet corps. Cadets will be eligible for selection after their first year of AFJROTC. To be selected, cadets must have an “A” average in JROTC and a 3.0 unweighted GPA.10.1.5 ACADEMIC TEAM: The JROTC Academic Team is a six-member team composed of freshmen, sophomores and juniors. The Academic Team competes in the Air Force Junior ROTC Academic Bowl. ??10.1.6 CURRICULUM IN ACTION (CIA) TRIPS:? Field trips to Air Force Bases, Air Shows, universities/colleges, etc., are an important part of the AFJROTC curriculum and are highlights of the school year.? Cadets who contribute their “fair share” during the fund-raising projects will have first priority to participate in CIA trips. In addition, cadets must meet the SHS field trip academic policy to participate with parent/teacher approval (transportation/event costs may be required).? Transportation or event limitations may sometimes preclude full cadet Group participation.?? 10.1.7 OTHER JROTC ACTIVITIES:?Several social and athletic events will be held, including a Braves Games and a Military Ball. Many additional school and community service projects will be available to the cadets throughout the year.11 FUNDRAISING11.1 FUNDRAISING:? Fundraising activities will be conducted to support Corps activities such as the two scholarships (Lt Col Kahal Academic Scholarship and the MSgt Terry Gift Leadership Scholarship) presented to graduating cadets, the Military Ball, CIA field trips and items needed to support the JROTC program. All cadets are expected to fully participate in all fundraising activities. In addition to the money generated from these activities, cadets learn teamwork, responsibility, accountability and that you must work to pay your own way.? The success of any fundraising campaign depends on the full support of each and every cadet.12 CADET PROMOTION?12.1 The quest for promotions provides constant challenge and motivation to members of the AFJROTC programs.? This challenge and motivation are proper since the change of insignia that accompanies a promotion reflects visible evidence of progression and standing among one's contemporaries.? Also, the insignia is evidence of growing maturity, the ability and willingness to accept additional responsibility, and a demonstrated growth of leadership. The SC-821 AFJROTC Cadet Group promotion system is patterned after that used by the active Air Force and conforms to guidance provided by HQ AFJROTC. 12.2 UMD: The Unit Manning Document will be used to determine the number of Officers/NCOs assigned to SC-821.? The Unit Detail Manning Document in this Guide lists the rank structure for the SC-821 AFJROTC Cadet Group by function, position title, rank, and the number of authorized positions. NOTE: There are fewer cadet jobs than there are cadets in the Group. The intended result is competition for positions.12.3 CADET GROUP LEADERSHIP SELECTION: The SASI/ASI will select the Cadet Group Commander, Deputy Group Commander, Director of Operations, Kitty Hawk Air Society Commander and Command Chief Master Sergeant. The instructors, with the assistance of the incoming Cadet Group Commander, will nominate cadets to other leadership positions. All actions approved by the SASI/ASI will be announced in Special Orders prepared by the Cadet Personnel Officer and published by the Cadet Information Management Officer.12.4 LEADERSHIP POSITION ROTATION: Developing leadership potential is a fundamental part of JROTC. Normal position rotation may happen during the semester as well as after each semester. These personnel movements, to either a higher, lateral, or even lower position are not considered a demotion but are a chance to develop other cadets. ?? 12.5 CADET PROMOTIONS: Each cadet in the SC-821 AFJROTC Cadet Group should understand how cadet promotions are made. All cadet promotions are based on performance. All cadets have an opportunity for qualification and selection for promotion. Cadets are evaluated for promotion by a Cadet Promotion Board based on each Cadet's Promotion Report. 12.6 DEMOTION: Demotion is intended to correct a serious deficiency; it is not punishment. Demotion occurs when a cadet’s rank is lowered because of continued failure to perform prescribed cadet duties, indifference, inaptitude, failure to respond to counseling, disciplinary actions resulting in school suspension or other serious deficiencies in the cadet’s performance. Example: a cadet in an important job ceases to support Group goals when personal goals have been met. Such a cadet is demonstrating selfishness and lack of concern for the greater good of the unit and no longer merits a position of trust and responsibility. Such a cadet would be a prime candidate for demotion. Further action is also possible if the demotion does not result in a correction of performance. Four weeks after the demotion, a cadet may request reinstatement of the rank by sending a letter of request through his/her chain of command for SASI/ASI approval. The letter will state what actions the cadet has taken to prevent future occurrences of the deficiency which resulted in the loss of rank.EnlistedEligibility CriteriaAssociated Cadet PositionMin TimeCadet Airman Basic C/AB All new CadetsCadet Airman C/Amn (AMN)Minimum 75 in JROTC & 85 in LIAPassed Promotion Test2 WeeksCadet Airman First Class C/A1C (AMN)Minimum 75 in JROTC & 85 in LIAPassed Promotion Test 3 community service credits9 WeeksCadet Senior Airman C/Sra(AMN)Served 1 Full Quarter in previous rankMinimum 75 in JROTC & 85 in LIA Uniform Grade of 85, 9/9 inspectionsMinimum 75 on Promotion/Drill Test3 community service creditsFlight Sergeant1 Full SemesterCadet Staff Sergeant C/SSgt(NCO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum 85 in JROTC & 90 in LIAUniform Grade of 85, 9/9 inspectionsMinimum 85 on Promotion/Drill Test4 community service creditsFlight SergeantSection NCOIC2 Full SemestersCadet Technical SergeantC/TSgt(NCO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum 85 in JROTC & 90 in LIAUniform Grade of 85, 9/9 inspectionsMinimum 85 on Promotion/Drill Test4 community service creditsFlight SergeantSection NCOIC3 Full SemestersCadet Master SergeantC/MSgt(SNCO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum 90 in JROTC & 95 in LIA Uniform Grade of 90, 9/9 inspectionsMinimum 90 on Promotion/Drill Test5 community service creditsFlight SergeantSection NCOIC4 Full SemestersCadet Senior Master SergeantC/SMSgt(SNCO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum 90 in JROTC & 95 in LIAUniform Grade of 90, 9/9 inspectionsMinimum 90 on Promotion/Drill Test5 community service creditsFlight SergeantSection NCOIC5 Full SemestersCadet Chief Master SergeantC/CMSgt(SNCO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum 95 in JROTC & 95 in LIAUniform Grade of 95, 9/9 inspectionsMinimum 95 on Promotion/Drill Test5 community service creditsSenior Enlisted Advisor6 Full SemestersNotesParticipation on a school athletic team, marching band or musical during a promotion cycle = 3 service creditsMember of Drill team = 3 svc creditsPerforming in a Color Guard or five morning flag details = 1 svc credit.The C/CMSgt is exempt from uniform inspectionOfficerEligibility CriteriaAssociated Cadet PositionMin TimeCadet Second LieutenantC/2Lt(CGO)Successfully Completed CLC or awarded Officer PEP promotionMinimum 90 on Promotion/Drill testMinimum 90 in JROTC & 90 in LIAUniform Grade of 90, 9/9 inspections5 community service creditsFlight CommanderSection Officer2 Full SemestersCadet First LieutenantC/1Lt(CGO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum 90 on Promotion/Drill testMinimum 90 in JROTC & 90 in LIAUniform Grade of 90, 9/9 inspections5 community service creditsFlight CommanderSection Officer3 Full SemestersCadet CaptainC/Capt(CGO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum 90 on Promotion/Drill testMinimum 90 in JROTC & 95 in LIAUniform Grade of 90, 9/9 inspections5 community service creditsFlight CommanderSection Officer4 Full SemestersCadet MajorC/Maj(FGO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum 95 on Promotion/Drill testMinimum of 95 in JROTC & 95 in LIAUniform Grade of 95, 9/9 inspections5 community service creditsDirector of Operations5 Full SemestersCadet Lieutenant ColonelC/LtCol(FGO)Served 2 Full Quarters in previous rankMinimum grade of 95 in JROTCUniform Wear 9/95 community service creditsGroup Commander6 Full SemestersCadet ColonelC/ColAs Promoted by SASI/ASISpecial Advisor NotesParticipation on a school athletic team, marching band or musical during a promotion cycle = 3 service creditsMember of Drill team = 3 svc creditsPerforming in a Color Guard or five morning flag details = 1 svc credit.FGOs exempt from uniform inspection?CADET PROMOTION REPORTName________________________________Flight_1S___________2S____________ School year________Beginning Rank/Date 1st QTR_________ 2nd QTR_________ 3rd QTR__________ 4th QTR_________CRITERIA: In order to be promoted each quarter a cadet must meet the criteria in evaluation areas.EVALUATION AREAS1st QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR4th QTR Passed Passed PassedPassed1. AFJROTC GRADE_______? _______? _______?_______?(AMN=75, NCO=85, SNCO/CGO=90, FGO=95) Passed Passed PassedPassed2. LIA GRADE_______? _______? _______?_______?(AMN=85, NCO=90, SNCO/CGO=95, FGO=95) Passed Passed PassedPassed3. UNIFORM GRADE & 9/9_______? _______? _______?_______?(AMN=85, NCO=85, SNCO/CGO=90, FGO=90) Passed Passed PassedPassed4. HANDBOOK GRADE_______? _______? _______?_______?(AMN=75, NCO=85, SNCO/CGO=90, FGO=95) Passed Passed PassedPassed5. DRILL EVALUATION_______? _______? _______?_______?(AMN=75, NCO=85, SNCO/CGO=90, FGO=95) Passed Passed PassedPassed6. COMMUNITY SERVICE_______? _______? _______?_______?(AMN=3, NCO=4, SNCO/CGO=5, FGO=5)APP/DISAPP APP/DISAPP APP/DISAPPAPP/DISAPPFlight Commander Init _______ _______ _______ _______APP/DISAPP APP/DISAPP APP/DISAPPAPP/DISAPPCadet Command CMSgt Init _______ _______ _______ _______APP/DISAPP APP/DISAPP APP/DISAPPAPP/DISAPPCadet Commander Init _______ _______ _______ _______APP/DISAPP APP/DISAPP APP/DISAPPAPP/DISAPPSASI/ASI Init _______ _______ _______ _______Permanent Rank Promoted to _______ _______ _______ _______Promotion Order Number(s) _______ _______ _______ _______Date Posted in WINGS _______ _______ _______ _______13 CADET PERSONNEL BOARDS??13.1 Cadet Personnel Boards will be formed to make recommendations concerning cadet promotions, Cadet-of-the-Month, and other Group personnel actions. Additionally, it may be necessary to convene a Cadet Evaluation Board (CEB) for a cadet who fails to meet standards of conduct or discipline. ?13.2 Cadet Personnel Boards will consist of a president, members, and a recorder (who is a voting member).? Make-up of the board will be:President - Cadet Group Commander Recorder - Cadet Personnel OfficerMembers – Cadet Director of Ops, Kitty Hawk AS Commander, Cadet Command CMSgtOther Members - Cadet Officers and Cadet NCOs as appointed by the Cadet Group Commander.?13.3 Cadets appearing before the board will report to the president/chairperson in a military manner at the time and place announced. Board members and cadets meeting the board, will be in the service dress uniform.?13.4 Findings and recommendations will be submitted in writing to the Cadet Group Commander by the recorder.? After reviewing the report, the Cadet Group Commander will place his or her recommendation on each report.? All reports will then be approved or disapproved by the SASI/ASI. Pertinent findings and recommendations of the board will then prepared as Special Orders by the Personnel Officer, published by the Information Management Officer and become a part of the cadet personnel records.13.7 PROMOTION BOARD. The Cadet Deputy Commander or Executive Officer will arrange all Promotion Board Meetings and inform the Board Members. The promotion board will review each cadet’s Cadet Promotion Report to determine the board’s promotion recommendation. The SASI/ASI has the final approval/disapproval of the board’s recommendations. The promotion board report, regardless of outcome, will be placed in the cadet’s file.13.8 CADET OF THE MONTH BOARD:? One "Cadet of the Month” and one “First-year Cadet of the Month” will be selected from the group for each month of the school year starting in September. The Cadet Group Commander will chair the Cadet of the Month Board and the Cadet Command Chief Master Sergeant will chair the First-year Cadet of the Month Board. Each board will consist of three members. The SASI/ASI will prepare a congratulatory letter to the parents/guardians of the selected cadets and will request the principal to display the Cadets of the Month’s names on the school marquee.13.9 CADET EVALUATION BOARD (CEB). A CEB will not be conducted without the SASI/ASI present. The offending cadet may be asked to meet the CEB. The CEB will provide recommendations for failure to meet standards of conduct or discipline to the SASI/ASI for approval. The CEB may recommend: removal from cadet position, reduction in rank, or removal from next promotion cycle. 13.9.1 The disciplined cadet may provide a letter of appeal or concern to the SASI/ASI for review. Typed letter of appeals must be provided within two days of the SASI/ASI decision. After review, the SASI/ASI will meet with the cadet to discuss the appeal. A final decision will be reached no later than two days after the meeting. 13.9.2 A copy of the CEB letter and any cadet appeal will be retained in the Cadet's Personnel Record.14 UNIT MANNING DOCUMENTPosition TitleMax GradeAuthorizedCord (if applicable)Min YearSenior Corps AdvisorCol1Gold Double Braid Citation CordAS4Group CommanderLtCol1Black/Gold Double Braid Citation CordAS4Director of OperationsMaj1Gold Double Strand Citation CordAS4Command CMSgtCMSgt1Black/Gold Single Under Arm Loop CordAS4Sq CommanderMaj2AS3First SgtSMSgt4AS3Flight CommanderCapt4Gold Single Strand Citation CordAS2Flight SergeantMSgt4Gold Shoulder CordAS2Element LeaderMSgt16AS2Drill OfficerCapt1White Shoulder CordAS2Drill NCOICMSgt1AS2Color Guard OfficerCapt1Red Shoulder CordAS2Color Guard NCOICMSgt1AS2Kitty Hawk AS OfficerCapt1Blue/Red Single Strand CitationAS2Kitty Hawk AS NCOICMsgt1AS2Personnel OfficerCapt1Old Gold Shoulder CordAS2Personnel NCOICMSgt1AS2Logistics OfficerCapt1Med Blue Shoulder CordAS2Logistics NCOICMSgt1AS2Info Mgmt OfficerCapt1Scarlet Shoulder CordAS2Info Mgmt NCOICMSgt1AS2Public Affairs OfficerCapt1Teal Shoulder CordAS2Public Affairs NCOICMSgt1AS2PT OfficerCapt1Orange Shoulder CordAS2PT NCOICMSgt1AS2Flight Safety OfficerCapt1Dark Gray Shoulder CordAS2Flight Safety NCOICMSgt1AS2Academic OfficerCapt1Green shoulder CordAS2Comm Svc OfficerCapt1AS2Flight GuideAmn4AS1Flight SpecialistAmn20AS1Cadet CorpsN/A44AS1Drill TeamWhite Shoulder CordColor GuardAS 1 = 1st Year AS 2 = 2nd Year AS 3 = 3rd Year AS 4 = 4th Year15 JOB DESCRIPTIONS15.1 As with the active duty Air Force, duties and responsibilities increase with rank. Each cadet is expected to prepare for assuming additional responsibilities and higher positions. The following job descriptions outline the major duties of each beginning leadership positions, additional job descriptions can be found in the Cadet Information Book.15.1.1 CADET FLIGHT COMMANDERS (FLT/CC):Set the exampleSupervision, training, appearance, discipline and conduct of all flight membersLeading and directing the flight during all cadet formationsLeadership of the flight in the Outstanding Flight and PT competitionsPlanning and coordinating activities within the flightAccuracy and currency of all flight personnel recordsConducting weekly individual uniform inspectionsEnsuring weekly uniform/LIA grades are computed correctly and entered properly in the instructors’ grade bookMorale and welfare of all flight membersPreparing written nominations for Cadet-of-the Month boardsTaking attendance and reporting absences to the InstructorAdvise the Cadet Command CMSgt of discipline or other matters within the flightEstablish a birthday recognition program for flight membersAdvising the instructors on matters pertaining to the flightPerform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Group Commander15.1.2 CADET FLIGHT SERGEANTS (FLT SGT):(1) Setting the exampleTaking charge of the flight in the absence of the Flight CommanderAssisting the flight commander with the conduct and discipline of the flightTaking the daily classroom attendance report from the flight’s element leadersEnsure proper wear of the uniform by all flight membersAssisting with the training of the flightFalling the flight into formation, as directed by the flight commanderPreparing, maintaining and annotating the flight inspection bookEnsuring weekly uniform/LIA grades are computed correctly and entered properly in the instructors’ grade bookEstablishing a birthday recognition program for flight membersAttending all meetings as requiredPerform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Flight/CC15.1.3 CADET FLIGHT GUIDES:Displaying the Guide-on and proper positioning of the flightLeading the direction of march for the flightLearning and demonstrating all Guide-on movements and proceduresSetting proper cadence and rhythm of the flightProper training of all element leadersProper storing of the Flight Guide-onPerform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Flight/CC15.1.4 CADET ELEMENT LEADERS (FLT EL):Leading the cadet element in the classroom and during drillReport to the flight sergeant or flight commander the names of any cadet absent in their elementPerform duties as flight sergeant in the event the flight sergeant is absentTraining and welfare of all members of the elementThe behavior and the appearance of all members of the elementPerform other duties as assigned by the Cadet Flight/CC15.1.5 CADET ACTIVITY PROJECT OFFICER (PO):Post a participation roster sheet in the classroom for cadet sign up(2) Prepare a Parental Permission Slip, if required, and have it approved by the instructors (a) Ensure all cadets signed up for the activity receive a Parental Permission Slip.(b) Prepare a master list with cadet names and emergency phone numbers for the instructors(c) Deliver the Parental Permission Slips and master list to the instructors (a copy is left in Mr. Vinson’s, Assistant Principal, box in the Teacher mail room for his use).On the day of the activity, take attendance by marking the participation roster with those present (ensure all cadet names are legible and attendance is properly marked).If required by the instructors, compute flight participation percentages using flight cadet totals provided by the instructors.On the next school day after the activity, provide copies of the participation rosters and flight percentages to the SASI/ASI and Personnel Officer16 JROTC SPECIAL PROGRAMS & AWARDS16.1 RESERVE CADET PROGRAM16.1.1 CADET RESERVE PROGRAM. Cadets successfully completing the 1st Semester are eligible for participation in the Cadet Reserve program. Cadets that have completed a term of JROTC in the previous year may sign-up for the reserve if they are scheduled for JROTC 2nd Semester. SASI/ASI approval is required. To maintain reserve status a cadet must wear the designated uniform on uniform day and report for uniform inspection prior to school or at break. Grooming standards apply. Reservists are eligible to participate in the Cadet Promotion Program, providing they meet all requirements during that semester. Reservists are eligible to participate in all JROTC extra-curricular/co-curricular activities and earn ribbons for participation in JROTC activities. Reservists must check the classroom bulletin boards/with flight leadership weekly to ensure effective communications..16.2 SUMMER LEADERSHIP SCHOOL: The criteria used to select individuals to attend the Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) at the Citadel include but are not limited to the following: academic grades (all subjects), uniform inspection grades, Physical Training, Cadet Promotion Reports, promotion board results, participation in community service projects, fund-raisers and other activities. If selected, cadets must meet current physical fitness levels prior to attending. There is a monetary cost associated with attendance.16.3 AFJROTC AWARDS AND NATIONAL AWARDS:? The SC-821 AFJROTC Cadet Group will recognize individuals for performance, achievement, and participation.? A number of distinctive awards are authorized for cadets to recognize outstanding academic and leadership performance or for a specific display of valor.? When a cadet is recognized by a subsequent award of a ribbon he/she has previously received, an oak leaf cluster is awarded to be attached to the ribbon.? Medals, ribbons, ropes, and certificates are awarded in many categories. A complete list of these can be found in the Cadet Information Book.17 PHYSICAL TRAINING (PT)17.1 PHYSICAL FITNESS PROGRAM. The Health and Wellness ribbon is awarded to cadets who meet the following requirements:17.1.1 PUSHUPS: Males 30, Females 15, within 2 minutes.17.1.2 CRUNCHES: Males and females, 30 within 2 minutes.17.1.3 MILE RUN: Males - 9:00 or less; Females - 11:00 or less17.1.4 Warm-up and stretching exercises must be conducted prior to the fitness test. No cadet should attempt any warm-up exercise that might cause injury or aggravate an injury. Cadets who feel they cannot participate must bring the issue to the SASI/ASI. Missing more than 2 weeks of PT in a row will require a note from a Doctor. 17.1.5 Proper Testing Positions: Push- ups: Position your hands on the ground under your shoulders with your fingers pointed toward the front. Tuck your toes in toward the body so that you are resting on the balls of your feet (Females may rest on knees). Keep your legs straight and look forward. Push yourself off the ground until your arms are straight, then bend your elbows and lower your body until your chest is one fist distance from the ground and then recover to a fully extended position. The back should remain virtually straight throughout the exercise. You may rest in the upright position only. minutes. Crunches: With arms crossed over the chest, legs bent at 45-degree angle with the feet flat on the floor. From the prone position, cadets come up far enough to touch the forearms on the front of the thighs. Cadets will lower themselves until their shoulder blades hit the floor; “Bouncing” off the floor by lowering your back flat with the floor is not allowed.17.2 Presidential Fitness Test. The Health and Wellness ribbon with a star device is awarded to cadets who meet the following requirements:17.2.1 A silver star is awarded for achieving the 50th percentile in all exercises.17.2.2 A gold star is awarded for achieving the 85th percentile in all exercises.18 CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING AND COMPLETION??18.1 There are two types of certificates awarded to AFJROTC cadets.? They are the CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING and the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION.? ?18.1.1?CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING.? Cadets who successfully complete two years of AFJROTC are presented a CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING. With this certificate, a cadet may be excused from one academic term (semester or quarter) of the General Military Course (GMC) of the senior AFROTC program.? This privilege must be arranged with the Professor of Aerospace Science at the time of college or university enrollment. If the cadet elects to enlist in the USAF, the CERTIFICATE OF TRAINING will provide promotion to pay grade E-2 (Airman).?AFJROTC graduates may also be eligible for advanced enlistment in the other military services.? Promotion at the time of enlistment provides an immediate monetary benefit.18.1.2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION.?Cadets who successfully complete three years of AFJROTC are awarded a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. With the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION, the cadet may be excused from one year of the GMC of the senior AFROTC program.? This privilege must be arranged with the Professor of Aerospace Science at the time of enrollment in the college or university.?If the cadet elects to enlist in the USAF, the CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION will provide promotion to pay grade E-3 (Airman First Class).? AFJROTC graduates may also be eligible for advanced enlistment in the other military services.? Promotion at the time of enlistment provides an immediate monetary benefit.??19 FLIGHT COMPETITION19.1 OUTSTANDING FLIGHT OF THE SEMESTER.? The flight scoring the highest in the competition is designated the OUTSTANDING FLIGHT OF THE SEMESTER by the SASI/ASI. Each member of the flight will be awarded the AFJROTC Outstanding Flight Ribbon and the Flight Commander will be awarded the Leadership Ribbon. 19.1.1 The following factors will be used to evaluate flight performance:JROTC academic grades (Average of flight JROTC grades—computed at the end of each quarter)Uniform Inspections (Average of flight Uniform Inspection grades—computed at the end of each quarter)Leadership-in-Action grades (Average of flight LIA grades—computed at the end of each quarter)Drill Evaluation (Average of flight drill evaluation grades—computed at the end of each quarter)Physical Training Competition (Average of flight scores for Turkey Shoot or Spring Fling competitions)Special Activities (percentage of flight’s participation/attendance at community service projects, parades, etc)Fund Raising (Highest dollar amount per cadet in each flight)19.1.2 The Cadet Group Deputy Commander/Director of Operations will keep the Outstanding Flight competition matrix board updated throughout each semester. Records will be maintained by the Cadet Group Deputy Commander/Director of Operations and his/her staff for all areas.19.2 PHYSICAL FITNESS. Competition to determine the most physically fit flight will be held each semester during the school year. The events for each competition will be the exercises used for the Presidential Fitness Test and/or the obstacle course. Flight averages will be computed to determine the Group winner.?20 INSTRUCTOR OFFICES, CADET COMPUTER AREA AND OFF LIMITS AREAS?20.1 The AFJROTC Instructors practice the “Open Door Policy”.? Cadets are invited and encouraged to visit the instructors' offices anytime the instructor is present and available to meet with the cadet.? Any cadet desiring to see an instructor should knock once, wait for permission to entry, salute and follow proper military reporting procedures and salute again when they depart.? If a cadet knocks and there is no answer, do not continue to knock, as the instructors may be conducting other duties. Leave the door area and return at a later time if you must see an instructor.?20.2 Instructors' office areas are off-limits and are not to be entered by any cadet unless an instructor is present or an instructor gives specific permission for each specific occasion.? Cadets will not touch anything on instructor desks.20.3 The computers in the JROTC classroom and cadet staff room are open to all cadets. Cadets will comply with the Internet Safety and Network Acceptable Use policy as written in the Horry County Schools Parent-Student Handbook. The Computers are managed by the Computer Operations and Maintenance Officer and his/her staff.20.3.1 No food or drinks will be allowed on the computer tables.?20.3.2 No personal/outside CDs, DVDs or “flash” drives, without the approval or the Computer Operations and Maintenance Staff or instructor, are allowed to be placed in or downloaded to the computer.?20.3.3 Cadets must comply with the SHS Acceptable Use Policy at all times.?20.3.4?Instructor computers are off limits to all cadets unless allowed by an instructor.??20.3.5???Any cadet who misuses or fails to follow computer guidelines will lose theircomputer privileges.20.4 The following areas are OFF LIMITS to all cadets, unless previously approved by the SASI/ASI:20.4.1 Instructors’ offices20.4.2 In-boxes and other storage containers.20.4.3 Grade and attendance books.20.4.4 Cadet Personnel Records.20.4.5 Bulletin boards (classroom and hallway) and the Award Board 20.4.6 Classroom and instructor telephones20.4.7 Copy machine in the instructors’ office20.4.8 Instructors’ classroom computers and projection equipment20.4.9 Male and female uniform closets.20.4.10 Gated storage areas in both dressing rooms, whether locked or not.APPENDICESAppendix1AUTHORIZED AFJROTC BADGES/INSIGNIA/PINS5257800628650548640066675 Old AEF Badge 020000 Old AEF Badge right191135Choose one. Follow APT placement criteria. May NOT wear Marksmanship Shield and a Marksmanship BadgeChoose one. Placed directly underneath ribbons. May NOT wear Marksmanship Shield and Marksmanship Badge)00Choose one. Follow APT placement criteria. May NOT wear Marksmanship Shield and a Marksmanship BadgeChoose one. Placed directly underneath ribbons. May NOT wear Marksmanship Shield and Marksmanship Badge) 18097511366500Appendix 2AFJROTC RANK INSIGNIACADET OFFICER RANKFIRST LIEUTENANT SECOND LIEUTENANT CAPTAIN MAJOR LIEUTENANT COLONEL COLONEL NOTE: Cadet Officer rank used is either cloth epaulet or collar rank, depending on specific uniform worn. CADET ENLISTED RANK NOTE: Cadet Enlisted rank used is small collar rank only, regardless of uniform worn Rank insignia not listed here is unauthorized. The First Sergeant device is not authorized.Appendix 3CADET MALE HEADGEARSERVICE CAP (Officer Only)Centered Service Caps with a different insignia than shown above require an approved waiver through HQ AFJROTC. See Section 7.8. FLIGHT CAP* (Officer and Enlisted) * Enlisted Ranks will have no hat insignia on the flight cap.1 ?”* Enlisted Ranks will have no hat insignia on the flight cap.1 ?” Only the ABU Cap will be worn with the ABU uniform and there will be “NO” rank on the ABU cap. Appendix 4CADET FEMALE HEADGEARET FEMALE HEADGEAR 015239901554480Service Caps with a different insignia than shown above require an approved waiver through HQ AFJROTC. See Section 7.8. FLIGHT CAP* (Officer and Enlisted) Only the ABU Cap will be worn with the ABU uniform and there will be “NO” rank on the ABU cap. Appendix 5CADET UTILITY UNIFORM (ABU) Male and Female1. Unit patch (optional). If worn, will be placed on right pocket and centered. (AF Funds may not be used to procure unit patches.)2. Last Name and AFJROTC tapes (mandatory). Tapes are grounded and centered on pockets. Name tape only may be held with velcro to enable reuse/reissue to a different cadet.3. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) (mandatory). Will be worn on the left and right collars, centered on collar and parallel with bottom of collar. Airman Basic have no collar insignia.4. AFJROTC patch: WHITE patch only (mandatory). Will be worn on left pocket and centered.5. Shoulder cords and ascots are not authorized for wear with this uniform. 6. Only the ABU Cap (no berets or ball caps) will be worn with the ABU uniform and there will be “NO” rank on the ABU cap. Appendix 6CADET LIGHTWEIGHT BLUE JACKET1. Shoulder tab: Only one is authorized and it will be centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 2. Unit patch on right sleeve ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 3. Grade insignia (officer and enlisted) is worn on both left and right collar. Cadet/Airman Basic have no collar insignia. 4. Optional item: centered vertically between the shoulder seam and where the underarm side seam joins the armhole sleeve and center horizontally between the center zipper and the sleeve armhole seam. 5. AFJROTC patch on left sleeve ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 6. Jacket will be closed to at least the halfway point. 7. Center insignia horizontally on collar. Place 1 inch from bottom of collar and parallel to the outer edge of the collar. - The epaulet rank (large size) is no longer authorized on the lightweight blue jacket and shoulder cords are not authorized for wear with this jacket. - Cadet rank will be worn on shirt at all times even when wearing a service coat or L/W Blue Jacket. Appendix 7CADET MALE SERVICE DRESS1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) Badge: Center 3 inches below bottom of the name tag. 2. Silver Name tag: Mandatory wear. Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top welt pocket. 3. Kitty Hawk Badge: See Note 15 4. Unit patch: Placed ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam and centered. 5. Shoulder tab: Only one is authorized and it will be centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: See Note 15 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: See Note 15 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. While wearing the service dress uniform enlisted cadets will wear rank on both shirt and jacket. Officer cadets may wear cloth epaulet rank while wearing the service dress uniform. 9. AFJROTC patch: center ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: See Note 15 11. Ground School Badge: See Note 15 12. Ribbons: center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all ribbons earned 13. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: worn 1 inch below pocket 14. Model Rocketry Badge: worn 2 inches below AMA Wings or 3 inches below pocket if no AMA Wings are worn. 15. First badge placed ? inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges place ? above previous badge. - Large medals may be worn on the Service Dress coat only, directly under ribbon rack and only during special events. - Cadet rank will be worn on shirt at all times even when wearing a service coat or L/W Blue Jacket. - Semi Formal Uniform Option: White Shirt, Black/Blue Bow Tie, or Blue Neck Tie and no Name Tag.Appendix 8CADET FEMALE SERVICE DRESS1. Silver Name tag: Mandatory wear. Center between arm seam and lapel with bottom edge parallel to top of welt pocket. 2. Awareness Presentation Team Badge: See Note 15 3. Unit patch: center ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder tab: Only one is authorized and it will be centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. 5. Kitty Hawk Badge: See Note 15 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: See Note 15 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: See Note 15 8. Grade insignia (officer or enlisted) worn on both lapels. Place insignia halfway up the seam, resting on but not over it. Bottom of insignia is horizontal with the ground. While wearing the service dress uniform enlisted cadets will wear rank on both shirt and jacket. Officer cadets may wear cloth epaulet rank while wearing the service dress uniform. 9. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge: See Note 15 10. Ground School Badge: See Note 15 11. AFJROTC patch: center ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam 12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: See Note 15 13. Model Rocketry Badge: See Note 15 14. Ribbons: center ribbons resting on but not over edge of welt pocket. Wear 3 or 4 in a row. Wear all ribbons earned 15. First badge placed ? inch above name tag or ribbons (whichever is appropriate) and is centered horizontally. Additional badges place ? above previous badge. - Large medals may be worn on the Service Dress coat only, directly under ribbon rack and only during special events. - Cadet rank will be worn on shirt at all times even when wearing a service coat or L/W Blue Jacket.Appendix 9CADET MALE BLUE SHIRT 1. Awareness Presentation Team (APT) and Model Rocketry Badge are centered on pockets on the appropriate side as displayed.2. Name tag must be grounded and centered over wearer’s right pocket.3. Unit patch centered ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam.4. Shoulder tab centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam.5. Kitty Hawk Badge: see note 15.6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) Badge: see note 15.7. Distinguished Cadet Badge: see note 15.8. Grade insignia worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom. Enlisted rank’s bottom point of torch points toward the point of the collar. Officer top point of rank aligned with point of collar. Airman Basic have no grade insignia.9 Officer Only: when using officer cloth (verses metal insignia) rank on epaulets place as close as possible to shoulder seam. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certification Badge: see note 15.11. Ground School Badge: see note 15.12. Academy of Model Aeronautic (AMA) Wings: see note 15.13. AFJROTC Patch centered ? to 1 inch below should seam.14. Ribbons must be grounded and centered over wearer’s left pocket. Wear all ribbons earned.15. First badge placed ? inch above name tag or ribbons and centered horizontally. Additional badges placed ? inch above previous badge. Appendix 10CADET FEMALE BLUE SHIRT 1. Name Tag: Mandatory wear. Blue Plastic with white letters. Without ribbons: centered on right side, parallel to ground and within 1 ? inches higher/lower than topmost exposed button. With Ribbons: Even with bottom row of ribbons, centered on right side, parallel to ground and within 1 ? inches higher/lower than topmost exposed button. 2. Awareness presentation badge. See Note 16 3. Unit Patch. Centered on sleeve and ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 4. Shoulder Tab (Metal or cloth). Centered between unit patch and shoulder seam. If no patch, then 1 inch below shoulder seam. Only one shoulder tab is authorized. 5. Kitty Hawk Air Society Badge. See Note 16. 6. Aerospace Education Foundation (AEF) See Note 16. 7. Distinguished Cadet Badge. See Note 16. 8. Enlisted grade insignia worn on both left and right collar, centered side to side and top to bottom with torch points pointing toward bottom tip of collar. 9. Officer rank: cloth on epaulet only. Place rank as close as possible to shoulder seam. 10. Flight Solo or Flight Certificate Badge. See Note 16. 11. Ground School Badge. See Note 16. 12.Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) Wings. See Note 16. 13.AFJROTC Patch. Center on sleeve ? to 1 inch below shoulder seam. 14.Model Rocketry Badge. See Note 16. 15.Ribbons. Centered on left side. Bottom of ribbons is aligned with bottom of name tag. 16.First badge is centered ? inch above name tag or ribbons (as appropriate) - Princess Cut Shirts are authorized. Reimbursement for shirt will not exceed cost of the price of a female shirt in FEDMALL and shirts will be loaded into WINGS Logistics.Appendix 11 UNIFORM COSTSName:Flight:Phone #:UNIFORM ITEMSIZECOSTQUANTITYINITALSFlight Cap - Male10.61Service Coat - M112.65Windbreaker- M82.55Windbreaker - M liner15.00Trouser - M43.41Short Sleeve Shirt -M14.17Tie5.77Shoes Oxford - M50.31Flight Cap - Female9.50Service Coat – Female102.62Windbreaker - F77.62Windbreaker –F Liner15.00Slacks - F42.02Short Sleeve Shirt - F12.63Neck Tab7.10Shoes Oxford - F54.61Web Belt M/F2.96Belt Buckle M/F4.39Sock - Cotton1.12White V-neck Tee Shirt2.96Cap Insignia - 01.19Rank-E2.38-4.02Rank - 0 hard2.08-7.58Rank - 0 soft1.52-2.27PT Shorts16.18PT Shirt7.19PT Sweat Shirt8.08Ropes other14.00-25.00Badges. APT / KH/ etc.3.75 – 8.50I certify I have receivedDatethe above listed itemsName:Flight:Phone #:ABU UNIFORM ITEMSIZECOSTQUANTITYINITALS MALECoat34.69Pants41.93Hat6.02Belt3.88T-Shirt4.60Boots105.39Socks Green2.06 FEMALECoat33.22Pants40.69Hat6.02Belt3.88T-Shirt4.60Boots104.96Socks Green2.06I certify I have receivedDatethe above listed itemsAppendix 12 AFJROTC RIBBON CHARTAppendix 13 AFJROTC CADET INSPECTION SCORE SHEETEach cadet will be inspected and graded on their personal appearance and wear of the uniform based on the standards found in the SC-821 Cadet Handbook. A grade of zero (0) will be given if a cadet does not wear the uniform on inspection day. The inspection grade can be made up by wearing the uniform any day before the next scheduled inspection. However, 10 points will be deducted for each day after the original inspection date. For example, if the uniform inspection day is Wednesday and the uniform is not worn until Tuesday of the following week, sixty (60) will be the highest grade possible (minus forty (40) points due to 4 days late. If a cadet is absent on inspection day, he/she will wear the uniform the first day they return to school and ask their Flight Commander to be inspected that day. Double points will be deducted if the infraction is a repeat from the prior week’s inspection. Cadets will wear the uniform all day unless previous arrangements have been made with the SASI/ASI – IF NOT WORN ALL DAY A GRADE OF ZERO WILL REPLACE THE GRADE GIVEN DURING THE INSPECTION. WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE DATE INSPECTION ITEMSGRADEGRADEGRADEGRADEGRADEGRADEGRADEGRADEGRADEHEADGEAR (NOT WORN - 20) (DIRTY/IMPROPERLY WORN -10)CAP INSIGNIA (NOT WORN -20) (IMPROPERLY WORN - 10)HAIR (RANGE FROM -25 - -100, JUDGEMENT OF INSPECTOR)Each week points off double LADIES HAIR DEVICES(IMPROPER -20)SHAVE/SIDEBURNS ( - 20)EYEWEAR (UNAUTHORIZED -10)JEWELRY (RING WEAR, BRACELET WIDTH, WATCHBAND WIDTH, EARRINGS (FEMALE), NECKLACES, ETC --5)UNDERGARMENTS/SOCKS (NOT WORN OR IMPROPERLY WORN RANK INSIGNIA (NOT WORN –10)(IMPROPERLY WORN --5) UNIFORM (DIRTY, COLLAR DIRTY, NOT PRESSED, IMPROPERLY WORN --15)STRINGS( --2 EACH)NAMETAG (NOT WORN –10)(IMPROPERLY WORN --5)RIBBONS (NOT WORN –10) (IMPROPERLY WORN –5)BELT (NOT WORN –10)(IMPROPERLY WORN)GIGLINE(IMPROPER --5)BUTTONS(UNBUTTONED/MISSING --5 EACH)POCKETS (UNAUTHORIZED ITEMS IN POCKETS --5)FINGERNAILS(FEMALES – IMPROPER POLISH COLOR –5) (IMPROPER LENGTH, DIRTY –5)FOOTWEAR (NOT AUTHORIZED, NOT SHINED, DIRTY – RANGE FROM --10 TO --20)MOVING WHILE AT ATTENTION OR PARADE REST; LAUGHING; LOSS OF MILITARY BEARING; CHEWING GUM --5)LATE FOR FORMATION (--10)UNIFORM WORN LATE(-25 PER DAY)Appendix 14 ACTIVITIES LOG SHEETNote: This log is for your own personal record and can assist you in ensuring that all credits are properly awarded. Your log may be reviewed during the school year to compare it to records kept by the Personnel Officer. Help yourself -- be sure your records are correct!Type of Activity/Community Date AccomplishedNumber of CreditsService/Competition ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Appendix 15 PHYSICAL TRAINING LOG SHEETCADET NAME: ________________________________Note: This log is to record your progress in physical training throughout the academic year. Your log will be reviewed during the school. Watch your improvement from week to week!FLEX HANG/ DATEPUSH UP SIT UP PULL UP V-SIT MILE RUN__________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ ________ FLEX HANG/ DATEPUSH UP SIT UP PULL UP V-SIT MILE RUN__________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ __________________________ __________ ___________ __________ ________ Appendix 16 FLIGHT DRILL SEQUENCE1. Fall in 16. To the rear march 2. Open ranks march 17. To the rear march 3. Ready front 18. Column right march 4. Close ranks march 19. Forward march 5. Present arms / Report In 20. Eyes right 6. Order arms 21. Ready Front 7. Parade rest 22. Column right march 8. Attention 23. Forward march 9. Left face 24. Change step march 10. About face 25. Column right march 11. Forward march 26. Forward march 12. Right flank march 27. Flight halt 13. Left flank march 28. Left face 14. Column right march 29. Right step march 15. Forward march 30. Flight halt / Report Out Appendix 17 PHONETIC ALPHABETA = ALPHAN = NOVEMBERB = BARVOO = OSCARC = CHARLIEP = PAPAD = DELTAQ = QUEBECE = ECHOR = ROMEOF = FOXTROTS = SIERRAG = GOLFT = TANGOH = HOTELU = UNIFORMI = INDIAV = VICTORJ = JULIETW = WHISKEYK = KILOX = ZULUL = LIMAY = YANKEEM = MIKEZ = ZULUSOCASTEE HIGH SCHOOLALMA MATERDear Alma Mater, SocasteeThrough your aims and hopes we see.We rise to sing a song of praiseAnd loyalty through all our days.For many years you’ve firmly stoodWith ideals and high purpose good.And now we pledge our love to theeOur Alma Mater, Socastee.THE UNITED STATES AIR FORCE SONGOff we go into the wild blue yonder, Climbing high into the sun;Here they come, zooming to meet our thunder. At ‘em boys, Give ‘er the gun!Down we dive, spouting our flame from under, Off with one heck of a roar!We live in fame or go down in flame, Hey! Nothing’ll stop the US Air Force!Words and music by Robert CrawfordCopyright 1939,Carl Fischer, Inc.,New YorkAIR FORCE JUNIOR ROTCCADET CREEDI AM AN AIR FORCE JUNIOR ROTC CADET.I AM CONNECTED AND FAITHFUL TO EVERY CORPS OF CADETS WHO SERVE THEIR COMMUNITY AND NATION WITH PATRIOTISM.I EARN RESPECT WHEN I UPHOLD THE CORE VALUES OF INTEGRITY FIRST, SERVICE BEFORE SELF AND EXCELLENCE IN ALL WE DO.I WILL ALWAYS CONDUCT MYSELF TO BRING CREDIT TO MY FAMILY, SCHOOL, CORPS OF CADETS, COMMUNITY AND TO MYSELF.MY CHARACTER DEFINES ME. I WILL NOT LIE, CHEAT OR STEAL. I AM ACCOUNTABLE FOR MY ACTIONS AND MY DEEDS.I WILL HOLD OTHERS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS, AS WELL.I WILL HONOR THOSE I SERVE WITH, THOSE WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE ME AND THOSE WHO WILL COME AFTER ME.I AM A PATRIOT, A LEADER AND A WINGMAN DEVOTED TO THOSE I FOLLOW, SERVE AND LEAD.I AM A PROUD AIR FORCE JUNIOR ROTC CADET.“BRAVES IN BLUE” ................

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