Key Words in 1 John - Louisiana Precept

Key Words In 1 John

|ABIDE |3306 |meno |continue, remain in a state, position, relationship (united in heart, mind, will) steadfast, persevering |

|BORN OF GOD |1080 |gennao |kind, offspring |

|FELLOWSHIP |2842 |koinonia |intimate, sharing in common, participation, distinguishing mark of a Christian |

|KNOW |1097 |ginosko |learned knowledge |

| |1492 |oida |intuitive knowledge |

|LIFE |2222 |zoe |physical existence (vs. death, non-existence) |

|LIGHT |5457 |phos |shine, lamp, torch, sun, moon, stars, true knowledge of God |

|LOVE |26 |agape |love that originates in God’s nature. delights in giving, keeps on loving when the loved one is unresponsive, unkind, unlovable, unworthy, desires the good of |

| | | |the one loved |

|SIN |266 |harmatia |“miss the mark” of God’s ideal by aiming in the wrong direction or lack of strength to shoot far enough. Sin of omission (vs. the sin of commission --3900: |

| | | |either willful or unintentional sin) |

|TRUTH |225 |aletheia |reality |

|WORLD |2889 |kosmos |world system, arrangement, order of the universe, earth (vs. the people in the world) |

|WRITE |1125 |graphio |to engrave, form letters, inscribe |


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