Eaton & Berube Commercial Lines Department

Eaton & Berube Commercial Lines Department

Best Practice Standards

|New Business |Standard of Care: |

|When do we collect minimum earned or Deposit required to bind |At time of binding when not billed by the company or the |

|coverage? |wholesaler directly |

|When do we bind or order the Coverage from the |Immediately upon receipt of instructions from the client. Send |

|carrier/wholesaler? |binder to insured with cover letter: AMINTRO |

|When do we invoice in Sagitta? |At time of binding |

|Who Checks the Policies – and within # of days? |CSR or marketing reviews and then sent to processing for coding, |

| |etc as warranted – within 5 business days of receipt |

|How do we forward the policy to the client? |Mail to the insured, unless producer requests hand delivery, |

| |with a cover letter: NEWPOLICY |

| | |

|Renewals |Edition Date: 1/1/2011 |

|When is the Expiration List Generated and by Whom? |Claudia will generate the renewal ex-lists 120 days in advance of|

| |monthly renewal meeting. |

| |She will distribute them to all account managers, for review and |

| |use at Renewal Meetings. |

| |Account managers will generate their own ex-lists periodically |

| |(suggested: 2 x monthly) for tracking of renewal activity and to|

| |ensure that renewals are ordered and out to clients in advance of|

| |ex-dates. |

|When is the Renewal Meeting Held and Who Attends? |Designated time and day as scheduled monthly for each producer |

| |either by phone or in person. Account managers will conference |

| |in by phone as needed. |

|When should we request renewal information from the insured? |No later than 90 days prior to ex-date. Renewal reviews |

| |w/clients should be scheduled accordingly. |

|When should we submit renewal information or remarketing |The goal is to have information to the underwriter(s) 60 days |

|information to carriers? |prior to ex-date. |

|When should we diary for receipt of quote from carrier(s)? |Diary for 1 week prior to date you will forward the renewal quote|

| |to the insured |

|When should we prepare the renewal quote or proposal for the |Minimum of two weeks prior to ex-date. |

|insured/producer? | |

|When should we bind and/or order from carrier? |When the renewal order is received from the insured. |

|When should we invoice in Sagitta? |For agency bill, upon binding; For direct bill, invoice when |

| |policy is received and processed from carrier. |

|When do we collect deposit premium on agency billed policies? |As required to bind coverage. Refer to Surplus Lines Section |

|When to renew to APP in Sagitta |When re-marketing or renewal activity generates documentation, |

| |applications are generated, or Activity Log Entries are required |

| |etc, |

|NOTE: Assigned Risk policies |When offer of renewal is received, renew client policy screen to |

| |APP, attach documentation and when premium paid, update policy |

| |number and coverage. If not renewed, process flat cancellation. |

| |- If AR WC carrier is non-renewing: Send letter titled: |

| |WCAPPLICATION to insured and diary 10 days prior to ex-date for |

| |follow-up. |

|Medical Malpractice Policies |Use PRORENAPP when sending renewal application to insured for |

| |completion. Diary for receipt of application. When sending |

| |renewal policy to the insured, use MEDPROREN letter and customize|

| |as needed. |

|After receipt, when should the policy be checked against our |Within 10 business days of receipt. |

|order to the carriers? | |

|How should the policy be delivered? |By mail - utilize standard Sagitta letter: RENEWALSENCLOSED |

| |unless producer or account manager notes client file for special |

| |delivery needs. Account managers will customize cover letter as|

| |needed for accounts that have had extensive pre-renewal activity.|

| | |

|Surplus Lines Renewals |Obtain renewal quotation from wholesaler/broker. Renew policy |

| |screen to APP, scan documentation for renewal term and send |

| |renewal quote to insured using: QUOTESENDPREM. Customize this |

| |letter as needed and diary for receipt of renewal premium 10 |

| |business days prior to ex-date. Follow up with client. If |

| |insured does not remit premium by ex-date, confirm in writing |

| |that coverage has not been renewed. |

| | |

|Endorsements |Edition Date: 1/11/2008 |

|When should we generate the request to the carrier? |Within one business day of instruction/receipt |

|How long should we diary for receipt? |Forty Five Days |

|How quickly should endorsement be processed, after receipt from |Agency Bill – within 2 business days and before month end; |

|carrier? |Direct Bill – within 10 business days and before month end; |

| |Prioritize processing based on premium bearing vs non-premium |

| |bearing |

|How quickly after receipt from the carrier should endorsements be|Mailed same day as processed |

|mailed to the insured? | |

|How to confirm the change request received from the insured? |Based on how the client requested, confirm back via e-mail or |

| |regular mail using the standard letter: CONFIRMCHANGE when |

| |material/significant changes are ordered. i.e. no need to send |

| |cover letter on loss payee changes or items that do not affect |

| |coverage. |

| | |

|TO ACCOMPLISH |Review and determine if carriers send insured’s copy of |

| |endorsement directly to insured for policies on DB |

| | |

|Audits |Edition Date: 1/11/2008 |

|Turnaround time for checking and invoicing audits after date |Agency bill – within 24 hours as these items are top priority. |

|received from carriers? |Direct bill – within 10 business days |

|What follow up date to enter in Sagitta for receipt of payment of|15 days from mailing to client. Show this message on invoices |

|Agency Billed audits? |generated at agency level and reflect the 10 day “due date” in |

| |WCAUDITAG letter. See AUDIT workflow |

|If audits are to be returned for direct collection, how quickly |See AUDIT workflow introduced 1/11/2008 |

|should this be accomplished? | |

|What to do if there are material changes reflected in the audit |Servicer determines the proper course of action to include: |

|(changing classifications, exposure changes of +10%) |contact with client to confirm, contact with audit dept or |

| |endorsing current policy term. |

|If audits are disputed, when should we follow up with the |Diary for 30 days and then follow up based on indication from |

|carrier? |auditor. Minimum periodic follow up is every 60 days. |

| | |

|Cancellations on Outstanding Agency Billed Items |Edition Date: 1/11/2008 |

|When do we request DNOC from carrier when a client’s balance is | Accounting & Management Determination |

|outstanding? | |

| | |

|Cancellation for Non-Payment |Refer to workflow for full procedure implemented 10/2007 |

|How quickly do we handle incoming DNOCs received in the office? |Pending Cancellation information is entered into appropriate |

| |Client Policy Screen within 48 hours of receipt in the office |

| | |

| | |

|Reinstatements |Edition Date: 1/23/2008 |

|What is the turnaround time for updating Sagitta when |Immediately (within same business day) upon receipt of qualified|

|Reinstatements are received? |payment or upon receipt of reinstatement notice from carrier. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Certificates of Insurance |Edition Date: 1/11/2008 |

|What is our turnaround time for issuing? |Within 24 hours of the request, unless part of renewal process, |

| |which triggers the need to have COIs out on or at renewal date. |

| | |

|Client Care Standards |1/11/2008 |

|Answering Phone Calls |Immediately |

|Responding to VM |Within 3 hours or by the end of the same business day |

|Responding to e-mail |Check e-mail minimum three times during the business day, with |

| |one check before exiting the office for end of day or appts. |

| |Routine e-mails should be responded to in the same business day. |

| |Email to be saved to Docstar for documentation in files. |

|Review and Prioritize Incoming Mail, Correspondence and other |Within 24 hours of receipt |

|priorities | |

|Insured Request for Research |Set an acceptable timeframe with the client, preferably within |

| |7-10 days of request. |

|Electronic documentation of conversations |Same business day |

|Other | |

| | |

|Claims |1/11/2008 |

|Take First Report and Update Sagitta |Same day as reported |

|Send First Report to Carrier |Same day as reported |

|Utilize Agency Draft Authority? |NA |

|Send Company issued checks to insured |Same day as received in the office |

|Update Producer on significant claims |As needed and during pre-renewal meetings |


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