SAP SIMPLE Docs – Welcome those who have Passion for SAP

SAP-CO-Internal Order Configuration Guide

Prepared By - Jayanth Maydipalle


A. Internal Order Overview ⇒ 3

A.1 Activate Order Management in Controlling Area ⇒ (4-5)

B.1 Order Master Data

• B.1.1 Define Order types⇒ (6-7)

• B.1.2 Maintain Number Ranges for Orders⇒ (8-9)

• B.1.3 Define Order Layouts⇒ 10

• B.1.4 Define Model Orders⇒ (11-15)

C.1 Creation of Internal Order Groups ⇒ 16

• C.1.1 Change Internal Order Groups⇒ 17

• C.1.2 Display Internal Order Groups⇒ 17

D.1 Creation of Internal Orders ⇒ (17-20)

• D.1.1 Change Internal Orders⇒ 21

• D.1.2 Display Internal Orders⇒ 22

E.1 Planning

• E.1.1 Maintain User-Defined Planner Profiles⇒ (24-25)

• E.1.1 Maintain Planner Profile for Overall Planning⇒ (26-28)

F.1 Settlement

• F.1.1 Maintain Allocation Structures⇒ (29-33)

• F.1.2 Maintain Settlement Profile⇒ (34-36)

• F.1.3 Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents⇒ (37-38)

Internal Orders:

Internal orders are used to monitor overhead costs incurred for a specific event, project or activity. It can be used for a restricted period when executing a job, or for long-term monitoring of portions of overhead costs. Internal Orders are company code dependent. Internal order groups can be created for cross-company reporting.

Overhead cost orders will be used to collect actual costs incurred. This allows costs to be monitored continuously. The overhead costs assigned to the overhead cost orders are settled (in full) as costs to other cost collectors. This is generally on the periodic basis, at month-end.Internal orders plan and monitor the costs of a specific job.

Internal orders are 4 types

1. Over head orders

2. Profitability orders

3. Investment orders

4. Production orders


However, internal order means overhead orders. It deals with management of overheads of a job or task.

This component enables the organization to capture the overheads in a Systematic manner relating to a particular job. There by we can know the overall cost of the job and even profitability of the particular job.

A.1 Activate Order Management in Controlling Area:

IMG⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ Activate Order Management in Controlling Area

T-Code: OKKP

We need to activate Order Management in controlling area before we start configuration for internal order. This particular configuration is the same node where we maintain the controlling area. Follow the below mentioned steps


• Select “Controlling Area” (Here we need to select Initial Controlling area”

• Double Click on “Activate Components/Control Indicators”


• Cost Centers: Select “Component Active”

• Select AA. Activity Type Check box

• Order Management: Select “Component Active”

• Commit Management: Select “Component Active”

• Select check boxes of below mentioned items

✓ Profit Center Acctg

✓ Projects

✓ Sales Orders

✓ Cost Objects

✓ Real Estate Mgmt

✓ W.Co[i]mmit.Mgt

• Select “Variances” Check box under Others indicators

• Then click on “SAVE”

B.1 Order Master Data:

B.1.1 Define Order types:

An Internal order is created under an Order type.

An order type is used for storing various control parameters and various defaults while creating an Internal Order.

The order type is client-specific, which means that every order type can be used in all controlling areas. A number range is assigned to the internal order type.

Internal order is a cost object that tracks the cost of a specific event. IO has a short life compared to a cost center. In SAP solutions, you will find two types of IO:

(1) Real IO

(2) Statistical IO.

Through real IO, you can track the cost of a particular event, and at the end you can settle the IO cost to the respective cost center.

In statistical IO, you can only collect cost; you can’t settle statistical IO to any other cost object.

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒internal Orders ⇒Order Master Data ⇒Define Order Types

T-Code: KOT2_OPA

Click on [pic]


Select “01” – (Internal Order-controlling) from the popup

Press “Enter”


• Order Type: Define Order Type

• Budget Profile: Select-00001 (General Budget/Plan Profile)

• Object Class: Select “Overhead Costs”

• CO Partner Update: Select “Active”

• Select check boxes-“Commit Management, Revenue Posting, Integrated Planning”

• Configure Archiving Residence Time as shown above

• If u want to release of the internal order immediately after creation, then configure as below

1. Status Profile : Select “00000002”(Internal Order)

2. Activate “Release Immediately” Check box.

• Click on “SAVE”

Click on [pic]

Here you can hide the various fields or make it as required entry or only display or available for input. Thus while creating internal order only those fields are displayed and available for input.

B.1.2 Maintain Number Ranges for Orders

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Order Master Data ⇒Maintain Number Ranges for Orders

T-Code: KONK


Click on “Groups”

Then in the next screen Click on “Group Menu >Insert”


• Text: Name the Number ranges

• Intervals: Assign Number ranges for Internal Order type

• Press “Enter”

• Click on “SAVE”

➢ Find Internal Order type “[pic]”

➢ Double click on “[pic]”, Then the line item become in Blue color

➢ Activate /Select check box“Trade Real Internal orders” “[pic]”

➢ Then click on “[pic]”

➢ The internal order type Z910 moves under the group which can be seen as follows:-


➢ Then Click on “SAVE” [pic]

If you want check the Number ranges assigned for internal orders then following steps,

➢ Select check box of “ Trade Real Internal orders type”[pic]

➢ Then click on “Maintain” [pic]


Click on [pic]

B.1.3 Define Order Layouts

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Order Master Data ⇒Screen Layout ⇒Define Order Layouts

In this work step you define the layout for the order master data. You can assign a layout to each order type.

The system displays the order master data as a tab with a series of tab pages. On the tab pages there are group boxes with a series of fields for the order master data. The group boxes are defined by the system.

You can specify,

• Which title the individual tab cards should receive and

• Which group boxes should be displayed in which position on the tab pages.

The tab pages are numbered from left to right with "Tab Page 01" to "Tab Page xx". On every tab page there are five positions, which you can assign individually to a group box. One of the group boxes can contain user-defined master fields (see work step “Develop enhancements for order master data").

Standard settings

Layout SAP0 corresponds to the default settings. You can copy this layout if you want to make changes to the default settings.


Check whether you need your own layouts. If you only want to make small changes to the standard delivery, you can copy layout SAP0 and use it as the basis for your layout.

If you want to create a new layout, choose "New entries".

1. Enter a name and a description for your layout.

2. Choose "Tab page title" and "New entries", to specify the title for your tab pages.

a) Enter the number for each of the tab pages.

b) Enter for which language the title is to be used.

c) Enter the title of the tab page.

B.1.4 Define Model Orders

You can define model orders in this section.  Model orders are not orders in the commercial sense, but serve merely as references for creating "normal" orders.  Model orders contain default values for the orders in an order type.  You need to enter the model order as the reference order in the order type.

When you create a new order, all the fields active in the relevant order type are copied from the model order to the new order.  Model orders make the work of entering new orders considerably easier. The data that recurs in orders from a particular order type is already defined. This reduces the likelihood of errors.

The order status is not copied from the model order. The new order is given the default status for the relevant order type.

The system checks to see if the entries exist in the model order. When you create settlement rules, it also checks to see whether the settlement receivers match the organization units you entered. A model order does not contain any dependent objects such as assets under construction, even if you entered an investment profile.


You want to settle all your marketing orders to the same sales cost center.

Stipulate the cost center as the default value in the model order for marketing orders.

When you create a new marketing order, the system defaults this cost center.

If you want to settle the order to a different cost center, you can overwrite the default cost center in the orders.

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Order Master Data ⇒Screen Layout⇒ Define Model Orders

T-Code: KOM1


Double click on “Create CO model order”


➢ Order Type: Select”[pic]” “03-Internal Order-Model Order

➢ Then click on “[pic]”

The next screen appears,


• Order: Define Order, It should start with $

• Descr: Give Description for the Order

• Company Code: Select Company Code

• Object Class: Select “Overhead”


• Currency: INR

• Click on “SAVE”


Now, we need to assign this “Model Order” to the “Order Type”

Follow the path,

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Order Master Data ⇒Define Order Types

Click on “[pic]”


• Order Type: Select Order Type

• Click on “Enter”


Double Click on”1100 Line Item”


• Model Order: Assign “Model Order” here

• Click On “SAVE”


C.1 Creation of Internal Order Groups:

SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ Master Data⇒ Special Functions⇒ Order Group⇒ KOH1- Create (T-Code: KOH1)


• Order Group: Assign Number for Internal Order Group

• Press “Enter”


• Write Description for the Internal Order Group

• Click On “Save”

We need create Internal Order Groups at Client Level,


As mentioned above we need to create Internal Order Groups

C.1.1 Change Internal Order Groups:

SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ Master Data⇒ Special Functions>Order Group⇒ KOH2- Change

T-Code: KOH2



• Order Group : Select Order Group from the dropdown box

• Press:Enter


• Change Description

• Click on “Save”


C.1.2 Display Internal Order Groups:

SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ Master Data⇒ Special Functions⇒ Order Group⇒KOH3- Display

T-Code: KOH3


• Select Order Group

• Press “Enter”


D.1 Creation of Internal Orders:

SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ Master Data⇒ Special Functions⇒ Order ⇒ KO01- Create

T-Code: KO01


• Order Type: Select Order Type

• Click On “Master Data”


• Description: Write N浡⁥景琠敨䤠瑮牥慮牏敤൲扏敪瑣䌠慬獳›敓敬瑣传敶桲慥൤牐景瑩䌠湥整㩲䄠獳杩敒灳捥楴敶倠潲楦⁴敃瑮牥刍煥敵瑳湩⁧佃‮潃敤›敓敬瑣䌠浯慰祮䌠摯൥汃捩湯錠潃瑮潲慄慴ඔഁ畃牲湥祣›敓敬瑣䌠牵敲据൹捁楴慶整匠慴楴瑳捩污传摲牥䌠敨正䈠硯䌍楬正漠䞓湥牥污䐠瑡鑡č名敨汃捩湏錠䅓䕖Ɣč䐍ame of the Internal Order

Object Class: Select Overhead

Profit Center: Assign Respective Profit Center

• Requesting CO. Code: Select Company Code

• Click on “Control Data”


• Currency: Select Currency

• Activate Statistical Order Check Box

• Click on “General Data”


Then Click On “SAVE”[pic]


D.1.1 Change Internal Orders:

SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ Master Data⇒ Special Functions⇒ Order ⇒ KO02- Change

T-Code: KO02



• Select Internal Order, Click on “Master Data”


• Change the Settings , if needed

• Click on”Save”


D.1.2 Display Internal Orders:

SAP Easy Access⇒ Accounting⇒ Controlling⇒ Internal Orders⇒ Master Data⇒ Special Functions⇒ Order ⇒ KO03- Display

T-Code: KO03


• Select Internal Order

• Click on “Master Data”


• Click on “Back”[pic]

E.1 Planning

E.1.1 Maintain User-Defined Planner Profiles:

You use planner profiles to control the way planning is carried out. In a planner profile, you specify per planning area which planning layout is to be used with which default values. Per planning area, you can create as many planning layouts as you require. The profile item determines the order of the planning layouts within a planning area and can be used to assign the same planning layout to a planner profile in multiple areas, but with a different default setting each time.

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Planning ⇒Manual Planning ⇒Maintain User-Defined Planner Profiles

T-Code: KP34


Double click on “Maintain User-Defined Planner Profiles”


Select “ZQ101-Release 3.0/3.1 CO-OM:Prime.Cost/ATyp/StKF”


Double click on “General Controlling”


Select: “Orders: Cost Elements/Activity inputs”


Double click on “Layouts for Controlling”


Select – “Overview Check Box”

Click on “Save” [pic]

E.1.2 Maintain Planner Profile for Overall Planning:

You need planning profiles for the planning methods below:

• Overall planning for internal orders

• Hierarchy cost planning for projects

• Preliminary costing for production orders that do not have a quantity structure (CO production orders).

• Cost planning for investment programs or investment measures, and for appropriation requests.

• Financial budgeting

You can create new planning profiles, or change existing ones.

The following settings are important:

• Time frame

You can specify which values are to be planned, and in which fiscal years.

• Value display

You can specify which standard view the system is to display with the plan value, when you call up the initial screen for planning. You can default the number of decimal places and the display factor.

Path: IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Planning ⇒ Manual Planning ⇒ User- Defined Planning Layouts ⇒Maintain Planning profiles for Overall Planning

T-Code: OKOS


Double Click on “Define Planning Profile for Overall Planning”

Click on “New Entries”


• Configure the line items as shown above,

• Click on “Save”

Come Back,


Double Click on “Maintain Planning Profile for Order Types”


• Select Internal Order Type

• Click on Drop down Box


• Select “Maintain Planning profiles for Overall Planning” Created Number

• Click on “Save”


F.1 Settlement

F.1.1 Maintain Allocation Structures:

During settlement, costs incurred under the primary and secondary cost elements by a sender are allocated to one or more receivers. When you settle by cost element, you settle using the appropriate original cost element.

An allocation structure comprises one or several settlement assignments. An assignment shows which costs (origin: cost element groups from debit cost elements) are to be settled to which receiver type (for example, cost center, order, and so on).

You have two alternatives in settlement assignment:

⇒You assign the debit cost element groups to a settlement cost element.

⇒You settle by cost element - that is, the debit cost element is the settlement cost element.

This is a good idea, for example, if the required capital spending for an asset you are building yourself is to be monitored. These costs are settled by cost element to an inventory account in Asset Accounting at the end of the year, or when the measure is complete.

Each allocation structure must fulfill the following criteria:

• Completeness

An allocation structure is assigned to each object to be settled. All cost elements in which costs are incurred, must be represented in the appropriate allocation structure.

• Uniqueness

Each cost element in which costs are incurred may only appear once in an allocation structure. Only one settlement cost element may be assigned to a source within a particular allocation structure.


When you settle to materials you do not need to create settlement cost elements.

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Actual Postings ⇒Settlement ⇒Maintain Allocation Structures

Click On “New Entries”


• Define Allocation structure with Description

• Click on “Save”



• Select Allocation “ZJ – 1300 Settlement Structure”

• Double Click on “Assignments”

Click on “New Entries”


• Define Assignments with Description

• Click on “Save”


• Select “ 01- Settlement of Primary Element”

• Double click on “Source”


• Select “From Cost el – To cost elem”

• We can also select Cost Ele Group, If we want

• Click on “Save”


Click on “BACK” -[pic]


In the above screen shot “Overlapping check box has been changed into Green color, If you put cursor on green check box, it shows “OK””

Now Select,[pic]

• Select : “01-Settlement of Primary Cost Element”

• Double click on “Settlement Cost element”

Click on “New Entries”


• Select “ Cost Center” Under Receiver Category

• Select check box under By Cost Element

• Click on “Save”


F.1.2 Maintain Settlement Profile:

In the settlement profile, you define a range of control parameters for settlement. You must define the settlement profile before you can enter a settlement rule for a sender.

If you want to settle the costs each time to just one cost center or just one G/L account, you need a settlement profile. As you cannot maintain the settlement parameters during settlement to a receiver, you must save the settlement profile either in the order type or in the model order or reference order.

The settlement profile includes, among other things, the retention period for the settlement documents. You should bear in mind the following when you determine the retention period.

The settlement documents take up additional storage capacity. When a posting period is finally locked against further postings in Financial Accounting and Controlling, you can clear the settlement documents. However, you should build in a safety margin, as you will need the settlement documents if you have to cancel any settlements or repeat the period end close.

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Actual Postings ⇒Settlement ⇒Maintain Settlement Profile


Select “Maintain Settlement Profiles”

Click on “New Entries”


• Settlement Profile: Define Code with Description

• Select “To Be Settled in Full” Check box under Actual Costs/Cost of sales

• Structure Allocation: Assign allocation structure ZJ created earlier in the settlement profile

• Default Object Type: Select Cost Center/CTR

• Select Check boxes of “100% Validation, %-Settlement, Equivalence Numbers” Under Indicators head

• Select “Settlement Optional for GL account, Cost Center, Order” line items under Valid Receivers, for Remaining Select Settlement Not allowed

• Document type: Select “SA/ GL account document”

• Max no.Dist.rls: Mention between 10 to 15

• Residence time: 3Months

• Click on “Save”


Go Back, [pic]

T-Code: KOAL


Double Click on “Enter Settlement Profile in Order types”

Choose Order type,


⇒ Assign Settlement profile to Internal Order



• Click on “Save”


F.1.3 Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents:

Here we need to define separate number range intervals for settlement documents for each controlling area.

IMG ⇒Controlling ⇒Internal Orders ⇒Actual Postings ⇒Settlement ⇒Maintain Number Ranges for Settlement Documents

T-Code: SNUM


Click on “Group Menu ⇒Maintain/F7”

Again Click on “Group Menu ⇒Insert”


• Text: Give Text for Intervals

• Assign Number ranges for Settlement Documents

Press “Enter”

Below Screen Appears,


Now Click on “1300 (Company Code) “ [pic]

Click on “[pic]

Select Check Box “[pic]

Click on [pic]

Now You can see the below Screen,


Click on “Save”

Click on “Continue”



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