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SpellingsContinue with the ‘Spelling Steps’. If you reach the end of the ‘Spelling Steps’ ask a grown up to test you on random spellings taken from the spelling across the steps. Create your own ‘new’ list from the spellings you haven’t got right. If you are confident with those spellings, move onto looking at the Year 3 spelling patterns ready for September. Punctuation & GrammarPhonics NounsWatch the video all about nouns. a look at the information and game on the website below. do the first 2 sections.00Just do the first 2 sections. Sort the noun pictures into people, places & things. the Proper and Common Nouns - – On the Class PageCommon Nouns – Year 1 & 2Noun Hunt – Year 1 & 2Proper Nouns - Common Nouns – Year 2More work sheets on Common & Proper Nouns below:***************************************************************************************************Please continue to use the following resources to revise the sounds for Year 1 or Year 2. White Rose Maths – Continue to follow the White Rose Home Learning Videos and worksheets.Year 1 - Click on the link below and then on Summer Term - Week 7 (w/c 8th June) for the videos for the week. See the Class page for the Worksheets and Answers.Year 2 - Click on the link below and then on Summer Term - Week 7 (w/c 8th June) for the videos for the week. See the Class page for the Worksheets and Answers.More MathsIf you would like any other maths resources for the Year 1 Curriculum, click below. (Some of these resources can be used by Year 2 children if they need some revision on certain areas) click below for Year 2 resources. At the Seaside – PoetryThis week we are going to write some different types of poetry based on the theme of ‘The Seaside’.Senses Poetry – At the Seaside Haiku, Tanka and Cinquain poems (Syllables video )Acrostic poemsShape poems (Concrete Poem)There are PowerPoints on the class page for each type of poem.PE Andy’s Wild WorkoutNumber 6 – Rainforest TennisHave a go at playing balloon tennis. On the website below there are different skills you can have a go at. Features of the SeasideLook at the PowerPoint on the class page. Complete the 2 activities on the slides. Sorting features into Human and PhysicalLook at the photograph and write what you can see, hear, touch/feel and smell.Design a seaside TownLook at the PowerPoint on the class page. Complete the 2 activities on the slides.Design your own seaside town in the form of a map.Write an introduction about your town for your leaflet.Science Materials – Changing ShapeLook at the PowerPoint on the class page about changing the shape of materials. complete the sheet thinking about the different materials. If you have the materials at home try changing the shape of each one. Make your own playdoh recipe your own silly putty recipe – Discovering the shipHave a look at the video, which shows how the Titanic came to rest where she did. (The video is quite technical but the children can look more at the visual element of it.) at the PowerPoint about the discovery of the Titanic in 1985.Have a look at the 2 videos on the last slide. you make an information sheet which will tells people about 2 things?Facts about the discovery of the Titanic in 1985What items have been recovered from the Titanic and placed in museums since it was found. You can use the internet to do your research and you could draw and label your own pictures of the items from the Titanic.These videos tell you about how some of the items found have been look after. SculpturesThinking back to our science work this week, can you use different materials to make a sculpture by twisting, stretching, folding, bending, curling and crumpling to make them into interesting shapes.You could use paper, cardboard, card, foil, string, rope, fabric, wool…You will also need a piece of something for your base. You could use cellotape, masking tape or glue to stick your shapes together.Have a look at the bottom of the pages for some examples and ideas!MusicSun, Sea & Song: Song 6: When I was One I sucked My Thumb the tutorial video with Nigel and Suki as they enter the cave and inside they find a treasure chest…and a skull and crossbones!400000Watch the tutorial video with Nigel and Suki as they enter the cave and inside they find a treasure chest…and a skull and crossbones! 6351100455Click on the vocal version and learn the song. Then click on the backing track and see if you can sing the song yourself.400000Click on the vocal version and learn the song. Then click on the backing track and see if you can sing the song yourself. Story time The Golden CrabListen to Part 3 of the story. could read parts of the story yourself using the text on the website.RSHE RSHE - Self-belief! Supermovers! HYPERLINK "" \t "_blank" you have watched the video and danced along, draw a picture of yourself in the middle of a page and write or draw all the things that you think you are good at! Ideas could be being a good friend, drawing, dancing, running, talking, playing, sport, maths, being kind…Forest School Mud mini-beasts!Choose a mini-beast. What can you find out about it? Can you find it in the garden? What is its habitat like? Use mud, sticks and any natural materials you can find to create a model of your chosen mini-beast. You may like to make more than one. Take or draw a picture. If you have clay or play dough at home and you would prefer to use this then do. ................

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